My Superman

By Robert Ainsworth

Published on Oct 15, 2001


Well guys and girls, here is a very serious chapter. Let me know you think and how you feel about it. As with all great stories there has to be a little drama.

Disclaimer: This story is not true. Its Fake. Pure Fiction. This never ever happened. I don't know the sexuality of Dean Cain. What I do know is that the characters in this story are mine. Please do not steal them. Everything on this page is copyright 2001 Robert J Ainsworth. You must be 18 or 21 depending on your local laws to read this as this story does deal with male to male sex at times. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!!

Chapter 8

The next day at work was wonderful. I felt renewed with life and all I could think about was Dean all day long. It was a wonder that I was able to keep my mind on work. Before I knew it, the day had ended and it was time to go home. I was excited to go home and I couldn't wait. I just wanted to be in Dean's arms and to have him near me.

The drive home went by pretty quickly and before I knew it I was home. When I got in the house I was disheartened to find that Dean wasn't home. I figured that he was probably working late and I thought that it wouldn't be a good idea to call him; so I went into the kitchen and started making dinner. I decided to make lasagna. I wasn't sure if he was coming over tonight anyways. We had overslept and had to rush out of the house this morning.

After putting dinner on I took JD for his walk. I kinda felt bad for him. I hadn't been spending that much time with him, so I figured a quick run around the block and a little ball throwing in the backyard would be good for the both of us. I thought that he might like to go for a swim, too, so we both went in the pool for a quick dip. After playing around for about an hour, I decided to get out. Dinner would be ready in half an hour, so I decided to go upstairs and take a quick shower and get into my jammies for the evening.

I was in the shower in my own little world. While taking my shower I thought about the events that had happened the night before. God, I didn't want to let it go. What would life be like if every night could be the same as last night? I knew in my heart that it would eventually get boring, but right now I didn't care. I finished washing up and turned the water off. I opened the shower door and reached for my towel, but it wasn't there. I thought I had left it there! Damn, I was going to have to walk across the bathroom to get another one. As I opened the door all the way, I was surprised to see Dean standing there with my towel.

"What are you doing there you peeping tom?"

"Well to be honest I was waiting for you to finish. I missed you and I couldn't wait to see you again, but if I had known that it was going to be a private show I would have brought some dollar bills."

"Give me that towel, I am dripping."

"Uh unh, you come over here and get it."

I walked over to Dean and he wrapped the towel around me and pulled me into a hug. He leaned down and places a kiss on me. God, I didn't realize how much I had missed him. It felt good to have Dean here and I was happy that he was. Once again I marveled at how I had managed to get involved with my dream guy. It was a wonderful feeling and I loved it.

I had never been with a guy that seemed to complete me so well. These last couple of days seemed so perfect, and I wanted them to last forever. Dean released me from our kiss.

"Hi honey, I'm home."

"Welcome home babes."

I went into the bedroom and got dressed. Dean told me all about his day and I told him about mine. It felt kinda strange. I was almost like we had been married for a couple of years the way we were acting. Dean was everything that I was looking for in a man: sexy, funny, caring, successful, honest, respectful, witty, active, spontaneous, and just an all around good guy. When I was dressed we went downstairs for dinner.

Halfway through dinner the door bell rang. Both Dean and I gave each other a strange look. It was 7:30 and I wasn't expecting anyone. I got up and went to the door. When I opened it I was greeted by Addy.

"Hey Girl, what are you doing here?"

"Hey honey, well since I couldn't make it over last night I thought I would stop by and get the dish. I am dying to know how everything went on Saturday."

"Hey Addy, can you wait here for a minute?"

"Yes, sure?"

I closed the door, feeling really bad that I had to leave her on the front porch. I went back into the dining room to talk to Dean.

"Hey Honey, you probably aren't going to like this, but one of my best friends is here and she wanted me to clue her in about Saturday. I can send her away if you would like. I know how you are uncomfortable with the public knowing about the true you."

"Rob, I am sure I can trust your judgment. If you ask her not to say anything will she keep her word?"

"Of course Addy will, she is my closest friend and I know she would keep everything quiet."

"Then it's okay with me, but let's mess with her for a minute. You ask her in and tell her the whole story, and when she starts telling you that you are lying I will come down the stairs in my pjs, OK?"

"Oh, you evil man. I love it. Let's do it."

I grabbed Deans plate and he walked over and gave me a quick kiss before heading up stairs. After putting the plate in the kitchen I went back to the door. When I opened it Addy had a confused and frustrated look on her face.

"Rob, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, come on in. I was in the middle of dinner. Have you eaten yet? Come on in. I will fix you a plate and tell you the whole story."

"OK thanks, come to think of it I am a bit hungry."

Addy came in and sat down at the dining room table. I came out with a plate and a wine glass for her and I started telling her the whole story about what happened that Saturday. She sat there eating her dinner while I filled her in on every detail. That was one thing I loved about Addy. She never interrupted when you were telling a story. She always saved her comments for the end, however I could tell by the expression on her face that she wasn't believing a word I had said after I told her I left the shoot.

"...And so that is the whole story. So I need you to promise that you won't tell a soul about Dean. It could so ruin his career and I couldn't see that happen to him. I mean Addy you have to swear you life on this. That is how serious it is for Dean and to be honest it is serious for me."

"OK Rob, I swear, but I have to tell you, you are the worst liar that I have ever met and you are going straight to hell for that one."

"Hey honey, is there any more Lasagna left? I am still feeling a little hungry. The food at the shoot wasn't that good ." Dean said as he came walking down the stairs.

Addy's eyes had bugged out of her head and she was staring at Dean trying to say something.

"It's a.... It's... You... He's... Oh my god, you.... Him... Oh my god..." she spluttered.

"Yes, Addy, this is my boyfriend, Dean Cain. Dean, this is my closest friend, Adriane Smith."

Dean being the prefect gentlemen walked over to Addy and took her hand and kissed it. "It's a pleasure to meet one of Rob's friends."

"Oh no the pleasure is all mine Super...Clark...Mr. Cain." Addy said as she blushed with embarrassment.

"It's okay, you can call me Dean."

Dean then walked into the kitchen to get his plate and finish eating. Dean came back into the dining room and sat next to me. We continued our conversation and had a really nice time. Before I knew it, it was already 10:30 and it was getting late. We said our good byes to Addy and went upstairs to bed. I remember falling right to sleep in Dean arms. It was a great feeling to be held by him while I fell asleep.

I heard something break down stairs. JD was at the bedroom door growling. I woke up and saw Dean lying there. The first thing that popped into my mind was that there was someone downstairs robbing me. I tried to wake Dean up but I couldn't. He was out cold. I tried to reach for the phone but it wasn't there.

Suddenly I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. I jumped out of bed and ran to the closet. Trying to hide I closed the door and sat there wrapping my arms around my legs. As I sat there the tears were coming down my cheek. I had hoped that Dean would be ok and I didn't want to leave him but I was in fear for my life. God I hoped nothing would happen to him. God I wish I could have been man enough to protect him, but I was scared and I knew that I was the real person that he was after. I knew that Matthew only wanted to hurt me. Not emotionally but physically. For some reason I knew he got some sick joy out of pain.

I heard the bedroom door open. Matthew was walking in, and I heard him walk over to the bed. Then all of a sudden there was a breaking sound and something hit the floor. Oh God he had found Dean and now the guy that I was in love with was hurt. There were foot steps again, coming closer to the closet. The door flew open and there he was.

Dean was standing there with a concerned look on his face. He came in and wrapped me in his arms. I felt safe and secure. I knew that nothing else would happen when I was with him. God I loved this man and I began to cry uncontrollably as Dean held me...

"Rob? Honey are you okay?"

I woke up to find Dean looking at me. I felt the tears streaming down my face. I was wrapped up with my legs to my cheat and my arms wrapped around them.

"Oh Dean..." I wrapped my arms around him. All I wanted at that time was to be held. I continued crying for awhile. When I was able to get myself under control, I told Dean all about my dream. When I finished I worried that he thought that I was nuts.

Dean stared down at me with such passion and care. I knew that everything was going to be fine. He just held me for the longest time. I felt so comfortable in his arms. I knew that when I was with him that everything was going to be fine. There really was no worry in the world now.

"Rob, I want you to know that I won't let anything happen to you. I know you told me that you had been seen by doctors for this, but are you sure that there isn't anything else they can do for you?"

"Dean I have been through everything, honestly I am a lot better than I was before and I am sorry that you have to see me like this. You must think that I am a very weak person to have this problem with sleeping. I know that this must be a lot to take in. Especially when we only just met. Every time this happens when you are around I get completely embarrassed. Really, I am truly sorry."

"Hey, don't worry about that. Like I said before it just shows that you are a real person with true feelings. I like that in a person and to be honest I want to be able to take care of you and be there for you when you need me. I like feeling needed and to be really honest I like feeling needed by you."

With that I couldn't help myself and kissed Dean. He was such a wonderful man. We continued to hold each other and drifted off to sleep.

The next couple of weeks were wonderful. I was planning the party and working and spending as much time with Dean as I could. It was comforting to know that Dean was there for me. We pretty much did everything together. We had become very attached to each other and it was a great feeling. I had never known a relationship was supposed to be like this. I mean my first relationship was with Matthew and he turned out to be a monster. Now I had Dean and I was completely head over heels for him, just as I knew he was for me. Everything was perfect until the night of the party.

"So what are you going to do tonight Dean?"

"I am not sure; probably go to my hotel room and hang out. I would stay but I am not sure how that would look. You know with everyone thinking I am straight and me being at a gay party."

"Don't worry baby. I completely understand. I will call you when everyone leaves. At least we don't have to be anywhere tomorrow and we can do whatever you want."

"Thanks honey. Hey, come here, I have something for you."

I walked over to Dean and he leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you very much. Please don't be upset at me leaving tonight. I really do want to be here with you but I am not sure that my public would like that either."

"Dean, I understand. I hope that there will be another time when you will feel comfortable and will be able to be around me in public like this."

"I know that will happen one day. I promise you that."

I kissed Dean goodbye and finished putting the last touches on the decorations that I had made. About 10 minutes later all my friends arrived to help me finish decorating and the caterer showed up with the food. Boy it is amazing what 6 queens can do in an hour. The place looked great!

Everyone was starting to arrive. It was going to be a great party. It was something that was really needed for a long time and I was glad that we were able to have it. Ginger and Kitty were great. They always perform so well and I love them both to bits. Two of the funniest people that I have every met when the spotlight is on them, and it was a great honor that they would be able to do this for me. I was so going to owe them big time.

I was in the backyard listening to them telling their old war stories. You know about when they first started out doing drag. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Then in the crowd I thought I recognized a laugh that I had heard before. I turned around to look, and standing in the doorway to my house was Matthew.

I felt my heart stop. I went white as a ghost. He had found out where I lived. I could tell that he was in one of his drug-induced personas. He stared at me and all my worries and memories resurfaced. I instantly feared for my life. There was a look in his eyes that told me that I needed to get away but I couldn't move. I was frozen.

Matthew walked up to me at that moment.

"Hey Babes," he said, "I have something for you."

Before I could tell him to get out, I felt his fist slam into the side of my head and I felt myself fall to the ground. The next thing I felt was a steel toed boot in my stomach.


My God, my head hurt! That must have been some party last night. Was it Monday morning already? Oh God, Dean! I was supposed to call him and I didn't. I hope he wasn't mad. I'll give him a call and see how he is doing from work. I tried to open my eyes and was greeted with nothing but sunshine. I quickly snapped them shut again.

Finally, I gently opened them and looked around. This wasn't my room! Everything was white. The bed wasn't big enough and there was the smell of everything being so clean. I looked over and there was Dean. He was sitting in the chair next to my bed with his head in his hands. "Hey," I choked out.

Dean looked up at me and I was able to see that he had been crying. Slowly he showed me a little smile. He sat there with a look of relief on his face. I tried to roll over but as soon as I did that I was greeted with instant pain in my stomach, and I started to groan. Dean jumped up and put me back the way I was. He then gently sat down next to me on the bed.

"Shhh, don't move honey. Just stay the way you were. I am right here and I am not going anywhere."

"Dean, what happened? I feel like I have been hit by a truck."

"Rob, you don't remember anything?"

"Not really."

"Rob, Matthew showed up at your party. From what I was told he walked over to you and knocked you down to the ground. He then started kicking you in the stomach. By the time everyone got over the shock, some of your friends had managed to knock Matthew down and lock him in a bathroom until the police arrived. He will be behind bars for awhile. Unfortunately, your bathroom is trashed and will have to be redone."

"Oh God," was all I managed to say as I stared into space. Dean just stared at me as if he wanted to say something else. I didn't even know how long I had been here and wasn't sure how bad my condition was.

"Dean, how am I doing and how long have I been here?"

"Rob, to be honest I thought I was going to lose you. You have been here for 9 days. When Matthew kicked you he broke a couple of your ribs and there was massive internal bleeding. One of your lungs was punctured from a broken rib. You have been in a coma since we brought you to the hospital."

I just sat there listening, I wasn't too sure what to say and I felt tears start to stream down my cheek. How could someone be so horrible to me? I had never done anything to Matthew. I was lost in my own thoughts when Dean started talking again.

"Rob, I am so sorry. If I had been there nothing would have happened to you. I promised that nothing would and I wasn't there when it did. I am so sorry honey. I don't want anything bad to happen to you again."

Dean started crying then and I knew that he was hurt and disappointed in himself. God, this man was so caring and it hurt me to see him hurt so much.

"Dean, come here baby." I said as I reached for him and pulled him closer to me. "Don't chastise yourself. You didn't know what was going to happen that night and you didn't know that Matthew was going to be there. And by the way, how did you find out what had happened?"

"Well, as soon as the police were called Addy called me on your cell phone. So I guess that all your friends know about me. But to be honest I really don't care. All I wanted to do was make sure you were okay. There have been a couple of articles in the papers but I haven't talked to the press yet. Your friends love you a lot. They have been here helping me and watching over you. You have some very concerned people and I am grateful that you are surrounded by people who care so much about you. They all have welcomed me and have been really great. I don't think I could have made it without them. I have also been in contact with my wife. She knows everything and was ready to fly out to be with me if I needed her, but I asked her to stay home."

"Oh Dean, I am so sorry. I never meant for you to get this involved and now what is your career going to be like? We could always lie and say you are one of my really close friends and that you were concerned about me."

"Well, to be honest I really don't care. I just wanted to be with you. And somehow I don't think that particular lie is going to work, because I haven't been to the set since you have been in the hospital. I don't want any more lies, and if Ellen can out herself with Anne then I think I can, too. All that matters is that I love you and I can't stand the thought of losing you again."

All I could do at that moment was pull Dean closer to me and I gave him the most passionate kiss that I could, which meant that it was really sloppy and wet because of the medication. We sat there holding each other for awhile. It felt good to have Dean in my arms again. Even though it had only felt like hours since I had last held him, I knew that it was a lot longer then that. There was a knock at the door and Addy came in. She was happy to see that I was finally awake and burst into tears when she saw that I was going to be fine.

I was in the hospital for another two days and was told to take the next 30 days off from work. The doctor told me that I needed to take the time to rest and heal from the surgery and let my lungs recover from being punctured. He didn't want me to do anything strenuous. God, 30 days at home was going to drive me nuts! I didn't want to stay home because I knew that I would dwell on what had happened and I just wanted to get on with my life.

Dean was so sweet: he had arranged for all of my friends to be around me at home during different parts of the day while he was at work. I think he was scared that something was going to happen to me and wanted to make sure that I wasn't alone. I mean I wasn't a baby and I could take care of myself around the house.

I called work to let them know how I was doing. Everyone there was glad that I was okay and they looked forward to me coming back to work. They reassured me that there was plenty to do and that it would all be waiting for me when I got back. Knowing that I was going to go out of my mind and daytime TV bored me to tears, I had the company send a laptop to my house so that I could continue working at home from my bed.

When Dean found out that I was working from home, he was very upset with me and told me that I should take it easy and not to stress myself. I asked him how I could stress myself by pressing a couple of keys on a keyboard. Knowing that he wouldn't win he finally gave in and told me that whatever made me happy was all that mattered.

One afternoon a few days later Dean came home with a long look on his face.

"What's the matter honey, did everything go okay at work?" A press conference had been scheduled for the end of the week.

"My part in the movie is finished. Even with me taking all that time off we were able to finish quickly. I spoke to my agent today and he didn't like the fact that I didn't care if people know that I am gay. I suppose that there has been talk since I haven't really been staying in my hotel and I spent all that time at the hospital with you. So, there are a lot of things that I need to talk and think about. Both with you and my wife. I will be going back to Hollywood when this is all over."

At his words my heart sank. I thought that I was going to lose him and I didn't want to. Here was a guy that I had fallen completely head over heels for; I knew that he was the best thing in my life and I wasn't sure what I would do without him.

"Rob, I have a question for you and it is a serious one if you don't mind me asking." "Honey you know you can ask me anything and that I will give you nothing but the honest truth."

"OK, well here goes: How would you feel about moving to Hollywood with me and living with me?"

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