Near Collision

By Lael Stalnaker

Published on Apr 19, 2000


OK folks, you know the routine, usual disclaimers, so forth, so on. Any comments can be directed to or ICQ #11938988. All emails will be answered. By all means, be honest.

This is my second attempt at a story line. Have patience and mercy. This particular story is going to end up crossing several categories as the story advances. When it got to be over 20 pages before hitting chapter 2, I decide to give it wings before it became unbearable to upload. Chapter 2 will follow swiftly. The great god of the nifty archives (especially his earthly representative!) have mercy on me in advance. Enough said, enjoy!

"Near Collision"

By Lael Stalnaker

Chapter One: Near Miss

Skyler slammed on his brakes. He thought his foot was going to go through the floorboard of the old '79 Ford Ranchero. He had been fiddling with the volume knob on the newly installed stereo instead of paying full attention to the road ahead. While upping the volume of his favorite song, "Tell me the Meaning of Being Lonely", the light had changed and traffic stopped. A flash of pale yellow had alerted Skyler to the impending accident. With the smell of burning tire rubber, the heavy vehicle stopped abruptly. The car stopped a bare foot from the back tire of the motorcycle in front of him. Fortunately, no one was directly behind Skyler.

Skyler's eyes were drawn to the motorcycle ahead of him. It was a marvelous piece of equipment. A Harley-Davidson antique, if he was seeing it right. The chrome was polished to an incredible shine. Each side had a large compartment alongside the rear wheel. The rear fender and the compartments were painted a canary yellow. The paint had obviously been given a thorough waxing sometime recently since it glittered in the afternoon sun. It was the yellow that had caught the corner of his eye, thus averting an immanent accident. Skyler's face turned scarlet. God, it would have been tragic to hit that bike!

A pair of eyes met Skyler's from the bike's side mirrors. A pair of metallic blue wrap-around sunglasses covered them. Skyler could just make out the eyes watching him from behind the shades. Then the figure on the motorcycle began to fully register on Skyler. This was one hell of a man on that bike. As the song that almost caused an accident continued playing, Skyler began to really get a sense of the person in front of his car. Forget the bike, it would have been tragic to hit this god from on high!

Skyler broke the eye contact. His face was still flushed with embarrassment. The young man on the motorcycle had a grin, Skyler could just see from the reflection in the bike's mirror. Lowering his eyes, Skyler slowly brought then back up again. The entire time, he scanned the figure on the bike ahead of him. The light was taking forever to change.

The guy on the bike couldn't have been more than 18 or 19 years old. He had on black Nike's with white half socks. His muscular legs were tan and hairless. Skyler was immediately reminded of sports swimmers, with their high muscle tone and smooth bodies. The man had one hand hanging, totally relaxed, down the side of his thigh. It was encased in a black leather glove with the fingers cut off. It gave Skyler a tingle in his groin just looking at the leather and slightly curled fingers lying against the bare tan skin of the guy's leg. Levi's cut off at the high end of the thigh captured Skyler's attention next. He hadn't see a guy wearing shorts cut that high in years... well, actually, ever. Tucked into the back of the guy's shorts was a blue and green plaid shirt. The sleeves had been cut off at the shoulder and a gray hood hung down from the neck. He had a baseball cap on backwards under his helmet. His dark brown hair was cut close to the middle of his neck. It had just the slightest wave to it. The over all effect was perfection. This guy seemed to be completely comfortable and confident with the world around him. Skyler was completely smitten.

Just as Skyler finished his visual inspection of the hot stud sitting at ease ahead of him, he noticed the eyes watching him again from the mirror. 'Shit!' he thought to himself. 'Great, the guy's gonna think I'm some kinda perv.' Skyler's face flushed a deeper red that he was sure covered him from throat to the tip of his ears. The light changed at that point. Traffic finally started moving again. Skyler was kind of thrilled that the guy had noticed him.

They kept pace with each other for several blocks. The guy rode with a graceful one-handed ease that belied the actual difficulty of his style. 'And the boy definitely has style,' Skyler thought to himself. Every so often, Skyler realized that the guy was studying him just as carefully as he had watched the guy earlier. Skyler's groin was getting a little uncomfortable with that cramped, trapped feeling as the blood flow to it increased with each second. It was an internal fight to see whether more blood was going to his crotch or his face. It felt like his cheeks were on fire. So did his crotch, for that matter.

Skyler finally had to reluctantly turn onto another street. Motorcycle guy continued on the way they had been going. Skyler saw the guy turn his head toward him as the turn started. The eyes watched Skyler intently for a moment and then his hand lifted from the wrist and casually waved from side to side. Skyler almost thought that it was a farewell gesture on the part of the motorcycle stud. Skyler sighed to himself as he continued on his way home. The situation only made him more aware of how long it had been since he had been with anyone. He hadn't even gone on a platonic date much less a real one in way too many months. Skyler started counting those months as he pulled into his parking space at his apartment.

He felt totally isolated when he realized that it had been at least 19 months since he had had any kind of date and even longer since he had a real relationship. He shut off the engine. Skyler sat in his car and took a deep breath. The turn his thoughts had taken removed the last vestiges of the hard-on he had gotten from watching the motorcyclist. He let his breath back out in a long hiss of frustration. Skyler's life was not going at all in the direction he wanted. He sat and stared at the steering wheel. 'What is wrong with me?' he asked himself silently. 'I am reasonably intelligent, good looking enough and pretty decent. Why can't I find someone I could settle down with?'

Skyler shrugged off his apathy and brought himself back to the present. He grabbed the bags of groceries sitting on the seat next to him. He lifted himself out of the car and unfolded his 6' frame. Stretching slightly, a tinge of pain shot through his right temple. A massive migraine was starting. The afternoon sun pierced straight through his brain. Flinching at the pain, Skyler walked down the steps to the apartment he shared with his identical twin. The door was already unlocked, so he went in.

Setting the bags down on the kitchen counter, he tossed his key ring into the hand-made wooden bowl left there for them. His brother Ethan's keys were already there. As he walked into the living room, Ethan looked up from the letter he had been reading. He was flopped in an armchair with his legs draped over an armrest. The usual grin at seeing his brother faded rapidly as he realized that Skyler was in some serious pain.

"Hey Bro! You look like shit! Headache again?" Ethan asked as he dropped the letter into his lap. He looked with concern at the pain creases on Skyler's forehead.

"Yeah, a bad one this time. I'm gonna go lie down for a while and try to sleep it off." Skyler muttered.

"I'll bring you the Excedrin. Off with you!" Ethan replied sympathetically. He hopped out of the chair to match word with deed. Abruptly, Ethan changed direction as Skyler staggered into the wall. Skyler's head smacked into the wall with considerable force. As he began to collapse, Ethan caught him around the waist. Slowly, the 2 brothers made their way down the hall to Skyler's room.

Ethan maneuvered Skyler over to the bed and gently helped Skyler ease onto it. Sweat dripped from Skyler's forehead. Routine took over from this point. Ethan unbuttoned his brother's shirt and carefully removed it. Sometimes Skyler's skin got incredibly sensitive to anything touching him during an exceptionally bad migraine, in addition to the light sensitivity. He tossed Skyler's shoes into the walk-in closet, along with his socks. He eased the jeans off and tossed them after the rest of the clothes. Neither brother ever wore underwear if they could avoid it. Once Skyler was nude, Ethan ran into the bathroom that connected the 2 bedrooms. Spilling a couple of capsules into his hand, he fumbled for the water faucet. After filling the glass left there for just this event, Ethan hurried back to his brother. Skyler's eyes were clenched tightly shut now.

Ethan knelt be the bedside and brought the capsules to his brother's lips. Skyler opened his mouth and tilted his head upward for the water. Ethan tipped the glass to his lips then back again when Skyler pushed feebly at his hand. Ethan set the glass on the night table. He picked up the shirt that he hadn't thrown into the closet and wiped the sweat off of his brother's face. The pair was as typically close as most twins are rumored to be. They matched in most things with the one significant exception being Skyler liked guys exclusively while Ethan swung both ways.

Ethan quietly got up and went over to the window. Carefully, he lowered the black sheet that was clipped to the curtain. The room quickly became pitch black with the absence of light. Skyler's headaches were becoming more frequent. He glanced over to where his brother was curled into a tight ball. Skyler was out cold. Ethan took a light cotton sheet and draped it over Skyler's waist. Checking one last time to make sure his brother was asleep, Ethan closed the door softly behind him.

Ethan walked into the kitchen and began to put the groceries away. The tiny kitchen suited their needs admirably. They had gotten lucky finding a 2-bedroom apartment for an outrageously good price for the area they were in. This apartment had been theirs now for 6 years. They knew that they would be leaving it as soon as they both finished up with school. They had gotten the apartment together because they were not ready to part yet. Except for an incident requiring Skyler to be hospitalized for 3 days when they were 10, they did everything together. The decision had been made between them years earlier that they would stay together until they had both finished school. With their parents dead from a boating accident, there was no one else closer than a third cousin. School was taken care of with their inheritance. The massive insurance settlement money was still in trust until they turned 30.

Both men were in their last year of grad school. Ethan was finishing an MS in information technologies. Skyler was working on his thesis for an MA in cultural anthropology, specializing in mythology. Both men attended UCLA and lived in Thousand Oaks. It was a commute, but they could afford it. The areas closer in were just not what they wanted to deal with.

Ethan finished with the groceries. Folding up the plastic bags, he stashed them in a drawer. He glanced at the small clock on the microwave and grimaced. Time for a work out. He went into his own room and changed into a pair of jogging shorts. He glanced into Skyler's room briefly to make sure he was still sleeping. Flipping on the answering machine on his way out, he locked the door behind himself and went for a jog around the block. When he returned, he began to go through his daily Tai Chi routine. When he finished, Ethan stripped down and took a shower.

Both men were well put together. 6' each, with good proportioning, broad shoulders and narrow waists made most people think of gymnasts when first seeing either of them. Both of them had also been practicing Tai Chi since they were 8. It had given them a certain grace that showed in all of their movements. As Ethan toweled off, he studied his body in the bathroom mirror. Light from the frosted globes over the mirror lit up Ethan's hazel eyes, bringing out the flecks of green and gold in them. His stomach was flat and just barely showed the outlines of the individual muscles. His skin was evenly tanned except for a narrow band from his swimsuit. Skyler laughingly referred to Ethan's favorite suit as 'butt floss'. The muscles in Ethan's chest were well developed and rock hard. His arms were extremely strong but without wasted bulk. He toweled his short brownish hair as dry as he could. The blond sun- streaks stood out as a bright gold. He slipped out the gold hoop that was usually in his ear and replaced it with a diamond stud that was his mother's. He tossed the hoop onto the sink counter and went back into his room.

Ethan pulled on a black tank top with most of the sides missing and a pair of black shorts. He wondered what had triggered his brother's headache. He had noticed that lately the headaches were usually happening after Skyler got upset or depressed. So what this time? Ethan wandered back through the bathroom and peered into the darkness of his brother's room. He could just make out the sleeping form on the bed. Skyler had finally uncurled and was sprawled across the queen-sized mattress. The sheet was tangled around his lower legs. His body type was a perfect copy of Ethan's. The only difference between them physically was a scar along Skyler's right side. That had come from a confrontation with a barbed wire fence during a summer spent on a ranch when they were 10. The scar was a wicked looking snarl of tissue shaped like an 's'. Content that his brother was going to be OK, Ethan went back to the letter he had been reading when Skyler had come home.

Skyler was dreaming about the motorcycle. He kept repeating the incident earlier over and over in the dream. The screech of unhappy rubber on asphalt. The gleam of chrome in sunlight. The stench of over-stressed rubber wafting through the air. The rising heat in his face. The glittering metallic glasses reflected in a mirror. His favorite song echoing within the car. The ignition of his hormones by the overall appearance of the man in front of him. The eternity of the traffic stop. Eyes connecting. The signal light changing. Movement returning. The pseudo chase for the too few blocks. The heart breaking turn. The seeming acknowledgment of farewell. Then the surge of loneliness. It all kept repeating until he woke with a start.

Kicking the sheet from his legs, Skyler stretched himself out flat. He still felt a dull throb in his temples and at the center of his head. Still, the main force of the headache was past. It was just the residual aftermath now. He turned his head slowly and caught a glimpse of the faintly glowing numbers on his bedside alarm clock. It had been 6 hours. Now it was 8:00pm. Groaning to himself, Skyler became aware of another part of his body throbbing in time with his heartbeat. He had a raging hard-on from the dream.

"Oh well, may as well deal with this and just get it out of the way," he mumbled to himself.

Skyler completely relaxed his body onto the surface of the bed. He trailed a hand down from the center of his chest to his flat stomach. From there, he moved to his rock hard erection. His fingers barely met as he encircled the silky smooth skin that enshrouded his penis. Skyler kept that hand at the base of his erection and brought his other hand down to it. With both hands around it, he still had about a third of it uncovered. It felt good to have something other than clothes touching his dick.

He moaned softly to himself as he began to move his hands. His eyes were tightly shut, with the image of the motorcycle stud blazing against his clenched eyelids. The lower hand moved down while the upper hand moved up. When they couldn't go any further, he switched direction until they met in the middle again. He stopped for a moment and reached into the drawer of the night table. Skyler kept a small bottle of lube there for when he felt the need. After applying some to his hands, he went back to the business at hand. His inner eye continually trailed up and down the highly masculine erotic form on the Harley. Skyler's hands began to find a rhythm. Within minutes, his hands were a blur of motion. He savored the feel of the edge of his palm smacking into his scrotum at the same time his other hand was trailing over the tip of his penis. Within his mind, the wave became a 'come hither' gesture. The smile became even sexier. Skyler could feel his balls begin to hug up to the pulsing rod in his hands. The pressure was building deep inside of him. His hands were now a blur of motion. With a low primal moan, Skyler lost control and sprayed his essence all over his chest. The spasms continued and when they finally stopped, he found that he had very nearly covered most of his torso with white and transparent fluids. Skyler collapsed completely, breathing heavily.

"I'm totally impressed Bro!" came a voice from the bathroom door.

Skyler nearly spun off the bed as he sat up, his feet hitting the floor simultaneously. Ethan was leaning against the doorjamb with his arms folded across his chest. There was no telling how long he had been quietly watching. Not that either of them really cared. They had seen each other doing just about anything you could think of over the years. Neither of them was at all body shy either.

"I guess that means the headache is gone? That's what I was really looking in on you to find out. Didn't want to wake you if you still asleep, so, no 'knock'." Ethan explained.

He unfolded his arms, reached behind himself and grabbed a towel. Skyler caught it fully in the face as it sailed across the room. With a shrug, he hopped off the bed and pushed past Ethan into the bathroom. Ethan laughed and hopped up onto the sink counter. Wiggling a little to get comfortable, he leaned back into the mirror. Meanwhile, Skyler turned on the water for a shower. Ethan couldn't resist swinging his foot at the bare backside that was momentarily presented as an unwilling target. With a carefully calculated impact, the flat top of his foot connected with the valley of his brother's buttocks.

Skyler straightened up swiftly and whirled around. He managed to catch Ethan's foot with both hands before it was pulled back out of reach. He planted himself and gave a sharp tug. Ethan began to slide off of the counter. He raised both hands in surrender and grinned.

"Hey, couldn't resist!" Ethan whined.

"Next time, do! Or you'll end up on the floor with a broken tailbone, bonehead! Yeah, the headache's gone."

Skyler picked up the towel he had dropped, carefully keeping himself away from Ethan's feet. Hanging it on the rack, he stepped into the shower. The water felt good as he rinsed away the sticky mess all over his front. Grabbing the soap, he asked, "So, what's up?"

"Well, besides you... not much. The letter's from my ex. She wants to return some stuff. Either that or she just wants to get me into arm's reach so she can rape me a last time. Even money either way. Still thinking about what I want to say back." Ethan replied and then paused before adding,

"Any idea why the headache today?"

"Not really. Well, maybe... I don't know," Skyler said evasively as he began to briskly soap down his totally tanned body. He went suitless as often as he could get away with it.

"Hmmm, yeah, right!" shot back Ethan immediately.

"Just leave it alone, Ether!" Skyler growled through a face full of soap. 'Ether' was Skyler's nickname for Ethan when he thought Ethan was pushing to hard. Rinsing quickly, he glanced through the shower glass over at where his brother sat on the counter. When Skyler saw the frown creasing his brother's forehead, he knew it wasn't going to be dropped. He was soon proven right.

"OK, let me guess. You were thinking about Jeremy again, right? Shit! Sky, it's been almost 2 years. Let it go and get on with life, dude!" Ethan admonished his twin.

"Well, you're only half right this time. I wasn't thinking about Jeremy. I was thinking about the fact that I haven't even dated anyone at all in almost 2 years. And I don't count going out with you and Tanya. She was way too obvious about trying to get both of us into bed with her at the same time. As if! We may share a lot, but I draw the line at bed partners!" Skyler retorted hotly as he turned off the water.

He ran his hands down his body, sliding excess water off with each stroke. Skyler hated dripping water on the floor, bath mat or not. Ethan jumped down off the counter and grabbed the towel. Holding it up at head level he asked,

"Want this? Then 'fess up about what else happened today." Ethan taunted as he moved to block off the other towels in the bathroom with his body. Once in position he continued,

"Ya don't jack off much any more unless you're inspired these days. And yeah, before you ask, I do notice. Just spill it, Sky, and I'll leave it alone."

Skyler sighed in exasperation. Ethan had always been the dominant twin in this pairing. Not that he was a tyrant or anything, just persistent. He never went for long against anything Ethan wanted. It was just a fact of their lives. He realized that this was one of those times that Ethan was not going to let it go. Taking a deep breath and started,

"Well, ummm, oh to hell with it! Coming home from the store I almost hit some guy on an old Harley. I didn't, thank god, but it scared me. He was way too cute too. He got me turned on. Then when I got back here, I got all out of sorts about not having a date in forever and the headache hit me. I was dreaming about him, the entire time I was asleep and got a total boner. I woke up. I took care of it. End of story, satisfied?!?"

Ethan nodded and tossed the towel to Skyler. He didn't say another word the entire time that Skyler was drying off. He chewed on what his twin had said. With a shrug, he walked out of the bathroom into his own room. Ethan began changing clothes for a date he had this evening.

"Sky, I'm going out tonight, wanna tag along?" Ethan called through the open door.

"No thanks, and get a repeat of Tanya?" came the sarcastic reply from the bathroom.

"Well, not exactly like with Tanya... his name's William!"

"Great, and you don't think that 'dear' Willy won't try the same tricks? Give me a break, Ether! When I'm ready to screw around, I'll go look for it myself. I definitely don't want to go as a third wheel. You just go, have fun, whatever else your sewer mind can come up with and I'll be just peachy here," retorted Skyler as he walked into his own bedroom.

"All right then, have it your way then. Just remember you're not gonna meet anyone sitting around here every night." Ethan called after him.

Skyler threw on some shorts and a tank top. He then walked over to the window and pulled up the sheet. Having attached it to some hooks set above the actual window, he wandered back through the bathroom to Ethan's room. Ethan was just finishing getting ready for his date.

"Any idea when you'll be back? And do you intend on bringing William back with you?" Skyler asked with fake casualness.

"No idea. Don't have any particular plans along those lines. First date and all. Probably not though." was Ethan's answer.

"Oh, OK... give me a call if 'things' change, OK? That way I can make sure I have some clothes on if I'm still up."

"Sure, no prob."

Ethan checked his pockets and then smiled gratefully as Skyler handed him his wallet. He had picked it up off of the dresser that stood near the bathroom door. Ethan gave Skyler a quick hug and headed on out. Skyler followed him to the front door. Glancing into the kitchen, he chuckled to himself and waited. Ethan was back in seconds. He grabbed the keys hanging from Skyler's fingertip. Ethan threw a mock punch at Skyler's chest and hurried out the door again. This time Skyler locked the door.

He walked into the living room and flopped down onto the couch. He picked up the TV Guide and flipped through it to Saturday. Not seeing anything spectacular, interesting or mind grabbing on, he tossed it back onto the coffee table. He then got up and paced for a while. Skyler thought about the day's events. Shaking his head to clear out the chaos, he decided to do his Tai Chi maneuvers to try and ease the tension running through his body. He flowed into the forms and motions. As he completed the set, he dropped himself into the lotus position. Skyler hoped some meditation would get him past the current issues of depression. His mind scattered in all directions at once. With a grimace, he ruthlessly followed each thought and snuffed it out. Then he let go. Images formed behind his closed eyelids in flashes and streaks.

Skyler slowly became aware of the outer world. He had no idea how long he had turned inward. He glanced up at the VCR to check the time. It was now 11:30pm. He had been oblivious for nearly 2 hours. Still, he felt a hell of a lot better than when he started. No answers to life's pressing questions though.

He unfolded himself and, catlike, stretched his back and legs. It was time for bed. His body was totally relaxed now. All traces of the headache were in the distant past too. At least he had accomplished that much tonight. Still, he had kind of hoped for just a tad more from his subconscious. He rose to his feet in a smooth rhythmic motion that rippled his muscles. The walk to his bedroom seemed like an eternity though it was only a dozen paces at most. Skyler walked into the bathroom and shut his brother's door. After brushing his teeth and combing his hair, he closed the door behind him as he entered his own room.

Skyler stripped down and tossed his clothes onto the dresser top. It was still pretty humid and muggy, so he pushed everything off the top of his bed except for one pillow and the mattress sheet. He flipped himself onto the bed and lay there with one hand under the pillow. He almost always started out on his stomach and by morning was on his side or back. Despite sleeping for 6 hours earlier, Skyler was soon asleep.

The motorcycle engine roared as the hand throttle was gripped fiercely. The sun reflected shards of light off of steely chrome straight into Skyler's eyes. The scent of the car air-freshener warred with the burnt rubber smell. Eyes locked with eyes. Yet... there was a difference this time. Skyler somehow recognized the unreality. His sureness of it increased as the man on the Harley turned his head and looked back at him from over his shoulder. The smile he received was completely erotic. Awareness of dreaming faded away.

He found himself on the motorcycle. The vibration between his legs was incredible. His hands tightly held the grips of the bike. The road changed as he sped down it. Now he was riding along a trail that cut close to a bluff overlooking the ocean. Skyler could feel a form behind him that was in close contact with his body. Legs pressed up against his. Hands were clasped around his waist. As he glanced down, his shirt was whisked away by the wind of their motion. Somehow it left his body completely. Now he just had on his sandals and a pair of jogging shorts. The hands that semi-encircled his waist were encased in black leather gloves with the fingers cut off close to the palms. The slick feel of the leather against his skin was making Skyler less aware of his surroundings and very aware of his own reactions. Ripples of emotions flowed through him. The fingers against his skin were turning him on almost as much as the body pressed against his back and legs. Naked skin met naked skin down the length of his body.

The bike wound its way through a small stand of trees. At the center was a clearing. The sun was high overhead as the Harley came to a stop. Skyler looked up and saw the clouds streaming overhead at an impossible pace. White tatters positively streaked across the powder blue sky. With his head tilted back, he felt the person behind him ease in closer still. Lips touched his neck with the weight of a feather. The hands slid up from his waist to the base of his throat. Once there, they pulled Skyler back into the body behind him. The lips slowly traced up his neck and around his ear. Teeth ever so slightly grazed the outer ridge of his ear. He shivered a little as warm breath hissed over his ear.

One of the hands moved downward again. When it reached Skyler's crotch, the shorts had vanished. The leather felt totally awesome against the enormous erection that Skyler had gained during the ride. The fingers wrapped as far around him as they could and began to slide up and down at a crawl. With his head now resting on the shoulder behind him, Skyler let go of the handle bar grips and leaned back into the feverishly hot form behind him. Neither form had any clothes now, with the exception of the gloves on one and shoes on both. The Harley continued to vibrate under them. Skyler had not turned it off when he had parked. Idling engine increased the sensations sweeping through them both.

The lips left his ear and trailed down his neck, then his shoulder and outward to his back. The figure behind him gently pushed Skyler's limp body forward. Skyler let his body be entirely supported by the hand that rested against the meeting place of his collar bones. Meanwhile, the lips against his skin continued their leisurely wandering along Skyler's back. They traced a large circle around his shoulder blade. From there, the tip of a tongue followed his spine to the nape of Skyler's neck. Shivers coursed through him. He hadn't felt like this in ages.

Skyler ran his hands along the thighs that were so tightly pushed close to him. He delighted in tracing the form of the muscles that lay under the silky smooth skin. Those muscles felt rock hard. While resting his weight on the hand holding him, Skyler looped his arms back and ran his hands over the waist and stomach behind him. Again, the muscles were incredibly firm under the soft, hairless skin. He finally became aware of the rock hard shaft pressed tightly against the crack of his ass. He gasped as the hand at his crotch began to build up a faster rhythm of caressing strokes.

Time lost all meaning as Skyler surrendered to the waves of passion and desire flooding through him. His eyes drifted closed all on their own. They flew back open as he felt lips on his. Hazel eyes stared into deep brown ones. Their positions had changed. Now the were facing each other with Skyler inclined up the seat of the Harley while the literal man of his dreams had his back to the front of the bike. They were both still straddling the idling motorcycle. The kiss lingered for a moment then broke off as the angel in human form leaned back up from Skyler. Their groins ground together as he arched his back. Skyler had a slight advantage in size, but not by much.

Strong hands played along the muscles of Skyler's torso. He found his own hands making an identical exploration of the body inclined above him. Skyler was beginning to really want this man in him. It has been forever since he had sex with another person. He just didn't feel as satisfied with giving himself hand jobs. Still, this guy's hands were very talented. Skyler pushed himself up to reach his dream lover's lips for another kiss. As their lips connected, Skyler could feel how their combined body heat was causing them both to develop a sheen in the sun's bright light. As their bodies met with that kiss, the light sweat caused theirs skins to slide against each other without friction.

The humming of the bike under them was taking all of the sensations and magnifying them a hundredfold. As Skyler was being kissed, he could feel the man above him shift position again. Skyler let his eyes close again to better capture the phenomenal flood of desire coursing through his rapt body. When the kiss ended, he whispered,

"I want you in me."

He opened his eyes again and beheld the look of love, lust and strength opposite his own. A wonderful smile appeared on the absolutely perfect face above him. With a nod, the stud leaned back down and locked lips with Skyler again. To accommodate his own request, Skyler careful set the soles of his feet onto the grips of the Harley. Once he was sure of his balance, he surrendered entirely to the moment. Powerful hands lifted his waist a little and Skyler raised his arms over his head to grab onto the back end of the seat to brace him self. The kiss was ended reluctantly yet again.

Skyler held his breath as his ass was gently slid onto hard thighs. With it supported by firm musculature, one hand left his waist. It reached down to guide the rock hard missile to its target: his totally ready ass. Very slowly, the dark haired man penetrated Skyler an inch at a time. Once he had breached the small barrier of anal muscles, he held still for a few moments. Skyler relaxed himself completely and then wiggled, forcing another inch in. He let out the breath he had been holding. He didn't remember it feeling this good to have a hot stud fuck him. Skyler moaned as the tip of the invading cock hit his prostate. His own cock was as hard as it had ever been before and pulsating in time with his heartbeat.

Skyler looked into the deep brown eyes that were locked onto his own. He smiled in response to what he saw there. It was a combination of anticipation, satisfaction, control and desire. He knew that this was a person that was as concerned about his partner's sexual enjoyment as his own. Another couple of inches slid in to the hot, tight tunnel. Skyler thrust himself downward and gasped as his ass met with the groin of the hot guy. Now that he had entered Skyler completely, he stopped for a moment. The thrumming of the bike under them transformed the nature of the act. The vibrations were positively amazing. Skyler moaned/growled low in the back of his throat. A hand wrapped around his rigid erection and began to stroke him slowly. He gripped the seat until his knuckles turned pale. His back arched until he was very nearly sitting on his dream lover's lap while still holding onto the back of the seat over his head. A tongue traced a slick, wet line from his sternum to the base of his throat. All the while, the hand on his cock continued its relentless motion. Then, just as Skyler was about to whisper something, the real fun began.

Two hands were again on his waist. They lifted him and then slammed him down. The extra hard pounding his ass got that way excited Skyler immensely. He let go of the bike and put his hands around the neck of his lover. With the angle now changed, his body went through a whole different series of sensations. His erection slid up and down the stomach of the man he was riding. The strength of the hands at his hips was impressive. Skyler was being lifted and slammed back down without hardly any effort. The sharp thrusts within Skyler nearly brought him over the edge of sanity. He began gripping the fiercely pistoning shaft with his internal muscles. That brought the invading cock hard up on his prostate each down stroke. Both men moaned simultaneously as the effects of their sex play began to wash through them.

Skyler removed his legs from the handle bar and wrapped them around the waist of the man that was passionately fucking him as hard as he could. His cock became trapped between them. The friction finally broke through Skyler's faint control and he felt his balls lift up against the base of his dick. An incredible pressure built in seconds. He then lost it and blew forth huge fountains of white fluid onto their merged bodies. The ecstasy of release almost caused Skyler to loose all sense of up or down. His inner muscles contracted in time with the explosions of ejaculation. It apparently brought his partner over the edge also. Suddenly, the cock slamming in and out of Skyler had its own explosion. His eyes shut so that he could concentrate on the intensity of feeling.

When he opened them again, his world was rocked with confusion and disorientation. It was dark and he was flat on his back. Once the room stopped spinning, he realized that he was in his room. It had all been a dream. He couldn't believe it. It had been so real! Skyler reached over and turned on the lamp on his night table. The clock read 4:00am. He glanced down at his body and laughed softly to himself. He needed another shower. His chest and stomach were again covered with sticky fluid. As he sat himself upright, he felt moisture slide off the end of his chin. He had never shot a load onto his own face before.

He lithely got up and went into the bathroom. The door to Ethan's room was ajar. He peered through and saw his brother sprawled out on his stomach, out cold. No one else was with him, to Skyler's relief. He closed the door as quietly as he could and turned on the shower. When the water was lukewarm, he stepped in and quickly cleaned himself up. He turned up the heat and let the water pound onto his neck for a while. Before long, it began to work out the kinks in his upper back and neck. It felt really good to just let the water massage him.

When the water finally began to cool, Skyler shut it down and stepped back out of the shower. He looked into the steam-fogged mirror, or actually, tried to. With a couple of swipes of the barely damp towel in his hand, he half- assed cleared a section enough to see. The stress lines were gone from his forehead. Skyler stared into his own eyes for a while, trying to figure out just what the hell was going on in his head. He hadn't had a wet dream of that intensity since he was 14. It just plain shocked him. With a sigh, he let the mirror fog back over and hung the towel back on the rack. He ran his hands through his hair and went back to his room.

The clock now read 5:00am and he knew that there was no way that he was going to be able to sleep again after his dreamland joy ride. He slipped into a short blue silk robe. He grinned faintly at his sensuous hedonistic delight in the feel of the smooth texture against his freshly clean skin. He had bought this robe on a spur of the moment impulse and never regretted it since. Skyler flicked off the lamp and left his room.

He wandered into the living room and grabbed a book at random off of the bookcase the lined one entire wall. He plopped himself onto the couch and then looked at what he had grabbed blindly. It was Melanie Rawn's "The Dragon Prince". He was content with it and began to read. Fortunately, both brothers had a similar taste in books. Mostly they preferred fantasy, science fiction, horror and occasionally a historical fiction book. Recreational reading was part of their parent's legacy to them. He could remember the endless shelves of books at their parent's home. Within minutes, Skyler was lost in a desert world.

Ethan walked into the living room the next morning and found Skyler curled up on the couch with one arm trailing onto the floor. An open book lay on the floor next to Skyler's fingers. Ethan quietly picked the book up off of the floor, glanced at the cover and then set it down softly onto the coffee table. He went into the kitchen and put a kettle on for some morning tea. Once the water was heating, he turned to the fridge and began rooting through the shelves. He emerged with the makings for omelets. Ethan liked cooking whereas his brother could not have cared less if he ate frozen meals or delivery everyday. It was one of the few differences between them. Ethan had seriously considered going to a gourmet cooking school for a career, but didn't like cooking for many as much as he did for a few. So, he had scrapped that idea and just wandered from major to major until he settled into information technology comfortably. He liked the challenge and it certainly kept him on his mental toes.

He chopped some mushrooms to bits and then began to fry some ham. Once the ham was heated and wafting pleasant odors throughout the apartment, he chopped that up too. Ethan grabbed the kettle just before it was about to blast into a full-scale train whistle. He took down a canister of jasmine green tea from the shelf and set enough to steeping for both of them. Soon the faint odor of jasmine wafted through the kitchen. Within minutes, Ethan had finished cooking and put everything on the table. He glanced in on Skyler to see if he was awake yet. Skyler had his eyes open and was staring out the patio door. He turned his head slightly, and then smiled at Ethan.

"Morning bro. How long ya been up?" Skyler asked sleepily.

"Not all that long, Sky. What's with the couch crashing? Couldn't sleep? I didn't think you were up when I got home." Replied Ethan.

"Nah, I was out cold. Didn't hear ya come in last night at all. Had another dream that woke me up and I decided to read for a while. Must have fallen back asleep again," answered Skyler.

"Well, get your lazy ass up and come eat. Food's on the table but if you don't want it, I'll snag yours for ya. Wouldn't want it to go to waste or anything, now would we?" Ethan said over his shoulder as he went into the dining room.

"Touch mine and you're a dead man, Ether!"

They ate in comparative silence. Skyler cleared the table and got all of the dishes into the dishwasher. The agreement between them was; Ethan cooked, Skyler washed. Both were totally content with the arrangement. The rest of the day passed without much excitement for either man. After watching their favorite Sunday line upon TV, they both went to bed. School the next morning was more on their minds than anything else by the time they sorted out showers and actual bedtime rituals.

So ends the first chapter. Skyler meets Harley guy face to face in the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 2

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