Out of Body

By Leslie Carr

Published on Oct 14, 2014


Out of Body 2

By Androgyne

By using my private lifts, and corridors restricted to 5 star staff members, I emerge quickly at the transport pool to approach the reception desk. The severe looking lady behind the counter is typing on her computer keyboard, and, while still a dozen or so yards away, I zoom my vision in on her I.D. badge.

Ms Joan Grieg by name. She looks up when I halt before her work-station. I decide it would be better to act like a 12 year old and not how the owner of "Stein Developments and Technology" would.

I clear my throat.

"Excuse me Ms Grieg but my name's Eric Venus and I've been told there's a car and driver available for my use?"

I hold out the Eric Venus "Stein Associates" I.D. I'd created for myself. Expressionlessly she takes it and swipes it into her computer card reader terminal. Clearly she sees the right result on her monitor screen. She at least manages a tight smile now.

"Yes Eric there's a car and chauffeur reserved for you. Just a second."

Pressing a switch on her console she speaks into a microphone while handing back my I.D.

"Francis Cross your passenger is here. Report to reception desk."

Within a minute my driver walks over. He's a typical member of my transport crew. Not too young, because young drivers take too many risks, and yet still young enough to have taken and passed the defensive driving courses all the chauffeurs have to sign up for.

He's wearing the standard grey slacks and double breasted grey jacket, white shirt and grey tie, all of which comprise my drivers uniforms.

He looks me over and I instantly read from the pupils of his eyes, blood pressure, heart rate, and a few other things my new body can access, that my beauty doesn't interest him. He's straight and not into boys. Fine by me. It would be statistically unlikely if the first man to see my new body was a boy fancier.

I hold out my hand to him.

"Eric Venus Sir!"

That softens him though he remains immune to my boyish charms. He does though take my hand to shake it.

"Francis Cross son but please call me Frank or Frankie. Where am I taking you to?"

"Do you know the "Blue Sands Marina" Frank?"

"Of course I do son. Come on. The black Range Rover over there's mine. Are you in a hurry or shall I just cruise?"

"How long if you cruise it Frank?"

"Around a half an hour son."

"Then you can cruise it please."

He opens the rear door so I can hop inside, after tossing my sports bag inside, and then closes it behind me. Once he's behind the wheel he turns his head to look at me.

"You'll have to put your seat belt on son. Company safety regulations. If you don't mind me asking Eric how do you come to be allocated a Stein fleet vehicle?"

I'm looking down so he can't see my grin!

"Well Mr Stein is a relative. I call him uncle but he really isn't my uncle. He's kinda my mum's cousin I think?"

Frank is visibly impressed by that at least.

"Wow! So you're kin to the big boss himself? Nice for you son."

He slips us into gear and starts up; as I fasten my seatbelt and settle back on the soft leather seat cushions. Frank concentrates on his driving which allows me to consider my first seduction target; Master Gordon Scott. Gordon isn't just a boy I saw in the street one day. I've met him up close though not in my new pretty boy persona.

Gordon's father, Martin, works for my company and I met Gordon on a company "Bring your kids to work" Friday. Martin ushered him forward and I shook hands with his son.

"Hello Sir!"

"Nice to meet you Gordon!"

Maybe, no certainly, I held onto his hand too long. And as I held it my cock stirred and stiffened a fair bit. Gordon may not be a living doll but he's entirely to my tastes. Using my new powers I'm not just thinking about him I'm seeing him crystal clearly in my mind's eye.

He's tall, as tall as my new boy form, and quite thin. Not anorexic thin but the thinness of someone whose metabolism simply burns calories like lightning. His hair is a straw white and his eyes deep green. Though he's fair skinned he takes a deep tan when he catches the sun. He's one of the boys I know is gay. Hacking his cell phone let me hear him talking to a boy named Ryan Smith about the fun time they'd had.

I've seen him naked too. I hacked his laptop's camera in his bedroom to watch him masturbate. Now that was a big turn on! His cock's long like mine and nicely smooth though it has a pronounced curve to it. His helmet, knob end, glans, whatever you call it, was big and dark cherry coloured when his foreskin went back. Watching him cum was real entertainment for me and I'm planning on sharing orgasms with him soon.

Frank pulls us into the Marina's parking area, parks up, unhooks his seatbelt. "Stein Developments" has parking places here. And then he turns to me.

"Well we're here son so what now?"

"I'm heading for the pool and the games/sports area. You're free till I'm ready to be taken home. Gimme your cell number and I'll call you when I'm ready. Do what you like till then. That okay with you?"

We quickly swap phone numbers.

"Fine by me son. I'll go buy a morning paper then go get a coffee. After that I'll either wait in the car or sit out by the sea front. See you later then Eric."

Once I'm away from him I substitute my mundane cell phone for my communicator.

"Minerva location of Gordon Scott's cell phone please."

"The phone is in a locker within the pool and games/sports changing area. I would deduce Master Scott is utilising the salt water pool since he is not carrying his phone on his person."

"Thank you Minerva can you give me a locker number?"

"Accessing internal CCTV and coordinating with cell phone ping. Locker number is 116."

"Thank you Minerva!"

I walk into the locker area as if I have every right to be there. Scanning the lines of lockers I get close to 116 and then look for a locker that shows little sign of use. Zoom in scan shows a combination lock on a door that's dusty and clearly not been used for a fair while. Touching the lock with my finger tips I manipulate the dial, while reading the tumbler's sounds, and open it.

My inspection was proven right! There's some stuff in here but this locker hasn't been used for a fair while. Unlikely then that anyone will turn up to use it and find my belongings in it. I do, as Leonard Stein, have my own locker here at "Blue Sand" but that's way over in the executive section and this locker room is handy for the pool.

In one of the changing lockers I strip naked and wriggle into those swim briefs. After stowing my stuff in the pirated locker I re-lock it and head out poolside. Still standing in the shadows I do a zoom scan around the pool, and soon spot young Gordon, he's performing a leisurely crawl up and down in the water at some distance to my left. When he swims out a ways I stroll up there, ease into the water, and hook my arms onto the steel rail that runs all the way along the poolside, allowing my legs to float up.

While this artificial body is heavier than it looks swimming with it should be no problem. When Gordon strokes back towards me I nod to him.

"Hey there!"

He shakes his longish wet hair back.

"Hey yourself!"

"You don't recognise me do you?"

Treading water he puts his head on one side and stares at me.

"Don't think I've ever seen you before mate!"

"Yeah you were busy at the time; you were with your dad and shaking hands with Leonard Stein."

"Well jeeze I did but I never noticed you there; and I don't think I'd forget someone like you!"

Just a hint of flirting already? If he is then we're off to a good start.

"I was in Uncle Len's office but I could see you through the windows and you're hard to forget."

My turn for a little subtle flirting too.

"Uncle Len? Leonard Stein's your uncle?"

"Well not really but we are related; I call him uncle but he's something like a what d'ya call 'em a second cousin? He's my mum's cousin anyway."

I duck down under the water to bounce up and land on the edge of the pool.

"Come on out so we can talk easier!"

Two strokes take him up to me and I reach down to grip his arm. A surge from him and a tug from me and he's seated next to me. His swim briefs, and they are as brief as mine, are the same emerald green as his eyes and my eyes are drawn to the bulge of his cock beneath the thin silky cloth.

"I guess you're a member here then? Oh I'm Eric by the way."

"Well my dad's membership covers the whole family and my name's Gordon but don't keep calling me that. All my friends call me Gee like the letter "G" you know."

"That's cool with me Gee!"

Thank God I have nieces and nephews who have kids of their own so I can at least try to sound about 12 years old. Meanwhile it's hard to keep my eager eyes off his body as the trickles of water slide down his tanned skin. My cock's tingling and throbbing so I'd better move my plan on soon.

"Look Gee is their any chance of you doing me a favour? I mean I don't want to get you away from your swimming so if you wanna stay here that's okay."

It's not my imagination; of course he IS flirting with me. Heightened heartbeat and blood pressure and much dilated pupils confirm that. I can also detect the movement of the blood flowing into his cock to harden it.

"Glad to do anything you like Eric; anything at all. I've just about done swimming."

Do anything at all is another slightly subtle bit of flirting certainly.

"You see Gee I've not been here before and I don't know the Marina. Uncle Len has his yacht moored here and he said I could go aboard so long as I don't mess around with the controls, engine, radio, stuff like that. Any chance of you showing me to mooring 73?"

"Sure mate no problem. Let's go shower off the sea water and get our gear and I'll take you there. I've not been there if you get what I mean; dad's yacht is moored on 22 on the opposite side and nowhere near as far up. I know how to find it though. Come on then!

After a fast rinse off under the fresh water we head for the lockers. I just grab my sports bag and slip my sports shoes on. Gordon collects from his locker a similar bag to mine, puts on a pair of flip flops, and hangs a tee shirt around his neck.


"Sure am! We go this way."

We leave the pool area via a different exit and I let Gordon lead the way along concrete piers where a wide variety of craft are moored up. Needless to say of course I know exactly where my own yacht's moored but he mustn't know I know. I mean I'm getting the impression that if I made the first moves on him he'd be "cool" with that but I'm looking forward to see how he moves in on me.

"Our yacht's moored over there. She's called "The Osprey" you can hardly make her out but she's there all right."

Glancing across I do a zoom in to pick out a trim and well looked after 15 metre yacht with her sails furled. Well I pay his father Martin very well and he clearly indulges his hobby of sailing a fine yacht from that salary.

"This way and down here Eric!"

As we near mooring 73 Gordon slows down and then stops dead as he takes in "Wave Crest" riding at her pier.

"Jesus! That's your uncle's yacht? She's as big as a bloody frigate!"

Well that's a slight exaggeration but she's a fair old tonnage and she runs on diesel engines not sails.

"I guess so Gee. She's a whopper alright isn't she?"

This time I take the lead as I head up the companionway and onto the deck. Glancing around, as if a tad unsure, I escort Gordon down towards the stern. There's a big open area there with seating and a couple of swivel chairs, heavily bolted to the decking, for people to big game fish from. Personally the sport bores me totally but if the guests want to fish then good luck to them!

Slipping my "Stein I.D." from the zipped section on the side of my bag I move towards a big glass panelled door.

"This works the locks according to what Uncle Len told me. Once she's open do you want a cold drink? She's fully stocked up for long sea voyages. Take a seat while I go look around!"

He settles on one of the thickly cushioned seats, drops his own sports bag, and balls up his tee shirt to shove it into his bag.

"What do you fancy to drink Gee?"

"I'll have a "Sprite" if they've got any Eric."

"A boat this size probably has every soft drink on the market Gee. I think I'll go for "Orangina" and I'll bet that's in stock too."

I leave him, thin and toned legs stretched out in front of him, and enjoying the sea breeze and warm sun, to go below decks. First though I have to swipe the I.D. to release the electronic lock. Once I'm out of sight I jog straight to the galley and find exactly what I knew would be there. Enough food and drinks for a small army!

Having plenty of time on my way back I select a cabin at random but near the stern and check it out. The bed is made up and just begging for two boys to have vigorous sex on it. Grinning to myself I go up and out on deck again to hand Gordon his frosty can.

Settling next to him I pop open my orange drink and while sipping chat with Gordon.

"So your dad works for Uncle Len. How does he like it? Oh and what does he do?"

I know what he does but are my employees happy at work? From the horse's colt's mouth so to speak.

"He's a computer programmer for Stein's and he loves it there. He says he's well paid but what he really likes is being able to make work suggestions and get bonuses when they work out."

Well thinking outside the box is my thing so I encourage my workers to do the same. We're talking together about all kinds of things, school, our families, I invent a fictitious family on the spot, what we enjoy for leisure, and we're sitting under the noon sun. Gordon drains his can.

"Want another?"

"No thanks but if you're going to sit out in this maybe you should go find some sun screen? As fair as you are you'll burn to a crisp soon."

New super body, my own high I.Q. and the boost of this artificial brain and yet I forget the obvious. He's right though wrong at the same time. If it was real skin I'd end up like a cooked lobster. In testing this skin withstood a laser for a long time so I'm fine but I'll take his advice.

"Oh jeeze yeah you're right Gee. Hang on and I'll go take a look around."

Off I go down below decks again and I know where I'll find what he's talking about. My stateroom's bathroom suite has a cabinet full of stuff and sunscreen is in there. Back on deck with him I'm waving the bottle and he stands up.

"Here let me put it on for you."

Taking the bottle from me and popping the cap he pours a palm full of the cream as he moves behind me; placing the bottle on the teak decking. He starts on my shoulders smoothing the balm across them and down to my shoulder blades and over my arms. His hands on my skin, the slickness of the lightly scented cream, combine to make me shiver.

This takes me back to my schoolboy days when I was first taking another boy as a lover. I may be a grown man but this body is reacting like an aroused boy. When he reaches the base of my spine, just above my buttocks, Gordon collects a second palm's worth and his hands move round from behind to spread it onto my chest and move down over the flat ridges of my belly.

My cock, now rock hard, strains against the thin cloth of my swim briefs. His fingers stray even lower, to the very top of my swim briefs, and trail across my skin. I find that even in this body my throat is thick and I have to swallow hard before speaking.

"What are you doing?"

"Why? Don't you like it? Want me to stop?"

I find this amazing body is trembling like a leaf!

"No I don't want you to stop. Keep going!"

That hand, those fingers, slips inside my tight briefs to explore the bulge of my cock and this time I moan as well as shudder. He's moved right up against me now, his other arm around my waist, and I can feel the hard length of his cock pressed against my rear.

His voice in my ear and his breath is warm on my neck.

"Maybe we should go inside; below deck I mean?"

Incredibly I stammer when I reply to him.

"Y' yeah m'maybe you're right. There's a cabin right at the bottom of the companionway."

This is strange, weird, odd, and absolutely bizarre. I set out to seduce this boy and he's seduced me; so I'm shaking and trembling with the thought of him making love to me. He hooks his arm around my narrow waist as I lead him down the stairs and into the cabin. Gordon looks around; clearly impressed.

"Wow! Your uncle looks after his guests well doesn't he?"

Since he's released me from his arm I grab the duvet and the top sheet and toss the bedding onto the carpet. The mattress is covered with a pale blue fitted sheet and the pillows in the same shade of blue pillowcases. When I turn back to him Gordon wraps his arms around me.

Now some boys who'll happily suck a boy's cock fight shy of kissing the same boy`s lips. He doesn't seem to move to kiss me, and I surely don't move to kiss him, but impossibly I find we're kissing each other. With our bodies pressed together I move a long thigh a little so it rests against his erection, rub gently, and hear him sigh. Stumbling from arousal I try to urge him towards the bed.

"Hold on Eric!"

Dropping to his knees before me he takes hold of the waistband of my swim briefs to ease it over my full erection. Down my thighs and calves they slide until I can step out of them. Next he tugs off my sports shoes to toss them aside. I'm stark naked now in the dimness of the cabin.

"Jesus what a lovely cock. Anyone ever told you all of you is lovely?"

In this body no! Apart from him! I'm not going to act like I'm an innocent virgin though.

"One or two Gee! Maybe you make three?"

He's on his feet now and smiling at me.

"Bugger you're a modest one Eric. Three? You're gorgeous so it has to be more than that!"

I'm getting hungry for his body now so I just shrug and return the favour by pulling down his swim briefs to reveal that long curved cock I can't wait to touch and taste. Our arms around each other we shuffle towards the bed, lips pressed together, to tumble onto the mattress. As it happens I land partly atop of him. Gordon grunts.

"Ooofff! For a slim guy you're heavier than you look!"

"For a slim guy you're hotter than I expected."

Grinning at me he rolls me over onto my back.

"Let me show you how hot!"

His kissing my lips feels good. Kissing, nuzzling my neck feels good, and nipping my neck with his white teeth feels good and very exciting. His hands are moving over my body as mine stroke and caress his back and his taut buttocks. His mouth moves down my chest to my nipples, he sucks on one, licks it, and then bites down on it quite hard. It doesn't hurt my wonderful body but I enjoy the sensation.

He repeats the process on my other nipple as his fingers stroke my flat belly and then move to the smooth skin on the insides of my thighs. I moan softly and his mouth moves down over my belly kissing lightly and licking me from time to time.

Even as my arousal rises, doubles and redoubles, I'm remembering the built in reward my body carries, and considering granting it to Gordon.

His fingers take hold of my erect and throbbing cock, he slides back my foreskin to free the bulge of my dark red helmet, then the tip of his tongue slides across that hypersensitive glans and I gasp with delight.

Cupping my balls in one long fingered hand he guides my rock hard erection into his mouth. Hot saliva swirls around it and he clamps his lips onto my smooth barrel as his head begins to bob firmly up and down.

My last coherent thoughts are hard to hang onto but I decide "What the hell why not" and prepare to give Gordon a gift that can only be very good for him and which can cause him no harm. With a flick of my mind I release two things stored in this body and then surrender to his lips and tongue.

His lips clasped firmly to the barrel of my cock slide up and down and from time to time he pauses to slide that wonderful tongue tip over my swollen knob end. Each time he does I shudder and writhe on the sheet beneath me. The fingertips of one hand are stroking that rough line of skin twixt my balls and my anus. Then he cups the sack of those balls to gently knead and massage them.

Human brain and the artificial mind my thoughts are riding in are simply helpless as I feel my climax rising. Behind my balls the heat begins to soar, my cock throbs and burns. Gordon increases the pace of his mouth as he feels the ripples running up and down my belly and the shuddering of my body.

My orgasm explodes like lava from a volcano as my cock unleashes its first creamy spurt. My moan rises in volume and shrillness until it transforms into a wild scream of ecstasy. My clawed fingers wave in the air as he draws forth further scalding jets of my synthetic semen and swallows it like a kitten with cream. Still I buck and howl until finally this incredible "O" fades away and he's drained me dry for now.

I'm staring up at the cabin's ceiling and savouring the ebbing flares of delight in my slick cock; now freed from his mouth.

"Holy fuck that was wonderful!"

Gordon raises his face from my crotch to look up at me. On either corner of his mouth are thin trickles of my cum that escaped his lips as he feasted on my juices.

"Mmmm yeah I guessed that. That was one huge cum and 'Ric baby you taste pretty wonderful too."

He sits up on his haunches and wipes away those two smears and as he does my eyes focus on the pronounced curve of his long and erect cock. What I say might sound corny or contrived but I'm speaking 100% truth.

"Get up here and lay back because I'm dying to get your cock in my mouth and see what you taste like."

He sprawls back on the bed, fingers interlaced behind his head, spreading wide his thighs to invite me to begin. His eyes are narrowed and he licks lips that suddenly seem dry. Gazing down at him I see already my gift is infiltrating his body. My artificial eyes can see spectra that natural human ones cannot and beneath his skin I can see the initial glow.

When he swallowed my creamy false semen he also ingested a double boon. A cocktail of tailored viruses and a package of self replicating nanites. Gordon's health is assured for the rest of his life now. If there's a disease, infectious or not, that my gift won't deal with then I don't know what it is. Also once this cocktail is established within him it will put right any minor physical problems that he may have or might otherwise have developed as he grew older.

All this from my obsession with this artificial boy's body I'm now possessing. Wait till I release this to the medical world; which I will do once medical trials have been conducted in public on volunteers. Lost in thought I realise Gordon is moving restlessly.

"What are you waiting for 'Ric? I'm ready!"

"Sorry I was just thinking how hot your body is. I'm not gonna make you wait any longer."

Belly down I settle myself to slip my arms under his lean thighs and cradle his hips in my hands. First I use a series of fast light kisses on his lower belly; occasionally nipping at his smooth skin with my teeth. Next I begin licking the satiny insides of his thighs and the creases where his groin smoothly melds with them. His body's quivering now as I continue to arouse him slowly but surely.

Now I use my tongue tip to caress the taut sack that holds his balls before sucking on them till he wriggles and moans. Licking my way in spiral up the length of his cock I pause as I near the tip. A fast twitch of my fingers slides back his foreskin so I can lap the sensitive swell of his helmet. Both hands again on his hips I hold him as he writhes and his body bucks upward.

When I take his cock deeply into my mouth, past his gritted teeth, escapes a drawn out "FUCK" as he suddenly clutches my head in both hands. Sliding my lips up and down the barrel of his hot cock I shift one hand so I can cup his balls and firmly knead them. As my head bobs up and down I pause occasionally to slide the width of my tongue over his cherry pink and swollen helmet.

When he wraps his long and slender legs around my upper body, clasps my head with a desperate grip, and heaves his hips up to meet my mouth, I know he's only seconds away from his climax. Increasing my pace and caressing his balls takes him over the edge and into a screaming orgasm.

And literally a screaming orgasm! His howls echo around this cabin as he spasms and jerks whilst his cum spurts into my mouth in powerful jets. Like he did I savour his thick and creamy juices and gulp them down; all the time bobbing my head and sucking him into exhaustion.

When he lies dazed and sated I slide up his body and softly kiss his lips before settling myself into a spoon position with him. On my lips and tongue is his seed and with the senses of my new body I can already detect that the virus and nanites have infiltrated his system. If I acted in haste then at least it was with the best intentions and what I've done can't cause him any harm can it?

My lips to his ear I murmur a single word.


He moves lazily against me like a cat.

"Fantastic! How long have we got cos' I want more once we're ready!"

Kissing the base of his neck I reflect I can easily cum again right now but even a horny pre-teen human must need time to recover. Even while thinking these thoughts my super body shows that it has ideas of its own that I can't control. My cock has begun to throb and stiffen where it rests against his buttock.

I've one arm around him from behind with the palm of my left hand resting on his lean muscled chest. Palm positioned over his heart I'm surprised at the slow steady beat after his thunderous "O" moments before. He doesn't seem in the least drowsy either like great sex sometimes leaves people.

"All the time we need Gee. No crew to come aboard and Uncle Len has no plans to sail anywhere or so he said."

He chuckles softly into a pillow.

"Feels like you don't need to wait very long to be ready. You feel pretty hard right now to me. Mind you with a little encouragement I could be that way soon too."

Is he trying to impress his new boyfriend? I slide my hand down from his chest, over his belly, then down to trail my fingers over his cock. Still slick from my saliva and weeping a single pearl of cum it already appears ready to rise to the challenge. Jeeze ready already?

I scan him and yeah the blood's rushing into his cock and that blood's swarming with nanites and virus. WOW! So he's drawing the first big benefit! Testing this stuff via computer models and installing it in this body it hadn't occurred to me that it would boost sex drive that fast. I'm happy for him and me though that it has.

Wrapping my fingers around his cock I pump it slowly and smoothly to feel it stiffen almost at once. A swift tug takes his foreskin back again so I spit on a finger and slide it over his freed helmet.

"Oh jeeze that feels good! Don't stop."

My lips against his ear I whisper though there's no need for me to do so.

"You want a hand job? You want me to suck you off again?"

Pulling my fingers from his now full erection he rolls over to face me.

"I think I want my cock in your mouth again. And I want your cock in my mouth too. You know what a 69er is?"

Oh crap yeah I know all about a 69er and it's just a case of who gets on top. Gordon solves that question for me before I have to ask. Rising and turning he's settled with his thighs straddling my head and his mouth lowering towards my hard-on.

Reaching up I cup his smooth rear to guide him down towards my lips. As I do he has my own cock deep in his mouth and working slowly to get me off for the second time. Before his cock enters my mouth I take in the rosy/brown pucker of his anus and use my tongue tip on it briefly. He wriggles with pleasure and I'm sure would have groaned but for having my cock clamped between his lips.

Still clasping his buttocks I ease him down till the curve of his cock passes between my lips and I'm sucking slowly on his throbbing erection. Locked together in a perfect combination I'm savouring the electric tingles running up my own cock while Gordon trembles from my attentions.

I thought I'd go slowly with him after his powerful "O" just a short while ago; but I'm wrong. I've clearly underestimated the effect of the "Health" package he swallowed along with my cream. He's rock hard and moving fast towards another huge climax. I'll take him there and go with him just as fast! His taut buttocks clench and unclench as I take him closer to cumming!

My own cock is throbbing and pulsing to the tune of his lips and I can hear clearly the twin wet sucking sounds of two mouths each pleasuring a cock. Gordon shudders and bucks, his body stiffens atop me, his cock erupts and as it does I surrender to my second explosive cum.

He's writhing atop me and I'm writhing under his thin hot body as our cream spurts out and we swallow the thick treat. He's spent at last and my last jerk of the hips fires off one final surge of juice into his welcoming mouth.

With a soft sucking sound his mouth frees my cock and Gordon rolls off me to sprawl flat on his back. I hear him suck in a deep gulp of air as he stretches luxuriantly.

"Holy crap I don't thing I ever came so hard or so long in my life. You've done this kinda thing before haven't you?"

I break into a small fit of the giggles before I can throttle them back to reply.

"Well I DID tell you one or two other boys had said they thought I was lovely. I told you the truth didn't I?"

"Jeeze you're lovely and talented. You suck cock like I can't believe."

Propping myself up on an elbow I grin across at him.

"Well you're getting no complaints from me on how you give head. I thought I'd never stop cumming!"

It's as I'm saying that my fast working combined minds have me consider something. A normal male orgasm might last perhaps 6 or 7 seconds. My internal monitors tell me my "O" lasted no less than a full 20 seconds. Curiously I check out what the external scans showed about Gordon. His "O" lasted a good 13 seconds. Well now! Those nanites and viruses have boosted him in the right way!

All the better to know he has the stamina to stay with the desires of my new body.

"Yeah you shot wads alright. Mind you I thought I'd never stop either. Jeeze Eric we're so hot together!"

Grabbing his arm I pull him up to me so I can settle back into that spoon position and nibble at his earlobe.

"We'll take a break then go for round three. What do you say Gee?"

He wriggles back against me and relaxes like a cat.

"You know I've a feeling that I could do round three right now but let's talk a while. Are you gonna be around town for any time? Only I want more time with you kid!"

I can tell him exactly what he wants to know so I go right ahead and do that.

"We're here indefinitely Gee. Uncle Len's given mum and me an apartment here to stay as long as we want over the summer. Look let's swap cell phone numbers so we can make a date for next time."

He's opening his mouth and I know what he's planning to say so I place two fingers across his lips.

"Don't say it Gee! I know we're not finished here yet and we've still got plenty of time. Let's get our phones and each others numbers."

"Okay! Shit my phone's in my bag up on deck!"

"Mine too I'll go get both bags!"

Hopping off the bed I amble towards the cabin door. From behind me I hear Gordon snigger.

"Going up on deck like that are you?"

I turn around with my hands on my hips.

"If there's anyone out there fancies a look then they're welcome. All they get to do though is look. I'm reserved for you today!"

I stroll along the corridor and up the stairway with a grin pasted on my face. All the money I've invested as well as all the hours of research just to share a fuck with another boy as a boy? Is it worth it? "Fucking A" as the Yanks say. I'm a kid again but a super powered kid and I can fuck like a machine. And down in that cabin is a hot and sexy boy just waiting for me to come back!

Up on deck and naked I can feel the sea breeze on my skin as I stand and look around. Funny that this skin can stop a high velocity bullet but I can feel a gentle breeze and Gordon's soft kisses nicely. The only human in sight, even using my visual zoom ability, is a hefty blond lady in a bikini, oiled and face down on a blanket on a yacht called the "Nightwind"!

Scooping up the two bags I wander back down to our cabin. Despite the extra weight of this new body on bare feet I move silently; and I stop quietly in the doorway. Gordon's still on the bed staring up at the ceiling. He's stroking his cock which is standing nicely to attention allowing for the sweet bend it has. Chuckling I toss his bag across to him.

"Couldn't wait and decided to start without me?"

He still manages to snag the bag out of the air before it hits him.

"Jeeze Eric I've NEVER been this horny in my life. I'm ready again when you are."

"Phones first and then we can fuck again. My choice this time?"

"Whatever you want to do we do it. Fine by me!"

Swapping cell phone numbers only takes us a minute and once that's sorted I'm hot for more action with Gordon. Back on the bed with him we're kissing deeply and exchanging caresses when I ease atop of him. As stated my artificial body is much denser than its slender form appears so I'll have to be careful now.

Taking most of my weight on the balls of my feet, dug firmly into the mattress, and the palms of my hands, I start grinding my stiff cock against Gordon's. His hands cup my buttocks and his hips churn as he rubs back hard!

Soon we've hit a rhythm and the bed's creaking as we, being blunt, are fucking each others cocks. Eyes wide I'm staring into Gordon's as the heat builds and builds again behind my balls and rises up my cock like mercury in an old fashioned thermometer.

My incredible new body can do lots of things but mind reading isn't one of them. I don't need telepathy though to tell me Gordon's as close to his big "O" as I am. His teeth are gritted as he sucks in gulps of air while his eyes are closed to mere slits. Forgetting, in my own mad excitement, my nervousness about hurting him, I up my pace further.

When I cum it's like a rocket launching and I bellow out something. I'm not sure what but likely "Oh fuck" or some such. It seems to set Gordon off and he shoots his load too. Real and artificial cum splashes on our bellies and chests as we hump each other flat out till we're drained again.

Almost absent-mindedly my monitors tell me that indeed we sustained our orgasms far beyond what normal boys ever could. I could tell that, just by looking at our bodies, smeared as they are with the stains of our cum. When my mind was just centred on our dicks I've slumped onto Gordon but my extra weight doesn't seem to bother him much as he breathes slowly and deeply.

"Oh my God it's just getting better Eric. Jeeze we soaked each other didn't we?"

"Yeah and I'm not complaining about that Gee. Wanna take a break now?"

"I think I might have to finally Eric. I got a feeling though we're not done yet."

He glances at his wrist watch which is all he's wearing.

"I've still got time to spare for you Eric."

We're back in that spoon position again which means I can kiss him now and then while we talk. Gordon's actually turned 13 he tells me though I knew that from his father's personnel files so he's a year or so older than my official age and he's been gay since he was ten he tells me. He had his first sex with a fourteen year old teenager in a stable of all places and decided all he'd ever want for sex was cock giving and taking.

In turn I tell him how I lost my gay virginity, aged 11, to a school prefect at boarding school. I don't tell him how long ago in my real life that was but my description of Clive my school house prefect and what we did together is totally true.

While he's listening to my recital about Clive taking me into his prefect's bedroom and teaching me all about fellatio my story and our bodily contact are working on us both. Gordon said he didn't think we were quite done and his cock and mine are showing that.

I can't help myself. I just have to reach down to start playing with his swelling cock.

"You know what Eric? Why don't you give me a hand job while I'm up again? I just can't figure out how I can keep cumming like this but I don't care. Maybe it's just you and if it is then we're gonna be together a lot this summer if I have anything to say about it."

Well I'd say I think us being together in bed a lot is a fantastic idea so I ease back his foreskin and give him what he wants. He is slower this time, after three big orgasms he has to be, but his total now is about to hit four. With my fingers clamped around his hard-on I work him fast and hard till he bucks and groans as he shoots all over the sheet.

Having turned myself on getting him off I just have to have him jerk me off next. Another soaking for that sheet and even my appetites are pretty much happily fulfilled. Even though I reckon I could still get it up if I had to.

"Jeeze Eric we sure messed this sheet. What'll your uncle think?"

He's right about the sheet and we've messed ourselves up pretty good too.

I make a show of yawning and stretching then sit up.

"Look you go take a shower; the bathroom's through there. I'll strip this sheet and go look for a laundry room. Uncle Len will be none the wiser."

I know exactly where to go to dump our semen stained sheet and return with a clean one. I'm remaking the bed and smirking to myself at the idea of a multi millionaire scientific genius gay in the body of an android super boy making a bed like a housekeeper.

When Gordon steps out of the shower I replace him. Sharing a shower might not be a good idea with the temptation of close contact and even more sex attempted. When I quit the shower Gordon's dug a pair of gym pants out of his bag and dragged on his tee shirt.

"I'll walk you up on deck Gee."

"Yeah I guess I better go; better head for home."

I don't walk up on deck naked this time I leave my towel wrapped around my waist when we head up the stairs and out on deck.

"Call me soon Eric."

"I sure will Gee."

Right out there on the deck I kiss him hard on the lips. Neither he nor I care if anyone's watching us. That woman in the bikini is still toasting on her blanket but she's the least of my worries. As Gordon leaves I make it my turn.

"I'll call you or text you soon."

"Don't forget cos' I'll be waiting."

After he's walked away I collect our empty drink cans, the bottle of sunscreen, and dump them in the trash can. The towel I'm wearing and the others we've used go into the laundry, and I fetch clean ones to the cabin's bathroom. While dressing I realise I'm bouncing and buzzing inside. Yeah I've had great sex but it's still weird.

I'd say endorphins but this body doesn't produce them. So there's more to switching to this boy form than my research and development has shown so far. Leaving my yacht I'm grinning like crazy as I take the stairs two and three at a time. Phone to my ear I'm swaggering along the dock.

"Frank? I'm ready and I'll be with you in 10 minutes or so if that's okay?"

"Ready when you are son so I'll be waiting for you."

Strolling along I pass a blond teenager doing his best to look like a "surfer dude" from California who grins and waves at me.

"How ya doin' kid?"

"Cool thanks!"

A grey haired old guy fishing gets the warmth of my great mood.

"Caught much Mr?"

"Don't expect to son but it's been a fine day and people talk to me here. Keeps me alive you know."

"Have a great day Mr!"

When I reach the car Frank is behind the wheel and has the engine running. I toss my bag onto the back seat and settle there myself then belt up. Right that second my cell phone rings. Surely not Gordon already? I'd left Minerva to divert any business calls except really important ones so I'll have see who this is.

"Let me take this call please Frank."

"Take all the time you need son."

Now almost if not all of the Stein motor fleet have one adaptation. The rear seats can be closed off from the chauffeur for reasons of privacy. Pressing the appropriate button raises a sheet of toughened glass between me and Frank. My phone's screen shows me "Alan Scott" head of my legal department's name.

My phone, in line with new body, has been fitted with a Leonard Stein voice ap. When the Eros/Eric voice speaks into the phone the Leonard Stein voice is heard on the other phone.

"Alan! This has to be important since I left my staff to field anything other than any major matters."

"It might very well be Leonard. I've been talking to Tony Prior about some irregularities his staff have turned up. Tony thinks it may be the tip of an iceberg and he's got the team digging deeper. I'd like a meeting with you and the two of us say Friday? I want to keep things as quiet as possible until we're sure of the facts. Say noon on Friday? Does that work for you?"

Tony Prior is my chief of corporate security and an ex officer from Army Intelligence.

"Sounds sinister Alan want to tell me more?"

There's silence over the line as he thinks things over for a moment.

"Look things aren't absolutely certain right now. Can we leave Tony to dig deeper and go into it on Friday?"

"Fair enough Alan. Friday it is."

Cutting the connection I use the microphone below the glass screen to get through to Frank.

"Frank I'm in no hurry and I want to think a few things over. Would you mind just driving me around anywhere you like? Doesn't matter where we go."

I catch his puzzled glance in the rear view mirror but he doesn't bring himself to ask what a 12 year old boy's got on his mind that's so serious.

"Sure son. How about I take us up onto the coast road and cruise along there for a while? It'll be fairly quiet right now."

"Works for me. Take us there then please."

I've two things on my mind now. One being that call from Alan Scott that I don't like the sound of. I spend most of my time on scientific development work and leave as much of the day to day business work to my managers. Maybe Tony Prior's dug up some embezzlement or perhaps valuable items being diverted? After chewing things over for some time I decide Alan's right.

I'll wait to see what Tony and his team have unearthed and take things from there.

The other thing on my mind is personal. I set out today to start a trail of seduction and work my way through my list of boys. Now I'm wondering if I need to look any further. Having sex with Gordon was superb but there's more to it than that.

I realise, on short acquaintance, that I not only revelled in our bedroom time but that I like him. Yeah I like him a lot. He's bright and articulate and I enjoyed his company when we just sat on deck and talked about ourselves. Inside my head I nod and make my decision. It's me and Gordon for the immediate future.

It's summer and school's out so we can spend plenty of time together. I'm sure his parents won't worry about a boy who's a close relation of the big boss hanging with their son. Mind made up I tap the microphone button again.

"Frank will you take me back to "Stein House" now? Any route you like I'm not in a hurry."

"Sure thing son there's a turn off just ahead that leads to a motorway slip road. We'll be back soon enough without pushing things."

I lounge back on the cushions and finally decide I've called things right. The sun's just dropping on the horizon as we feed into the very sparse motorway traffic and cruise towards the city and my headquarters.

It's because I'm in the Eros body that I catch it in time! Likely no human being would or could but I'm not human at all now. I sense it coming in from our right side and my head snaps around. I see a huge lorry angling across right at us. It's one of those massive tipper waggons you see laden with bricks and building rubble from sites being cleared.

My feet brace against the partition and my hands lock onto whatever solid metal they can. I yell through the still open microphone.

"Look out Frank!"

He's quick! Only human but lightning quick! He stands on the brakes while yanking the steering wheel to pulls us violently to our left. Instead of us being struck full on we get clipped. With the weight the massive thing packs that clip is enough to send us spinning and tumbling off the road, onto the hard shoulder, and crashing through underbrush and shrubbery.

The car settles on its side groaning and pinging as fragments of glass rattle around inside. I am of course completely unharmed but I'm desperate about how Frank is. My sealbelt lock is jammed but one twist of my hand snaps it loose. The car's on its side and I find I'm standing on the inside of the left passenger door.

The glass screen is crazed but intact but that button won't open it. I hammer my palm against it to smash it right out of its frame then lean my head through the opening. Frank was wearing his seatbelt and the airbag deployed but he doesn't look good of course.

There's blood all over his face and a burn mark from the airbag He's hanging limply in the harness and not moving an inch.

I can smell petrol and it would be a good idea to get him out and away from the wreck. Trying the door tells me it's buckled and jammed so I haul back and kick it with the flat of my foot. With a screeching noise it flies open and the impact has sheared off one of the hinges. Leaping out I find the driver's door glass is shattered so I grip the door frame and wrench the entire door off!

I want to get Frank out but I'm no paramedic with a body board to support any spinal injuries he might have. However I have an advantage no medic has. I have senses built in to scan him. Not Superman's X-ray vision but for instance I have ultra sound. I check him out as best my senses allow, not maybe an MRI scan but I can't spot any fractured vertebrae.

I have to sheer off his seatbelt to free him and then lift him like I would a baby; one hand supporting his skull and the other under his thighs. He's as light to me as a feather as I gently lay him down on the soft earth and springy grass. My main worry is a brain injury. After an impact like that and whiplash it's a major possibility.

I'm reaching into the rear of the car for my bag containing my cell phone when my artificial mind has processed something and I pause to access it. It's like I'm watching the smash in ultra slow motion. I can see that huge banged up lorry moving towards us and there's a face looking out of the passenger window. He's [ and analysis tells me it is a he ] wearing a ski mask!

The end of June and he's wearing a ski mask! This was no accident we were run off the road! Rewinding things again I can tell the driver wrenched the wheel over when ski mask guy told him they were in position. The mystery now is how an atempt to kill me could take place when Eros/Eric only emerged from my lab today.

I'm assuming nobody has tried to kill an ordinary every day chuffeur called Frank! However my next priority is to get an ambulance for the same Frank. I can't be here when that ambulance arrives since I don't officially exist.

The cops would want to phone my parents and they only exist in my head. Nobody has pulled up and come to check things out so it looks like nobody even spotted us being slammed off the road. I can get Frank his ambulance and then vanish though. Instead of my cell phone I use my communicator first.

"Minerva patch through a call for me but block the number of my cell phone being read at the exchange."


On my cell phone I tap for the emergency services 999 number. As I do I've leapt up atop our wrecked Range Rover and used zoom vision to look around. A voice comes through to me.

"Emergency! Which service do you require?"

"Ambulance please!"

I'm using the Eros/Eric voice to talk to the operator.


Now a new voice.

"Ambulance what is the nature of your emergency?"

"There's been an accident on the motorway. I've just seen a big lorry run a car off the road and right out of sight."

The woman's voice is steady and she's clearly trying to project calmness at me.

"Where are you son? Are you on the motorway?"

"I'm on the footbridge over the motorway about 200 yards from the Greenham slip road. I don't think anyone saw it happen and the car's dropped out of sight in all the bushes below the road."

Her voice now sounds a little bit tense and tight to my hypersensitive hearing.

"This isn't some kind of joke is it son? What's your name then son?"

"Honest I just saw it happen a couple of minutes ago no more. My name's Tony but you've gotta get an ambulance there fast."

I think the sound of the genuinely scared way I'm speaking finally convinces her I'm for real.

"Alright Tony I'm despatching an ambulance right now so give me your full name and your address. The police will need to interview you as a witness to the accident."

"I'm sorry Miss I'm not even supposed to be anywhere near this bridge. Mum and Dad would kill me if they found out I was here. Just send that ambulance please!"

I cut the connection without any worry that my number has appeared on the control centre's call display. Thanks to Minerva all that will be showing is a string of zeroes! I remain standing atop the wrecked Range Rover until I hear the warble of approaching sirens and then quit the scene.

Leaping down I move deeper into the shrubbery until I reach a wall of concrete sections around 10 feet high. With my sports bag slung over my shoulder I flex my knees and frog hop onto its top. On the other side there's another thicket of bushes and young trees to shield me from view so I drop down amongst them as I hear the ambulance scream to a halt.

Jogging out of the greenery I find I've emerged onto a pretty much deserted road on some kind of industrial estate. Hefting my communicator rather than my cell phone I call for directions.

"Minerva! Which way to the city centre and "Stein House" please?"

"You should be facing the site of "Crystal Bathroom Products" is that correct?"


"Then turn to the right and head off towards the tunnel under the railway bridge. Leave your comm open and I'll direct you via the shortest route."

I set off at a jog and accelerate. I keep accelerating until I must look like a bloody blur if anyone was here to see me. I have to get back to "Stein House" and check on how Frank is and then start to figure out who tried to kill us and why!

Next: Chapter 3

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