Ron and Bryan

By John Tucker (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 27, 2023


The following is a work of gay fiction. If the subject matter is offensive to you or you are too young, please exit now. This work is the property of the author and may not be reproduced without his permission.


Chapter Thirty-six

7:00 AM, the Wildman Casino job, Las Vegas

Carl drove into the dirt construction parking lot, parked, then turned off the Civic grabbing his lunch pail that Mary had prepared for the day's mid-day meal. Walking toward RET Construction trailer he saw David standing outside the entrance.

"Hi David," Carl said in greeting as he approached his friend. "How are you today? You look like you didn't get any sleep."

"I'll be alright, I guess," David answered. "You're right, I didn't sleep well."

"Is everything alright?'

David hesitated before answering.

"I just have something on my mind, that's all."

"I won't press you to tell me unless you want to," responded Carl. "I hope it wasn't anything that happened over the weekend."

"No, that was wonderful! It's just something personal."

"Okay, just know that if you want to talk to someone, I'm here. That's what friends are for."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," David said with sincerity. "Now I guess we'd better get our work assignments and get to work."

"You're right about that," Carl said as the stepped toward the trailer where he hoped to find Terry, the superintendent.

10:25 Dr. Hazeltoff's office

After examining Douglas and administering an antibiotic shot to the youth, Randy Hazeltoff requested that the young man ask Matt to come into the examination room then wait in the waiting room for his `dad.' Douglas stepped down from the table, buttoned his shirt and after thanking the doctor, exited the room. A moment later, the door opened again and Matt entered.

"Good morning Matt," Dr. Hazeltoff said in greeting. "Have a seat."

"Good morning doctor," Matt responded offering his hand to the physician, then sitting down in one of the two small chairs along the wall in the room. "How's Douglas?"

"I'm really not too sure," the doctor replied. "It looks like just a sore throat and that's how we'll treat it for now. I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics toward that possibility, but I'd like to have a CAT scan done on his neck and some blood work done."

"It is really that serious?"

"I hope not," Randy replied. "I just want to be sure. His throat doesn't' have the appearance of strep throat but there's some swelling so I'm somewhat baffled. It may not be anything to be concerned about, but I know that you and Ron would not forgive me if we overlooked any possibility."

"When will the CAT scan be?" Matt asked.

"Since he's in school, we'll schedule it for Saturday. If the soreness goes away by Wednesday, call me and we'll cancel the scan. You can have the blood work done at your convenience, but at least a couple of days before his next appointment."

"We'll do it today. Anything else?" Matt queried.

"Here's a prescription for antibiotics," the doctor said handing Matt the piece of paper. "He's to take one pill every twelve hours until they are gone. I'd suggest that he take one after breakfast, and the other right after dinner."

"Should he stay home from school?" Matt asked.

"No, he doesn't seem to have a temperature, so unless his condition worsens he can attend. He should get good rest though when he's home."

"Okay," Matt agreed, "when do you want him to come back?"

"Late next week, say Thursday or Friday. I should have the results of the tests by then. Just see the receptionist on your way out. By the way, how's Jerry doing?"

"His doctor in Houston says that he's in complete remission. He also says that the treatment they used experimentally on Jerry has been used with great success on others. With time they'll be able to tell if it is really the cure they've been praying for, or just a very successful treatment."

"That's wonderful. I read a great article in a medical journal. The Emma Thorsrudd treatment is being used worldwide now for the treatment of leukemia. You and Ron can be proud of your part in saving many lives."

"Thanks doctor," Matt responded, " but all we did was to donate some money."

"It was that money that took the treatment quickly out of the experimental category, and made it standard practice," the doctor asserted. "Never underestimate the power of money well placed."

"Well I'd better go," Matt declared somewhat ill at ease with the compliments being heaped his way. He rose and again shook the doctor's hand. "Thanks."

"You're most welcome Matt," Randy said with a smile. "Say `hello' to Ron for me."

"Will do," Matt said as he grabbed the door handle. "Goodbye."

"'Bye," Randy said as Matt stepped into the hallway and the door closed behind him.

Friday night, `the Ratt's Nest', Ron and Matt's home.

"It's been a busy week," Ron declared as he and Matt sat alone on the balcony overlooking the city.

"Very busy," Matt agreed.

"The final agreement on the purchase of Tegano Constructors was signed in Houston today. The financing should be complete by mid-week next week, and the closing of the deal should occur early the following week, right before Thanksgiving."

"Are we doing anything special for Thanksgiving?" Matt asked.

"I really haven't thought too much about it," admitted Ron. "Perhaps we should go to San Diego."

"That would be pretty easy," agreed Matt. "Do you want to stay at the condo or on the PT I?"

"I guess we should talk to Tyler and Dan about it before deciding," suggested Ron. "If they go too, and the weather's nice, I'd vote for the PT I. It's got a full crew and one more berth than the condo. It will be a bit cooler on the boat, but the PT I has plenty of interior space if they weather doesn't cooperate completely."

"Let's call Dan and Tyler now," Matt suggested.

Ron picked up the phone and punched in the `private' number to Tyler and Dan's new home. Ten minutes later it was decided. They would spend Thanksgiving on the PT I. After hanging up the phone, Ron turned to the computer nearby and switched it on. After leaving a message for the boys and the household staff on the household server, he logged onto the internet and sent an E-mail to the Captain of the PT-I and another to Jan who would arrange to have the Gulfstream available and ground transportation provided.

"All done," Ron declared. "I'm kinda embarrassed that we decided so late though, it's rather inconvenient for our people when we don't plan further ahead."

"I guess that we should think about Christmas and New Years then," Matt agreed. "Those holidays will be on us before we know it."

"You're right as always Babe. Do you have any suggestions?"

"I vote we stay home," Matt stated. "We can have a party or two, but I think the logistics of presents and all that at Christmas makes going away impractical."

"I'm glad you said that hon'," Ron said grin. "Last year I made some plans for this New Year's eve."

"Oh?" Matt said in surprise.

"Yes, I booked the entire restaurant in Stratosphere Tower for New Year's. It took some doing as they are always booked well in advance. They are moving the high roller parties planned for the Tower from the restaurant to the Tower's inside observation deck. The view is just as good, but the observation deck doesn't rotate like the restaurant deck where we'll be. The fireworks on the strip at midnight should be spectacular."

"What a great idea!" Matt agreed. "How many people can we invite?"

"I believe the place seats 200 people," Ron said. "I'll confirm that though before we send out invitations."

"We'd better do that as soon as we can," Matt warned, "especially if we're inviting people from out of town."

"Yes, I agree," Ron said. "Let's dig out the list from my birthday, and we'll choose from it. There may be one or two people that we want to invite that aren't on that list, but it should make things a lot easier."

"I kept it on our home computer system," Matt advised. "Let's get a couple of drinks and go up to the Eagle's nest. We can work on it for a while tonight."

"How about working on it tomorrow morning instead?" Ron asked.

"That won't work," advised Matt. "I need to take Douglas for his CAT scan tomorrow morning. Eddie Burroughs, who's spending the night, will be going along too, I guess to keep me company. It's still early now," he continued, "If we finish the invitation list all tonight," he said with a wink, "I promise you a special treat when we go to bed."

"Heh, heh," Ron laughed with an evil look in his eyes, "Now you've got me interested! Let's get on it!"

Meanwhile, in Douglas's Room

"I sure had a good time tonight in the game room," Eddie remarked as he and Douglas entered the room and Doug closed the door, pushing the lock button.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe we beat Jerry and Ronnie at pool two-out-of three. We even beat Nathan and Carl once too. Zack isn't very good, but when you team him up with Tyler, it's a close call. I'm sure glad you could come over this weekend. I missed you when we were in Houston."

"Yeah, I'll bet! From what you said you had your hands pretty full with Dez."

"Well, he kept me pretty occupied, if that's what you mean," Douglas confided. "It's not like we did anything. I told him that I already had a boyfriend."

"Yeah you said he was gay. I'm surprised he didn't hit on ya.

"I have to tell you," Douglas said after hesitating a moment, "I kissed him. Twice. He'd never kissed a boy before."

"Did he enjoy it?"

"Yeah, I guess. "

"Did you?"

"Um... it was okay. I mean I told him it would have to be a `friend' kiss. I didn't want it to go any farther. I belong to you."

"I forgive you. I know you did it out of kindness. I can't blame him either. You're a pretty cute guy, you know."

"I still have a hard time believing it," Douglas admitted. "I was taunted and teased so much when I was all crippled and just a kid, that I ....."

"Look in the mirror Lover," Eddie said, cutting him off.

"I do, but I can't help but look at the scars from my operations."

"They're hardly noticeable," assured Eddie. The worst ones were done over by Ron's plastic surgeon and now you can barely see them. You're getting some good muscles too, a lot better than me, that's for sure."

"You don't need a lot of muscles to attract me. I love you just the way you are; smart, cute, kind and one hell of a writer. But what I really don't know is what you see in me?"

"I see a kindred spirit my friend and lover." Eddie said, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I knew when we first met that we'd become fast friends. What I didn't know, even though I wanted it, was that we'd become boyfriends, that we'd share our love for each other physically. I love you Doug."

Doug coughed, then smiled. "I love you too, my sweet, if you could only know how much." He coughed again. "Damn this sore throat! I guess we'll have to skip the tongue tonight. I don't think I can suck you either, even though I want to do that so much."

"I know something we can do," Eddie said slyly. "Or at least you can do to me."

"I'll do what ever you want," Doug promised.

"I want you in me," Eddie asked. "I've wanted you for a long time. Now I want to give myself to you."

"Are you sure?" Douglas said with disbelief.

"Yes, I'm a little afraid, but I know you'll be gentle."

"I will, I promise. We've read enough on Nifty about how to do it right that I think we can do it with not much pain. I'll stop though if it hurts you. All you have to do is say so."

"I trust you," Eddie stated simply. "More than that, I want to be one with you."

"I love you more than my life," Douglas said. "You've made me happier already than I ever thought possible. I want to be one with you too. I want to have you in my body."

"Let's shower," Eddie suggested. "I want to be my best for you."

"You already are my love. You already are."

Several days later, Wednesday, 10 AM Matt's Office

Matt had just concluded a meeting with George Bowles, the Arts Project's Executive Director and the three Project's Division Directors. He had only, on Monday, received from Ron and their financial analysts a revised revenue estimate for the Arts Trust based on business and investment projections. Through favorable loan rates and projected property sales, anticipated revenues that had been committed to pay for Tegano Constructors and their land would not only not be needed, the purchase would produce sizable positive cash flows that originally had not been expected to materialize for several years. The budget for each of the three arts wings' had been increased by approximately $30 million. The meeting had been necessary to crystallize the direction that each of the Arts divisions' would take. Satisfied, Matt thanked each of the directors and George, promising to meet with them monthly for progress reports. As the four men exited his office, Matt returned to his desk to Charitable Trust work he had interrupted for the meeting. He had only regained his previous train of thought by reviewing the latest documents, when his phone rang.

"Dr. Hazeltoff is on the line Sir," Betty his secretary said as he put the receiver to his ear.

"Thanks, I'll take the call," he said as he switched over to the blinking line.

"Matt Davidson," he said into the mouthpiece.

"Matt. This is Randy Hazeltoff. I just got the results of the tests a short while ago. You need to get Douglas in here as soon as possible."

"We could make it late this afternoon, if you think it's an emergency," Matt responded.

"3:00," Randy said. "I'm going to schedule him for the hospital for tonight. We need to do a biopsy."

"What's the prognosis?" Matt asked in alarm.

"We're not positive yet," but he has a tumor in his throat. It could be benign, but it could also be cancerous. We may be alarmists. If it's benign and fast-growing, it's less dangerous, but needs to be attended to surgically soon. If it's cancerous, we can only get the best oncology specialists available and pray it hasn't spread."

"We'll be there on time," Matt promised. "I'll let Ron know."

"'Til 3:00 then," Hazeltoff concluded.

"Goodbye Doctor," Matt said his heart leaden with fear for their son.

After hanging up, Matt stood and headed for Ron's office. Asking Betty to notify Ron that he was on the way, he continued without pausing at her desk. Approaching Ron's office he opened the door leading to Margaret's office to find her opening the inner door leading to Ron's.

"He's expecting you," Margaret said as she held the door open, stepping out of the way as he passed and then closing it once he had passed by.

"What's the matter Babe?" Ron asked already standing and moving toward his partner.

"It's Douglas," Matt reported in obvious anguish.

"Is he hurt?" Ron asked, hoping for more information.

"I just got a call from Randy Hazeltoff. Douglas has a tumor on his throat. It might be cancerous. I need to get him to Randy's office at 3:00. They're going to take him to the hospital and do a biopsy tonight."

"I'll be with you all the way," Ron promised. "Have you talked to Douglas?"

"No, I came here immediately."

"We'd better call the school and pick him up at 2:30," suggested Ron.

"Good idea," Matt agreed. "Parker would know the number. He keeps pretty close tabs on the kids' schedules."

Ron picked up the phone, and getting the phone number for the school, asked Parker to pack an overnight bag for their soon-to-be adopted son, and have it ready at 2 o'clock when Ron and Matt could arrive. He explained to the older man about Douglas's potential problem, and the necessity for a biopsy. Ron also asked him to keep the information from everyone but Mary. He explained that he didn't want to unnecessarily worry the other boys.

"What are we going to do?" Matt asked on the edge of frenzy.

"Calm down Babe. We'll do whatever has to be done."

"I can't stand it. I want to pull Douglas out of school right now and rush him to Randy's office," admitted Matt.

"I don't think that's wise unless you want to scare him to death," Ron responded. "Let's get Tyler and Dan here. They're family and need to know. I'd suggest we all take an early lunch. I doubt that we'll get a lot of work done this afternoon."

"I'm sure I won't," Matt agreed, "I just need about a half hour to wrap up a couple of things, then I can leave."

"If we have time, we could drive to the sites we're considering for the Arts Complex before lunch," suggested Ron. "Then we'll go home to arrive at 2 o'clock to get Doug's things."


Ron picked up the phone, asking Margaret to come in. He explained the situation to her, asking her to cancel any appointments he had scheduled for the rest of the day and tomorrow. He also asked that she put appointments beyond that time on a `maybe' list. He asked her to contact Betty, Matt's secretary, and have her do likewise with Matt's schedule. He requested that she also place a call to the plane aboard which Will was returning from Texas. Finally, he asked her to call Tyler and Dan and tell them that they were needed and not to plan on coming back to their offices until around 2:00 P.M.

"I'll get on it immediately," Margaret stated. "Know that my prayers are with Douglas."

"Thanks Margaret," Ron said gratefully.

"Yes, thanks," Matt repeated as she moved to the door to begin her calling.

As the door closed, Ron turned again to Matt.

"I think we could both use a drink to calm us down a bit," recommended Ron.

"I think so too," Matt agreed as Ron moved to the small hidden bar area, opening the doors concealing the space.

"The usual?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, but make mine a double. I'm strung tighter than a bow-string."

Ron made the drinks, then moved to the conversation area where Matt had flopped down on the leather sofa. Placing the drinks on the coffee table, Ron sat down next to his partner. Wrapping his arm around the back of his lover, Ron kissed Matt's cheek before reaching forward, taking Matt's drink in his grasp and handing it to him before retrieving his own.

Taking a sip, Ron looked at Matt who had quickly consumed half a glass of the strong beverage.

"Slow down Babe," Ron warned. "I don't want to have to carry you out of here."

"I'll be alright," replied Matt. "It's just not knowing that kills me."

"Waiting is always hard," Ron agreed. "We need to be calm when get home though. We don't want Douglas to see that we're fearful."

The phone rang and Ron reached to an extension phone on a side table.

"I have Will on the line," Margaret announced.

"Thanks Margaret," Ron replied.

Ron proceeded to inform Will of the latest development with Douglas and asked him to cover the bases as best he could if neither Ron nor Matt were available. Will promised to take care of the office duties and keep Ron informed should any crisis occur, asking that Ron keep him or Margaret appraised of the condition of Douglas. Ron thanked Will, who in response offered to pray for their would-be son's recovery. Thanking their friend again Ron said goodbye just as the door to the office opened, revealing Tyler and Dan's entrance.

Seeing the expression on Ron and Matt's faces, Tyler asked, "What's wrong?"

Matt, who was just beginning to feel the effects of the drink, responded.

"Douglas picked up a scratchy throat on our Texas trip, so I took him to see Doctor Hazeltoff last week, and then for a CAT scan last Saturday. Randy got the results today. Douglas has a tumor in his neck. He doesn't know if it's malignant or benign yet. We're taking him to the hospital for a biopsy this afternoon and to run full tests."

Shock flashed on the faces of the two family members, then recovering, Dan sat on the other side of Matt, taking his hand in his own.

"I'm sure he'll be alright," encouraged Dan. "Medical science has made great strides in the past few decades."

"We'll do all we can to help," Tyler promised.

"Thanks guys," Matt said. "It means a lot when you have family at your back in times of trouble."

"That's what we're here for. You can count on us to take care of the other boys, the house and business too. You only need to concern yourself with Douglas's wellbeing," Tyler added.

"We can't take Doug in until 3:00," reported Ron. "We thought maybe you two could join us in a half-hour for an Art's site visit and lunch. We need to keep busy so we don't dwell on the down-side possibilities."

"You can count us in," Dan said sympathetically

University Medical Center, 4:00 P.M.

Ron and Matt sat in the small private waiting room that seemed to be their home at UMC when disaster struck. Ron noted that it had been remodeled as a VIP waiting room since the last time they'd visited. The furniture had been replaced with new comfortable furniture, a TV, and, when it was not playing, soothing piped-in music. The large wooden table that had dominated the room previously had been removed and a smaller round table with four comfortable side-chairs had been substituted. A private bathroom had been carved from an adjacent space, and a small bar equipped with coffee, tea and juices provided. Ron saw that there was even a small tray of fresh snacks provided for the occupants so that there was no need to leave for refreshments.

"The remodeling of this room has sure changed it a lot from the first time I was in it," Ron stated conversationally, trying to keep their minds from being overcast with doubt."

"When was that?" Matt asked.

"It was when Alan's son Rich was in the ER after falling over the edge of the Grand Canyon."

"This hospital has never been the same since," Matt said attempting a little light humor.

"True," agreed Ron. "The Turner wing had been built before then of course, but since that time the Emergency Room has been totally revamped and the surgical wing modernized. Best of all, the hospital has quit exceeding their budget by millions on a yearly basis. Good management will tell."

The door to the VIP lounge opened and Randy Hazeltoff entered. Beside him was Dr. Franklin, the local Oncologist that had handled the treatments for Jerry.

Ron and Matt stood as the doctors entered.

"Any news?" Ron asked.

"Not yet," Dr. Franklin answered. "The testing is all finished and we did full body scans as well as the biopsy. The scan pictures will be available in a very few minutes, but it will take at least a half-hour before the lab finishes with the biopsy report. Douglas has been given a sedative and is sleeping in his room. I doubt that he will wake up for at least a couple of hours. I'd suggest that you grab a quick snack and meet us back here in 45 minutes."

"Can we wait in Douglas's room?" Matt asked. "I'm too nervous to eat."

"Of course," Franklin said. "Let's meet here at 4:45."

"Fine. What room is Douglas in?" Matt asked.

"308 in the Turner Wing," Hazeltoff answered.

"Thank you doctors," Ron said, shaking their hands.

Matt repeated the gesture of gratitude and then followed the doctors and Ron out of the room.

Douglas's Room

"Look at him sleeping peacefully," Matt commented in a voice just above a whisper. "I can't believe that this is happening to the poor kid. I mean, all his life he's struggled: first, having to survive without a family, then overcoming his twisted, deformed body, then his struggle to get to Las Vegas, literally dragging himself into our offices. Only in the last months has he found happiness."

"Life delivers cruel blows sometimes," Ron said stoically. "We can only use all the resources we can muster to help him through this. After that it's up to God."

"It just seems so unfair."

"Nobody ever promised that life would be fair," Ron said sadly. "Even with all our wealth we can only do so much. For Douglas, we can only pray that the prognosis is good."

"We may have to play Thanksgiving by ear if Douglas isn't well," Matt said diverting the conversation away from Douglas's condition.

"Perhaps," Ron agreed, "but it's premature to kill our plans until we know more.

Their conversation was interrupted when Douglas stirred, then opened his eyes.

"Oh man, I'm so tired," he mumbled. "I can hardly stay awake."

"That's okay," Matt assured the youth. "You can go back to sleep. We're here."

"I will in a minute," he said. "I want to talk to you both first."

"We're listening," Ron said as they moved closer to the bed.

"I know they're checking me for cancer," Douglas said. "Do they know anything yet?"

"Not yet son," answered Ron.

"If I have cancer, I want you to promise me something."

"We will if we can," Matt committed. Ron nodded his agreement.

"No, on second thought I want you to promise me two things."

"I think that you might be jumping to conclusions too early," Ron commented.

"If I don't have it, then you aren't obligated," Douglas reasoned.

Ron couldn't refute Douglas's logic. He nodded.

"What do you want us to promise?" Matt asked.

"First, if I have it, I want you to finish my adoption before I have any serious treatment. It's something I've dreamed about and always wanted. I want to be conscious and not feeling sick when it happens. Second, I want you to promise me that you'll take especially good care of Eddie. I love him and I could never face dying if I knew that you wouldn't take care of him like he was your own."

"You're not....."

"Ron!" Matt interrupted firmly. He looked at Ron with a warning glare, then his eyes softened and he looked back down into the eyes of Douglas.

"We promise," Matt said with all the sincerity he knew how to display.

"Yes Doug," Ron quickly acquiesced to Matt's lead, "We promise."

"Then I'm happy, no matter what happens to me," He said softly as he smiled, then closed his eyes. "I think I'll sleep now." The smile never completely faded but only relaxed into a look of contentment as he slept.

Matt stepped back from the bed and his eyes poured forth a torrent of tears as he reached for Ron's strong arms. Burying his face into Ron's neck, he sobbed almost silently so as not to waken the boy who had so quickly fallen asleep before them. Ron held the love of his life in his arms trying to remain strong for them both. In spite of his efforts tears too ran down his cheeks.

Ten minutes later, finally spent of their emotional display of affection, Ron guided Matt across the room toward the door. Looking at his watch, he said quietly, "I think we need to pull ourselves together now. Let's use Douglas's bathroom to wash our faces then go to the cafeteria and have some coffee. By that time, it should be nearly time for our meeting with the doctors. "

"Alright Babe, Matt agreed. "It might not hurt to call home too even though we don't know anything yet. We can check in with Parker who's keeping an eye on things there."

"Sure Love. But first, let's get our faces back on," Ron said as he turned to the door to the bathroom.

4:45 PM, the VIP waiting room, University Medical Center

Ron and Matt had returned ten minutes early for their meeting with Doctors Hazeltoff and Franklin. Matt paced nervously, wringing his hands, while Ron watched his lover, knowing that the uncertainty of the situation was almost more than Matt could bear. It's not that Ron didn't feel the same pain that Matt was more visibly displaying, it was only that the few years of age difference and Ron's experience with life's trauma, was expressed in a different way. Ron was a champion of fighting the odds, but he had to know the enemy. He also realized that sometimes, even with your best efforts, you lose. It was almost like his emotions were in suspended animation, waiting for the curtain to open at the theater.

The door opened and the two doctors entered. Ron and Matt, who were seated at the small round table started to rise. Randy motioned with a hands-down gesture, saying, "Keep you seats. We'll join you."

Both doctors filled the empty seats, then Dr. Franklin laid the folder he was carrying, unopened, onto the smooth table top.

"I'm afraid the news is not good," Dr. Franklin began. "The growth in Douglas's neck is malignant."

Next: Chapter 137: Empire 37

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