New Covenant

By juan guzman

Published on Apr 21, 2009


Disclaimer: "The Covenant" names, titles, characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Sony Pictures Inc. (Screen Gems) and Lakeshore Entertainment. I solemnly swear that there is no monetary gain on my part by writing this FICTIONAL alternate universe to "The Covenant" (c) 2006. All "Charmed" names, titles characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Spelling Entertainment, and Constance M. Burge. All original characters are my sole property, and released to public archiving by Nifty Archives. All songs belong to their respective artist and recording corporation.

The following contains sexual and romantic relations between two or more men. If this subject makes you uncomfortable please do not read on. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some states) and therefore it is illegal to view this material please do not read on.

If none of the above apply to you, well then ENJOY.

Chapter 11: Homecoming


When I finally woe up, I was at home. Surrounded by cousins and aunts, and far off family. I felt safe and loved, and to be honest a bit suffocated by the mounds of attention being given to me.

Mom and Dad had explained that I'd been out of it for a while...a week or so, but my internal clock kept on niggling at me, as if there was more than a week missing, as if I had lived a longer period of time away from these faces, away from my home.

"Oh, its just because you were out cold most of the time, it'll all set itself right once you hit your routine again" mom had told me when I had raised my concerns with her, but her voice had belied something, like a little secret that I shouldn't know.

Chris had been ever-present in my room since I could remember, always hovering behind the onslaught of people, always shooing them out if I seemed tired, or annoyed. Wyatt had become a fixture outside my door, always asking me before letting anyone, even mom and dad, in.

Time flew by and we were ready to head off to school for the second time, only this time, we would be driven to the airport, and the good-byes would be at the gate, and something told me that now that dad had once again been made an Elder of sorts, we would be watched as the plane made its flight across the US.

"I spoke to the Provost at your new school. Four students will be picking you guys up, they're all Wyatt's year, so be nice. Call as soon as you land, and do remember how much we love you?" Mom had recited this like a litany for the past 3 days, but it had a finality in the airport that gave me pause, made Wyatt gulp loudly, and had tears at Chris' eyes.

"We will mom. Don't worry, I promise not to drive for a year. Yes we checked in on the replica of the book, no it wasn't harmed, yes there are now spells protecting the house, no we can't just orb on over, yes we're sure, no you can't fake records for the sake of safety, and yes we will be fine. I love you mom, and I'm sorry for all the craziness." I infused every bit of good-natured humor I could into my voice, but it broke away as I wound down, I hated good-byes almost as much as I hated asparagus.

"Are you sure? I mean 3 spells wouldn't do much harm...and it would be so much safer"

"Piper, honey. The boys are right, they can't just show up, they have to be seen coming into town through some normal means, and since you won't let them in a car, this is the only other way" dad gently folded his arms around mom as he spoke "now you boys go on, and behave, remember...I'll be watching you."

He walked over and hugged us each in turn, then the aunts were there, then the cousins, including the newest set: Matt, Cassie, and Lana, the new Charmed each from the other 3 strands of our much torn up family, seemed the Children of the Charmed Ones deserved a reprieve after all, we were just witches, no big impending destiny set upon us...not yet at least, and these 3 would soon join us in Ipswich, San Francisco would have a break as well.

We waved our last good-byes and headed towards the small waiting room where our flight was boarding. As we sat in our assigned seats (Wyatt in the aisle, Chris in the middle, and me by the window) a wave of pain washed over me, blanketing my entire self, I cried silently as the pilot announced we were ready for take off. We would have a lay over in Chicago, then we'd be "home" in Ipswich, away from our family, left to fend for ourselves, left to fight alone. It was too much, too soon.

I leaned on Chris' shoulder, noticing, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me as I cried, and finally slept.


I had a déjà vu going like it was no one's business. I was driving along, Rihanna and Ne-Yo were singing "Hate that I love You," Sasha Kenos' "Lover's Hour" was dominating wlyr 92.7 fm. All that was needed was for Ty, Reid, and Pogue to have stayed at home, and this would be a repeat from 2 months ago.

2 months had passed since id come back to, since I had gone missing and re-appeared, and I was still sure I was looking for something, Ty was the only one that seemed to understand my mood, but all he would say was "in time Caleb, just give it a little more time" and walk away.

Pogue and Ty had come out to Reid and I. I was very happy that they had found each other, they made each other happy, and Ty deserved it as much as Pogue needed it. I had in turn told them about my own preference over men. Reid had guffawed and breathed a "finally" then told us of his, as of now, postponed move to Aruba, we had no say in the matter, and yet I couldn't bear the thought of Reid not being here, of him far away, out of reach.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I had asked once while we were making our way to Pat's "I mean have you completely thought it through?"

"Look, Caleb. You, Ty, Pogue, you guys have this easy control over your lives, you just kinda have things together y'know? I'm always struggling along, just hoping to keep up with school, with social life, with dating. I want a clean slate, I wanna start anew. I'm tired of this drab old town anyway, I mean we barely ever have actual sunlight."

"If it's what you want, you know we'll back you up...I am sorry to see you go though, you're like my brother Reid, always have been, that's why I've always been a bit harsher on you than the others." I looked at Reid, but he was avoiding my gaze, looking out the window.

"You should know're my brother Caleb, I never thought of you as just a friend, none of you. My parents are always off globetrotting to keep my dad's mind busy, keep him from using, I'm an only kid, and I live in a mansion with 13 rooms in every one of its four wings. You guys have always felt more like family to me than anyone else. I wish there was a way for me to stay, I really do but what is left here for me Caleb? I've dated all the girls here, none of them have that special `it' people keep telling me about, I'm not gay...believe me I've checked...don't what's left for me here? I appreciate that you guys want me around, I get that us splitting up has never even been considered, but what's here for ME, not US, just ME?"

I had driven on that day, as Reid looked out of the window, I had prayed and prayed that he would find someone before September 2, it was August 31, and still there was no one Reid could, or would want.

I looked at him on the rearview mirror, I still couldn't grasp the concept of him leaving wasn't right, and something deep down told me he wouldn't...something called to me and told me Reid was here for the long haul, whether he wanted to or not.

"CALEB!!!" Ty's voice cut through my pondering, and I saw the truck headed towards us, I pulled on the steering wheel and righted onto our lane, the truck sped by honking at us.

"Jesus!!" Pogue's voice was a choking sound. "DAMN IT!!!" Reid sounded scared shitless "WHAT the HELL was THAT?" Ty's voice was incredulous. "Shit, fuck, crap, hell, fucker!!!" I could hear the fear in my own voice "sorry guys, kinda went blank there for a sec...everyone all right?"

"Yea, I'm good." "Cool" "I'm alright, just keep your eyes on the road please?"

I looked in the rearview, Reid looked ready to burst into laughter and so did Pogue, next to me Ty was pressing his lips together. I could feel the laughter building up inside myself.

" who's gonna laugh first?" my voice wavered on every word, belying my own concealed laughter. It came then, an exultant boom that filled the entire car, Pogue's laughter. Then abruptly we all joined in, laughter shaking the rented van's glass.

The laughter died down slowly, save for the insuppressible giggle every now and then. I took the exit for the airport and checked the dashboard clock, it read 3:30...eerie. We were 30 minutes early for the Halliwell's plane to arrive. I drove to the parking lot and found a spot on the roof, next to the elevators. Ty had the folder with all the flight information, and the pictures of the brothers, and their cousins inside, seemed three more Halliwells would be joining Spenser Prep as the semester went on, except the other three had all different last names, and their only relation was cousins.

We boarded the elevator and hit the Mezzanine button, the cart made its slow descent, and then we were at arriving flights. Flight 275, Chicago to Ipswich had arrived earlier...2:00pm, how very coincidental. I pulled out my phone and dialed the school's number. The phone rang once...twice...

"Spenser Preparatory School, this is Ms. Daniels speaking, how may I direct your call?"

Eerie déjà vu all over the damned place. "Ms. Daniels...this is Caleb Danvers, I was checking to see if there had been any changes as to the plans for the Halliwell brothers arrival?"

"Well, let me check...hold please" The Blue Danube came on and I listened intently, hoping that I would not be told something had happened, I would just scream if it had "Mr. Danvers?"

"I'm here"

"Well the only change I see is that their plane departed earlier from Chicago, but nothing major...anything else you would like me to help with?"

"No Ms. Daniels, that was all, thank you."

I looked at Ty and he nodded. They were here somewhere.

"I'll see if they're at the shops." Reid's voice came from behind me.

"I'll check the arrivals waiting room" Pogue's voice called as he jogged away.

"I'll check baggage claim" Ty looked at me again "or would you rather we stayed together?"

"I'm fine Ty. I'll check outside, maybe they're smoking or something in that range." Ty turned and headed off down the hall, I turned and walked out the doors, then realized I didn't know who I was supposed to be looking for, Ty, Pogue and Reid had seen the pictures, but I hadn't.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Ty's number. It rang only once.

"Yo" "Ty, I don't remember what they look like...any specific features I should look for?" "Striking eyes, Wyatt, for Chris I guess, his hair color, like a splotchy brown, hangs over his eyes, David...well he's more of the type you'd be in awe of the second you see him...that's kinda all I can do, unless you want me to go over and give you the pics?" "It's fine, I'll just ask people if they have those traits...c'ya"

I walked to my left and saw a flash of splotchy brown hair. I walked up to the guy, he seemed in his early twenties, this couldn't be Chris. I turned around and my eyes caught onto the most striking guy I had ever seen. His brown hair was tinged with blonde, his creamy white skin sparkling against his grey turtle neck sweater, his jeans hung from his hips, this was David Halliwell, of that I could be 100% sure.


Chris and I were standing outside, smoking a cig, waiting for the guys from Spencer Prep to show up. Wyatt was picking up our luggage, but being inside an airport was not appealing to me in the least. Chris kept looking around, searching for them, I simply relaxed, dragging on my cig, hoping to get my nerves under control. Something kept niggling at my brain, like I should remember something, like I had forgotten some important piece of information.

I looked at Chris, he threw his cig into the container, I looked at my own, the filter was going to burn in the next drag, so I pitched mine in as well, I grabbed my laptop bag and wheeled around, intent on going inside, although dreading the thought.

"It can't be..." Chris' voice was a whisper, barely audible, meant only for him, a thought spoken aloud, his eyes were transfixed on something behind me, I followed his gaze, and saw the most gorgeous guy I had ever come across. His olive skin stood in contrast to his navy blue shirt, his jeans had a casual comfort to them that was almost enviable, his dark eyes smoldered, his lips were sensuously curved, his smile was a beacon in a dark night, his close cropped hair seemed to simply exist in perfect harmony with the world.

"Chris? David? My name's Caleb, Caleb Danvers. I'm from Spencer Prep..." his voice was a constant pounding in my head, shrieking at me that I'd heard it before, that I'd known it before.

"Nice to meet you Caleb, Im David Halliwell, and this is my older brother, Chris." I held out my hand, and as he took it, the feel of his touch clouded all other thought, it rang through me with an urgency I had never felt before, and then Chris' hand was outstretched, reluctantly I let go, and enviously watched as Caleb shook Chris' hand.

"Let's find Wyatt. Dave are you coming?" I looked around and noticed Chris and Caleb were heading in, I rushed to them, still entranced by Caleb's touch, and now his aroma.

"So how was your flight?" Caleb's voice was polite, and directed at no one in particular, simply inquiring into our well being, no ulterior motives.

The conversation went between Chris and Caleb, it was relaxed and flowing, but Chris' eyes told me he was uncomfortable, I didn't know why, but being around Caleb seemed to have him on edge, I could see how much effort he was putting into sounding off-hand. I pulled out my cell and dialed out mom's cell number.

"Hey mom" I said as her voicemail clicked on "we're okay, the flight was smooth, and the guys from Spencer showed up as promised...our flight outta Chicago left early, so we were here before them. I bought you and dad something I think you'll enjoy, I'll...FedEx it tomorrow. Call me when you get this. Give my love to everyone. Ciao."

I'd been hoping mom would be my cop out, but she must've been busy. I racked my brain and finally brought up Lana's number, her name is Marianna, but she hates it, so we have to call her Lana.

"Lana Leon here. I'm sorry I can't answer your call, but c'est la vie. Leave me your name, number and a short message and I'll..." I clicked off, strange that Lana wouldn't get her phone either. Dread began to well up in me in obnoxious amounts. I dialed out Phoebe's number.

"Phoebe Halliwell" her voice was a chirruping sound, almost weakening in its reality. "Heelllooo?"

"Aunt Phoebs? It's you know where mom is?" "Of course hon, she's right here with me...she came to visit. Is something wrong? You sound a bit scared" I could hear shuffling through the phone, I heard an ow, then my mom was on the line. "David, it's your mother, is everything ok?" "Mom relax...I called your phone but got your machine, and when I tried Lana's it was a machine too, I guess I just got a little spooked, we're all fine, we're in Ipswich, we met up with the guys from Spencer...all of this is in your machine. I'm glad everything's fine, I'll call you later `kay?" "Okay. Hon, give my love to your brothers, and if you can all come home for dinner, well it'd make this old woman happy."

"mom you promised not to lay any guilt trips on us remember? We'll be home for dinner two weeks from now, unless something major happens. I'll call you later. Kisses, love you."

I clicked out before she could start in on how we were just kids and blah, blah, blah. I would have to refrain from calling her tonight and tomorrow night, else she'd guilt me into guilting Chris and Wyatt to go over to San Fran for dinner. I loved the Halliwell women, but one thing they had in spades was the capacity to guilt their kids into action. I wanted to set my feet here first though. I wanted to make the new Manor feel like home. I was the homebody in our little trio, Chris was the single-minded, and goal set, and Wyatt was the overprotective. Roles that seemed to come in with our blood, always reflecting someone from the generation before us. Halliwell kids were meant to be born in threes, that much was for sure.

I trailed along as Chris and Caleb spoke about the school, I couldn't concentrate, if I did I would stare at Caleb, and no way was this guy A) available or B) gay. I had a crush on him, I had a crush on a straight man...this wasn't supposed to happen anymore, I was supposed to be over this. Damn this was going to be hard.


I couldn't help myself. I was crushing on David. Everyone of his movements, everyone of his mannerisms caught my attention, I still felt his touch on my hand, his scent still clung to my nostrils. Every time his voice echoed from behind us my skin tingled all over. I wanted to hold a conversation with him, but he seemed to be actually avoiding me. Maybe he was freaked out...maybe he'd seen I was gay and was disgusted. I was crushing on a guy who was straight, and younger than me...perfect. I feel like a perv now. Shit why is it all so hard...yeesh!!

Chris had kept a flowing conversation going with me, very polite, and very reserved, almost like he was trying his hardest to keep my attention on him. That's when it hit me, could Chris have a crush on me? Could I be crushing on the wrong brother? I looked at Chris, he was handsome. His eyes had a startling light in them, his lips were a bit like David's, but they didn't have that same allure. Who was I kidding, I could never fall for Chris, not while David was around.

"So where are you guys living? Did you get into the dorms?" I swiveled my body to face David more than Chris, David had his head down and he bumped into me, the feel of his body against mine was breathtaking, I grabbed onto his shoulders to steady him, he looked up, our eyes locked, and a shiver ran down my spine, our faces were mere inches from each other, the compulsion to kiss him was unbearable, I inched in, and noticed he did too, then our lips met.

As I kissed him a flood of memories rushed forward. I did know him.


No, no, no, no, no!!! this is NOT supposed to be happening. How could this happen? Caleb is supposed to be far away, not here, he's not supposed to be the contact in Ipswich, he's not supposed to be in the airport picking us up.

I needed to ask someone what would happen, I needed to know if this affected my family in some weird way. I needed to know if David would suffer any backlash, could this really be blamed on him? Could this be shucked off to fate? Would there be ramifications because of the spell? My head spun round and round with these questions as I spoke to Caleb, trying to keep his eyes on me, trying to keep his attention off of Dave. If I could keep them off of each other's radar long enough, maybe I could reach Wyatt and he'd have an answer...THIS WAS SOOOO WRONG!!!!!!

"So where are you guys living? Did you get into the dorms?" I heard Caleb ask, his body turning to face David. Then the world caved in.

David bumped into Caleb, I could suddenly feel their emotions coming through the air in overpowering waves. Their desire was roiling, their passion drowned me, their love rose inside me like a million pounds of fireworks. I knew it right then and there, no matter what the cost, no matter what the backlash, I would help them, I would shield them, and I would battle for them.

Caleb inched forward, even as David did, when their lips met their combined emotions threw me, I felt the swirl of recognition, the heightened sense of passion, I felt my legs fail, then the floor was rushing up to meet me.


As I rounded the corner I saw Dave bump into a dark haired guy, Chris swayed on his feet, then he was falling. I looked at Tyler and his expression was utter shock, I ran to Chris' side, hoping to help him somehow.

When I got to Chris' side, I recognized the guy. Caleb. Against all odds, David had found Caleb, they had found each other, here of all places. They had run into each other. How I did not know, but there he was. My whole body shut down, I plopped onto the floor next to Chris, looking at Dave and Caleb, the rapture on their faces, the hunger in their bodies. This was true love, any which way you spun it, they were truly, truly in love. I stared, knowing that the trials were coming. We'd be put through hell because of this, but I wouldn't back down, I would do all I could for Dave, no matter what.


Holy did this come about? I thought for sure we would've been able to put this off for a while, to keep them separate. This was meant to be. It had to be. What were the chances? Why would Caleb find David, why not Chris or Wyatt?

Chris was on the floor, Wyatt was sitting next to him, staring blankly at Caleb and David. I was rooted to the spot. What did this mean? I pulled my phone out and dialed Pogue.

"Babe?" "Hey. Get to the main'll never guess what is happening" "I can see from here. Is that THE David?" "Believe it or not...where are you?" "Right behind you"

The line dropped and there was Pogue standing right behind me, his arms wrapped around me.

"Wow...they look like they might eat each other...What's up with the other two?"

"Dunno, Chris collapsed and I think Wyatt's just shocked...maybe he didn't know his brother was gay or something...this is all soo much. Let's go see if we can help"

We made our way over to Wyatt, he looked up as we approached, his look wasn't shock, it was determination, he'd set himself a goal, and his look told me that no matter what, or who stood in his way, he would reach it, then I glanced his that's where Caleb had gone. There was much to talk about.


The memories came back then, as my lips met his, as I breathed in his aroma, as I pressed myself closer to his body. Alaxio...his promise...the year that had been a week...the sights we'd seen...the fights we'd had...the times we'd had sex...the time we'd made love, that one was more vivid than the rest


(third POV)

Caleb and David walk in the hanging gardens of Babylon, they're laughing, enjoying each other's company, simply being together. David kisses Caleb then rushes off.

"Catch me if you can!!!" David shouts back, his glee eminent in his voice.

Caleb runs after him, playfully lunging at him, following him through wildflowers, and trees, and bushes. Finally he catches up, he pulls on David's arm and they topple over, rolling on the soft ground, each fighting for the top spot, each wanting to be the winner, and yet both know that there is nothing to lose, and much to gain.


As we come to a stop, Caleb is straddling me, his smile beaming at me, he's all softness and carefulness, there's no aggression, no true strength. He stares at me, both of us giggling uncontrollably, both of us out of breath. His eyes are like traps for me, as they lock onto mine, I simply fall into them, gathering speed with every second.

His face starts to come towards mine, and I ready myself for the familiar onslaught of raw passion that is sure to devour me. Instead, when his lips reach mine, it's a soft, endurable, unforgettable kiss...its not filled with need, with flaming desire, but with a warm tenderness. Like a rose petal drifting slowly down my skin, his hand traces the outside of my body, gently caressing my sides, mapping out every inch of me. His lips remain tender against mine, his hands gently brush against me, there's no hurried urge, just a pleasant touching. His fingers deftly lift my shirt off, out mouths part for one second, just enough for the shirt to slip over my head, I orb his shirt off, and the sight is breath taking.

He leans into me again, the feel of our bodies pressed together sends prickles of anticipation running over my skin. His lips depart from mine, they move to my cheek, then my jawbone which he kisses gently before moving onto my neck, there they make their way upwards, headed for my ear. He kisses the back of my earlobe, then moves down to my neck, kissing every inch, then to the hollow of my throat, where his tongue lashes out quickly, my skin prickles with excitement, then he moves on, kissing my neck again, kissing behind my other earlobe, then my jawbone, then cheek, then his lips are on mine again, still filled with that tenderness that has never been there before, the tenderness that replaces our white hot passion.

His lips part from mine again, and an involuntary shiver wracks my body, I tremble under his gentle touch, my skin breaks out in goose bumps. He kisses my chin, follows my neck to the hollow of my throat, then further down, to the space between my pecs, then he kisses down my chest, to my belly button, he blows on it and my hands tear at the soft grass around us. He kisses lower still, closing in on the waistband of my jeans, I don't notice when he undoes the buttons, or slips my jeans off, leaving me clad only in underwear. He kisses the elastic, and the fabric intensifies the sensation of it against my skin. As he kisses the fabric that's covering my dick, I can't help but arch my back, and dig my fingers deeper into the soil, its all I can do to stop myself from gripping his hair. I am lost in ecstasy, completely consumed by the sensations, all rational thought is left behind. I am his, now and always, I am his.

I could feel the warmth of his lips like a balm, soothing the hunger that rose inside me, and once again I was tender and quiet, the consuming passion dashed by the need to be loved, the need to experience this side of Caleb. His hand roamed all over me, caressing me, recognizing me, exploring me. I orbed his pants away, fair was fair, he wanted to touch all of me, and I wanted all of him to touch me.

His lips began to ascend, never leaving the path he'd followed. When he reached my lips, he softly pecked me, his gaze tore into me, it scorched away the bad times, it seared clean and shut the wounds left behind by my past relationships, it claimed me, and I surrendered, unwilling to stand against him.

"There's something about's like we're magnets, like no matter where we are in this place, I can find you...I can sense where you are, like a second sight...did you do this to me?"

I remembered then, the spell...I told him the truth "I cast a spell when I was ten, a spell that would unite me with my true love when I was most vulnerable. I guess in a sense, I did..."

"Good, then I have a reason for the irrationality of it all...and an excuse to be with you, now and always" he pecked my lips again, then the kiss became more urgent, and yet it still flowed with that oh so needed tenderness.

His lips on mine were a drug, with every kiss I became more and more addicted to it, and I didn't care how addicted I became, I would hold this memory forever, no matter what. His hands began to massage my dick, slowly, gently kneading it, stroking it. I could feel his hardness pressed against my leg, throbbing, hot. The desire once again tore through me, but I pushed it away, this wasn't raw and uninhibited, not for me, not this time. Caleb was different too, this wasn't just sex, this meant much more, to both of us. It was in his touch, in his softness, in his kisses, and most importantly; in his eyes.

His lips were on mine, so soft and delectable, his tongue was warm and delicious in my mouth, his scent filled my nostrils, his touch made me drunk with desire. I was above the world, I was a god to his hands. Slowly he pulled off my briefs, caressing my thighs as he did so, his lips traveled up my inner thigh, fluttering over my skin, sending shivers out like waves. Then he began to kiss my dick, fluttering around it, his lips barely touching my skin, driving me wild.

Slowly his lips parted, and my head was in his mouth, the warmth of it made me writhe, I wanted to tear something, I wanted to rip at him, a tree 20 yards away lifted off the ground, the roots pulled it back towards it place, but my magic kept pushing it aloft. Caleb wrapped his lips further down my dick, and a set of gardenias were suddenly surrounded by orbs, I could feel the magic leave me, could feel the triggers in my powers, but I could not stop them, I could not hold them back.

I felt the back of Caleb's throat and magic rushed out. The whole garden was alit with orbs. Trees, bushes, flowers, anything and everything that could be moved, flipped, levitated, or otherwise changed, was getting hit with everything I had, small explosions kept making little holes around the sprawling lawns, I averted my gaze from Caleb as much as I could, his eyes had gained a sincerity and depth that pushed every one of my buttons at the same time.

He hooked the back of my legs with his elbows, and slowly rose them to his shoulders, then his lips traveled from my knees, up my inner thigh, his lips light as a butterfly's wings. Then his lips were at my hole, kissing, sucking, licking, probing. The sensation rose and fell within me, a million pinpricks of desire and passion, of pleasure and lust ran through me, like a stampede of wild horses, I grabbed his hair and arched my back, this couldn't possibly get any better. A tree ten feet from us burst into a million pieces, then froze in mid-air, I had completely lost all control of my powers.

His tongue entered me, and I was proved wrong, it could get better, dangerously so. I could not breathe, my lungs ached with desire, my throat was parched, my lips dry, I needed to rest, I needed to stop. But the desire and passion were greater, they lent my body oxygen, lent my throat some moisture, made my lips soft. I pulled on Caleb's hair, dragging him upwards. He complied easily, the ravenous look in his eyes was marvelous. Our lips met.


And here we were. He HAD found me. I HAD found him. I couldn't believe it, couldn't fathom it. This was strange. I needed Caleb so badly, I needed to hold onto him and never let go. Destiny had brought us together, and no matter what I would be with him, so long as he would have me, I would be with him.

Our lips parted, just for a second, just so we could look into each other's eyes. There was the look, that ravenous look that told me he wanted me. I was his. ALWAYS, I had been his. Our breathing was ragged, my head spun, and the noises filtered in. Wyatt was saying Chris' name over and over again, a trio of male voices kept a litany of hushed arguments, and the speaker of the airport announced flight after flight. I looked deep into his eyes, the message was clear "we have time" I pushed away from him and turned my head, there on the floor, not five feet from us, were Wyatt and Chris. I snapped out of my ethereal mood, and ran to my brothers.

"Wyatt, what happened?" panic was clear in my voice, my eyes were wide and my senses taught, that's when I felt the magic swirling around a trio of guys, they kept looking at us, they were looking at us, then at Caleb. I turned on them, not waiting for Wyatt's answer "Who are you?"

"I'm Tyler, this is my boyfriend, Pogue, and that blonde one is Reid. We're Caleb's friends"

I looked at each of them in turn, Pogue was a brick house, Tyler was old Hollywood, and Reid was punk-rock, meets rich-boy. They were handsome in their own way, but in my eyes, none could match Caleb. I turned back to Wyatt, my eyes spoke this time.

"He's fine, head rush is all. He couldn't take the emotions you and Caleb were putting out, hell I'm not an empath and it was apparent to me, imagine what Chris must've felt, you AND him wrapped in one, add in his own emotions, and well..." he looked different. It wasn't the same old Wyatt I loved, he was more open, more vulnerable. I heard the chimes, then felt magic go tight. Something was happening.

They came in orbs and light, as they're bound to do, and I recognized them before they even solidified before us, Elders.

"There's much to be explained" rang a female voice from under the cowl of one of the robes "and not by you dear ones."

"Much as you would like that to be true, some of them do have a bit of explaining that they might do" the voice was clearly male, strong and pure.

"Mercurian, Orphea. What are you doing here?" Wyatt's voice was taut, he was measuring the situation, though for what, I did not know.

"Ah, the Twice Blessed Child. It is good to see you again young one. However, the hostility in your eyes is not the reason we are here."

"Cut through the bullshit act Orphea...what's going on?"

"YOU WILL NOT speak to us in that manner young Halliwell, we've done nothing to deserve such rage from you" Mercurian's voice roared through the airport, the acoustic sound crashing through my skin.

"Peace Mercurian, we know of the reasons, and yet they do not, let it be explained. Young Halliwell, we come here not for the reasons you think, in fact I believe you'll be greatly surprised by what we have to tell you, but first we must tend to a softer matter." Orphea waved her hand and orbs flew, and in the midst of it all, though my eyes saw it, I could not believe it, Kira.

"KIRA!!!" the voice was startling, I was surprised to find out it had been my voice which had shouted.

"'re BACK!!!!" she ran towards me and I towards her, though the six feet between us would have been cover in a stride. I hugged her and she hugged me, I cried, this was my best friend at one point, she had meant the world to me, to Chris, to Wyatt, to all of us. Zankou had killed her, twice. The first time she had vanished, aunt Phoebe always spoke of how Zankou had shape shifted into her and gotten past Kira's defenses, killing her I the attic. But somehow, she'd come back, years later. We never knew why she came back, or how, only that she had, but with her Zankou had returned as well, it had been four years of weird time twists, and time passing in stasis, we somehow had grown and remained small, it was all confusing, but Kira had been there, and in that last battle against Zankou, she had given up her life to save mom and dad. Two times Zankou had killed her, and it seemed two times she had come back.

"How?" it was all I could manage through the knot in my throat.

"We'll talk later"

"Kira, explain to the Halliwells why you are here, though not HERE alive, but HERE with us." the order was clear, reveal why you're in this room, at this time, but not how.

"Os, Osten, Ociel, I'm here as a white-lighter, not a friend. I'm here for my charges." she turned to look at Tyler, Pogue and Reid. Until now I hadn't even noticed that they were moving.

"Charges? What is going on Kira? Are these guys magical?" Wyatt's voice was taut, he was being overtly careful, he was ready for something, but I still could not fathom what that was.

"Yes Os, they are. These are four of the last surviving members of a Secret Covenant created when the Salem witch trials begun here in Massachusetts. I think Orphea and Mercurian will field the rest." she stepped towards Tyler then, a friendly smile hanging on her rose-red lips.

"Thank You dear one. Now young ones, we shall say our peace, for much remains to be explained, and time, though frozen, is not on our side. The Covenant of Silence was forged, unbeknownst to us, on February of 1692. Six witch families joined their fates, and magic to create the Covenant of Silence, of which, these young men are descendants; however John Putnam tried to betray them to save his own life, and the others were forced in turn to betray him, so the line of families was cut to five. But thanks to the actions of his wife, Goody Putnam, one of the voices of the covenant was silenced. And was never spoken of again. That voice, was Melinda Warren, your eight times great grandmother, the reason for the Halliwell's powers. And not only did she prophesize the coming of the Charmed Ones, no she also hid the Covenant from us with her dying breath. We had no idea such a treaty existed, nor that because of that same treaty, the magic had lost its original shape, and become corrosive, and even deadly to its wielder. We are sorry that you have been hidden for so long, and our mistake weighs heavy on our hearts. Kira will guide you as your new powers develop, also we shall take upon ourselves whatever ill these corrupt powers may have wrought on you, `tis the least we feel that we might do. Now for the question burning so brightly in your mind Blessed Child. We knew of David's spell, but we overlooked it, cast at such a tender age, we did not think it would come to pass. It did, and we were surprised. Then came the prophecies...of yourself, and of both your brothers, prophecies that have been, and will be, kept secret so that destiny gets its way without our interference. Needless to say, Destiny got its way did it not? Had it not been for the crash, David and Caleb would've met under these same circumstances, the spell did not affect that, nor did their time inside of Alaxio, of which we must speak later, so no. David and Caleb will not be punished, for it was meant to be, at least so far as meeting. Do not seek to question us on the rest of your relationship, we shall give no answer. The spell simply brought them together when David needed someone to help him, but it did not bring them together, nor would it have done so before you would have come to Ipswich. As for Chris" she waved her hand at him, his eyes fluttered open "you and I must speak alone."


My heart was skipping beats, my mouth had gone dry, and my legs were shaking. Why would Orphea want to speak to Chris alone? David had gotten off, what had Chris done?

"I'll help you up." I held onto him then, I wanted to hold my brothers and not let go, but that wasn't what we had to do right now, right now we had to get things in order.

"Wyatt...why does Morpheus want to speak to Chris alone?" Dave's voice was controlled, even. It meant the was panicking.

"I dunno Dave, but it'll be alright baby, I promise" I kissed his forehead "I promise you both." I caught their eyes, the message was clear; I would do anything to keep us all safe, and together.

"I'll see what it is they want." Chris rolled from under my arm, immediately I felt younger, vulnerable. Chris and Dave were my world, if I ever lost them, I didn't know that I could or would survive it. I looked at Dave, it was obvious why Kira called him Ociel, his eyes reflected heaven, he was a god among mortals.

"Wyatt...I'm scared shitless, for him, for me, for you. If they do ANYTHING that might put him in any danger, I'll kill them. They won't hurt my brother." His eyes were hard, and still they didn't lose that light that marked him.

"Don't worry baby bro, they won't do anything, not if they know what's good for them." I could see Chris and Orphea walking around, just out of earshot.


"I understand, but I think you'll have a hard time selling this to my brothers. They're just as hard-headed as the aunts, I think if it hadn't been for dad's influence on me, I probably would be just as bad. I'll try and convince them of it, but you have to remember Orphea: Without my brothers, I do nothing, not for you, not for anyone. If they think this is a bad idea, we'll just have to come up with something else."

"I am glad you see our side young one. I approached you because you seem to be the glue that binds all of you so tightly, if anyone can convince your siblings that this is necessary, it is you." the tone of her voice belied her calm, they needed this, they wanted this badly. I was still unsure whether or not Wyatt and David would agree. "There is another matter which we must speak of young one. There is some question as to what we are to do with another survivor of this Covenant, although Caleb et al believe he's dead, or at least neutralized, he's lost his memory, but he's still very much a part of all this, we need you to re-integrate him into the group. We know we are asking a lot of you, but we have every confidence in your capabilities, more than that, we're positive you'll achieve this." with that she orbed off, I orbed to Wyatt's side and as I turned around, time began again.

"What was that about?" David's voice was in complete control, it didn't break, didn't quaver, had no discernable tone; he was panicking.

"It was nothing Dave, just some dumb white lighter stuff, I might be getting my first charge soon...what a drag, anyway...can we just go home now?" I looked at Caleb and his friends, they were talking softly, at some point a lanky blonde had joined them I figured it was Reid, given it was the only name I didn't recognize.

"I'm orbing there, my head is on overload, if I have to sit through the drive I might blow up something...literally. You guys take the drive, these guys are in your classes more than in mine, I'll see you at Laura's Lane." Dave burst into orbs, the message hidden in his words didn't go unnoticed; I want to be alone.

"He shouldn't have done that, what if he was seen?" Wyatt looked up vaguely, cameras. I sent out my senses and found the security room, with a thought I joined Wyatt's power with my own and fried the last 2 hours on the current discs, then I crossed my fingers and hoped nothing horrible had happened within that time limit, I didn't worry about personal gain, the Elders had established that since we were always cleaning up after ourselves, anything that covered our tracks was OK.

Caleb came over and picked up my laptop bag "I guess we should be on our way, where's David?"


"He went on ahead, said he was really tired...but since we all have so much to talk about, you guys need to come in anyway"

The words were heavy in my brain, before I knew what was happening I faded, and was in front of the house at Laura's Lane. I stared at the door, indecision taking over, I should've stayed, I should've given Dave the space he needed, if he felt anything as confused as I did then he needed to be alone for a short while.

"It's open babe" the voice was low, muffled, but so absolutely familiar that it shook me to the core "c'mon in"

I gently pushed the door opened and stepped into the atrium. An oval table with a marble top was in the center, a bouquet of Chrysanthemums was in the middle with different colored candles surrounding it.

"Dave...I'm sorry, I dunno why...I should go" I turned to leave and a stream of white-blue lights cascaded in front of me, David materialized out of them, his arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me in close.

"Don't...please don't"

His lips brushed against my neck as he spoke, his hug was tight, my own arms encircled his waist, I wanted to meld us into one being. I needed him in my arms, he felt right there, it felt natural and beautiful, it felt so completely right.

"As long as you want me, I'll be here. I promise."

"I want you always"

Our lips met, his hands entangled themselves in my hair, mine roamed his back. The sweet taste of him filed my mouth, his scent filled my nostrils, his being filled me and I was in heaven. I loved him then with all my strength.

" im meleth ley sii' ar' im ilyamenie" the elvish spilled out before I even knew I had spoken it.

"You speak the Old Tongue?" his face was filled with surprise and delight "I can't believe you said that in the Old Tongue, I'll love you now and always too." a tear slowly rolled down his cheek, glistening against his reddened face "Caleb mela en' oira coia im vesta lle haba corm (Love of eternal life, I promise you my heart). I swear."

We embraced each other, simply enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed together. I could die right now, and my life would've been complete, at that moment I knew we would be happy together.

We went into the living room and sat in the sofa, David lay his head in my lap, I played with his hair and I could see he was tired. I maneuvered us into a comfortable position and lay next to him, we spoke for a while, but soon his breathing slowed, and I knew he'd fallen asleep.

I woke to the sound of the door being opened. My head was pounding, my back was killing me, and yet I'd never felt so comfortable. David was still sound asleep in m arms, we were still on the couch. I faded to the atrium.

"Hey guys...shhhhh, Dave's asleep in the living room" Wyatt looked at me the nodded and turned to the outside, he whispered something, then light flooded the dinning room and they all came in.

"Well I can't cook as well as Dave, but I can do it better than Wyatt, I'll make some Mac and Cheese, anyone care to help?" Chris' voice was kept low, but it was filled with an inviting quality that had not been there before.

"Chris there's no need...Pogue order a pizza, I want some fries...anyone else want anything?" Ty's voice left no space for argument, Chris' face lit up.

"even better, I'll have a Stromboli, ham and cheese, sweet peppers and fried onion please"

"I'd like a burger if its not too much trouble, double meat double cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, no onions and a bit of ketchup please"

Pogue looked nonplussed, his phone was at the ready in his right hand, he hadn't blinked since Ty had asked him to call.

"I'll just have a milkshake, chocolate if we're ordering from Nicky's, vanilla if it's from Streyn's"

"Babe are you sure all you want is fries?"

"ummm get me an order of chicken tenders as well...honey mustard on the side"

"so...that's: a Stromboli, ham and cheese, sweet peppers and fried onions for Chris, a burger, double meat, double cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, no onions and a bit of ketchup for Wyatt, a milkshake, chocolate if we're ordering from Nicky's, vanilla if it's from Streyn's for Caleb and an order of chicken tenders, honey mustard on the side and an order of fries for that right?" Pogue dialed as he spoke, his manner easy and joking, Wyatt's mouth was slightly open, Chris' face was amazed, Ty and I didn't see why, but then if it was the first time you saw Pogue recite an entire conversation from memory, I guess it might just be surprising.

"I'm kinda hungry too" the voice was still a welcome surprise, my every fiber was glad to hear it "I want what Wyatt's having, no peppers or onions, extra heavy on the cheese"

He made his way over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, I draped mine over his shoulders, happy in the comfortable way we fit together, he was mine again, for whatever it was worth.

"Ty, where's Reid?"

"He took the van back to the rental place, he kept muttering about how no one would even notice he was gone. I think we should have a talk with him, he's really felling down lately, he's not his usual self."

"When he gets here we'll talk to him."

Pogue gave in our order, then told us it'd be 20 minutes.

"Cancel it Pogue, I could have a better meal ready in ten, and my hands are itching to cook."

Obediently Pogue called and cancelled, Dave slipped from me and began walking towards the kitchen, Wyatt and Chris following behind. I looked at Ty and Pogue, we all shrugged and followed the brothers to the kitchen.

The architect in me was awed, this kitchen had no right to fit into the given space, how could all of this be in here?

"It's a spell, the whole house is a replica of the family home in SanFran"

"Dave what are you talking about?" Tyler sounded confused, hell even I was a little confused, and I knew what was going on.

"Its kinda this bond we have, I think it's because of the time we spent in Alaxio, it bonded us so that we are ever-present in each other's minds...guess that explains the dreams I had before getting here." Dave trailed off, but I heard him loud and clear <I'll tell you some other time, pass me the knife behind you please> I grabbed the knife and faded it off my hand to him. "Show-off, I could've just called it you know."

Tyler and Pogue were shocked, it was the first time they had seen me use magic like this, but around David, it just happened, there were no consequences, no thoughts, just actions.

"He...I mean all of you can do that now you know. The Elders may be a lot of things, but even we have to admit they're not liars. If they say you guys can do magic freely, then its true. We can do a stasis spell over the house, time will pass differently, and you guys can practice and find out what your true powers are" Wyatt's voice was so matter-of-fact that it left little room for it to be questioned.

"None of that now, dinner's almost ready, I want a normal meal, no discussion of magic, just how the days have been, things normal people might discuss, though I'll allow some lee-way for Alaxio, since I imagine y'all can barely keep the questions in."

"David's right, everyone's broadcasting their thoughts so loudly, I'm not quite sure what mine really are" Ty looked around, trying to get his bearings I would guess.

"Well, in this house, David cooks, so he commands the dining room and the kitchen. Let's all try and reign in our thoughts so Ty can get some alone time up there, Pogue would you please get the plates from the last cabinet on the left? I'll get the silverware, Wyatt get the cups, Ty...if I may call you that (Ty gave a nod of consent), could you get the napkins from the third cabinet in the middle there, c'mon people, this dinner's done...lil' bro, I love mac and cheese."

We all deployed, David kept moving, a small smile on his face as he darted this way and that, stirring here and there, moving this and that, and somehow I knew mac and cheese was only the beginning of what he could make, this was just a quick little thing, I was pretty sure that given enough time, Dave could make enough food to keep an army fed.

I grabbed the plates and walked to the dinning room, the doors swung shut behind me. I placed the myriad of plates in the order which I knew they would be used, it seemed a bit much for just mac and cheese, but I was never one to contradict the host, if Chris, Wyatt and Dave wanted the table set like this, there had to be a reason why.

As I set the last plate, my body jerked forward, I hit the side of the table and fell to the floor, already darkness encroached me.


I was adding a pinch of marigold to the upside-down cake when it happened, what it was I'm not quite sure, I just know that it happened. I turned around and there was nothing but fire, fire everywhere, snaking its way across counters and dishes, across the floor, towards the stove...OH NO!!!!!


I flew backwards, my whole body slamming against the opposite side of the kitchen, my last thought was orbing, then darkness came.


The cups were perfectly set, Caleb was doing a great job with the plates, Chris and Tyler were having a conversation on how difficult it was to be overpowered by the emotions and thoughts of others, and that's when it hit me, when I knew. Under different circumstances those two would've easily fallen in love, they had a deep understanding of each other, but Tyler loved Pogue, that much was utterly clear, and Chris' sexuality was still a complicated subject, as much for him as for the rest of us.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, so utterly lost in my own little world, that I did not hear it, just felt it. My body launched itself forward, out the side window, I felt the glass shards cut almost every part of me, felt the thud of my head against the window's frame, then the cold ground...darkness came, and my only thoughts were images...Chris, David, mom, Dad, the Aunts, and my cousins, new and old. I yelled in my head for help, but my vocal chords never got the signal...what was happening?


I was talking to Ty, just relishing having someone who could understand how alien it felt to be invaded by someone else; to feel your SELF replaced by someone else's SELF, to be enveloped in a string of strange and unknown sentient thought and feeling that was not your own, and yet felt so familiar. It was comforting to finally be able to talk about it without having to explain every single facet of it, without the awkward pause as you struggle for the right words to fill in the blank, to properly describe it.

I felt the rush then. All the emotions hit me so fast that as much as my brain struggled to process them individually it could not, they came in a single wave, unrestrained and frantic; panic, pain, confusion, loss. I looked towards the kitchen and saw nothing more than fire, consuming and omnipresent. There were orbs, a thud, and the push, the kinetic force of it sent me through the wall, onto the steps, my back cracked against them and then the bliss of unconsciousness took the pain, and my thoughts.


The thoughts were so jumbled, so very confused and erratic that it took me too long to sort them out, to see beyond that first shell of shock, to understand and process them. I was lost in them, consumed by them, enveloped to a point I'd never before reached. They weren't mine, but they felt so utterly right, that I could do no more than breathe.

In those breaths I tasted the smoke, and then I was flying, twirling through the air like so much refuse. I had never felt so afraid in my life, had never been so sure I would not survive it, never seen life like I saw it then, a line on a chalkboard that could so easily be erased. I feared death for the first time then, because I knew it had come to claim me. I saw its dark hold over me, and the thoughts were silent.


HOLY SHIT!!!! My last thought...would this really be the last thing I thought as I died? This was fucking bullshit man!!! I mean how the fuck did we all get here? This couldn't be it, it fucking well couldn't.

The blast was so strong I had had no time to ready myself, I was lifted off my feet and slammed into the banister, then I'd rolled down the steps and crashed into the landing's wall, wood splintered around me, and the tower of the banister fell on me, crushing my legs, the pain did it. I was knocked out.


Of course I had to be the one who took the van back, why not? After all what else was a fuck-up like me good for? Shit, I was surprised lil' M r. Ducati agreed to let me drive his baby home, a double edge sword really. Yea I got to go all the fucking way to the rental place, but who gives a shit when I could open up that lil' monster on the road? Hell if I could drive that baby every day I might even stay here...nah not really, Aruba was a much better option, sun, babes, drinks, and no school YEEEOOOWWWWWW!!!!!

I was at the door, handle in hand, mindset in Aruba, at first I thought my mind had been playing tricks on me, thought the heat I felt was some mental thingy, but then the shit really hit me, that motherfucking blast knocked me right off the steps, into the ground, headfirst, I saw a thing fly outta one of the windows, that was the last I saw, the last thing I held onto.


Well darlings, so far the level of responses I have received tell me no one's reading, I have chap 12 in the works, but it won't post if I don't get some responses to this one. Now I'm not manipulating anyone, its just...I have other projects I wanna do, but I hate dropping off a story that has some followers. You guys GOTS to remember that if we, the authors, don't get e-mails, we dunno that you guys r reading, and since it's the only thing we get for these...its kinda important. Ne who that's enuff of my bitchin.

Any suggestions as to what may happen is always welcome, hate-mail, praise-mail, comments, and so on can be sent to any of the following

Next: Chapter 12

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