New Covenant

By juan guzman

Published on Apr 10, 2008


Disclaimer: "The Covenant" names, titles, characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Sony Pictures Inc. (Screen Gems) and Lakeshore Entertainment. I solemnly swear that there is no monetary gain on my part by writing this FICTIONAL alternate universe to "The Covenant" (c) 2006. All "Charmed" names, titles characters and all other registered trademarks are the property of Spelling Entertainment, and Constance M. Burge. All original characters are my sole property, and released to public archiving by Nifty Archives.

This story contains sexual relations between male characters, if you are uncomfortable with the subject then please do not read on. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) and not legally allowed to view this material please exit the story. There i did it.

Chapter 5: Delirium

The story will be told From Caleb and David's point of view


The car crashed, then there was nothing. I looked around myself, there was darkness, not thorough, but it was dark. I began to walk forward, looking off to the sides, searching for something or someone that I might recognize, but there was nothing, just the enveloping darkness.

I remembered my powers and called orbs to my hand, creating a sort of sphere, some light to disperse the dark. The sphere of orbs shone brightly against the darkness, almost blinding my eyes which had accustomed to the darkness.

"HELLOOOO!!!! IS ANYONE HERE!!!! HELLOOOO!!!" There was no answer, not even an echo. "Blood to blood I call on thee, blood to blood to my siblings return me." White lights surrounded me, spinning faster and faster, then they were gone. "What? That shoulda worked. Where the fuck am I?"

I spun around, when I looked down at myself I was no longer wearing my jeans and t-shirt, my jacket, and shoes were gone as well. They were replaced by a hospital robe. I kept walking, all my senses at the ready. I moved towards the part where there seemed to be so me sort of light.

"hello!!!" the voice was faint, but strong, and definitely not an echo of my own. I decided that since my powers were working I could take the risk, first I would check if they were all working.

I tried levitating and was rewarded with lifting 10ft into the air. I tried orbing, and crossed 20 yards in the air, then appeared on the floor, I tried deflection, it was on the fritz, I put a shield around me and it worked fine. My last trick, I looked at the near-by wall and winked at it, there was a small explosion on the surface, I waved my hands and half of it cam crumbling down.

I called back. "HELLOOO!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I stood and waited.


I was at the airport, then my head spun, and I was out like a light. I woke up and there was nothing but darkness around me. Not like DARK just dark, as if someone had turned off the lights. I looked forward, there was only darkness, but suddenly there was a little twinkling light. I walked towards it, it seemed to bob up and down, as if someone was moving.

"HELLO!!!!! YOOOOO!! WHO'S THERE??" there was no answer just silence, almost deafening in its stillness. I kept going towards the light, then I felt a drift, I looked behind me, but there was nothing there. I looked at my feet and realized my boots, socks, pants, and shirt were gone. I realized I was wearing a hospital robe.

The light flickered, I called again "HELLO!!!" there was a flash of lights, barely visible, but there. I began to jog towards it, then there was something like 2 explosions in a row, I stopped jogging, doubting whether or not to move forward. Then I heard the most beautiful voice I'd yet to hear, every tone like a symphony mixing with the still air in this place.

"hellooo!!!! Where are you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I began jogging forward, then noticed I was running at full speed.

I slowed to a jog, and looked around the light flicked back on.


I looked around there was no answer. I heard foot-steps, getting closer, I squinted into the darkness, but was unable to see anything. I called the sphere of orbs back onto my hand, the steps had slowed, but were still coming close. I raised the sphere, and saw a figure coming closer.

"Hello? Who's there?" I backed onto a nearby wall, hopefully my astro-plasmic projection would work. I noticed the figure's apprehension and stepped forward. Squinting my eyes I realized it was a man, clad in an identical hospital gown.


I stepped closer, carefully, now that I could make out some of the features, it was a guy, and he was gorgeous, his light blond hair fell in simple layers to right above his shoulders, his skin was fair, like alabaster, his eyes shone a light green, his lips were full and rosy, his legs were the legs of a gymnast, clearly defined muscles showing along their length. His arms were well defined, his chest was covered.

I tried to speak, but didn't know, what to say. I stepped into the light's area and realized he wasn't holding a lamp, the light was emanating from his hand. SO I had run into a witch, or an angel, or something...this would be interesting.

I walked forward and realized this was the youngest of the Halliwell brothers. I stopped and stared, his eyes drew me like a moth, I could think of nothing else.


The figure stepped closer into the light's flood. I could see it was a guy, his legs were powerful and toned, the muscles contracting and expanding as he moved forward. His arms were big and strong, all I could think of at that moment was how much I wanted to be held by him. His hair was close cropped, a light brunette that set his skin off, his eyes were a light chestnut brown, and his lips were a shade darker than his skin, full and luxurious, calling me to them, I stepped forward, towards this strange man, something clicked inside my head.

I knew him, he was the contact that would've picked us up at the airport in Massachusetts. He smiled and I almost swooned, as 1940's as that sounds.

"Hey there. David right?" he kept smiling, smiled back, and nodded "well this wasn't where I was supposed to first meet you, but...I guess now's a good time as any. Caleb Danvers. Pleased to meet you." he extended his hand, I shook it, then realized this was a mortal, and I was non-chalantly using magic, as if it were an everyday thing, I extinguished the orbs, we plunged into the still dark one more time.

I heard Caleb speak "David, where are you? David?" I walked towards his voice.

"Caleb, I guess you know who I am, but for politeness sake my name's David Samuel Halliwell. Nice to meet you, though like you said these aren't the best of circumstances. Keep talking so I can-" there was a hand on my shoulder "find you."

His hand squeezed my shoulder, I brought mine to his. His skin was warm to the touch. My knees trembled.

"Are you ok David? You're shaking." he stepped closer to me, I guessed he was in front of me, but when I felt his left hand grab my right shoulder I knew he had been next to me, and was now behind me. I needed light, it would help to calm my nerves. I looked around there was nothing.

"Did you see anything as you came here Caleb, a tree, wood, I don't know anything that might help us start a fire?" I moved my left hand from his right and brought it to his left. "I'm kinda freaked out by the darkness."

"I am too, but the only thing I saw while I was headed this way was a bobbing light, you know the one you were holding?" his voice remained still and even, I thought about it and decide I could simply cast a spell on him when this whole thing was over and erase his memory.

I extended my right hand and tried to create the orb sphere but it would not come. "C'mon, c'mon, light!" nothing happened, I tried again, and there was a faint glint, but nothing more. "DAMN IT!! Just light up!! Just a glimmer!!" and glimmer it did, then it began to shine normally.

"So tell me David, what are you? A witch, a wizard, some sort of angel? Or are you just a figment of my imagination?"


"I guess I'm a figment of your imagination, although that wouldn't explain why you're a figment of mine. I guess we'll say this is all a dream? I don't know what to say I just...I just don't know" He turned to face me. Standing at 5' 10" he was some inches shorter than I was, so instead of looking into my eyes, he was looking at what I would guess was my lips, he tilted his irises up and we locked gazes.

His eyes were pools where I wanted to drown in forever. He whispered something, but I couldn't catch it. "what did you say?" my voice was hoarse and scratchy, suddenly my throat was parched.

"ahem...I said I'm a are too right? I can feel it rushing through you." he kept staring at my eyes, his own drawing me farther and farther in, making my throat dryer and dryer.

"Yea...ahem...ahem...I...I'm a witch too." I could barely hold myself back from him, his eyes calling me closer, his breath tickling my skin, his lips almost hypnotically drawing me to him. I could no longer hold myself back.


He was a witch, it was okay to use magic. My body was going nuts for the guy. His eyes pulled me closer, his lips kept me still, his hands dropped from my shoulders, traveling to the small of my back, he pulled me into him, my chest pressed against his, our lips only inches apart.

  • David and Caleb*

We kissed. Sparks flew everywhere, suddenly the darkness was gone. There were voices. We were swirling in mist. Our tongues began to battle, one would prove victorious, but we were both winners.


My legs began to tremble, so I hooked my arms around his neck, he pulled me closer still, I could feel the beat of his heart through the cloth.


My arms hugged him tighter to me. My whole body asked for more of him, and my parched throat was suddenly gone.

David and Caleb

The world was falling away all that existed was us. We held each other tighter and tighter, until we were both almost one. Then we broke the kiss.


The world stopped spinning. My head stopped reeling, my heart resumed its normal rhythm. I looked into Caleb's eyes. He smiled and I weakened. "what was that about?"

"I...I'm sorry was I too forward?" his smile faded, he blushed, and I realized there was light, and we were standing in the middle of down-town New York city. There was no-one around. Just us. "I thought, maybe...I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable"

I looked up at him "how could you? That was the most...sincere kiss I've ever shared with anyone. Thank you." I spun around, away from his face, when I did so I realized there were other cities connected to New York.

"Ummm...Caleb, is that the Eiffel Tower, or is it just me?" I turned back towards Caleb who was giving me his back, I looked where he was looking, the Amery Ice Shelf, complete with penguins, was towering over us, glinting in the newly seen sun.

"Fuck the Eiffel Tower, is that Amery or Baltoro?" I looked closely. Caleb was squinting at it. I looked at it, but could see nothing to differentiate between the two. Beyond it I could see a building. The brown brick seemed familiar.

"Umm off to the that the Tower of London?" I was astounded, I did a 360 and all around us were the greatest man made, and nature made things. None were absent, from the Tahj-Mahal to Mount Rushmore. From the Great Wall to Mount Everest. There they were all splayed in front of us.

"Damn, we're the fuck are we David?" Caleb was as awestruck as I was.

"I have no idea, let's get somewhere high, do you see the towers of Kuala Lumpur anywhere around here? Or the Sears Building? Something, anything that's tall." We searched around hoping to find something that overlooked as much of the ruins as we could find, then the thought struck. "Caleb, have you ever hear of the Alaxio?"

"The what?" he gave me a puzzled look, and scratched the back of his neck.

"The Alaxio, is an old myth. It says that when the world began, the Powers that be created something like a file, or list, of human and witch doings. It basically replicated the great finds, and creations of humankind. Now it is said that only when your life hangs in the balance will you get to Alaxio, and see all which man has accomplished. I think we're in Alaxio. I mean some of these buildings were torn down, some were lost, and that mountain over there, that's Olympus, the original Olympus. It was deformed in an earthquake, hence creating the present-day mount Olympus. And I believe that that glint of gold, past the Mosque is the Alexandrian library. That was lost centuries ago. If we're in Alaxio, then all we can do is hope that our families know how to get us back." Caleb was looking at me, confused, but with a smile on his face.

"You know, when you get passionate about what you're talking about, you gain this weird glow, its very...cute." he blushed, I leaned in and kissed him, his arms flew to my lower back and pulled me to him, I put my arms around his shoulders and lifted myself a bit higher, then I put my hand on the back of his head and began playing with his hair.

His tongue intertwined with mine, wrestling with each other. His hands began to get lower, his right hand began to massage my ass cheeks. I began to scratch his back with my left.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. Gazing into them. I lurched forward and began to nibble at his neck, his skin was salty on my tongue, he moaned as I nibbled closer to his ear. I went higher, taking his earlobe into my mouth, massaging it with my tongue, he moaned louder. I kissed his cheek and then returned to his lips, enjoying how good they felt against mine. His body pressed tighter against mine, and through the loose cloth of the hospital robe I could feel his dick pressed against my thigh. My own dick jumped when I felt his.

I ran my right hand down his back and around to the front, brushing his pelvis, and working my hand back up his chest. I could feel the definition of his muscles, he had an eight-pack, tight and well defined, his chest was hard, with perfectly shaped pecs, his nipples were hard. I began to get hornier, and could practically feel the blood rushing to my dick. I ran my hand down his torso, and grabbed his dick, it was thick, and long, probably eight inches or so, he had a mushroom head, and I could feel the precum leaking out. I started to massage his dick, it throbbed in my hand.

Caleb broke the kiss, and started biting my neck, a moan escaped my lips. "damn that feels so good" Caleb's voice was groggy, more intense that it had been before "you're so fucking sexy" and with that he started to bite my neck again.

I pushed him away, and took the robe off of him, he tore mine off. We came together again, our bodies separated only by our underwear. I kept massaging his dick through his black briefs, they accentuated his package, and his legs, making me even hornier. I slipped my hands under the elastic of his briefs. His pubes were trimmed, and his dick was hot, now I could feel that he was cut. I began massaging the head of his dick, rubbing his own precum all over it.

I felt his hand leave my butt cheek and reappear in the front of my underwear, he grabbed my dick in his hand, and began massaging it.


David slipped my robe off, and in my haste I ripped his off of his body, I only had a second to look, but his body was great. He had a gymnast's build, every muscle group was defined, but not overworked. He had a six-pack, perfectly defined, his pecs were hard, and well-shaped, his nipples were nickel-sized, and tan colored. I pulled him back towards me, his hand went into my briefs and began massaging my dick, it felt so damn good, I could've blown my load right then.

I took my right hand from his ass cheeks and ran it along the elastic of his royal blue briefs, then slid it inside. I grabbed his dick, it was nice and thick, and all in all was about 7 or eight inches, he was cut. I worked lower towards the head of his dick, it was the same thickness as the shaft, it pulsated at my touch. There was a glob of precum on his piss slit, I worked it all over his head and began jerking him off. He began to moan.

David pulled away from me, and pulled my underwear down, I did the same. As I was coming back up David took my hand from his dick and kneeled in front of me. My body shivered as he took my cock's head into his mouth.

I watched as inch by inch, my cock disappeared into his mouth, and my nerve-receptors went crazy as the warmth of David's mouth enveloped my raging boner. Soon I was buried to the hilt inside his mouth, David hummed and the sensation weakened my knees, I looked into his light green eyes as he began bobbing back and forth on my dick, each time humming when the head was in his throat. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and began face-fucking him.

"OHHHH!! Holy fuck you're good...yea take my dick...shit...ahhhh man this feels good...ohhhh yea...g'damn...oh fuck yea...uummphhh...ahhh fuck" I couldn't hold my tongue, something made me talk, made me want to let him know how good it felt.

"Oh shit...damn...lemme fuck ya...please lemme have your ass...ahhh damn!!" I kept looking into his eyes, he gave me two quick bobs then came up. We kissed, deep and hard. I took David's dick in my hand and started stroking it. He pulled away, a smirk on his face

David I broke the kiss with Caleb, the taste of his dick lingering on my tongue. I wanted him so badly.

"Fuck me Caleb." I whispered and as I was turning around he pulled me against him, my back on his chest, there was so much warmth coming from our bodies, that I immediately started sweating.

Caleb started kissing my neck, his hand rubbing my chest, his right arm gripped my waist, his left hand went to the back of my head. He tightened his hold on my waist and at the same time pushed my head down with his left, I put my hands on my knees, I was bent and waiting for him to fuck me.

I felt him rub his cock's head against my hole, I relaxed letting my sphincter loosen, making it easier for him to penetrate me. I felt his head pop in and the pain it caused made my knees buckle.

"AH! Take it slow will ya? It's been a while." I clenched my ass and Caleb moaned. He pushed and more of his dick made its way in, the pain increased, but quickly subsided and I found myself pushing back to get more of him inside me. I moaned as I felt his pelvis hit my butt.

He pulled out to the tip and thrust back in, a moan escaped my lips, he did it again, this time, he let some of the head slip out and he began sliding it back in inch by inch. The pleasure of it spread through my body like avalanche. Every one of my nerve endings woke up, making me aware of everything around me.

"Oh yea... fuck me, just like that...ahhh o yea...ahh get my ass, yea...fuck me, ooh that feels so fucking good, fuck me...yea fuck me harder...ohh yea...ah fuck me...oh fuck yea!!!" Caleb's thrusts became faster, he let his dick slide all the way to the tip of the head before ramming it back into me, harder and faster each time. I could feel his sweat as it dripped onto my skin, I could his breathing getting heavier, his hands gripping my hips and pull me harder and harder into him, his dick hitting my prostate time after time.

"Damn, you're fucking tight...this feels so fucking good...I wanna have this ass every fucking day...fuck yea...damn!!!" his voice was ragged, his breath was short. I could feel sweat dripping down his chest and onto me. His thrusts came faster and faster, I could feel he was close. I pulled myself off of him.

"What the...? Why did u pull off?" his voice was heavy with sex, his eyes were glittering with lust.


"Lay on the floor" David's voice was raspy, every word catching a hitch at his throat, I did as I was told and laid on the floor face up, my dick rested against my stomach. David looked down and licked his lips. He straddled my hips and guided my dick to his hole. He slid down on it slowly, his face contorting in pleasure as every inch of me entered him. Once his ass rested on my pelvis he began moving up and down slowly, raising only his hips.

He began to bounce faster and higher. His dick rubbed against my stomach, getting harder and harder. He kept bouncing higher and higher, moaning, I couldn't believe the sensations that rocked through my body.

David began to moan louder and louder, bouncing higher and higher. He began to move faster, rocking his hips in a circular motion. My dick began to throb, I could feel how close I was.

"Shit Dave, Imma cum...oh shit...ahhhh..I can't hold it...ahhh..AHHHHH!!!" I shot my load up David's ass, he kept bouncing and rocking.

"Ahhh I'm cumming...ohhh shit ahhhh...fuck yea uhhhh...mmmmm. OH SHIT!! AHH!!" David's load shot all over my chest.

He collapsed onto me, his cum plastering on both our bodies, I was exhausted, and I could tell he was too. I wrapped my arms around him and heard his breathing slow, I brushed his bangs from his face, his eyes were closed, I hugged him tighter and drifted off, still inside him.


I came onto his chest when I felt him cum inside me. I felt exhausted, but I also felt extremely good, I collapsed onto him, our bodies melding together with my cum. As I laid there the beating of his heart became hypnotizing, I found myself drifting off. I felt a hand brush my bangs away, and then Caleb's breathing slowed, drifted off, Caleb still buried inside me.

It must've been a couple hours later when I awoke. I was wrapped in Caleb's arms, he'd slipped out of me sometime. I heard his heartbeat steady and calm, his breathing deep and undisturbed, so I laid there, feeling like a million bucks.

"G'morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?" his voice was hoarse from sleep, but still it held a certain charm.

"Best sleep I've gotten in a while, you?" I looked into his eyes, and I felt something weird hit me, like a wave of emotion, something I had never felt before. I felt my breath catch at my throat. I moved up and kissed him, lightly.

"What was that for?" He looked at me and I felt a jolt go through my body, like electricity.

"Just `cause, you're a great fuck. And to be frank, I'd never slept with anyone before, not even my boyfriends. It was always sex, cig, kiss, split. With you I feel...comfortable." I pecked his chest "I just...I feel great just laying here."

"I know what you mean, this is so unlike me, I never fall asleep after sex, I'm usually not able to. But with you, it felt right." he smiled and my knees quavered.

" you think we cold find some clothes, or food and water in any of these places?" I looked around, there were a couple of restaurants around us, some clothing shops, and some other things.

I got up and found my underwear, and what was left of my robe. I slipped my briefs back on and tied the tatters of my robe around my waist. Caleb did the same. We began walking towards one of the clothing stores.

We went in, and there was merchandise, we both found things that fit us, and met up outside.

"I'm starving, and I want a cigarette, let's check some of these stores out, se what we can find" I looked at Caleb and we headed for a newspaper stand by the Eiffel Tower. There we found some cigs, and a couple of what we guessed were Cokes. We headed to a restaurant near the Leaning Tower of Pisa and found edible food-stuff in the fridge. I cooked some pasta, we ate and decided to take a room at the Alexandrian Library.

We settled in for the night. In my mind, I made arrangements for a long while, if my life was hanging in the balance because of the car accident, then there was nothing my family could do except wait. I laid next to Caleb, and began drifting off, he put his arm around me, and I made myself comfortable on his chest. My family could...would only wait.


After dinner we headed for the library and David made a makeshift bed out of clothes, and fabrics. I laid down, I could feel his body next to mine, but he was far and I needed him close. I put my arm around him, and he laid on my chest. I started drifting off to sleep, my friends and family began to flash through my head. They knew where I was, they would find me, and I would come back, but for now I wanted to stay here, at least for one more day. Sleep took me.

Author's Note:

Well to those of you who have written e-mails thank you. The good, and the bad.

I must however ask that if you want to slander and demean the story, you keep the cussing to a minimum.

For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 6 is underway, and it begins to smooth the knots. Again thanks and Enjoy. Feedback is welcomed at and

Next: Chapter 6

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