
By Kevin

Published on Sep 15, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

Once again, thanks for the E-mails. I really do appreciate feedback, it makes me feel good! ;) If you havent emailed me yet, nows a good time haha the address is Yes, its misspelled. So make sure u spell it themissingpeice instead of themissingpiece, cool? I hope no one takes offense to this story, expecially the diehard Justin fans. I'm not trying to upset anyone. Anyway, It's chapter 3 already! I hope you all enjoy it!


Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 3:

"What's wrong Lance? Can't take a little friendly wager? You too much of a pussy?" Justin teased harshly. I knew he was trying to get under my skin, and much to my regret, it was working.

"No, its just--"

"Just what? You know I'll win?" Justin interrupted me. I sighed. As much as I didn't want to, I gave in.

"Fine, your on. But I'm warning you, if you don't get with the person, your going to pay a heavy price." I said, trying to keep the uncertainty out of my eyes.

"Well, you can take your time figuring out what you want, because your not going to win," Justin said very sure of himself, and something told me, he was right.

No one spoke through the rest of the ride. Jordan eventually turned the music on and everyone sat quietly absorbing the music. We arrived back at the amusement park about a half hour later. "Thanks for showing us around," JC said politely to Jordan.

"No problem," Jordan said before quickly shifting his attention off JC, "It was really nice to meet you Justin," Jordan said, even now the afterglow still slightly visible on his face.

"Ditto." Justin said unemotionally.

"Justin? Is there anyway I can get backstage passes or something? I'd really like to see you again." Jordan said.

"No." Justin lied.

"Oh. I don't even have tickets to come to the concert." He said sadly.

"Sorry." Justin said, still trying to avoid any type of stimulating conversation. "Well, we got to get going. Goodbye," Justin said hastily.

"Don't I get a hug?" Jordan asked holding out his arms. Justin groaned quietly and gave him a very quick hug before pulling away. "Goodbye." Justin added and began walking away. JC and I said our goodbyes as well before walking to catch up with Justin.

"Justin, you have backstage passes and you know it. You could have gave him one." I said scolding Justin as we walked towards the park.

"I know, but he's already hanging all over me too much. He was a piece of ass and a ride to the mall, but that's it. He just doesn't get it." Justin said in a snobby tone.

"That's so disgusting." JC said, finally speaking up.

"What? I like to have fun! And don't pretend you never pick up anyone. I spent many nights in the hallway so you could have the room to yourself." Justin said defending himself.

"Your such a slut." JC said calmly. I gasped at his forwardness. I knew that was the one thing that Justin hated to be called. Justin jumped in front of JC and it was obvious there was a pending argument.

"What did you say?" Justin shouted in JC's face.

"You're a slut Justin. A whore, a hoe, a fucking prostitute." JC yelled back in Justin's face before walking around him, leaving Justin and I standing there in complete shock.

"You're a pussy JC!" Justin shouted, after he regained his composure.

"Sucky, sucky, five dollars, Justin." JC yelled while flipping Justin off, not even bothering to look back. I tired not to, but I laughed.

"He is such a dick." Justin said to me in astonishment.

"JC has been really quiet all day. I think something is bothering him, so I wouldn't let it get to you," I informed him. There was a comfortable silence as we continued our journey towards the park. Occasionally we caught glimpses of JC walking much further ahead of his.

"So what do you want to do?" Justin asked with a depressed sigh once we arrived back at the private parking area.

"I still don't really feel like going into the park. Do you?" I asked looking towards the tram circle.

"Not really. Its too hot to be bombarded by fans." Justin agreed.

"Why don't we go to the bus then. We can watch a movie or something." I suggested. It was weird how much Justin and I were hanging out today. He was actually cool when his ego wasn't getting in the way. Not that we never hung out, just not usually this much. The rumor was true, normally JC and Justin were joined at the hip.

"Sure, at least it has air conditioning." Justin replied.

The bus was empty. Apparently Chris and Joey were still in the park and I assumed JC went in also. Justin and I had the whole bus to ourselves.

"You pick the movie. I got to use the bathroom." Justin said walking into the small bathroom.

I decided on Water Boy and popped it into the lounge VCR. I laid down on the couch and began watching the previews while waiting for Justin. Suddenly, out of no where I remembered the bet I made with Justin. What was I thinking? I told Justin he could do anything with me if he wins! What's wrong with me? Little did Justin know, I never went all the way with a guy before. I hoped he would respect that if it came down to it. I had to make sure I could find someone who Justin had no chance with. I only hoped I could find a straight guy for Justin to try to seduce. Justin might have charm, but there was no way Justin would be able to seduce a straight guy, at least I hoped. Justin soon emerged from the bathroom and sat down on the couch, lifting my feet and placing them on his lap. Normally I wouldn't have let him do that, but I didn't really mind, I was tired and it was a sweet gesture after all.

It seemed like only seconds, but in reality, it was about an hour. I heard a sweet voice calling me as I opened my eyes to a set of beautiful blue eyes. I knew instantly who they belonged to. JC. "You gonna lay there sleeping all day?" JC grinned, looking down at me. It was then that I remembered Justin but when I looked to where he was sitting, he was gone.

"Where is everyone at?" I asked JC while sitting up on the couch.

"Justin's chillin' up front, and Joey and Chris are taking a nap. We have to be inside the arena in 2 hours." JC said. JC ruffled my hair and then added, "You know, it's pretty bad that I know more about our schedule than you. I'm definitely writing this on the calendar," JC teased.

"I know, I know." I yawned, stood up, and stretched. After all that, I decided I didn't feel like standing after all and I plopped back down on the couch.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked JC

"Sure." JC replied.

"You can't tell anyone about it, OK?" I asked JC, while patting the seat next to me.

"You know you can trust me," JC said while taking my invitation to sit down. I sighed and braced myself for the angry reaction I knew JC would have. Especially considering Justin and his argument earlier that day over his sexual habits.

"Justin and I have this bet. I bet him that I could pick someone out of the crowd tonight that won't sleep with him." I explained in a whisper so Justin wouldn't hear me, even though he was all the way in the front of the bus.

"Hmm, there has to be someone who won't give into his charm. What are the factors in the bet?" JC asked, also in a hushed voice.

"Well, if I'm right, Justin will do anything I ask, but if he wins," I paused, "if he wins, he wants me." I whispered, feeling ashamed.

"What do you mean? For sex?" JC asked with outrage in his voice.

"Yeah. He said he wants to be able to do anything to me. I have to admit, I'm honestly scared." I said sincerely. JC rubbed his chin like he always did when he was thinking about something important.

"What do you want me to do to help?" JC asked.

"Help me find someone who won't sleep with him." I said, well more like pleaded. JC resumed his chin rubbing as we sat in silence.

"I got it," JC said with a smile, "tell him he has to sleep with me."

"You? Why?" I asked defensively, while wondering if JC secretly wanted Justin.

"Yeah, tell him me. Because I'm definitely not going to sleep with him. It's a sure win on your part." JC said defending his decision.

"OK, good idea. Thank you so much JC, you don't know how much this means to me. But just one thing, promise me that you wont sleep with him, no matter what. You and I both know his charms can be a little overpowering sometimes." I pleaded, even though I knew he would never do anything to hurt me intentionally.

"I promise Lance. I won't sleep with him. Its not like he's superhuman or something. A little willpower is all it will take." JC said with a huge grin. I sighed with relief.

"Thank you so much JC," I said, leaning over and kissing his cheek. JC grinned and blushed.

"Well, lets go up front with Justin," I said, noticing JC visibly scowl at the mere mention of Justin's name. I knew the hard feelings wouldn't last long between JC and Justin, they never did. By tomorrow they would be best friends all over again.

We both stood up and started walking out towards the front of the bus. "Have you and Justin talked since the argument this afternoon?" I asked JC while walking.

"Nope, he keeps ignoring me." JC giggled as we entered the kitchen area of the bus.

"Hey Lance," Justin said, purposely ignoring JC. JC nudged me and laughed before turning around and walking back towards the rear of the bus.

"Hey Justin," I replied. I motioned for him to slide over in the booth and I sat down beside him. Justin gave me an odd look as to why I was sitting beside him when the other side of the booth was completely empty.

"Why Lance, are you trying to get on me already? Don't worry Lance, you'll have plenty of time tonight, after I win." Justin said, in the same cocky voice I was more than accustomed to.

"Actually Justin, I need to talk to you about that," I said coyly. JC walked by us again, into the kitchen area and grabbed a soda. He stood in the kitchen, trying to eavesdrop without making it too obvious.

"Your not thinking about trying to back out are you?" Justin asked sounding flustered. I couldn't wait to see his face when I told him it was JC he had to sleep with.

"Actually, quite the opposite. I found the person who will be your challenge for tonight," I told Justin, this time allowing my voice to take Justin's cocky tone.

"Well? Who is it?" Justin asked, very impatiently I might add.

"Actually, he is over in the kitchen right now." I whispered, trying to contain my laughter when I saw Justin's face go pale.

"JC?!" Justin shouted. JC looked over at us knowing what I had just told Justin, but decided to play it for what it was worth.

"Did you call me Justin?" JC asked innocently while walking towards the table, his drink in hand.

"Oh, Uhh, No. No, I didn't." Justin said, looking up at JC while trying to play it cool, but failing miserably.

"Um, OK Justin. Whatever you say." JC said walking away grinning. He was obviously enjoying this as much as I was.

"What do you mean JC? That's not fair Lance, you know I won't get anywhere with JC!" Justin whispered once JC was out of earshot. The desperation in his voice was obvious.

"Oh, but dear Justin, you said you could sleep with anyone. So, here is your challenge. You have to have JC in bed by midnight tonight. And if you don't, you loose." I said simply before standing up from the booth and walking to the back where JC was.

"How'd he take it?" JC asked as I sat down beside him in the lounge.

"He's screwed, and he knows it." I laughed.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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