Philippine American War

By JJ Cruz

Published on Oct 7, 2006


Although this story is fictional, the cultural milieu is based on the history of the Philippine-American War of 1899-1902 (downplayed by American textbooks as the "Philippine Campaign" or "Philippine Insurrection" as an attempt to cover up America's first overseas war of extermination where 600,000-1,000,000 Filipinos died.) Any similarities to any persons or events, past or present are purely coincidental except for historical figures mentioned. This story may contain scenes which involve sexual situations between males. If this type of material is offensive to you, or it is not legal for you to be reading this type of material, please do not read any further. Please do not copy this story for distribution or post on any online server without the author's permission.

July 28, 1900 8:00 a.m.

Yesterday, my body was racked with the worst fever I have ever felt. It was aggravated with the stupidities of Pvt. Colt and the fishing expedition of Sgt. Tibo-on. I must have slept nicely after Miguel Tibo-on left for it was already dusk when I opened my eyes. The aspirin tablets that I drank before sleeping helped tremendously. For now, I feel much better.

Probably because of my febrile state yesterday, I became too sensitive with my discussion with David that I shouted in front of the boy's face without thinking of the consequence. That night, I began to have my regrets and a knot in my heart began to pulse madly, complaining how shabbily I treated this boy who tried everything he could to help me.

The hut was bathed in the orange glow of my kerosene lamp. Felipe, one of my two sentries, was really obliging in carefully lighting the lamp. As he and Carlos made up the room, spread the mosquito nettings, and lit the mosquito coil, I took the cold bowl of chicken soup and drank its entire contents. I was so hungry that time that even though my soup has somewhat congealed, with its upper layer of oil hardened, it tasted terribly good.

"Carlos, has Dr. Lim arrived yet?," I genially asked.

"Not yet, Teniente Ibarra. But we know he is in town, so I know he will come," he said in Tagalog.

"Salamat." Thank you.

The boys exited the hut and went to their sentry positions near the door. I slipped into my slippers and went to the bathroom where I indulged in a cold bath rinsing all the grime and the sweat. The large earthen jar of water was nearly empty, so I reminded myself to ask the two boys again to replenish it. I toweled down and chose a loose "camisa chino" and cotton pants for my evening wear. It felt really good to be fresh and clean. I called the boys again and they immediately changed my beddings and pillowcases and replenished my bath water. Such are the benefits of being an officer!

After arranging my papers on my writing desk, I suddenly remembered that David Colt rifled through my personal effects inside my trunk! "Dios de mi alma! My revolver!," my mind screamed. My heart stopped beating and cold sweat tumbled from my temple. I rushed at the foot of my bed towards my trunk and paused nervously before opening the Pandora's Box.

I shifted my weight and crouched in front of the trunk. I sucked the air in and my hands gently lifted the cover. The first glow of light that touched its insides revealed everything was tampered with. My books, my saber, my gala uniform with my epaulets and gold trimmings, my locked journal, my photos were all there, but there were rearranged haphazardly. My first aid kit that rested on top of the pile was also intact except for the amber bottle of aspirin.

I dug at the far right corner where I remembered depositing my revolver case; I knew it was fully loaded, so with such a weapon under David's hands means a serious breach of security. I cannot forgive myself it was indeed taken under my nose.

My right hand reached inside and fingered the outline of my leather revolver holster. I sighed with relief when my fingers felt the hard metal of my revolver handle. I knew for sure that David did not steal my gun. I was tempted to fish it out and count the bullets but I thought otherwise. I gave a deep breath thinking that that soldier could easily have taken me hostage using my own weapon! The knot in my heart was beating hard and a pang of guilt crept inside my head. Damn!

Suddenly I heard people coming up my hut. I recognized Sgt. Tibo-on's voice and my two guards exchanging salutes. Entering my bedroom were Sgt. Tibo-on and Dr. Lim.

Dr. Agustino Lim, a balding, portly grey-haired doctor smoothened the creases from his white suit. It was written in his dossier that Dr. Lim was in fact a son of refugees from Canton during the Opium Wars with Britain. Leaving China, both parents took everything they had and got the first ticket on the Eastern Pearl steamship bound for Manila. Upon arriving, the couple wandered from town to town hawking cheap Canton silk until they settled in Calaca where the young Agustino was born and baptized. I read that it was a decade of trading silk, rice and coffee that the Lim family fortune grew substantially. The elder Lim suggested that Agustino will study Medicine at the Sto. Tomas University to which his son gladly complied, and graduated with high honors. Agustino went back to Calaca to practice medicine and his very amiable nature has endeared him to the townspeople. When we arrived in Calaca, Dr. Lim was one of the first people who welcomed us and feted us with wine and cigars. He treated many soldiers who fought in the 1896 revolution, and currently, the American war. The cures of his were very effective though some were wary that this Chinaman of a doctor might poison them in their sleep. They were wrong, of course. I must admit Dr. Lim has saved countless souls and for this, I put my trust in his capable hands.

"Lt. Ibarra, Dr. Lim is here. I see you have freshened up," Sgt. Tibo-on said, a forced smile plastered on his face.

I nodded at my officer and turned to Dr. Lim. "Glad you could come at such a short notice, doctor. I have not been feeling well for the last few days."

"Don't you worry son. That's why I'm here, anything for the cause of freedom. I'm honored that you still remember me," Dr. Lim said with much enthusiasm.

"Of course, you're the only doctor left in Calaca, you have to come! Ha-ha-ha!," Sgt. Tibo-on interjected. Dr. Lim's Chinese face went pink.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Of course!" I laughed. Such frivolities in life are rare nowadays, so we have to savor each moment's humor.

"Ha-ha-ha! Now son, lie on your bed while I get your history and examine you," Dr. Lim said gamely. I immediately complied and then laid comfortably on the kapok-filled mattress. The doctor placed his medicine bag on the rattan chair and proceeded to take out his instruments.

It probably took us an hour or so to finish everything up. He asked me about my diet and what I did before the symptoms started. He asked Sgt. Tibo-on whether some of the soldiers have the same kind of symptoms, to which the officer answered negatively. Dr. Lim asked me to remove my shirt while he poked my stomach, palpated my neck, auscultated my chest, peered into my throat and manipulated me in everyway imaginable. Thankfully, I was comfortable with Dr. Lim. His touch was very soothing.

My eyes looked apprehensively at Sgt. Tibo-on but his face was fascinated at Dr. Lim's examination. I was not sure whether he was engrossed at the esoteric practice of my doctor-friend, or he was staring intently at my glistening torso. I could not be sure if it was indeed his tongue that darted from his lips or just a play of shadows cast by the kerosene lamp, but when I saw Tibo-on shifted his weight unnecessarily, I spied his groin and saw an unnatural vertical bulge tenting obscenely. I think he saw me staring at his crotch that Sgt. Tibo-on apologized to Dr. Lim and excused himself hurriedly out of the room.

After much ado, Dr. Lim told me with flourish that all I had was a simple flu. This was a relief for I was afraid I had already contracted malaria! Or worse, some form of venereal disease from Pvt. Colt! I was so grateful that I immediately hugged Dr. Lim. The good doctor I think was slightly taken aback by my unusual affection. After all, he was already balding and in his mid-fifties, so I do not think it was because I had some sexual designs for him, but rather mere happiness.

He gently pushed me back and he immediately looked for a prescription pad. His smooth white hand wrote what seemed to be Chinese characters but was in fact a prescription for his patented Salve of Chinchansu, his panacea for all causes of fever. He took out a pink oblong canister containing a greasy, lemon-colored paste and told me in his gravest tone how to carefully apply the guano-smelling salve onto my neck and chest. Thinking about the drug makes me want to vomit!

I was about to give the doctor some pesos for the bill, but his hand stopped me.

"It's perfectly alright, son. Your friend, Simeon has already paid me beforehand so do not worry about it. Basta, Lt. Ibarra! Just follow my instructions and you will be cured in less than two days. I shall take my leave now so you can have your rest."

Before Dr. Lim showed himself out of my hut, he gave me a letter from my friend, Simeon Ledesma. No doubt he wrote his intention to collect my debt! Affixed in my journal is his crumpled letter:

"Dear friend,

I am praying for your health here in Calaca. As you know, your welfare is the utmost concern for all of us here. Who shall protect us then from those blood-thirsty Americanos if not you and your men? My sisters and I are full of trepidation for your safety. They say they terribly missed your company, that which I have to agree. Dr. Lim is going to look at you, so be good and follow his directions. He may be a bit excited with his ointments, but I assure you, they work perfectly!

I promise, I shall clear your debt as soon as I see you alive and well. As of now, the interest is quickly accumulating, so I strongly suggest you finish your business there on that God-forsaken jungle and come back to Calaca, or I shall be forced to impose strict measures in collecting payment from you. You have to realize that money is not necessarily the only form of payment, and currently I am not in need of it.

Your good friend,

Simeon Ledesma"

It was good that Dr. Lim did not see me blush when I finished reading Simeon's letter. I felt there was more to our friendship than meets the eye. My thighs shudder at the thought of Simeon using me in ways unimaginable. Unfortunately, my days here in Mt. Tanginamo was erratic! I cannot definitely tell my men as to when our descent shall be because General Miclat's reply had not arrived yet.

About a few minutes after Dr. Lim left the hut, Sgt. Miguel Tibo-on entered quietly. His presence startled me from my blissful state. While sitting on my bed, my flushed face betrayed my composure so I quickly tucked the letter into my left pocket.

"Sir, I just want to report that Gen. Miclat's reply has arrived!",Sgt. Tibo-on announced, his eyes leering towards my naked upper torso, his voice a bit reserved. Was that his tongue wetting his lower lip that I see?

"Good! I don't want to read all his florid excuses, so, I shall cut to the chase. What did the old fart say?"

"Sir, he said that your request to transfer the Americanos to his custody is granted. He is actually very happy in his letter sir. Gen. Miclat will send a platoon of soldiers here to escort Pvt. Colt and Pvt. Wilkins in two days time. So sir, after two days you won't have to worry about stupid Americanos here in camp." Sgt. Tibo-on said, his eyes now darting from my erect brown nipple to my glistening brown shoulders to my rigid abdomen.

"That is good!" I asked.

"He also said sir to stay on our positions and not to engage with the enemy until further orders," he added, his voice gaining more confidence.

"I see. Was that all he wrote?"

"Yes sir!," Sgt. Tibo-on said, a sly smile crept up his lips and his eyes narrowed.

After a pause, he continued, "Ahh^Å actually, no sir! H-he also a-asked sir if you have done anything to the prisoners while on custody because it was very rare that prisoners-of-war have a choice in requesting for a transfer."

"B-but I do not remember putting that in writing! Are you sure he wrote that?," I said. I was alarmed. My face became beet red and my jaw slackened. I could not believe General Miclat would say such devious things towards me, even if he has a vast spy system in these parts. I was dumbfounded.

"That's what Gen. Miclat wrote sir. I'm just relaying to you his message. If you haven't done anything to the Americanos sir, then you wouldn't have anything to be afraid of, sir."

"I^Å ahh^Å I^Å ahh^Å of course!," I said indignantly. "He must be mistaken Miguel! I only had official interrogations with the prisoners. That is all! Nothing more!" My knuckles were fast turning white.

"He also wrote sir that any breach of protocol on POWs will be dealt harshly! Those were his words sir!," Sgt. Tibo-on's said, his smirk became well pronounced, his arms crossed together but a very obscene bulge was beginning to form in front of his pants.

I protested. "Of course I knew that from the start! Hijo de puta! I am dead sure my men, including you Sgt. Tibo-on, will not report any breach of protocol to him because there is none to begin with!"

"Oh, I am not so sure about that Ibarra!," Sgt. Tibo-on cooed. He retreated a few steps to lock the door.

"Huh?! And why not?," my voice was hard and sarcastic. I was afraid he will be the one to betray me. That is my greatest fear- my men losing all hope and confidence in my leadership. If Miguel Tibo-on will go against my orders, I am sure my men will follow him instead of me mainly because they fear him more. And respect him more.

Miguel approached the bed, his steps wide and confident. He stopped directly in front of me and said "Because now, I know everything!" He then laughed evilly. The bulge on his groin did not subside but rather throbbed maliciously, aching for it to be free.

I know in an instant what Miguel meant. I was crestfallen, shocked and frightened. I could not begin to explain that such a terrible feeling does in fact, exist. My eyes glazed over and I was beginning to lose myself. My lips trembled, I lost my voice. My stomach was in knots. I couldn't hear myself breath.

"You know nothing! You're lying Miguel! Of all people!," I shouted.

Miguel Tibo-on bent forward towards me and then placed his right hand on my jaw which he gripped firmly and pulled it towards his face.

"Oh? Don't I? Now I know what happened between you and Pvt. Colt, why you were so damn lenient with him, why Pvt. Wilkins is still in shock and still won't speak to anyone, why Pvt. Colt was so eager to sponge your chest! You're a pervert Ibarra! God knows you are going to hell for that!" He growled, his finger traced the sweat beading on my shoulders.

". . ." I was not able to speak another word. I was dumbstruck at this turn of events. My mind was still processing where and how did I go wrong.

Miguel continued, "I treated you like my own brother but I realized only this afternoon that you're nothing but a pervert, a puta! I trusted you and this is how you betray me!!??"

"You can't be serious! How^Å?," I asked softly. My mind was still in a haze.

"How? Ha-ha-ha!! You're a fool Ibarra! A gullible fool! After you went back to sleep, I was curious why you had shouted at the boy. I had my suspicions but I needed to be sure. So, I interrogated Pvt. Colt again and found out that you let that bastard penetrated your ass! You! My senior officer being penetrated by an enemy Amerikano and a lowly private at that!"

"He blackmailed me!," I shouted. Tears streamed down my face like rivulets. I was so humiliated, I don't think I had the face to look at my junior officer.

Suddenly, I felt a strong slap hit my left cheek. "AAAH!," I cried out.

"Estupido! You're an officer and you let that prisoner blackmail you?," he said, his voice angrier than before.

I did not know where I got the courage to speak out to Sgt. Tibo-on, but I could hear myself shout, "Yes! Yes, dammit! I let that estupido Americano blackmail me because I was afraid I will lose face to all of you, most especially to you Miguel! You are like my brother, dammit!" The skin of my cheeks was wet from drops coursing down from my eyes.

"HAH! No brother of mine is a whore who'd let an enemy soldier violate his ass! You're nothing in my eyes now Ibarra," he spat viciously, his eyes narrowed.

"Please Miguel, don't say that! I was scared you would abandon me if you found out! I could not tell you! PLEASE, M-Miguel!" More tears cascaded from my cheeks like raindrops falling from the leaves. No amount of wiping could stop the tears from flowing.

Sgt. Tibo-on was quiet for a few seconds, weighing what I had said. He slapped me again on the other cheek and spat on my face. He grabbed my jaw and leaned closer to my ear and said, "Abandon you?! You stupid elitista! There is a war going on, why would you think the men and I would abandon you just for this? Why would I abandon you? You know you can talk to me about anything, but no! You decided to keep it a secret, so hidden that you let a stupid Americano take advantage of you! If they can play you into their hands like that, what more in the open field? You disgust me Ibarra!"

"I d-did not t-think^Å"

"You did not use your head! You were like a brother to me, but now you're nothing but a filthy whore! Yes, you have become a filthy whore!"

"D-d-don't call me a w-who^Å"

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! My junior officer slapped my face so hard that I fell back into my bed. Using his hands, Miguel forcefully spread my thighs apart and pulled my hips towards his bulging groin. Even I was utterly embarrassed by the situation, my member gradually thickened, the fabric of my pants tight and bulging. Miguel's crotch was already bursting in its seams that I felt the veins of his member throb as it rubbed against my bulge.

"You ARE NOW a whore Ibarra! A filthy sinful whore! I'll show you how I deal with whores!," he growled. He slowly unbuttoned his coat and took of his shirt revealing a heavily muscled chest and a rigidly bulging abdomen. His baked skin was taut all over and his veins on his chest and arms pulsed. It was clear that Sgt. Tibo-on was excited from all this because his mahogany nipples were hard and his breathing became labored.

"Stop this! I order you to stop this!," I insisted. "Please Miguel, do not make the same mistake as that Amerikano did to me! No! Don't do it! I'm still you o-officer, you just cannot do this! Y-you of all^Å" My hands swatted his fingers as they tried to pull down my pants and my drawers.

Suddenly, Miguel pulled out his revolver and aimed at my head.

"Wh-what are you doing, Sgt. Tibo-on? Lest you forget, I am still your^Å"

"You are nothing but a whore Ibarra! I spit at your name! For now, you only have two choices! Either you close your mouth or I will shoot your head! I can and will shoot you if you shout again, understand? What you did with Pvt. Colt is treason which, you surely know, is punishable by death!" He calmly said.

I thought, "Treason? For abusing a prisoner? I have not read such a thing! Was he sure about his accusation? I could not be sure! Leche! I should have read my 'manuales de guerra'!" My body stiffened with fright as Sgt. Tibo-on detached the safety latch of his gun and cocked it on my member. "Was he really going to shoot me!?"

My entire body trembled. My chest was full of resentment for this act of treachery. The feeling of betrayal was overwhelming that I began to tear up. "I beg you Miguel^Å don't^Å," I croaked.

"Another word Ibarra, and your brown head will be no more! Ha-ha-ha!" Miguel laughed lustily, his voice low and full of venom. He continued, "Whores like you do not deserve your position! You shall now taste how Miguel Tibo-on rape stupid filthy whores who do not deserve be an officer! Ha-ha-ha!"

Miguel, with his left hand, yanked my pants down to the level of my knees, and proceeded to yank my drawers down also. My hands were not moving. My eyes were shut tight with tears streaming down my face. I know he has a gun aimed at my head and I do not want to look at it.

The brown muscled soldier in front of me suddenly grabbed the front of my shirt and also with one hand, ripped my shirt from my body. He was strong and quick. I saw the torn remnants being thrown to the floor and my eyes saw the evil smirk etched on Miguel's face like a lion about to eat his prey. His eyes drank the sight in front of him. Miguel's tongue must have salivated when he saw my well-formed chest and taut abdomen for I saw him swallow. He blinked twice and his smirk became more crooked.

Miguel retched and spat on his right palm a large batch of saliva. He fingered it and smothered it on the entire length his hard throbbing brown penis that faced me like an angry fat cobra. His manhood glistened with his spit and was ready to enter my inner sanctum.

"He-he-heh! If David got a piece of your ass, naturally, I must get some too! I think I have more right in owning this nice round ass of yours Ibarra, don't you think so?"

My face went a deeper shade of crimson. I felt so embarrassed that I prayed that I'll die at that moment. I watched Miguel's eyes and saw this deep-seated lust that was consuming his sanity. It was animalistic, so raw, so Neanderthal. This is a new side of Miguel that I unfortunately had the opportunity to meet. And I am terribly afraid of this! This makes him totally unpredictable- all my assumptions of him flew out of the window.

"DON'T YOU THINK SO?", Miguel growled louder.

I nodded my head to appease him.

His smirk widened as he began to stroke his manhood. My mind was reeling from the drastic turn of events that has unfolded right before my eyes. My entire world has turned upside down and I am at the mercy of Miguel. Before, I thought David was to be my greatest fear, but now, seeing Miguel in this hungry and lustful state, he took over the throne. He has that tiger-like fury which would pounce on you when provoked.

"In that case Ibarra, then you should have thought of giving me first taste of your round ass. Have you ever thought of being my whore before David came into the camp?," he asked, his manhood hard and glistening from his strokes.

My eyebrows shot up and my jaw slackened. I thought, "What the devil does he mean by that? Neither am I a commodity to be tasted nor a pig to be feasted upon! I don't have a label that says, 'Own me!' Miguel has to be this stupid to assume that he has a 'right' to take away my virginity!"

Miguel, sensing my hesitation, grabbed the gun and aimed it at my face. Not wanting to give the wrong answer, I just nodded. His finger clenched the trigger steadily. It was known among us soldiers that Lt. Tibo-on is one of the most skilled marksmen around.

Miguel smiled evilly and gave my right thigh a painful slap. He roared, "Hah! I knew it you estupido! Don't worry; it's not too late to be one! Ha-ha-ha!" His tongue licked his lips lewdly.

I cringed in further embarrassment. My shoulders trembled at the realization that my junior officer has lost all respect for my humanity.

His stroking palm took his member and aimed at my puckering ass. I felt his hard spongy throbbing cobra knocking on my behind, gently massaging the dermal depression, coating it with his fluids. I strained my neck and saw how thick his manhood was! It was like a battering ram being readied for the siege. My mind was reeling with dread and fear for another painful night!

Suddenly without warning, I felt the most exquisite pain being shoved inside my rectum.

"UUUMMMMPPHHHHHH!!! IBARRAAAH!," Miguel roared as he plunged the entire length of his member into me, his weight pinning me into the bed.

In one swoop, Miguel and I became one. Our pelvises touched and ground each other's skin. The sweat that covered it began to emit a slap-slapping noise.

"AAAAAHHHH!!! NOOOOOOO!!!," I yelled back. My eyes bulged out at the searing pain. The feeling was tremendous. It was as if my lining was bathed in burning acid. My hands flailed and pushed away Miguel's brown glistening chest but no matter how hard I try, the muscled behemoth raping me held on to me like an eagle's talons clasped into my skin.

His eyes were closed from the ecstasy of my tight entrance, his teeth clenched from the pleasure wrought about his penetration. Miguel must have felt the best sensation since whoring at Doña Victorina's for this was the first time I saw him lost in deep lust.

The burning sensation was double than what I experience with Pvt. Colt. Sgt. Tibo-on's penis, though not as long, but it was thicker than the Americano's!


My lining inside must have gripped his penis like a vise stroking and milking it like a well-oiled machine. He must have felt how every contour, every ribbed surface, every undulation caressed his throbbing manhood. I could feel him nudging inside me, harder, harder, pushing inside me with such animalistic force.

"OOHHH IBARRAHH! YOU'RE SO TIGHT!!! TIGHTER THAN ANY WHORE!! UUGH!!", Miguel moaned as he plunged deeper into me ass.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! MIGUEL! UGH!", I cried. My hole began to feel chafed and raw as the pain from his assault began to mount.



Without warning, Miguel pushed the aimed weapon on my lips and said, "SHUT THE HELL UP IBARRAH! UGH! UGH! YOU TALK TOO MUCH! UGH!" With that, Miguel shoved the gun inside my gaping mouth. I see he was not his normal self, a new kind of Miguel has taken over with no qualms of assaulting and humiliating his senior officer.

"LICK IT!", he commanded as he rotated his pelvis and ground it into my hole.

My eyes widened. I was taken aback.

"UGH! OOOOOOOOHHHH!", I suddenly groaned in pleasure. His manhood must have pounded the same spot David has discovered when he assaulted me. The pain was now replaced by a rush of ecstasy like a train coming head on into the station, increasing, increasing until it was the only think I could feel. I was surprised it took Miguel that long to find it, and when he did, he began to stroke and pushed into the same spot knowing full well that every thrust he gave, my lips quivered in sexual bliss.

"Ugh! Ahh! Miguel! Oh!," I moaned again, like a common whore.

"Ugh! You like being penetrated Ibarra? Now, I'll say this again, lick it!", he repeated again, his eyes now glassy, his eyebrows furrowed.

I hesitantly shoved my tongue and licked the barrel of his revolver. Saliva dribbled down the metal shaft as I coursed my tongue up and down its entire length. My lips lapped up the steel diameter, unminding of the sheer humiliation this may look. I then licked the trigger and began to lick Miguel's finger on the trigger bar. I felt a twitch when my wet tongue came into contact with his taut skin. My tongue must have a mind of its own for I saw myself swept with lust that I proceeded to wet his palm and the back of his hand. I licked it, swept my tongue over it, sucked the skin, and lapped every hair and every pore of his hand. I looked into Miguel's eyes and saw his smirk has transformed into this lustful abandonment- his eyes tightly shut, his mouth agape, his eyebrows furrowed with intense pleasure and sweat, beads of sweat, ran down his face like dewdrops in the morning.

"Ohhh Ibarra! That's^Å Ugh!", he cooed.

I stopped my hand worshipping to study his reaction. He opened his eyes and looked at me, his smirk returned; his tongue licked his upper lip like a hungry lion.

"Heheheh! If you can only see yourself now, Teniente!," Miguel laughed mockingly. He retracted the gun and pushed the barrel into my mouth. He gave a grunt, his pelvis rocking into me with a newfound momentum, and said, "Suck it Ibarra, like it was my penis!"

I complied immediately. To have a gun inserted into one's mouth is enough to leave every bit to hesitation at the door. I slurped at the metal tube, sucking it like it was Miguel's own manhood. I closed my eyes to imagine what would the real penis of my rapist tastes like? The brown skin and his dark purple glans, the thickness of his muscular shaft, the tortuous veins that flow through his member, the musk of his pubic hair, the soft corrugation of his dark scrotum, and even the sweat that rolls down from his stomach which collects in his bush. It was enough to burst my dam.

"Enough!", Miguel barked.

I immediately withdrew and felt his increase of momentum. His gyrations sped up heating up the lining of my anus. He must have heard the splish-splashing sound of his clear juices lubriciously coating and rubbing my insides for I saw his lips twinged with abject lust. My pelvis felt his penis massaging that erotic spot with each of his plunge. It was terrific and I was losing control of my senses. I felt as if I was being pushed to the edge with no pang of humiliation whatsoever.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!", Miguel moaned, continuing his non-stop ravage against my innocence.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ah!!!", I responded with equal intensity and lust. He must have sensed that I was already enjoying this wild act of perversion that Miguel's smirk curled up once more.

"Ugh! Ugh! You like that whore? Ugh!", he said.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! No^Å. Ah!"

With one deep forceful thrust, he managed to make me yelp with orgasmic ecstasy.

"UUUHHHMMM!!", I squealed.

"Ugh! Take that you pig, you tight whore! Ugh!", Miguel growled while continuing his deep thrusts in and out of my already reddened entrance.

I looked at his chiseled brown body and marveled at the tautness, the masculinity that bore in every groove and crevice. His chest was tight with sinewy muscles, his brown shoulders bulging with muscles; his stomach rippled with packed muscles, his arms glistened with its muscles.

His clean sharp face, that high cheekbones, that muscled neck, I think I'm beginning to see my junior officer in another light.

"Ugh! Ugh! You like my body Ibarra?? Put your hands on my chest!", He said.

I hesitated for a split second, not knowing how to approach him. Perhaps it was a mix of fear and embarrassment that made me stop from exploring his chest.

Miguel automatically swung the revolver and aimed it at my head. He snarled, "Ugh! Do it Ibarra! I know you want to! I've seen that look since we arrived here! Touch it or die!"

With his one arm clutching my left thigh guiding him in his rape, his other hand was steady as steel, ready to blow my head off.

I blinked and my hands shot up and touched the brown statue in front. I felt the sweat that glazed his torso. My fingers made their way to his brown ribs, then to his raisin-like nipples already hard from lust, then to the muscles of his sternum. I returned to his nipples and flicked it and rubbed it thus eliciting a low moan from Miguel.

"Ohhh! Yeah, Ibarra! Feel that! Ugh!"

I continued exploring his warm glistening body. His stomach was like a cobra rotating to and fro, his bulging muscles hard yet smooth.

Suddenly, Miguel gave a couple more plunges and removed himself from me. I felt my anus suddenly empty. He dropped the revolver at the floor and jumped up on me, his knees pinning my arms into the bed, his manhood right in front of my face. Without warning, I felt him grasp my jaw forcing it to open. I complied.

"Suck it Ibarra! NOW!" he snapped.

With lust plastered on both our faces, I readily opened my mouth and sucked on his throbbing manhood. I licked the oozing glans, the underside of it which made Miguel moan louder, then I sucked the whole length deeply as it crept into my throat. The taste was indescribably savoury. I could taste the thick saltiness of his juices as well as the musky earthiness of mine. My lips began to milk the base of his penis extracting the source of his essence. Soon enough, I felt his head oozing more and more liquid coating my tongue and palate with slippery saltiness.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Suck it Ibarra! I'm going to shoot!!!" he groaned lustily. Miguel increased his tempo, his pelvis grinding its weight on top of my head. His hands snaked its way at the back of my head and he used my head as a lever to synchronize his momentum.

I was already gasping for breath, my hands were flailing but because his knees rested on my shoulders, I was incapacitated to full measure. My penis on the other hand was oozing rivulets of clear liquid. I had no opportunity to indulge myself in my own release and this made the torture even more exquisite.

With more minutes of Miguel's brown pelvis being ground to my face, his penis acting as a gag, I think I was only a hairbreadth away from falling unconscious. His penis has entered my throat plowing in and out, wetting his way inside. I had not imagined Miguel to be this thick.

"UGH! HERE IT COMES!! OOOOHHHH!!!!!", he yelped.

All of a sudden, Miguel clasped his hands hard on my head and lurched his groin into my mouth. I felt the floodgates opened and inundated my entire throat. I gagged and gagged but Miguel held my head hard never letting it go. His semen coated my mouth like slimy cobwebs which he continued force his way in and out. His taste was salty and chlorine-like but it was not enough to make me want to vomit. I simply let his male essence flow down my throat lapping every drop.

Miguel rested for a minute, his penis still inside me. I massaged and suck more from his limp penis but to no avail. His fluids were limited, and I do not plan to waste it.

"Ah! Ah! Stop Ibarra! It's.. Ah!", he pleaded.

Miguel shifted his body and laid down next to me. I looked at his flushed and sweat-covered face and saw the satisfaction of someone who has just released all the pent-up tension in their veins.

When Miguel saw me eyeing him, he turned towards me and grabbed my jaw and said lustily, "Ibarra, now tell me, who do you belong to now? Whose whore are you now?"

"Y-y-yours Miguel," I croaked.

"That's good," He said, his face was without any shred of emotion. "Now that you know your place, I have some things to discuss with you tomorrow. But now^Å"

I could not resist asking him. "M-miguel, have you always hated me this much?"

SLAP! Miguel backhanded me with such a force that some of his creamy fluids dripped from my lips.

"Hmph! You're so stupid Ibarra. You still don't understand do you? Until now, you still don't know me," Miguel said, his voice was tinged with sadness and disappointment. "But we'll see."

Miguel stood up and without even putting on his pants, he walked towards the door and called out for Felipe. I saw his muscles rippled on his back like one of Michelangelo's sculptures. The sweat on his brown skin cast a golden glow against the orange heat of the kerosene lamp. His buttocks were round and full to the bite. That is probably why I kept wondering if Miguel was just seducing me with his buttocks, but now I know that it was naturally firm and robust. How I would like to sink my penis into his inner sanctum!

Miguel must have another eye on his head for when I was drinking the sight of his body framed against the door, he turned his head towards me and gave me a leering smile. He even winked!

"Felipe! Hurry!", Miguel shouted. I could hear footsteps walking towards the hut; actually two sets of footsteps. What has my junior officer planned tonight?

Miguel turned towards me and walked to the window and waited. After several seconds, I heard the footsteps scrambling towards the door. My eyes widened when Private David Colt entered the room, followed by a smirking Felipe with his rifle cocked towards the prisoner.

"You can go Felipe!" Miguel ordered the young sentry. "Make sure no one enters the room, understand?"

"Si!" He gladly answered. Felipe went out and closed the door behind him. Miguel followed Felipe to the door and locked it.

My eyes shifted from the naked Miguel to the equally naked David Colt! What is this? Why is he naked? My mind was reeling at this absurdity. It seems that the hole I have dug myself into is deep than I have imagined!

"You Amerikano! Stand up!", Miguel roared.

The frightened and broken soldier immediately stood up. In front of me was another David-even though he still has the muscular body with the buttermilk complexion and the dirty blond hair, this one looked defeated, his spirit gone. His hands were bound in abaca twine. There were numerous bruises all around his body, from his thighs, to his back, to his chest and to his head. I saw that his in his hands were burn marks where several cigarettes have intentionally landed. There was even was a cut on his forehead! What happened!?

"W-what what?," I stammered

"What happened? HA-HA-HA!" Miguel mockingly laughed. "This is your fault Ibarra! HA-HA-HA!"

"H-how?" I said.

"You see, because of your leniency, this boy thought that we Filipinos are all pushovers! He thought that we readily cave in like you did! And that because we are brown, he felt he doesn't have to answer us! Well, he was wrong." Miguel confidently said. "We needed information about you and he was stubborn to withhold it, so we were forced to extract it in ways similarly employed by the Americans against us."

"You used the water-cure torture?"

"Nearly. When I explained to him about that, after singeing his hands, he broke down. And we know everything Ibarra, there's no use hiding it." Miguel crowed. He stood beside David Cold and grabbed the cheeks of his buttocks.

I heard the Amerikano sucked air. Miguel's eyes looked steadily towards me, perhaps mocking me to react, waiting for me to say the wrong things.

Miguel said, "And my my, he does have a firm ass I tell you Ibarra. But yours is much better- tighter in fact!" He squeezed the boy's buttocks making him wince. "Tell me, Lt. Ibarra belongs to whom, boy?"

". . ."

"WHOSE, BOY?," Miguel shouted.

"Umm, yours sir. Absolutely yours.", David softly said. I saw the defeat in his eyes, the surrender of his body and mind to the fury of Miguel Tibo-on. Tears were beginning to form in his eyes. He must have felt so humiliated at this point! To think that a couple of nights before, he was threatening the leader of the Filipino troops here in Mt. Tanginamo, and now he was back to nothing. His threats backfired and he was on the grill ready to be roasted.

I shooked my head and said to my other officer," Miguel please let this boy go, he had enough. Now that you know ALL about me, we can talk about it." I forced my voice to be as pleading as possible.

"WHAT? HAHAHAHA!," Miguel laughed mirthlessly. "Even now Ibarra, you still have feelings for him?" Miguel pushed the naked trussed-up Amerikano on my bed nearly knocking me off.

Miguel smirked and said, "If what you said to me a while ago is true Ibarra, prove it! Prove to me that you belong to me now! I say, prove it!"

"What?? How?", I said, thinking how incredulous this has become.

"There's the means," Miguel said pointing to David "prove to me by taking his ass!"

". . ." I was stunned. I looked at the boy and saw his eyes pleading to me not to do it. His buttocks were red with welts and just at the cleft of his round firm buttocks was a dried smear of reddish hue. Blood! David has been raped before!

Miguel knew I was thinking about the rape as I gazed upon David's ass. "He is not anymore fresh, but you have to prove to me you are mine Ibarra! Or else^Å" Miguel stooped down to pick up his revolver and said, "^Å this might help you to decide!" He cocked his gun at me.

I was frantic. "Please Miguel! Not this! I don't want^Å" I heard Miguel releasing the safety.

"Do it Ibarra! SHOW ME!" He snarled.

The kerosene lamp was still half-full when an agonizing cry pierced the silence of the night. The soldiers manning the front were not surprised as to where it came from for everyone knew what happened during that fateful afternoon. One of them, a lad named Santiago commented, "Hah! After being fucked all afternoon by all of us, the Amerikano is sure to howl like a madman!"

Thanks so much for all those who emailed me. Glad to help out. Please send all your comments and ideas to: Sorry for all the typos & grammar errors. Thanks and enjoy the story.

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