Navy Wrestling

By Dan

Published on Dec 7, 2009



The time we spent overseas went by very slowly. Most guys were kind of down as Thanksgiving and then Christmas went by without our loved ones. The Captain tried to keep up their spirits as he had traditional holiday dinners prepped, but nothing could replace the warm feeling you got thinking about the cozy home with the fireplace crackling, thousands of miles away. Really made you appreciate what was left behind a lot more.

After a brief period of awkwardness, in which Jer and I would steal glances, months went by as we grew closer. I always knew when he was looking at me, and he me, as we then diverted our eyes.

Our tour of duty finally came to an end and as we left our floating home in Manila, we boarded a plane destined for San Diego. A short hop took us to Alameda Naval Air Station where we would get our orders for discharge. We both secured a commercial flight home and, upon landing, exchanged phone numbers and addresses with the promise to stay in touch.

Getting back into the routine of farm life was sometimes difficult, as it now seemed so mundane. My brothers and sisters were on their own creating their own lives and that made the farm seem larger. Dad was not well and Mom was worried sick about him. It was decided they would move to a Continuing Care Retirement Community that had Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living, should they ever need it.

Dad and Mom deeded the farm over to me since I was the only child who seemed to want to continue what they had worked so hard for. Actually, I had other aspirations, but knew I could never give up the farm or disappoint Mom and Dad.

I stayed on the farm alone, planting the corn and alfalfa in the spring and harvesting in the fall. Tending the few Guernsey?s we had for milking got me up early and I often found myself hitting the sack by ten pm.

Jer and I lost touch, only speaking by telephone a few months after I took over the farm. I thought of him often and would find myself wanking in the shower with the thoughts of our little tryst swirling in my head. I still didn?t know what to make of it; that queer thing we did?.and the kiss? How queer was that! But I had a hard-on whenever I thought about it. I did know that, at 22 years of age, I definitely had no plans to marry, much to my parents chagrin.

My brothers and sisters tried hooking me up with single friends of theirs. I would indulge them by having dinner with them at their homes. Most of the women were real nice and pretty too, but I had no interest whatsoever. Problem is, the phone calls from my sisters only increased with questions like, ?When are you going to ask her out?? To which I would reply, ?Dunno. There?s no time right now, what with all the work here.?

One evening, after a particularly hot and humid July day, as I sipped a beer on the front porch, practically naked with just short cutoff jeans on, a car approached the driveway slowly from the main road. The house is about a quarter mile from the road and the road just visible over the top of the young corn planted on either side of the drive way. ?Knee high by the forth of July,? I said aloud to no one, and mused at the old saying my folks used each year at this time. In a few weeks I?ll be able sit here naked, I thought, not that it matters much since you really can?t make out any detail from the road.

Dust swirling behind it, the unrecognizable car turned into the drive and drove slowly toward the house. As the car approached I could see two people in the front seats and as it made its way around the circle to stop in front of the porch a familiar face beamed at me through the passenger window. I couldn?t place it at first. As the passenger window slid quietly down the face became clearer, ?You Todd?? came a yell.

?Sure am,? I said as I pulled my bare feet from the porch rail and stood.

?You know this guy?? he yelled, pointing toward the driver. As the driver got out he raised his head above the car roof said, ?Hey you old pea-picker!?

And there it was, that smile and those warm, inviting and twinkling eyes.

?Jerry, is that you??

?What, you know some other handsome and charming Italian Stallion??

I put my beer on the porch rail and started down the steps to them.

?And you must be, must be? Tony,? we both said in unison as Tony got out of the car. He was drop-dead gorgeous and a dead ringer for his twin brother. As he grabbed my hand in a firm handshake, Jerry grabbed me from the back in a bone crushing hug. I was so lost in Tony I never saw Jerry race around the car and come up behind me.

?Damn, man, you?ve bulked up; I can barely get my arms around you!? Jerry said as he dug his chin into my shoulder and squeezed tighter.

?Jesus, Jerry, let him go, he?s turning blue,? Tony said, laughing.

Jerry let go of his hug and I turned to look at him. He still had the same goofy grin and those eyes, like dark pools that seem to suck you in. His hair was longer now and a lot curlier without the regulation haircut.

We stared?

I plumped?

Jer?s eyes went from mine down to my thick hairless chest, looked at each erect nipple and continued down my six pack abs to the treasure trail and the pubes just barely showing above my low-slung cutoffs.

?Um, I wasn?t expecting company.? I realized how scantily dressed I was and how naked Jer?s eyes made me feel.

Jer stripped off his golf shirt, saying it was hot, and now we?re even. He too had added some muscle and was really looking good. I also noticed a bulge in his Dockers shorts that wasn?t there before.

He looked at my bulge and smiled.

It was like we were always together, never parted, the relationship as strong as it was before. We kidded and pushed each other around and played grab ass. Did a few wrestle moves on each other and humped each other indiscreetly as we boned up. We went into town and bought enough beer to throw a fraternity party and drank way too much, not having had any dinner.

It was getting dark when I?d showed them around the farm and we?d settled back on the porch with a few more beers, Jer explained that their parents had passed away and they were selling the house in the city and thinking of buying something near the farm. ?We can get a hotel room or, if you have the space, we?d like to stay here.?

?You?re staying here for as long as you like,? I said. ?But you?ll have to double up in the guest room. It has a king-size bed so you won?t be too crowded.?

?Tony and I are best buds,? Jer explained. ?So we thought maybe we?d try buying a place out here with you hicks.?

I reached over and put him in a head lock, mashing his nose into my arm pit.

?God, you stink man!?

?Good ole honest work stink, Jer, something you wouldn?t know about, you being a city slicker and all.? I held him tight. He stood, dragging me up with him, and twisted out of my perspiring armpit. Locking me in a full nelson, he told Tony to work me over as I felt his hardness on my ass.

Tony jumped up and pulled my shorts down and poured his beer on my swollen cock and around my balls. Jesus, it was cold, but it only made my dick harder.

?Hey Jer, you were right, he is hung.? Tony massaged the beer into my dick as Jer let his shorts drop and stuck his monster cock through my parted butt cheeks, nudging the back of my balls until his dick glans poked through and Tony poured the rest of his beer on it. Jer then began sawing in and out and whispered in my ear, ?Remember this??

?Oh God, Jer, yessss.? I leaned my head back on his shoulder and he nibbled my neck and ears.

I hadn?t realized Tony had left until I felt a new bottle of cold beer being poured on my dick and dripping onto Jer?s dick which was still sawing at my balls. Tony had lost his shorts by now and as I looked down I saw a cock exactly like Jer?s. Two monsters? one attacking from the rear and Tony pouring beer on his cock and downing the rest and tossing the bottle into the yard as he pushed his cock on top of his brother?s. Jer?s cock bumped into Tony?s ball bag as Tony?s cock continued to rub my balls and those miracle inches between balls and butt pucker.

?Ok, Tony, I?m gonna go now,? Jer said breathing on the back of my neck, making my nipples stand at attention.

?No, let me go first,? Tony argued, as he grabbed my butt cheeks harder, pushed his dick past my asshole and licked the sweat from my neck.

?Ok,? Jer said, ?it?ll help lube me, anyway.?

?Um? where are you guys going? It?s just getting good!? I squawked.

My dick was smashed between Tony?s ripped abs and my own belly and the beer added just enough lube to make it slippery. My cock head was pulsing and streams of dick goo helped it along as well.

?You?ll see, Todd. Kick off your shoes now.?

I did as commanded because that?s what it sounded like - a command, not a request. I realized for the first time they were both barefooted.

And then I felt it?something warm surrounded my pucker and then started dripping down my legs. Tony?s dick slipped easily then as it rubbed my perineum and balls, heightening my arousal.

?Now Jer!? Tony whispered. ?Gotta pee, Todd?? he asked as he grabbed me around the neck and put a lip lock on me.

Jerry started pissing then, and a chill ran down my back as it cooled my legs in the evening air. Tony and I tongue dueled as Jer chewed on my neck, humping his cock into his brother?s.

?I?m gonna piss,? I said, into Tony?s mouth.

?Go for it, Todd.?

And I did.

I can?t begin to tell you the feeling that went through me. It was the most liberating thing I ever felt. These two hunks were sharing with me their essence in piss. As my pee flowed between us Tony moaned in my mouth and said, ?Yes, go Todd.?

The piss ran down my dick and onto my balls where I felt it splashing at my feet. Warm and exhilarating; lubing the precum between us as my dick slid easier and I moaned that I was going to cum.

?Go for it,? they both said in unison and, as they kissed, I felt their hot gushes of cum on my perineum and lubing the sawing between my butt cheeks and thighs. That put me over the edge as my battered balls, locked and loaded, unlocked, and my cock exploded.

?That was awesome,? Tony said.

?Didn?t know you were so kinky, Todd,? Jer said.

?I didn?t either Jer. Never did anything like that before. You guys are a bad influence,? I said, as I quickly sat down to keep from falling over the porch railing.

We sat on the porch drinking and talking. Jer explained how he and Tony had been living together in their parent?s house and sharing everything. Tony had a friend who was into the piss scene and introduced him to it and, in turn, Tony got Jer into it.

?Yeah, he got me into it alright,? Jer said. ?I had never had anything up my butt but the doctor?s finger until Tony drilled me one night.?

My mouth must have hit the floor and Jerry laughed at me, telling me to close it before a fly flew in.

Jerry fucked?

?He fucked you??

?I sure did,? Tony remarked.

?Yep, he did. I had gotten home late from a baseball practice and a few beers. I sprawled out on my bed zonked out with my clothes on.?

?Then I,? Tony continued, ?tried to get him undressed, but he kept resisting. So I put him on his back and sat on him as I took his clothes off. He kept bucking me off so I flipped him over on his stomach and slapped his ass hard and the whore moaned like he liked it.?

Tony was laughing at this point, ?I slapped him again and yanked his pants off. He wasn?t wearing underwear so I slapped him again on his bare ass, really hard. He moaned again and pushed his ass up as if to meet the next one. That?s when I saw his pucker push in and out like it was sucking. I had a roaring hard-on by then and just spit on his hole and drove my cock into him. At first I could only get the head in but as he continued to pulse his pucker the precum from my dick let it just slip right in. I stayed there like that for about fifteen minutes as he fell back into his drunken stupor. Slowly I began screwing him so as not to wake him. It didn?t take long and I blasted my seed into his guts. I stayed still and Jer began to hunch his ass up to me wanting more.?

?Yeah and then the bastard pisses in my ass!? Jerry exclaimed.

?That?s true, but it made you cum all over your bed linens, didn?t it,? Tony said.

?You guys are pretty kinky, don?t you think??

?Yeah, probably a little, but that?s all we?ve done,? Jer said.

After we said our good-nights to each other I showed them to their room and I shuffled myself to my own room. I, of course, had a master bath and could shower without interruption. I could hear them giggling in their bathroom, the two having a common wall. I was trying to sort all of the happenings of the past few hours, but finally decided to give it a rest until morning.

I was up at dawn and went out to the barn to do the morning milking. That done, I sent the girls out to pasture for their all day fun in the sun. They immediately headed to the farm pond and creek where they would graze lazily under the willows there, keeping out of the hot July sun.

Taking my boots off I silently entered the kitchen through the back door to start breakfast. Bacon crisp and scrambled eggs done I was enjoying a cup of coffee when Tony came in. ?Ah, that coffee smells good,? he said.

?Help yourself. Cups are in the cabinet above the coffee maker, sugars on the table and there?s fresh cream in the fridge.?

?No, I like it black, like my men,? he replied, laughing.

?But your man isn?t black.?

?One of them is,? he said with a wink as he poured a cup.

I guess the look on my face told him of my confusion.

?Jer and I aren?t exclusive. He has his friends and I have mine.?

Hmm. I felt a twinge of? what? jealousy? I had always daydreamed of Jer and I sharing life together, but I supposed he had other men in his life. And I wasn?t sure I liked the relationship he had with his brother.

I sighed aloud, not intending to, and Tony caught it.

?You know, Todd? he really does like you very much.?

?He does? I kind of figured after all these years he?d be married.?

?No, Jer has his friends but rarely goes out. Pretty much a recluse, if you ask me. He thought you would be married by now as well.?

?Who?s getting married?? Eyes barely open, Jer walked in, rubbing them.

?No one in this room,? I replied, as I got up to get Jer some coffee, gesturing he should sit where I had been.

?You like your men black as well?? I asked as I poured his coffee.

?What?? he said groggily.

?Your coffee? cream and sugar??

?Yes, please.?

?So you like your men suntanned and sweet?? I said cheekily.

?Yes,? he said as he wrapped his arms around me and punched his half hard cock into my backside. ?Just like you.?

I was still a little skeptical of the guy kissing a guy thing, but found myself wanting to turn and plant a big one on his luscious lips.

?Oh, God, will you two get a room, please??

Tony?s remark promptly squelched that desire.

?I tried to get a room with him but he sent me off to sleep with your wild, ugly ass.?

?Uh, uh, uh? Just remember, you call me ugly, you?re calling yourself ugly,? Tony quipped.

?But I? I mean, I thought you were together, you know like married or something,? I stammered. ?That?s why I put you in the same room. I thought you would want it that way.?

Jer?s boxers were tented and I could see his long dick nudging the bottom of the leg. Geesh, I?m horny around this man, I thought.

?I already explained it to him Jer. Just sit and drink your coffee.?

I served up the bacon, eggs, and toast as we went over their house hunting plans for the day. After much discussion about my going with them and my polite refusal, I saw them off and went to work on prepping the baler and wagon to bring in the Timothy hay ready for harvesting. It was hot and sticky as I rode back and forth cutting, baling and then stacking the bales in the wagon. Working alone was hard. The baler did most of the work but as it shot the bales into the wagon they went willy, nilly (a farmers term, don?t you know) and you then had to stop and stack the bales neatly. Thank goodness the John Deere tractor had an air conditioned cab.

Half way done and high noon I stopped at the pond and walked into the willow grove where the creek deepened and the water then gently flowed into the woods. The girls were on the other side of the grove, quietly chewing their cud as their big soulful eyes followed my every move.

This is my special spot. One I have come to since the age of six when I was finally allowed to be here alone. It?s also the place where I discovered the joy of masturbation some years later and the place my good fried Dennis and I would go to ?play peteys,? as we called it - a simple touching of dicks together, fondling each other and jerking off. We never blew each other, but, given the chance we would have reached that stage, I believe.

The ring of rocks that circled our campfires when we camped under the stars was still here, undisturbed. Here, one evening in October, as the maples and walnut trees turned the grove into a spectacular palette of color, we bonded our friendship in the old blood-brother ceremony of pricking our fingers with a Boy Scout knife, and swore our allegiance to each other for the rest of our lives. This? my special spot?

I stripped off my shirt and shook out the seed heads, knowing when I put it back on I would be in agony as the grass and seeds, stuck in the fabric, would itch and cause me grief. Lowering my pants and heeling off my shoes I was as naked as the day I was born. I always bone up when I do this. I love to be back to nature, in nature.

I splashed into the still pond and my breath caught as the cold spring water chilled me quickly. I did a fast bath to rid myself of the grass and dust, pulling on my now shriveled cock. I was plenty tired, not accustomed to the late night and way too much alcohol. I lay in the grassy shadow of the willows to doze and dry off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jerry was above me doing pushups over my body, his hard cock stabbing between my thighs just under my balls with each downward movement, his humongous dick leaking a river of pre-cum to lubricate the way. We were back in the room at the ?Y? and he was causing me to meet him with need. With upward thrusts of my dick; and wanting to hasten the inevitable discharge of our seed; Jer kissed me. I woke when my dick squelched its load and dribbled down my cock and onto my stomach. I had been having these dreams; it seemed, for months now.

Thanks to my buddy Doc for editing.

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