Pains of Forgetfulness

By Mikey Boy

Published on May 19, 2002


Pains of Forgetfulness

Welcome to the first installment of POF. I hope you like this story because I've had a blast writing it. You know the rules. If you're not supposed to read this, then don't. It's that simple. This story is about the pains of forgetting your true love. There is no sex in this installment, but maybe in another installment, there will be.

I have no idea whether any members of *NSYNC are gay, straight, or bisexual. Any similarities are purely coincidental. I don't know if any of them are gay, but I hope so. We can wish, can't we?

Comments are welcome at: I would love it if you dropped me a line. Ok, now to the story.

Chapter 1: What Happened?

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The sound of heart monitors. Those were the first noises that I heard when I awoke. Where am I?, I wondered. I looked around at the monochromatic scenery before me. From what I could tell, I was in a hospital room. I hated hospitals; there was something about them that gave me the creeps.

"Hello? Where is everyone?" I called out. Whenever I called out, my head throbbed with pain. I then saw am awfully fat woman coming to my bed.

"Whaddaya want!" she hollered in an unpleasant tone.

"Where am I?" I asked her meekly and timidly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" she laughed. "What a stupid question! You really did fall after all. You must have fallen harder that anyone thought."

What?, I wondered, was she talked about? I hadn't fallen. I didn't think so anyway. I was really confused.

"The doctor will be by later to see you. Rest now." She said and then she left.

That was strange, I thought. Could anyone be more cryptic here? I wanted to scream, but I didn't.

Just when I settled back and tried to understand what was going on here, I started to dose. I couldn't figure it out.

Just when I was almost off to Dreamland, I heard a knock at the door. I sat up with a start and I started to see stars. The pain was unbearable. I almost fainted right there from the pain. There was a tall teenage guy standing there with a huge smile on his face. He was probably about six feet tall and he had the cutest green eyes. I wish I knew him, because he was so cute.

"Mike!" he yelled out to me. Oh no, he knows me, but I have no clue who he is. What do I do? He held his arms outspread and came toward me.

"Excuse me, but may I ask your name?" {smooth move, Mike} I had no clue who this stranger was.

"Mike, why don't you remember me? I knew you got hit in the head, but I figured that you'd remember me off all people. Hold on!" He ran from the room quickly. Oh, how I loved his southern drawl. :)

I heard him yelling in the hallway for a nurse to talk to. I was so totally confused. When I really got to thinking, I couldn't remember this person at all. It was very strange.

The stranger (who was very cute, I might add) came back into my room with a middle aged man behind him who I decided was a doctor.

"Hello," the doctor told me. "I guess since you finally woke up and this guy came to get me, I think I need to give you an exam. Ok, first things first. What's your name?"

This is pointless, I thought. The stranger had already called my name. How pointless can this test be?

"My name is Mike." I said.

"Good. Your last name?" the doctor asked.

"Ummm..." I couldn't remember. I couldn't think. My brains were mush and I couldn't make any sense of anything that my head was saying. The stranger teen was looking at me with worried, sad eyes.

"I...I...I can't remember. Hey, Doctor, what's wrong with me? I can't remember my last name. Oh no! Doctor, help me! What's wrong with me?"

"Now, now, calm down. Let's finish this examination and then we'll talk. Ok, what are your parent's names?"

I didn't even know if I had any parents. My mind was totally wiped clean. I couldn't even concentrate. All I wanted to do was fall asleep.

"I don't even know that I have any parents." I said.

"Hmmm, ok. What is this young gentleman's name in front of you?" The doctor said as he pointed to the stranger. "Doctor, why did you have to do this to me? I have no clue who this guy is. I wish I knew who this guy was. I wish I knew him, but he doesn't even register!" I started to cry as the tears started to roll down my cheeks.

I felt like I really was supposed to know who this man was. The stranger started to cry and his breathing started to heave as he sat down on the edge of the bed turning away from me. He was too upset to face me. He obviously was extremely upset about my condition. Well, that made two of us.

"Ok," the doctor said, "What's 2 + 2?"

"Four," I said.

"Ok, now, I think that I have an answer for what is wrong with you. You were placed in the hospital after stopping to fix your car when it stalled on the side of the road. When you opened the hood, you tripped and rolled into the ravine beside your car. A trucker found your car hours later, and saw you and drove you to the emergency room. You are a miracle to be alive.

I think you must have really hit your head because you have partial amnesia now. It's not total amnesia because you still remember ideas, but not names and other important things. I don't know if your amnesia will ever totally disappear. Time will only tell. Well, I know you're tired and need time to think, so I'll leave you alone now." The doctor started out of the room. "Oh, young man, I need to see you in the hall a minute." He was talking to the stranger here.

The cute stranger walked out of the room with the doctor. The door shut behind him.

"Mike's in pretty bad shape, but I see no reason to keep him cooped up in the hospital any longer. We can't do too much for him. He should be healthy, but I am unsure if his memory will ever fully return. Can you take care of him, Lance?" the doctor asked.

How did you know my name?" I never told it to you." The stranger asked warily.

"My daughter is a fan of *NSYNC, and if you don't take really good care of our little patient in there, I just might have to tell her some of the members of *NSYNC are not exactly as straight as they appear. Now, you wouldn't want that, now would you, Lance?"

"Ok, I'll take care of him. I'd do anything for Mike. He's going to be just fine. I'd never let anything happen to him. I love him too much to just abandon him like this. I just hope that Mike will remember me since his accident. I'm afraid he will forget me, and throw me off. I'd feel like it'd be better to die than to be shunned by my only true love. Ok, enough talk. Why am I telling you all this anyway?"

"Maybe it's because I'm a psychiatrist. HA HA!" he turned and walked away down the hallway.

"Don't try to make him remember too much at once and he can leave tomorrow." The doctor said, chuckling as he walked away.

"Hi, Mike, I'm back!" the stranger said as he reentered the hospital room. "The doctor said you can leave tomorrow. I'm taking you home!" He seemed excited.

I still had no clue who he was. I hated to ask him who he was, but I decided that would be the only way to figure out his identity.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but I need to do it. What's your name? I know this is going to be really awkward, but I really do have no clue." I said.

I could tell that he was really suffering, on the verge of another crying attack.

"It's ok to cry. You must have really been close to me before the accident."

"You really don't. . . [sob]. . .know who I am. I wish that you were only faking Mike. I really do. This is so confusing."

"Believe me, I wish it had never happened too, but it has, and we can't take it back now." I said. "Your name?"

"You always were impatient! My name's Lance Bass and I'm a singer in *NYSNC, a boy band that's really popular. You heard of them?"

"I think I have." I lied.

Lance thought, I wish I could tell him how I was his boyfriend and that he was the best thing in my life. But, he might get scared and run. I want to sit and hug him so tight. I'm so glad he's alive.

"Lance you seem to think we were really, really close. Is that true, or not?" I asked.

He started to sob very loudly now. I guess that was a yes. I motioned for him to come and sit on the edge of the bed beside me. He came over and sat down.

I wrapped my arms around him as I sat up. He buried his head in my shoulder and cried. I have never heard a man cry that hard in my life. He seemed to thrive off of holding on to me. It really did feel great to hug this nice man. At this moment, I finally realized that I was in love with this man in my arms and that he was crying for me. It seemed really strange because it seemed like I had only known him for maybe thirty minutes.

I didn't think it was my nature to fall in love with someone that quickly. But it wasn't like I really knew what I had done previously. This was all a really strange experience. I tilted his head up so that I could look deep into his gorgeous green eyes. I'm sure they were prettier when they weren't red from bawling. This man was a stud, and I was so glad to sit here with such a sexy guy. Had he been my boyfriend before the accident? The only way to find out was to ask. Before I could ask, Mr. Bass started snoring in my arms. He was so tired from worry and crying about me. He was afraid of losing me. I decided that I was pooped also, so I laid down beside of Lance to fall asleep, dreaming of the cute guy that I was sleeping beside.

To Be Continued. . .

Well, what did you think? Was it garbage and not worth the time of day to read it? Or was it so engrossing you couldn't stop reading it until the deadly words, To Be Continued. . . were placed at the end? Email me, and tell what you thought. My address is: . I hope to have the next chapter up by the end of the month, but no promises. Well, I've pretty much planned out the whole story very vaguely, so if you want to tell me how you think the story should go, then drop me a note. Until next time, Michael. :)

Next: Chapter 2

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