Remmi and Me

By Jon Shelton

Published on Oct 16, 2014



After the thing with my brother Riley and that girl, I sometimes called him "Fuckface" at home. Once he got out of the shower, and while he was drying off he walked over to me and shoved his dick and balls in my face and said, "Who's Fuckface now." I should have gotten mad but I started laughing so hard and he started tickling me so fast. I almost peed all over myself.

About that time Riley got a new phone with a better camera and he was taking pictures of everything. I walked through the living room (naked as usual) and he said, "Smile, Nudie" and I made a pose and he took the picture. I never thought about where that picture would end up. But boy, where it ended up!

Three days later I was sitting in World History class and the principal came over the speaker and said, "Mr. Edwards, could you send Jon Eric to the office." If it had been almost anybody else then everybody would have said "Whooo...trouble," but I never got in trouble so nobody thought anything about it.

But I was in for a shock. The secretary lady sent me into the principal's office and the look on his face wasn't happy. He told me to sit down. Then he opened a phone (not my brother's) and handed it to me and said, "Jon Eric, what do you know about this?"

I slowly looked down at it. It was that naked picture of me on somebody's phone. I froze. I hadn't even seen the picture after Riley took it.

"Do you know how this got on Emily Johnson's phone?"

"Emily Johnson?" I thought. "How'd she get this? Oh, crap. I'm dead."

Then he asked, "Who took the picture, Jon Eric?"

Pause. Longer pause. He's staring at me. He wants answers.

"Well," I told him, "I think my brother took that. We were at home." I didn't want him to think I was naked somewhere else. Which I sometimes was, come to think of it. But this was at home where normal people sometimes are naked.

The principal asked that secretary lady, "Find Riley and send him in here."

Riley was about to become dead meat. This was getting serious.

After what seemed like forever Riley walked in with that "What do you want with me? I didn't do anything?" look in his eyes. Wait until you hear this, Riley. You're gonna' get it.

The principal hands him the phone. He asks him if he took the picture. Riley sort of gasps and just stares at it for a while. Then he looks at me and then at the principal. He says he took it.

And then the principal asks if he sent it to somebody else.

Riley was nervous. Really nervous.

"Well, I sent it to one of my friends as a joke. I didn't mean anything." I couldn't believe it.

The principal paused a few seconds and then said, "Riley – this isn't good. Apparently your friend decided to share it with some other people including the girl who owns this phone."

Riley looked like he had been caught robbing a bank.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it." He sounds like he may cry. But he doesn't. Riley is tough. Usually. But maybe not this time. This happened five years ago from the time I am writing this, and I can see it in my mind like it was yesterday.

The principal continued, "I'm going to have to call your parents."

Phew. We both looked at each other feeling okay about that. My mom was in the next state buying supplies for her business and my dad would be on his boat in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere. The principal doesn't know that.

So he calls our house and in about ten seconds he's talking to somebody. Who's he talking to? Wait!

He's talking to my dad! Oh, crap. The weather was rotten today and maybe Dad's cruise got cancelled.

The principal tells him his sons have gotten into a situation and asks him if he can come to the school. The principal hung up and said, "Wait here for your father." A situation. Yeah, right.

The principal left his office and went into the room outside where his secretary's desk was. Riley and I were staring at the floor when, I don't know why, I started laughing. I didn't want anybody out there to look through the window and see me laughing. I know they wouldn't like that, but I couldn't stop.

Riley looks at me and says, "What are you laughing about?"

I was still stuffing a laugh. I don't do that well.

I said, "You are so busted." Then he started laughing to, trying to hide it, too. It was like the time we were in church and the man in the row in front of us farted and we couldn't stop laughing but knew we had to stuff it. Mom kept kicking my leg and that made it worse.

We finally had sort of gotten the laughing thing under control when the principal walked back in followed by our dad. He looked at both of us with that "What's going on?" look. We could both read him.

The principal handed Dad the phone and told him what had happened. Dad looked at the picture, sat there and didn't say much. When the principal had finished Dad said, "Well, thank you for calling me. I'll take care of this at home." This isn't good.

Riley and I looked at each other, both thinking we'd never leave the house again until we are thirty.

The principal told my dad it would be best if he took us for the rest of the day. If our dad would handle it then there would be no suspension.

Fortunately, this was before anybody used the word "sexting" or newspapers had stories about kids getting arrested for stuff like this. And also, it was good that in my picture I was just naked and not doing anything sexual.

Riley and I both wondered would our dad would say. Or do. We were in for a surprise.

We walked together silently to his car. When we were almost there he looked at me and said, "Nice picture, Jon Eric." Then he looked at my brother and said, "Stupid trick, Riley." My brother muttered an apology, the best he could.

But then what my dad said next was the biggest surprise.

"Have you guys had lunch?" Well, no. Lunch would have been next period.

"Well let's get some." Then he drove us to our favorite restaurant we ate together. He never said another thing about what happened. And as far as I know, he never told my mom. Ever.

My dad's the best.

. . .

When I went to school the next morning the thing about the picture was long over in my mind. But what I didn't know was that the picture was still sitting in a lot of those phones other students had in their pockets. I realized that quickly.

Especially when I noticed that girls started talking to me who had never talked to me before. And some of the guys, as they walked by, I could tell were looking at my crotch, but trying not to let it show.

Then two days after that a girl in my class came up to me at lunch and said, "Jon Eric, you won."

Uh, won what? I had no idea what she was talking about.

Somebody had taped a sheet of paper in one of the stalls in the girls' restroom and had written, "Write the name of the guy you'd most like to fuck you." She told me my name was listed more than anybody else. What she didn't know was how much I didn't care. I was realizing I didn't really like girls in that way. Especially after what happened next with my brother.


I don't remember how long it was after that (probably a few weeks) when one day after school Remmi and I were lying on my bed, naked as usual, watching TV. Without even thinking, both of us were playing with each other's dicks. My brother walked in.

Again, we weren't even thinking about what we were doing and my hand was playing with Remmi's dick and he was doing the same with mine. Then we realized why Riley was looking at us that way.

"You guys like to mess around, I see." He started with that. Where was this going?

Remmi was the spokesman for our little twosome, as usual.

"We give each other hand jobs sometimes." Riley looked at me. What could I say?

Then Riley asked, "You guys ever suck each other off?" Well, no.

Remmi decides to say, "We don't know how you do that right." I feel like an idiot.

So Riley asked if we want him to show us. Remmi says sure, and what am I supposed to say?

Riley announces that he'll teach us and we'll have us a little class. He'll start off by giving Remmi a blow job. Then Remmi can give me one. And I'm supposed to end the little demonstration by giving my brother a blow job to make sure I've got it.

Before I know it, Remmi and Riley have negotiated this little treaty and Riley has Remmi's dick in his mouth.

He sucks him as he rubs all around his dick and balls, plays with his butt and it looked like he was fingering his butthole. Remmi looks to be in a trance.

Riley is sucking and slurping and slapping his tongue all over the place. He rubs Remmi's chest and plays with his nipples. He's going full speed.

Suddenly Remmi lets out a groan or a yelp or whatever it was and shot cum. more than I've ever see him shoot. It was a mess.

Riley gives him a high-5 and helps him wipe it up. He asks Remmi if he wants to lick some up but Remmi doesn't answer. He's still sort of out there in la-la land.

Finally he calms down and his breathing slows down and Riley tells Remmi it's his turn to do me. I wonder if Remmi has enough energy to move, much less give me a blow job.

But he begins to turn over and before I know it he's kissing me and rubbing my chest and licking me down to my dick, and then it goes in his mouth. From where I look down at him it looks like it's his first meal in a week. I've never seen him like this. Then I realize how good it feels. It doesn't feel like a hand job. This is something else. This is a major upgrade.

He keeps at it until finally I begin to shake a little and I shoot all over Remmi. The look on his face is like he just won the lottery or something. He and I have never had anything like this happen and I'm feeling good.

Finally I calm down and Riley lies down and tells me it's my turn.

In the last few weeks I had begun to notice how hot my brother actually is. In fact, I had jerked off a couple of times thinking about him. And now this. I realize he is one cute dude.

I climb on top of him and start humping him, my dick against his, as I kiss him. Neither he nor I can believe I'm actually doing this. Remmi just stares.

But this is feeling good for both of us. I finally get down to his dick and take it and realize I've just gone from a JV dick to a Varsity dick. This is serious. I play with his balls while I lick all over it and begin to suck it and tongue it. He tells me a couple of things to do and I follow what he says. He's beginning to breathe really heavy and move his hips and rub around his dick and before long it happened.

He shot more stuff than I've ever seen, a lot more than Remmi even. It goes in my face and on my chest and some of it lands on his leg and at least a little hit Remmi in the face.

We've all just been somewhere we have never been before. It was amazing. Then we all just laid on the bed, legs between each other's legs, and settled down. Everyone is all smiles.

What a day. I never would have expected this. Riley's school was out. Straight A's for everybody, I would guess. Fortunately, Mom doesn't have to sign our report card.

Next: Chapter 4

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