
By Kevin

Published on Oct 23, 2000


AUTHOR'S NOTE(Please Read!):

DAYMN! A month went by QUICK!! Anyway, i have been really really busy, so im truly sorry that this took so long to come out! Anyway, thank you thank you thankyou for all the E-mail! I really really appreicate it, i havent got one peice of bad feedback. For everyone who wrote me, i will reply eventually, i promise! To everyone who hasnt, please email me! I love email, it keeps the fire in me to keep writing. Anyway, the address is Once again, thats themissingpeice NOT themissingpiece OK? Other than that, i hope you enjoy the story, its pretty interesting this time, at least I hope! : )

AUTHOR'S WARNING: Yeah the normal stuff, don't read this if your not 18(as if you are honestly going to close this if your under 18 anyway) :) Umm, i dont know N'Sync, so don't base your hopes and dreams on this, its just a story! Other then that, I think that is about it. So here it is! Enjoy!

Chapter 6:

I couldn't believe this was happening. 'Why did I tell him the truth. On one hand, if I had held out, he would have still been depressed. On the other if I hadn't told him, I wouldn't be in this position. Why does he want to have sex with me so bad? Is he just trying to have some fun, or does he really like me?' I thought. Then it hit me, Justin wanted me. He wanted ME. I'm not unattractive or anything, but I never thought I sized up to Justin's standards. As much as I disliked the idea of casual sex and being told what to do and when to do it, I had to admit, the thought of sex with Justin turned me on. In fact, I was quite aroused just thinking about it. 'No time for that now,' I thought and willed my erection away.

The drive to the restaurant was uneventful. We decided on a Italian restaurant and they were nice enough to supply us with a whole section to ourselves. Most restaurants are always extra nice to celebrities. I think they just want good press, but either way, the extra attention is kind of nice. The tables only held two people each, which usually would have meant that JC and Justin would share one and so would Joey and Chris, leaving me to my own table. Of course today, Justin had to make the switch and sit with me, leaving JC by himself. I glanced at JC once we sat down and noticed that he had a general sad aura around him that normally didn't surface. Most likely because he had to sit by himself, and he wasn't used to that.

Justin decided to order lasagna and that sounded appetizing to me too, so we just decided to share it. It wasn't until half way through the meal that Justin thought it was his duty to spice up the quiet dinner. I was just about to take a bite of my lasagna when I felt a foot begin to massage my crotch. I gasped and shot a quick glance towards Justin. Justin smiled and winked. 'How could he? Were in a public place,' I thought. Immediately I was disgusted with Justin's behavior. I couldn't believe he would do that in public. I quickly reached down and forced his foot off of me, but not before giving Justin the deadliest death stare in history.

"I think I need to use the bathroom," I said coldly as I began to stand.

"I'll join you," Justin said with a big smile.

'How rude!' I thought as I walked towards the restroom. As we entered I noticed that Justin locked the door behind him. 'What is he doing?!' I thought as I began to panic. After checking under all the stalls Justin came over to me. "I think its time we start to work on that bet," Justin said, grabbing my crotch.

"Get off of me Justin!" I yelled, grabbing his hand to prevent him from touching me.

"Lance! You made the bet! Now you have to pay up!" Justin yelled back, jerking his hand from my grasp.

"That's not fair Justin. I'm not some sex slave!" I said, continuing our shouting match.

"Keep it down," Justin said lowering his voice, "Lance, you made the bet, you agreed on it. So now you have to pay for it, and I'm horny," Justin said flatly, not letting up.

"Justin please. I beg you, don't make me do this," I pleaded and for a second I even believed that Justin looked like he might soften up.

"Lance, I'm sorry, but I have to sacrifice something, and so do you," Justin said while unbuckling his belt.

"What kind of a friend are you?" I asked bitterly. Justin had his belt undone and was working at taking off his T-shirt.

"What kind are you? You make me stop doing something that I love to do. It isn't going to kill you to give me a little sexual pleasure. God Lance, stop being a baby, this isn't third grade anymore," Justin said dropping his pants to his ankles.

I looked at Justin, standing with his jeans around his ankles and only his thin boxers covering his important area. I had to admit, he was looking damn good. My hormones began to get the best of me as I continued to stare at him. His well defined chest. His sexy legs, the fairly newly inked tattoo of his initials that peeked out from his crumbled jeans. The normally cocky tattoo looked sexual.

"Well Lance? Are you gonna stand there forever, or are you going to honor your part of the bet?" Justin questioned, grabbing onto his semi erect penis through his boxers.

This was it. I had to decide. And decide is what I did. I walked towards Justin and knelt down in front of him. I looked up and made eye contact again, hoping to see the stubbornness out of his eyes, but it was still there, as strong as ever. Maybe even stronger, and I realized I wanted this as much as him. I was willing to give him me, my virginity, but not here. Not in some public bathroom. But how could I tell him no? I just couldn't, it wasn't in my nature to break a bet, to break someone's trust. I knew it was now or never. I reached out and took his hand off of his own, now fully erect, penis. I reached behind him and began to massage his ass with my hands. I could see that Justin's boxers were tenting with anticipation and I could see a wet spot where his precum was soaking through.

With one swift motion, I moved my hands from his bubble butt. Hooking my thumbs under the waist band of his boxers, I eased them down with extra care. His nicely sized penis bounced as his boxers passed over it. I left his boxers at his ankles while I lightly traced my hands up Justin's hairy legs. As I came closer towards Justin's dick, I looked up and saw Justin looking down at me with a hint of a mischievous smile.

"OK, Stop." Justin said

"What's wrong?" I asked, hoping that I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"I just wanted to prove that I could have you, and I guess I did." Justin said, reaching down and pulling his jeans and boxers back up.

"What?" I asked in a whisper, feeling the tears begin to well up. I wouldn't cry in front of him, I just wouldn't. Justin put his shirt one and began to leave the room, only stopping once he reached the door.

"You heard me. Your just like everyone else, you can talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, you buckle. For as long as I can remember I have heard you preach on and on about how you wouldn't have sex with someone unless in a relationship, and how I couldn't have anyone that I wanted. Well I guess I proved my point, didn't I," Justin said.

I heard the door unlock and open. I collapsed into tears on the floor when I heard the door come to a close. I couldn't believe I let him do that to me. 'He is such a asshole,' I thought to myself. But he was right. I was seconds from giving up a part of my virginity. I decided this wasn't the best place to allow my emotions to get the best of me. I stood up and looked at my image in the mirror. It was the image of someone who had just had their heart broken. It was at that second I realized I had feelings for Justin. I wasn't sure if it was just the heat of the moment, but one thing was for sure, I was feeling something for that asshole.

I needed to get out. I didn't know where I was going, or how I was getting there, but I couldn't face Justin. I gave myself a few seconds to regain my composure and left the bathroom. I looked around, making sure I wasn't spotted, as I speed walked towards the door leading out of the restaurant. Sure enough, the limo was still waiting for us. I hopped in and was thankful it was empty. All the other guys were still inside, but I guess I should have known that.

"The other's not joining you, sir?" The limo driver asked after opening the partitioning glass.

"No, take me back to the hotel," I said knowing that he couldn't argue. Thank god.

'Maybe it was kind of cruel to leave without telling anyone,' I thought to myself, but hell, Justin knew why I was gone. I decided to call management and tell them to send another limo to the restaurant. I told them I was sick and I had to leave right away. Of course, they said it was no problem, even though I knew they were more concerned about their money than they let on. It was a short trip back to the hotel, and I was glad. But by this time, my hurt and depression had turned into hate and anger towards Justin. I entered my empty hotel room and I laid down on the sofa. It wasn't too long until I heard the ringing of my cellphone. I knew it would be one of the guys checking to see where I was, but I decided to answer anyway.


"Lance? Where are you?" I heard JC's worried voice, and I knew a lecture was brewing.

"I got sick and went back to the hotel. I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone, but I wanted to get back before I made a scene," I said, hoping he would understand.

He didn't. "What the hell Lance? Where is your responsibility? You just left the restaurant and didn't feel the need to tell anyone where you were going? Are you fucking stupid Lance? You could have been mugged or anything. God Lance, grow up," JC said furiously. I knew I was in for it, and had I really been sick, I would have deserved this lecture. But I left for a much severe reason.

"JC, I will explain it later, I promise," I replied, my voice quivering. I felt like crying. Today had been one of the worst days of my life.

"The fuck you will Lance. God damn it, I'm serious this time. I had enough of you acting so irresponsible lately. Shit Lance, you don't even know where we are half of the time, what happened to the old Scoop we used to know?" JC yelled into the phone.

I didn't know what to say, and JC wasn't in the waiting mood. "LANCE! You better have a fucking explanation, or I'm beating your ass when we get to the hotel. I'm seriously pissed Lance, don't FUCK with me. EXPLAIN!" JC screamed.

"Fine JC! Since you got to be all up in my business, I almost had sex with Justin in that bathroom!" I yelled back, becoming irritated with JC's nosiness.

"You what?" JC asked, his voice full of sorrow and hurt.

"I almost sucked Justin's dick!" I yelled harshly into my cellphone, still not calming down.

"Oh." JC said, his brain obviously somewhere else at the moment.

"Feel stupid now JC? Good, you should." I said hanging up the phone.

I sighed feeling the depression begin to well up inside of me. Now I didn't have JC to talk to nor Justin. Chris and Joey were always too busy doing their own thing, so I knew taking to them was out of the question. That left me. I guess I made my bed, now I would have to sleep in it, as they say. Speaking of beds, I decided to lay down and take a nap, maybe when I woke up I would feel a little better, I could only hope.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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