No Way Out

By moc.loa@320274legnAteewS

Published on May 9, 2001


`No Way Out' Chapter 6

Disclaimer: This is fiction, meaning that I came up with this and it's probably not true. If the guys from NSYNC say they are straight, we gotta believe em. If you are underage or homophobic, please leave.

Hi all. I know, I know. It's been ages since the last chapter. What can I say? I lead a busy life. Anyways, here's chapter six. Enjoy. J

The rain that had been pouring down relentlessly for the past few days was gone and the sun was shining now. At least the rain matched my mood, JC thought as he exited from the freeway and drove onto the road that led to the hospital.

He was going to see Justin. Just the thought caused him to cringe. He felt so guilty that he couldn't stand it. How could he face his best friend, knowing that he was at least partially responsible for his near miss with death?

He nervously drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he pulled into the last free parking space. He put the transmission into park and pulled out the key. This was it. There was no way out now. With a big sigh he left the car and walked towards the big double doors.

As he neared the door to Justin's room, he heard his friend's voice.

"Yes, mom, I am fine. I don't know what happened. There was just so much rain, and...I lost control of the car. No, I am not injured. We are just taking the opportunity to take a month off from the tour. No, you don't have to fly down here. Just enjoy your vacation. Love you!"

JC took a deep breath, evaluating the situation. So Justin had not told his mom the truth. Quite understandable if you think about it. That meant that the only people who knew of the suicide attempt were the other guys and management. And only JC, Joey and Justin knew the reason for the suicide attempt.

"Josh, I know you're out here. You might as well come in." Justin called. Reluctantly JC entered.

"Hi Justin. How are ya doing?" he asked awkwardly. Justin smiled a fake smile.

"I'm alright." An uncomfortable silence spread. Finally JC spoke.

"Justin, I am so sorry. I should've told you earlier. I...I just wasn't ready. I'm sorry."

"Josh, it's not your fault. I'll get over it."

"You'll get over it? You give me the shock of my life, but not to worry, you'll get over it? Do you have any idea what I've been going through?" JC almost screamed.

"What you've been going through? You are so selfish. It's always all about you! YOU were not ready to tell us, YOU feel horrible for something I did of my own free will? Josh, this it not about you. For once, this is about me." Justin was almost in tears, staring at a speechless JC.

Before either one could say another word, the door opened and Jack entered.

"I'm sorry, but if you are going to excite our patient like this I have to kick you out. Even if you are an incredibly good looking boy band member." She said with a smirk. JC threw one last look at Justin, then hurried past Jack and out the door.

The second the door fell shut Justin dissolved into a shaking, shivering mass of tears and hurt. Jack stood there, looking at him, at loss for words. She didn't know what to do. Finally she walked over to Justin's bed and reached out a hand to comfort him. Justin pushed her hand away and turned to face the wall. Jack left the room, confused and lost.

A few hours later, when Jake met with Justin for their first session, Justin had calmed down and was actually looking forward to the session. It would be a nice distraction from the usual routine, which was getting to be very boring already.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Timberlake." Jake greeted his patient.

"Might as well call me Justin." Justin grumbled. He had assumed his `tough guy' stance again. Jake nodded.

"Well, Justin it is. You can call me Jake." Jake smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. Even Justin, in all his misery, could recognize the smile to be fake. Jake noticed that and sighed.

"All right. No games. You're not happy to be here, and I know that I'm gonna have a tough time helping you out. Can we accept that and move on?" Justin nodded reluctantly.

"Listen Doc, I don't know what is expected from me here. I'm not gonna lie on a couch and tell you my feelings. And I won't tell you why I did what I did that night. But since I appear to be stuck here, you might as well give it a try."

"We won't get anywhere like this. Won't you at least give me a chance?" Jake asked. There was a hint of pleading to his voice and he noted it with disgust. He had had patients like Justin before, patients who were reluctant to open up. But never had it made him feel like this. So...helpless. Helpless and Desperate. He wanted to help Justin, not because it was his job but because he somehow felt personally responsible for this handsome young man.

Handsome? Where did that come from? Sure, he is cute, Jake thought, but I don't like him that way. Or do I? Jacob Christopher Kensington, you are not falling for a patient, he told himself. Very much annoyed with his discovery, he pulled himself back to reality.

"So, let's start. Just tell me some basic things. Childhood, adolescence, your life now." Jake said, pushing the uncomfortable thoughts to the back of his head and concentrating on what he was good at: getting people to talk and helping them out.

That's it for chapter 6. Will Justin and JC ever be able to put this behind them? Can Jake get Justin to open up? Tune in next time to find out!

Take care j

Next: Chapter 7

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