Out of Body

By Leslie Carr

Published on Sep 26, 2014


Out of Body

By Androgyne

If you were rich beyond the wildest dreams of any normal person and you wanted something badly, so badly it hurts, what would you spend to get it? The answer being whatever it takes. And since you have all the money required and more coming in every day you can just go for it! That's the position I'm in.

My name is Leonard Stein and despite that name I'm not Jewish. I'm a typical English mongrel in that one side of my family is of Irish stock and the other lowland Scots. However we've resided for generations in England.

You'll see me on the news and in the newspapers as "The multi-millionaire inventive genius" who keeps coming up trumps with new developments. My genius comes from finding the solutions to scientific problems and queries and making indecent sums of money from them. For instance Her Majesty's Government have just paid out an incredible amount to my company when I handed over to them a whole new generation of radar.

Stealthed fighters or bombers heading your way and you can't detect them? They'll strike without warning where you can't find them? Not with my new radar! We see them coming and take them down and apart because they think they're invisible but now are not. And that's just one of my big inventions in recent years.

How do I come up with them? Well I think outside the box as they say. Wide blue yonder ideas are my speciality. If something is outside my area of expertise I go to the big noises in the field and ask them "What happens if I do X and then Y?" They either tell me Z or that nothing happens; so I then ask them "what if I do P&Q first?" They tell me definitely nothing happens but I go away and try it.

Sometimes I get Z, sometimes I get nothing, and sometimes I get R or S and make another fortune! If you never try new ideas you never find anything new.

Okay so I'm a free thinking ultra rich guy who has been called "The real life Tony Stark" although I don't zoom around in flying armour. So what are my pleasures in life apart from making more money?

Well I'm gay but I have a special need with gay sex. I like my sex with boys. Young boys! Now maybe you're asking how I get what I want re boy sex. Well there are gay boy brothels around the world but they don't necessarily supply what I like the look of or want. Sure a boy in Thailand might suck my cock and once I've cum he's ready for his next customer.

I want more than that. I like pleasing my partner not just have them please me. If I give a hired boy a hand job say then I've found they don't get up and off too fast and they act up their pleasure. You know "Oh fuck Mr that SO good! Other men not so good as you!" and that sort of tripe.

Seducing boys in general is very risky and even somebody as wealthy as I am can still end up behind bars if things go badly wrong.

So being as how money is no object and I can spend as long as I like on finding the perfect solution I used my talent; and a lot of other talented researchers who work for me. And now at long last I'm going to check out what my massive spending has created for me.

In my private lab I key my private lift and descend into my even more secure sub-basement lab. All is ready and primed for my first full test. My lab's computer is voice activated. It's not Iron Man's Jarvis but it is a seriously top of the line piece of hardware.

"Minerva! Prepare to monitor "Build 5.2" of Eros please!"

A husky artificial female voice replies from seemingly all sides of the room.

"Connected to sarcophagus 1 and 2. All readings are optimum!"

I strip naked; just dumping my clothes on the vinyl tiled floor. My reflection in a glass panelled cabinet shows me I'm in pretty good shape for a middle aged man in a sedentary occupation. To be fair though it's not surprising. When you have the money, like I do, to pay for the best personal trainers, dieticians, and physicians, I should be fit and healthy.

Moving to the first "coffin" I use my handprint on the reader and next have my retina patterns read. Even down here you cannot have too much security! On the lid is a large red number 1. Tapping the release button sends the lid swinging wide so I can settle inside on the memory foam padding. I now locate a series of wires ending in the sort of adhesive discs that are used when you have a cardiogram.

One attaches to each temple, one over my heart, one on the back of each hand, and the final ones stuck onto the inside of each thigh. All set I relax flat, click the switch that closes and locks the lid, and then I slap the large red button placed near my left hand.

It's like briefly diving into a deep black well. And very brief indeed! I can sense light through my closed eyelids and open them to find I'm looking at a ceiling of acoustic tiles. Staring at it I find I'm looking at a spider ambling along a tile. Focusing in on it I'm next looking at the fine hairs on its legs and seeing them in sharp and perfect detail. Pulling back I can compare the spider with one of the holes drilled in the tile and realise I'm easily picking out a spider no more than an eighth of an inch across from 8 or 10 feet!

I'm flushed with my first triumph! Turning my head to one side I'm looking at a hand and arm. A long fingered hand which shares creamy white skin with the rest of the arm. Turning the other way I see a left arm and hand and a black button. Slapping it opens the lid with its crystal panel thus allowing me to sit up. Not a hint of pain, dizziness, or stiffness can I feel! Gingerly I swing myself out of the foam nest detaching adhesive discs as I go.

Looking incongruous in this ultra modern setting there's an antique looking cheval glass mirror standing on the blue/ grey vinyl floor tiles. Stepping in front of it my first feeling of triumph is washed away by a second surge of huge elation.

My reflection shows a tall milky skinned boy of perhaps 12 years of age looking back at me. A purely beautiful boy both in body and features. The face has a slightly feminine cast with finely chiselled bone structure. His hair is copper red and cut short while his eyes are a pure azure.

His body too is stunningly lovely. Wide shouldered his pectoral muscles and abdominals are well defined whilst his thighs and calves are smooth and sleek. This body is silky smooth and devoid of hair and twixt its thighs hangs a long pale cock. Turning slightly the glass reflects taut buttocks and the ridges of its vertebrae.

My new body is as glorious as I designed it!

Padding across to the coffin marked "1" I gaze through the crystal pane at my smiling and sleeping face. The entire experiment and all its millions of pounds has proven a total success! I'm no longer Leonard Stein I'm Eros the young god!

My excitement almost makes me forget my next test but it returns to me now. Through a nearby door and I'm in the room I had readied for the tests and various other purposes. Awaiting me there's a barbell resting on more of those vinyl tiles. I know that it's set with 300 kilos because I set it myself. I walk up to it, move my feet a little apart, bend down, and grasp the steel bar in both hands.

I straighten and as it comes up and above my head it feels like balloons or feathers I'm lifting. Laughing out loud in delight I lower the weights as easily as I lifted them. Next comes the 6 foot lengths of steel rebar as thick as a big man's thumb. I settle a piece across my shoulders, slip my long muscled arms around it, and wrapping my fingers around the steel I bend it into a hairpin shape like it is toffee!

Tossing it aside, it lands with a clang. I try the final test of this type I intend for right now. Pushing my right foot out I heft another length of steel and wincing in anticipation I slam the butt end down on my instep. I can feel a soft thudding impact but not a twinge of pain. The end of the steel has mushroomed from the strike against my foot and the bar has bent slightly.

There's one more thing to test out for now and I'll declare project "Eros" a 100% success as far as things go. The other half of this big room has been made into a sort of bed sitting room so I walk over to settle on a big sofa. Leaning back against the cushions I cup the velvety sack of my balls with one hand and stroke my cock's smooth barrel with the other.

I expel a sharp breath and acknowledge the final success of this phase. Tingling and throbbing my cock stiffens to come erect. It's a nice cock too. About 6 inches long now it's hard and no more than medium thick, it's as pale as the rest of my body, and threaded with dark blue veins that are now beginning to swell and inflate as the blood pumps through it. Now for the final experiment!

Taking my erection between the thumb and forefinger of my left hand I tease and ease my foreskin back to unsheathe the helmet of my cock. If my erect cock is fairly standard my helmet is impressive. It swells like a dark red plum on the end of my creamy white cock. Tucking my finger under the swell of the helmet and my thumb atop it I begin to masturbate myself with strong smooth strokes.

Eyes closed and breathing in hisses through my teeth I can feel the first heat rising from where my balls and arse meld together. When I pump harder I open my eyes as I hear soft wet noises. From the slit in my big helmet a clear thick fluid is starting to seep. My cheeks feel hot and flushed as I work my cock even faster and the fire is climbing up my rock hard cock's barrel.

My mouth gapes wide, my body arches, I climax with a hoarse scream! From the slit that had been oozing precum spurts a powerful jet of hot creamy juice, and, as I thrust on, further wads of my juices shoot forth. I whack away until the wonderful electric spasms fade away and I'm grinning like a CheshirenCat at pools and blobs of my cum which has splattered the floor.

Of course it isn't semen. It looks, feels, smells, and scooping up a finger full, tastes like real semen. However my orgasm was as massive as any real cock could produce with real human seed. My and my hired brains work has succeeded beyond any doubts. My consciousness is settled into the brain of a beautiful and artificial body that's happily also some kind of superboy!

So once I get settled and comfortable in this new superb body I plan to become "Eros" in fact and cut a swathe through every boy that I like the look of and can seduce. I mean who ever heard of a 12 year old boy being arrested for fucking another willing 12 year old boy?

You think it's crazy that I've spent this much money to be a boy again and fuck other boys? Think again! When I release much simplified portions of "Project Eros" I'll make back far more than the outlay.

Imagine perfect and fully functional artificial limbs for amputees. Imagine realistic false eyes that connect to the optic nerve so the blind can see. Once I've fully tested out this Eros body I'll be releasing tech that will revolutionise peoples lives!

I think I'll take a shower next, lots of my synthetic "cum" drying on me, and decide what to do next. Maybe spend a day in this body before hopping back into my real one? In one corner of this huge room is a shower cabinet; all steel and toughened glass. Now here's a chance for another minor test.

Collecting a couple of towels from a dresser I cross over to the cabinet to adjust the water flow. When I step inside and under the needle spray I chalk up another victory for my science work. The shower feels pleasantly hot on my pale skin. I could stand under boiling steam or acid I believe and not be harmed but at the same time this artificial nervous system transmits normal things just as it should.

On a shelf in here there's a bottle of "Lemon and Lime" shower gel. Popping open the cap I squeeze out a liberal amount and work up a lather all over me. I get that pleasant cleaning feeling as the foam appears and then is rinsed away. Then I get another feeling, smirk, and decide to try another little test. I had an orgasm, a big orgasm, only 2 or 3 minutes ago so let's see how Eros's sexual prowess and stamina is.

Squeezing out a palm full of the gel I move aside and out of the direct water spray and then take hold of my cock to use the gel like a lube. Shortly I'm leaning back against the side panel and jerking off again. My new cock rises to the challenge almost instantly and I'm rock hard in seconds.

Pumping hard at my erection I breath in steam and rogue drops of water as the heat builds again; and I gaze down at my pale and rigid cock with its swollen head. As hard or maybe harder than my first climax the second one soars up my cock like an erupting volcano and I'm groaning with delight.

I explode into another huge "O" as my cream spurts out to be washed away by the steaming water. Again I sustain both blazing pleasure and copious quantities of synthetic jizm far beyond any normal boy or man's capabilities.

Once I cease shaking and trembling with pleasure I move under the spray again to rinse off any minor traces of the thick creamy fluid. I step out of the cabinet towelling myself down luxuriantly and glorying in my ability to sustain 2 powerful self induced orgasms in the space of just a handful of minutes.

In one of the wardrobes and the dressers there's a selection of clothes that fit me and appear suitable for a 12 year old pre-teen boy. Socks and briefs, a pair of tracksuit trousers, a tee shirt and a zip fronted hooded top, and finally a quality pair of sports shoes, make me a typical seeming tween boy. If admittedly a very pretty boy.

Pausing I scan my reflection in that looking glass. Have I made myself maybe too beautiful a boy? I consider for a full couple of minutes before I decide. Fuck it! If boy beauty makes it easier for me to seduce another tween, teen, or even a grown man for that matter, then that's fine.

Back into the coffin room I voice activate Minerva again.

"Minerva put up my top 10 candidates on the main plasma screen and then exclude any who aren't in the city limits at present."

First ten young faces on screen are cut to 8 then Minerva chimes in again.

"Malcolm Bradley is currently in Mason Park hospital with a fractured ankle. Exclude?"

"Quite Minerva! Of the remaining 7 do you have current locations for them?"

"I can locate 5 of the 7 via their cell phones Mr Stein... er Sir how do you now wish to be addressed?"

"As Eros please Minerva. Reduce the selection to those 5 and indicate their current locations.

I'm looking at pictures of 5 disparate boys all of whom I'd carefully selected as likely targets for seduction. Of the 10 I'm aware that at least 6 are already experimenting with gay sex.

"Expand on Gordon Scott please Minerva. Ah the "Blue Sand Marina" now that is convenient! Marina is "Wave Crest" stocked up and sea worthy at the marina?"

"Yes Eros inspected only 3 days ago."

"Good then arrange for a limo from my transport pool and a chauffeur of course. Tell whoever the driver is to just take me wherever I want to go and to do as he's told and he's on a decent bonus for today's job. List the name for the vehicle to be allocated to as Eric Venus. I think using Eros Venus would be a dreadful joke don't you?"

"Possibly Eros!"

Bugger! One day I'll design a computer with a sense of humour!

I duck back into the super bedsit and collect a pair of really brief black swim briefs from a drawer and toss them into a sports bag with a towel. I collect both my mundane cell phone and the special communicator that connects to Minerva from a lab work bench and head for my private lift. Now to be transported off to my first new boy seduction site as a re-born super gay boy!

Next: Chapter 2

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