Playing in the Ohl

By JP Shoney

Published on Oct 9, 2001


This is a work of fiction. The players and teams are real, but do not imply the sexuality of any of the players mentioned. I appreciate any comments about the story, so e-mail me at


Part Seven: Mitsou's Learning Curve

What does a team do to deserve an awful situation like this? Our season turned from promise to disaster in the span of about a month. That's what tends to happen when you go on a five game losing streak. In the past week, we've even lost games to some of the bottom feeders of the league, North Bay and Oshawa. Needless to say, it's very hard to be positive when everything we're involved in turns so negative.

I think even Killer realized that, which really came as a real surprise to the entire team. He cancelled the Thursday practice before our home game against Belleville to give everyone on the team a chance to bond. Of course, the small cliques on the team all went their own ways, which really defeated the purpose of the whole idea!

Anyway, as Bauman and I were leaving the arena after practice on Wednesday evening, Pierre Mitsou was waiting at our car. Mitsou, being one of the other rookies on the team, had a bit of a disappointed look on his face, which I hadn't seen in the dressing room.

"Hey, Mitsou," I said to Pierre. "How come you're still here?"

"Well, Shone, I was hoping to head out with Scully and McGrath, but they've got other plans. I'm sort of stuck with nothing to do tomorrow. What's up with you two?"

"Rod and I are just going to hang out at my place. Lance and Joey are going over to Luke's place, so I'll have the house to myself. Bri's coming over too. Why don't you join us? You don't mind, Rod, do you?"

"Nah," said Bauman. "The more the merrier. Come on over sometime after 6."

"Great," Mitsou replied. "See you at 6."

Rodney had a big smirk on his face as he got into my car. "Something tells me that tomorrow is going to be one hell of a night. What have you got planned?"

"Well, I hadn't had anything in mind. Now why do I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be more than rookie bonding from that look on your face? Anytime you get that smirk usually means trouble."

"Don't worry, Shone. It'll still be bonding, just with a lot of other more fun stuff. I've got it! Why don't we play cards?"

"That gets real boring after about the first one or two hands when you're not playing for money, and you know darn well that none of us ever have money!"

"Who said anything about playing for money?"

"Then what have you got in mind, Rod?"

"God, Shone! How can you be so good-looking and so stupid at the same time? Two words for you: Get a brain!"

"That's three words, Rod. Now who's being stupid?"

"Oh, shut up, Shone!" Bauman yelled at me as his face turned that shade of red I absolutely love. "I figured that we'd play strip poker."

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Probably because you've been hit in the head with one too many hockey pucks. You know, it's a proven fact that shots to the head reduce memory and brain capacity."

"Well, that would explain Galbraith!" I said, laughing.

"You got that right, Shone!" Bauman said, laughing along. From the sounds of Rod's idea, our team building night was definitely going to be very interesting.

I had a lot of things to go through on Thursday, including a trip back to the doctor's office to get my thumb looked at again. I couldn't believe that I've been out of action for more than three weeks with this thumb already, and from the sounds of things from the doctor, it was going to be another two to four weeks. A month of the hockey season already gone down the drain, and this was supposed to be the year I'd make an impression on the scouts. I don't know why he didn't just break it, and set it in a cast for two weeks to let it heal properly, but I think he said something about not putting casts on fingers or thumbs or something stupid like that. At least now I was down to taking 2 aspirin a day to dull the pain. Hopefully, though, tonight would take my mind off of things for a few hours, anyway.

Joey and Lance left for the evening, but not before I ripped into Lance for the crap with my thumb. "Hey, Shone," Lance replied with a smirk. "You're getting a better workout with the fucked-up thumb than you would in the games. Enjoy it while you can. Have a good time tonight." Not more than five minutes after Joey and Lance left, in walks Bauman.

"Hi, Shone! How was the trip to the doctor this aft?"

"I think I'm still out for another two to four weeks. I could strangle Lance for this!"

"I'm sure Lance didn't mean to injure you this badly. You know, Shone, you are so cute when you get upset. I might have to get you mad more often!"

"You do have a way with words, Rod. Anyway, it's close to 6 now. Did you tell Bri and Pierre what was on for tonight when you talked to them earlier?"

"Nah. I thought it would be better to surprise them. More fun that way."

"As much as I hate to say this, you probably know what you're doing. Or at least I hope you know what you're doing."

Almost promptly at 6, Rodney and Mitsou were at the front door. "Hey, guys!" I said after opening the door. "Come on in and make yourselves comfortable."

"Thanks, Shone," Rodney said. "I hope you mean that, if you know what I mean."

"You'll see, Bri. You'll just have to wait to find out. Grab a seat on the couch, and I'll be right in."

Bauman and I walked into the living room, where Rodney and Mitsou had made themselves at home on the couch. "So, Shone," asked Rodney. "What's the plans for tonight?"

"Well, Bri, I thought we might have a game of cards. It was Rod's idea."

"If I'd have known that, Shone, I would have brought money with me. I don't think Pierre's got any either."

"Nobody said anything about money, Bri."

"Yeah," added Bauman. "I figured that since it was only going to be us here tonight, we might play strip poker."

"You're fucking kidding, right?" said Mitsou in shock. "If I'd have known that's what we were doing tonight, I would have worn more than I did."

All four of us got a good laugh at that last comment as we made our way to the kitchen table.

"OK, guys," said Bauman. "We're playing deuces wild, one three card draw. Low hand loses one piece of clothing. Shone, shuffle up and deal them cards."

The cards just weren't breaking for Mitsou, just as he figured would happen. Within the first five hands, he'd already lost his shirt, shoes and socks, and he had just lost this hand. With that, he stood up and slowly removed his jeans, leaving the adorable defenseman standing there in only his boxer shorts, which were already showing the beginnings of a hard cock.

"Hey, Pierre," said Rodney, "Where'd you get those Marvin Martian boxers? They look good on you; really fit your personality! How come we've never seen those before?"

"Zip it, B-Rod," snapped Mitsou back. "I only wear these when I want to look good and show off. From the way these cards are going, I'm going to be showing off a lot more than these shorts!"

Mitsou definitely has a way to get everyone laughing, usually at his own misfortune. Of course, though, he was right. He lost the next hand, and to our hoots and hollers, Pierre turned his back to us while he took off the boxers. I'd never really paid attention to Mitsou in the dressing room before, but now I wished I had. A little bit about Mitsou: he isn't big, standing 5'11 and 165 pounds, and he doesn't have the muscle definition of some of the other players, but he is definitely hot. You could run your hand down his taut, smooth chest and stomach and feel every muscle. His legs are well built from all the skating and weights he's done over the years, but his cock was definitely a keeper. It stood out from his body a full 9 inches, smooth and built like the rest of his body.

"Hey, guys," said Bauman, "it looks like someone's happy to see us. Do we want to keep playing cards, or do we want to start having some fun?"

"Did you even have to ask?" replied Rodney, taking off his shirt to reveal his tight chest.

With that, clothes flew in every direction until everyone was as naked as Mitsou.

"Well, Pierre," I said to Mitsou. "After our chat yesterday in the parking lot, you sound like you could use some cheering up." I gave Pierre a little kiss on his cheek, as Bauman made gagging noises in the background.

"God, Shone," gagged Bauman. "I kiss my grandmother with more passion than that."

"I know, Rod," I replied. "I saw the pair of slippers and sweater she gave you the last time she was here. You look so cute in pink!" I knew I hit the right buttons, since Bauman turned that shade of red I adore so much. We all had a good laugh at Bauman's embarrassment before we all turned back to the task at hand.

"You know, Rod," I said. "Pierre's never been over here before. Maybe the three of us should show him how to be good hosts."

"Shone, that's one of the best ideas you've come up with yet," said Bauman. "Let's go up to your bedroom and have some fun."

I've never seen four people run up a set of stairs so fast in my life, or at least since the last time I was at Bauman's place! Anyway, we all managed to get to my bedroom in one piece, and started to get ourselves organized.

"OK, Pierre," Bauman said. "Just lie down on Shone's bed, and let us take care of the rest. Bri, could you run downstairs and grab the bag from the counter? Now, Pierre, just relax and let us take care of the rest. I promise that you won't ever forget this."

"Here you go, Rod," said Rodney, somewhat out of breath from running down and back up the stairs. "What the hell have you got in here?"

"Just some stuff Pierre should love," said Bauman, pulling out a can of whipped cream and a bottle of chocolate syrup. "This might be a little cold, but I promise it won't be for long."

Bauman took the bottle of chocolate syrup, and began to squeeze the contents onto Mitsou's smooth, tight chest. "Oh, fuck, that's cold!" yelled Mitsou. "I hope the fuck you know what you're doing."

With that, Bauman, Rodney and myself began licking the sweet syrup from that delicious chest and stomach. Mitsou was obviously enjoying the sensations of our tongues running up and down his chest, as his hard cock was now straining to its full 9 inches.

"Hmmm," I said curiously. "I see something that needs some attention. Don't move, Pierre, I don't want to make too much of a mess on my sheets, not that there isn't already going to be one." I took the bottle of syrup and can of whipped cream and made my way down to Mitsou's cock to make my own dessert. A large amount of syrup oozed its way down the length of his hard cock, and to top it all off, I sprayed a small bit of whipped cream on the tip to make a crown. "Good enough to eat, if I do say so myself."

"Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck!" Mitsou began moaning as I began to lick away at my dessert and the hidden surprise buried beneath. "Don't fucking stop, Shone. That is so fucking amazing, I've never felt this way. Oh, fuck!" Bauman and Rodney had switched places to give Mitsou more pleasure: Bauman began sucking on Mitsou's feet and toes, while Rodney turned his attention to Mitsou's adorable face.

"Don't say a word, Pierre," whispered Rodney. "Just relax and let us finish this."

Mitsou's body began quivering from all the wonderful sensations he was feeling from all the attention the three of us were giving him. I could feel that Mitsou was very close to shooting his load, so I began sucking his cock with increased passion.

"Oh, fuck!" screamed Mitsou. "I'm need to shoot my load in your hot mouth, Shone. OH, FUCK!!!" Mitsou yelled as he began firing shot after shot of hot cum down my throat. I began to wonder if he was ever going to finish, since I've never seen anyone cum that much.

"Fuck, guys," moaned Mitsou. "That was so awesome. I've never felt anything like that in my life!"

"That's OK, Pierre," said Bauman. "I'm not finished with you yet. I still have a little problem I have to take care of, and you're going to help me with it. You two mind?"

"Nah," I said back to Bauman. "Brian and I will take care of ourselves. Go ahead with Pierre."

Rodney and myself sat down on the carpet, and promptly began to suck on each other's cocks. I figured it wouldn't take long for either of us to blow our loads, considering how turned on we were from this entire episode. Bauman turned his attention to Mitsou's ass and began to loosen up the tight hole that was soon going to be fucked.

"Make sure that you relax, Pierre," said Bauman, "or this is going to hurt." Bauman began to slowly push his 9-inch cock into Mitsou's tight ass.

"Oh, fuck!" yelled Mitsou. "That fucking monster is going to tear apart my insides!"

"I did say to relax, Pierre, and it'll be a whole lot better. Just wait until I'm all the way inside you, I guarantee you'll forget about everything else."

Bauman finally managed to get his whole cock into Mitsou's ass, and Pierre's groans of pain soon turned to moans of ecstasy. "Fuck, Rod, that feels so good. Keep it up; keep pounding my ass with that hard cock of yours. That's so fucking good!"

Bauman couldn't have been fucking Mitsou's ass for more than five minutes before he began to get short of breath. "I'm ready to cum, Mitz. I'm going to shoot my load all over you. Here it comes, Mitz. Oh, fuck, I can't.hold.back.Oh, fuck!" Bauman moaned as he let loose shot after shot of cum onto Mitsou's smooth chest and stomach. Rodney and I shot our own loads into each other's mouths at the same time that Bauman blasted Mitsou. Exhausted, we got up off the floor and sat on the bed beside Bauman's spent, sweaty body.

"Man, that was fucking awesome!" said Bauman. "Mitz, you are so fucking tight, I've never fucked anything that tight. That felt fucking amazing."

"Oh, fuck," moaned Mitsou. "I know how you feel. That was the best thing I've ever felt. I should have done this with you guys sooner!"

"Hey, Mitz, you can come over anytime you want. This toad over here is always ready for anything, aren't you, Rod?" I said as I pointed to Bauman.

"Yeah, well, I'm not the only one here who's always ready to suck a cock. Our goalie over here is pretty darn good at tonsil hockey as well."

"What can I say? I just can't get enough of a good thing. Maybe that's why I love being with Rod so much. Now, if I could only teach him how to clean his room, we'd be set."

Bauman began to turn red as I managed to embarrass him in front of the team again. We all had a laugh at his expense as we went back downstairs to watch the movie Mitsou had brought over. All in all, I have to say that this was an excellent rookie bonding evening. Hopefully, there will be more of them in the future, and I'll be looking forward to every single one of them!

The team bonding must have had the desired effect on things, because when the game on Friday against Belleville was over, we had pummeled the Bulls by a score of 13-1! Killer even said himself in the dressing room after the game that he didn't imagine that this would be the result of the team building exercises. He said that he might have to do this again in the future. Based on the way Mitsou played, with 2 goals and 6 assists, we might have to bond with him in the same way again before every game!


This is probably going to be the last story in the series based on last year's team. Now that the new season is here, I'll update the story with the new team. If anyone has any ideas for what to do with the new team, send me a mail with any ideas or suggestions. Feedback is always welcome, so feel free to send me an e-mail at and let me know if you liked the story or not, or if you have any other ideas or requests.

Next: Chapter 8: Traded

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