Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on Jun 23, 2002


Hey everyone,

It's time for the 4th Annual Nifty Boy Bands Screen Saver.

For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, for four years now I have made a screen saver with logos for authors stories that either the author or a reader has made. These logos must be in .jpg or .bmp format. If they are anything I else I can probally convert them but it's better to make sure they are in the requested format.

If you wish to contribute a picture and your a reader make sure you let the author of the story know that you made them a graphic for their story, trust me they appreciate it. And then send it to me at the email addy bellow. Just think about it, your reading the latest chapter of your favorite story and you want to show the author how much you like the it, what better way than to make him/her a picture for the story.

Also please make sure you leave me your name and if your the author of the story, and if the author's name and story is not somewhere on the logo, please tell me that also.

Deadlines for the screen saver are July 25th. Hope to see the logos soon.

Dennis Racine

Next: Chapter 42: Wes Update 2

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