Remmi and Me

By Jon Shelton

Published on Nov 14, 2014



It was the second week Remmi was sick and out of school. I hadn't seen him since the Tuesday of last week. He was big-time sick with throwing up with the runnies and he felt like crap. I missed him a lot.

But that meant at school, by not hanging around him, I talked to more people than usual. And a lot of them were girls who were hitting on me. Not all of them, but some. At first I thought it was cool but then it felt creepy. Especially one girl.

She asked me if I wanted to come over after school. She said her parents would be gone until six and we'd have the place to ourselves. Then she looked at me the way girls look at a guy when they're coming in for the kill and said, `You know what I mean."

Yeah. I know what you mean. You want me to come over to your house so you can get me naked and suck me off and go to school Monday and tell your friends. You want me for a trophy.

It's not happening. I don't even like you. Especially that way.


(And no, I didn't tell her all that. I was polite. But I thought it real loud. Maybe her little antennae picked it up. Who knows?)


Friday night my mom and dad were driving to another city to have dinner with a couple they knew but we didn't. They'd be home late. Tina, my sister, had a girlfriend over to hang out and eat pizza. I knew her and she was okay. Riley, my brother, was at the house in his room doing whatever he does. I was in my room, naked as usual. Fortunately, I remembered to put on shorts before I went in the kitchen for a can of pop.

Around eight o'clock, I think it was, I was watching TV when Riley walked in, naked. I looked to see if another naked guy was coming behind him but it was just Riley. He asked me what I was doing and I told him I was watching TV. Then he sat down on the bed and said something like, "Well, I was sort of wondering, I mean if you want to, well, if you want to mess around a little, especially since Remmi can't come over like he always does."

Mess around. Just him and me? Interesting. My brother is really hot but except for the time we did the blow job thing and the time he and that guy fucked, this was something new. I didn't really answer before he started rubbing my chest.

Hot. Then he, this is my brother I'm talking about, leans over and starts Frenching me. Before I know what happened he had reached under my butt, picked me up (I was getting tall and I didn't even know he could still do that) and threw me on the bed and then was all over me. We were rubbing dicks and Frenching and feeling each other and everything else. Then before I knew what hit me he flipped me over and I was on top of him, which was better because he weighed more.

His hands were around me and he reached around to finger my butt hole. Then he reaches down and starts holding my balls and sort of massaging them. Then he starts stroking me. And I'm doing to him everything he does to me. Then all of a sudden my dick is in his mouth. That feeling again. He's really good. I twirl around and start sucking him. I do what he's been doing, and what I've learned by doing stuff with Remmi. I rub his sides and play with his nipples and by now we are both big time hard.

Then, and I wasn't expecting this, he asks me if I want to fuck him.

I don't say anything because I'm shocked and thinking and the thinking is a major turn on. Then I see he's brought a tube of that stuff and he squirts it in his hands and then he's wiping it all over my dick. It feels awesome. Then he puts some in one of my hands and tells me to put some in his hole.

I'm sort of out there doing all this. Then he tells me to put it in him, slowly at first, and then see how far I can get it.

It goes in quickly, then stops, and then I can push a little more. Not too long later I'm all the way in. I've never felt anything like this. He tells me to bang him so I start to go in and out, in and out, first slow then faster. Then I really start pumping and before I know it I shoot inside him and he loves it.

When I pull out some of it leaks on my bedspread and I think I've got to get that up. Then he starts kissing me again and starts to jerk off and shoots, wouldn't you know it, all over me. It's a lot.

Then we settle down and kiss some more and he says let's take a shower, and we do. Then he tells me I'm really hot and he loves me. What is this? Then he tells me he wants to see a show that's about to come on TV but I don't so he goes to his room and I just lay there and think about what just happened.

My brother. Amazing.


Saturday morning I finally got to see Remmi. He called m. (!) and told me his mom said I could come, because he wasn't contagious. I went in his room and gave him a big kiss in his mouth and wanted to do more, but didn't. He had lost some weight and looked tired. He said the whole thing had been really bad, but except for being really weak he was okay, and he was going back to school on Monday. YES!

He asked me what I was going to do the rest of the day (since his mom wouldn't let him out yet) and I told him there was a movie at our little theater we had talked about and I knew he didn't want to see. I told him I thought I would go if that was okay with him. And he said it's best to see it when he can't go. I gave him another kiss and a big hug (not wanting to be too rough) and left happy.

I rode my bike to the theater, chained it up, got my ticket and hug around the lobby for a few minutes. Then this guy comes up.

He looks older the college but not old. Sort of okay looking. Good build, as far as I can see, and really friendly. He asks me what I'm going to see and I tell him. He asks if I'm from out of town, too, and I tell him I live not far away. He tells me he needs a hardware store. I tell him about an Ace hardware store and tell him where it is, but he looks like he doesn't quite get it. Then he asks me if I minded hopping in his car and showing him. He said he'd bring me right back after he went in and bought what he needed, but I told him I'd draw him a map.

But he wouldn't stop. He said that also he wanted to show me something he had never shown anybody and wanted to know what I thought. It didn't sound right.

He was still real friendly and seemed like a nice guy but I told him I didn't think I could do that. My movie would start in a few minutes.

But then he changed. He stopped the routine and took my arm and told me this was important and he really wanted me to go with him. I told him again I couldn't do that, but he wouldn't let my arm go. He kept telling me this was important to him and I was feeling weird about the whole thing. I jumped back and pulled my arm out of his hand and yelled, "I said no. I'm not going with you! Leave me alone!"

This seemed to scare him and he said he was sorry and ran out of the theater. Everybody was looking at me because they had heard me. I went to the door and saw him in his car drive right past the front door and them out of the parking lot. I actually saw his license plate number and wrote it down.

A guy I think was the manager came over to me and asked me if everything was okay, and I told him I was fine. I told him that guy wanted something and I couldn't help him.

I went into the theater but couldn't enjoy the movie thinking about that creep. I left after about twenty minutes, looked all around to make sure he wasn't there, and rode my bike home and went in my room. I felt I should keep my clothes on. Just did. I knew I should do something else but didn't know what.

When Dad came in from his boat we had dinner. My mother told me I was extra quiet and she asked me if I was getting sick. I told her I wasn't. I was okay. But I was anything but okay.

I went back to my room after dinner and then decided to talk to my Dad. He was at his desk in his home office and I told him I needed to talk to him. I could tell he could tell this was big because he stopped what he was doing and turned his chair around and asked me what I needed to talk about.

I told him everything. It had happened so fast there wasn't a lot to tell, but I said more about how it made me feel. He asked me some questions. Then I gave him the license plate number. He told me he'd report it. Then he told me something like, "Jon Eric, you've gotten to be a really good looking guy. People like you. And you've got to be careful about people who like to hurt guys like you." Then he told me that what I did was exactly what I should have done and he was proud of me.

Before I left his office he called 911 and told what had happened. In a few minutes a policeman came by to take the report. He took the license number and thanked us for reporting it.

Two days later someone called my dad and told him that the guy who owns that car was wanted in another state for the same kind of thing and they would probably catch him. We never heard what happened.

I didn't really want to tell all this but Remmi told me I should, because it might help somebody.

Maybe somebody like you.

Next: Chapter 10

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