Navy Wrestling

By Dan

Published on Aug 1, 2009


I met Jerry the day we both checked in to the next duty station. At the time it was the largest Aircraft Carrier in the Navy fleet. Still in over-haul she was massive and frightening to see as she perched, what seemed to me precariously on wooden blocks in dry dock. Her massive hull made them look like a child's letter blocks.

As I approached the gang way Jerry did as well. Noticing his green Airedale slashes I nodded a greeting and proceeded up the gang way where we saluted the Officer of the Deck and requested to go aboard. He scanned our papers, said permission was granted, and instructed us to report to the intake personnel on the hanger deck.

As we made our way, we chatted and discovered we were both assigned to the same division, Catapult and Arresting Gear. Finding your way around a floating city is a daunting task and we began laughing as we got screwed up in finding our way to the hanger. Once the paperwork was delivered, the yeoman made a call and Petty Officer Richards came to fetch us to our quarters. The living quarters were brand new and smelled of fresh paint. We were assigned our bunks and began to settle in.

I was on the top bunk with just three feet between me, the overhead and flight deck above. Jerry's bunk was directly below mine. Our bunks were located adjacent to the head and gave me ample room to move around in. It was a space of about twelve feet square with a long writing table and chairs. The door to the head was at the end of the table. So from my bunk I could see the showers and toilet cubicles. The shower area was larger and probably 20 feet square. Five stall showers and four cubicles.

After settling in we decided to check out the mess deck and grab some kedunks. As we sat and got to know each other I found myself looking admiringly at this handsome Italian man. Curley black hair, tanned olive skin, a pug-ish sort of nose and a smile that seemed to make his eyes twinkle. Jerry was built well with nice pecs and muscles that showed his time spent on his High School football team wasn't wasted. He scoffed at me when I told him I wrestled and played soccer, "Which is the real football," I quickly added.

Talking about our families revealed he had a twin brother and that really made me wonder how there could be two of this cute guy in the world think what I would love to do with two of him. The thoughts were quickly wiped away when I realized I was having these damn homosexual thoughts again. My life to that point had been dating girls, taking them to proms and dances, and swapping spit at the drive-in, but it just never felt right for me. My thoughts always went to the last humpy guy I'd seen or who I would love a tryst in the barn with, that being the barn my cousin and I had a few encounters in. The last time was when I sucked his dick, he came, I swallowed, and it completely freaked him out, so, tucking the thoughts away became second nature to me. As hard as I tried to suppress the feelings, they were always there to haunt me, though. Even the "hellfire and brimstone" each Sunday did nothing to quell them as I prayed earnestly it would.

"You look like you work out," Jerry said, bringing me back to the present.

"Not really, its just from working on the farm."

"Wow, a farm? Wish I could have grown up on a farm, life in the city is boring."

Jerry had grown up in the city about seventy-five miles away from our farm. To me the city may as well have been in another country.

"Well, farm life has its ups and downs, especially when it interferes with your social calendar."

"I suppose," he said. "But it has got to be better than cars and exhaust and people stacked on top of people."

People stacked on top of people? Now there's an interesting thought. Maybe I need to visit this city place.

Arriving back at quarters, several other ship mates had arrived and Jerry decided he wanted a shower before the head got too busy. We stood beside his bunk and began to strip, carefully placing our uniforms in our lockers. Jerry yanked down his BVD'S just as I turned from my locker and I got the biggest surprise... he was fucking hung!!! His Italian salami was a good eight inches of soft dick- meat hanging over the biggest hairiest set of bull balls I had even seen.

He looked up at me and smiled as he struggled to get the BVD'S off his very large feet, hopping first on one foot and then the other. I grinned at him as I watched his dick slap back and forth, whacking each thigh. Finally the underwear gave up its hold, Jerry stood up and threw them at me.

Now...I grew up with three brothers, and this is something brothers do to each other. Never have I had a guy, a guy I hardly know, throw his ball huggers at me.

I caught them in mid air and blushed three shades of red. Shit, I thought, blushing is only going to give you away. You might as well fall to your knees and strangle yourself on that piece of meat if you keep acting like that.

I threw the briefs back at him and he laughed as did I, but there was something about the moment that electrified the air. His eyes did that damn twinkle thing and the grin on his face was mischievous. He strode, naked as the day he was born, flinging a towel over his shoulders, to the showers. That whole scene would play over and over in my head later while I tried to sleep, stacked, I mused, just above him.

My dick had plumped.

Now you have to know at this point that you can't hide seven and three quarter inches of fat plumping prick behind a Navy issue bath towel. Yes I had measured it. A contest a cousin and I had...which I won, I'll also add. I counted the tiles on the deck and worked mathematical puzzles till it was just slightly plump and walked to the showers.

Jerry was lathering up real good by the time I got there and scrubbing his cock and balls. His cock pointing at me in one hand as I entered was half hard from the ministrations and his balls were grasped in his other hand as he mimicked jerking off...which of course he found very funny when he saw the expression on my face.

"What are you doing!" I asked in shock, suppressing a laugh.

"Just screwing around," he said, laughing his ass off.

I turned toward a shower stall next to his, facing the wall and willed my dick to stay just as it was... plump, but just slightly.

The days droned on and, as the California weather started to warm, the ship started taking on its rightful appearance. Each day we were instructed to watch the sand crabs as they assembled the catapults and arresting gear, thus familiarizing ourselves with all its components and parts. I was assigned as petty officer for the number two arresting engine and Jerry for the number three. The crabs had finished both and we set to the task of cleaning up the spaces to make them shine.

After work duty, and if we didn't have a watch to stand, we would go onto base to see a movie. Neither of us was at the legal drinking age, so that was out of the question. Besides, I had told Jerry once; Baptists really frown on alcohol. Sucks for you, was his only comment, which cracked me up. I'd never heard that expression before.

"Hey let's go over to the base gym and work out in the weight room," Jerry suggested. So off we went. The gym was huge...bigger than two of our barns put together. It had a weight room with exercise equipment; an Olympic size pool, and in one room off to itself were wrestling mats spread out in a 40x40 pattern.

"Now we're talking," I said, as I walked onto the mats and studied the room.

"You any good at wraslin'?"

"Yep, I think I was, if winning the state championship means anything to you."

"If you're so good let's do it now."

"I don't know, Jer, I'll probably kick your ass and you'll be real sore with me."

"No, come on, let's do it," he said, as he started pulling his blue work shirt and dungarees off. He dropped down to pull off his shoes and socks, still in his BVD'S. God, there was that package again, just trying to break free of its confinement.

I plumped, slightly.

I stripped to my Navy issue boxers, which were not flattering, but would conceal the plumpage well. Jer walked to the center mat and set up his wrestle stance, standing and crouched over. I started laughing.

"What the fuck!" he yells.

"Down on all fours, Jer."


I kneel and bend over Jer's back, grabbing him in the typical hold, feeling his hard stomach muscles and the expanse of his biceps.

"Count of three, Jer, and we wrestle, OK?"

"Ok, gotcha."

"1-2-3," and I easily pull Jer to the mat.

Jerry outweighs me by about ten or fifteen pounds, your typical Italian football jock, beefy but all muscle. He puts up a good fight, wriggling out, and pounces on me. He has his full body weight on top of me and spreads his legs to entangle mine.

This guy is strong, I realize, as I try to maneuver out from under him. The more I twist, the harder he squeezes, grinding his crotch into my ass.

His crotch? My ass?

I plumped. Oh shit, I was plumping. This always happened to me while wrestling, and to my team mates as well, but this... well, this was different.

As he lay there, he would grind his crotch into me. And I could feel his cock expand. He'd grind some more, pushing his now thickening rod into my ass. Then it was downright hardness. His cock was as hard as a rock and felt as big as the business end of a baseball bat. By this time my cock was hard as well and, sneaky bastard that it is, had found its way out of my boxer fly and was rubbing on the vinyl mat below.

Oh shit, I was gonna blow, I just knew it, if Jer didn't stop wriggling around on top of me.

"Jer I gotta get up, I can't breathe, man!" I yelled.

"What's the matter pussy, can't take the Jer?"

"Fuck you, asshole, get off!"

I was near hysterics. If I didn't get up, my cock, which hadn't seen any activity for a least a week, would fire at will. Suddenly the door opened and the gym attendant walked in.

"Locking up in five minutes, sailors."

Jer got off me, scooted over to his clothes and hurriedly got dressed. I rolled away from him and also started dressing.

As we were leaving Jer says to me, "Hey Todd, look at that." As he pointed to a wet spot my leaking dick had left on the mat.

Shit... busted.

"Told you I couldn't breathe, man... I was drooling trying to get air."

I think he bought it.

We didn't look at each other as we walked back to the ship... me staring off at the bay and he looking at his shoes as if he needed to remember how to put one foot in front of the other.

"That was fun, Todd," he finally said, breaking the silence.

"I enjoyed it," I said.

"You sure? You seem upset."

"No, no... I'm fine. Just tired I guess, from the long day."

Back in the living quarter we both stripped and took showers. Then we went to the mess deck for chow. Well, chow if you want to call it that. Funny thing about the Navy... they buy the best in meats but don't know shit about how to prepare them.

We watched some TV and then went off to bed... now I was hornier than ever.

Later in the night, probably around midnight, I felt the rack shaking. Now... you have to realize, to shake the racks, someone has to practically be doing calisthenics in them.

As the motion continued, a sound became clearer. Hmm, sounds like me while choking the chicken... that slap, slap, of hand on meatus. Shit! Jer was jerkin' the gherkin. As I listened, my hand went to my own pickle and casually teased it. God, I thought to myself, I'd love to see his cock hard.

There was a light just inside the head... just enough for a midnight stroll to relieve oneself. I could actually see, if I discreetly looked over the side of my bunk and down at his. Clasping my hard cock, carefully, I moved to my side and slowly looked over. As my eyes adjusted I could see the movement and then I saw his dick. His eyes were closed and his mouth open as he tried to remain quiet.

My God, he had to use two hands on that monster. No kidding, it was at least a foot long and as round as a baseball bat. He slowed his pumping and ran a finger over the head, gathering clear ooze on it, and stuck it in his mouth. I was in a trance, eyes locked on his prick as this time he squeezed it from base to tip causing another dollop of his essence to form a large clear pearl at his pee slit. The same finger as before slipped under the pearl and glued itself to it. My eyes followed it as he brought the pre-cum to his lips, but hesitated. Then I saw his eyes were open and he was looking directly at me, smiling that Cheshire cat grin I'd already grown to love.

Oh shit! Busted, big time.

The finger that was to go in his mouth was extended up... up to my lips. When I didn't open them he simply smeared a little on my bottom lip. Instinctively my tongue slipped out to run along it and just as it did Jer popped his finger over my tongue and into my maw. My tongue, having a mind of it's own at this point, curled around his digit and sucked. So over the top was I with sexual energy, I grabbed his hand before he could withdraw it and began cleaning his finger, determined to get every slippery spot of dick dew into my mouth. I chewed and lapped and sucked until he slowly withdrew. Eyes locked, Jerry started pumping his meat with renewed vigor as I masturbated myself with the slimy ooze leaking from my dick.

My eyes chased down his body to watch my new Buddy, about to bring himself to orgasm. He collected more pre-cum and proffered it to me while stroking his gigantic cock. I sucked his finger as if it were the dick I was watching being masturbated. His hips rose from the bed, and never taking his eyes off mine, he spewed cum hitting the bottom of my rack above him. Three, four, five jets of his Italian spooge went everywhere as I blasted my shots with a loud groan, over the side of my rack where they landed on the deck below with a splat, splat, splat. Jer grabbed his BVD'S, wiped the cum from the floor, winked, smiled, stuffed them under his pillow and turned on his side to sleep.

Finally out of dry dock and actually floating in the bay, we were on our way for our shake down cruise. After that we headed to San Diego where we would gather the stores needed, hook up with the rest of the fleet and ultimately head to Vietnam. Things between Jer and me had calmed down a bit after the erotic wrestling match and the mutual jerk off session that it fueled. We grew closer and soon became inseparable. One day while we were working, he said he thought of me as a brother and actually choked up saying it. He could see by my reaction I felt the same way. I was always careful about saying anything for fear of outing myself... although at the time I had no idea what that meant. Gay, Homo, and Faggot, were words used with disdain, and that wasn't me, was it?

While docked in San Diego, we had time to explore the city in the company of a couple of other ship mates we had befriended. The city was beautiful. The Zoo the biggest one I'd ever seen. The four of us decided to get a room at the "Y", since we all had weekend passes. Joe and Glen wanted to go out bar hopping Saturday night, which left Jer and I on our own. Remember, we were still under legal drinking age.

We had dinner at a small restaurant near the Y. Jer was his usual goofy self. I admired him for his upbeat, humorous way, watched his large and veined hands as he used them to tell whatever story he needed to share. In retrospect, I had fallen in love with this wonderful man... didn't know it then, of course. But I knew I wanted to be with him and bed him. As silly as it sounds, I still hadn't caught on that I was Gay.

Jer picked up the tab, saying he owed me.

"Owe me for what?" I asked, as we both stood at urinals in the restaurant men's room.

"Oh, I don't know...just for being like a brother and good friend I guess," he said, with a sideways glance, shaking his dick before zipping up.

"Thanks Jer, you know I feel the same way."

"Cool," he said, and gave me a quick hug from behind and I felt his plumped up dick press into me.

My dick plumped, slightly.

It was getting late so we decided to go back to the Y, catch some TV and sack out. On the way, there was a large wine and beer shop and Jer wanted to get a bottle of wine to take to the room.

"I don't know Jer," I said, without much enthusiasm. "Besides, they will want to see your ID."

With that silly grin he said, "I bet they won't even check `cause we're in uniform."

"I don't know Jer, and what if they do?"

"It's easy, we walk out," he said, laughing. I used to buy my mom and dad wine all the time at the corner liquor store, and never had a problem."

"Well, this isn't exactly your corner liquor store, Jer"

"Come on," he said, as he dragged me inside.

I didn't even know what kind of wine he bought, but he did it with such ease the clerk never batted an eye.

Up to this point I had never had any liquor, unless of course you want to count the time a school mate raided his dad's root cellar and we drank dandelion wine... which was disgusting and made me ill. Back in the room and after Jer swiped coffee cups from the Y's dining room, Jer opened the wine which had a screw cap.

"Um, Jer?" I questioned. "What's cheeantie?"

"It's Chianti, from Italy."


He poured two coffee cups full to the brim, clicked our cups and said, "Salute." I saluted him and we drank. It tasted a little like wet cardboard, but this was exciting, as I had never had real Italian wine before. Jer downed his first cup and poured another for himself and waved the bottle in front of me.

"Come on Todd, drink up."

"I am Jer, but this stuff isn't like anything I've ever drank."

We settled onto the old beat up chairs, propping our feet on the edge of the bed. We had two double beds in the room, a writing desk and two chairs.

"What time do you think the other guys will get back?" I asked.

"Probably not until late and after the bars close."

At this point I was feeling tired and a little woozy. The wine was doing a number on me. Jer started undressing, but left his BVD's on.

"That feels better. Nothing like being naked," he said to no one.

I stripped off my uniform and hung it on the back of my chair. Jer went to the bed and lay down with his shoulders and head resting on the head board. God, what a sight - looking at him, his well developed chest, flat stomach with ridges, and arms the size of my legs. He held one arm over his head so I could see his bicep and hairy arm pit. He flexed his bicep a few times, grinning at me.

I plumped, not so slightly . His underwear was doing all it could to contain the huge cock and balls entrapped in them. He watched me watching him and his cock pumped up a little more. He scratched and moved his cock around, trying to get it more comfortable. I rearranged my just-shy-of-eight-inches as it started growing down my leg.

"Have you ever done anything like that know, the jerk off thing we did back on the ship?"

"Well, not exactly like that," I said.

"Whadja do?"

"Just fooled around with my cousin a couple of times in the barn, you know, kid stuff."

"My brother and I fooled around all the time," he said

"You did!"

"Yep, and it was great. What did you and your cousin do, Todd?"

"Oh, you know, wankin' off and stuff."

I wasn't about to tell him about the blow job, since I was sure it would have him running out of the Y the same way my cousin freaked out on me. Jer just lay there though, pushing on his cock through his drawers, and it was getting very pronounced beneath the cotton covering.

"I gotta wank it Todd. I'm so damn horny," he said.

"Go ahead, I'll go out if you want to have some privacy."

"No, stay here, don't go! I see you have a problem there as well," He gestured to my dick, which had peeked its head from the leg of my boxers. Pre-cum had pooled on my chair. He patted the bed next to him and asked me to come over. I stood, and pre-cum dripped down my leg and my boxers tented in front of me. His jockeys gave up the fight as his dick nudged and peeked its enormous head out of the waistband and traveled past his belly button.

"Jesus, Jer," was all I could say as I sat cross legged beside him. "That damn thing is gigantic!"

"My brother Tony used to touch it and jerk it for me. Wanna touch it?"

"No, you, um, you go ahead if you want."

I wanted to just put my lips around that fat plum and suck. The wine had gone to my head. Well, both of them actually. My thoughts were getting bolder, and the things I had fantasized doing to his dick could become a reality if I could act on them, let them quell the desire I had built up there.

He hooked his waistband under his balls and I stared at the biggest prick I had ever seen. Up close and personal and with a lot more light this cock was unbelievable. Pre-cum leaked from his piss slit as the waistband put a tourniquet under his balls and pressed on the perineum. He took my hand and pulled it to his cock, saying it was ok.

I grasped his cock... well almost. It was so big in circumference, my hand, which is large in its own right, couldn't reach finger tip to hand heel. Another half a hand and that would do it. The length when hard, I found later, was twelve and a half beautiful inches. When really aroused, he had told me his cock looked mean and reached that length. The veins popping out around the length did make it look beastly, and the cord that runs under his dick was two inches. The head was, well, like I said, a plum, a very large purple plum. His dick was dark red and showed his need to expel the juices boiling in his loins.

Jer lifted his butt and pushed the underwear down to his calves and then, hooking a toe in them, slid them the rest of the way off.

"Come on Todd, take yours off!"

I spun around on my butt and stood next to the bed to let my boxers fall to the floor, and in so doing I fell back onto the bed and on top of Jerry. My face was on his stomach, and his tower of glory rose before my eyes. The bed spread where I had been sitting was soaked with pre-cum and felt cool on my leg. Jerry laughed, which bounced my head up and down and inched it next to the root of his cock. I licked.

Oh shit. I licked?

Realizing what I had just done, I sat up too quickly and my head spun. I lay down on the pillow next to Jer's and watched the room spin.

"Here's something my brother Tony and I do," he said, as he lowered himself onto me, pinning my arms above my head.

"Jer stop, I think I'm gonna puke," I said.

"No you won't, just concentrate on what I'm doing."

He then squashed our dicks together as he lay all his weight on me. He proceeded to make slow grinds, rubbing our leaking pricks together.

"Oh shit, Jer, you're gonna make me blow my load all over you," I panted.

He loosened his grip to my advantage, as I flipped him over and scrambled on top of him. Well, the match was on as we fought to be the alpha male. My cock was ready to explode as we slid skin to skin, cock to cock, and cock to ass trench. At one point I thought he was going to penetrate my virgin butt when he dug that huge wet salami into my pucker, almost gaining purchase. I flipped again, but this time he gained the upper hand, as he forced me on my back, my arms over my head, and jammed his fucking pole past my balls to run deep toward my ass hole. His cock was so slimed up he started to hump me... dragging his cock glands with that huge fireman's helmet past my hole up the perineum to my balls and forcing it back again.

I had never felt anything so wonderful.

My perineum was on fire and my asshole puckered, then relaxed, and opened as if to say yes, enter here. My cock leaked to give lubrication to the friction between us. He continued this onslaught until he exploded between my thighs and flooded my balls and perineum with his scalding hot seed. I never realized just how hot cum from the source could be. On and on he humped his dick into me as he grunted and groaned. Then, pulling his still leaking cum coated dick out, he placed it next to mine and started grinding it into me.

The thought of having his thick, cum drenched dick next to mine sent me over the edge as I bucked under him to one of the most gratifying orgasms I ever had. Cum ran past my asshole, my balls were drenched in it and I added my own between us covering his cock with my load. He still held my arms above my head as we looked deeply into each others eyes. I saw past the raw passion there and into his soul.

Then he kissed me.

The End

Next: Chapter 2

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