Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on Sep 29, 2000


A Interview With SuperJoeyByCrunkSimba

**A Interview With SuperJoey

Ok someone in the BoyBands Chatroom thought it would be a good idead to keep interviewing people. So, I did and am. Send all questions to

When were you introduced to Nifty?
I'd say about back in ‘96
You are one of the vetrans on Nifty. Your story Backstreet Lust, first appeared on Nifty on March , . How do you think the stories have change since yours?**** well, I think when I first started reading, before there was even a BB section, it was more focused on the sexual aspect rather then on romance**** Yeah, more of the stories actually have to speak anyways..****How come you didn't finish your stories?
** **which one?
Backstreet Lust**** well, It's a work in progress, I'm rewriting it. bad grammer and such, but I have scenes and plans for it**** thats good to know it didn't fully end**What were the reasons behind Backstreet Lust and When You Wish Upon A Star?
well, after reading some of the stories, I just wanted to write a story with an ending that no one has done yet
so BSLust was born
** then I got hooked on Joey and so I wanted to do a switching places story. thats when Wish came about**So there's no more to be added to Wish then?
no, chapter two is almost complete
I'm a procrasternator
** or however you spell that**** LOL..i guess so**Do you have any particular favorites on Nifty?
Well, Studio, S+R, Brian and Me
** anything with Joey**** LOL..I so agree with you there. Although, I got attached to 98* thanks to Sprout.**** You have written about both Nsync and Backstreet Boys. Who do you prefer to write about?**** I think I like them equally. Depends on my mood on which story I work on**** Where do your ideas for your story come from?**partly from my life
How do you relate to the main characters in either of your stories?
** **I try to base them on myself. It also allows me to express things that I can in my life.
I can be free to be or do anything I wish
**Good answer.
If nobody read your story and you got no feedback would you still write it?
**of course i would
** **How do you feel your stories or writing have progressed since your first story.
I think with the help of some of my friends, I've been able to add more storyline and character to my characters
** **Sweet.
**Besides writing for Nifty, what do you do in your spare time?
I work and I go to school**Where did the name Backstreet Lust and When You Wish Upon A Star Come From?
well, Backstreet Lust was just something random
and Wish, well, that one came from the story line
** Ahh,Kewl..****If your life was being made into a movie, who would play you?
** **I've always like Freddy Prinze Jr.
AHH, good choice
**Nifty is not known for it's male writers anymore now that we have both male and female writers. What do you think of this?
I was surprised at first, but they do a good job
**Can you remember the very first story you read?
I dont think it's around anymore
i remember it was in the athletics section, and it was just....increadable**** Besides slash, do you writeanything else?**I have a few things on my website
Could post your website for the readers?
Your a regular in the BoyBands Chatroom, do you think the chat was a good
**idea or bad?
I like it**** at first i was way in awwwe of everyone**** Yeah, my first time in here i lasted all of minutes. It was crazy**Ok.Last question. If you could have one wish and one wish only..what would it be?
I would wish that my little sister never had gotten menengitas
Well thank you for letting me interview you..It was a pleasure
** thanks for lettin me chat )

Next: Chapter 29: Interview with Schuyler

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