Nsync and Delwyn

By moc.loa@kciNekalB

Published on Sep 23, 1999


Well to all reading this if you are not old enough to read this then don't..This story is a gay based romance fictionalization of individual currently living. Again it is fiction it in no way is to be used to state the persons represented here are actually gay in any way, shape, or form. (We can hope though).

Authors notes: Yes it has taken me forever to get this installment out. If anyone has any questions or comments let me know. I have moved into another apartment and my word has been flipped upside down recently. But I am back to normal now.... Wrtitergray@aol.com

NSYNC and Delwyn part6 By Grayson S. Vellar

I stood in shock of the circus atmosphere my life had taken on. Here was another joke being played on me. But, it wasn't just me I knew that now. After all the hurt that had been coming into my life I had finally found the one true thing I wanted near me. I looked at Lance with swollen eyes as I began to cry at my own realization. Brian's pounding became more insistent. I was drawn back to the reality of our situation as I saw someone moving out of the corner of my eyes. But I was too late as he barreled through the room heading straight for us. Lance was in shock, he stood motionless.

There was another thunderous roar of pounding as Blake now joined Brian at the door. I stepped back against the wall just in time to be out of the path of the running shadow. Lance hit the door hard at the man ran past shoving him. I heard Lance cry out as he slammed into the knob. 'He's been hurt. What do I do' I asked myself? I crawled over to him still siting where he had fallen.

"Lance where are you hurt?" I asked knowing nothing of what I was supposed to do in this situation.

"My back.." He gasped for air. "It hit the doorknob hard. I think I may be bleeding."

"Ok just hold still I am going to lean you forwards to look. Don't twist or anything just lean forwards onto me," I said leaning into him so he could hold on if it was too bad. Just then Brian began to pound again. I looked over to him as he shook his head no at me in an exaggerated motion.

"Baby Brian is telling me not to move you. I think he may be right; if I move you and you are hurt we may make it worse. So, I am going to just going to let you be for now. I have to call an ambulance and get the guys off the balcony are you going to be ok," he didn't answer.


"Just hurry Del it really hurts." I stood up not taking my eyes off of him as I let the guy's back into the room.

"I tried to warn you but neither of you seemed to notice us banging on the door," Brian said as I let he and Blake into the room. He rushed past me towards Lance. Blake grabbed me and hauled me over to the phone. I saw Brain looking out into the hallway he was searching for the intruder.

"We need to call for a ambulance," Blake said while dialing the phone. He immediately got he front desk to pick up and told them of the incident. I was still in shock as I ignored the whole conversation watching Brian crouching down on the floor with Lance. Tears began to fill his eyes as his breathing became labored. Lance was in pain I could see it, I wished I could do more. I walked back over to him setting down in front of him.

"Promise?" he asked. The tears flowed freely now as I took his hand in mine.

"Promise," I answered knowing this was the man for me. Even in the worst of situations he was making me love him and showing me the love I needed to see. Brian looked at our hands as he noticed the ring, but he did not saying anything he just grinned at the two of us.

Blake soon stood behind me pacing back and fourth while I sat on the floor with the other two. Brian noticed this and quickly reacted rubbing Blake's shin as he passed by. Blake stopped at the contact, he was in deep thought as he again started to pace. Lance squeezed my hand letting me know he was still there as I watched Blake. I looked back at Lance and smiled as my tears had subsided.

"Can't we just lay him down Brian," I asked as Brian considered my question. "It's been so long and we have no idea when they will get here," just then I heard a set of footsteps coming down the hall. My heart began to pound as I heard them stop just outside the open door.

"I'll get him a bag you two wait with him until they get him loaded. We will all head to the hospital in the limousine. He should be fine. Delwyn don't' give me that look you two are not related they won't let you go with him," Brian said taking charge and walking over to the dresser.

"What do we have here," I heard a familiar voice say from out in the hall I recognized it all to well.

"Delwyn I knew you were going to be bad for the group. You should have just let me be. I would have made it all go away by now. All the pain and suffering.." Brian turned from where he stood and motioned Blake away from the entrance. There was silence for a long moment as my heart completely stopped. Lance could see my fear as he squeezed my hand hard. I could not see the man outside the door. It sounded like Matt, I would have sworn on it.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I shouted at the top of my lungs towards the door.

Lance shot up from his half laying down position to pull me to him. His eyes shot open with pain as he wrapped his arms around me. I was waiting for it to begin again when Lynn came into view. She stood next to the door and looked down at us setting there.

"Delwyn are you ok. I heard you shouting," She asked as I looked up at her.

"I'm fine we are waiting for a ambulance to get Lance to the hospital," I answered as Lynn quickly ran for the phone.

"Do you have any idea who this is that is in need of the ambulance.." There was a long pause as Lynn listened to the pre-pubescent girl telling her she could do nothing for her. "Look you just get our limousine around front and we will take him ourselves," Lynn shouted sending shivers up my spine. "And another thing I want you to tell your manager that you screwed this up and that he will have to pay the price if Lance Bass is hurt by this in any way," she slammed down the phone and looked at Brian who knew what she wanted. He walked over to Lance and tried as he may, he couldn't get Lance to let go of me.

"Baby we need to get up and take you to the hospital it will be alright but I have to pick you up," I said, while I was being lifted by Brian and Lynn while I held him close to me. "Lance you have to calm down and just hold onto me. You're going to be fine as long as we get to the lobby," I said as Brian's eyes shot wide open. "I know Brian it is risky but he has to get out of here somehow. If we get caught we will have to explain it all later." Just as I was on my feet and heading down the hall Brian ran back into the room to get the bag.

The handsome face of a stranger took me in as he approached us with Lynn at my side. He walked past us towards the other end of the hallway. It was bothering me as we entered the elevator he paused and looked into the open room we had just left. Brian was still in there getting the bag. Why was this guy here? Why was he on the private floor? The guy started to walk away as Brian immediately turned down the hall towards us he had not even noticed the guy.

"Who was that Brian?" I asked as Lance mumbled the answer.


"What was that hun?"

"Jon," he whispered raising his head up from my shoulder slightly.

"Ok," I answered still not knowing the man, Lance continued to grin at me. "What's the grin for hun," I asked as he smiled broadly.

"I realized the pain has stopped. I guess I popped my back when I fell and now you holding me wrapped around you popped it back in place. I really do feel better," He said wriggling around in my arms.

"Lance you have been hurt your going to the doctors," Lynn said as I saw the determination in her eyes I was thankful she was here again bugging the hell out of us. Even though we had our rough spots with each other she knew I meant well and I knew the same of her.

"She's right Lance and you know it. If it was you and you wanted to get me to the hospital you would not listen either," I said.

As we exited out of the elevator we came face to face with a man in his mid forties. He was headed straight towards us I was becoming extremely uneasy with his approach as Lynn stepped in front of us.

"No," she said.

"But," he answered.

"No," she said again as we made our way across the room past him he ran up to my side.

"I'm a Doctor," he said to me. I just looked over at him as he pointed us towards a door marked Hotel Dr.

"You are, well let's see what you can do," Lynn said rushing us into the room.

"Hopefully I can get this taken care of for you without being told no again," he replied as she turned from content to extremely unhappy.

"Sorry for that, but we can never be too careful," she replied holding the door open for him.

"Ok lets get him into the next room. I need to find out what is wrong with this boy," he said as he opened up the adjoining door. "Now only one of you comes in here with me and since his mother is here I would ask that it be her," he stated as I sat Lance down on the table.

"No, I think he should," I cut Lynn off.

"No he's right it should be you that stays," I said, knowing it would not look good if Lance's secret boyfriend were found out. Lance looked at me understanding what I was thinking somehow and just nodded his head. I walked back out into the main room followed by Brian and Blake who were holding hands as the door closed behind us I decided I would remind them of their surroundings.

"You know I would have to assume you do know that there is the possibility of people coming in here at any time," I stated. They both looked at me for a moment and then let go of their adjoining hands.

An hour had passed and still no word I was beginning to worry as not a sound could be heard coming from he other room. Brian and Blake had both fell asleep sitting on the couch together. I had locked the outer office door only a few minutes ago and let them be. I was protecting them from being seen. But I really wished I could be as free as they were. There was a knock on the door as Blake stirred a little and stretched sliding out from under Brian I walked over to the door and opened it slightly only to find Jon standing there.

"Can I help you with something," I asked as he smiled at me and looked down at the floor.

"I need to talk to Brian," Jon replied.

"Okay but he is asleep at the moment," Just then Brian began to awaken as Blake kissed him. Brian stretched and kissed him back. "What a way to wake up," Brian said as he noticed the door open with me standing blocking the view of the outsider.

"Brian can we talk for a minute," Jon said form outside the door.

"Sure let him in," Brian said with a confused look on his face.

Just as Jon stepped inside Brian became extremely excited and jumped up off the couch. He ran to Jon and pulled him into a hug. Blake was curious now as he walked over to join them. I was still trying to figure this all out when Lynn peaked out of the door. She smiled at me and I walked over to her.

"So, is he going to be alright," I asked.

"Yes he is getting a message to get the muscles to release their strong hold. He will be knotted up for a few days and the bruises will go away eventually. His vertebrae were out of place in his lower back any harder and he would not be here with us. Oh, and he asked me to ask you to promise," I was grinning as she said it and she noticed.

"Tell him I promise," she smiled at me wildly.

"I knew it!" she said, closing the door and turning towards Lance.

I stood there laughing at her revelation. I noticed the voice behind me as I turned to see who was talking it was Jon again.

"Man, I knew they hated me but a horse accident. God they could have come up with something better than that. By the way what's this I hear about Scott taking my old spot as opener," Jon said.

"Oh Delwyn I want you to meet our dead friend Jonathan he used to open for us until he suddenly got killed in a horse accident. Well, at least that was the announcement they gave all of us. Truth is Jon here has been involved in a private project he can't reveal just yet," Brian said.

"You know Delwyn we have never met but I bet I know who you are," Jon said grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay it's your guess, it wont cost you anything," I replied.

"I bet you and Lance are a couple am I right," he asked looking at me as Brian gave me a confused look.

"I bet someone other than me should be talking to you right now," I said hoping I could keep up the banter until Lance got out. I didn't like the nervous feeling I got from his guy. He looked at me knowingly and I hated to have all my cards out in the open. It was as if he had been watching us or something.

"I bet I make you nervous. Don't worry you'll get used to me everyone does," He said as he turned the knob to open the door.

"Jon you have to go up and see the guys they are going to be so happy you're here," Brian said.

"I will but let's surprise them Brian," Jon said as he opened the door he stopped in his tracks. "Scott! Kevin!" he shouted as he pulled the door open wide.

"Not so loud Jon," Kevin said and then did a double take. "Jonathan?" Scott passed out standing next to Kevin landing against him.

"Oh Shit what do we do," Blake asked.

"Get him inside," Kevin replied.

"What's going on out here," Lynn asked, while poking her head out, the office suddenly got smaller as they dragged Scott onto the couch.

"We could ask you the same thing, but as you can see Scott has passed out," Kevin said while shaking Scott.

"Here," The Doctor said as he approached Kevin with smelling salt. "He's not going to like it but he needs it," he said motioning me into the next room.

Just as I was leaving the room I heard Scott groan and I closed the door. Lance was lying on his stomach resting quietly. There was no one else there as I heard him start to shift on the paper covered bed.

"You, know what Del," he asked.

"What," I asked back.

"I love you," he said rolling over. As he shifted over the light washed over his back revealing the darkest red and purple marks I have ever seen. About the size of a doorknob and right in the middle of his lower back. I gasped trying to hold back my tears.

"I love you too," I said trying to cover up my hesitations.

"It wasn't your fault. I just wish it had not been tonight that this happened," he said.

"I do too."

"Well tonight was to be special I wanted to give you my all, everything, nothing less,"

"Lance you already have. You gave me your heart," I said siting next to him in a chair.

"Why so far away," he asked with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Because you have to wait. We may not like it but hurting you is the farthest thing from my mind," I said standing next to the bed and touching his chest.

"Tease," He said.

"Love of my life."


"Always will," I leaned forwards slightly as he sat up abruptly and stole my breath away as he kissed me with force. We broke momentarily to hear Scott shouting about something but could not clearly make out the words.

"I love you," I said

"I love you more," he replied.

"Not as much as I love you and that is more than you could ever love me." I said as he contemplated my answer with a smile.

"I love to hear it but hate to think it. I will beat you one day though," He smiled as he pecked my lips with his.

"I bet you will. And I hope that is a promise too," just then the door opened.

"Ok you love birds time to get up stairs again. We have to figure this out apparently all our rooms have had one thing or another placed in them for jokes sake," JC said as he walked into the room.

"Well, I'm fine now except for the bruises. Thanks for asking," Lance replied sarcastically. "How about we meet you guys upstairs?" Lance asked.

"No, I just found out how you got hurt. It was too close we are going to change hotels tonight," JC said while handing Lance his shirt.

"Ok but why not just stay on the bus," Lance asked.

"Because it isn't here remember," JC said sitting down on a stool.

"No, the Backstreet Boy's Bus," Lance said while I helped him pull his shirt on.

"If you will remember they were on it when they got stapled into their bunks. Look we're just going to stay at another Hotel," JC said standing up.

"Ok but I don't really see the point in it. I mean it is obvious to me it is a inside job and that means it is one of us," Lance said stepping down onto the floor with hesitation as he legs wobbled a bit.

"Are you accusing anyone here Lance," JC asked.

"No, Joshua I'm not. What I am saying is that our people the people we trust just got me into a bad situation with my back. They nearly caused me to loss Delwyn. For what? What was their reason? Was it jealousy? Was it greed? Was it the sense that they had to be able to fix this so we would trust them?" It dawned on me what he was saying. I remembered back to earlier in the evening.

"It's Matt!" I shouted. "He was in the hall earlier remember Lance, when I shouted that I was not scared of him. Remember!" I was practically pulling his arm off.

"I remember but are you sure it was Matt. I mean he is in Jail remember," Lance said as JC sat back down in thought.

"We are not leaving the Hotel," JC said flatly.

"Why?" I asked. There was an eerie silence as he looked up at me.

"Because they who ever they are. They are driving us like cattle to the next location. Every time something happens to us it is somewhere new and bigger than the last time. First the Bus, then the Hair, then the restaurant, now the seas breeze inn, it is all coming into focus now. We need to have an emergency meeting with just the guys Scott and Delwyn," He said extremely animated as he stood up and rushed to the door.

"Guy we are having a Private emergency meeting with the talent in here right now," JC said as everyone just sat there.

"Why don't you guys come out here it is only the talent anyhow. Well all except AJ that is," Kevin said as everyone laughed. JC looked back over his shoulder at us as we just grinned at him.

"Ok, give them a minute," JC said stepping out into the main room.

"Shall we?" I asked as he ran to the door.

"No fair your supposed to be helpless and demure" I whined.

I walked into the silent room to see all eyes on me. I was shaking as I felt like I was on the chopping block.

"Ok guys why the staring," I asked.

"You ran away at the restaurant," Kevin said.

"Yes I had to get away," I said.

"Well, how did you get back here then," Howie asked.

"With me of course," Lance said.

"That brings us to our next bit of questioning. When you were on the bus didn't you think it would have been better to talk privately," Howie asked.

"Howie for love sometimes you have to take chances. I was not going to loss him at any cost. Even if I did have to leave the group I would have still had Delwyn," Lance answered raising a few eyebrows.

"This is not the reason for the meeting and you know it. Let's get back to the issues here," Chris said.

"Besides he has to get back to Glenn," Joey said.

"Ok everyone I think we need to focus. Tonight we were attacked, we were ridiculed, and there is no apparent reason for it," I said drawing everyone to silence.

"Well after you all left we talked to the Manager of the restaurant. I hate to be the one to tell you this but the party was planned in advance by two people we all know and love," AJ said, causing my throat to tighten.

"Who," I asked.

"Well, here is the hard part the first person was Brian," AJ tried to continue but Brian began to shout.

"What the hell are you talking about I never planned any of this. Why would I. If you wanted me out of the group so badly why didn't you just tell me to leave? I would have fought, but I would have understood. I never planned the party!"

"Brian calm down we know that," Kevin pulled him into his arms muffling his yelling.

"Ok so who is the second person," I asked as all eyes turned on Lance.

"It wasn't me and all of you know that," Lance said.

"No it was your fathers credit card number that did the trick," JC said.

"What! He wouldn't!" Lance shouted standing up.

"Lance calm down they are not done yet," I said knowing I was about to get accused next.

"And another thing why did they invite my mother here," Nick asked.

"I don't know I think she as well as Lance's father were just tools to their plot. But, your mother was uncharacteristically late," Kevin said.

"So the only other option is who here would benefit by us all breaking up the groups," Justin asked.

"None of us would actually," AJ answered.

"But, there are a few who would by us breaking up AJ think about it," Kevin said.

"I wouldn't," Scott said.

"Neither would I," I added figuring they were thinking outside influences.

"If we weren't famous then we could live semi-normal lives. Like everyday normal guys with boyfriends. With families and friends," JC said. He was making a point I had not looked at but none the less it was not as beneficial as all that.

"JC I think you guys are heading down the wrong path here. I think it may have been someone less suspected. It has to be someone you trust, someone you all know, There has to be a connecting point that you all have missed," I said deep in thought.

`If it was me why would I be doing all of this. I would have to gain something by all of this happening. I would have to have a reason to make all of this happen, What would that be' My mind spun the questions until a faint answer started to form.

"I bet you all have adversaries that want to be in your shoes," I said. Then it hit me Matt again showing up he wanted to be in my shoes. He wanted to be here. He was upset at me for taking his so-called place. He attacked me that night. He would have done all of this like I said earlier.

"Matt, would gain nothing this time around. But, if he is as screwed up as I think he is then it could be him," Lance said somehow realizing what I was thinking.

"Wait Johnathan would not do something like this would he," Scott said.

"No he wouldn't, besides he's dead," AJ said.

"No he's not actually. Just before you all showed up he was here and we talked. It seems he was asked to leave the tour under unusual circumstances. It seems like he is hiding something though." Kevin said looking down at the carpet in deep thought.

"Look what about that new guard guy I don't trust him at all," Chris added.

"If we keep this up we won't be trusting anyone," Joey interjected.

"Ok I have a plan," Kevin said with all of our interest peaked.

"Shoot," Nick said as he looked directly at Kevin and leaned forwards with him. Scott was taking great interest in the situation.

"Well I think we should cancel our promotional stuff for tomorrow since it is so late now," AJ said.

"Your right and we should not tell the guards or Johnathan about it," Kevin said slipping back into his mind.

"We have to be careful here. I don't want them to know what has been going on," Justin said, as there was a knock at the door.

"Where's Lynn at," I asked.

"She left with the Doctor apparently she had an idea or something," Brian replied as the knocking persisted.

Nick jumped up to answer it as we all watched with anticipation. As he opened the door wide we all watched as the Doctor stood there stone faced looking at us all very carefully.

"Well, he's not in here," he said over his shoulder.

"Good," Lynn said walking in carrying a black case in her hand.

"Am I free to go doctor, my friends and I have been waiting for you to come back to let us know," Lance asked trying to hide the real reason we were all here.

"Lance it's ok he is safe. He helped me get the proof on who it is that has done all of this," Lynn said holding up a videotape.

"You mean you have it all on tape and you know who it is," I said astonished at the suddenly revelation this was all going to be over finally.

(To Be Continued)

Special congratulations are in order for all of those who have won awards for their stories. The awards are great things that show recognition for all the hard work that we do. Again, congratulations to everyone who won as well as to those of you who were nominated.

Authors Notes: Well to be quite honest I am shrinking the installment why not make you wait a little longer Hopefully not as long as it took me to get my computer and my life back in order after the last installment. Writergray@aol.com

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