Robin Man

Published on Dec 29, 2022




All characters except for Rook are copywrite DC Comics

Dick Greyson woke with the morning light slanting into his window. He drowsed for a moment, letting his body wake up and became aware of Kyle Hamilton's muscular body next to his, one arm draped around Dick's deep chest, the fingers spread out across his rock solid ribs. He let himself fall into a meditative trance, becoming preternaturally aware of his boyfriend's nearness, feeling his heartbeat and the rythem of his breathing all in one moment that stretched on and on. Kyle shifted against him and buried his handsome face against Dick's chest. Dick felt the boy's stubbled cheeks scrape his smooth tanned flesh and the heat of Kyle's breath against his left nipple. He shifted his arm slightly, cradling the young man against his body and smiled absently as Kyle responded deep in his sleep, cuddling closer to Dick's warmth and strength.

Kyle Hamilton's bright golden hair fanned out across his shoulders, falling in straight waterfalls of gold over one arm. Dick brushed Kyle's shoulder-length hair, feeling it's silkiness. He pushed it back from the boy's forehead and Kyle's bright blue eyes opened. The young man smiled as he saw his boyfriend watching him, and he cuddled closer to Dick. "Morning," he mouthed silently as he felt Dick's arm tighten around him and he kissed Dick's side, then moved his mouth to the youth's eager chocolate brown nipple. He drew his lips across it a couple times until it hardened into a point, then he flicked his tounge across it rapidly until Dick groaned. Dick shifted position until the two boys were face to face, and he kissed his beautiful boyfriend on the lips, drawing him into a welcome embrace where their powerfully muscled teenaged bodies met, their eager young cocks swelling to full hardness against the other's stomach. The two teens rolled and kissed, each exploring the other's lean, smooth, well-muscled body.

Kyle broke away first, his back arching as he suddenly spent his cum on Dick's firm belly. He closed his eyes as his cut eight inches throbbed and pumped it's load onto his lover's rippled abs, then he fell back on his back, red-faced with his exertion and chagrin at cuming so soon. Dick stood up and wiped his dripping muscled belly, then sat down beside Kyle. He ran his hand over his boyfriends lean leg. "Anything wrong?" he said softly.

"No, just got caught up and lost control of myself, let it go too fast....I'm OK, really." Kyle pushed himself up on his arms, then with seemingly no effort sprung to a standing position on the waterbed and walked off the end. He joined Dick in stretching out the kinks and going through a few minutes of ti chi. Sweat streaming from their strong bodies, the two teens showered, shaved and then got ready for the day.

"Open shades" Dick said to the air. The Titan's Tower computer heard and obeyed. Osmium steel shutters rotated back into their recesses and the pair watched the sun come up on New York City. Kyle still could not beleive it; in New York less than two months and he had already become something of a celebrity in his role as Rook, a fledgling superhero.

Dick stretched and did a handstand, then dropped and walked down the spiral stairs to the kitchen below to fix some breakfast for himself and Kyle. He increasingly thought of himself and Kyle as a 'couple' rather than just a couple of good friends who enjoyed sex with each other. He had a fairly conventional background, and a monogomous relationship appealed very strongly to him. Especially with someone as easy to be with as Kyle. He had become aware over the past year or so that his 'like' and 'lust' had become 'respect', especially of Kyle's scholarship and athletic prowess, and then had gone right into 'love' after a quick detour through 'intense sexual attraction'. He chuckled at the way he was analysing himself and slid bisquits into the oven.

Upstairs, Kyle did some more stretching, then turned to the mirror, admiring his sleek strong body. With technically all of New York watching him (though he knew the polarizing filters in the windows made impossible), he slid his hands down his smooth limbs and over his deep, muscular hairless chest. He played with his nipples until they stood attention, then admired the cut mounds of muscle at his flat stomach. He had always been athletic and limber, but these past two years with Robin the Teen Wonder had transformed him into a lean, hardbodied young powerhouse bursting with energy, possessed of a delicate grace and intense concentration. His arms were hard and powerful, bulging with strength, and he could press almost 400 pounds now. He had a vanishingly small body fat percentage, making his muscles stand out in hard relief during even the simplest exertion. His skintight costume only accentuated his beautiful body. He manhood had risen again, and he stroked himself in front of the mirror, feeling the hard fleshy shaft beneath his fingers and the straining red cockhead that tipped his cut teen cock. He slid his hands from his swelling curved cock and played with his low-hanging balls, then explored his crack a bit, one finger swirling around the entrance to his fuckhole. It twitched, eager to be filled with Dick's manmeat. He enjoyed Dick's more slender cock rather than Batman's huge thick horse cock. Almost eleven inches of uncut powerhouse cock that he had last felt his last night at stately Wayne Manor, groaning as it slid deep into his young body, filling him to the brim and beyond. It was a little scary to surrender himself so completely to someone so hung, and he had realized he was more than friends with Robin...Nightwing. He was deeply, deeply in love with him, more than he had ever felt before in his young life. That in itself was a little scary, to know that this one person meant more to him than anything else. He shook his head, smiling at the sight of Dick's picture on the dresser. Then he smelled cooking from downstairs and stopped his explorations. He slid on some underwear and then a pair of cut-offs before joining Dick Greyson for breakfast.

Rook recovered himself and shook her offered hand. "Yeh, I don't was just a surprise OK?"

She laughed and headed for the elevator. "I'll have to tell you about the time I found Robin, back when he was a Boy Wonder, and Speedy, uh, experimenting with each other." And with that she was gone into the elevator leaving the boys alone.

Nightwing turned to Rook, redfaced. "I, uh, Speedy and I were, well, Speedy was older and I had a boner for just about the first time when he pulled his shirt off. He saw it and we started to fool around, and he showed me how to play with myself. He sucked me for the first time and got me to cum for the first time. He never would let me suck him, though I really wanted to; once and awhile he would let me play him him, but that was all. We continued to play around with each other that summer until he told Green Arrow what he was doing, and Ollie beat him within an inch of his life. We were just 13 and 15, playing around with our bodies. He thought he had done something terrible and he didn't see me until I was 16 and we formed the second team. Even then he didn't have a heck of a lot to do with me...he was still working out his bisexuality at the time and it was pretty tough with Green Arrow as a mentor. It hurt me pretty bad, his not speaking to me, and I think it was one of the reasons the team didn't stay together. We got together later and worked out a lot of the problems, though. I was just too young at the time for him to really feel comfortable with me. I think that Green Arrow must have, you know, played around with him more than once and that made him terribly body shy."

Rook had been silent through all of it, then he touched Nightwing's cheek. "It's OK man; I love you and I don't care that you might have done something with someone else. It doesn't matter. I wouldn't mind seeing him myself, or being with him, or YOU being with him. It's you I love, and I think you feel the same about me."

Nightwing was taken aback by the deep sincerity in his boy- friends' voice and his declaration. He found his voice, then. "I do love you too, Kyle, I think I always have." And he took the black- clad teen in his arms and hugged Rook to him in a strong embrace, wanting him very badly right now.

Later, he introduced Rook to Wonder Girl more formally, and they told her about their relationship. Donna was overjoyed; she had been so afraid that Dick would choose someone that would hurt him terribly, like Roy had done. Rook was sincerly, truly in love with Dick, and her Amazon senses told her it was the genuine article: it was so rare, really, to see two people truly in love with each other that it brought joy to her heart. If these two Men could feel emotion that deepply for one another, then there was hope for her mission after all.

Rook concentrated on ring work in the gym, part of his mind on the smooth interplay between his muscles and gravity, and part on what Nightwing had said to him. His heart leaped, knowing that Nightwing loved him too and he grinned broadly, leaping and turning in mid air as he went higher and higher. His form was excellent today, and he had Nightwing to thank for the aerial training. He came down smooth and perfect, and bowed to a nonexistant audience.

Well, not quite non-existant. Rook turned when he heard clapping, flushing a little with embarrasement, and saw a figure in the shadows. It stepped out in the light, and Rook saw that it was Aqualad. Rook stared for a second at the handsome young man: Aqualad was a bit taller than he was and a bit more muscled but sleeker somehow, with a lithe swimmer's build. He was drop-dead handsome, a beautiful mixture of Mediterranian and maybe a few other races until Rook remembered that Aqualad's people were a race all to themselves: Atlantean. If Aqualad was a representative, Rook thought, he had to take up SCUBA diving, and soon! Aqualad had short curly black hair, and dark purple eyes. Not a soft human violet, but rich royal purple that made him really stand out when you noticed his face. He was dressed in his costume: a short-sleeved tunic and speedo-like racing trunks belted with some material Rook couldn't identify. Blue boots and gloves rounded out his uniform.

"I didn't mean to startle you; you were really good. Nightwing is the only one I've ever seen with moves like that." Aqualad's voice was rich and deep and with an odd accent. It sounded like it would carry for miles, and indeed it had to at times under the ocean. "I'm Aqualad, and you must be Rook?"

"Yes," Rook said as he took Aqualad's gloved hand, feeling the strong easy grip that he knew could have crushed his hand: resisting the pressure of miles of sea water had made all Atlanteans virtually super-strong on the surface, and Aqualad was stronger than most. "My real name's Garth," Aqualad continued, "But hardly anyone ever uses anything but my superhero name. And you're...Kyle, right? Dick's lover?"

Rook was surprised by that! He could only stammer a bit, then Aqualad flashed him bright white teeth. "I'm a low grade telepath, at least as far as humans are concerned. If something is really strong I can usually pick up on it, and Nightwing is pretty prominent in your mind, Rook. Don't worry; Atlanteans really could care less about such distinctions, and I don't know of any of the Titans who would except maybe Kid Flash. And if he says anything, Nightwing could always beat the crap out of him for it." And with that he put a gloved hand on Rook's cheek then kissed the costumed teen. He brushed Rook's lips once, then stepped forward and took Rook's face in both hands and kissed him properly. Rook kissed him back then opened his lips slightly and gave Aqualad his tounge. Aqualad responded by kissing him some more and pressing his hard young body against Rook, his powerful hands sliding down Rook's back to cup his pretty tights-clad ass and press it forward. Rook felt his cock grow hard and press against Aqualad's bikini trunks, and felt the warmth from them as the other hero's manhood pressed against him, rolling around in it's skintight prison, seeking relief. "Boy you are really one hot young guy," Aqualad whispered as

skin. He played with them as Aqualad kissed him over and over, then he laid down, waiting for the pretty young man to get ready. He raised his limber legs and Aqualad bent down to finger fuck the willing teen. Rook took his finger and Aqualad moved it around in his puckerhole, feeling the boy grip and release it, then he pressed his cock against it and Rook pushed back even as Aqualad pushed foreward. Rook grimaced as he took the thick cock up his hole, and Aqualad was delighted by the hot tightness of the boy. Eagerly he fucked the blonde teen, moving slowly and then quickly as Rook played with his own cock. Aqualad shut his eyes as he came again, pumping another load of thick cum down the boy's waiting hole. He pulled out and sat back, red faced from pounding the kid's ass, and Rook moved over and laid him back. Rook opened Aqualad's legs, then entered him easily. Aqualad was not as tight as Nightwing, and just as hot. The young man held Rook as he was fucked, playing with Rook's chisled chest until his touch on Rook's nipples sent the blonde boy over the edge and he pumped his own load into Aqualad's firm ass. He kept fucking Aqualad's hot ass until the very last drop of his cum was gone, and he still continued, surprising the handsome hero beneath him. After a bit his cock started to jerk again and he pumped a second load of cum into Aqualad, then rested against the smooth deep chest of the teenager until his cock got soft and popped out of the hero's ass.

Aqualad cradled the sweet young man against his powerfully built chest, feeling the exhaustion in him. He kissed the pretty teen for awhile and then helped him to the showers to clean up. Then the pair sorted out their clothing from the gym floor and put their costumes back on.

Rook was really tired after their double fuck, but Aqualad stayed to get his exercise in the pool. He did a hundred laps dreaming about fucking the boy again, and soon. Rook took the elevator to his rooms, and found Dick Greyson reading in bed, shirtless and intense. He shucked his costume and laid down beside his lover, who slid one arm around Rooks chest and drew him close. He laid his head on Dick's chest and dozed, changing his position now and again. Dick brushed his long hair and Rook felt the hard firm muscles of Dick's thigh against his soft spent cock. Nightwing felt the heat of the boy next to him and he started to get turned on, but he could see Kyle had already had spent himself with someone else, probably Aqualad or Speedy, if Roy had got in yet.

Just then there was a ring at the door, and someone entered. The two young men looked at the stair entrance and saw Speedy come in. Roy Harper was taller than Nightwing, with about 15 pounds more muscle, and a shock of bright red hair and soulful green eyes. He was dressed in a red costume with black boots and a small red 'robin hood' cap. His bow and quiver must have been downstairs.

Speedy came over as Nightwing rose up. Speedy knelt by the side of the bed and the two young men kissed each other deeply. Rook sat up in the bed as he saw Speedy run his gloved hands across Nightwing's back, drawing him closer. The pair finally broke apart, and Speedy saw Rook for the first time. He smiled and stuck out his hand, then when Rook shook it, drew the boy close in and kissed him too! He was s good kisser and damn strong. Rook let himself go with the embrace and the long kiss, feeling Nightwing's hand on his back. God, this young guy kissed good!

Speedy released him and high-fived Nightwing. "God he IS good," Speedy said, "You are really lucky." He ran his hand through Rooks long blonde hair. "You are a really handsome, hot dude. Dick's told me a little about you. Man, is Batman really as hung as Dick says he is?"

Rook found himself nodding, and Speedy kissed him again. Speedy looked at Nightwing a minute and something passed between them, then Nightwing slid his arms around Rook and pulled him back so that the blonde boy was almost in his lap. Speedy bent down and kissed the teenager, then ran his tounge over the boy's naked chest, stopping and hardening both nipples with playful little nibbles and licks. Rook felt the strength of the two young men against him and started to get really hard again. Speedy licked down his chest to his flat abs and finally to the small little golden bush where Rooks hard cock stood at attention, eager for the toungewashing the Boy Bowman wanted to give him. Speedy began to go down on him and he relaxed into Nightwing's powerful embrace. He could feel Nightwing's hard cock pressing against his ass, and he wiggled a bit on it, making the shirtless teen gasp.

Speedy stood back and stripped off his costume, finally shucking his underwear to reveal a thick cut cock that seemed ten inches long. Kyle was amazed at the size of him; at least as big as Batman! Kyle moved over to that huge member and wrapped both hands around it and started to jank the Boy Bowman's huge cock. Nightwing slid out from under his partner and slid his hands over Roy Harper's firm rounded ass. Then Roy bent over and Nightwing started to fuck while Kyle sucked him. Roy was in heaven and the pretty blonde between his legs sent him over the edge with a shout, exploding his cum inside Rooks mouth and lips and chin and chest as Nightwing came inside Roy's muscled body. Roy was spent and exhausted, and laid down beside Rook, then turned over. "You are such a hot young stud! I'm pretty tired from that great suck man, but I really want you to fuck me..."

Rook needed little encouragement when faced with an older guy as hot as Roy Harper, and eagerly straddled the boy's ass, then entered him with a grunt. Roy struggled a little beneath him, then relaxed, making it easy for Rook. Rook concentrated on fucking the handsome redhead's smooth ass, feeling it's heat and wetness and the tight muscle gripping and releasing his throbbing cock. He felt a touch behind him, the Nightwing's lips at his neck. "Bend over," Night- wing whispered to him, and he bent over Roy's back as the husky 22- year old moaned underneath him as Rook's cock was driven deeper into his powerful body. The Rook shuddered as he felt Nightwing enter his ass. Rook almost came right then! Wow, he was fucking one

Next: Chapter 6: Robin and Ramone

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