My Darling Grandpa

By Peter Wilson

Published on Aug 7, 2004


This story is true. The boy concerned told it to me some years ago. The boy is still alive at 69 and lives a comfortable and happy life with his wife, children, grand children and one great-grand child.

To allay the fears of the manic agents against child molestation, he savours his boyhood experiences with great delight and relish. He told me this story after reading of the vehement and volatile campaign by the few maniacs in western society who use the media sensationalism to voice their biased and out of touch concerns about child molestation.

If you are a right thinking and humble person then read this story about real life and send me your opinions.

We settled in quickly to our new cottage and again I was now having more frequent baths with my grandpa. The pattern remained the same.

He would get into the bath first and then I would get in and sit on his lap with the big circumcised cock poking up between my legs and rubbing on my little hairless balls. I would run my fingers lightly over his knob and sometimes he would leak out slippery clear fluid which felt really nice on my fingers. I even started to taste it and I must admit that I enjoyed the taste.

Sometimes I could make my grandpa's big cock fire off his globs of thick white semen, and sometimes I would even be able to taste it.

Grandpa now started to tell me lots of facts about sex and reproduction. Always he illustrated the item he was telling me by practical means, which was much better than words I sometimes didn't understand.

He explained to me the intense feelings that you got during sex and just before my eighth birthday in early 1943 he allowed me to watch when he and grandma fucked. He told me all the common words but suggested that I not use these as they were just between the two of us. I know that he often sucked my little brothers cock as well, as he continued to suck mine often, and I was regularly now getting stiff at any time.

Within a week of coming to southern England we were awakening most nights with heavy and noisy squadrons of German bombers coming over to damage Britain. Often I would go outside with grandpa and we would pray that they would all fall out of the sky and crash and burn. We did see some do that so I, in my innocence, believed our prayers were being answered. So I prayed every night that the German bombers would fall from the sky. Then we heard a different sound and this was from allied fighters who were scattering the bombers and shooting these enemy down in large numbers.

One night a bomber crashed in the fields nearby and grandpa went out with some of the other men and older boys to see what they could do. All but one of the occupants had been killed. The survivor was a young blonde German youth just 18. His legs were broken and he had some minor burns on his face and upper body. The local doctor drove over in his car and then an ambulance took him to the nearby local hospital.

A few days later grandpa asked if I would like to pay the young German a visit. I wasn't sure about this as I remembered grandpa telling me in Dieppe that Germans hurt little boys. Finally I agreed to go with grandpa, and some of the others. Amongst the group was the lad who had befriended me the night we escaped from France and now he was 11, almost 12 and very knowledgable about the war.

Again when we met he held my hand and when we arrived at the hospital I said I needed to pee, so I went with grandpa to the lavatory. He unbuttoned my fly and pulled out my nice cock, and then left me as one of the other men called.

Into the lavatory came an English lad about 14 whom I knew lived at the far end of our village.

He stood beside me as I peed and unbuttoned his smart grey trousers and pulled out quite a big cock. I was extremely surprised to see it had no knob on the end like my circumcised cock. The truth was that I had never seen an uncircumcised cock before, so when he pulled the skin back and saw his small knob I was confused. Before he had finished his pee I noted that his cock was lengthening and starting to stick straight up so that his pee arced right up to almost the top of the porcelain trough. He turned to show me and then asked if I would like to touch it.

I did and felt the skin slide back and then forward over his knob. He told me to keep going as it felt so good. So, as I did with grandpa, I kept rubbing my fingers over the knob and up and down the shaft. Suddenly he started to shudder and then he grabbed my hand and took it away. He leant against the wall and again shuddered, but I noted that nothing came out of his cock like it did with grandpa.

After a few minutes he buttoned up and walking shakily, we returned to join the others. His father asked him if he was feeling alright, and he said he didn't feel very well at all, but he would be able to continue if he sat down for a minute. I pulled grandpa aside and told him what had happened and he laughed and cuddled me and told me I was a lovely lad. He then went over to the boy and sat with him for a few minutes. The boy looked in his eyes and after a few words, beamed first at grandpa, and then me. He smiled at me and he got up and grabbed my hand as we walked down the long corridors to the room where the young German was recovering.

We all walked in silently. Due to his burns, which had also extended to his thin flat hairless chest and upper thighs, he was lying on a sheet almost naked. The village men looked at the poor lad and the oldest man, who was even older than grandpa, asked the lad in halting German if he was feeling better.

We all listened, even some of the nurses and a young doctor, as the man translated the young lad's words. He was confused at first thinking that he was back in Germany. He smiled when he realised he was in England, and thanked the man for being so kind to him, the enemy.

I was very curious about this young man and noticed that the small covering over his cock was, if I walked around to the other side of the bed, not covering his cock. So I shuffled slowly around and then being at a lower level that the other men could see his long soft cock and a few hairs. I stared and then he looked at me and smiled. He held his hand out so I took it and felt a funny pulse from it to me. The 14 year old English boy, Lawrence, saw what was going on and moved over next to me. He too saw the German boys cock, but now it was getting stiff and pushing out of its cover. The German boy moved the sheet with his left hand so that we could see his cock but it was hidden from the view of the grown ups.

Then the Jewish boy who had comforted me when we sailed over joined us and he too noted the German's stiffening cock.

He put his hand on my bum and rubbed it, and at the same time his fingers came in contact with Lawrence's who was doing the same.

After a few more minutes we all left, but I stopped and went back and again grabbed the boys hand and squeezed it. Then I lent forward and kissed his cock under the sheet. His eyes filled with tears, but I said that I would be back to see him soon, although I didn't realise that he didn't then understand English.

On the bus trip home I sat up the back with Lawrence on one side and my Jewish friend Marcel. Lawrence had his jacket over his lap and soon had my hand on his cock which was getting stiff. I undid a few of his fly buttons and got two fingers inside to rub on the stiff cock. When we hit a bad bump the jacket fell off and Marcel wanted to know what I was doing. Lawrence whispered to him that I was comforting him. Marcel looked at me and then grabbed my other hand and placed it on his crotch. I moved my fingers around and undid his fly and put my hand inside. None of us wore any underpants, even grandpa didn't, so I could get to his cock immediately. I played with them both until our village came close, when I removed my hands and my two new friends buttoned up.

That evening I told grandpa about everything that had happened, even about the German boy. He suggested that perhaps we should pay the young Hun a visit in two days time. I jumped at the chance.

He also suggested that I spend some time with Lawrence, and perhaps bring him back here for more fun. The next afternoon Marcel met me after school and we walked towards his house, but then deviated into the woods. When we found a copse with thick bushes we found a way into the clear centre patch. Marcel unbuttoned his fly and got his stiffening cock out. I unbuttoned mine also but mine fell down to my shoes. I suggested that Marcel do the same and when he pulled his shirt up I could see his growing stiff cock and balls. He didn't have any hairs yet, but his cock was much bigger than mine, but nowhere near grandpa's or Lawrence's.

I rubbed my fingers up and down the cock and soon Marcel was feeling very good. Then without even thinking I bent down and took it in my mouth as I did with my baby brother and also grandpa. Marcel let out a little scream and put his hands on my head to prevent me from removing my lips. I swirled my tongue around and soon Marcel was swooning and swaying and then he pumped really hard into my mouth. His body shuddered, as I had noted Lawrence do the day previous. This time though Marcel shuddered on and on. I began to be concerned but then he stopped and almost fell over.

"Unbelievable," he said, then catching his breath again, " that was the most wonderful feeling I have ever had. How did you know to do that," he inquired.

I lied and said what did I do, and he hugged me and kissed me and said to never mind it was wonderful, and we must do it again soon.

We left the thicket after both pissing to, as dogs do, denote "our special place".

The next day was market day so grandpa said we would go and visit the young German lad again. We caught the bus and arrived just after 2pm. The nurse showed us to his bedside and again I held his hand. He raised the sheet up with his other hand as he had done the previous visit and I could see his large cock getting stiff. Grandpa came around to my side of the bed and gently put his hand under the sheet and started to rub the boy's cock. The boy smiled and patted grandpa's hand. Grandpa now got up and drew the curtains that surrounded the bed and told me to go outside them and if anyone came to just say 'grandpa where are you'.

I did this and then I heard grandpa's lips sucking, and I knew he was sucking the boy's cock. Then the lad made a funny, almost choking noise and the bed moved. After a few minutes grandpa drew the curtains back and I again held the boys hand, only this time his fingers were moving in mine, almost telling me that I was wonderful. We stayed with the boy for ages. It was weird because we couldn't speak German and he couldn't understand or speak English. Then grandpa asked him in French and he could speak a few words, so they had a bit of a conversation. Then grandpa started to teach him some English and soon he was pointing out furniture and items in the room in English when grandpa pointed to them. The nurse then came in and said we should leave so grandpa bent down and kissed the boy on the lips. He then lifted me up so I could do the same. He indicated to the boy we would be back very soon.

The nurse was very pleased with our visit and said that grandpa could come back anytime as the boy obviously enjoyed his company. She was also pleased we were teaching him English as none in the hospital spoke any German at all.

The following Saturday I met up with Lawrence in the village and showed him the place that Marcel and I called our hiding place. As soon as we were inside the thicket, Lawrence opened his fly and pulled out his cock. I didn't need any instructions as to what he wanted me to do. I ran my fingers over it and then suggested that he let his trousers fall completely, which he did. His cock was larger than Marcel's. It was longer and fatter and he had a little patch of hair. His balls were tight up against the base of his cock but were large like hen's eggs. I moved his skin back and forth and soon his small knob was all slippery. I then bent forward and put my lips on the exposed head. Lawrence almost collapsed with delight. I then let my mouth open as I did for grandpa and soon had a quite a lot of the cock in my mouth. I then swirled my tongue around the head and the little ridge under it and within a minute Lawrence was shuddering and then it all happened. I felt his cock expand and then whap! He spat out his first ever load of clear semen liquid. He shuddered and shuddered, and grabbed hold of me to stop falling over. Finally, he sat down on the dry leaves and continued to shake. As I did with grandpa, I swallowed all the fluid. It tasted really nice and sweet, not as salty as grandpa's.

That night grandpa and I had our splendid bath together, after we washed my little brother. I told him all about Lawrence and his climax, as grandpa called it. Grandpa was so pleased. Then he told me that he planned to go and visit the German airman the next day and did I want to come.

We caught the early bus to the hospital.

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Next: Chapter 3

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