No Way Out

By moc.loa@320274legnAteewS

Published on Jul 23, 2001


`No Way Out' Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I don't know any of the members of NSYNC and I am not implying anything about their sexuality. If you are too young to be here, please leave. If you don't like this kind of stuff, please leave.

Well, here's chapter nine. I have no idea if anyone is even still reading this. So if you are, please e-mail me? I'd hate to sound like I'm begging for feedback, but writing this story can be really frustrating at times, and right now it's not worth it to me anymore. Meaning, if I don't hear anything, this is the last chapter. So, e-mail me! (Even criticism is fine. If you don't like it, tell me why!)

"You sure you don't wanna join me?" JC asked with a smirk. Joey smiled back and picked up his razor.

"I'm sure. I already took a shower this morning."

"Fine." JC put on a fake pout, hoping to change his boyfriend's mind.

At that moment, the phone rang, saving Joey.

"I'll get it." He yelled over his shoulder, already on his way out the door.


"Hi Joey. This is Justin. Can I talk to JC?"

"He's in the shower. How are you doing?" Joey asked awkwardly. He hadn't talked to Justin since the night his band mate had found him in bed with JC.

"I'm alright. I had a long talk with my therapist this morning, and things are looking up now. That's the reason why I'm calling. Jake… Dr. Kensington, thinks that I should talk to you and Josh. You know, just go over everything that happened and figure out how we feel about it."

"You want us to come over tonight?"

"Yeah, that would work. See you then."

"Okay, see ya." Joey stared at the phone in his hand. He felt like he had just talked to a complete stranger.

Joey and Justin had never been especially close, but if you spend as much time together as the five guys of NSYNC do, you form a bond that can't be broken easily. But now, after everything that had happened, he felt like he didn't know Justin anymore. And all of a sudden, he was scared to see Justin.

"Jake, can I ask you a question?" Justin put the TV on mute, and turned to face the young doctor.

"Sure, anything."

"How did you know I'm gay?" Jake looked up in surprise. He had not expected that question and therefore did not have an answer prepared. But, should he even lie? Following a sudden impulse, he said

"Gaydar." Justin's mouth fell open and his eyes almost popped out.

"You are gay too?" Jake smiled at Justin's reaction.

"Yes, I am. You didn't notice?"

"Nope. I can't tell at all. I never can." Justin tried to think of Jake not as his doctor, but as a gay man. With his steel blue eyes, dark hair, and good figure he was certainly handsome. But not only that, he was also intelligent and charming. That thought surprised Justin. `Am I getting over Josh already?'

For the first time since that dreadful night a two weeks ago, he allowed himself to think about his feelings for JC. And to his great surprise he realized that they were not nearly as prominent as they had been just a while ago. He did still feel a deep affection for his attractive band mate, but he wasn't so sure anymore if the love was more romantic or more platonic.

"Are you thinking about tonight?" Jake interrupted Justin's reverie.

"Kind of. I've talked to JC since, but I have no clue what to say to Joey. I'm not mad at him anymore, it's just… it's kind of awkward to think of him as JC's boyfriend." He let a big sigh escape his lips.

"I'm sure that everything will work out. I mean, you're a damn lucky kid. Things will get better for you. I have confidence in that."

"You think I'm lucky? " Justin let out a snort. "Yeah. Lucky enough to be a gay boy band member, lucky enough to fall in love with my best friend, then find him in bed with another friend. Some lucky guy!" Every word he said was dripping with sarcasm. Jake winced.

"Look at it this way. You are in a successful boy band, have lots of people looking up to you. You have a close friend like JC who sticks with you even after you confess his love to him. Plus, you're nice, intelligent, and damn good looking." `Shit!' he immediately added silently. He had not planned to say that last sentence out loud.

He likes me!' Justin thought. And for some reason, that realization filled him with that warm, fuzzy feeling he used to get when he thought of JC. And you like him back.' He was amazed at himself. How could he let himself fall for another guy so soon after the disaster with JC?

Justin got so lost in thought that he did not notice Jake leaving the room. The young doctor did not now how to take Justin's silence. Was it a good sign or a bad sign? At least he had not started laughing. Jake decided to just let things develop. At least this way, he was not setting himself up for disappointment.

Whew, finally. They are beginning to get closer.

As mentioned above, if you are interested in how this story ends, you better lemme know. Otherwise, this was the last chapter.

Take care j

Next: Chapter 10

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