On the Ranch

By tom jacobson

Published on Apr 4, 2008


Life on the ranch has always been a lifelong dream of mine.

I've grown up in the rural South, which has now turned into the not-so-rural south, at least where I am.  What started as a wonderful place to grow up on the weekends when we were visiting my grandparents, has now almost turned into a place of my own.

I'm now in my mid-30's, recently divorced, and with no kids.  Having grown up comfortably in Atlanta, I was incredibly lucky to have my grandparents live on a good size farm not even two hours from the city.  As such, all through my early years and teenage years, we had a place to go to experience the country life.

And I liked the country life.  A lot.  I was always a kid who loved the outdoors, and the opportunity to visit family and be able to explore the pastures, countryside, and lakes, was one that was not lost on me in the least.

My brothers were always the ones to go riding on our minibikes, but me, I was the one who wanted to go exploring through the creeks and go fishing in secret spots that I discovered, or had my grandfather reveal to me. 

He knew I was the one who really wanted to be out here, and he doted on me, and made sure I experienced all the little things my older brothers never had an interest in.  I've known since I was real little that I wanted to be out here one day.  But little did I really know that all the decisions I made would one day bring me out here.

It wasn't underhanded, and I recieved no special treatment, except to make sure that I was able to experience everything that gave both my grandparents the pleasure of being out here.  They knew that one day I would take over their legacy out here, and it is one I am proud to do.

Teenage years gave way to college years, and upon graduation I made a conscious decision to be close to the farm, because it was that important to me.  Of course, there were plenty of perks to grow up out here as well, especially growing up.

My first sexual experience came about as a direct result of my being out here, and believe it or not, it was with a ranch dog we had out there, who absolutely banged the crap out of my ass after I started jacking him off.  But it was that exposure to all the sex that went on among the cows and horses that gave me my first lessons in the birds and bees.

Now, mind you, it was hardly an ongoing thing that I was able to continually experiment with, but I started young, and with a healthy appetite for it as I became a young teenager, BECAUSE I was able to come out here.  I brought plenty of friends out here to do all the things I was interested in, and of course we did our share of experimenting.

But for the most part, with the exeption of some mutual masturbation, and jacking the ranch dog and watching the bulls and cows mate, it was a fairly straightforward development.

But little did I know just how much those early experiences really had on me.  Most importantly, it gave me the independence I seemed to crave to do what I wanted to do, instead of following the crowd and doing the same things everyone else in jr. high and high school did.

I had my share of girlfriends in school, and once in college things really boomed for me.  I guess I was one of those late bloomers.  Not really one of the jocks, I still had many friends, and no problems with "finding myself", or any of that other crap.

But going off to college, I clearly came of age, and had the rocks and testosterone to prove it.  Life was good, and for the most part, with the exception of a couple of threesomes with a couple of friends that were gang-banging a girl, I had as normal a life as could be expected.

College gave way to graduation.  Work called, and just as I thought, I found myself making my way out towards the family farm to be near it.  Ultimately, I ended up settling down and meeting a local gal in one of the small towns I lived, not even an hour from the big city.

It was the best of both worlds.  I was living far enough out in the country to be in the country, and near what was important to me, and still be close enough to town where all the action and business was.

But two years of dating, and planning for a family I thought, then ended after 5 years of a dead end and then sexless marriage.  What happened?  What happened to all of the nights where we fucked like rabbits when we were dating? Well, I'll tell you.  She sure as hell didn't think I'd kick her to the curb after I gave her an ultimatum.  I sure had the need and desires to be filled, even if she didn't.

It didn't matter anymore the reasons.  It was time to get out.  And get out I did.  Divorce sucks.  That I'll tell you.  Breaking up with anyone can and does.  Its just a hell of a lot harder, and far more expensive, when you're married, that's all.

But divorcing, and living, in a small town an hour from the night life, can be even harder.  Here I was, 30 and alone, but thankfully, happier than I had been in a long time for having made the decision.

But I was alone, and in a small town with few alternatives.

Fast forward one year.  I'm still alone, but doing OK.  I've had a few flings here and there, but am far from getting the kind of satisfaction that I was always used to.  But throwing myself into work, and into starting to run and be on the farm for my last elderly grandparent, has helped. 

What changed was a chance encounter out on the farm that gave me a whole new perspective on life.

I've always been the protective one out here, that much I'll give you.  Some of us just know what we were born to do.  Hell, parents and grandparents of big family farms just PRAY for one of the kids to want to take over one day.  Well, I'm that one.

Anyway, I've always been the one to spend the most time out here.  As such, I'm all over this place on a daily basis, from dawn till dusk.  And late one afternoon I was driving out of the creek and through a heavily wooded treeline when I spotted two people walking down the road towards me.  As soon as they spotted me they bolted into the treeline.

I knew I wasn't seeing anything I thought I hadn't.  But I'm not a jackass either.  Throw somebody off the ranch in the wrong fashion and a gallon of gas and a cigarette later, you've got a major problem.  I'm measured but firm.

As I pulled up into the treeline where I was sure I had seen them jump into, I pulled to a stop.  As I scowered the landscape I really couldn't see anything, but I KNEW they had to be close.  So finally I turned off the engine to my truck and started to get out.

Well, at that point they decided to give themselves up, when they knew I had seen them and was prepared to go looking for them.  Two young guys popped up out of a woodpile that I never would have suspected they were hiding.  To my luck and their credit, they came forward and said they were looking for a local lake to go fishing on.

Both these guys were wearing camo BDU pants and t-shirts, and each carried a fishing rod and gear.  They apologized profusely, and said that they were back from Afganistan on leave, and had found this lake on Google earth that looked like a good place to fish, and were only trying to find their way there.

Well, I knew better, but I had also been one of those guys who jumped the fence to fish on a neighbors place because it had such spectacular results.  I called them on the carpet and said they KNEW they were trespassing on someone elses property.

And at that point, I was propositioned for the first time in my life by another guy ... and I fell for it.

I was no jackass, but was firm but friendly with them.  They were very cool, and seemed to know that I could make things tough for them.  But how I went for their line, and even responded to it, still perplexes me to this day.  I'd never been with another guy, but perhaps had thought of it.  Had gone and done the whole typical family thing, till it all came to an end one day.

These guys truly wanted to be sure they didn't get turned in, even for such a minor infraction.  And they had to ask me.  They HAD to ask me ... if there was ANYTHING they could do to be sure they weren't reported.

Hell, all I was was a lonely divorce' who needed a little relief, and how I came to form the words "maybe we can come to a little arrangement ..." ... I'll never know.  All I know is that when I did, these two strapping young bucks, easily 10 years my junior, just looked at each other and grinned. 

"We can take care of you".

And did they ever.

With that the seduction begun.  And it was begun on a most willing participant.

The first guy was a fairly stocky guy who wasn't that tall, but still had a well developed physique and dark, almost dirty, hair (these weren't the buzz cuts of young recuits).  You could definitely call him "cut" - some sort of a weightlifter fanatic, I think.

His buddy was a bit taller, and far more lean.  Not blonde hair, but sandy blonde maybe.  The "devious" one, if you had to describe his look.  He was the one who did all of the talking.  And my seduction had begun.

"We can do this for you", he said as he slowly approached me.  How they knew I had never been seduced by a guy was probably obvious as hell, but they knew opportunity when they saw it.  They probably dive on guys like me - who are weak to the temptations.

I didn't say anything.  What could I say?  I wouldn't have known what to say if I had been studying for final exams.  My "Italian" and my "German" were on me like they had done this before - and enjoyed every minute of it too.

Both approached me while stripping off their shirts.  My shorter Italian had pecs on him that I would have dreamed of back in high school or college sports, and a six pack set of abs that you could scrub ROCKS on to get them clean.  A true gifted athlete, who took it seriously. 

My German, though, was the taller, lankier one.  Almost like he hadn't quite grown into his frame yet (he just wasn't older like me).  The confident, cocky one, who lived up to his nature, as it turns out.  Neither could have been past 22 or 23, and both were specimens I would have loved to have been at their ages as well.

As I was approached, I stepped hesitantly back against my pickup.  My German was in front of me, confidently and soothingly telling me that they would make sure I would enjoy myself.  All the while reaching out to me and stroking me around my shoulders and across my chest.

I shuddered and just closed my eyes. 

They knew I was hooked.

As my German friend slowly unbuttoned my shirt, his Italian buddy came around my side and back - all the while slowly stroking my shoulders and belly.  As I leaned back into him, and my truck, I could have almost collapsed into his arms.  I was totally in his control.  He wrapped his arms around my waist, tantalizingly starting to slip his hand into my waistband - slowly massaging me.

I'm being "held" from behind by an Italian stud, and slowly stripped by a smooth talking German.  My heavy breathing was all the encouragement they needed, as they proceeded.  My jeans were ever-so-seductively unbuttoned, dropping my 20X's to my ankles, and leaving me naked beneath my athletic grey boxer briefs - now tenting quite prominantly to both their satisfaction.

As "Blondie" slowly dropped the seam of my briefs, my Italian stud was squarely behind me, and now rythmicly grinding into my ass while both hands and arms enveloped my waist - teasingly stroking my now-hard cock and cupping my heavy balls.  This had been a long time coming.  No woman had ever seduced me like this. I could have woken up days later and never said a word - it was THAT good.

And with that, my lanky German friend pinched my nipples, and slowly tongued down my chest and through my small patch of hair as he sunk to his knees, and directly on top of my now rock hard cock.  These guys were pros.

I'm no slouch thankfully, but nothing a porn star would be impressed by.  I'm 6"+, cut, depending on just how hard you can get me, with some good girth.  But boy, I had to have been sprouting major wood that afternoon.  But I love the attention my balls get.  It turns me on more than anything else, and I DID let my new friends know that - barely whispering to "suck on my balls".

And as my dirty-haired blonde friend sunk to his knees, and inhaling my testicles, his Italian friend did sneak around and start going down on me in words that can only be described as "liquid velvet".  Ungh!  I couldn't have even described where I was, I was intoxicated that much.  I hadn't even so much as seen as what either of these guys was packing, and it didn't matter right now anyway.  They were focused on ME, much to my luck and benefit!

With that, my German friend was under me, and now forcefully probing his way under my balls and to my ass, while his friend was starting to piston on my underserved cock with abandon.  I could barely grip their arms or even the truck behind me, as I was trying simply to steady myself.  My sweaty balls and ass crack were an invitation after a long day in jeans, and I can only tell you that my now-ex-wife had NEVER gone there with such gusto.

I was putty in their hands and I rapidly reached my peak.  All I could say is "Oh My God, I'm About to Cum!" over and over again.

Greedy they were.  Weak was I.

Not a single rope of cum made it past the lips of the Italian simply inhaling my cock, and the tonguing my balls and ass were getting only intensified the jet velocity.  Quite simply the most erotic experience I had ever had, and I would never have even come close to anticipating such a knee buckling episode.  I had to have cum and cum again, and it SHOWED.

"Are we good?" was the only question my lanky dirty blond German friend asked me.  I could barely stand against the side of my truck, as it was.  What could I say?

If you liked this story, then write and tell me so.  There's more to this story.  It may be obvious that I've never actually been with another guy, so I hope that this fantasy was to your liking.  I'm vulnerable.

Tom rowdster2006@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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