My Darling Grandpa

By Peter Wilson

Published on Apr 27, 2004


This story is true. The boy concerned told it to me some years ago. The boy is still alive at 69 and lives a comfortable and happy life with his wife, children, grand children and one great-grand child.

To allay the fears of the manic agents against child molestation, he savours his boyhood experiences with great delight and relish. He told me this story after reading of the vehement and volatile campaign by the few maniacs in western society who use the media sensationalism to voice their biased and out of touch concerns about child molestation.

If you are a right thinking and humble person then read this story about real life and send me your opinions.

When I was born in my Jewish family in early 1935, there was a dramatic period of unrest spreading across Europe. My mother and father live in Paris, France then, and had done so since they were born. My father was 22 and my mother 21 when I came into this life. Our middle class apartment in the Jewish quarter of Paris was comfortable and happy, thanks to my father's parents who lived nearby. Being Jewish my cock was circumcised six days after birth, with all the male family members present. Following in my father, and grandfather's genes, even at birth my cock was noticeably large. The rabbi remarked to my grandfather and it was toasted that I would have a happy and fruitful sex life.

Growing up in Paris during those years was wonderful, except for the constant discussion concerning the happenings in nearby German where the Nazi's had a violent campaign against the Jews. It was common chat that this was because Hitler when a teenager had been sexually molested by a Jewish man in Austria, but today I doubt the accuracy of that tale.

My mother was extremely concerned about the approaching threat of the Germans, but grandfather assured her that they were safe whilst ever they were in Paris. Her days were filled with social work within the Jewish community, and she looked after me very well. On my fourth birthday it was announced that she was going to have another baby and it was due to arrive in the following September. The bank where my father worked gave the family a special gift to celebrate the coming birth. I loved both my parents and also my grandparents as they looked after me when my mother was out on her social work.

One of the great moments of my life, which had been going on since I was very young was for my grandpa (as I called him) to bath me. He made quite a ceremony of this and I loved it. In my early years he would remove my clothes, rubbing his hands all over my little body and playfully rubbing my little cock. Sometimes he would suck my cock and it would get stiff and grandpa would rub it more and then suck it again before picking me up and lowering me into the warm water. Bathing me was the same with lots of soapsuds and I would roll over on my tummy as he washed my back and bum, paying great attention to my crack and hole. Our soaps were shaped like a roll and he would try sometimes to push it inside me, which I loved. The only words I ever remember him saying to me were that " I was a lovely boy."

As I grew so the bath time encounter was continued and I particularly loved it with grandpa. He made my body feel nice and fresh and I particularly loved it when he soaped my arsehole and sucked my cock. My body tingled.

Then on occasions I would go and stay with my grandparents and then grandpa would remove all his clothes and sit in the bathtub before getting me to climb in with him. He would get me to sit on his big cock and soon, encouraging me to slide up and down with soap on my bum, his cock would get hard and push its huge head up between my legs. I would play with it and rub my little fingers all over that crown. Grandpa would hug me close to him and rub my little cock to make it get hard too. Just before my fourth birthday we were in this situation at grandpas when he encouraged me to keep rubbing his cock. Grandma had been sick lately and grandpa was very horny. He started to move his body up and down and the sensation of his cock rubbing inside my legs and against my bum made me feel so good. He told me to keep rubbing my hands over his huge cock and the game was wonderful. Then without any sign grandpa made a big lunge forward, grabbed me tight and I saw a series of big globs of white stuff fly out of the piss slit of that huge cock. The fountain spurted high above me and dropped into the soapy bath water. Grandpa hugged me and kissed my head and then his cock started to go soft and I thought that it had died. "No, no, little one. It is now sleeping after its hard work," he softly whispered to me and then kissed me again. I turned around and hugged him and kissed him. My body had felt so good.

Over the next few weeks, with grandma still not well, we did that each night and I was delighted at the way the white stuff shot so high in the air. Grandpa would suck my cock each night as he put me to bed and wishes me happy dreams. He would place my hand on my cock and told me that I would grow into a fine boy.

When the Germans invaded Poland in Sept ember, 1939, there was a degree of frightened panic in Paris. Two days later that was real as the Germans crossed into France. The Second World War had commenced. On the same day September 5, 1939 my little brother was born. Despite the worlds problems we were all happy. On September 11 he was circumcised. I was shown his little cut cock a few days later and noted that it was still a bit blue but that it was big like mine. Grandpa told me that whenever I could, I should kiss it and suck it, as that was what he had done to me just after I was born. I wasn't to tell mother, as this was a grandpa thing. I asked him if I should tell my father, but he said it was better to be our secret just now. I hardly ever saw my father, except on religious occasions and sometimes at night if he came home early from work.

As the invading German's came closer to Paris in 1940, and being Jewish my grandparents decided to move out and go to the Channel port of Dieppe. We, including my new baby brother, travelled by train and I loved that. It was my first ride in a train. My parents decided to stay in Paris as my mother had a lot to do with helping other elderly Jewish people, and my father was required to stay at his Jewish owned bank. I never saw my parents again. They were rounded up by the Gestapo and shipped off to Germany. My father, a defiant man was murdered before the end of the year. My mother was forced into prostitution and died a year later whilst giving birth to a German baby, which was also killed. We had a nice apartment in Dieppe and grandma and grandpa looked after us very well. My little brother though wasn't happy. He was still hungry for my mother's milk and grandma had difficulty in feeding him. I sucked his little cock often and when I did that he would stop crying and wave his little hands and legs around. One time he started to piss in my mouth and when I pulled off the spurt of piss went high in the air. Luckily his dirty nappy was near so I threw that over his pissing hard cock to soak up the pee. Grandma thought it was lovely and said that it was ok to suck his little cock, just as grandpa had told me.

The only problem with the Dieppe apartment was that it was only two rooms and my brother and I had to sleep in the same room as grandpa and grandma. The bathroom we shared with other tenants in the building, so my baths with grandpa where only once a week now, but it was still great fun, and he said that my six year old cock was starting to grow. At night I frequently heard then kissing and then they would bounce on the big bed and I often thought they were fighting, until they would both sigh, or call out and everything went quiet, except for heavy breathing. One day I asked grandpa about this and he told me that he and grandma were not fighting but making love, and that soon he would let me see what they were doing.

I was now nearly seven and it was getting cold. Grandpa and grandma seemed concerned about something, and I knew that there were many German soldiers in the town. We never went out and grandpa said that it was due to the cold, and also I had to know that the soldiers were not friendly people and would hurt little boys who were Jewish. This was the first time I was told that I had something to fear being Jewish.

Late one night in early January, grandpa came to me as I slept and told me to be very quiet and to get dressed in the clothes grandma had put on the big bed. The blinds were drawn tight and only a candle gave light. We were all bundled up tightly with warm clothes and grandpa and grandma only took two small bags with some clothes and a little pack of food, which they asked me to carry. We silently went down the stairs and then out the back of the building. Some other people were there including some children and we all crept as quietly as possible along a dark road and then down to the beach. Within a minute or so a small fishing boat pulled up almost onto the beach and grandpa assisted grandma onto the boat with my brother Hamish, and then came back and carried me through the water, as did other fathers with their children. When we were all on board, the boat quietly turned out to sea. We were all cautioned to be quiet but Hamish started to cry so I put my hand inside his nappy and rubbed his little cock. He stopped and grandma patted my head.

It seemed like ages that we were bobbing around on the black sea. Finally s the sky over France was starting to lighten, I saw the black shape of land ahead of us. Another boat pulled alongside, and a nice soldier came aboard. He spoke French so I knew without asking that he was a friend. We now pulled into a small jetty and slowly we all got off. There were hugs and kisses all round, and a nice boy about ten kissed me and hugged me. We were in England.

As it was now light I could see the huge white cliffs above us and then some big cars came down towards us. I had only seen big cars from the German's so I was frightened, but my new ten year old friend, holding my hand told me they were nice English people who would be looking after us. I kissed him back and he put his hand on my cock and squeezed it. I squeezed his back, as I thought it was a nice thing to do. He kissed me and then let go of my hand and cock as his father directed him into one of the cars. Grandpa and grandma went to this very big car and we all got into the back. It was the first time I had ridden in a car, and when I said this to grandpa he said to me that I was very fortunate to have my first ride in a Rolls Royce, the very best car in the world. I was supremely happy. I felt down to my cock and it was stiff, so I whispered to grandpa and he put his hand on my cock and squeezed as the boy had. He whispered back to me that "it was a very good sign."

We drove for some time and then pulled into a small village and stopped outside a cottage. Some of the other cars had stopped ahead of us at other cottages, and I could see people getting out and going into their new homes. Our cottage was warm and friendly. There was a nice fire and some very nice women there to greet us. They had some nice food, tea, coffee and warm milk and we all hugged and shed a few tears. Grandpa spoke quietly, thanking all the people concerned in his limited English. There were two bedrooms, so I wouldn't hear the lovemaking any more, but there was a small bathroom with a nice big tub and a water heater. My cock went stiff as I remembered grandpa's fun in the bath and his big cock shooting its white fountain. We were all tired so my brother and I slept in our new beds. Grandpa told me that from now on Hamish would be called Harry and I would be called Peter, instead of Pierre. I liked that. It was a new start, and I would soon be seven.

If you have any comments e-mail me:

Next: Chapter 2

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