My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 21, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 37 by JT Poole

// Chicago, IL -- The Hospital //

"Josh it's me JT where are you guys?" JT asked, speaking with JC on the phone.

"Yo JT, we are down in room 201, it's Nikki Thomas' room." JC spoke.

"Okay, let everyone know that I am on my way." JT stated. "See you soon handsome."

Walking down the hall, JT walks up to the nurse's station and motions for one of the nurses to come over.

"May I help you sir?" The nurse asked as one of the nurses in the back caught a glimpse of JT and fainted.

"I think you better help her, she just fell over back there." JT stated, pointing at the nurse that had fallen in the back.

"Oh my, what's going on back here?" The nurse asked, walking over to the other nurse and motion for other nurses to come over. "Help her, I need to get back to the gentleman over there."

"Is she okay?" JT asked.

"I really don't know. They will take care of her." The nurse stated. "What may I do for you?"

"Well I was trying to find out if Mrs. Valente was ready to be discharged?" JT asked.

"Hold on sir." The nurse stated, walking towards the records room.

"Hello?" JT spoke as he answered his cell phone.

"What's taking you so long?" JC asked, talking on the phone and walking down the hall.

"I am at the nurse's station checking to see if your friend is ready to be discharged." JT stated as he turned around and saw JC standing next to him. "Hello handsome."

"Hi JT." JC stated. "Can we go for a walk?"

"Sure we can. Let's me get this information and then we can walk." JT stated.

"Okay." JC stated. Walking over to the door waiting for JT as he talked to the nurse.

"You ready to go?" JT asked as he opened the door and allowed JC to walk out. "What do you want to talk about handsome?"

"I want to talk about us, me and you." JC stated.

"What about us?" JT asked.

"Well so you won't be shocked, I am currently dating Joey." JC stated.

"You are dating Joey?" JT asked, stopping and turning around to look at JC. "I thought..."

"I know, I know. You were gone for so long. I didn't think you were coming back after the last time." JC stated.

"I left because you said you needed space." JT stated as tears welled up in his eyes. "You said you didn't know what you wanted, so I did what you wanted and gave you that space."

"Yeah you did give me that space, but when I wanted you back you were no where to be found." JC spoke. "I still loved you and you didn't come


"I couldn't just drop my current assignment and run back to you." JT stated. "When you recommended me for the position of Security Liaison, you know I would be traveling a lot."

"Yeah but I at least thought you would have some time for me!" JC screamed pushing JT away from him.

"I had time for you, you never made the time for me." JT stated walking behind JC. "I loved you and you kept pushing me to the side because you had to do this or that or something. I put the effort I could into this, what did you do? Not a damn thing Josh, so don't tell me I wasn't there for you, I was always there when you needed me to be, you were just never there yourself. You know how many nights I sat at your place waiting on you?"

"Not as many as I sat at yours." JC stated.

"Well fine. I hope you and Joey have a fucking good time." JT stated walking into the hospital, passing Joey along the way.

"What was that all about?" Joey asked, walking up to JC. "Why where you and that guy arguing?"

"It's nothing Joe." JC stated.

"It is something. Who is he?" Joey asked.

"That's JT. He's our Security Liaison. He's going to go back to Orlando with us."

"Why are you arguing with him then?" Joey asked.

"Joe just let it go." JC stated.

"I don't want to let it go. I want to know what happened." Joey stated.

"Well I am not going to tell you what happened so just drop it will you." JC stated, walking away from Joey and going back into the hospital.

"Wait just a minute here." Joey stated, running into the hospital behind JC and grabbing his hand and dragging him back outside. "You have been getting little attitudes with me for a while now. I don't like that Josh, talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

"I said no. I am getting tired of people making demands of me. Just let it go Joe. I am not going to talk about it." JC stated as Lance and Carson walked out of the hospital carrying Nikki's babies as JT pushed Nikki in a wheelchair.

"I am not making demands on you, I just want to know what's going on." Joey stated.

"What's the problem you two?" Nikki asked, stepping out of the wheelchair to walk over to Joey and JC.

"Joey won't get off of my nerves." JC stated, walking away from Joey.

"Stop." Nikki stated, pointing to JC. "Don't walk away from Tony like that. I know you might disagree with his actions sometimes, but don't just treat him like that. Since you have come into my life, you have done nothing but whine and act like a wimp."

"Excuse me, how dare you..." JC trailed off as Nikki pimped slapped him. "You slapped me!"

"You better shut up before I do it again." Nikki stated.

"Damn, she's got a backbone." JT stated. "He deserved that."

"Why did he deserve that?" Joey asked, looking at JT.

"He just does." JT stated. "Come on people let's get going, the corporate jet is waiting on us."

"The corporate jet?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, big comfy plane for all of these guys." JT stated, helping Nikki into the car.

"Oh great, I get to ride on a plane." Nikki stated.

"Is it me or is this your regular attitude?" JT asked, looking at Nikki.

"It's her regular attitude." JC stated, ducking in a hurry as a hand came flying his way.

"Boy don't make me bitch slap you." Nikki stated, glaring at JC.

"Nikki Nikki, calm down girl, don't beat him up." Joey stated.

"Tony shut up. I am not in the mood right now." Nikki stated.

"Well damn, we better get you on the plane so you can at least get some rest or something." JC stated.

"Josh I think it's best if you just keep quiet." JT stated, helping Nikki into the van.

// The Airport //

"Bruce pop that needle in that bitch's arm and let's jet." Adam stated.

"What! No!" Leighanne stated as the man walked over to her and injected her with something.

"What did you do to me you sick bastard?" Leighanne asked as she felt dizzy.

"Oh you won't remember any of this tomorrow." Adam stated, walking over to her and placing a gag in her mouth. "Come on Bruce, get these two lets head back home.

// Outside //

"Look! There's Brian." Joey stated as he and the others were walking to their plane.

"Stop where you are." JT stated, retrieving his gun from his holster.

"No don't. I am not the bad guy here, he is." Brian stated.

"He's lying, he hurt me and tried to kill me." Adam stated, putting the gun he had into Brian's jacket pocket.

"All of you stay where you are, I want to see hands all around." JT stated, pulling out his cell phone and pressing an autodial number, holding his gun on Adam, Brian and Bruce.

"Sir please help me, he tried to shoot me." Adam stated, lying through his teeth.

"What? You are lying!" Brian screamed.

"I am not lying sir, check his jacket, he has a gun. He tried to kill me and my brother." Adam stated.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself." Joey stated. "I don't know what it was that I ever saw in you."

"Joey, it's not like that. I am innocent. I still love you." Brian stated.

"How could you love him when you are married?" JT asked, walking over to Brian. "You give gay men a bad name Brian."

"The same way you loved JC. I loved Joey." Brian stated as Joey turned around and looked at JC.

"You and him were together. He was the other guy?" Joey asked, looking between JC and JT.

"Well ahhh...ahhh...yeah. We were together." JC stuttered out.

"You were together. So that's what the argument between you two were

about." Joey stated, walking away from JC.

"Joe, Joey wait. Please let me explain." JC stated, running behind Joey.

"Damn man you just got here and you are causing drama for them already." Nikki stated, patting JT on the back. "I hope you are not this bad all the time, them boys need love not hate."

"I am not hating, I am just speaking my mind." JT stated, walking over to the bag on the ground. "What's in this bag?"

"Kevin's in there. Adam shot him and I don't know what that guy did to him before that." Brian stated.

"What? Let's me get the paramedics here." JT stated, opening the bag to see Kevin's bloody body.

"Help me. They shot me and Leighanne is back there." Kevin spoke weakly.

"Guys go back there and see if you see Leighanne, Brian's wife." JT stated, directing Lance and Carson down the way that Kevin had motioned in.

"I found her." Carson called out. "She looks like she's unconscious or something."

"Well stay there with her. Let me get the paramedics here both of them need medical attention." JT stated as Adam grabbed the gun from Brian's jacket and aimed it at JT.

"Look out!" Nikki screamed. "He's got the gun!"

"What!" JT turned around just in time to see Adam aim and fire the gun at him.

"Nada amigo." JT stated, popping a cap in Adam's waist, bringing him down to the ground.

"You stupid fuck! You shot my brother!" Bruce stated, running towards JT and getting shot in the leg.

"Wow both of them are just as dumb as I though. I knew they would slip up." JT stated, still holding Kevin's head in his arms as security and the paramedics arrived.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 38

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