Playing in the Ohl

By JP Shoney

Published on Oct 24, 2002


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The names of the players and the teams are real, but do not imply the sexuality of any player mentioned. Feedback is appreciated, so please send any comments (good or bad) to me at Thanks and happy reading!

==== IMPORTANT NOTE: I know this has been a while since I have posted a further part to this story, and I've sort of been a little bogged down with other things. I would like to know if there is any interest in a continuation of this series, and if there is, what would you like to see. Please send me an e-mail message if you want this series to continue, or if you have any suggestions for a new series of stories. Thanks for your time and input! =====

Part Ten: Playoff Payoff

Things really settled down after I'd been with the Colts for a while. I could definitely tell that there was an intensity with this Barrie team that I hadn't seen with the 67s. It was almost like the Colts were driven by an outside force on their quest to get to the Memorial Cup, and losing the right to host the tournament to Guelph just added more fuel to the fire of desire.

We rolled through the first round of the playoffs, and right into a match-up with the Belleville Bulls. This would definitely be a tough series; the Bulls had the high power offence with Spezza, Robinson and Renzi, and they picked up a high-caliber goaltender at the trade deadline in Michael Mole.

We would be starting the series on the road in Belleville. Well, the night before our first game in Belleville, Simon and I were sitting in the living room, talking about our thoughts for the series, when we were interrupted by the phone.

"Hey, Shone, it's for you."

"Thanks, Simon." I told Barg as I picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Shone, bud. How are things up there in Barrie?"

"Oh, shit! I'm doing great, Spezz. Haven't heard from you in ages!" I'd recognize Jason Spezza's voice anywhere. After all, we were from the same part of Ontario, and usually practiced together during the summer. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, since our teams are going to be playing this round, and I know how much of a gambler you are, I thought I'd see if you wanted a friendly wager on the series."

"You know me too well, Spezz. What kind of bet you got in mind?"

"I've seen you watching me in the dressing room after our summer practices, and I don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you want me."

Damn, that Spezza is one conceited individual; conceited, but right. I'll admit that I've sat in the dressing room after practice, and watched him as he toweled off after a good shower; the water dripping from his short brown hair down his smooth chest and ripped back. Yep, I've had many a dream about drilling Spezza's firm, tight ass with my stiff cock. "Yeah, Spezz, so where are you going with this?"

"Well, what would you say to a night of sex; loser does whatever the winner wants for the evening?"

"In that case, Spezz, what time will you be over, since my Colts are going to absolutely run over your Bulls in this series! But seriously, that bet sounds fine, but let's go one step further. I know that my buds Barg and Tenute would love to get a piece of your hot ass, too. What say we bet that the loser will take care of everyone the winner invites for the night?"

"Hmmm, don't know if Mole and Paiement would be interested in your puny goalie ass. But, seeing as it's me that wants that tight butt, yeah, that bet sounds good to me. See you losers in Belleville tomorrow night!"

"So, Shone," Barg asked as I hung up the phone. "What did Spezza want? It sounds interesting from your side of the conversation."

"Well, to make a long story short, Simon, we get Spezza for an evening if we beat the Bulls in the series."

"Man, I've seen Spezza, I'd love to fuck that ass of his."

"If we win, you'll get that chance. As you heard, I also think Tenute would like that chance, too!"

"Count me in, Shone. I don't think you even have to ask Joey what he thinks!"

We both laughed as we planned what we could do with Spezza after we won the series. Now we had more incentive to win the series than just an appearance in the Eastern Conference finals; we had the chance to get Jason Spezza.

The series with Belleville was a lot closer than our final 4-2 series win showed. Several games into overtime, including the series clinching win, with Reitz scoring the winner. I could tell just how disappointed Spezza was that the Bulls didn't win the series as we were shaking hands at center ice after the series clincher.

"You lucky son of a bitch, Shone, you guys pulled it off. Congratulations."

"Thanks, Spezz. I guess now that won't be the only thing we'll be pulling off."

"I know, Shone, you don't have to remind me. I'll be out of Belleville on Wednesday, and I'll meet you at your place to pay off on our bet. You have no idea what we Bulls had planned for you, and now you'll never know."

"Somehow, I think I like this result better. Thanks, Spezz."

I could tell just how disappointed Jason was that the Bulls hadn't won the series, and that he hadn't won the bet. In the dressing room after the game, all Tenute could talk about was finally getting a chance at Spezza's hot ass. For that matter, Tenute wasn't the only one who was waiting for Wednesday. Man, these few days were going to take forever to arrive.

Wednesday finally arrived, after long nights of thinking what we could do with Jason Spezza. I decided that I had to have Barg and Tenute to join me. Now, the three of us sat in our living room waiting for Spezza to arrive.

"Fuck, Shone," said Tenute. "How did you manage to get Spezza to agree to this?"

"Simple, Joey. Just from the way he was talking on the phone, Spezz figured he was going to get the best of us this series. So, I knew he'd agree to just about anything, since he expected they would win. And now, we've got Spezz to ourselves for the evening!"

As we laughed at my theory, we heard a knock on the front door. Simon, being the good host that he is, answered the door and brought Spezza into the living room.

"About time you got here, Spezz." I commented.

"Well, I would have been here earlier, but the directions you gave me were awful."

"Enough talk, Spezz. Now, you want to show us what we've got to work with tonight?" I figured my comment to Spezza would be enough of a hint for him to get on with showing off that hot Bull bod.

Spezza decided to put on a little show, as he slowly removed his shirt and tossed it onto Simon's head. Fuck, it's impossible to get tired of looking at a hot stud like Spezza. All the time he's spent working out over the summers has really paid off with that smooth, ripped chest of his. My mind raced back to those summer practices with Spezza, sitting in the dressing room watching Jason in varied states of undress. Spezza reached down and undid the belt and top button of his walking shorts, allowing them to ride down on his hips. A quick glance was all it took to tell that Spezza wasn't wearing anything under his shorts.

"So, Simon," I said to Barg, snapping him out of his trance from staring at Spezza's tight chest. "I'll assume you like what you see?"

"Fuck, Shone, why can't Reitzer look this good? I mean, yeah, I love Reitzer and everything, but fuck, we're talking Jason Spezza here!" Simon commented, practically screaming in delight over the hot Bull standing practically naked in our living room.

"Calm down, Simon, and put your tongue back in your mouth," Tenute added. "You're making a puddle on the coffee table from drooling over Spezza."

Oh, great, just what we need, to boost Spezza's ego more than it already is. Simon does have a good point, though. I figured it was time to get this show on the road. "OK, Spezz. You've got Barg all hot and bothered. You might as well show us what we're working with tonight, Spezz." I reached over and undid the zipper on Spezza's shorts. Spezza's hard cock slapped against his stomach as his shorts fell to the ground.

Man, Spezza's cock always looked good in the dressing room, but seeing it at its full 9 inches in front of us was even better. Fuck, this is going to be one awesome night.

"OK, guys," Spezza said. "I'm ready, so what have you got in mind for tonight?"

A loaded question if I ever heard one. Spezza has always had an attitude, and looking at his nude body sends so many different thoughts through my mind. What do we do with Jason Spezza?

"Well, Spezz," I said, breaking the silence of the living room, "I think you're in for a great time tonight."

Tenute, Barg and I all quickly removed our clothing until we were as nude as the sexy Spezza. Tenute walked over to where Spezza was standing and gave the Bulls center a quick kiss on the cheek. He then turned his attention to giving Spezza's chest a good, wet tongue bath. Meanwhile, Simon had gotten over his infatuation with staring at Spezza, and began kneading Spezza's tight ass with his hands.

"Oh, fuck, Barg, yeah, work my ass." Spezza moaned from the feelings shooting through his body from these two hot Colts working him. Simon continued to play with Spezza's ass cheeks while he pried them apart to gain access to Jason's hole. Barg started to tongue Spezza's hole, which caused Spezza to moan even more from the sensations he was feeling. Tenute traced his tongue across Spezza's taut stomach muscles towards his hard 9-inch cock. I decided this was just too good of a scene not to participate, so I joined in and started gently massaging Jason's shoulders.

"How are you liking this, Spezz babe?" I whispered forward and whispered into Jason's ear. "I'm loving this, Shone, you fucker," were the only words out of Spezza's mouth, while he enjoyed the feelings shooting through his body. Spezza's head rolled backwards as he enjoyed the shoulder massage he was getting from me, while Tenute sucked his stiff cock and Barg took care of his ass.

"Let's take this upstairs to my bedroom where we can be a little more comfortable." I suggested to the others. Everyone seemed in agreement and gathered up the piles of loose clothing from the living room floor and took them upstairs to the bedroom. After tossing everything onto the floor in my room, Spezza flopped onto the bed, and Simon, Joey and I followed shortly thereafter. Simon chose to pay attention to Jason's hard cock, while Simon lifted Jason's legs to get access to his smooth ass. Not wanting to be left out, I got onto the bed and straddled Spezza's chest, and slowly fed my stiff dick into Jason's mouth.

"Yeah, Spezz. Suck my dick. Yeah, that's the way, babe. You know what to do."

I could feel Jason's breathing starting to get heavier beneath me, which meant that we were going to have to ease up for a bit, because I didn't want him shooting yet. I signaled to Tenute to grab the condoms from the dresser and to start working on Spezza's hot ass. Happily obliging, Tenute unwrapped one of the condoms onto his rock-hard cock and easily shoved his full 10 inches into Jason's hole.

I don't think Jason was really ready for Tenute's monster from the slight whimpering sounds that came from Jason's mouth. It didn't take him long, though, before the sounds turned to pure ecstasy. His moans of pleasure only served to incite Joey to fuck Spezza's ass with more intensity and passion.

"Fuck yeah, Tenute. Fuck my ass with your huge dick. Yeah, baby!" Spezza moaned as Joey continued to fuck Spezza with his hard cock.

Simon and I decided to turn our attention to Spezza's smooth chest. Simon started licking Jason's chest and stomach, while I began to suck on my hockey stud's hard, leaking dick. I had thought about Spezza's cock in my mouth for so long; to finally have the opportunity to suck his dick was almost too much for me to handle.

"Spezz, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this for you." I said to Spezza, removing my mouth from his delicious dick long enough to let him know exactly how I felt.

"Oh, yeah, Shone," Spezza moaned back in response. "Ever since I saw you checking me out in the locker room the first time, I've wanted you so bad. Suck my dick like you want to, bud."

It was really a good thing that Spezza was as into this as we were, because there's no way we Colts would want to have this much fun and enjoyment, and not have the main cause enjoying himself. Spezza's chest was good and wet from Simon's tongue bath, and the friction from Barg's tongue had caused Jason's nipples to stand firmly at attention. Barg stood up from the side of the bed and brought his hard cock to Spezza's lips and gently pushed inside. The warmth of Jason's mouth and the feelings from his tongue on Barg's cock sent a jolt through Simon's entire body.

"Suck it, cocksucker." Simon quietly moaned. "Nobody has ever sucked my dick as good as you, Spezza. Yeah, man, work it with your tongue. Oh, yeah!"

Simon was getting as turned on by Spezza sucking his cock as Jason was from having me going down on his hard dick. Barg started thrusting into Spezza's mouth with more and more passion, almost as if he wished that it was Spezza's hot ass that he was fucking. Spezza took each thrust into the mouth and continued to suck on Barg's hard cock.

"Fuck, Spezz, you got one hot fucking ass!" Joey said as he continued slamming his stiff dick deep into Spezza's tight ass. "Fuck yeah. Gotta shoot my cum in your tight Bull ass." Tenute grunted loudly as he blasted a huge load of cum inside of Spezza.

The sound of Tenute blasting into Spezza's ass must have driven Simon over the edge, as he moaned loudly as he shot a was of hot Colt cum into Spezza's wet mouth. Jason must have been expecting it, because he didn't miss any of Barg's creamy cum. As Simon pulled out of Jason's mouth, Spezza gently licked the remaining droplets of cum from Barg's super sensitive cock head. I know from my experience with him that Simon can't stand anyone even touching his dick right after shooting, so Spezza's tongue would send such intense sensations through his body that he must be in complete agony. I always knew Spezza was agile, because as he was finishing off Simon, I felt Jason's hand reach around my hard dick to finish jerking me to a climax.

"Fuck, Spezz, love the feeling of your hand on my cock. Make me shoot my load, Spezz; you know you want it!" I practically yelled at Spezza in the heat of the moment.

"Only if you take my load in your mouth, Shonester."

I would do anything for Jason, and sucking him off to shoot a load of cum in my mouth would fall within that description. I took Spezza's cock down to the base as I felt his hand jack my stiff dick faster and faster. We practically fired our blasts at the same time; my cum into his hand, his load into my mouth and throat. He had to have blasted at least five shots deep into my throat, and I took every drop of his delicious cream.

As the four of us collapsed onto my bed into a pile of hot, sweaty hockey players, I took a look at Jason at the bottom of the pile, and the smile on his face told me that this was exactly how he thought it should have been. Even better, we knew that there was still a long time to go in the evening before we were finished with my stud Spezza.


I always appreciate feedback and comments, so please feel free to send me any comments, complaints or praises to me via e-mail at

Next: Chapter 11: When Colts Attack

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