My Superman

By Robert Ainsworth

Published on Sep 18, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is not true. Its Fake. Pure Fiction. This never ever happened. I don't know the sexuality of Dean Cain. What I do know is that the characters in this story are mine. Please do not steal them. Everything on this page is Copyright 2001 Robert J Ainsworth. You must be 18 or 21 depending on your local laws to read this as this story does deal with male to male sex at times. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!!

Chapter 4

I was so deep in thought I don't even remember the drive home. It was about 3:30 in the afternoon when I got home. I had time for a quick nap. So I set the alarm for 5:30 and went to sleep.

It seemed like I had just fallen asleep when the alarm went off. I got up and took a quick shower and got myself ready. I was 6:30 when I was walking out the door. I grabbed my cell phone and called Dean.


"Hey Dean, its Rob. How are you doing?"

"Hey Rob, not too bad here, how are you doing?"

"Better now, came home and took care of some things. You know fed the dog and took a nap. Not used to getting up so early on the weekends."

"Lucky guy, I usually only get Sundays off when I am on a shoot."

"Well I do love me sleep. Hey I am just leaving my house and I should be there in about 15."

"Ok, great. I'll be here. It is pretty quiet around here right now. Just security right now. I'll see you in a bit then."

"Ok Dean see you in a bit."

I hung up the phone and started to pull out of the drive. The drive was pretty quiet and I was cursing and listening to tunes. Fifteen minutes later I was walking into the Grand Garden Arena. Dean had left my name on the list of after hour's visitors with security.

I walked up to Dean's trailer and knocked. When he opened it I was in awe. Dean had dressed in a pair of black slacks, a blue jean shirt buttoned half way up, and a white cotton wife beater shirt underneath. He gave me a smile and invited me in.

"Hey Rob, come on in. Just one more moment, got to put some shoes on and then I will be ready."

"No probs, Dean. So how was the rest of the shoot today?"

"Uneventful, we did a couple of more scenes and then called it quits at 5. Came back here and got ready. Sat and read for a little bit and made some phone calls. Just the usual stuff."

"Very good. Like I told you I fed my dog and took a nap. Nothing too special."

"Cool, well I am all ready, how about you?"

"Let's hit it."

We left his trailer and were escorted to my car by security. We jumped in and drove out to dinner. I took the freeway around to show Dean most of the city at night.

"That is so breath taking. I know why you can see Vegas from space. Look at all the lights."

"Yea it is pretty. There is a spot that I always go to, to look at the light at night when I want to go and think for a bit. Just staring out there clears me head and put a lot of things in prospective."

"I bet. So how do you like living here?"

"I love it here, there is always something new going on. All the concerts, shows and new casinos that open. I always manage to find something new here."

"That is a great feeling. Always looking for something new each day and finding it. That is a really positive out look on life. I like that."

"Thank you, my mom always told me that you make the best of everything and if you aren't happy you aren't trying to make the best."

We chatted some more about Vegas for the rest of the car ride to the restaurant. I was finding it very easy to talk to Dean. Conversation flowed between us and it seemed like we had know each other for years. I must admit that I wasn't as nervous as I though I was going to be. I found Dean to be a real down to earth kind of guy.

We arrived at the restaurant and were seated in the back where it was quiet and I knew that Dean wouldn't be seen. We ordered our drink and our meals. All through out dinner we talked about everything, What is was like growing up, embarrassing moments, parents, our families, school, our jobs, and friends. I was surprised at how open he was about everything. Unfortunately for me I wasn't too open about everything. We finished our meals and took care of the check.

We went out to the car and got in. I was having such a good time that I didn't want it to end. I knew that after tonight Dean was going to be too busy with work. Besides once again I had to remind myself that he had a family and kids to take care of and that he wasn't remotely interested in me. He was straight and didn't want anything to do with a gay guy. I was so deep in though I didn't notice him staring at me.

"What's on your mind Dean?"

"What? Nothing."

"Oh, Ok, was just wondering why you were staring at me."

"Rob, is there some place that we can go to out of the public eye and just sit and talk some more. I have been enjoying our conversation and to be honest I don't get the chance to talk all that much about my personal life."

"Yea sure, my house isn't that far, if you don't mind. The only thing you might have to worry about is JD."

"Who is JD?"

"That's my Chocolate Lab."

"Oh, I love dogs. What does JD stand for, Jack Daniels."

"No, it means Just Dog."

"That is classic." He said with a laugh.

We drove the rest of the way to my house deep in though. It was only a 5 minute drive to my house. I pulled up to my house and Dean complimented me on it. I told him it used to be my parents house before they moved to Florida. They had paid for it and allowed me to live here so that there was someone always here and they didn't have to worry about renting it out. Besides it gave them a place to stay when they came to visit.

As we walked in Dean was immediately greeted by JD. He was a really good dog. So lovable to everyone and was really a calm dog. He was the best dog I had ever had. So easy going and happy. And he listened so well.

I walked over to the back door and opened it. I walked out to the edge of the pool and listened for a minute to the water. So now I have every gay mans dream that loves Dean Cain. I have Superman in my house, now what do I do.

"Penny?" Dean asked me as he came outside.

"Nah I was just listening to the waterfall. I find it relaxing."

"This is a very nice backyard."

"Thank you, this is my pride and joy. I love plants and have always wanted a very nice backyard. I had done all the work myself. Take a seat, would you like something to drink?"

"Yea thanks, anything will do."

I walked back into the house and got a bottle of White Zinfandel. I also remember that we haven't had dessert at the restaurant, so I pulled out the cheese cake I had in the fridge and got some plates and forks. I walked outside with the tray loaded.

"So Dean, what is on your mind? It seems like you have something on your mind or want to get something off your chest. Don't ask me how I know, I just read people very well. I am a good listener and you'll never hear me preach to you." I said as I poured us each a glass of wine and served the cheese cake.

Dean took a drink of wine and then sat there for a minute before he spoke. Finally he began to speak. "Rob, have you every kept a secret for so long that you wondered what would happen if you told someone? You know one of those secrets that you know you could never let out for fear of the damage that it could do, but at the same time while you are holding it in it eats away at your soul."

"Dean to be honest I have been there. Let me tell you a little story. This personally happened to me and to be honest I didn't know what or how to deal with it. I moved to Vegas when I was 20. I am a navy brat so the only life I knew was every 3 years I had to move, I never had any roots. All I ever knew was the military life. Rules, order, and always presenting the perfect family life. But at an early age I knew that I was different. I didn't really realize what it was until I was in high school. You see at a young age I knew I was gay. But I always denied it when I was confronted with it. It wasn't until I was finally 21 and was able to go out exploring and discovering myself that I was finally able to accept myself for who I was. I still never told my parents or my family. I was living 2 lived, the life with my family and parents, and then my going out life, where I would go to the gay bars and club and be myself. I wasn't until I met this group of guy that I was even sure I could tell my parents and family. They showed me that it was ok to be who I was around anyone. It didn't matter what other's though of me as long as I was confident in myself."

Dean just sat there listening. I was relieved that he didn't get up and run out of the house when I finally came out to him. I was sacred that he was going to be upset or pissed. But thankfully he just sat there and listened to everything I was saying.

"It was about a year after we moved here when I was home with my mom doing some cleaning one day. My mom came up to me and told me that my aunt and she had been talking about me. I was curious as to why she was telling me this. She flat out told me that my aunt and her knew what I looked for in a relationship and that no matter what they would always love me. My response was that it was my personal life and no ones business. I was in the defense mode because I just wasn't ready for them to know. But at the same time it was like this great weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I had gotten some of my soul back at the same time. Since that day I had been more open with my mom. I introduced both of my parents to my close friends and they accepted them into the family. Funny thing is the whole family has. I get questions all the time from them about my friends. My mom has been there when I was having problems with my ex. She has always been there. So the moral of my story is that generally when something that is eating at you hasn't come out then you lose who you are, but when it finally does either by your own accord or by someone else you always feel better. Maybe not at first but in the long run you do."

Dean sat there for a couple of minutes. He seemed to be thinking about something. I noticed that he had gone cold for a minute and I though that he was going to get up and leave. Then he sat up and took a drink of his wine again and cleared his throat.

"Rob, thank you for sharing that with me. You have given me some direction now and I think I know how to proceed. I need to tell you something and I trust that you can keep it until I am ready for everyone to know, you see I too am gay."

The look of shock on my face must have been a sight because Dean just sat there and then started laughing. I mean I had some idea about it especially after what had happened today, but I would have pegged him as just playing around. You know kidding and shit like that. I had never expected one of the butches idols in the world to come out to me in my backyard.

"Dean, what about your wife and kid?"

"Funny enough my wife knows all about it. You see she is a lesbian and has a wife. The marriage was a marriage of convenience. Her wife and she are really close friends of mine. She is the only one that knows that I am gay. Since I come from a strong family background, grandkids have always been on my mothers mind for the past 8 years. So we arranged to get married and have to have a maid who could double as a nanny. The ironic thing is that the maid/nanny also happened to be her girlfriend. So through artificial insemination we were able to have a baby. No one knows this except you. I have kept it very quiet for fear that I would loose everything."

"Dean, I am honored that you could open up to me. I am glad that I was able to help you. I just hope that you feel a little better."

"Rob, you don't know how much better I fell to let someone know besides my Wife and her girlfriend. You were right I do feel a little better about the whole thing. But I also know I have a long ways to go before everything is out in the open."

By this time there were so many questions that I wanted to ask him, especially about today. Was he really flirting with me? To be honest I didn't know what to say. I found myself getting up and once again walking closer to the waterfall to listen to it.

I must have been deep in thought because I didn't even notice Dean standing behind me.

"Rob, is everything ok?"

"Yea Dean, just deep in though. There are so many questions I want to ask you, so many things I want to tell you. But I am not sure if I should."

"Well, you have been completely open and honest with me so why can't I do the same with you."

"Yea honesty, funny thing that is, well here goes, to be completely honest with you; I didn't just happen to get that bit part today. I found out that you were going to be filming here and I had to meet you. I am one of you biggest fans and it happens that I know an executive at the MGM. She called in a favor for me and managed to get me the part. I know pretty sick huh?"

"Well, to be honest I find it rather flattering. I mean I have known some pretty strange fans who have tried everything. I am just glad that this fan worked out to get his wish." He said as he smiled at me.

I blushed at that comment and I had noticed that we had gotten closer. I stared into his eyes and he stared back. I seemed like forever that we just stood there looking at each other. This had been the most adventurous day of my life. I couldn't believe what had happened, and I was struggling to make sense of it all.

Sensing this Dean stared back at me. I wondered what was going through his head. The only sound around was that of the waterfall and our breathing. I noticed that my pulse have quickened quite a bit. Then I was completely shocked by what came next.

Dean ever so slow leaned over and gently placed his lips on mine. I was in a world of ecstasy. I gently returned his kiss, acknowledging him that I was comfortable with this and happy that it had happened. He gently placed his strong arms around me and I placed mine around him. We stood in the backyard kissing and holding each other for what seemed like an eternity. All I knew was that I didn't want this to end.

When we did finally part we were both out of breath. I was awe struck and Dean had this little grin on his face. Dam, why did he have to be so cute? I mean god, every time I saw him on TV I wanted to melt, and now here he was in my backyard kissing me.

"Um, what was that for?" I asked, and after I did I felt so stupid.

"Because I wanted to. I hope you didn't mind. It was something that I wanted to since I spilled that coffee on you this morning and you were in my trailer wrapped in that towel."

"No , no not at all. I didn't mind at all. Thank you very much. But I hate to be the party pooper but it is 2 in the morning and it is getting kind of late."

"Yea, I know what you mean. Rob, thank you so much. I had a really great time tonight. This was something that I really needed. I can't thank you enough."

"Dean, not a problem at all, I am honored that you wanted to spend the evening with me. I had a lot of fun. I only wish we could do it again."

"Who says we can't? I mean I will be here for the next 3 months."

"Yea that is right."

"Hey Rob, one more question."

"Sure Dean, what is it?"

"Would you mind if I stayed the night. I know that is very straight forward, but like you said it is getting late, and I don't feel like dealing with the movie people in a couple of hours, besides tomorrow is suppose to be a day off and I find the only way I can get them is to not be there."

Chapter 5

Now I wasn't really sure what to say. God I had already gotten so much more out of the evening then what I was expecting. Now here was Dean asking me to spend the night at my house. I have just become every girl's fantasy. Of course on the other hand my heart did go out to him. It must really be hard for him with all the demands of being a movie star.

"Hay Dean, I guess it is a good thing that I have a 4 bedroom house. You are more then welcome to stay in one of my spare rooms. Come on, follow me and I will show you the way."

"Rob, thanks a lot, you don't know what this means to me."

I pick up the tray with the glasses and plates and took them into the house and gave them a quick wash and threw them into the dish washer. I did my usual check and made sure everything was secure. We went upstairs and I grabbed him a pair of pjs for him to wear and then took him to my guest room.

"You are lucky." I told Dean.

"Yea and why is that?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Well, first of all I usually don't let guys that I have just met spend the night at my house, and secondly, you have a pool view!"

Be both laughed at that. I was a try at being funny even that I was so nervous.

"Well, good night. Sweet dreams. The bathroom is just across the hall. Clean towels are in the in the cabinet. Fell free to help yourself to anything in the kitchen if I am not awake in the morning."

Moving closer to me Dean said, "Hey Rob thanks again for everything. I had a really nice time tonight."

He leaned in and softly kissed me. Moving his lips every so softly. I responded to his soft kiss by slowly moving my lips. I don't know what it was but for some reason I felt real passion from Dean. It seemed like he had never kissed a guy before and yet he know exactly what to do. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I followed his lead and wrapp3d my arms around him and held him there. Once again I was in that place where I didn't want it to end. Finally I pulled away.

"Well, Dean, sweet dreams and I will see you in the morning."

"Rob, thanks and you too."

I went to my room and closed the door. God what was happening? I told myself to not get caught up in this; as soon as someone new came along he would be with someone else. I finished getting ready for bed. I crawled into bed and JD followed. I was out like a light within 15 minutes.

I was in my house, running, and scared. I knew my life was in danger but I couldn't get out of my house. He was there again. Looking for me. I had to find a place to hide. He was in one of his fits again. He wasn't home when I got home and I had a bad feeling about it. I didn't call Josh because I was too embarrassed about what was happening. I heard the car pull up and he slammed the door when he came in the house.

At the top of his lungs he was screaming my name with anger. I got out of bed. Started running from my room. JD was up and growling. I told him to be quiet and follow me. He did. We went into the guest room. I locked the door and hide in the closet with JD beside me. I feared for JD more then me. I didn't want to see anything happen to him. I heard him come up the stairs, still screaming my name.

He threw the door to my bedroom opened and yelled even louder at the fact that I wasn't in bed. By this time I was shaking. This seemed so much worse then before. I heard him walking down the hallway and came to the guest room door. He tried the knob and found it locked. I heard him laugh at that and then bust through it. JD started growling a little and I put my hand over him muzzle to keep him quiet.

The door to the closet slide open, there he was, Matthew, drugged out of his mind. The anger in his eyes was so intense. I was frightened for my life. He raised his hand.

I sat up in my bed and screamed. I was in complete hysterics. I sat there shaking and crying. Then all of a sudden my bedroom door flew open and I screamed even louder. JD was standing on top of my bed growling.

"Rob! Are you ok?" Dean asked as he tried to move closer. JD was there to protect me and would let him any closer. I just sat there crying. I know I heard him but I couldn't stop.

"JD, its Dean. I'm not going to hurt him. It's ok boy." Dean told him in a nice soft and quiet tone. This seemed to calm him down and Dean was able to move to the bed.

Dean wrapped his arms around me and held me there. I flinched,

"Rob, it's ok. Shhhhhhhh. I am here. It's ok."

I started to stop crying. Dean continued to hold me, He lightly rubbed my back. He leaned again the head board and held me there. Just holding me in his arms. For some reason I knew I was safe and I loved that feeling and didn't want to let it go.

The next thing I knew was that it was morning and I slowly woke up. It was strange because I felt myself being held. Who was in my bed? I didn't remember having anyone in my room when I went to sleep. I looked up to see that Dean was sound asleep. I gently moved his arms from around me and got up.

I went down stairs and started a pot of coffee. I though I remember putting Dean in the spare room. I know I never break my rules and let a guy sleep in my bed on the first date. Even though this wasn't the usual case, but still I am not like that. I got my cup of coffee and when into the backyard. JD followed me out and sat next to me. We were both lost in our thoughts. I was trying to figure out what happened. I knew I had a nightmare again. I should go back to the doctor and get this straightened out.

"Good morning, how are you doing?" Dean asked as he walked out with a cup of coffee in his hand. I hadn't even noticed he was awake.

"Not too bad." I said as I was blushing at the fact that Dean was in my bed and I hoped nothing sexual happened.

"Rob, is everything ok?"

"What do you mean Dean?"

"Well, last night, you were screaming and I came running into your room to make sure you were ok. I came in and JD wouldn't let me past until I told him that it would be ok. You were just sitting there crying and then when I moved in to hold you, you flinched, almost as if I was going to hurt you. You then fell asleep in my arms but it was almost as if you were scared."

"Yea Dean, everything was fine, just had a really bad dream." Of course I was lying. I really didn't want Dean to know what the real reason was.

Dean just sat there looking at me. For some reason I felt like he knew that I wasn't telling him everything. I wasn't sure if he wanted to know the baggage that I have. But someone always told me that it helps to tell a stranger your problems. After all he did tell me about his.

"Dean it is difficult for me to say and I don't want to scare you off. I am just not sure if I can put to words what I am feeling and thinking when that happened."

"Rob, you helped me out last night. I too had the same fears until you opened up to me. At least let me return the favor."

Going against all that I though, I decided to tell him and prayed that it wouldn't freak him out.

"Well Dean, I broke up with my ex about 5 months ago. It was a real tough relationship. When I met Matthew he was a sweet guy. Seemed to be fun, always made me laugh. We were dating for about 8 months before we moved into our apartment. Things seemed to be going really well, we both had really good jobs and love what we were doing. Then about 10 months ago he started to change. He was going out all the time. He was always short on money for the bills and felt that he shouldn't have to pay for most things. Then one night I was sleeping and he came home. He work me up angry. I wasn't too sure what the problem was. He started yelling at me, it was something about I never help him and that I never want to do anything with him. I had never seen this side of him before. To be honest it was scaring me. I tried telling him that it was because I was always doing things around the house that that if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have anyone to care for him. That was when he hit me for the first time. I was mortified and just sat there and started to cry. I didn't know what to do. He left the apartment and I didn't see him for a couple of days. I didn't go to work the next day, I was too embarrassed about what had happened. This went on for 4 months. It was completely my fault for letting it go on that long, but I didn't know any better. He was my first serious relationship and I though that was the way it was suppose to be. Finally I got the courage to pack up all my stuff and leave. That is how I managed to get this house. So now I have these dreams that Matthew has found out where I live and he enters my home to do something. The dreams always end with him raising his hand and I am in the corner in the guest room closet."

I noticed by the time that I had finished my story I was crawled up in my chair and tears were coming down my cheeks. Dean got out of his chair and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok. I understand. I want you to know that if there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know. Thank you for sharing that with me and I am here if you need a sounding board. I am really sorry that that happened to you. No one should go through that at all."

"Thanks Dean, that is very kind of you."

Dean just held me there and kissed the top of my head. I didn't want to let him go. We sat there and listened to the water falling into the pool. I looked to see him staring at me with eyes of worry. It must have seemed like a different person then he met yesterday and had dinner with last night. I started to get up to go into the house to make breakfast, but he didn't want to let me go. When I looked up again he was still staring at me. I had noticed that his eyes had lightened up a bit. I gave him a smile that told him that I would be ok. This seems to have the right affect because he once again leaned in and kissed me. God it was so affectionate. One of those kisses that you never want to end.

"I don't know about you but I am starving." I said as I released his kiss.

With a little smile pulling me closer he said. "Yea me too."

"Well then let's go. I'll make you breakfast."

We went inside and I made breakfast. Nothing too special, just some eggs, bacon, and hash browns. We sat there talking about all sorts of stuff, telling jokes, and getting to know each other better. It was a nice conversation and I found myself staring at Dean a lot. He had this way of talking that just seemed to calm you. I listened to Dean talk more then I did eating my breakfast.

We finished our meal and cleaned up the dishes. I decided to go upstairs and take a shower and get cleaned up. I took Dean to the guest bathroom and gave him a clean pair of clothes to wear. I was in the shower thinking about Dean again. I found myself thinking about him a lot since we had gone out to dinner the night before. To be completely honest I wanted him in the worse was. I could feel him in the other bathroom.

I envisioned him washing his legs, working his way up his body. Taking his time, feeling the water beat down on his shoulders. He washed his stomach and abs. He washed his hair, god he looked so good with the water beating down on him. What I wouldn't have given for him to be here with me right now. I didn't notice how turned on I was until I started washing my dick. I had already been in the shower too long and I didn't want Dean to think I was a freak so I rinsed off real quick and turned on the cold water. It was a shock to the system but it did the trick.

I got dressed and went down stairs; Dean was already in the living room flipping through the channels.

"Hey, what are you watching?" I asked as I sat on the couch at the other end from Dean.

"Not a lot just channel surfing. There really isn't anything good on."

"Well, do you feel like doing something just would you like to lounge around here?"

"To be honest a nice quiet day in sounds good to me. If you don't mind."

"Cool, I was feeling the same here. Well let me show you my movie collection. It doesn't seem like there is a lot on TV."

"OK sounds good to me Rob."

We went to the movie cabinet and I let Dean browse the movie collection. Of course most of the movies I had had Dean in them. I noticed he was grinning when he saw them all. He did manage to pick one of my favorite movies that he wasn't in. I got the Trick videotape and put it in the player. Dean went to the couch and sat down. I went to the couch and sat down and we sat there watching the movie. We were talking about how fake everything was. I was telling Dean that I loved Tori Spelling in this movie. Dean told me that she was a nice girl and funny too. Not quiet as ditzy as she was in 90210.

Halfway through the movie Dean shifted so that he could rest his head on my lap. When he settled down he looked up and smiled. God he was really cute when he smiled. His eyes were warm and caring. He shifted so that he could watch the TV.

At the end of the movie I just sighed. That part of the movie always touched me in my heart. Why couldn't that happen to me?

"What's the matter Rob?"

"Just being a hopeless romantic here. That part of the movie always makes me feel good."

"Ah, that is so sweet, no worries there I am the same way."

With that Dean stared into my eyes and it seemed like we were telling each other what the perfect romantic evening would be. He smiled as if knowing what I was thinking. I leaned down and gently kissed Dean. He returned my kiss and seemed to not want to let me go. Once again I felt my heart skip a couple of beats. I didn't know what was going on. These past two days have been great and I wouldn't have changed them for the world. I had never opened up to someone so soon before, but I had this feeling of trust with Dean that I had never known before.

"Rob, what's on your mind?" Dean asked me, I didn't even realize that our lips had parted.

"I was just thinking that I am glad that I got the chance to meet you and that we had the chance to spend this time together."

"Yea, me too, but you know that the day isn't over yet. I like spending time with someone that I can talk to and doesn't treat me like a star all the time. I am also glad that I have the chance to be me. I mean the real me. No someone that has to keep a public image. You know all those does and don'ts gets kinda boring after awhile. I just wanted to say thank you for giving me something that I haven't been able to do in a long time."

"And what might that be Mr. Cain." I said with a little giggle.

"The chance to be with a guy who I can kiss when I want. A guy that I can cuddle next to when I want. The chance to be me."

"Well, you are more then welcome, but who said you could do those things when you want to? I though it was a mutual thing."

"Well, of course it is. I would never want to do anything that you weren't comfortable with."

"Relax I am just pulling your chain."

"Hey Rob I have a question for you."

"Go ahead Dean, I will answer you truthfully."

"How do you feel about Love at first sight?"

Copyright Lois & Clark and the Superman Logo are copyright Turner Network Television, American Brodcasting Company, Warner Bros. and DC comics

Trademark Ripley Entertainment Inc

Next: Chapter 4

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