Nsync and Delwyn

By moc.loa@kciNekalB

Published on Jul 22, 1999


If you are under 18 read it but hide it from everyone LOL. No seriously don't, unless you are aware that this is a gay relationship story with lots of Drama currently and it only get better from here. Yes these materials are under copyright. So if you want to post them just ask me I am game to most of that as long as you post all of it with the other installments.

Author's notes:

I want to thank a few people, Fernando-without your input I think I may have let all of this writing and rewriting get me down. This installment has changed oh about 25 times since started it a couple of weeks ago and with your help, it would not have taken place finally. ZELGADYSS- what can I say about the guy who makes me think of the sweetness needed to make an idea clear. Love unconditional love is ever presently waiting for you all we have to do is get the rest of the world to agree on that and stop them from fighting with themselves. I love "Brian's 7 Sea's of Loneliness", keep it up. And for all the writers of BSB and NSYNC stories I have read everything possible to make sure I am not copying any of you so if you find it ironic that something sounds familiar it is not meant to sound that way at all. You all deserve a hand and I would only wish to immolate your ability to write and not your ideas. I also thank the people who nominated me for the awards thanks. Who ever you were since I have not a clue?


Ok now remember how I said they were getting longer. This one is almost too long but it is important to get the joined stories off to a good start and it will have less drama in the future, for those of you can not really stand all the drama this story has taken on. If you read all the way through you may find tears of sadness and joy. Yes there is a lot of SEX coming up soon and the drama will be settled in the next installment. BTW if you have figured out who the mad Joker is tell me and I will let you know if you're wrong or right. There are two (HINT) and you must read BSB Magic Part5 to get a idea as to who the other one is. Remember they are the same story line lots of additions. Let me know what you think and I will respond back to you. Writergray@aol.com

NSYNC and Delwyn- Part 5 (BSB-Magic) By Grayson S. Vellar

"OK who the Hell did this to me," Justin shouted as everyone gasped for air. His hair was a royal blue color. "Well Come on. You got me now confess before I wage war against all of you." Justin was determined as he stood firm in his belief that one of the guy's had done this to him. He was angry, my confusion still had not settled down. "Which one of you put dye in my shampoo?"

All too soon, I realized what was going on, I burst into laughter. Justin flew at me in rage as he threw me to the floor hitting me. Lance was still recovering from his fall at the door, as I was being pounded into carpet. Joey came to my rescue immediately as the others looked on in shock. I had the wind knocked out of me. I could not speak.

"Delwyn do you know what I have to go through to make my hair like it was. How could you!" His shouting brought in an onslaught of people. All the security that could be mustered was rushing into the room. Lynn was the last one to enter as she looked on in horror.

"I knew from the moment I met you that you were going to be trouble!" Lynn shouted.

Lance had regained his composure and walked over to me as I was being lifted to my feet by the security team. He looked at me and became enraged. I was shocked at his expression as he turned around and faced everyone else. He held his stance firm but his head was hanging down as he walked directly up to Justin.

"It wasn't him Justin. He was with me the whole night. How could it be him," He said and asked as the security guards began to take me out of the room. His eyes shot open and he placed a hand on one of the guard's chest as they tried to slip by.

"Right he just stayed there and you wouldn't have noticed him get up and sneak into the other room," Lynn spewed while she stared down Lance.

"If that is the case. Then the guards weren't doing their job's," Lance shot back just as Brian and Kevin walked into the room.

"Hello, I take it this is a bad time," Kevin said as he looked at me now hanging from the arms of the two guards.

"Chris where is your room key," Lance asked.

Chris reached into his shirt pocket and produced the key with ease. Joey reached into his pocket and searched for his copy of the same key. He had a frantic look on his face as he searched for it repeatedly. Everyone looked from one to another. The guards let me fall to the ground as another figure walked to the doorway. I was still regaining my breath now I was hurt beyond words.

"Well that still doesn't get any of you off the hook. I still don't like this." Lynn said, as she took a seat on the near by bed.

"Ok, is anyone going to tell me why there is a bleeding man sitting on the floor. Joey doesn't have a key and Lynn is not being as nice as she should be right now," Kevin asked as he stood in the doorway. The new guy standing next to Kevin and grabbed his arms with force driving them both out of the room.

Brian stood silent as the rest of us just stared at him. He quickly retreated out into the hallway with a sheepish grin. Lance knelt down next to me and wiped away the blood from my split lip. "Are you ok?" He asked, as I just nodded my head at him. His calmness now brought me back to reality as I was shaken but not lost.

"Ok, so now we know that someone did it and Delwyn found it as funny as we did. Although we all reserved the right to laugh," Joey said.

"Justin last night I offered you space in our room not in that room. Would I have done that if I were trying to play a joke on you? You tell me how the hell did I get a key in the first place," I asked assertively. Brian leaned around to look at Justin for a response only to find it too hard to stop himself from laughing.

Justin flew out the door at him with the force of a Mack truck. His arms flew out punching at Brian as we all ran out the door after him. My eyes could not believe the sight before them as a third person flew into the pile. He stood firm pulling Brian away from Justin. The Backstreet Boy's security arrived just in time to pull the two of them down the hallway. I was standing there in shock as AJ ran down the hall towards us just out of reach of the guards.

"What the hell is going on here!" AJ shouted as he approached the rest of us. "Justin I love the hair but it should be red on you not Blue." He snickered just as Chris and Glenn grabbed Justin from behind.

"Oh no you don't everyone could not have done this to you. They got here late last night so how could they have done it?" Glenn asked soothing Justin, until he realized the new bass voice whispering in his ear.

"Your not supposed to be here suppose it was you!" Justin shouted pulling away and running into his room slamming the door shut. I suddenly became aware of the fact that we were all falling apart. No one was to be trusted any longer. All of the family and friendship had been breached.

"Ok now that the threat is gone what is going on with all of you," Kevin asked. AJ met Nick and Howie with a wave for them to keep their distance.

"I would not deduce the threat being gone just yet Kevin," Lynn said, as she walked across the hall trying to follow Justin into the room. Only finding her path blocked by Kevin who pointed at me. She turned and began to walk towards me. No smile adorned her face, no emotion at all could be seen.

"Oh happy reunion," JC said as he leaned against the doorframe opposite all of the mayhem. I looked over at him. I had no recollection of them ever having met before.

"Hello, Lynn will you at least tell us what is wrong here," Brian said, coming to his cousins rescue.

"As of this morning my son has bright screaming blue hair. No one seems to know how he got it. If this is a practical joke it is not funny." She said as she leaned over and wiped at my mouth. She had the look of a mother again, she was intent on making the pain stop. I could see the care in her eyes, but she tried to no avail.

I was no longer bleeding as I was being starred at now by the Backstreet Boy's; my idols for so long. I thought to myself `Great now she has them believing I did it'. They all huddled down at the end of the hallway as Kevin returned to us with a dismayed look on his face. I was saddened suddenly as I already had been judged. I thought a man was to be innocent until proven guilty. Lynn did not say a word as she watched the Kevin closely. Their eyes met.

"Lynn I know we have had out differences in the past," Lynn stood up to face him directly. "We had our own incident this morning when we woke up. You see, we were all locked into our bunks. Someone stapled the curtains closed except for Todd who was actually stapled into the bed through his sleeping bag." He said, as this all became increasingly confusing. Lynn did not react to his confession. The person that had rescued Kevin before walked directly up to the two of them standing there.

"Hello Mrs. Harless I am Scott Marks. I was one of the unfortunate people to have been locked into a bunk. Look I can see the arguing about all this seems in a way affective but this is getting us no where." He said, as he stretched out his hand to Lynn. I thought she would be mad but instead she held her head higher suddenly.

"Nice to meet you unfortunately this is a bad time if you would be so kind gentleman I think I have other matters to attend to." She pushed past Kevin and Scott and headed to the door Justin had slammed shut. As it opened, she walked in to find Justin trying his best to wash out the Blue affects.

"Wait how the hell did she open that door she has no key," I shouted, as Lance and Kevin walked over to it and opened it with ease.

"Ok so now we know how they got in and that it has even gotten harder to track the person down," Kevin said as he bent down to inspect the lock. Kevin looked up as Scott walked over to him directly and walked into the room. No one said a word to him until the latch was thrown and they could not get in.

"Kevin he will be ok in there he is the smarter of the two of them," Brian said as Kevin laughed lightly.

Inside the room...

"Lynn we have just discovered something or rather you have and didn't know it," Scott said standing just outside the bathroom door.

"What are you doing in here? Can't everyone just leave him alone right now," Lynn asked.

"First, I am sure he can wash his own hair. Second, we have had enough of the fighting and condescending attitudes. Third, if you want to know how the person got into this room you will follow me." Justin looked up from the sink long enough to see Scott standing there and gave him a wicked grin which only confused Scott. He could not believe he had just said that, but he knew she was going to be tuff to get through too.

"Ok, have it your way," Lynn said as she pushed Justin's head back under the water and walked away. As they approached the door Scott grabbed hold of the latch and unlocked it as Lynn stood silent. He quietly stepped out into the hall to our own gazing. We could see Lynn standing just inside; he motioned her to stay inside as he closed the door. He then opened it immediately showing the opening and closing several times. His point was made as we all saw her frustrated look change.

"How are you doing that without a." Lynn paused looking at me again. "Scott that still does not tell me why this has happened. But, what it does tell me is anyone could have gotten in here. So, now everyone is a suspect." She said, pulling Scott back into the room and latching the door. Kevin became very angry about her actions now. He began to twist his hands together walking back and forth in front of the door.

"Now since you are the smart one tell me how they got the dye into the Shampoo," She asked, as Scott sat down on the bed.

"Who else was sleeping in here," He asked.

"Joey was."

"How light do they both sleep," He asked.

"Joey not at all light, Justin on the other hand well that is why he is so grumpy when he wakes up." She said thinking about it and grinning. But it was short lived as she noticed the look on Scott's face.

"Seems to me then it had to be put in previously to last night then." Scott said, as Lynn looked at him questioningly.

All of us on the outside of the door were beginning to wonder what the hell was going on in there. I was personally trying to get my lip to stop hurting as Brian handed me some ice wrapped in a towel. Lance had a funny look on his face. 'Jealousy' I thought. Soon enough Lance gave into the urge as he placed his arm around my shoulder. We sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall, facing the door. Brian grinned down as he turned around and I saw the guy who had pulled Brain away from Justin earlier standing back with AJ. He started to walk forwards. Brian grinned even bigger as I watched the person approach. Lance became uneasy as he got closer and started to pull his arm away. Brian saw this, placed his hand on mine, and placed it on Lances, to show him it was ok. Not a word was spoken the new figure and Brian squatted down in front of us and they looked at one another. Brian reached over and took hold of his hand.

"This is Blake. Blake I would like you to meet Lance Bass of NSYNC and." He paused not knowing my name.

"Delwyn Catz," I said reaching out and shaking both of their hands. I could see AJ at the end of the hall walking up with Howie Nick and another guy close to his side. I began to grin from ear to ear as I noticed AJ and the new guy, were also holding hands.

"So, who is Scott then," I asked as Lance had a look of shock on his face.

Kevin waved as he stood next to the door. "That would be um my other half." He said as he placed his hand on the knob to the door again. It was locked as he pulled his hand away. He was starring at the door in a haze of thought. He placed his palm flat against the door and felt the surface as he sighed and slid his hand down the door. If it were I, I would have felt the same way. Distance placed between Lance and I, was never going to be something I would want to deal with. He began again pacing back and forth.

Inside the room...

"But when that is the question." Lynn said, as she stood up and went into the bathroom. Justin's hair was now a baby blue color as he stood there starring into the mirror. Lynn began to laugh as she looked at her son. She finally took note that he was not laughing and just looked on trying not to burst into laughter.

"Justin when did you last use this Shampoo of yours," She asked still holding back laughter as Justin finally broke. Scott saw this as a cue and walked over to the door to open it.

We all sat on the floor now staring at the door. Still there was nothing but silence. Kevin was getting really worried as he edged his way back and forth his hands were now busy ripping at a piece of paper he had pulled out of his pocket. The door flew open as Kevin now starred at Scott for an answer. There was nothing said as we all heard Justin and Lynn laughing. Scott smiled at Kevin. Kevin's response was shock he hugged Scott and kissed him deeply. Lynn walked out just in time to catch them.

"Ok, that explains a lot of what has been in the back of my mind." Lynn said, as Kevin blushed and buried his head in Scott's shoulder. "Kevin it's ok I like him and since you two are together I must say I am very happy. You and I have had our differences, but this explains all of that now. We are too much alike it seems." She said, while giving Scoot a wink and a grin.

Justin saw me sitting on the floor holding the ice pack and began to freak out. `Here he comes again. This time you have to fight back' I thought as he dropped down on the floor in front of me nearly knocking Brian over.

"Delwyn I am so sorry but it did look like you did it. That just means you are off my list. I have the rest of the group to get back at though." I sat there stunned, if that was apology he was bad at them. I was having a hard time trying not to laugh as I had to say something.

"You, don't have to get back at the rest of the group." I said, knowing this would bring suspicion back to me but hopefully he would also think through what I had to say. "You see even they had problems this morning. They got stapled into their bunks. And I might add it was not me." Before anyone could say anything, I was on my feet and pulling Lance back into the room. They were all actually laughing. Brian, Blake, AJ and Michael followed us inside. As soon as the door closed, I started to laugh so hard I was almost sick.

"What!" AJ shouted.

"Sorry his hair is so bad," I broke down into fits of laughter again.

The door flew open as Justin rushed in and pushed me onto the bed tickling me. Everyone stood clear as I flipped Justin off of me and he hit his head on the headboard. I looked at him and broke into laughter again as I went to help him up. His face showed anger but his eyes showed concern as I noticed I had a fat lip and it was throbbing.

"Even." He called out as he grabbed the back of his head. I nodded my head yes as he reached over and tilted my head in every direction to see his damage to my face. "Now you can help me get all of them back," he said.

"Not if that includes him." I said pointing at Lance. "Because he didn't do it either. Besides I have to sleep in the same bed with him and his payback would be to not let me have my way with him." Justin made a face like he was getting sick at me and just agreed. AJ began to bust up as Michael smacked him in the arm.

"What?" Justin and I asked in unison as Lance laughed.

"Oh, he just told me that if I kept driving like a mad man I wasn't going to get any. I was driving the bus at the time." Michael said, as Brian began to laugh now.

"Ok, what's with him," I asked Blake who just shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought you was joking AJ," Brian said through panting out breath. Just then, the door flew open.

"Um guy's I know your having a circle jerk but could we eat breakfast and get out of here on time. It would be nice to get all the promo stuff done early," JC asked.

"JC if this was a circle of jerk's your place would be here with us," Justin said, as myself and Lance went completely silent while AJ, Michael, Brian, and Blake laughed hysterically. Blake and Brian both noticed we were not laughing and stopped immediately. AJ and Michael were now rolling across the bed laughing until Lance placed his hand on Michael's shoulder. AJ kept laughing for a half second latter when Michael smacked him in the arm, he noticed we had stopped. He blushed making me break again now laughing at him.

"JC, I'm sorry I should have never said that," Justin said, knowing he knew he had just hurt JC. AJ looked to JC quickly for a response. As Justin waited for a reply JC walked out the door, shutting it quietly with his head down. Justin flew off the bed and headed out of the door. AJ glanced at Lance for an answer. He said nothing while I helped him up off the couch. When he was half way across the room, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"AJ we all have problems to deal with. In time I am sure, you will figure out what is wrong. But, since it is not my problem I can't tell you." Lance said, as we began to head towards the door. In response, AJ just shrugged his shoulders. As soon as we got into the hallway, AJ could not keep his mouth shut any longer.

"Listen bro' it's ok I can understand if you don't trust me." AJ said, as he made his way down the hall ahead of us. I was not sure what to do until Brain grinned and winked. Lance felt bad as he quickly grabbed hold of AJ's arm. Michael smiled at me from the side and we locked our arms together walking behind them.

"We have been friends for a while AJ. Why even try to lay a guilt trip on me? Especially in such a weak way." Lance said, as he punched AJ in the arm. "I missed you too." They hugged briefly as Kevin and Scott walked out of a room down the hall.

"Hey none of that you two. We have to get going everyone will be in one limousine for the trip to the restaurant we have set up. We have to go over what is going to be happening today." Kevin said as Lynn walked out of the same room they had just come from.

I glanced at Lance to see him uneasy at the new leadership with Lynn's help. I could tell this was going to be an interesting day after all. I had to make all this easier on them all somehow. JC and Justin soon appeared coming out of JC's room. We met them in the hall, AJ saw this as his opportunity.

"So come out with it all ready?" AJ asked, as JC and Justin shot both Lance and I dirty looks.

"We didn't say anything and stop giving me dirty looks. Man I knew waking up this morning was going to be a bad idea all you guy's have done is make me feel like everything is my fault and I can't take it anymore." I said, as I was now infuriated.

"I think we will stay here and meet you all latter at. Where are we going to be today?" Lance asked as he drug me to the door to our room.

"Your coming with us and that is final we will get all of this settled in time. Right now we have to much to get done." Lynn said, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room with her.

"Look Delwyn, if you could keep us all moving today it would be greatly appreciated. I know you are under contract now. I also know we don't really have the position we hired your for. So, lets face it I need you to perform a function and that is to keep the guy's moving. That is all I need from you nothing more."

"Ok, Mrs. Harless whatever you say. You're the boss from what I can tell," I said sarcastically, JC popped his head in just in time to hear me say that. He looked at me and then to Lynn and closed the door.

"Is everyone going to keep stepping on his toes," I said pointing at the door. "I mean he is having a hard enough time dealing with the problems he and Justin are having and now you have completely replaced him in his function." I asked, knowing this was going to make her extremely mad. She just looked down shaking her head.

"What did my son hit you that hard that you would talk so quickly without thinking." She paused, as I did not respond I just starred at her. "Let's get going we are already late." I had done it I thought I have just stepped in it and I do not know how to get it off my shoe but I did it.

We headed down to the limousine and crammed all of us inside. Yes all 15 of us.

"Fifteen people one limousine, good choices aren't being made today," I whispered to Lance, as JC overheard me he grinned. We all managed to squeeze inside as I looked to everyone. I was not the only one who realized this. I sat there starring at their sudden hatred of limousines. Lynn had made arrangements for the biggest limousine she could find but I was very uncomfortable. I reached for my cell phone and called my father as everyone watched my every move. He picked up on the second ring.

"Dad, look we have not left town yet. I need to ask you a favor." There was a long pause as he put me on speakerphone.

"Del is everything alright?" My mother asked.

"Mom, so you two are together. Good, it would be better if we had both your help today. I need to get transportation for 15 today and that is not including security I take it?" I asked, looking at Lynn and Kevin for a response, neither one replied. I then looked at JC he just nodded his head yes, as he intently watched me.

"No that does not included security and the bus would be a mess to take around town. Do you have any suggestions? Right now we are all pilled into a limousine heading to." Again no response from Lynn and Kevin and he had his mouth hanging open.

"Your mothers restaurant actually," JC answered.

"Ok mom, we are going to be at.." She cut me off. "I heard him. So, what you need is another limousine or something that is bigger that is not a Bus right," She asked. "You're all really in one limousine who's idea was that," She asked while I could hear her flipping through a Rolodex.

"I can not say right now," As I said it JC laughed lightly next to me. Lynn looked at us questioningly as Scott just starred at us. Kevin did not respond as he apparently was still in shock.

"I take it Lynn is having a very bad morning. Perhaps I should talk to her," my mother said.

"Not right now. But, I do need the transportation. Dad you all caught up?" I asked rhetorically although I knew he was probably half way ahead of me.

"First off Del, the restaurant is busy today try going to the Stadium I will have." I cut him off. "The reason it is busy is because we are going there dad. They rented out the big room again for this morning and if planning serves me correctly they have ordered the food ahead of time." Lynn nodded her head at this. "Yes they have that is why it is busy." There was a long pause as I sat in silence waiting for a response from him.

"Delwyn this is Mom I will meet you and the others. Your father and I will have it all taken care of. I will have a van and our limousine waiting for you there. Get rid of the Rental you are in. Tell them to just go back and that everything has been taken care of." She said, as Lynn looked at me questioningly. "Mom I am going to put you on with Lynn and could you tell her what you just told me please." With that said, I handed Lynn my phone.

Lynn sat and listened carefully. She next handed Kevin the phone and they talked for a few more moments. As Kevin handed me the phone, he then instructed me to give JC the phone. I was almost in shock as Kevin noticed and just grinned at me. I had it figured that JC would be left out of the loop even with all the trying to include him. As JC talked he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you Mrs. Catz I will let everyone know and I will tell Delwyn as well. Again thank you." Everyone in the limousine yelled thank you to my parents as he handed me the phone back.

"Delwyn you alright son? You having a good time?" My father asked in his best not so prying way.

"As good as can be expected." I said as I slid off the bench onto the floor as we turned into the parking lot. Everyone chuckled as they all slid down filling in my seat. Lance helped me up into his lap as I held onto the phone with one hand and the ceiling with the other. "Bye Mom, Dad I will see you in a bit." I said, hanging up the phone. The parking lot was empty and I realized no one was really out as of yet. So, we would have the greatest service here. Lynn and Kevin were staring at me as I turned and looked at them after hanging up the phone.

"Job well done," I asked. Lynn just grinned at me as Kevin nodded his head yes.

"Ok, everyone since NSYNC has been here we will let them show us where to go. Todd and two other security team members are being sent over here in a van being provided by the Catz family and another limousine will be here shortly that is bigger than this one I assume." Kevin said as I agreed. Everyone cheered as Lance hugged me tight.

As we exited the Limo, I followed the guy's of NSYNC inside only to be stopped by a waiter. As soon as he realized who we were, he let us pass. I waved to the Manager actually she is my Aunt Kathy but in here she is the Manager when I am a customer. I was happy to see here helping us find our place as she opened the back room door. Just like everyone else I went to pass her, she pulled me out of the line.

"Ok, young man spill it. What is going on here and why are they all here when I am only half ready." I saw Lynn walking up to us very quickly.

"If you will excuse us Delwyn is here with us he is not someone you should be harassing," Lynn said, motioning me to enter the room.

"Lynn I would like for you to meet my Aunt Kathleen. Kathy for short." I said, Lynn just looked at her and smiled for a moment.

"Pleased to meet you. Your family is amazing. Ever since I met Delwyn's parent's last night I was sure this family was huge but nothing like this." Lynn said, as she extended her hand out.

"Like wise I am sure." My aunt said, as she ushered us both inside.

"Ok everyone may I have your attention please. If you could all be patient the food is still being prepared it has been a last minute change for us but we have everything under control. I need to know what time I have to have you out that door though," Kathy asked.

"We need to be at the State street mall at 10:30." JC answered cutting both Kevin and Lynn off. I could now see that my plan had worked. He was no longer worried about Justin as they sat talking like friends again. Chris was sitting very unhappily by himself on the end with an empty seat between him and Lance. I leaned over to Lances ear.

"What happened to Glenn. Chris looks so unhappy sitting by himself," I whispered.

"He wanted to drive himself over. He had something to do," Chris replied and confused the others sitting near us. I grinned knowing we had just made fools of ourselves as Lance kissed me on the cheek.

"Could you two refrain in public please. We wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression," Howie said.

"Well Howie if you must know this Restaurant is owned by Delwyn's parents, along with the Arena we performed in last night," JC remarked without looking over at him. Lynn looked at us again and decided it was time to open her mouth too.

"Yes and this is the room where all the fighting took place last night," Lynn said, as a waiter dropped a tray of glasses hearing her words. I rushed over and helped my cousin Noel with the mess he had just created. I sat the empty tray on the Baby Grand and looked at it questioningly. There was a bullet hole through the music rack. My Aunt walked in just in time to see Noel clearing the tray away.

"Noel, just get another tray and bring them out. Try not to break anything else." She said, noticing me standing there. "Delwyn would you do me a favor and play until they get the food ready it would help to break the tension in this room. Besides you are so good." She said pinching my cheek and rushing out of the room again.

"So, you can play, I take it," Kevin asked as he watched my every move. I satt down at the bench unsure of what to play and it hit me just to do like I had before. Play the first things to pass through my brain. I was shaking as I looked at him and nodded my head yes. Lynn saw my nervousness and decided to try and ease the tension more. But as usual, she was going for broke on the scale of making things worse.

"He is very good Kevin. He played for us last night. But, we are not you," I was now really turning red as I stood up and looked at everyone sitting there. I glanced at Lance quickly before I started to head out of the door only to run head long into Lyle.

"Hey there, where's the fire?" He asked as he pushed me back into the room. "I saw the whole thing from outside why don't you just do like you did last night. Play your song, the one you wrote," he whispered as the room was silent. We walked back over to the piano; he stood on the backside watching my every move as I heard my parents walk in I was about to loss it when my mother handed me a piece of sheet music. It was the last page. I had to do it now, I was actually excited again. She and I had been working on this for so long. I was beginning to sweat as Lance walked over and sat down next to me. Still no one said a word loud enough for me to hear from the table.

"What's this?" Lance said, as he pointed to the hand written sheet. I shifted to look at him through pleading eyes. "Just do it, I am sure you are a lot better than I am," he said as he hit various key. I placed my hand on his took it off the keys and pointed to his chair as everyone laughed. I was nervous again.

I looked at the sheet and was lost again as I heard the music play we still had no lyrics for the piece but I was sure it would happen soon enough. We had written many things over the years but this was just beautiful. She had not really played in the last few months because of my distance. But, I knew in my heart that she was going to miss me for those times the most.

"Mind if I warm up?" I asked not looking over, I was joking really but Kevin said 'Sure go ahead'. Lyle watched me as I looked up at him and winked. He was grinning as I started by hitting many keys and making the most awful sounds, I could think of. My mother was laughing so hard I think she lost her breath as I looked over at Lance who was in shock and ready to climb under the table. I glance to Kevin who was also laughing while Scott looked like he was sick.

"Kidding, just kidding," I said.

I began to play I need you tonight as I suddenly changed my mind and hit a fast paced Don't close your eyes. As I finished the song, I could hear nothing but silence. I had to open my eyes, I did just that as the music in front of me filled my mind. I began to play the piece my mother had brought in as I closed my eyes again. I remained silent as I played as no one else spoke. I continued to play allowing the music to form an emotional bond between my mother and I as tears began to stream down her face. I opened my eyes in time to start playing the last page. It was as clear as could be that it did not work that well with the rest of the piece. I quickly changed it while playing my mothers eyes shot open wide as she slowly walked around the backside to stand next to Lyle. My father now did the same, everyone watched us huddled and in another world. As I drifted to end of the song. I closed my eyes again as I stopped a few seconds later.

There was a little unnerving pause as the tables completely silent made me nervous again. I reached up and handed my mother the piece of paper as she took it and crumbled it up. There was a gasp from someone, no doubt in my mind it was most likely Kevin, but I did not want to look. Lance was grinning as he sat there starting. I wondered if I would have such a silly look on my face when he performed. I laughed lightly as I touched the keys this time. Playing I need you tonight only to have Nick shift and start to sing as Kevin reached over and hushed him immediately I took the lead and played a longer version I had in my head as everyone watched intently. I was now getting brave as I looked at Lance then lead my eyes around the table as I continued to play. Sure I was showing off as I slipped quickly into 'For the girl who has everything' and the pace slowed drastically. The change from one group to the other was very visible as I looked at the attitude change as well.

I looked at Lance as my aunt entered the room pushing a cart to the end of the table. She walked over, placed her hand on my back, and leaned in. I stopped playing as she asked me to play her favorite song. I grinned. I was going to be a smart-ass now. As she walked away I began to play Mary had a little lamb. Everyone burst into laughter. I was now laughing so hard I laid my head on the Piano as my mother took a seat next to me.

"Why don't you go eat I will take over from here." I was laughing so hard I could not move as I looked up I was the only one still laughing. My aunt was not happy with me, she was glaring mad. I looked at my mother and began to play the song 'I'll Be There' by the group C'Note. I knew this was going to raise some eyebrows but it was her favorite song. I had to do it to calm her down. My mother took the bass adding to the song as I created the perfect rendition of the song. No one said a word as I looked at my aunt who was now half smiling half crying. I began to hum the words as my mother looked over at the guys who just grinned at her now.

Brain began to sing the chorus as the others looked at him with a questioning glance. I took this as bad and ended the song. I stood up and started to walk to my seat at the long table. I did not make it before Kevin stood up and started to clap. Apparently he was impressed; everyone took the next step and joined him. I was embarrassed as I lightly bowed and walked the rest of the way down to my chair. Lance leaned over and kissed my cheek as Lynn shot us a look and then my Aunt set food in front of her grinning. The look immediately faded as Kathy held her gaze. They laughed as I watched and both looked at us smiling.

"Ok, that's weird," Lance said.

"Tell me about it," I replied.

Glen soon walked in followed by Todd and what appeared to be another guard. He was practically running as he approached Chris. Todd was right on his heels as he threw him to the ground I gasped at the sight. Lynn stood up quickly knocking over her chair as Aunt Kathy set the remaining food down on a cart. Chris Jumped on Todd's back as the rest of us froze not knowing what to do next.

"What the hell is going on here!" Kathy shouted.

My Mother stopped playing as she watched the havoc unfold. A flailing Chris hit me in the back of the head as he was thrown from Todd's back. Lance saw this began rubbing my head hugging me. Kevin was running over to where Glenn was now pinned to the ground face first. Kevin looked at Chris with questioning eyes. Chris sat watching everything unfold from the floor. I reached over to Lance, as he was now ready to hurt Todd. The look on his face told me to just keep him calm. Kevin looked at me as I pleaded silently with him to fix this. Everyone else watched as Glenn now screamed to let him up.

"Let me up! If I am not welcome, I will just leave. You will never hear from me again!" He screamed as Chris moved to help the other guard pushed Chris back away. Lyle immediately reacted.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Enough has already happened here and you don't want me to hurt you!" Lyle said, as he walked over to help Chris.

Kevin was in shock as he visibly saw all of NSYNC grinning now. JC stood up, walked over to Kevin, and grabbed his shoulder squeezing it lightly as I looked over to Scott. His face spoke volumes of trust, as the rest of us had no idea what to do next. Glenn winced in pain below Todd's weight. Kevin withdrew slightly as JC leaned over Todd. The second guard tried to step forwards as Lyle placed his hand in the middle of his chest and shoved him back lightly.

"I warned you now you will listen to me or there will be a price to pay. Chris isn't this your friend that you invited to breakfast." The guard shoved his way forwards as JC reached out to Todd's shoulder. Lyle shoved him hard into a table set up just behind us holding more trays of food. There was a crash as food flew all over Todd, Glenn, and JC. Chris was visibly shaken now, as he wanted all this mayhem to end. I was beginning to drift back to last night's events as I looked around the room.

My mother was the first to notice my face as the tears now streamed down my cheeks. Lance had been such close attention to the scene behind us he was unaware I had so much happening with me. I was closing my mind imagining it all away I could not stand it. The images played rapidly through my mind. I stood up and ran through the room in a rage of confusion and hurt. Everything went black.

"Where do you think you are going," I heard a voice shout as I ran into the Kitchen area. I ran to the back walk-in freezer and could see the door shutting quickly. I heard the footsteps getting closer as I ran faster. The door was locked as I approached it I wanted to scream as I was panicking.

"Slow down Delwyn it's ok," I heard the voice shout again. It was Matt, I knew it was. In my mind, he was chasing me I was trapped as I had no where left to run. I was there now at the back of the restaurant holding my breath as the vision appeared again. He was holding a gun as he came closer. He reached out with it guiding him to me.

"You're not going to win!" he shouted as he came closer. "If it wasn't for you I would be here!" Again, the words rang clear in my mind from last night. My mother suddenly walked in behind him looked at us and walked away. Why had she walked away? Why, was I alone in this? If I only had of stayed there with them I would have people to help me. To be here for me, to be my family, to be my friends, to show me love... My mind spun out of control as I closed my eyes tight.

I opened them to find myself standing over Todd and Glenn. Neither of them moved as I reached out. My hand touched Todd's shoulder now as I gently pulled at him. Nothing was going to move him as I watched him look back at me. Glenn struggled as Chris was now being held back by Lyle.

"Get off of him," I said, calmly.

"I am doing my job and you will keep your distance if you know what is good for you." Todd spat out.

"Get off of him!" My face changed to one of determination. "What is good for me is to clear up your misconceptions," I said, he grew angry.

"Get the hell away or you will be next. You don't even know him!" He shouted. Kevin grabbed my shoulder, as Lance now stood tall next to me. They both watched closely as I would not back away.

"If you do not get off of him you will learn to regret it," I said sternly.

"Get off of him Todd!" AJ shouted standing now about fifteen feet away.

Everyone looked on as Todd stood up and pulled Glenn up holding his arms behind him. I saw the tension not lifting, as Glenn's face seems to be covered in dirt now. I was visibly shaken but I had to be strong here or there was not telling how this was going to turn out. Scott walked up to them as Kevin tried to stop him he brushed Kevin's hand aside. Kevin was now extremely angered.

"Todd start explaining," Kevin said as Lance tried to get me to sit down. He had a chair pulled out behind me as I had had enough of heartache to deal with I grabbed my jacket and headed over to the door. Lance no doubt would see this as my walking out on him. I was going through so much stress I had to leave. I had to get clear; I turned to watch as Todd began to explain.

"He was taking pictures of all of you sitting here from the door. I had just walked in and caught him when he bolted to here. I just wanted to make sure he was on the up and up. But, if he was why was he so determined to get away." He said as he looked at the look on Scott's face as he had a wet napkin wiping at the dirt. Glenn smiled at the care he was being shown.

"Because I asked him too," Chris said as everyone turned to face him now. I smiled and walked out the door putting my jacket on. As I walked to the front of the restaurant and took a seat my Cousin Noel came up to, join me.

"Del what's wrong are you going to be ok, they are all worried," he said.

"I will be fine, I just couldn't sit there right now. It was about last night and yet it was today. I just couldn't take it. But, I am glad we came. Otherwise, I would not have gotten to see you before I left. I am going to miss you, you do know that." I said, as Lynn walked up to the side of the booth.

"I know and I am going to miss you too. It is going to be hard not seeing you. You always make me feel better no matter what is wrong with you. Half the time I know you shouldn't be doing it but you do anyway. Remember when you where in the Hospital and I started to get sick you came to me when you got out and you helped me. No one else would have Del. That is why I love you so much you are always the one who has taken care of me." Noel said, as Lynn took a seat next to him.

"I bet he will still take care of you, all you have to do is call him and he will be here for you." She said, as his words touched my heart.

"I know but when I get that way I will just miss him even more and I do not want to hurt him like everyone else does," Noel said. Lynn raised an eyebrow at this comment as she turned and looked at me.

"I have been used by a lot of people and he has seen it happen a lot. He may be slow but he is not dumb by any means," I said as she reached over and placed her arm around him.

"I can see that Delwyn. If he knows you this well I wonder what he thinks of the rest of us," She said giving me a sharp gaze.

"I like all of you actually, no one laughed when I broke the glasses earlier. And you are so powerful it is funny. You remind me of mom in that way," Noel said as I laughed at her shock of him actually answering. "You are so funny, I just wish I could go with Delwyn to take care of him for once. I know he has all of you but who do I have left after he leaves?" He said looking down at the table with hurt written all over his face.

"I bet you could come visit me buddy. It's not like I am never going to see you again," This brought him back slightly as Lynn saw him change she smiled at me.

"Bet if I asked your mother you could come and meet my boy Jonathan. He would love to meet you and then you could see Delwyn when the boy's come home to Florida too." She was so sly as she giggled and talked to him like he was her little son. I was very impressed as she usher him back to help everyone get their food.

"You know Delwyn if you ever need a ear to lean to I am here for you. I know I have not been the nicest I could be to you. But when it comes to the guy's I kind of loose my mind some times. They have been like sons to me for so long I just want to keep them safe," She said, as I heard every word.

"I know Lynn that is why I don't let it bother me so much," I grinned as she gave me a shocked look that I laughed at. Lynn was watching the front door behind me as she thought of what to say next. I could see what she wanted to talk about but as far as I was concerned, Lance should have followed me if he wanted information.

"Lynn before you ask. I have to tell you so there's no hedging around the subject. I love Lance I know you can see that. When everything was happening I just decided it was time, I left to get my head cleared up. I know that my being with them has had effects on them all. I know that my being here has not made you the least bit happy. I know a lot of thing's the one thing I know more about any of those things is how I feel about Lance. If loving him means letting him go so he can be happy then yes I would do that. I love him enough actually say that." Lynn looked at me in a confused state.

"Actually Delwyn, I was going to apologize for how I have acted towards you since I met you. It's funny. I never thought myself so over protective. I feel bad because I know why I am doing it," she paused to look at me. " I was doing it mainly to protect Justin from being hurt. And well." she looked down before continuing. "I wanted to make sure you and Lance's relationship would not affect his decisions if you know what I mean," She finished not looking me in the eyes as she looked up she was looking past me.

"I am sure you do know that we would not have chosen this life right? I mean over all we are not looked up to by most people, as you yourself just proved. It is a dangerous world for any guy in our position, I mean do you think we would have just decided to be gay. It would not be the smartest thing to choose and I can tell you we are both smart enough to know how to make good decisions. We just happened to find one another. What if Justin, some day, does decided to act on some primal urge he has? Are you going to hate your son for something that was already part of himself, which he had been hiding? What if he confessed he was trying to make it, go away but couldn't do it? I think you have over thought your position. Maybe at a time like what I just described you would over look the fact that he is your son. You can not tell me you wouldn't love him. Because he is still the little boy, you raised. He has just made the decision to be happy within himself." She looked at me quizzically as I sat there trying to figure out what was going on in her head.

"Delwyn, you make a good argument. But, I know my Justin he is not gay. If he came to me and told me he was, I would have a hard time with it your right. You're also right that I would end up allowing him to be himself. But, it is not something I would accept over night." She trailed off and changed the subject. "You really love Lance and he loves you right?" She said as she starred hard into my eyes.

"Yes, without a question or doubt. I loved him for him long before I met him. Still do always will," I said, not realizing Lance was standing behind me now through all of this. "But, I still wonder if he should be in a relationship with me. I love him yes and he loves me. But what if someone finds out and makes it public knowledge. It would ruin the guys image and it would be my fault." I said, as she did not answer. She placed her hand on mine sitting across from me trying to sooth my concerns.

"Besides with all the drama we have gone through so far I don't think we are going to live much longer if it keeps up. I know that without him I feel like I would die as well so we have to keep going. What is that saying? Together we can conquer anything." I said smiling at her as I felt lips on the back of my neck. I could have jumped out of my skin right there and I was about to until Lance placed his right arm around me. His ring shined as it passed before my eyes comforting me showing me who it was. Lynn laughed as I struggled to compose myself.

"As long as we are together we will conquer anything. I love you too Delwyn. And I know about the public and if it happens, we will deal with it. But we will be as careful as we can and not suffer in our relationship for it." Lance said still hugging me from behind. I relaxed as his words set into my head. "You need to go eat we are almost ready to go and you left before eating. I didn't follow you because I wanted you to have some space. But, next time at least kiss me before you leave." He said into my ear as I looked at Lynn for a sign of how she felt about all this. She had tears in her eyes as she watched us.

As Lance pulled me out of the booth and we started to walk away, I looked at Lynn to see if she was going to join us. I reached over and tapped her on her shoulder. She shook her head yes without me asking the question. We stood there silently waiting for her to get up and follow us as she did not I let go of Lance's hand and walked around to the front side of the table again. She looked up at me deep in thought. I reached out my hand to offer her help as she took it she grinned from ear to ear. I had made my impression finally.

"If he is gay and I am not saying he is I will accept it," she said giving me a sly grin. She had it figured out and I really felt bad now because I had led her in that direction. She saw the look of fear on my face as she placed her arms around both Lance and I as we walked towards the back room. "I already had my suspicions stop worrying so much it was something you have helped me greatly with." She said, kissing me on the cheek as Lance looked at me for an answer. I mouthed to him latter as Lynn began to laugh.

"Lance, Justin is gay," she said as we walked closer to the door just in time for JC to walk out.

"Everything alright out here?" He asked as she grabbed his hand.

"Better than I could have expected he is going to be a handful if I am right," she said as she winked at Lance and I. We headed back into the hall to find everyone pretty much finished and broken into groups. I was looking around for Chris and Glen. They where no where in sight as we walked to the end of the table where we had all been sitting before. Todd was also gone from our little party as well. I was beginning to wonder if they escorted him out or something when Lance started to speak.

"Chris, Glenn, and Todd have worked everything out and had to change clothes. They are brining JC back a new shirt since his has eggs all over it," Lance said as JC turned and looked at us. Just as I got my mouth full of food, he came over.

"You two talking about me?" He said, looking directly at me. I just pointed to my full mouth and began to chew. He laughed as Kevin walked over to us with Scott on his arm.

"I see we have all gotten back to normal around here," he said, looking at me.

"Yes we have," Lance said.

"Good because we wouldn't want to loose you. Especially since you can play like you can," he winked as Scott grabbed his arm hard.

"Scott you have no reason to be jealous. Delwyn is a good Piano player I liked it a lot and I should be able to tell him," Kevin said.

"I know that but you should let him eat and stop embarrassing him," Scott replied.

"Well people we have to head out now or we will never get there. Del your aunt told us to have you eat first, but we are already late getting out of here," JC said as he stepped into his Dad roll again. Kevin grinned as he looked at the same qualities in himself. The three started to walk away as JC turned back about ten feet away and headed right towards us again.

"By the way thank you for helping me out this morning, Justin and I will get through this," he winked and walked away. Lance looked at my shocked expression.

"He figures stuff out really easy. That is why he is more like a father than a friend. You'll get used to it like the rest of us." He said, as he placed his hand on my shoulder leaned in and kissed my cheek. There was a flash and I heard the scuffling of feet as we had our picture taken off guard. Lyle was walking after my aunt, as she was about to exit the room she turned around and stared him down.

"You do wish to have children of you own some day I take it?" She said as Lance and I began to laugh hard. She stared at him as he again started towards her.

"If you would be so kind as to send me a copy of the picture I will give it to them," he said handing her a business card.

"He's my family. I think I can find him and give it to him," she said, walking out of the room. I was laughing so hard everyone turned to look at Lance. He just shrugged his shoulders at them as they continued out the door. I was rushing it as I swallowed a mouth full of food and ran for the door. I started to laugh as I realized Lance was still sitting at the table. He grinned at me, breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and laughed as we exited the room and headed out to the limousine. We left the restaurant quickly heading to the mall for the signing and hopefully no more interruptions in our day. We were running late and I knew this as I saw the morning traffic already pouring in around us. Yet, the driver made his own path taking it upon himself to make it to the mall on time. I was grinning as I could see Jon looking over his shoulder at us occasionally grinning back at me.

We made it to the mall on time minus Chris, Todd and Glenn they didn't show up until it was nearly over with. I had a good time watching them all interact with the crowd as BSB signed there new CD and handed out several pre copies. I looked over the crowd several times to see if I knew anyone out there. Unfortunately, the only person I did recognize was the girl who had screamed about my performance. I wanted nothing to do with her and headed into the local jewelry store to shop and browse. Soon enough I headed back out to the crowd and noticed things winding down. I also realized I had been browsing for about two hours.

I otherwise had a good time as did everyone else I was sure but they all looked so tired. It was late afternoon by the time we got out of the mall for some reason the signing took a lot longer than I expected it to as there was nothing scheduled for the rest of the afternoon. When we returned to the Hotel, we all met up in Lance's room. My things were still setting where I left them. I had not had time to even unpack yet. I was exhausted as everyone pilled into the room.

"Ok what are we doing tonight?" AJ asked as he and Michael sat holding hands on the couch.

"Well I think we should split up since there are so many of us. But I really want to spend it together at the same time," Brian said, as he sat minus Blake at his side. I was wondering where he was when he and Justin walked in together. That looked odd I thought as we all continued to talk.

"Delwyn you are form here what do you suggest?" Lance said.

"I am usually talking to you on my computer right now or waiting to talk to you," I laughed.

"Ok, that leaves the local out for decision making." Howie said as he sat down next to Brian. Justin and Blake continued their conversation out on the balcony now.

"All of the computers are on the bus anyhow," Joey said sadly, as he apparently was as bad as Lance and I.

"No we still have one around here," Lance said as he had a devious grin on his face. As he moved his Jacket from yesterday off the chair next to the bed. I was happy sad and confused all at once. There was lay my laptop sitting in the chair.

"How did you get that? Did my parents give it to you?" I asked as he turned around and looked at me funny as if to say I am not going to tell you.

I tackled him onto the bed and kissed him hard our tongues explored each other's mouths. I was about to take it further when I realized there were other people here. I pulled back and looked at him longingly. "When I went to get my jacket at your house. You were already in the limousine and well I knew it was what you wanted to take when you looked back into your room. It is how we met," he said, looking up into my eyes, as I was about to kiss him again, Scott spoke up.

"Well that explains what the locals want to do," Scott busted up as Kevin grabbed him. "Maybe the out of towner's would like to join in," They were now kissing with passion as both Lance and I grabbed pillows and launched our attack. Everyone was laughing accept for Joey and Howie.

"I think that is our cue to make plans for the straight guys to go out and get some honeys" Howie said, as Joey agreed and grabbed his hand.

"If we can't beat them, you know we could always. Nah' your not my type," Joey said as Chris walked into the room and stopped dead in his tracks.

"Ok I missed something important didn't I?" Chris said, as I began to laugh again.

"Where trying to figure out what to do tonight," Brian said as Blake now jumped into his lap. "What was that for," Brian asked.

"Thought I would keep you company." Blake said, giving Brian his I'm so cute face.

"Should have thought of that earlier," Brain said, as he pushed Blake onto Howie's lap right onto the still joined hands. Brian stood up, looked at the rest of us before glaring at Justin, and rushed out of the room. Scott stood up to follow him as we all had confusion all over our faces.

"Ok well we could all go eat somewhere," I heard Nick say as he sat down next to Justin on the other bed.

"Your supposed to be his best friend shouldn't it be you who is chasing him down to see what is wrong with him." I asked Nick, as Kevin shook his head yes in my direction.

"Well I have to talk to Justin so I am here now where are we going to eat." He looked to Justin then back at me. "I'm sure Scott can handle it he has handled everyone else." Nick said looking at Kevin.

"Jealousy rears its ugly little blonde head," Chris said.

"Hey that hurt's," Nick said as Justin pinched him in the arm.

"Go, you need to help him too." Justin said as he pushed him off the bed.

"You need to stop Nick! Before I drop kick your ass into next week," Kevin said as he starred Nick down as he walked out of the room.

"Kevin after all the things I have heard come out of his mouth, he is really pushing it with all of us right now. Do you know what is going on?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, his hand is getting tired," AJ interjected as Kevin laughed along with Howie.

"Well, he had better watch what he say's. Scott is not going to be put through shit Nicholas!" Kevin shouted.

"Ok well lets go to the Hard Rock it is supposed to be cool here," Blake hit a subject I knew.

"It is actually," I laughed as Scott made his way to Kevin's side next to Lance and I.

"I thought you spent all your time pineing away for me," Lance asked.

"Babe it is a laptop and I could have been talking to you from anywhere," I laughed. He immediately gave me a sad puppy dog look that I could not resist as I reached for a magazine and rolled it up. He looked at me surprised as I acted like I was going to hit him with it. I kissed him just as I swung he was caught off guard and fell off the bed. Everyone began to laugh as I was shocked and didn't mean to hurt him. He was laughing with everyone now, as I knew it was going to be ok.

Blake looked at Scott for an answer to his question. Of course he had to do was open his mouth and ask it. Scott just looked at him and sighed heavily I was about to laugh until I saw Brian walk back into the room. Blake shifted up onto the arm of the couch as Brian sat back down in his seat. They looked at each other briefly as I could see this was going to be bad if I did not say something or someone else didn't for that matter.

"Brian can I talk to you outside for a second," I asked helping Lance back onto the bed. Brian looked at me quickly and stood up to head to the balcony. I looked at Kevin who gave an approving look. Lance kissed me quickly as I stood up. As I exited the room, I closed the door separating us from all the noise of them talking.

"Brian, I know what jealousy can do and to tell the truth it is not your fault at all. Blake is one of a kind and he is friendly a deadly mix if you ask me. But, if you two actually love each other it won't matter if he is talking to other people right?" I said knowing he had to talk sooner or latter.

"Your right. But the way he treated me before, brings to much heartache when I see him with another guy," he said.

"So, you don't trust him," I said. He only nodded his head.

"Oh I see. So, are you going to give him a chance or are you breaking it off now," I asked as he shot me a hard stare. "What you can't just keep it going and hurt each other?"

"Well you see the problem is I am falling in love with him..." he sighed as he finished.

"Brian I have two very good questions then. Is loving someone enough? And are you in love with him or in love with being in love?" I said this and wished I had not asked as he began to cry now.

I reached out to him and he pulled himself to me as we hugged the door behind us opened. There stood Nick as if ready to say something. Brian looked at him quickly and I could see the tears dry up immediately as they were replaced with anger. "Go away Nick!" Brian shouted.

Blake came out quickly shutting the door. "Brian I am sorry. I didn't mean it to look so bad." Blake said, as I realized it was on purpose now. `Even worse' I thought as I opened the door. Every head turned to look at me I just shook my head at them.

"Can we just go get something to eat. I am starved," I said, Lance smiled at me and stood by my side.

"Ok everyone Hard Rock sound good to you?" Lance asked.

It was going to be an interesting day all over again. I looked back and saw that Blake and Brian were sitting with their backs to us. Lance grabbed my hand and drug me away before I could close the door. `Oh well' I thought as we headed out of our room. No one spoke as we all headed down the elevator to the waiting Cargo Van.

"Delwyn since you know where it is why don't you drive," Kevin said throwing me the keys.

"Kevin I can't drive, it would take hours and it is already 6:45," I said thinking I was making a fool out of myself. He shrugged and took the keys from me as I passed him on my way to the other door. "I can set up front and give you directions though," I said as Lance gave me the sad face again.

"Yeah Kevin if he drives we might die," JC boasted as he stepped into the back seat. Kevin did not ask he just drove through all the traffic across town to the restaurant. I gave him directions while staring back at Lance on occasion. He and the others were starring out of the windows like tourists. I was about to laugh when I saw the Restaurant. San Francisco can get scary to drive in as it is but if they didn't have me, they would have gotten lost for sure. I was quite impressed with myself as we arrived there alive and well. The traffic had been a nightmare as usual so it took a lot longer than I would have guessed it would.

We fond parking and immediately headed to the front entrance. There was a line already formed out the door as we saw this, each of us silently wished we had of thought of somewhere else to go. I looked up just ahead and recognized the girl working the door. I was suddenly overjoyed at my discovery as I pushed ahead of everyone dragging Lance behind me. Everyone else followed my lead as heads turned and we were being pushed and pulled in different directions. As soon as she realized what was happening the girl let us pass through the side ropes.

"Gabby, I want you to meet," she stopped me.

"Delwyn I know who they are but you picked the worst time it's 8 O'clock dinner rush is still going strong. We are beyond full. There is nothing I can do," she said as I noticed a group of young girl heading our way with a mother no doubt in tow. 'Great! Just great.' I thought.

"Thanks Gabby. Is there another way out or are we trapped?" I asked.

"Right over that way," She said pointing towards the back of the restaurant. I was still hesitant as the girls got closer. No one else seemed to notice as they had all begun to talk amongst themselves. Lance would squeeze my hand every once and a while to let me know he was still there although he was talking to Kevin.

"Thanks Gabby," I said, as she was not paying attention. Lance and the others followed me into the depths of the crowd.

"I almost choked as I saw Todd sitting at the bar conversing with Lyle and another man, a familiar man. They seemed to be having a heated discussion. Mostly about what had happened earlier, I thought as I made my way towards the back kitchen entrance. Still the third mans face remained in the darkest corners of my mind. It seemed so familiar. But at the same time different and confused I was making my way across the room still trying to find a way out. All the while I was still thinking about his face. 'Where had I seen it before'.

Lance was still hot on my trail as Kevin followed with everyone close behind. We caught a few glances here and there as we all headed across the main room. 'There it is' I thought as I suddenly felt alone. I turned in time to see them all surrounded by several people as AJ and Michael hurriedly ran in my direction. Lance was standing with Kevin looking like they were about to run until as waitress grabbed his arms and kissed him pulling him away from Kevin. He blushed as the other girls around them began to cheer. I was beginning to think we had just been set up but how.

The front doors closed quickly as I saw Gabby laughing at the top of her lungs. There were several other people heading over to the guy's now. Lance had begun to relax until I noticed a younger girl about 14 approach him. She was carrying something but she passed up Lance and headed straight for Nick, Kevin, and Scott each of them took a noticeable step back.

I watched with confusion as an older man walked up behind Lance he was grinning form ear to ear as he grabbed his shoulders and turned him around. Lance had a look of shock written all over his face as I was still wondering what the hell was going on. Everyone was laughing.

Lyle and Todd made their way over to the mayhem. Lance stood still for a moment at the man starred at him longingly. I was certainly curious but not mad yet. The man rubbed Lances upper arms now as I watched in envy. Kevin stepped towards the girl grabbed a large box out of her hands and threw it down on the floor. Lance hugged the man standing in front of him and now I was concerned.

He did not notice me walk up as I saw Justin signing autographs as Joey was shaking his pen to get it to work it released all over the front of his shirt. I began to laugh as I grabbed Lance's shoulder and he gave me a stern look. I looked over at Kevin who was pissed as hell about something as he and Scott walked off I followed them. Lance did not notice me walk away as he continued to talk to the man.

Howie was soon following us as well he had made his way around the other side of the bar. "What the hell is going on around here," I heard Howie ask as he caught up to us.

"I don't know why don't you ask Lance," I said as I looked back and saw the two embraces again. Tears began to form in my eyes. Justin noticed where I was looking and rushed me to a corner near by.

"Delwyn you don't know who that is do you?" Justin said as I shook my head no. "That's his father. What did Lance do to you," he said concerned as the tears now flowed freely. "His father doesn't know," Justin shouted over the crowd as Lance's eyes shot around to us. There was a sudden silence in the room. I was alone again as every ones eyes felt like they were cutting through me.

Lances father was mad as hell as he heard Justin shout. "Delwyn it will all be," I cut him off. "Over soon just leave me alone, I will not be anymore trouble to any of you," I said as I tried the door Gabby had sent me too.

As I opened it further, there was a crash of water flowing over my head. Everyone turned to see my frozen expression as I ran into the large closet. I stood inside looking at the supplies of all sorts. I had apparently picked the wrong door. I was mad as I turned and opened the door to go back out. There in my path stood Lance no longer smiling but what remained was a blank canvas. He was not reacting as I pushed past him and headed out the front door.

Kevin grabbed my arm to stop me. Instead, I slipped on the water I was dripping on the tiled floor. I scrambled to my feet as the laughter returned. I had to get away from everyone. They had made a fool of me. All I could hear was laugher as I made my way towards the front door. Someone grabbed my arm turning me around easily this time.

"Delwyn what happened to you?" Lynn asked as she stood in shock staring at me. Just then, Glenn and Chris walked into the restaurant. Chris was not laughing as he stood there looking at the mayhem. Chris stuck his hand out to me as he saw Lance's father heading over to us no doubt in my mind to talk to me. Lynn quickly hugged me as she pushed me off towards Chris.

I grabbed hold of Chris's hand. I was still dripping as I tripped over his feet stepping up to the small ledge. Lance was no where in sight, 'He only want's to be free of this nightmare' I thought as I turned to face Chris who was expressionless. He understood the look on my face I no longer wanted to be here. As we reached the door I looked at it and noticed the crowd out side. It was going to be impossible to get out. I reached for the handle just to pull hard and found it to be locked.

"Why is this happening!" I shouted as turned and saw a red Balloon float across the room towards the others still standing by the closet as Lance cried on Kevin's shoulder. Nick was practically laughing his ass off until he saw the Balloon heading his way. Todd reached out and snatched it out of the air as he popped it easily in his hands all eyes turned to the guys as Mr. Bass joined them.

I slid down the wall as I saw them talking and Lance walked away from his father. There was anger written all over Lance's face as Lynn walked back over to me.

"Mr. Bass had no idea what was going on. He will get over it but I think we should get you out of here." Lynn said, trying to lift me from the floor with Chris's help. It was no use as I was determined to sit here and just have my nervous break down in peace.

I began to wonder how all of this had happened. Where did I go wrong I was a good person, I had only made a effort to stop his pain that night, I only wanted to make him happy, I never thought about any of the consequences. I was crying even harder now as I looked down and starred hard at the floor. 'So, here is where you end it Del you have to' a voice in the back of my mind said. 'You can not ruin his happiness to save your own. He cares yes but is he willing to save your relationship' it continued to taunt me. 'Why must I go through all of this to prove my love. In two day I had my life threatened and in many ways. I had found a closeness I had never had with anyone in my life. My new friends meant so much to me. Here I sit alone and cold on a stoop in a restaurant' I asked myself. My mind was rolling out in all directions as I looked into my own soul.

Tears began to flow past my cheeks and broke past the edges of my chin. I felt a hand wipe them away as I looked up Lance stood above me with the same problem I wanted to wipe them away until I saw his father standing there behind him.

"Why is this happening to me!" I shouted as I tried to stand up but my legs would not move.

"So, I come to visit you and this is where I find you and with this.. this." Lynn was mad as she turned around and faced the man. He still looked over her with hatred on his face. Lynn slapped him as I was now out of it completely.

"Slow down Delwyn it's ok," I heard that voice from last night as I looked up to see the man who had been sitting with Todd and Lyle. His familiarity to me some how seemed hurtful, but I was to confused and upset to deal with it or care any longer. Lance's father took another step forwards as Lance attempted to help me up. I brushed his hand aside and was determined to do it on my own.

I stood and opened the door easily as the crowd cleared to let me pass. Lance did not dare follow if he was to be safe. I was not going to face him they would have to leave me behind it would be best. I would go back to the hotel, get my things, and leave nothing more to be said or done that way it would all be over soon.

I made my way down the street to the van. There was no way to solve all of my problems or emotions I just had to get away. There had to be a way to get my things without them finding me. I had to get out of this. I had to get back to my life. I had to get back to being me away from Lance. To protect him, to save him the hurt my staying was causing. They had said it themselves. When I joined them it all began so shall it all end when I leave. I ran hard. So hard my chest hurt. I began to walk fast now as I was determined to get away. To save myself, and make things right. 'They will understand' the voice rang through my mind.

"Delwyn, Stop!" Lance yelled as he ran to me. I continued to walk until I saw a bus ready to pull away from its stop. "Stop, please!" He screamed as I boarded the bus I turned and looked out of the window to see the tears streaming down his face. It hurt me more than I would have wanted him to know. I was on my way as the bus started to move. He was still crying as I looked down on him. He was saying something.

"I love you! Please don't go!" he shouted as I completely broke down. I sat down by the doors as the driver looked over at me briefly and then turned back to the road. I could not stop my tears as he continued down the road.

"Son, are you going to be alright?" The man asked as he pulled over for his next pick-up. I was taken back at the concern written on his face. He reached out his middle-aged hand to me and introduced himself.

"Hey now I know we don't know each other and normally I would not do this. But, I'm Rorry McGee." His hand was cold as I grasped it and he smiled. He was still turned around as I was staring at his Grey Blue eyes.

"Delwyn, thanks for the concern," I said as more tears broke free. I had just remembered how meeting people lately turned detrimental to their health.

"You know I remember a time when I would have given everything to hear those words form a handsome young man. It's seems to me you are running from what we all long to have." He said, as he winked at me though wrinkles of time.

"I would have said the same thing if I had of seen someone doing this. But, there is a lot more to this than that." I said drying my eyes. He would not let it drop as I could hear groans and moans coming from the back of the bus about us staying here.

"So, you just run away," he asked.

"I'm good at it and it will protect him from the consequences," I answered. "I do love him though and that is why I left. I can't let him get hurt," I finished.

"Your good at hiding from the truth and not fighting for what you want. Get off this bus now or you will regret it," I didn't move. "Hey you didn't pay the faire to ride now did you. Get off," he screamed.

I had no idea what to do until I looked out the window and saw Lance running up he boarded the bus quickly. I turned away from him I could not look in his eyes. "Delwyn you're not going to leave me. If I have to get us another bus or another hotel, I will. You and I will not stop. I will never stop loving you. My father has no right to determine how I live my life." He said, as I stood up and faced the door.

He had the darkest circles under his eyes I have ever seen in my life I wanted to hold him and make it all go away but he hurt me just like everyone else. Tear now formed in my eyes as I was torn between loving him and letting his public and friends love him more. His family was the more important and that is how it should be. I was torn as I said my next words.

"Your father is your family."

"My family will understand in time. I need you to understand now," he said. Tear now trickled down my face as I fought to stop them.

"What about all the stuff that just happened. Everyone was laughing at me. I know how everyone truly feels about me now. Even you were laughing in there. I saw it all," I said drifting off and staring past Lance at the storefront behind him. The bus was silent as he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

"No one was laughing at you from the groups on purpose it was another joke someone is out to get us all. I am not sure what is going to happen. But, the one thing I do know is I am not loosing you. You mean so much more to me than you will ever understand. I can't just let you go, I love you," he said as Rorry cleared his throat, tears now flowing out of his aged eyes.

"I have waited for someone to mean those words you say so easily to me. I know you mean them or you would not say them. You are honest, and true to yourself, or you would not be here. But, what you loss by being with me, is greater than I could ever amount to in your life," I turned and faced the back of the bus as Lance tried to reach out to me. My tears would no longer be held back as I stood there looking at the floor.

"Delwyn he loves you can you not just believe him," Rorry asked as I thought about what he said.

"I do believe him, I do." I was rolling everything through my mind again as I heard footsteps coming to the front of the bus. As I turned there stood Mr. Bass glaring at the two of us as Lance was crying every tear he had.

"Can you mean them now Lance?" I asked timidly as his father angry, and bitter, stepped up the steps, and grabbed Lance's arm.

"Let go of me!" Lance screamed as he pulled away stopping his father in his tracks. "Delwyn when you came to me and rescued me form my sea of despair no one else could have gotten through. You are the only reason I have happiness like this in my life," he said taking off his ring and handing it to me. "I love you with all of my heart take this ring as promise, to never forget that, to never take away the love we have. To be my one heart and soul reason for going on. I know this is a big step. But, Delwyn we have already gone through so much. I prove my love to you by showing it to you in front of the person I have spent my whole life respecting. My father is a good man, he is confused, but he is good. Take my promise of love and I will take yours." I was at a loss for words all the darkness that had surrounded me had so quickly went away. Lances father stepped up to the top deck standing just behind him as I looked at the ring in my hand. A gold band raised in the middle with a single diamond. Tears now stopped I was in awe of the moment as people in the back of the bus leaned forwards to hear my response. I turned and looked at Rorry who was crying like a baby.

"I promise to love you, with no hesitations Lance. That night when I came to you, I had no idea it was you. Our entire relationship was based on conversations, and getting to know the real you without the lights and music. Without the words we had written I would have never known the real you. We took chances on one another. Chances we would have not taken if it had not been for the distance. I trust you I always will. I am sure there will be times when that trust is shaken in you, as well as in me. But, if we promise to love one another as I promise to love you now, nothing will ever break us apart. Lance I promise to love you. I promise to stand by you. I promise to be the one to take your hand and support you through all life's obstacles." I said, as Rorry wiped away his tears. Lance stepped forwards as he father watched with anticipation in his eyes. No longer did a horrified man stand looking at his son through a microscope but there now in his place stood understanding.

There was a cheer from the back of the bus as Lance's father now cried tears of his own. I was so happy now. I was now ready for us, we were ready for us. We made our way off the bus and headed back towards the Restaurant. I noticed the Cargo Van still sitting there I realized I was going to have to go back to meet up with everyone. I looked at the ring still in my hand. I had for some reason not put it on but was holding it in the palm of my hand instead. I yawned as I took another step closer to the turmoil. I did not want to deal with it again as Lance saw this he looked over at his father and grinned, making a decision.

"Dad could you tell everyone thank you for the interesting time. I want to get him back to the Hotel we are both going to lay down and rest. It has been a long day. Besides, it is already what 9:30 and we have an early start tomorrow. If any of us is going to get rest we had better get back." Lance justified as his father just agreed and headed back inside, we flagged down a Taxi. I looked over at him quickly and waved the Taxi away.

"I have a better idea. How bout I show you something that is unique to San Francisco in many way's." I asked as he just looked at me nodding his head. We made our way to the nearest loading area for the Cable Car system. I was ready to take him on a tour when it occurred to me that this was a direct line leading to the Hotel. 'Oh well at least he will get to experience the car itself' I thought. I stepped up onto the next car and offered him my hand as he looked down at it he frowned I showed him the ring in the palm of my left hand as I helped him on board. There was as a long pause of silence from us both as we stared longingly at one another for a few minutes. As he pulled the ring from my hand, I was shaking like a leaf.

He dropped down on one knee in the narrow passageway and grabbed my left hand. "Promise me?" He asked, my heart became light and my stomach turned to knots.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I opened them he remained. My dreams are true my life is starting. "I promise." I said as he placed the ring on my finger a single tear fell from his cheek and landed on the ring. He kissed me and sat back down as an older woman sat and smiled at us. We held hands sitting on the bench all the while starring at one another cooing.

When we reached our room, I was in shock as I looked out on the balcony to find Brian and Blake still there, holding one another in the night air. The door was locked shut as I looked around the room I was frozen in fear as we had had our final joke played upon us. There was a red balloon tied to the center of each of the two beds. Brian and Blake pounded on the door to get in.

To Be Continued.

Yes the installs will get smaller I think so let me know what you think writergray@aol.com

BlakeNick-even though I have removed you from my life. You still did help me get started this is the only time you will see me thank you for that until you come to your senses and stop lying to everyone you know. We do not deserve that kind of treatment and to believe a word you say would only lead to hurt. Tell the truth it will set you free dude. And stop with the commentary already.. (No Blake in the story was not formed from thoughts of you.. ROFLMAO)

Next: Chapter 6

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