Ron and Bryan

By John Tucker (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 23, 2023


The following is a work of gay fiction. If the subject matter is offensive to you or you are too young. Please exit now. This story is the property of the owner and may not be reproduced without his permission. HUGs.


Chapter Thirty-five

Sunday breakfast at Jake and Tony's `owner's cabin' at Camp Hope

All the boys, Ronnie, Douglas, Nathan, Carl and Carl's guest, David sat at a separate table eating the buffet breakfast that had been served by Francine, Jake and Tony's cook.

"David, you haven't said too much on this trip," Ronnie commented. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, it's been great," David replied. "I never knew any place like this existed. It's a whole new experience for me. I'm sorry I've been so quiet and lurking into the background so much, but I've been doing a lot of thinking."

"About what, if you don't mind me asking?" Nathan queried.

"It's kind of hard to explain. Maybe it's because I spent my early youth in a different country. I'm trying to take it all in and trying hard to understand. Everything since I got to your home has been like something out of a fairy tale. Your house is beautiful, the plane and all that, was breathtaking. This place too is beyond belief. It all dazzles the hell out of me, but I can accept that because even in my country there are rich people who have many beautiful things and live in opulence. What I don't understand is Ron and Matt, as well as Tyler and Dan, not to mention you guys; I mean, everyone is so normal! It's like all this material stuff doesn't really matter. You have fun and you work just like everyone else. I guess even more than that, everyone is so giving! Everyone who has ever even noticed me has always wanted something from me. You guys just want me to have fun and enjoy myself. It's not just that you're treating me that way either. The older guys and even you guys too seem to have that same giving attitude around each other and around everyone you meet. I've never been around anyone like that before. Frankly, it has me baffled."

"I know the feeling," Nathan agreed. "I came from a background that was everyman for himself.' It's taken me weeks to accept that there are people like the guys in this family. If you had told me about it before, I never would have believed you. You have to see that it's real for yourself. Anyone can be nice once in a while. It's a whole different thing to live being nice.' It's a way of life around here. We're very fortunate, and now you're one of the extended family too."

"I've never been accepted before, Nathan. Do you think it's `the gay thing'?"

"Not really," Nathan replied. "I mean I think gays like us are more conscious of others, because we're different' ourselves than the majority, but Ron has shown us more than once that it's who a person is inside that counts. The person could be white, black, straight, gay, Christian, Islamic, male or female. It doesn't matter. Only the heart of the person inside and how he treats others is a gauge of a person's true worth. He has taught us that everyone wants to be good, but that many have been led astray by prejudices, greed or lust for power. Often it's not that person's fault, because that's all they've ever been taught or been exposed to. It's hard to overcome though. When it's been drilled into us that we are right and everyone else is wrong,' it's easy to close our eyes to the truth. Thinking people are not fooled though. That's what Ron and Matt wants us to do: evaluate and make up our own minds, knowing that others might not agree with us, but yet valuing their right to believe differently or be different in any kind of way."

"I'm not through thinking about this," David declared. "Be patient with me."

"As I said before, take your time," Nathan replied. "Just know that we consider you our brother."

"Thanks guys," David said at the table of smiling faces he saw agreeing with Nathan.

"Uh, would you excuse me for a minute," Douglas said. "I need to talk to Ron or Matt."

With that, he put his napkin beside his plate and pushed back his chair before standing and stepping over to the table where Ron, Matt, Tony and Jake were seated.

"Pardon me for interrupting," he began, addressing the older men. "Ron? Could I speak to you privately for a couple of minutes?"

"Sure," Ron said smiling. He asked to be excused, promising to return shortly and then followed Douglas into the living room.

"What can I help you with Doug?" Ron asked as they settled down on a sofa.

"Uh, it's about a guy I met here yesterday," Douglas began then coughed. Continuing on he told Ron about meeting Dez Baker and his losing his eligibility as a camper because of his mother's promotion. He asked if Ron and Matt could help the youth.

"I can try," Ron replied. "You know I can't promise. I'll explain the situation to Tony and Jake though. Maybe they can make an exception. I'll let you know."

"Thanks Ron," Douglas said with a smile, before he coughed again.

"My pleasure, son. I'm proud of you for thinking about another person. I'll do my best. Are you catching cold?"

"I'm not sure," Douglas replied feeling relief that Ron was going to help his friend Dez. "My throat has been a bit swollen and scratchy since I got here. I don't know what's causing it."

"If it's not gone by tomorrow when we get home, we'll take you to the doctor to look at it," Ron promised. "Let me know if you're not better by tomorrow night."

"I will, and thanks again for helping Dez."

"We'd better go back in and join the others," Ron advised.

"Yeah. I guess we'd better," Douglas agreed.

Sunday Noon.

Tony Tegano stood at the head table of the outdoor luncheon as dozens of youthful waiters completed the serving of generous helpings of barbeque, beans, and coleslaw to the gathered guests. At the table with Tony were his partner Jake, their guest Ron and Matt, as well as the camp director and his wife and several other camp staff personnel. The Las Vegas boys were seated near the front at one of the large tables with other guests including Dez Baker who was seated next to Douglas. The din of conversation dropped to a low buzz, then to silence as the diners turned their attention to the podium.

"On behalf or our youth camp, I'd like to welcome our honored guests, alumni, campers, prospective campers and their families to our campus. For those of you who have not met me, my name is Tony Tegano, and my partner seated next to me on my right, is Jake Marley. We are the founders of Camp Hope."

Tony then introduced the other members seated at the head table before continuing.

"This camp was established to promote success. It does that by giving our youths a path to follow to raise themselves to a higher level of experience and education than might otherwise be possible. The camp itself is not the end of the trail, but only the beginning. For prospective campers, it provides a chance to begin that journey to success. For returning campers, it gives leadership opportunities and educational experiences that will help them in their later lives. For graduates of the camp, it provides scholarships at State Universities to further their education for those who choose that path. While this total program is only a few years old, our success rate in graduating our camper alumni from college is near 90%."

"Scattered around in this gathering are youth councilors from this past summer. They are dressed in blue tee shirts. In green tees, are alumni campers who are back with us today. Please feel free to ask any of them about our program. After luncheon, at 2 PM, there will be an assembly at the camp's amphitheater where staff and campers from last summer have prepared entertainment. Also after lunch, before and after the entertainment, there will be staffers available in the library of this building to provide you with literature and answer any questions you might have about camp."

"I would like to make one final announcement before we say the pledge and ask the Lord's blessing on our meal. Through divine providence, we have been able to secure an additional campsite between San Antonio and Austin. There is also a possibility of another camp near Dallas. Our plans call for at least one of those camps to open this summer. When that happens, it will enable us to accept more new campers into the program. We'd like to thank Ron Turner and Matt Davidson, who I introduced earlier, in helping us make this miracle happen. Now without further comment, please rise for the Pledge and remain standing for our prayer of thanksgiving before enjoying your meal."

After the preliminary duties, the meal was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants, particularly the younger ones. When it was finished, the guests and staff disbursed to the afternoon's activities. Ron found Douglas who was still with Dez and asked him to step aside with him for a moment. After promising Dez that he'd rejoin him soon, Douglas and Ron disappeared into the Owner's cabin.

"Doug," Ron began. "I talked to Tony and Jake. I explained the situation with Dez. They're sympathetic, but are reluctant to break their own rules, so I've agreed to sponsor Dez to their camp. That also means a college scholarship for him too, if he qualifies. You can tell him."

"Wow!" Thanks Da... uh... Ron," Douglas said excitedly.

"`Dad' will do," Ron said with a wink. "And you're welcome. Matt and I will be leaving by helicopter soon for Dallas. You guys are coming later on our plane and we'll meet you there. Be sure to be back here to the Owners' Cabin by 3:30."

"Will do Dad," Douglas said with a cough. "I'll see you at dinner time.

Douglas left the cabin with a huge smile on his face. He decided to break the news to Dez privately, so after spending some time with the crowd, they slipped away from the festivities, preferring instead to spend the time alone with each other. Disappearing into the shady woods, the two boys climbed a nearby hill before taking sitting down beside each other on a fallen log. They looked out through the trees and saw the whole camp below them.

"It's very beautiful here," Douglas said. "It's peaceful and quiet and the air smells fresh and clean."

"Yes it is," Dez agreed. "I sure wish I could attend this camp."

"Don't give up hope," Doug advised with a knowing smile.

"My mom checked the income rules for camp after she got her new job. She'll make $100 a month more than they allow. It's too much money for her to refuse. Even though I'll have to sacrifice coming to camp maybe it will be the beginning of a break for us. Life has been hard, especially for her."

"I'm sure things will look up," Douglas encouraged, and was about to relay the news when Dez changed the subject.

"I'm sure glad we met, Douglas," Dez said.

"Me too."

"It really makes me sad though. As I told you yesterday I don't have any friends. Most of the kids in the neighborhood are all `street toughs' and call me names.

"I know about name calling," Douglas revealed. "When I was in the orphanage and couldn't walk, the other kids all made fun of me."

"You can hardly tell now that you were ever sick," Dez responded.

"It was difficult, but I lived though it, but now I'm so happy. I've been thinking though, if I had a choice between being sick and living with Ron and Matt, or being well and being in that orphanage, I'd take being sick. I've learned that real happiness is being loved for who you really are."

"Tell me about your boyfriend."

Douglas had hoped that the subject wouldn't come up, but he answered truthfully. "As I said his name is Eddy. He lives at the Thornton Center for gay boys but comes to our house a lot on weekends. We talk on the phone every day too. He's a very good writer, and I'm also learning to become one. Oh yeah.... I forgot to mention, he's cute too," he added with a blush.

"Uh, ... have you guys had sex?"

"Normally, I'd tell you to mind your own business, but since we've become friends, I'll tell you."

"I'm sorry for asking," Dez apologized quickly, realizing how personal the question was. "It was too nosey of me."

"No, it's alright. We're special friends so I can tell you. I mean I'm not gonna get real graphic with the details, but I will tell you that we've done just about everything but the rear-end stuff."

"Is it fun?" Dez asked.

"It's the most wonderful thing," Douglas answered. "I mean the sex part is great, but loving someone is the very best. I miss him when he's not around. It's like we belong together and are not complete people when we're apart. The sex stuff is like whipped cream and nuts on top of ice cream. It's not dessert, but it sure makes it better. I guess I'd say that it's the bodily expression of how we feel inside for each other."

"I never thought of it that way," Dez stated. "I thought it was just for the fun of getting off with another person."

"It is fun and it's thrilling too, but it would seem just like selfishness for me with someone else besides Eddie. It might be fun but it wouldn't mean anything. With Eddie the sharing our bodies is the completion of our commitment to each other. It's giving instead of taking. I guess it's hard to understand."

"I'm jealous of Eddie," Dez admitted. "He has you."

Douglas' blush returned, evident in the afternoon sun.

"That's nice of you to say," Douglas replied slowly and with care so not to hurt Dez's feelings. "I like you a lot. You're cute and smart and everything a guy could want, but I've given my heart to Eddie and I'd never do anything to hurt him."

"I understand. Eddie is a lucky guy."

"Don't worry; your guy will come along. It might not be today or tomorrow, but there's someone out there for you. You need to be choosey though. Look at the guy inside. I know that when I met Eddie, I was amazed that he looked twice at me. We became friends first, then lovers later when we got to know each other."

"It's getting late so we need to get back. I hate to leave though `cause I'm not sure we'll see each other again," Dez said. "There are a lot of activities still this afternoon and my mother will be here soon to pick me up."

"Yes, we need to get back," Douglas agreed. "We'll just have to spend what few minutes we have left together and say it's enough. We are leaving in a half-hour too, so this will be our last chance to be alone."

"I just want to say," Dez said, "that you don't know how much being here with you has meant to me."

"It's meant a lot to me too Dez. Do you have a computer?"

"No, but I can use one at the library or at school."

"I'll give you my e-mail address and we can write to each other."

"You'd write to me?"

"Sure, that's what friends do."

"Thank you for being my friend Doug."

"You're welcome Dez. Thanks for being my friend."

"Uh..... Doug?"

"Yeah Dez?"

"Uh..... I'd never kissed a boy before last night. Would... could....uh.... I shouldn't ask..... Do ya think....?"

"Come here Dez," Douglas said grinning, then taking his new friend into his arms. "Just know again that this is only a `friend' kiss," he explained as he placed closed lips on those of his Houston friend.

"Wow!" Dez said when they parted. "I gotta make some new friends!"

Douglas laughed. "You're going to make plenty of friends, right here in this camp," Doug said with assurance.

"I wish," Dez replied with sudden sadness.

"Your wish just came true," Doug responded. "When I talked to my dad Ron after lunch he told me that you'd been accepted."

"Yahoo!!!!" Dez screamed as he hugged Douglas. "I can't believe it! I've got to tell my mom!"

Douglas laughed, returning the hug, then stepping back he said, "I guess it's time to get back to camp."

30 minutes later at the camp

Douglas stepped through the doorway into the Owners' Cabin followed by Ronnie, Nathan, Carl and David. Waiting outside he saw Dez and his mother.

Dez introduced the guys to his mother who shook their hands. When they got to Douglas, Dez said, "Mom, I'd like you to meet my special friend Douglas that I told you about."

Dez's mother stepped forward and giving Douglas a hug whispered a soft `thank you' into his ear.

Douglas blushed as she released him to her son who wrapped his shorter arms around Douglas.

"I'll miss you," Doug said. "We've become good friends."

"The best," Dez replied with a tear in his eye.

"Here's my e-mail address," Douglas said thrusting a piece of paper into Dez's hand. "Write me."

"You can count on it," Dez said, smiling through his tears.

"Come on Bro," Nathan said grasping Douglas's shoulder. "We have to go."

"G'bye Dez," Douglas said, his own eyes leaking.

"Bye Doug," his friend replied as he grasped his mother's hand and blinked back the tears.

      • Two hours later, Dallas' Love Field

Ron and Matt stepped aboard the jet after having said goodbye to Tony and Jake in the helicopter which sat nearby. Looking around, they saw each of the boys watching them as they stood near the entryway. As the steward raised the retractable stairway, then pulled the door closed and locking it for takeoff, Ronnie asked, "Did they like the site?"

"It was even nicer than the one in San Marcos," Ron reported. "It's bigger too; almost 500 acres."

"How big is that?" Ronnie queried.

"It's bigger than both Tyler and Dan's property in Las Vegas added to ours," Ron replied. "It's alongside a large lake too, so there will be plenty of opportunity for water activities."

"It sounds neat," Douglas said with a cough. "Oh and thanks for helping Dez. He's become a good friend."

"You're welcome Doug," Ron replied. "Still having a scratchy throat?"

"Yeah, it seems to be getting worse," Doug answered.

"I'll have the steward get a blanket for you." Matt offered. "Perhaps you can get some sleep on the way home. Tomorrow I'll take you to the doctor."

"We'd better take our seats," Ron suggested as he heard the plane's engines begin their wind-up."

"There goes Tony and Jake," Nathan said peering out the window. The boys on that side pressed their faces against the windows, fascinated and the rotary craft's vertical assent.

"I think the trip was a complete success," Matt commented to Ron as they strapped on their seat restraints.

"Yes, I'm delighted with the results," Ron agreed. "In a couple or three weeks, we can close the deal. It will make us a lot richer, but interestingly enough, I'm a lot more excited about what Tony and Jake are doing than in the money."

"That doesn't surprise me," Matt said with a grin. "That's my guy!"

2 ½ hours later. McCarran International airport, Las Vegas.

The travelers gathered at the foot of the plane's stairway while the crew began unloading the baggage when the man-door leading from the hangar into the terminal's connecting hallway opened. Tyler, Dan, Jerry and Zack stepped into the hangar, with Jerry breaking loose and running to Ronnie, giving him a huge `welcome back' hug.

"I guess someone is really glad we're back," Matt commented with a grin as the two groups converged."

"Everyone is glad, I think," Tyler said as more hugs were exchanged between fathers and boys.

"How did the move to your new house go?" Ron asked.

"Pretty well," Dan answered. "We really didn't have that much to move, except for personal items. The `starving students' movers were a great help, so we were mostly moved yesterday. Today we just spent our time putting things away, and later today took our first swim in our outside pool."

"It's getting a bit cool for that isn't it?" Matt asked.

"We turned on the heater, so it wasn't too bad," Dan replied. "We didn't stay in long though. I think the outdoor swimming season has just about passed. Within a month though, we'll have our activity building finished and we can swim inside all winter."

"I think I'll stick to the hot tub," Matt advised. "Just the thought of swimming in the winter makes me cold."

"How was the trip?" Tyler asked.

"A complete success," Ron answered. "We signed the deal, found two sites for future camps for Tony and Jake, the boys had a great time, and Douglas made a new friend."

"What more could you want?" Tyler stated.

"Only to be back home with you guys," relied Ron. "Now that wish has come true too."

The four adults smiled in agreement.

      • 45 minutes later, in front of David's small apartment building

Ron's Mercedes pulled away from the curb. Inside Carl, Nathan and Ronnie waved as large silver car disappeared into the night. David grabbed the handle of his new roll-around' soft luggage that Parker had not only purchased but also filled with three new wardrobes. Thinking back to the previous three days, David began up the walk toward his tiny run-down apartment. He'd wished that he could afford a better place to live, but he'd have to get on his feet first. As he approached the dimly lit door reality began to creep back in. Sure I had a good time and the guys were great,' he thought, but I'm no better off than I was before. Perhaps I'm worse off. I know now what I'm missing and that I'll never get close to climbing as high as any of the boys I just met. Besides, there's the other thing'."

Dejected, he inserted his key into the deadbolt and twisted it. He was surprised to find it unlocked. Turning the knob, he pushed the door inward and groped for the light switch.

"Leave it off," a voice commanded.

Startled, his hand stopped in mid-air.

"Where have you been?" the voice asked accusingly.

"Uh, is that you Achmed?" David asked as his body shivered in dread.

"Shut the door, and sit down," Achmed demanded as he grabbed David's arm, propelling him to the sofa where he crashed down. "Answer my question!"

"I just went away for the weekend with some guys from work," David replied in fear.

"Guys from work drive a Mercedes?" the voice of David's countryman charged.

"The car belonged to Carl's dad. I was just invited along."

"That's not what you're here for," Achmed gruffly reminded the youth.

"I know," Carl reluctantly agreed, "but Carl's dad knows everybody. I'm hoping we can get a tour of the Stratosphere Tower. That way I'll be able to scope out the best place to put the explosives."

"You've just named your own job then," Achmed agreed. "We've only got less than three months until New Years. The explosives are starting to arrive. I've got them at my house for now. We need to have a plan soon. I'll expect a full report by the end of the month."

"A...Alright," David agreed. "I'll do my best."

"You'd better," Achmed warned. "You'd better do it carefully too. One leak and we'll fail. You know what that means."

"Yes, I know," David replied. "I really don't care about my parents, especially my father, but I don't want anything to happen to my brothers and sisters."

"Look at the bright side," Achmed said, his stained crooked teeth revealing a wicked grin visible in the dim light from outside, "You'll be a martyr. You'll be praised and your name will be revered on earth as you ascend into paradise as one of Allah's chosen."

"I know," David said, torn between his loyalty to his faith and his new-found independence.

"It will be a glorious day," continued the older man. "We'll strike fear into these Americans, proving to them that we won't stop until they quit meddling in our affairs and until they're begging us for peace on our terms."

"Yes, that is our pledge," David reminded himself.

"Yes, and your oath to make it happen," Achmed concluded. "I'll call you later this week. We need to start working on our plan in earnest."

"You know where to find me."

"Until later then. I'll call you," Achmed said as he opened the door looking around at the quiet yard, then exiting, closing the door behind him.

David sat in a state of collapse on the sofa. A tear fell from his eye.

Later at Ron and Matt's home, Douglas' room.

"Hello. Mr. Anderson? Is Eddie Borroughs still up?" Douglas asked into the phone.

"I think he's in the living room," Tom Anderson replied. "Is this Doug?"

"Yes sir," Douglas answered.

"I'll get him," Tom offered.

"Thank you sir," Douglas responded.

After a few moments, Douglas heard the phone being picked up and the voice of Eddie say, "Hi Doug. Welcome back. How was your trip?"

"Hi Eddie. Thanks. The trip was unbelievable! The plane ride and camp was really neat! It would have been perfect except you weren't with us. I missed you."

"I'm missed you too my best man. I'm glad you're back."

"We'll have to get together this weekend if we can. I'll have to ask Ron or Matt if it's okay." He said, then coughed.

"Are you sick?" Eddie asked with concern showing in his voice.

"Nah, at least not yet. I just have a sore throat. Matt is taking me to the doctor tomorrow."

"I hope you're well by the weekend."

"I'm sure I will be. Have you done any writing while I was gone?"

"Yes, I'm on the third chapter of my new story for Nifty."

"I can't wait to read it. What's it called?"

"D and E," Eddie said with a giggle.

"What does that stand for?" Douglas asked.

"One guess," Eddie answered.

"Doug and Eddie?" Douglas asked.

"You're a mind-reader," Eddie giggled. "You'll like it."

"Where will it be posted?"

"In high school' probably. It could be in beginnings', but I'd rather have it in `high school.'

"Are you gonna let me read it first?"

"Duh!" Eddie responded. "You're my editor. If you look on your e-mail, you'll find all three chapters. When we get 5 chapters done, we'll start posting."

"I can't wait to read it. I'll read it tonight and work on the first chapter tomorrow. If I get it finished, I'll send it back to you," Douglas promised.

"Well, it's pretty late," Eddie observed. "I'd better hit the sack. Give me a call when you get home from school tomorrow."

"I will lover. Have a good night. Love ya."

"I love you too baby," Eddie said. "Talk to you tomorrow. G' night."


Meanwhile in Ron and Matt's room

Matt removed his boxer briefs and tossed them into the pile with his other clothes that were destined for the dirty clothes hamper and then stepped toward the shower already occupied by his lover.

"Got room for me?" he asked as he opened that glass door leading to the large enclosure.

"Always," Ron replied.

"Are you going to let me scrub you?" Matt asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"You just want to feel my body," Ron kidded.

"Is it necessary to state the obvious?" retorted Matt.

"I see something pretty obvious down below," Ron said with a lusty grin while gazing down at Matt's swollen member.

"You know you horn me up lover," admitted Matt with a wink.

"You do the same to me," Ron agreed. "Just the thought of your hands on me is enough to make me shoot in anticipation."

"I feel the same way," Matt said with lust in his voice as he lathered up his ands and began caressing Ron's muscular back. "There's three days worth of love juice in me just waiting to get out."

"I can hardly wait," Ron smiled in anticipation as he turned around and pulled the naked body of his lover tight against him just before their lips met.

Next: Chapter 136: Empire 36

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