Pains of Forgetfulness

By Mikey Boy

Published on Jul 24, 2002


Welcome to this installment of POF. I hope you like this story because I've had a blast writing it. You know the rules. If you're not supposed to read this, then don't. It's that simple. This story is about the pains of forgetting your true love.

I have no idea whether any members of *NSYNC are gay, straight, or bisexual. Any similarities are purely coincidental. I don't know if any of them are gay, but I hope so. We can wish, can't we?

Comments are welcome at: I would love it if you dropped me a line. Ok, now to the story.

Chapter 5: Where's Mike?

After Josh called the police, the police officer said that he would send out an APB on Mike, and that he should be quickly found.

Everyone was relieved to know that the police were on the lookout for Mike.

"Do you know how easy it would be to get lost for days in Charlotte without being spotted. Charlotte is the biggest city in North Carolina, and I'm sure they have plenty of bridges for Mike to hide under." Lance said. He was really taking this hard. "How many days will it take before the police find him under a bridge somewhere dead?" Lance slumped down on the floor against the wall.

Michael got so mad at Lance's band members that he stormed away from their room and out of the hotel. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he would end up somewhere away from the evil group N*SYNC. The thought of them at that moment turned his stomach upside down. After all he had done for James. . . wait a sec, what had he done for James? James was the one who took care of him. Maybe the band had been right about Michael, maybe he was just excess weight to lug around.

Michael sat down on the park bench to think. What would he do now? Where would he go from here? Just great, a crazy, depressed amnesiac roaming the streets of Charlotte. Sounds like the perfect plot for a new movie. HAHAHA, ummmmm. . . no.

Decisions, Decisions. What should he do? Think, think, it's not that hard, the little voice inside told Michael. Just go back and talk to lance in private. Maybe he can straighten it out.

No, Mike thought. I don't want Lance to have to solve all my problems. Maybe I'll just let it all blow over and go see them tomorrow. This park bench will suit me for the night, unless I happen to have enough money for a cheap motel.

He reached into his pockets, and there was nothing there, not even any form of identification.

"Well, this bench seems comfy enough." Mike sighed. It then dawned on him that he was hungry.

"Oh, well, I guess I can go hungry." Michael said. "Well, I'll just sit here awhile and watch the people going by." He was in a busy section of town, and there were plenty of people around walking and doing their own thing. It seemed as if police patrol had been stepped up in the area, but Michael didn't know why.

The guys were all around Lance trying to console him, but nothing they tried was working. He still was on the verge of crying and his eyes were puffy and red.

Justin sat close to Lance, patting him on the shoulder and trying to convince him that Mike would be ok.

JC, Chris, and Joey couldn't bring themselves to understand the pain Lance was going through at this moment. To them, he was just another guy, but to Lance, he was everything. He was his boyfriend, a piece of his heart. A piece that had been painfully removed. It's as if the other guys (JC, Chris, and Joey) didn't really want to admit that someone from N*SYNC was gay. It would mean sure death to the group.

Lance stood up from the hug with Justin suddenly and turned to the guys. He looked sickly and a little pale, but he would make it through.

"Guys, I'm gonna go out and think, take a walk. I'll be back later."

"What if we learn something from the police?" JC asked.

"Call my cell." He said flatly, and walked out the door.

"Wow, hot guy alert." Michael thought as he saw this cute teenager walk by him. "No, Mike, you've got guy problems at the moment. Stop with the guys right now."

It had been about 3 hours since Michael had been sitting on the park bench, and he was getting a little bored. He had decided, thought, that he would go talk to Lance tomorrow morning, and he was going to stick by that decision.

Mike laid down on the park bench to take a rest because in a few more hours it would be dark.

Lance was very upset. Where could Michael, his lover, be? After leaving the hotel lobby, Lance walked the streets aimlessly worrying what would happen if Lance never found Michael. Lance would be heartbroken. As if he wasn't in poor spirits now, he would be in even worse spirits, if his lover disappeared from his life forever.

Lance totally forgot to put on his disguise when walking in public, but no one seemed to care, and that was a good thing. Fans always expect you to be in a good mood, and today that just wasn't happening.

Pacing the streets got ridiculous for Lance and at times, he just wanted to climb the walls of the buildings around him. This was so hard on Lance because Michael was his first love.

This is how they met. . .

It was about a year ago, and N*SYNC was doing a performance for a full house in Asheville, North Carolina. After the show, Lance and the guys were on their way out to a club to get a quick bite to eat. As they were heading out of the arena, a guy ran up to them.

All the guys were frantic. "How did you get past security?" they asked.

"I sneaked by to get your autographs on one of your posters for my cousin. You see, she's a huge fan of yours, and well, she's not doing well at all. She's going to die, she has leukemia and she isn't expected to live too much longer." The guy said.

The guys were touched by the story, and signed the poster. The guy, Michael, turned around to leave after they signed the poster he handed around among the group. Lance stopped him, and said that because he was so compassionate and kind to his cousin that he should be rewarded.

All the gang invited him out to eat at the club with them. He was excited and thankfully accepted.

Michael hung out with all the guys at the club, and finally decided to "pull some strings" in management to go see Michael's cousin.

The next day Michael took the guys to the hospital where his cousin Ashley was staying.

She was really surprised when she saw them, and they gave her the poster.

Then it was time for N*SYNC to leave. Michael would hate it because these guys were so cute, especially Lance Bass.

To Michael's surprise, Lance asked Michael for his phone number.

"Mike," he said, " You have been really cool to hang with, and I'd like to keep in touch. We could become close friends, who knows?"

Mike gave him his number without hesitation, and they parted ways.

Mike and Lance talked back and forth for several months, and they had become close friends. Then the conversation started getting interesting.

Michael had not told Lance he was gay, but he figured he could tell him now. He didn't want to hide that part of him anymore. He figured Lance would be very supportive.

"Lance. . . I want to tell you something. . . I'm. . . g. . . gay." Silence on the other end. Then finally. . .

"Well, Mike. . . I'm gay too. . . and I think I've fallen for you."

"Wow!" Michael acted like a crazed fan at this point in the conversation.

"Michael, I know this might be pushing it, but I'll ask anyway. Tell me an answer and how you'll feel about all this. Will you be mine, Michael? Will you be my boyfriend? You don't know how many times I've went to sleep at night begging God to let me find a guy as awesome as you."

Michael said, "Yes, I'll be yours, but how will this ever work? You're traveling all the time, and I'll never see you."

"I don't know, but the Basses are loyal people. I'll stick by you, Michael."

Lance came by to see Michael at his house the next week during a short vacation and everything felt so right. Six glorious months, until now. The past few days with Mike's accident and everything else involved were not a couple's dream.

And that the story. . . Of How two amazing people met.

Lance was still roaming the streets when he saw a teenager laying in a strained position on a park bench. He was too tall for the bench, and he looked unnatural laying in that position on the bench.

After closer inspection, Lance realized who it was. It was his awesome boyfriend Michael.

He ran over towards the bench to wake his sleeping prince up. That's when a group of young girls recognized him and ran after him. What would Lance do? Run to his boyfriend, or run for cover?

To Be Continued. . .

Well, what did you think? Was it garbage and not worth the time of day to read it? Or was it so engrossing you couldn't stop reading it until the deadly words, To Be Continued. . . were placed at the end? Email me, and tell what you thought. My address is: I hope to have the next chapter up by the end of the month, but no promises. Well, I've pretty much planned out the whole story very vaguely, so if you want to tell me how you think the story should go, then drop me a note. Until next time, Michael. :)

Next: Chapter 6

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