On the Ranch

By tom jacobson

Published on Oct 30, 2008


What can I say?

Cumming makes my knees buckle, especially if its a good cum. And this one was. Intense is not too strong a word.

My german and my italian had me in their grasp. Literally. I could barely focus. Barely see. It was if I was suspended in time somewhere. I couldn't so much as tell you where I was or what time of day it was. It was simply the moment I was in. Surreal, and yet very real.

My italian had lips like velvet, and while my german knelt below me and inhaled my boiling and rolling testicles, he had given me the most awesome blowjob I had ever had in my life. It really must be true. Guys DO give better head than girls, because they know what feels good to us guys. No girlfriend, nor my ex-wife, had ever literally sucked the energy out of me like this one-two punch.

My issues with gay guys? None. Especially now. Every family has members that are either in or out of the closet, and I have it in spades. Between a lesbian mother and sister, I have a lot of carpet-munchers in my family, so I'm about as open to the culture as anyone could be. But I have never been openly attracted to any guy, and I pursued the traditional path and had plenty of girlfriends over time, eventually settling down to marry.

Still, I can look back and wonder. While I've always had my head turned by a good looking girl, I can now admit that I've had my head turn at a good looking guy as well, so I think its always been in the back of my mind to be open to it. I just never acted on it. Is that surpressing my natural desires? Maybe, but it didn't matter. It just may be that my natural desires can be ignited by someone of either sex, and it just has to be the right situation for me to act on it.

Thats why I never did act on it. I probably WAS too scared to do it. But I know now that I had more than one man-crush in my lifetime. One of my best buddies in high school was an athlete extraordinaire, one year below me. I got to be good friends with him because I had gone out with his sister, who was in my grade. And while she and I never had a long term relationship, I became almost the adopted 5th child of their household.

Ricky was a baseball player of incredible ability. Truly gifted. An all-around talent who was perfect at shortstop. He could run, he could throw, and reacted as if he knew the ball was going to be hit towards him. He had calves on him that most guys work a lifetime to achieve. And when he wasn't playing baseball, he and I were playing soccer. Of course, those were the days. Our athletic abilities, to say nothing of our bodies, were pretty much at their peak.

We did everything together. We worked. We played. We double-dated. Life was good. I can actually say that my first man-crush was my best friend. But nothing sexual ever happened between us. There was no sexual tension or anything. I was just an admirer. Probably because he WAS such a serious athlete and physical specimen.

Make no mistake, I was no slouch. I was in the best shape of MY life too. But there are athletes and there are wanna-be's. I was the second, and that was fine. More than anything, though, Ricky ended up being hung like the donkeys out on the family ranch. All I could do was just admire in the distance that slab he was blessed with. Penis envy of the highest order. Why couldn't I have been so gifted as he was? Hell, I'm a good 6" rock hard, and here he was swinging 6" SOFT and coming out of a cold pool.

Well, some girls are blessed with huge tits and some guys are blessed with huge cocks. God's own joke, I guess. It just so happens that I like looking at both. But long athletic legs make me spring a boner faster than almost anything. I like the tennis playin' gals, to be sure, just because of most of those legs. And attach those legs to a kick-ass set of high heels??? Boy, you've got me milkin' a little precum.

Anyway, for what its worth, looking back anyway, I really did have it for my best friend. We did everything but jack off together. Went over all the nasty details of sex-filled dates and all. But I know now, in the back of my mind, that I wish that some sort of opportunity had presented itself. That would have rocked.

Over the years, I was perfectly straight, and loved the girls, getting more than my fair share. Never even thought of it. Strange what a divorce will do.

Its not that it changed my perspective at all, its just that it opened my eyes to what was really out there. I really have no grand desire to have a relationship with a guy at all. I just wanted to get my rocks off. And when the opportunity presented itself, I finally took the gamble and rolled the dice - much to my favor as it seemed.

I couldn't be the one to pursue any guy. Its just not in my genes. I may be bi, I guess, but I don't think I'm gay. As one guy I chatted with put it, truly gay guys can't love or make love to women, and would never want to be in a long term relationship with them. That made sense to me, since I have been married and even wanted kids, so maybe I am just somewhere there "in the middle" trying to figure it all out.

Thats why, if it were to ever happen, someone else would have to be the one to make the moves on me. To seduce ME. And thats just what happened (to my luck and benefit, obviously).

We weren't done.

My german and italian, while concentrating on me, were CLEARLY in the mood for more, and wanted to entice me on. "Did we have a barn?", was the inquiry. Oh yeah, and you know you just walked right past it in the upper pasture as you were walking down the road. "Can we go over there?", was the next question, to which I must have mumbled, "sure", without even thinking. Clearly I was still in a bit of a mind-blowing fog, but was interested enough, or stupid enough, to entertain the thought, without so much as thinking that this may go on a bit more.

Sometimes the benefits of being seduced can make you a bit goofy. But then again, even my ex-wife didn't want to discuss quantum physics when we were done bangin' one out, so who knows?

"Whoa! Kick Ass place!" was the commentary from my italian friend, when we made our way to the central breezeway of the barn, which was wide, spacious, and had 4 stalls on either side for the horses.

"Take a gander at THAT cock, buddy" was what he stammered next, while looking out on all the horses in the corral, which included several geldings. Of course, geldings means that their nuts are gone, and there is no sexual desire in any of them, really. Huge horse balls or not, it didn't stop them from dropping to full length when in the mood, and that can get almost anyone hot when they see the biggest cock of their life dangling mere feet in front of them. I know my now ex-wife almost raped me, she was so hot after seeing a 14" horse cock enticing her almost.

I still didn't even know these guys names, but only that they had given me a mind-blowing release that I hadn't experienced in the several years since my divorce. Who was I to deny them anything but go along and see what might happen next?

"I loved your balls, friend. The sweat on them was intoxicating", said my german. "I need more. You don't mind, do you?"

At this point I am no longer stupid, and I answered almost cocky, saying "not at all. Go for it".

And at that point the porno right in front of me unfolded, and I had a front row seat.

I know the basics. Of what my guys looked like. Basics. Hair color, tall, skinny, rock hard abs that belonged to a weight lifter. My italian WAS italian, with olive skin and a body to die for. ANYbody, gay or straight, would be impressed by the work he put into it. The military must love him. Like I said, 6 pack abs you could scrub ROCKS on to get them clean.

And my german? Taller, at around 6 foot, and lanky, with long and athletic legs a runner would want, and dirty, dirty blonde. What a pair they were, but it only got better. I was reliving what I had hoped my happen back when I was in high school, and it was right in front of me, AND I was right in the middle. Very cool place to be, I've got to say.

My german, the cocky and confident one, went straight over to my italian, and planted a wet wet one right on his kisser, while going straight to work on his jeans. Like I said, these guys were pros. They had been there before, and were GOOD at it.

I was transfixed.

Just how effortlessly can someone remove your jeans? Well, pretty seamlessly, it seems, when they've done it before. God, as if a shirtless Adonis with 6 pack abs in camo BDU's WEREN'T sexy enough, just imagine him when they're off. And just like me (thankfully) athletic grey boxer briefs DO look great on guys (its what I wear), so even THAT was sexy when his BDU's were slid down his chisled legs.

What I remember most about him was those calves he had. They were just like Ricky's from back in school. Just FREAKIN' HUGE, with lots of definition. There's somethin' about a guy that's built low to the ground. I'm impressed, but probably because its what I aspire to.

Man 'o man, what could I do, but just sit back on the hay in the hallway and watch? He wasn't particularly hung, by any stretch of the imagination, but the moment was good for him as well, and he sprang forth a pretty impressive boner when it was freed from the bonds of elastic and cotton.

And my german? Well, he was still as quietly confident as he had already proven himself to be. In FULL control. A wonder to watch, actually. I wish that I had that quiet confidence. But this was a different type of experience. A new one, for someone like me, who was riveted all the same by even watching two guys together for the first time, who KNEW what they wanted and how to get it.

Slinky. Fluid. Smooth. Words that best describe my german. He's got my italians' jeans down like he's done it a hundred times. And my italian? He stepped out smooth and effortlessly like a wrestler getting ready to get down. Once freed from his BDU's, he turns his attention to his pals. And remember, these guys worked like a seamless team when going down on ME. No words, but just smooth and confident action.

I don't know why I was so enamoured with these guys. Maybe the fact that it was really happening to me for the first time. But sometimes its easier to let go when someone else is in charge. And these guys were. Totally.

My german was as long and lanky as I would have expected any guy of his shape to be. And he had a cock to match it as well. Impressive even soft, it hung heavy under increased scrutiny and attention, and had to be a good 7+" when at full attention. And he was uncut. Don't know why that looked good on him, but it was sexy nonetheless, with an engorged head slowly starting to pull back the curtains, so to speak.

What happened next I never would have imagined.

I'm sitting back watching two pretty hot guys starting to get it on with each other. And my german whispers into my italians' ear, and they both look at me.

I'm stunned, clearly, and don't know what to do. And then they BOTH reach out to me and ask me to join them. My 20X's were already starting to get tight from my own stiffening cock, just watching these two guys. But now they want me in the mix, and I don't know if I'm up for it. But like I did when they approached me on the road by my truck, I just let it happen.

Two guys on me like flies on honey. Smooth. Silent. Dilegent. In no time I was exposed to the world, or at least to my two new friends, AND I DIDN'T CARE ONE BIT, because I was so intoxicated by it all.

And I was pulled in between two men, each with hard and impressive cocks, just like I was in the middle of a sandwich. I hadn't expected this. Two girls when I was back in college? - OH YEAH! I NEVER would have expected or anticipated this. But especially the THRILL it gave me.

For the first time in my life, I was with not just one guy, but two. Who were focused on me and all my supposed flaws, and it didn't stop anyone. Pure eroticism. Eyes closed. Hard cock. Mashed between two guys 10 years my junior who were treating me as number 1. The intensity of the moment, between two hard cocks, and the simple intensity of just rubbing our bodies close, was overwhelming.

The german's long cock was hard and erect against my hard belly, as my italian sunk low and pushed his cock where they pressed tantilizingly against the back of my balls. And boy, do I LOVE the attention my balls can get! But then my german took both our cocks and held them together, pointing at each other, and rubbing them together. Pure ecstacy, is all I can say! Heavy breathing in BOTH ears, each erotic on its own, from two different people. And I'm just in the moment.

"Do you want to fuck?" was what my german whispered next.

Wow. What a question to ask someone who has never been there before. Much as I might want to I didn't know what to do, or what to say, but only that I didn't think I was ready yet. Thankfully I didn't lose a bit of blood engorging my cock by saying that, but was as blown away by him telling me that he had to have some cock up his ass NOW. And you know what? There was another willing (and experienced) participant nearby that just "made it happen".

And just like that, I was pushed back on my hindquarters on the hay behind me, and he went down on me. And right before my eyes, my italian went straight behind him and slowly pressed that fat italian cock of his right into him. "UNGH!" was about all I could make out, but at the same time the intensity of the sucking of my own cock increased DRAMATICLY.

God we must have been some sort of a well-oiled machine. THEY had clearly been there before, but THIS blowjob was about as mind-blowing as the one before, with my german messaging my nuts as he engulfed me and pistoned up and down my slick cock. Here HE was, getting rammed from behind, and performing this incredible act on ME. I could hardly get that, as I look back on it now, but it was incredible all the same. For several minutes we all simply increased our rates, as the bucking became more and more pronounced. And then that jackass german put his finger up my ass and pressed my trigger, and it seems we all came at the same time.

No woman, no threesome, was EVER as intense as this was. It wasn't me focused on the girl. It was two other guys focused on ME, and that was AWESOME. I just sat back getting some of the best head any man could ever experience, watching someone literally get POUNDED right in front of me as everyone worked to their own peak. I had already cum once not even an hour before, but my german literally sucked on me as if he would die without it. And my italian friend? Well, he almost stood up as he bucked into the ass of our german friend, and then slumped over his back as he spent himself, almost readying himself as he held onto my shoulders before collapsing.

We were a spent heap, and it was satisfying. And good.

Life sometimes throws you curve balls. And sometimes it simply opens up for you. MY world just got infinitely more interesting.

As always, if you liked this story, the authors here, ME included, always dig the feedback. So write and tell us so.

Tom rowdster2006@hotmail.com

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