Philippine American War

By JJ Cruz

Published on Jun 30, 2006


Although this story is fictional, the cultural milieu is based on the history of the Philippine-American War of 1899-1902 (downplayed by American textbooks as the "Philippine Campaign" or "Philippine Insurrection" as an attempt to cover up America's first overseas war of extermination where 600,000-1,000,000 Filipinos died.) Any similarities to any persons or events, past or present are purely coincidental except for historical figures mentioned. This story may contain scenes which involve sexual situations between males. If this type of material is offensive to you, or it is not legal for you to be reading this type of material, please do not read any further. Please do not copy this story for distribution or post on any online server without the author's permission.

** Erratum: I misread David Fagen as Kapitan Feyden, the black soldier who deserted and fought on the side of the Filipinos during the war. Mea culpa. More info on Fagan can be found here:

July 24, 1900 4:00 p.m.

"I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and burn the better it will please me...Kill everyone over the age of ten."

-General Jacob H. Smith, Samar Campaign

I have half the mind to do away my two prisoners. The older prisoner exhibited the worst in man, a beast turned wild, but the orders from General Miclat that arrived this morning explicitly stated not to kill or mutilate any of the prisoners until further orders. Damn! I would like to give the bastard the same treatment his superiors gave us during that nice incident in Samar. But, I have to grit my teeth and wait for General Miclat's communiqué.

The other one whose name was David was a bit shocked by the turn of events, especially when he divulged important information of his troops. And yes, he is more handsome than the older one who hasn't shaved in weeks. Even though the older one looked like a bandit, he still has that rugged masculinity inside, and from his hair-covered body yesterday, he is actually more defined than David. Fortunate for me David was cooperative in last night's interrogation. Perhaps, tonight more information will be extracted.

Both men reek of rancid butter, so I ordered Sgt. Tibo-on to bring them to the nearest creek to have them washed up. I can imagine their embarrassment being washed by my men, their private parts being fondled, being soaped up, being rinsed. I can see Tibo-on and his soldiers lathering up the bound Americano's cleft, poking his hole, his back being massaged with soap, and oh, I sometimes have the imagination of a madman.

Tibo-on reported back that while both Americanos behaved well, the older soldier tried to struggle from his bonds thinking he can just escape naked in these parts. It was a good thing Tibo-on struck his head with his riflebutt before he was able to do real damage. When I saw that the sergeant was carrying back one of the soldiers on his shoulders, I immediately ordered both men to be confined in separate huts. I had Dr. Lim, my Chinese friend, fetched from Calaca to attend to the bleeding of the poor bastard, but suffice to say, it already had caked. I think that's a good sign, but one cannot be too sure. It's nearing dusk, so I hope the good Doctor will be able to make it here before the moon goes out.

I am about to eat dinner and after the meal, I'll see if I can get more details from my prisoners.

July 25, 1900 10:00 a.m.

The sky is gloomy this morning, but this awful weather cannot not dispel the power and joy I felt when I interrogated my prisoners last night, especially Pvt. Wilkins. It was pure unbridled power, and seeing the Pvt. Wilkins quaking under their lust and agony, just encourages me to do more interrogations. As for David, which is a special case I must say, he has to be dealt with delicately. So far, General Miclat's communiqué has not arrived yet which I hope had suffered delays.

After dinner yesterday, I had both men fed with rice gruel and plantains, just so they would be more cooperative during my questioning. And as for Dr. Lim, he never arrived last night. Before proceeding to their huts, I changed my uniform for a light cotton shirt and loose pants. Their huts are in the center of the camp, so escape is not an option. I walked to David's hut first, since he was most cooperative the other night.

There was a single kerosene lamp hanging in the middle of the hut as I closed the door behind me. The place was very spartan with only an old cot and a blanket inside. Pvt. Colt was sleeping nicely in the cot, bare-chested with a sheen of sweat covering his skin. He was wearing still his blue Americano pants. His hands were still bound just to be sure.

"Hmmrph", I muttered.

The Americano jolted upright from his cot, his sleep rudely cut off. He stammered, "Oh-oh.. damn! Sorry sir, I d-didn't mean^Å"

"That's okay David. Sit down hijo." I said calmly, but at that point I just wanted to rip his pants see the fruit of his loins. The orange glow that bathed the room made me squint at the boy.

"Now hijo," I continued. "Tell me, how old are you? Edad mo?"

"Seventeen, sir"

"Too young for a soldado to be shipped to the islands, isn't it?"


"Do you have a lady friend back home?"

David's cheeks went red. "No, sir."

"You have brothers and sisters, hijo?"

"One sir. I had a sister who died in America, sir"

"Sorry to hear about that. You must miss her terribly."

"Y-yes sir." David stammered.

I walked around his thatch hut. I checked the locks on the windowsills and found them secured. In the corner lies an enamel chamber pot obviously for the captive to relieve himself. I felt his eyes following me, maybe questioning himself why I was asking him these personal questions. But when I turned around, I caught the boy staring at my buttocks. What a very interesting soldado. He then looked at me and the red in his cheeks became livid. I did not want him to be uncomfortable with me around so I changed the subject.

"Hijo, why did you join the army?" I asked him as I walked nearer to the cot.

"To defend America sir!" A sliver of pride surfaced in David's voice. He seemed idealistic enough, dumb though.

"From whom, David?"

"F-from insurgents, sir. We had to protect the Filipinos." David's voice was more unsure.

"And these insurgents hijo, what race are they? Spanish? Chinese? Malay?"

The soldier wasn't able answer. He was about to state the obvious, but decided not to speak it out lest he be tortured for it. David averted my gaze and merely looked down on the bamboo floor.

"Filipinos, David." I smirked. I can feel bending this boy's will to mine. "And can you guess hijo why we are fighting Americanos?"


"Guess one reason," I prodded.


"Since you cannot tell me, I shall tell you. Two years before your country fooled us and invaded our shores, we revolted against Spain who for three centuries has crushed us in the weight of her tyrannical yoke! In two years time, every town and city rose up and drove the Spaniards away, so that we, Filipinos, can have our independence from foreign rule. It means that when you arrived here in 1898, we already had secured almost all of the country, so invading Manila was just a finishing touch. But you fooled us in believing you were our allies and you stole from us the work we have been fighting for. That is why hijo, we are fighting you, to secure again our rightful independence. Never again will we cower under your boots. Never again!"

I took a deep breath. My face was sweaty with the proud flourish of my speech. David's face was white as sheet but remained impassive. I felt my eloquent speech was very effective in persuading my captive, but I was wrong. I needed another way to change the mind of this handsome soldier in front of me. I needed a more subtle approach.

"Have you heard of Jose Rizal, hijo?" I softly said.

"Haven't sir."

"How about Mark Twain, hijo? You like him? He is from America." I said in a very genial tone.

"Yes sir! Very much," David beamed, a slight smiled crept in his lips.

"Have you read any of his books?"

"Huck'lberry Finn, sir!" David was slowly becoming more comfortable with our conversation. "Twas my favorite book sir! Very funny! My momma used to read that to me when I was small sir." His smile was sincere and full.

"I see. Have you read what he wrote recently in the papers?"

"Sorry sir, no. I never read the news sir." David blushed.

"Then hijo, You shall enjoy his latest essay, better than Huckleberry Finn." I took a folded piece of newsprint from my pocket and slipped it under David's blanket.

"But sir, how can I read it?" He showed me his bound wrists. His eyes were like those of a dog pleading for his master to take off its leash.

I saw the youthfulness in his eyes, the innocence that they bear still untainted by war. I relented. "Oh, alright hijo. I'll take these off starting tonight. We'll see. But let me just remind you that there are eight men stationed outside your hut, and if they see you escape, then, they do not have a choice but to shoot you down. Do I make myself clear?"

I reached for my pocket knife and sliced free the abaca twine that held his wrists tightly. David then massaged his hands checking for burn marks, but thankfully there were none.

"Y-yess sir. Th-thank y-you sir. I won't leave this hut.", he stammered. Tears were welling in his eyes. He was about to stand up when I said, "Sit down David, and read the article."

David gingerly took out and unfolded the brown piece of paper and began to read it. His eyebrows began to furrow and I saw a deep concern etched on his face. It was a news clipping of Mark Twain's latest essay assailing his country's massacre of Filipinos. I cannot fathom that there is an American, a famous one at that, who have the cojones to voice out what is just and true and stand against the oppression of America to the other fledgling races, in a land where everyone around him is chanting "Death to the Savages!" I realized that not all Americans support McKinley's diabolical plan to occupy my country. I am grateful to that Mark Twain for his bravery. I am sure the Supremo is aware of his speeches. I must suggest to him that if we win this war against the Americanos, that Mr. Twain must be made an honorary Filipino!

"Uhhm sir," the boy mumbled.

My deep reverie abruptly dissipated when I saw the apologetic look from David. Here I was standing in front of a sweaty handsome American soldier with my pants on his eyelevel, looking down to his sorrowful eyes. I felt a raw twinge in my chest. Anyone who can see the boy's face would be cruel enough not to melt his heart.

"Yes David?" I said in my most compassionate tone.

"I- I'm sorry sir. I didn't realize how your people have suffered under our hands. I'm so ashamed." He cupped his hands on his face and began to cry. The shame was perhaps too heavy to bear.

I reached for his hands and placed them aside. "Shhh^Å It's alright young David. There's no need to cry. You are just a pawn in all of this."

David's face was still red, and wet from the tears. I took my handkerchief and wiped the edges of his eyes. He looked to me and tried to break a smile.

"Shh^Å it's alright. It is not your fault." I smiled.

Sniff "Here's your handkerchief, sir."

The boy folded neatly the handkerchief and lifted it up to me. But damn, his thick hands slid against the fabric of my pants. He deliberately slowed his hand as he rubbed it in my crotch. I did not want to give attention to an otherwise "meaningless" action. So I stood still and did not mind his hand. My eyes darted to the walls in the hope of not looking at David, but my member is fast gaining its full girth that it obscenely bulges through. I swallowed my spit. I then looked to David's eyes again, but this time, I saw that the tears gave way to pure lust.

I quickly took the handkerchief and stuffed it back inside my pocket.

"Thank you, sir." He gave a knowing smile in a voice more confident than before.

"Uhh^Å you are w-welcome David." I stammered. I was nervous yet excited at that point for I had a good idea what the boy had in mind.

"Had you eaten your dinner, hijo?" I tried to sound calm. I wanted to change the subject fast.

"Yes sir. The plantains were really delicious and sweet."

Damn! This soldier is getting bolder by the minute. And is he speaking double-entendres?

"Really! Well, I shall see that you get more then!", I gulped. My bulge got bigger and I felt something oozing from it.

"Thank you sir. Actually, I'd like to taste the one you brought me."

"Eh?" I was incredulous that this boy had the cojones to say that in front of an insurgent officer- to think he was so shy yesterday! I thought we was soft-spoken and weak, but I was absolutely wrong!

"This one sir." With both hands, he rubbed my crotch, kneading my already hard member against the fabric. His deft fingers hurriedly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and in no time, I was hard and naked from the waist below.

It was my time to be embarrassed. My face went purple when David's hands began to stroke from the base up my brown penis. Oh, the feeling was exquisite. His calloused hands stroking my loins.

"Ohhh^Å God! Where did you learn to do that soldier?" I moaned.

"In America sir." He smirked. He tightened his hands and pushed my member vigorously. My penis even is salivating with pearls of clear liquid oozing down its head. David's finger caressed my head, then spreading my nectar across the shaft. His other hand, went to my cojones, massaging them tenderly like warm dough.

"Uggh.. That's it sir. Let it drip." David growled.

"Uhh^Å enough David, I can't stand it." I pleaded.

"No it's only the start. Feel my fingers, sir!"

David's rough fingers stoked my penis faster, with more furious passion. My already livid head was being mashed against his hands. My cojones was churning more fluid as I soon found out that my penis was dripping more like a leaking faucet.

"My God! You're wonderful David!"

"I know sir. Let me give you the night you won't forget!" he said defiantly.

His hands alternate from my cojones and to my shaft. His strokes were magnificent, stretching my member from the base up to the tip, stroking it in undulating motion. The veins of my penis were throbbing from his erotic touch. Oh God. It's so good.

"Ooohhh^Å too much David. You're sooo good! Ahhh^Å I going to come." I moaned.

"No! Not yet! Don't come unless I say so!" He demanded.

David opened his wet mouth and dived into my throbbing member. He was like a child sucking on a lollipop- he just couldn't get enough. But damn! The feeling was so intense, unlike any other!

"Oh MY GOD!" I groaned. David's wet tongue flicked and lashed the skin of my head and traced the veins of my shaft while sucking furiously my entire length. He was clearly an expert and no woman can ever have a vacuum mouth like David. He sucked and sucked all the juice that dripped from my penis. His warm mouth covered my penis in an erotic vise with his lips secured at the end massaging my shaft to and fro.

"Oh David! Damn boy! Suck my loins you horny kid! Suck it more!"


"Suck it or I'll blow your brains right here and then!" I moaned in ecstacy.

I can't believe it. I placed my hands on his head and began to fuck his luscious handsome head. I deep penetrated his mouth not thinking of the kid's welfare. My penis felt the rough rubbing that his tongue was trying to scrape, the wetness of his saliva coating every crevice of my member and the slippery ridges of his palate. I clutched his head firmly and began to gyrate into his mouth wherein I tried to penetrate his throat. Damn, it felt like a woman's vagina except wetter, juicier and less fishy.

"MMmmmph!!" David tried to flail. His hands were trying to push me away but I was so intoxicated with sex that I held more into his blond head. At first, his hand were massaging my buttocks and trying push me into his orifice, but now as I can feel the power and lust soar in my blood, David tried his futile best to push my hips away.

"Haaahhh David! You're the best hijo!" My eyes were already white with lust and my body was like a pumping machine pistoning David's mouth.

"MMMMMMpph!!! UURRRR" He pleaded loudly.

I then found David's tonsils and in one forceful push, I entered his throat. I could even feel his uvula flicking on my penis. As soon as I entered his inner sanctum, all was lost. In one grunt I clasped my hands on his head and pushed all my weight into his mouth. I leaned so hard that I fell into his cot, his head pinned in between. My penis throbbed one more time and then released a deluge of white sticky semen into the boy's accommodating throat. Shot after shot after white messy shot hit his mouth coating the entire cavern.

"AAhhhhh!!!! Oh boy! That was the best!" I cried.

I removed my member from his throat and saw the rivulets of white come dripping from David's lips. His eyes were red from tears, perhaps from his struggle with my penis. I smirked at him as I wiped my come-drenched head with my handkerchief.

He was silent. Not a sound of pleasure or pain. Just unnerving silence.

David wiped his eyes and looked at me again. This time it was pure anger. I couldn't see the reason why, since it was his idea to take my load off. But it was there like cattle-brand- it was pure vengeful anger mixed with suppressed lust beneath.

His look sent cold shivers down my spine. For the first time with him, I felt scared by his cocky self-confident eyes. It was like penetrating into mine. And I think he knew I was scared of him. Who wouldn't? At 6 feet, David was a giant for us small framed Filipinos. Naturally, my power over him was beginning to falter.

David wiped his cum-splattered lips, and without taking his furious stare at me, began to slowly stand up.

"You didn't have to be so rough SIR!" he softly growled. His eyes burned like embers and now, I was the one trying to avert his gaze.

"Um, you do not have to get angry soldier! You offered it in the first place. I just merely took you in." I said as my hands searched for my pocket knife.

"Even still, SIR!" He growled again, this time with more rage in his voice. I saw his fists balling up on his sides, a vein gently tapping on his temple.

"O-Ok David, enough is enough. Um, thank you for helping me out. I'll try to make things smoother for you starting tomorrow, alright?" I compromised. I feel I needed to cut the conversation short and get the hell out of the hut before this unbound monster will try something stupid.

"^Å" David's eyebrows cocked up.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Now get some sleep. You don't want me to call the sentries here do you?" I spoke slowly but firmly, trying to keep the authority in my voice.

As I turned around for the door, I immediately felt something heavy tackling my back. I lost my balance and came crashing on the bamboo floor. A hand covered my mouth and David's large frame was on top of me, pinning me underneath him.

David spoke first. "Now listen you gugu face piece of shit! I like you very much but what you did to me wasn't very nice, SIR. Now that you had your fun, I'll give you one lesson you won't forget."

I blanched at his words. Beads of cold sweat formed on my forehead. I was so frightened, I thought this was the end.

David took away his hand and looked at me sternly. I can feel his hard manhood poking against my pants. "Hijo, you realize there are eight entries there ready to blow your head off?" I tried to be calm and assertive.

"I know SIR, I'm ready to die anyway 'cuz no one's gonna miss me in America, but you realize that it won't be good for your military career if they see you under me, would it?" He sneered.


"Now listen SIR, I gather that your career is all you have, so I know you won't call the guards here. When I said earlier that I'll give you a night you won't forget, I mean it. And this time, you will see that Pvt. Colt never breaks a promise" He said.

"Wh-what do you h-have in mind D-David?" I mumbled.

"Nothing you won't enjoy!" He spat. The boy gave a guttural laugh, and looked at me with an evil smirk. His short blond was looking very erotic and so was his sweat-covered chest. David reached down and unbuttoned his pants.

He fished his thick uncut penis out and waved it in my face. Suddenly, he grabbed my hips and turned me over to my stomach, but his legs still pinning my lower half. David then brusquely pulled down my loose pants and my drawers leaving my buttocks exposed.

"Now SIR, you will know now why my company calls me "Rough Rider" Hahahaha. David laughed evilly. He has that glazed look of a hunter getting ready to slay his prey.

"NO DAVID! NOT THIS!" I softly yelled to his face. Panic clearly written all over my frightened face. "NOOOOOO! YOU CANNOT!!!"

The eight sentries outside were sitting on the cool soft ground smoking tobacco and drinking gin, listening to the crickets that serenaded them in the night. The kerosene lamp in David's hut suddenly went out, but none of the sentries took notice. They also failed to notice that their Lt. Ibarra had not gone through David's door yet. But inside, things were only heating up.

Please send all your comments to: . Thanks and enjoy the story. Sorry if there's a discrepancy between the my dates and date of Twain's speech. Just give me some slack you guys.

Transcript of Mark Twain's "To the Person Sitting in Darkness" (Powerful Stuff):

After reading Mark Twain's speech, is it not similar to the things happening in Iraq and the rhetoric by GWBush? A matter of history repeating itself.

Next: Chapter 3

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