Near Collision

By Lael Stalnaker

Published on Jul 25, 2000


Usual disclaimers concerning who should read what and whether or not it is legal for you to do so, so forth and so on. This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such.

Well folks, my deepest apologies for how long it took me to get this chapter to you... again! Seems that my life has really been going up and down since I started this story. Health issues came up of a really bad nature that kept me too worried to write without it affecting the story. I had to stop and wait it out. All of that stuff has now been dealt with, thankfully with negative results for certain tests. But, in that time, I didn't stop writing entirely. If ya go to the Boy Bands Catagory, I put in a little one shot story by the name of Kevin and Nick. My heart really belongs to this one for the long term.

A huge special thanks to Benji for editing. I got sick of not finding typos and such until weeks after I posted the chapter. Hugs and kisses are due him for his fast and wonderful work. XXXOOO Also a thanks to Ashdeath, Spike and CoryJ for talking me through my unsettled period with this chapter. Thanks guys! Chapter 6 is now about one quarter done. Thank you, everyone who wrote asking about when the next chapter would come out. It let me know that the story wasn't dead in the water. Enough said, read on!

"Near Collision"

By Lael Stalnaker

Chapter 5: OK, Now What?

Sunlight streamed through the dining room windows, casting shadows and patterns across the dark wood finish of the table. It melded with a cut-crystal vase that was filled with white roses. The light entered the vase an unassuming white and departed once more in strips and ribbons of multicolored bands that fought with the mobile shadows from outside the window. Skyler sat, comfortably slumped, in one of the high- backed dining set chairs, mesmerized by the mock war playing out all across the table. He was transfixed with the wonder of it. It had been ages since he had simply sat and watched something for its own sake. It felt wonderful!

Skyler was waiting for Ethan to get up. He knew that Ethan would be absolutely unbearable today, and for the rest of their lives, if he did not get the answers to whatever questions his feverish little brain had hatched over the last few days. Skyler continued to watch the play of soft light and shadows on the wood in front of him. He sighed softly to himself, finally shifting restlessly in his chair. It was still fairly early. Skyler had woken with the dawn this day. Not really usual for him at all to do so. Still, he was glad. It had been ages since he had a morning to himself that he didn't sleep through. Muted birdcalls came through the windowpanes. The peace of the morning was comforting, somehow.

He was already missing Bryce. It had only been a few days together, but he was totally attached to the handsome man. The thrill was still very new and at the same time felt so right. Skyler wondered what had called Bryce away so suddenly. As he pondered that question, he began to unconsciously rub the nick on his finger, the very one that Bryce had caused during the whole proof episode. The edges were just beginning to draw together and heal. It hardly hurt at all.

Ethan opened his eyes gradually. He stretched his form lithely and then completely relaxed his body again. He lay still for a while, absorbing the sounds around him. The birds were just outside his window, raising quite a ruckus. He smiled to himself and sat up. Then he frowned. Last night's weirdness returned to him. He bit his lip in thought. 'Well, one way or another, I will have some answers today,' he promised himself.

He got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After a quick shower, he toweled off hurriedly. Ethan was slightly suspicious that Skyler would skip out early to avoid him. He threw on some clothes and hurried out into the main part of their home. He always walked very quietly and therefore did not disturb Skyler as he rounded the corner to the dining room.

Ethan paused for a moment, taking in the sight. Skyler's head was framed by the sunlight streaming in through the window. The light glinted metallic golden from his hair. His profile showed very strongly from the angle that Ethan was watching him. Ethan also immediately noticed that the worry lines and fatigue that had grown steadily worse over the long months on his brother's face were entirely gone. Ethan was totally amazed at the apparently overnight transformation in his brother.

He continued through the dining room and into the kitchen. Skyler glanced up and then went back into his own thoughts without comment. Ethan sighed. He just knew that this was going to be like pulling teeth to get anything that made sense out of his brother. He opened the fridge and hauled out some things to cobble together a reasonable breakfast for them both. Within minutes everything was ready. He carried two plates into the dining room and set them down at their accustomed places. After a brief pause to get the herbal tea and some juice, he sat down opposite his brother and began eating. Neither had yet said a word to each other. Another of their games was in effect. The first to speak was going to have to do the most talking. Fortunately, it never had really gone to any lengthy excess.

They both ate slowly and in total silence. Things were beginning to get a bit strained around the edges. This was so far from their normal mornings together that it was beginning to hurt them both. Finally, after they both had reached the nails on the chalkboard stage, Ethan exhaled sharply and took the first step. He gathered up the dishes and tossed them into the sink. Then he came back and planted himself firmly in his chair and stared directly at his brother.

" Well, how long are we gonna play this lovely little silence game?" Ethan finally muttered.

Skyler smiled slightly and then grinned outright. One point in his favor, so beginning the tally for this game. At least, that's what he thought at first. Then the grin faded as Ethan continued staring at him. So much for the usual game rules.

"All right, all right, I'll talk. What do you want to know?" asked Skyler, drawing the whole process out in retaliation.

"You know damn well what I want to know! Who the hell is Bryce and are you out of your friggin' mind?"

"What do you mean, 'Out of my mind'?" retorted Skyler.

"Since when do you get physical with someone you have just met? That's so unlike you it's not even funny! Who the hell is he? What do you actually know about him? Where did he come from?" Ethan countered, totally exasperated now.

Skyler winced at the barrage of questions. He had been afraid that Ethan's analytical mind was going to go in hard to answer directions. Ethan was just too damn logical to miss much. He also was too good at picking up on the least likely discrepancies in anything he heard. Skyler began to try and organize some kind of answers to keep Ethan off track. This was going to be harder than Skyler had first imagined.

"First off, I already told you his name is Bryce Jackson. We met officially at the parts store, but he is the guy I saw on the motorcycle that Saturday. Drop dead gorgeous, ain't he?" Skyler paused hopefully. He sighed when Ethan only gave him a stony gaze and didn't rise to the offered bait.

Skyler continued on, "He is a student and that is all I really want to say on that. Philosophy, if you absolutely have to know. As for my sleeping habits, hey there's a first time for everything. I don't know why your making such a fuckin' big deal about this. It's not as if you haven't had your share of 'instant gratification on a whim' flings! Don't try and moralize when you are not innocent yourself," growled Skyler, becoming more than a little pissed off.

"Whoa, wait a minute! We're not talking about me; we're talking about the radical change in behavior on your part. And when the hell did morals come into this? Feeling guilty?" asked Ethan sharply.

"No! You want to know the truth? I think I am in love with him. Satisfied? If you have any more questions, ask him your damn self!" exploded Skyler.

He got up from the table and stomped into the living room. He began cussing to himself as he realized the tactical error he had made with his brother. He had as much as challenged Ethan to find something wrong. He knew that Ethan would worry at it like a dog with a favorite bone until he found out everything. Skyler hoped Bryce could cope with the constant hounding that was sure to come. With a final muttered 'Shit!', Skyler threw himself onto the couch to brood.

Ethan sat at the dining room table stunned. He had never had Skyler walk out on him before in the middle of a conversation, fight or no fight. This was something else to file into the rapidly growing mystery compartment. Ethan went over everything again and again looking for how the pieces he had so far fit together. None of it made any real sense... yet. He was confident that he would figure it out, eventually.

He got up from the table and began to wash the dishes. It was a departure from their normal routine as far as chores went, but he wanted something to do with his hands while he thought. 'Sides, they needed to be done. The simple task was far too quickly completed. As he dried his hands, Ethan decided to come at this from a different angle.

He left the kitchen and went into the living room. Ethan couldn't miss the broody mood his brother was in. Skyler was hunched on the couch reading. His forehead was furrowed in deep lines as he read. This was not a good sign. Ethan sighed and plopped himself into the armchair.

"I'm sorry Sky. I guess I shouldn't have pushed so hard. I was just worried."

Skyler looked up from the book and stared at Ethan. The frown lines were still there. Ethan swallowed involuntarily at the sight. This was going to be harder than he originally thought. Skyler was not going to make this easy. With a mental shrug and grimace, Ethan foraged on.

"Would you feel better if I just dropped the whole thing?"

"Yes, actually, I would."

"Consider it done. Just promise me that if there are any problems, you won't shut me out. OK?"

"Sure, no prob," Skyler promised, the frown lines smoothing out with his obvious relief. He smiled briefly at Ethan and went back to his reading.

Ethan watched him for a minute and then got up. He went to his room and fired up his computer. There were other ways to find out about Bryce. None of which Skyler needed to know. Ethan soon lost himself in his online detective work. He decided that this was what he should have done in the first place. Ethan was quickly skimming through sites that most people had no idea were even there.

Skyler set the book down and glanced at the VCR clock. It was now late afternoon. The day had slid by. Abruptly, Skyler froze into perfect stillness as he stared out the patio door. His eyes narrowed as he spotted his nemesis, the neighbor's young tabby. The damn tomcat had taken to using the very narrow strip of real ground that bordered the inside of the twin's patio as its personal litter-box. A lot of work had gone into bringing up rose bushes and other flowers from the grudging ground. Skyler normally loved cats, but definitely did not like the odor this cat was leaving behind.

Skyler leapt off of the couch and bolted down the hall to his room. He ran into his closet and hauled down a shoebox from the top shelf. Racing at top speed back into the living room, he carefully and silently slid open the sliding glass door to the patio about a hand's width. He knelt down carefully onto the plush carpeting and opened the box.

Inside was a tiny remote controlled car. It fit neatly into the palm of Skyler's hand. The lime green car was a miniature of the new VW Bugs. He flicked the on switch, slowly set it down outside the door and peered around the corner. The tabby was just now circling; sniffing at the ground to find the just right spot to do its inflammatory - to Skyler's sensibilities anyway - business. Skyler grinned slyly and waited motionlessly.

The gray and black tabby finally settled on one spot and began to squat. His back was to the door and Skyler took full advantage of that fact. He jammed down on the forward button, sending the tiny car ahead at full speed. It smacked into the descending rear of the cat. The tom flew straight up into the air with a startled hiss and landed facing the car. Skyler reversed the car and sent it to the far end of the patio. The indignant cat rushed after the fleeing vehicle. When the car reached the limits of its maneuvering room, Skyler turned it around. The cat paused, staring intently at the car, tail lashing from side to side.

Skyler was having trouble keeping from laughing hysterically. The whole scene reminded him of a Tom & Jerry cartoon. He waited as the cat crouched about 2 feet from the miniature car, tail flailing about violently now. It stared with complete concentration at the unmoving toy. Skyler launched it full-tilt forward again. The cat jumped and landed running from the car. It made a mighty leap and landed on the top of the fence. From its new perch, the tom stared down at the incomprehensible thing that had shattered the dignity of its toilet duty. With a final look of disgust that only a cat is able to truly master, the tom glared down at its odd enemy and leaped off onto the other side of the fence.

Skyler collapsed into a ball on the living room floor. He was laughing so hard that no sound was escaping his heaving body. That exercise had certainly evened up the score a bit. He knew that it really was a hopeless battle, but it was the principle of the thing. Skyler finally laughed himself out, but not before hiccups got a hold of him. He ran the car back to him and flicked it to off. Skyler set the car and controller back into the shoebox. He merrily shifted himself off of the floor and slumped himself onto the couch.

He took deep, steady breaths. Finally, just when he was close to despairing of them going away any time soon, they just stopped. He sighed with relief and picked up his book. He had just gotten to a really good chapter and didn't want to be distracted by damn hiccups. Mini-crisis over, he got back to the book. After several chapters, Skyler sank into sleep.

Dark eyes opened in a seemingly endless void. There had been a jump in the energy that surrounded the formless entity. A signal had sounded, much amplified verses the usual everyday ones that flooded the void. This was a call to arms. He recognized the source of the change. The entity realized that the call was late in registering in its mind. Too long had it been without form, resting in the void. It had been millennium since that voice had called. A body formed in the void. Then it vanished.

Ethan shut down his Internet connection and leaned back into his chair. He had been unable to find a single thing wrong with Bryce over the Internet. There had been some small oddities, like no credit history, but no real alarming finds. He now had a rough idea of who he said he was and what the records said he was. The two matched, for the most part. Ethan grumbled to himself. He just couldn't help, but feel that there was a hell of a lot more going on.

He rose from his chair and stretched his aching limbs. He had been at this all day. Ethan had been so absorbed in his hunt that time had flown without so much as a whisper in his ear. He was starving now. 'Funny, Sky didn't come in hounding me about food,' thought Ethan to himself.

He trudged down the hall. Ethan sighed to himself as he spotted Skyler passed out on the couch... again. He sure seemed to be sleeping a lot lately. Ethan sighed to himself and went to grab something to eat from the kitchen. He made himself a sandwich, got something to drink and took it all into the living room. Ethan curled himself into the recliner and sat eating while watching Skyler sleep. He could just see that faint golden glow from the night before. He suddenly put down the leavings of the sandwich. Ethan could see that Skyler's lips were just barely moving in his sleep. He got up and crept silently closer to his slumbering twin, hoping that he would be able to hear him.

Ethan sat himself on the floor on the other side of the armrest from his brother's head. He leaned his own head against it and just listened quietly. Ethan had already decided that if he thought Skyler was having a nightmare, he would wake him. The mumbling was to faint to really catch anything, but the tone was not negative. Ethan relaxed. He waited patiently for some clear sentence that would give him another clue about what was going on.

Skyler came to himself and was immediately aware that he was dreaming. It felt really odd to know it as a fact. He had heard of lucid dreaming, vaguely, but this was his first experience with it. He decided he liked it so far. He began to take a good look around him to get his bearings. He almost jumped out of his skin as he recognized the same beach he had dreamed about before. The major difference this time was that it was full daylight, rather than the deep of night.

He stood for moment with his eyes closed, feeling the warmth of the sun caressing his skin. His body was bare but for a pair of skimpy Speedos. The slightest of breezes added to the sensual delight. He listened to the waves as they pounded into the sandy shore. Gull cries intermixed with the moderate rush of the waves. Dune grass rustled an accompaniment to the other sounds. Wet sand pressed firmly against the soles of his feet. Salt lent its scent to the moment. It gave a certain crispness to each lung full of air.

Tension melted away as he relaxed into the dream. His senses were awash with a different kind of clarity of experience. Everything seemed to have a totally new meaning, a kind of underlying essence to it. He eventually opened his eyes. He smiled with contentment for a moment. He stood watching the waves come in. Skyler then slowly walked to the water's edge. He allowed the foam to wash over his feet and was delighted to find the water was warm, quite comfortable actually.

Skyler watched the height of the waves and then made another decision. He closed his eyes again and poured his will out form his center. When he opened them again, a beautiful surfboard was sticking out of the sand next to him. He grinned to himself as he ran a hand down the slick surface of the tall board. He took the foot strap and set it around his left ankle. Skyler then grabbed up the board and walked out into the water. Soon the water was to his waist. He threw himself onto the board and began paddling out into the surf. He was amazed at how well he was doing with the waters temperature. He definitely didn't need a wetsuit for this. He shut his eyes one more time and then opened them. His Speedos were now gone. Skyler laughed to himself with sheer delight. Where better to be totally naked than in the privacy of his own dream?

Skyler was now far enough out that he could turn and face the shore again. He sat quietly for a long time, watching the pattern of the waves unfold before him. He judged them perfectly, choosing the best one in a series to take back. As the clear water unfurled into a beautiful cascade, he was on its crest. He re-angled the board to nearly parallel to the shore and planted his feet firmly. He whisked along the edge of the wave. A tunnel was forming behind him as he rode the wave with an ease that he wished were possible in the waking world. Wind whipped through his water-tangled hair. It was very nearly like flying.

Finally, the water subsided, lowering the board and Skyler to the wet packed sand of the beach. He tumbled off the board gracefully. With a laugh, Skyler hauled in the board as it began to float back out with the tide. He loosened the strap at his ankle and stuck the board back into the sand. Then he ran his hands down his body to slick away the salty water that clung to him. Within moments, the warmth of the sun overhead had dried him, only leaving a faint trace of salt here and there. Skyler sat at the water's edge, just being in the now.

Finally, his thoughts turned to Eros. Funny, in the dreams it was Eros, in the waking world it was Bryce. Skyler felt he had adapted almost too readily to the different aspects. Still, it made a kind of sense. In dreams would be the only logical place the Skyler could really think of Eros as he really was. Too dangerous in the waking world, too much risk of making a mistake.

Skyler was getting a little worried about Eros. There was still no word from him and still no idea when he would be back. He knew that he was already falling deeply in love with the Olympian. Skyler couldn't help but wonder how much of that was just the innate power of the god and how much was natural. If Eros' own reactions and responses were any indication, it was one hundred percent spontaneous. Skyler smiled to himself but also a bit sadly. Love was, as ever, complicated. He was really beginning to miss Eros.

Skyler started humming to himself and then laughed once he realized what it was. He knew the words by heart and sang them out loud.

Ethan jerked his head up and listened intently. Skyler was speaking again. Well, not exactly speaking, but rather singing in his sleep. This was getting really bizarre. Skyler didn't like to sing while awake, what would cause him to do it while sleeping? Ethan tried to make out the words.

"Show me... lonely... broken heart...and I could...the there where you are...never ends...never say...Are you with me now...Show me the...why I can't be...missing in... nowhere to run... surrender... you never show... be there where you the meaning... feeling I need..." sang Skyler, barely breathing out the words.

Ethan was puzzled for a few seconds and then grinned to himself. He should have known. After all, it was Skyler's favorite song. He had never heard his brother sing before. It was hard to tell what kind of singing voice he had, but Ethan was willing to bet that it was a strong baritone. He also thought it was interesting that his brother's voice kept fading in and out, as if he were near then far. Ethan leaned back again, waiting for any further words that might slip out into the silence of the room. This was getting more and more interesting.

Skyler was now sitting on the sand, chin on his knees, hands clasped together around his shins. Tears trailed down the soft curves of his cheeks. He had managed to depress himself. He was still feeling incredibly insecure about the budding relationship. Skyler had been alone far too long before this to be able to handle a long separation. He began to rock back and forth.

His thoughts turned to the night that Eros had first shown him his true self. The self that was so stunning and beautiful. The wings that caused Skyler to lose his breath at how incredible they looked. Without really knowing it, he also went over the whole knife incident. The terror of that still sent chills down his spine. Skyler hoped that he would never see anything as horrific again. It had certainly made its point though.

"Well, my love, are you OK?" sounded from behind him.

Ethan jerked upright again. Skyler was glowing golden again. It had started off very faint, but as the seconds passed, it was growing stronger. In under a minute, the glow was bright enough for Ethan to be able to see the room clearly. His jaw hung open in absolute astonishment. This was definitely no trick of his mind. That was what he had been trying to convince himself since he had first seen it the other night. Ethan found himself frozen to the spot in shock.

Arms wrapped around Skyler. They were followed by a mass of feathers. Eros' wings encapsulated him blocking out the ocean and sky. He felt Eros' lips against the back of his neck and shivered. Skyler released his hold on his legs and leaned back into the form behind him. The feelings of loneliness and sadness fled in the face of the god's arrival. Skyler sighed and drank in the presence of his love. His senses were nearly overwhelmed with that very presence he sought with all his mortal heart.

"I have missed you too my love. Don't be sad," whispered Eros into Skyler's ear. It was followed by a feather light kiss on the ear. "You sang for me, now it is my turn to sing for you,

"When you feel all alone And the world has turned its back on you Give me a moment please To tame your wild wild heart I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold When darkness is upon your door And you feel like you can't take anymore," sang Eros' golden voice directly into Skyler's ear. Skyler recognized the song immediately. He was surprised that Eros knew it.

"Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash, then crash and burn You're not alone

"When you feel all alone And a loyal friend is hard to find You're caught in a one-way street With the monsters in your head When hopes and dreams are far away and You feel like you can't face the day

"Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash, then crash and burn You're not alone," continued Eros. Skyler was breathless with wonder. He knew that Eros meant every word of what he was singing. The pain of his emotions melted in the face of such depth of caring. The tears were streaming down his face now.

"Because there has always been heartache and pain And when it's over, you'll breathe again You'll breathe again

"When you feel all alone And the world has turned its back on you Give me a moment please To tame your wild wild heart

"Let me be the one you call If you jump I'll break your fall Lift you up and fly away with you into the night If you need to fall apart I can mend a broken heart If you need to crash, then crash and burn You're not alone," finished Eros. His arms were tight around Skyler.

Skyler turned in those arms and buried his face against the warm skin and taut muscled chest. He felt Eros rest his chin on the crown of his head while the grip on him squeezed just a tiny bit harder, just short of pain. Skyler's own arms encircled Eros tightly. He rested that way for an eternity and then sneezed. Apparently, even in dreams, those feathers could tickle nose to the point of sneezing. Skyler laughed.

"Wake up my beauty, I am back with you. I can put off what I was doing for a while. I do not want you to be unhappy," whispered Eros.

Ethan dropped to the floor in utter, unconditional, flabbergasted shock. Out of nowhere Bryce materialized. There was no other word for it. Bryce materialized. One minute he was not there and the next he formed out of the blue, right before Ethan's unblinking eyes. Ethan's mind nearly shut down from the shock.

Bryce was kneeling next to Skyler, holding Skyler's head tenderly against his chest. The golden glow around Skyler was beginning to fade back to invisibility. Skyler struggled briefly and then pushed himself upright on the couch. Bryce and Skyler turned simultaneously toward the gasp that came from the floor at the end of the couch. Bryce cursed softly and sagged into a slump where he knelt. Skyler's jaw fell open as he stared at Ethan. Ethan stared at them. He was totally speechless. He had seen the impossible.

"Oh shit!" murmured Skyler and Ethan simultaneously.

"This isn't possible," continued Ethan.

Bryce gathered himself back together and pulled upright, still kneeling next to the couch. He sadly watched the situation unfold. He knew that it was completely out of his hands now. It appeared that when the twins were nearly in the same exact place, he could not sense the difference between them. Bryce would never have materialized if he could sense anyone else near Skyler. His mind was numb now. The Law had been broken, but not by Skyler. He had no idea how this would effect the course of things yet to come.

"What are you?" demanded Ethan as he stared at Bryce. He had his own suspicions, but was still not sure of anything. What, not who, was the question Ethan had asked. His first instinct was to search Skyler for bite marks, weird as that seemed. Ethan shook his head at the thought.

"Bryce, you may as well tell him who you are. He will hound you until you do. My twin is not known for his ability to let things go," Skyler said quietly as he took Bryce's hand into his.

"You know that I am not free to give my name nor are you. He has to say it first. That is the Law. I do not know what will happen to any of us with what has transpired here tonight," replied Bryce glumly.

"What have you been taking from my brother that makes his glow like that?" demanded Ethan. Another of his assumptions was in the open now.

"Glow? What glow? What the hell are you talking about Ether?" asked a confused Skyler. Bryce dropped his eyes and stared sullenly down at the floor.

"You have been GLOWING with this golden light when you sleep for 2 nights now. I want to know what he is doing to you. Obviously, you had no clue about it. Well, I know he does! What have you been doing?" shouted Ethan as he jumped to his feet. It was plain to Skyler that Ethan would attack Bryce if some kind of answer was not given and soon. Skyler moved between then, slipping hurriedly from the couch to place him strategically in arm's reach if needed.

"Answer him Bryce. What have you been doing? Why didn't you tell me?" asked Skyler, still in a soft, quiet voice. Bryce looked up sharply and captured Skyler's eyes with his own. Pleading silently, Bryce finally found his voice.

"This may give away too much, but I can refuse you nothing, my love. The glow, of which your brother speaks, was not a taking but rather a giving. I was giving you part of my strength, part of my being. You are my bonded, my anchor to this time and place. It heals the vertigo that contact with me gave you. It inures you to any earthly sickness. It allows you to sense those like me. It even protects you somewhat from others of my kind. It was a gift, nothing more, twofold, but a gift for you and for us. I am no parasite!"

Ethan looked even more puzzled. What did all of this really mean? He could tell that Skyler understood what was just said, but he was still horribly confused by all of this. All of his theories about what was going on were being blown right out of the water. Nothing matched. He began to back away from Bryce, pulling Skyler along with him. He wanted to speak to Skyler alone now. Bryce was just too much of an unknown in the face of what Ethan had witnessed.

Skyler allowed himself to be pulled along as he mulled over what Bryce had revealed. It was true, he felt better than he had in months. Also, he knew that Bryce would never hurt him. Now came the hard part, convincing Ethan that everything was really OK. Skyler sighed to himself as Ethan tugged him into Ethan's room. Ethan slammed the door shut behind Skyler and then leaned back against it.

"All right, brother dear, cough it up. What is Bryce? What the HELL is going on?" demanded Ethan loudly.

"Ethan, I really can't say. I promised. The only clue I can give you is that I can't tell you his real name," Skyler said hesitantly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" muttered Ethan, more to himself than to Skyler. The puzzle just got more complicated.

"You know me, better than anyone else ever will. Think it through Ether. You know I would never willingly hold out on you. I know these last few days have been weird, but just think it through."

"All right. Fine, we play the guessing game then. If I ask you something, you will either be able to say something or not. Whichever way that goes, it tells me something. Can we do that?" asked Ethan, rapidly applying his logic to the situation.

"I don't think I can do that," replied Skyler apprehensively. "You know that I would never break my word Ethan. Not even in a roundabout way, even for you. You know you are the same way, so don't get indignant with me about it."

"Yeah, I know," sighed Ethan. He slumped against the door for a moment then he pushed off of it and to the side.

"I'm really sorry Ethan. I want so badly to tell you everything. In fact, I really need to... but I just can't," whispered Skyler, near tears now. He went to Ethan and embraced him. Ethan stiffened for split second before relaxing into the hug. He could feel the shaking that was racking Skyler's body as Skyler hung onto him.

Skyler released Ethan reluctantly. He knew that Ethan was hurt and concerned but didn't have any idea how to fix the mess they were in. He looked into his twin's eyes before opening the door to the hall. He closed it behind him as he left. Now he had to deal with Bryce. His heart hardened for moment as he decided just what he was going to say to him. Skyler deeply resented the position he had been put in with the only person he had ever depended on with absolute trust and faith that would always be there for him.

Skyler walked into the living room to find Bryce kneeling just were the twins had left him. His face was slumped against his chest. The soft wave of his hair fell over his forehead and along part of his cheek. His hands hung limply down and onto the floor. Skyler had a sense of intense grief as he watched Bryce before coming over to the couch to sit opposite to him.

Bryce looked up into Skyler's eyes. The pain in his eyes struck a near physical blow to Skyler's heart. Bryce could see an equal pain reflected from Skyler's. He pulled himself together, got to his feet and then sat down beside Skyler. Skyler leaned away from the close contact. He was still angry about the position he had been placed in with Ethan. It just wasn't right. Bryce sighed and then moved slightly away from Skyler to give him the space he very obviously required. Skyler went through his memory for a moment and then got up.

"I'll be right back Bryce. I have something to ask you. Stay right here."

Skyler rushed down the hall to his room. He dived into his closet to grab the book bag he had tossed in there that morning when he had gotten up. As a last second thought, he also grabbed the note out of his robe. Taking his finds back to the living room, he sat down next to Bryce again. He pulled open the bag, grabbed a book at random and flipped it open.

"Did you do these?" Skyler asked as he pointed to some of the tiny red Greek letters strewn across the open page.

"Yes. I know that you need to finish school. It is something you hold to be very important, so I tried to help. Was this wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to be absolutely certain it was you. Now, what was this about?" Skyler unfolded the note and laid it on the open book.

"Ah, yes, that. I left because I thought I felt a presence near. An immortal. I wanted to see if it was one of the family."

"You mean there are others who are not 'family'?" inquired an intrigued Skyler.

"Well of course. Each area of the world has its own group of immortals that manifested in the form that the local culture envisioned. Surely some of them have survived in the same manner as my family. I have not run into any of them, but it is very likely," responded Bryce.

"I need to think about this. Let's go outside and watch the sunset."

"Certainly," came the simple reply.

They left the couch and went out onto the patio. Both sat on the patio chairs in silence. Skyler's head was racing with the implications of what Bryce had just said. It put a whole new twist on everything. Bryce sat quietly letting Skyler get his thoughts in order without distraction. He looked with interest at the white roses that Skyler had spent so much effort cultivating and defending against the ravages of unnatural fertilizer. The blooms were large and fragrant.

Ethan was in total turmoil. Nothing about any of this made sense to him. All the logic had gone out of his world in a split second. His head was still whirling as he tried to come to grips with things he had thought impossible. He had gotten more than he bargained for today. However, more things began to fit together. He sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the closed bedroom door. Too much had changed in too short of a time. Ethan decided that he had to find out what was really going on, even if he did it without Skyler's cooperation.

Resolved, he got up off the bed with a bounce. He still needed to put away the dishes from his snack earlier. He went out his door and into the living room. He could just see Bryce and his brother sitting outside. As he grabbed his stuff off of the coffee table, he noticed the open book and note. He ignored it for the moment. Once the dishes were in the dishwasher, he went back to the living room. The pair outside seemed to be oblivious to him. He glanced down at the book again. He weighed the right and wrongs then decided to go with his instincts. He snatched the book up and took it to his bedroom.

He flipped through the book grunting in disgust. It was all in Latin with the exception of the Greek letters scattered in the margins. He glared at the open page in front of him and then grinned. He had a Latin translator program installed on his computer for Skyler to use. He grinned as he turned the book over and set it on the scanner. Within minutes, he had readable pages on the computer screen. He frowned slightly as he read one of the stories.

Giving up on that for a moment, he next turned to the note that had been tucked into the book. He read it through twice and then fixated on the weird little drawing that was the signature. Suddenly Ethan's head jerked up and scanned the computer screen again. Back and forth his eyes went, from note to screen. His jaw fell open as it dawned on him what he was seeing. Ethan snagged the book from the scanner and put the note back on the open pages. He hurled himself from his chair, charging back down the hall to the living room. He tried to place the book back exactly where he had taken it. Then he pelted back down the hall into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Ethan sat back down at his computer, staring at the screen with unseeing eyes. The conclusion that he had come to stunned him. What he had witnessed with his own eyes, added with Skyler's strange behavior plus the book and note. It all added up to something that Ethan had never imagined in his entire life. Truthfully, he never would have imagined this to his dying day. His whole concept of science was rocked.

Skyler stared at the stars that had started showing as the sun's last light faded. His turmoil at not being able to tell his brother flat out what was going on still raged a complex war within his soul. On the one hand, love as no one had ever been offered since Psyche. The other hand being his loyalty to his twin. Skyler felt his stomach turn at the thought of Eros' missing wife. Talk about yet another tangled problem. He pushed that thought away firmly.

Bryce stirred next to Skyler. He could tell that things were going to take time to sort out. Interaction with mortals had grown far more complicated than he remembered. Still, he genuinely cared about this one. It had been many mortal lifetimes since he felt such a clear connection and longing for one in particular. He watched Skyler with his peripheral vision to avoid being caught staring. Bryce did enjoy the good looks of his chosen. He also appreciated the soul that was clothed in those looks. Depth of passion ran deep and in many directions within Skyler. Bryce smiled softly to himself as he mentally examined Skyler's many virtues.

Skyler sighed and looked over at Bryce. The figure next to him was quietly sitting in patience. Bryce turned marginally to meet Skyler's gaze. Skyler nodded slightly at the inquiring look. Bryce took Skyler's hand in his, bringing it to his lips. He kissed the fingers that rested lightly in his. Skyler smiled sadly before taking his hand back. He got up and motioned Bryce into the house. Bryce took the hint, rising quickly to his feet.

"We'll have to deal with this tomorrow Bryce. Something has to be done."

"Let tomorrow be as it must then," came the reply.

That's it for Chapter 5 folks. Hope it satisfied. :)

The lyrics to the song "Crash and Burn" by Savage Garden are fully copyrighted.

Any comments can be directed to me at or ICQ #11938988. My heartfelt thanks to those who wrote me with ideas and wonderful comments. Every little bit helps and encourages me to dredge my brain for the right stuff. Chapter 6 is on the way now. Hope to have it up soon, but cannot promise that it will happen as I wish.

Next: Chapter 6

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