My Kinda Guy

Published on Jul 29, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 6 by JT Poole

// Tampa, FL -- A Secret Cabin in the Woods //

"This place looks so peaceful and beautiful." Damien spoke. "I could live in a place like this forever."

"It is peaceful out here. When I am here no one bothers me." Nick stated.

"Probably because no one can find you." Damien stated, laughing.

"Well some people do find me." Nick stated. "How about we go inside, get some drinks and then go take a swim?"

"Sure why not." Damien stated.

"Well let me get my stuff and we can get on the way." Nick stated as he popped the trunk to his car, grabbed some bags and walked into the cabin with Damien following behind him.

// 15 Minutes Later //

"Hey are you coming in or not?" Nick asked, as he yelled from the lake.

"Nick I don't think your suit fits good enough for me, it's too...I dunno, it feels like a second skin or something." Damien stated. "It makes me feel like I am almost naked."

"Oh come on out here and let me see." Nick yelled. "Those suits are supposed to make you look that way. They are designed that way."

"I can't it makes me feel like I am showing too much." Damien stated.

"It's just you and me here, no one else is going to see." Nick stated coming out of the water as Damien appeared in the doorway. "That looks good on you."

"You think so because you are gawking at me." Damien stated as Nick froze in his tracks and stared at how the bikini clung to Damien's hips. "See you can't stop staring at me."

"Wow, you look hot in that." Nick stated.

"Do you think so?" Damien asked. "I don't feel hot, I feel like I am making a fool of myself."

"No you are not. Come on into the water. You look okay. Let's just relax and have some fun." Nick stated.

"Alright, but I still don't feel alright." Damien stated as he walked closer to Nick, past him and stepped into the water.

"See, now let's have some fun." Nick stated as he jumped over Damien's head into the water, splashing him. "Loosen up man, you got too much tension in you."

"I know you just didn't splash water on me. Oh you are going to pay for that Mr. Carter." Damien stated as he swam over to Nick and tried to dunk him under the water. "Come back here Mr. Carter."

"You can't catch me." Nick teased, swimming further down the stream. "You are so slow, a snail can go faster than you."

"Oh you are asking for it Mr. Carter." Damien stated. "When I do catch you, you are going to get it."

"You never will slowpoke." Nick stated.

"We will see." Damien stated, as he stopped in the water and started struggling as though something was wrong. "Nick..."

"What's wrong Damien?" Nick asked as he stopped and turned around swimming towards Damien.

"I don't know. I need some help." Damien stated, still struggling in the water.

"Just hold on, I am coming." Nick stated as he got over to Damien and was surprised to see that there was nothing wrong.

"Gotcha." Damien stated as he grabbed Nick and pushed him under the water. "I told you Mr. Carter that I was going to get you."

"Okay okay, I give up. I won't splash you again." Nick stated as he wrapped his arms around Damien's waist and pulled himself closer to the man.

"Nick what are you doing?" Damien asked.

"Trying to get closer to my attacker." Nick stated as his lips brushed over Damien's lips softly.

"Nick..." Damien spoke, as Nick kissed him.

The two men stood there in the lake in a romantic embrace kissing each other passionately for what seemed like forever. Not wanting the kiss to end, Nick stopped them, waded over to the edge of the lake and pulled himself out. Leaning down to help Damien out, he and Damien walked into the cabin.

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel //

"What are you doing here Aaron?" The woman behind the desk asked.

"I am looking for Nick." Aaron stated.

"What do you mean you are looking for Nick?" The woman asked.

"He is missing Leslie. Have you seen him?" Aaron asked.

"No I haven't seen him. Why is he missing? Why are you worried about him right now?" Leslie asked.

"He kinda came out to Brian and Kevin and got upset and ran away." Aaron stated.

"He did what?" Leslie asked.

"He came out. As in he's gay." Aaron stated.

"So he's gay too, did you convert Nick?" Leslie asked.

"No I didn't convert Nick. If someone was converted it was me, I am younger than Nick." Aaron joked.

"So what did mom say?" Leslie asked.

"I don't know. When Nick ran through the house she ran behind him outside and she didn't come back in the house." Aaron stated. "So she's missing too."

"Damn what's wrong with you people loosing each other." Leslie stated. "So you came all the way here to find Nick. Why?"

"Because I thought he would have come here to hide out." Aaron stated.

"No he's not here. How did you get here anyway?" Leslie asked.

"I got in a cab, went to the airport and then flew here. It's not likes it' s far. I am almost an adult." Aaron stated.

"You are two years shy of being an adult." Leslie stated. "You need to go back home before mom gets upset that you are gone too."

"No I don't want to go back home. She ran away because Nick is gay, wonder how she is going to react to me being gay?" Aaron stated.

"I don't know, but you will never find out until you go back home." Leslie stated.

"I don't want to go back yet. Can I just stay here for a bit?" Aaron pleaded. "Just for a little while."

"Alright fine, but if mom calls looking for you I am going to tell her that you are here." Leslie stated.

"Okay, but don't you call her and rat on me." Aaron stated as he noticed a guy walking down the corridor towards the restaurant.

"Here's your room key. I have you on the 17th floor. Don't get into trouble and don't bother any of the other guests up there." Leslie stated.

"Thanks sis." Aaron stated.

"I should put you in my private room, but I don't want you going through my stuff." Leslie stated as she messed up Aaron's hair.

"Hey, watch the do." Aaron stated as he walked towards the restaurant.

"Where are you going?" Leslie asked.

"I am going to get something to eat." Aaron stated as he spotted Justin Timberlake standing at the checkout paying for his purchase.

"Why don't you just get on up to the room and order room service and charge it to the room, I don't want you getting into any trouble." Leslie stated.

"Is there a menu in there?" Aaron stated.

"In where?" Leslie asked.

"In my room?" Aaron stated.

"Probably not, let me go find one for you." Leslie stated as she put down her clipboard that had her master keycard attached to it.

Looking at the clipboard, Aaron read that Justin Timberlake, along with Marshall Mathers, Michael Buble, and Tobey McGuire were all staying at the hotel on the 17th floor. Getting an idea in his head, Aaron grabbed the master keycard and placed it in his pocket just as Leslie came back to the desk with a menu and handed it to him.

"Get up to that room and stay out of trouble." Leslie stated.

"Alright. You take the fun out of everything." Aaron stated as he walked towards the elevators and Leslie had resumed working. "I am going to take a small detour before I get to my room."

// On the 17th Floor //

"This is just too easy, there are no guards. This must be my lucky day." Aaron stated, walking down the hall looking for Justin Timberlake's room. Stopping in front of the door, Aaron placed his ear to the door to make sure no one was in there, retrieved the master keycard from his pocket and unlocked the door. Entering the room, Aaron looked all around the room, admiring all the things Justin had laid around the room. Walking into the bedroom, Aaron spotted some underclothes on the floor; he picked them up and held them to his nose, inhaling the musky scent of Justin's crotch. Hearing someone open the door to the main room, Aaron panics and hides in Justin's closet.

// Tampa, FL -- Nick's Cabin //

"Nick stop." Damien stated.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Damien stated, as he rolled off of Nick's lap.

"Why not?" Nick asked.

"Because I want to love someone when I get to this step." Damien stated as tears came to his eyes.

"I do too." Nick stated. "But sometimes the moment takes you away when you are not in love."

"Yeah, but I don't want us to regret this later." Damien stated.

"We won't regret this." Nick stated. "If anything, this would bring us closer."

"It might, but then it could push us apart." Damien stated.

"I doubt it will." Nick stated as he leaned over and resumed kissing Damien.

The two of them laid on the bed still kissing, touching and feeling the other person like the other was the last thing to be touched on the planet. Getting carried away with the moment, Nick leaned up and started taking off his clothes. Following suit, Damien started doing the same and took off his clothes as well as the two of them engaged in a fantastic experience of love-making.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: SwainsboroGuy2 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 7

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