Robin Man

Published on Dec 29, 2022


----=A TEEN TITAN Part One=----

All costumed characters copywrite DC Comics

A heavy winter wind blew across the eerie gothic facades of Gotham City, and filthy snow lay in six foot drifts in the neglected alleys that the city never got around to cleaning. Dick Greyson sat in the huge study in the penthouse of the Wayne Foundation and waited for Batman to come in from his patrol; he had something to show him, something that would change both their lives.

He sipped his hot chocolate and sank further into the heavy wingback leather chair, and idly caressed his groin through the gym shorts he had on, feeling his manhood jerk a bit at the welcome touch. He closed his eyes and imagined Batman hovering over him, his huge cock ready to be sucked or his firm ass ready to be fucked. Dick slid his hand inside his shorts and began to play with himself casually, teasing the wide head of his young 7" cut cock. He wished his parents had left him uncut; Batman's ten-incher had a huge foreskin and it was great to play with. It seemed to give him so much pleasure, but then Batman liked the fact he was cut, so that was OK too.

Dick played with himself a few more seconds, twirling his fingers around the head until he was fully hard, then he got up to fix a sandwich.

He heard the secret elevator whirr; to anyone else it would have been the wind, but his alert senses knew the truth. You get that when you've been trained by the World's Greatest Detective. Batman walked out of the elevator and smiled at Dick. Dick walked over to him and hugged him, sighed as Batman took him in powerful muscular arms and kissed him deeply. He let the tall man have the advantage, and twisted his young body beneath him, drawing him to the floor. Batman bore him to the ground gratefully, feeling his penis harden instantly under the teenagers strong hands. It bulged the front of his costume and he sat up, undoing his utility belt and pulling his cock free. Them he bent down and pulled Dick's skimpy little gym shorts off, smiling at the hard-on waiting for his lips. The Caped Crusader went down on the teenage boy eagerly, throating the handsome sixteen-year-old cut cock with expert ease, sucking the boy off in a few minutes. Dick let him, eager to cum, and he grasped Batman's cowled head close to his hot young groin until he groaned, gasped, and came all at once in a rush of spurting.

He collapsed, breathing heavily as Batman turned him over on the carpet, caressing his ass with his huge leather gloved hands. He slid a finger deep in Dick's ass as the kid signed, hiking his ass up to take more of it. He finger-fucked the handsome kid for a few minutes, giving him everything he could give, exploring the kids asshole with an expert's touch. Dick moaned as he felt Batman's explorations. "Oh man, please fuck me Batman, please."

"In a minute chum, I want you to taste my cock, get it good and lubricated for that tight ass of yours." Dick turned around as Batman slid his middle finger out of the teenage boy's ass, and took the huge uncut cock in his mouth, choking on the hugeness of the thick meat Batman carried between his legs. Up and down, his hands caressing the huge ballsac that swung underneath, Batman groaning at the inexperienced sucking he gave him. Then Dick lay down again. Batman smiled and obliged the pretty kid by plowing his tight ass as soon as he could work it in. He fucked Dick a little roughly; the boy was sixteen now, he could take it. Dick had had a lot worse done to him in his superhero identity of Robin the Teen Wonder. Batman exploded in Dick's tight young ass, and kept pounding him until all the cum was gone, then kept pounding into him, just because he knew the pretty kid liked to have his butt fucked as long as possible. Finally, he sat back and massaged the teens firm ass, feeling deep in him with a finger again, feeling the slippery smooth walls of his ass, coated with a generous load of Batcum.

Dick sat up, red faced and sweating. "God that was good. Maybe I should have waited. Let me show you something; I think you'll like it." Dick got up and went into his room of the penthouse while Batman stripped down to his identity as Bruce Wayne, financial wizard and sole owner of the Wayne Foundation. He wondered what his ward was up to -- actually Dick was not his ward any longer, not since his sixteenth birthday a few weeks ago. He was a young man free to follow his destiny. He hoped that being his part-time lover was included in that. Dick was such a hungry, randy young man that he wondered how he could keep up with him at times.

Dick said from the bedroom "Get ready!" and stepped out into the living room. Bruce gaped at him. He had designed a new costume for himself. Gone was the almost-festive red vest, skimpy green trunks and yellow cape. He was outfitted totally differently but still the same in a way. His cape was down to his ankles now and still yellow on the inside but black as night on the outside. His vest was different, and was one piece with his now red trunks. Green tights covered his legs and ended in black leather split-toe boots. His hair, which Bruce had noticed was getting longer, was gathered in a ponytail in back. All in all, he looked totally different, and much, much more like the young man he was rather than an innocent boy. The effect was stunning. He noticed the new "R" symbol on Robin's deep chest and saw that it could be detached into a throwing star. Neat. "I like it. A lot."

"Isn't it rad?! It is just so cool! And the thing has a dozen hidden pouches in it. Like this one." He grinned like a kid and touched a microscopic seam on the front of his costume, and his tights suddenly opened to reveal his hard, hard manhood. It stood straight out from his strong body like a flagpole, it's red head already swelling some more. Bruce smiled and came over to Robin and took the handsome kid in his arms.

"I love it. I love you too, Dick. Great costume. Really shows off what you have." He kissed him again and again, gently bringing his leg up against the kids cock. Robin moaned as he turned in Bruce's arms, sliding his spandex-gloved hands over Bruce's powerfully muscled body, like caressing a statue of Hercules made of smooth, yielding flesh instead of cold marble. Both would have been equally hard, though, feeling the steely strength of his mentor and lover. He kissed him back time and again. "Glad you like it. I've got so much to do now, what with being the leader of the Teen Titans now and everything." He felt Robins hard, hard cock against his leg, and bent down, taking it in his mouth and giving the handsome teen an excellent blow job. Robin's gloved hand gently rested on the back of his head, guiding him and playing with his short black hair. "God, Bruce don't go so fast. I won't have any left for your ass if you make me ---ahhhh---- cum now." Bruce smiled a the kid and pulled back. He bent over to give Robin an easier time of it and waited until he felt the costumed youths cock at the entrance to his asshole, then moved back, surprising the kid by engulfing his cock. Robin laughed at that, and slid it in and out a bit before seriously starting to fuck Bruce Wayne's willing ass.

After a few minutes of the boy slowly fucking him, he pulled away and stood up. "What's wrong?" The kid looked crestfallen. He kissed Robin and then laid his costumed body down on the carpet. He sat down beside him, and started to caress his sleek muscular chest and flat, washboard stomach, moving down the dark green flanks and his long, acrobats legs. Then he came back up to where the long 7" cock protruded from the bright red spandex, and took hold of it. He went down on it again, tasting the bitter taste of his asshole on the kids cock, then he positioned himself over the limber kid. Robin slid his legs together as Bruce squatted on Robins young cock, slowing letting the kid penetrate him until he rested his ass tightly against the kids large balls. He started moving up and down, fucking himself on Robin's cock with long slow strokes of his body. He could watch Robins' reactions, his mouth open in a kissable gasp of pleasure as he was introduced to fucking in a whole new way, as Bruce slid his hands over the teenage superheroes powerfully muscled young body, feeling the deeply cut muscles on his chest and abs, playing with the kid's nipple through the thin spandex of his new costume. Robin lay beneath him, still and gasping as new sensation raced through the young gymnasts body. Soon he moaned "Oh, oh, Bruce, Batman, I'm gonna cum, I can't hold off any more. ohh, akhhhh." And with that he started cumming loads into Bruce's ass, which spilled back down and soaked Robins groin and balls with his own cum.

"Ahh, ahh, Jeeez. I got to wash it again. Good thing I treated it to shed protein stains. Wouldn't want any of my blood to make a stain, would we?"

"Your blood, heck. Randy kid like you would have this thing stiffer'n your cock inside a week." He slid off the smooth cut flagpole that was Robin's hard cock and bent down again, taking the kid in his mouth, again tasting the punky taste of his own asshole. It drove him wild, and he throated the teenage boy deeply. Robin, exhausted by the long fuck, just laid there and moaned, feeling the tongue moving back and around, back and around until there was no choice but for him to cum again. His cock throbbed and he tried to let loose with another large spurt, but only a little cum oozed out. His Zen training kept Robin from feeling the pain of his almost dry cumming, and he rolled over, suddenly tired and relaxed.

"Glad you like the costume. Guess I ought to get started on my patrol now, huh? ...." Bruce smiled and took the teen in his arms, kissing him and frenching him deeply, letting the kid taste his own cum. "I know--you're a man now Dick, and you have been since the first time I took your sweet ass. You're a good fighter, a good detective, and above all a good person. I love you, and you know that. Be careful out there. I'm sort of surprised you can still walk after that hard fucking. "

"Aww, you know I'm pretty limber, and tough. If you need anything, give me a buzz; the ol' utility belt has cellular now...." He smiled as his muscular mentor held him tight. He tucked his still-hard cock back in his new costume, then broke away and went to the window, opening it and letting in a blast of icy Gotham wind. He looked out on the huge city he loved and fired the grapple gun out into space and felt it snag a grinning gargoyle. He leapt out into space, felt the line tighten, and was gone.

Robin soared over the chill Gotham skyline, swinging from skyscrapers and racing across trash-strewn rooftops. He made for The Crossing, Gotham's equivalent to Times Square, and perching on a drainspout. Wrapping his new cape around him for warmth, he sat down to wait. Usually it did not take long, since this was the most crime-ridden part of the Downtown area.

Almost before he could get comfortable, there was a scream from the alley beside him. Robin looked down and saw a bunch of street toughs gathered around a teenage boy in the alley; most of them had their pants open and their cocks in full view. The boy was bent over a garbage can, pants around his ankles, and they were taking their turns roughly fucking him. The boy cried out again and tried to put up a fight, kicking back into his most recent assailants knee. The man went down with a howl, clutching his knee and his cock spurting cum over the boys firm ass. "Stop struggling, pretty boy," one of the gang members growled, "or I'll blow your brains out."

Robin felt his own cock jerk a little at the sight of the gang rape of the handsome teenage kid, then he scowled. Just the sort of scum like this was the reason he became Robin in the first place.

Robin launched himself off the roof and halfway down grabbed the fire escape to change his direction. He landed feet first right in the stomach of the older boy he assumed was the leader, then quickly did a spin crescent kick to disarm the guy with the gun. Surprise was on his side; the leader went down in a spray of garbage and the gun arced safely back into the alley. Gun gone, three opponents left. Robin smiled. Piece of cake.

The other toughs were stunned at the sudden appearance of the young superhero and that gave Robin all the time he needed. A flying kick to one and a simultaneous chop to the neck of another felled them in the next second. The third guy made the mistake of trying to brush past the Teen Wonder to get the gun. Robin arced his fist around in an uppercut and then side kicked the guy in the solar plexus. With a little squeal of pain he went down. Robin heard movement behind him and turned a little too late as the gang leader laid a fist across his temple. Dazed a moment, Robin flipped backwards to give himself room to maneuver. The gang leader came on, his naked penis huge and full. The young masked superteen felt his own manhood jerk a bit more at the sight, then he waited, anticipating the rush, then leaping up to meet it with a tornado kick to the head. The leader went down with a sigh.

Robin kicked one of the groaning toughs out of the way and went over to the trembling teenage kid. He was still bent over the can, shaking.

"It's OK now. They won't hurt you anymore." he said softly, touching the teens backside. The young guy turned quickly, fist ready, ready to fight for his stolen virginity then stopped like he had been shot when he saw Robin there..

The teen flushed red, and stammered. Here was his favorite hero in the whole world, come to rescue him. He stepped forward and put his arms around Robin, pressing his bitterly cold body against the Teen Wonder. Robin was taken aback. The guy started crying and Robin found himself returning the young guy's powerful embrace. Nice muscles he thought to himself. Very nice, as he patted the guy's back. "It's OK, man, we need to get out of here before they wake up. And you need your jeans back before you freeze to death."

The teenage guy pulled back, tears streaming down his face. He sniffled, then pulled up the jeans from around his ankles. He grimaced as the pain in his ass hit him again. He aimed a vicious kick at the head of one of his more persistent rapists, but Robin stopped him. "The cops will be here in just a second. Let's get you out of here. Tomorrow you can go in a make a statement if you want to."

The kid nodded and Robin slipped his arm around the teens strong chest, fired his grapple gun and the pair swung up into the night. They stopped on the roof, Robin letting the young teen see that his rapists were getting taken away by the cops. He watched as the hard- cocked gang members were cuffed and taken away, then turned to Robin. Robin had taken off his cape and given it to the teenager, and now, as he turned around, Robin could see how handsome he truly was. Long, honey blonde hair, beautiful full clear blue eyes and a smooth shaven face that was exceptionally handsome. The guy's shoulders were broad and strong, and Robin could see smooth pecs and a nice set of washboard abs from where the guys flannel shirt was open and flapping in the wind. The cold raised goose bumps all over the guy's chest and made his large brown nipples stand at attention. The kids pants fit him like a glove, and his cock was a long thick bulge down one leg.

"Thanks, man. God, thank you."" His voice cracked, and he stepped up to Robin again, embracing him again. Robin gathered the scared young guy to his own powerfully built young body, and felt his own hard-on brush the young guy's. "Oh my god," he heard the boy say, and the guy embraced him harder, pressing his cock against Robins bulging trunks with such force Robin thought the tough spandex- like stuff would tear. Then the guy shuddered in his embrace, and he felt a spreading warmth again his stomach. He looked down and the handsome teen had come on himself. "Jeez," the kid moaned as Robin's arms tightened around him.

"They didn't hurt you much, did they?" Robin asked, the boys face close to his own, close enough to kiss the young guys full lips if he wanted to. And he realized he wanted to; the danger had made him ravenously horney, his trunks already slick with pre-cum. And this pretty guy wasn't helping. Robin thought he could fall in love with those beautiful eyes very quickly.

"God, my ass is on fire man. They actually FUCKED me in the ass man, I can't believe it."

"The pain?"

"No, how great it felt, after they held it in a while. After the first couple of times, it was really pretty cool, in a way, you know?" Then he looked at Robin with a start like he had just realized who he was talking to. "Shit, man I'm sorry, I mean..." He stammered and Robin smiled a bit at the guy's embarrassment. And he noticed that the guys cock still was rock hard in those skintight 501's. His cape billowed from the guy's shoulders, making him look every inch a superhero, Robin saw. Put a mask on him, and, well who knows.... He certainly had a heroic build. Robin wondered how badly those muggers would have faired if they hadn't caught the guy by surprise. He looked damn strong, and Robin had felt his embrace. Muscles rippled up those arms like steel cables. You didn't get a rock solid build like this kids' sitting in Social Studies.

Robin stepped up and took the guy in his arms. Robin guessed him to be about 16 also, maybe 19. Then he put his gloved hand on the back of the guy's head, smoothed his long blonde hair, and kissed the young guy on the lips. Kissed him gently at first, then again and again. "How would you like me to show you that it does not have to be like that, that it does not have to hurt...?" he whispered, nuzzling the handsome young guys ear and neck. The guy gasped as he came up for air, the started kissing the Teen Wonder on the neck and cheek, moving to his lips where the two teens kissed for a long time.

Robin pulled back first, caressing the handsome blonde with his gloved hand. Where do you live..." "Kyle," the boy answered. "...Kyle. Nice name. Where can I drop you off. Kind of cold out here. Want to get warm?"

"Shit I'm as hot as I can be, dude...uh, 1209 Winchester, in Old Barton." Robin nodded, he knew the neighborhood well. Sort of run down, mostly. He slipped his arm around the teen, and smiled as the kid returned it. Then they swung to an adjoining rooftop, dropped down onto a stopped commuter train. "Hold on," Robin said into Kyle's ear, and Kyle grabbed him as the train pulled out. Kyle wrapped Robin's cape tighter around his body as the train cut through the night until it came to a stop in Old Barton 15 minutes later.... The two teens hopped off the train and slipped away in the darkness, headed for Kyle's house.

It was dark when they got there. Robin looked at Kyle. "Folks are gone for the week. Lucky us." At the door he stopped Robin at the threshold and kissed him on the cheek, his hand firmly on Robin's broad shoulder. Once inside, in the warmth, Kyle handed the cape back to Robin. "I can't believe this is happening to me," he whispered. Robin stepped up and kissed him, embraced him, slid a gloved hand down to cup the pretty teens ass. "Believe it, man." he said, and kissed him some more, combing Kyle's shoulder-length blonde hair with his fingers. Kyle took the Teen Wonder in his arms again, just holding him, exploring the costumed body in his arms as Robin slowly slipped Kyles 501's to the floor, leaving the boy in torn underwear. His legs were purpling up from the attack, but otherwise he seemed fine. More than fine, from the huge cock tenting his skimpy little jockeys.

Kyle slowly took of his underwear as Robin watched, then stepped up into another long kissing session, feeling his naked cock slipping against Robins hard-muscled costumed body. Robin felt his own cock start to harden at once in response to the steely hard-on between handsome Kyles legs.

Robin broke off the embrace and stepped back. "Where's your room, man? I want to get to know you a lot better, and that seems the place to do it in." Kyle smiled and took Robin's gloved hand and led him back to the back of the house. Kyles bedroom was draped with sports stuff; weights, football jersey across the back of the desk chair, a white gi hanging up on the door handle. Robin's keen detectives eye saw football trophies, karate trophies, a thick leather weightlifting belt. And there on the wall opposite the door was a large poster of himself in a ready stance. He remembered the photo shoot for that, back when he was 14 or so. He didn't look all that different today. Kyle smiled.

"I guess you've always been my hero, Robin, always. I've wanted to be like you as long as I can remember. I took karate and everything else just so I could be like you, do what you could do. Guess that didn't help me too much tonight, huh?"

"It takes a lot of time, and actual combat experience. Plus, I was trained by the best, you know. Looks like you got all the right moves, though." Robin stepped up and took Kyles bicep in his hand rolling the hard, firm muscle under his fingers. "You're strong, you just need some pointers. Like me to show you some, do a little hands-on training? And some other sports, too?" He said as he kissed Kyle again.

"How could I say no?" the boy whispered, awed. And he took Robin in his strong arms and began to press his cock against the Teen Wonder.

Robin helped Kyle with his clothes, then he stripped totally except for his facemask. "Got to protect my ID, you know? Mind?" "Jeez no," Kyle breathed as he slid the shirt off his own chiseled chest.

The two teenage boys embraced, each feeling the others well- sculpted body. Kyle gasped and shuddered as Robin touched him in every place that he knew felt good to a man; Batman had been his tutor in everything the last few months. Finally, Robin squatted down and tapped a section of his discarded utility belt, drawing out two condoms.

"I don't know where you've been, or where those guys that raped you have been, and you don't know me except as as masked guy. You know how to use this?" Kyle nodded, and Robin took Kyles long cut cock in his smooth hand, and rubbed it until Kyle shuddered. He slipped the condom on the boy's long penis, unrolling it up his sleek length, and then he took it in his mouth. Kyle moaned at that and fell to his knees, his covered cock slipping out of Robin's mouth. Robin smiled at Kyle's inexperience and pushed him to the floor, then bent over him and started throating the kid's cock. Kyle moaned again and again until he cried out and came. Robin rolled him over and took a moment to admire Kyles firm ass as he skinned the condom on over his own cock, and slipped the lubricated length of it into Kyles sweet ass. Kyle groaned loudly and his chest came off the floor, bucking underneath Robins powerful young body. "Jeez you're a lot bigger than they were."

"You don't know what big is, man. I'm about 7". Batman is ten! And his cock seems twice as thick as mine. And he's uncut." Robin whispered as he gently fucked the young weightlifter. Kyle groaned again and again at the invasion of his ass, until Robin finally came and pulled out of him.

Both teens changed condoms and Robin bent to suck Kyles cock again. Kyle ran his fingers through Robins long black hair has the young superteen licked and sucked his rod. Then Robin sat back on his knees. "OK, you're ready to do me, man. I'll tell you what to do." And then he laid down on his stomach, presenting his broad back and sweet, hairless, firmly muscled ass to Kyle. Robin waited in anticipation; beside the convict and Batman, this would be his first time, and it would BE his first time with a randy guy his own age.

Kyle was hesitant but under Robins careful guidance, he soon slid his slippery cock into Robin's well-used asshole. Robin grunted as he received the boy, then milked Kyle with his ass muscles. "Jeez!" a surprised gasp from Kyle.

Both teens changed condoms and Robin bent to suck Kyles cock again. Kyle ran his fingers through Robins long black hair has the young superteen licked and sucked his rod. Then Robin sat back on his knees. "OK, you're ready to do me, man. I'll tell you what to do." And then he laid down on his stomach, presenting his broad back and sweet, hairless, firmly muscled ass to Kyle. Robin waited in anticipation; beside the convict and Batman, this would be his first time, and it would BE his first time with a randy guy his own age.

Kyle was hesitant but under Robins careful guidance, he soon slid his slippery cock into Robin's well-used asshole. Robin grunted as he received the boy, then milked Kyle with his ass muscles. "Jeez!" a surprised gasp from Kyle, then the randy teen slid his cock in past Robin's ass muscle and deep into the masked youths hot body. Kyle was surprised at the heat and tightness surrounding his cock, and kept sliding it in, working into his hero's ass until his balls slapped against Robin's ass. Robin reached back and caressed Kyles balls, rubbing them against his own and then jerking himself a bit. "Kyle," Robin grunted "Reach around here man and take my cock and pump it." Kyle reached around and felt for Robin's slick covered cock, then found the steely length and wrapped his hand firmly around the masked boys penis.

"Aaaahhh," groaned Robin as he felt Kyles long cut cock all the way up his ass and Kyles strong hand on his cock. Kyle began to slowly fuck Robin's ass, then faster and faster as the handsome athlete got used to fucking his first ass. Robin groaned at the feel of it slipping in and almost out of his ass, penetrating him over and over again. God this kid was GOOD, as good as Batman ever was, except he couldn't stretch Robin's ass nearly as far. Robin went with the sensations Kyle was giving him, and writhed under the pretty track stars body until Kyle shouted, "Oh Man, I'm cumminnnng!" Kyle cried inarticulate in his need as his cum pumped out into the condom. Robin shuddered as he felt the boy's penis throbbing deep within his steel-muscled body, then pulled away.

Kyle moaned as his cock came free of Robin's tight ass, and his hands stripped the condom from his still-erupting penis. Robin wanted to drop down and take the teens hard-on in his mouth, but he didn't. Get the guy a blood test tomorrow, just make sure those guys didn't have anything, then he could teach this handsome quarterback all he knew about being with a man.

Robin showered as Kyle played with himself again, the vacated while Kyle rinsed the sweat off his body. Robin toweled himself all over, then toweled Kyle off as well.

He looked over at the rumpled pile of clothes by the bed, his colorful costume mixed in with Kyle's stained 501's, and had an idea.

"You know man," he said as Kyle came out of the bathroom, his hair no longer matted with the sweat of their passion. "We're about the same size and build. Want to try it on?" He pointed to his costume. "Wow," Kyle's face lit up "Yeh!"

Robin helped Kyle with the tights first, sliding them up his muscled legs, then took the skimpy red trunks and slid them up firmly. They clung like they were painted on, displaying every rippling facet of Kyles pumped legs and the smoothness of his ass. They hugged his hips so tightly Kyle started to get another hard on, which expanded under Robin's hand until it was pinned down into the silky dark green spandex tights. "Rule one: neveeer go out on the street like that! I sometimes have to play with myself a couple three times to get it to stay down. The cape helps. A lot."

Then Robin stood up, sliding his hands over Kyles broad, deep chiseled chest. Then he took the tunic and helped Kyle into it, then the gloves and boots. Finally, Robin draped the cape over Kyles broad shoulders and turned him around so he could put the utility belt around his narrow waist.

Kyle looked at himself in the mirror, turning this way and that, admiring the way the costume showed off his hot body. His long honey-blonde hair feathered out over the back of the cape, and he laughed. He jumped up and came down in a fighting crouch while Robin clapped his hands. "You look really hot in that, man. But it needs something, something to protect your secret ID." And with that, Robin peeled off his black mask and pressed it to Kyles surprised face. Kyles eyes grew wide as he felt the fabric adhere to his face with the spirit gum Robin used. He recognized that face!

"My God! You're Dick Greyson, Bruce Wayne's ward! That must mean..."

"Yes, Bruce is Batman." Dick looked at his handsome lover, now clad in the bright spandex of his Robin uniform. That uniform had turned him on for years, and now seeing someone else in it was driving him wild. His sixteen-year-old cock was hard as it could get and he embraced Kyle's muscled body.

"Why, why tell me?"

"I think I'm in love with you, Kyle, and I don't want there to be any secrets between us."

"Well, it was kinda cool, doing it and not knowing who you were. But I feel the same way. I want to see more of you, a lot more."

"Well, that's great. I want to see more of you to, and show you what you can do, what two guys can do."

"Do you think...maybe...Batman?"

Dick smiled at Kyle. "That's entirely likely. I'm thinking you would make a good addition to the team, myself. You're athletic, strong, you already know a lot about fighting, you just have no experience. But then you had no experience in sex with a guy until I picked you out of that alley, and you did great with me. I've never had a lover my own age. Batman is great, fantastic, but he's too much for me sometimes. I like someone a little more gentle, closer to myself. Like you, Kyle." He bent over and kissed Kyles masked face. Kyle reddened and drew Dick into his muscled arms.

"Thank you for trusting me like this. And for loving me. I love you too, man."

With that, Kyle stripped and helped Dick put his costume back on. "I'll be back later in the week. I've got some ideas for you. Then we'll try out your costume."

"!" Kyle kissed Robin goodbye, and stood at the door, watching as his teenage lover swung off into the night...


Interested parties contact Robin Man on STUDS

Next: Chapter 3: Robin Kestrel Meet Catman

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