
By Brian Suddards

Published on May 26, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 56

The first day out from Timatu was smooth as silk as Sandpiper just sailed along. Jake called me up to the bridge.

"Looks like we're in for a little bit of weather."

"How much is a little?"

"Well there's a big tropical depression forming up here south and east of the Cook Islands. So far its only classified as a tropical storm, but I don't think that will last long. It's moving North West."

"So you see any problems?'

"Well it's huge, almost a thousand miles across. It's present course we're okay. We'll hit the edge, but if it changed direction more west it could be real bad if it becomes a Hurricane."

"So when will we know?"

"Twenty four hours tops."

"You're my Captain Jake. Your decision."

"Kay Ed. I'll keep an open eye on it." Well it did change course and pretty quick went from a tropical depression to a full blown hurricane. Hurricane Harold had sustained winds of nearly 120 MPH and had changed course. Fiji it would hit dead center on its present course.

"Find us someplace to hole up Jake." I ordered.

That was easier said than done. When Hurricane Harold hit the warm waters near Fiji it could pick up strength and speed. That would make it harder to find a safe anchorage. Fiji was out of the question. The speed of its advance made it impossible to judge exactly where it would be. On our present course we were headed for the eye if it hit Fiji.

Heading back north was even worse, the waves were already growing in size. We would be in the same position as Sandpiper had been when we almost lost her. A following sea could swamp us real fast.

Jake headed for what I considered just a dot on the big chart. It did show a deep water cove and high headland. It might keep Sandpiper out of the worst of the Storm.

Well the Island didn't even have a name. The high rocky cliff was only about 200 feet high. The lagoon was almost two small for Sandpiper. The depth inside the small inlet was near 150 feet and it shallowed very close to the beach. We anchored Sandpiper with her stern toward the beach. Even with two stern anchors and the bow anchor we had to keep the engines running to keep us off the beach.

We just hunkered down to wait it out.

We had the marine radio set for emergency calls just in case we needed it fast. Before long it was flooded with calls from vessels of all sizes. I remembered the first time we had sailed for Fiji. The waves then in calm seas had been enormous. Then Sandpiper just ran up one crest and down into the trough with out problem. Now those seas were like mountains. The small headland we were behind was battered by these waves head on. Each wave sent plumbs of spray right over that two hundred foot headland. Some of those waves would swing around and enter the small inlet we were in. It made for a wild ride even just sitting in one place. The wind howled through the rigging and rain was like you were inside a water fall it was so heavy at times. I was damn glad we were not out in the full blast of the Hurricane.

Hurricane Harold was upgraded to a category five Storm as it approached the Fiji Islands. Weather by a quirk of fate or nature it abruptly turned south. It passed Fiji about 100 miles south of the Island Chain. We were about 150 miles from Fiji. So we were still well inside the huge storm.

For the first time on Sandpiper, I was actually worried. Most of my boys and crew were terrified. Sleeping was next to impossible and just moving was a real chore. With someone needed on the enclosed bridge all the time we acted like we were at sea with full shifts on the bridge and in the engine room. Coffee, hot Chocolate and cold sandwiches was our fare for those days. We also went through a fair amount of Scotch.

For four days we laid up in the that small Inlet. On the fourth day the wind dropped somewhat and the rain became light but steady, There was not much on the marine radio anymore although we did hear that two cargo ships and a tanker were missing and presumed down.

Empty, any ship would have been like a cork in a bathtub. At the mercy of the wind and seas. Loaded a ship would probably break in half as it crested one of those monstrous waves. We would have been like a tooth pick.

I was down in my stateroom with all six boys I loved. Siam and Rad were sitting cross legged next to me with the others curled up around them. For the first time when I looked at Rad, he wasn't shaking from fright.

"You okay Rad?" "Oh yes Ed. When I'm near you I'm okay."

Rad got a funny look on his face, like he had finally made up his mind about something.

"Ed, Jake said the storm is pretty much over. How come we're not out helping those ships that were in trouble? Isn't that what we always do?"

Rad was right. It was what we would normally do.

There was a switch just to right of my bed. I knew it was the emergency alarm. I had never used it and really never even knew why one was in my stateroom. The only emergency that happened down here was when I had too many boys trying screw my butt. I used it now. I just pushed the button.

All my boys in the stateroom had been just talking or playing. None had seen me push the alarm button. When that bell went off it was like I had kicked over an ant hill. The boys rushed to don shorts and shoes and life jackets. My suite cleared out almost in an instant. That Alarm meant Sandpiper was in danger. What the danger was no one knew, but it didn't matter all ran for their posts. I pulled on my deck shoes, slipped a life jacket on and was out the door on their heels.

When I entered the lounge, Jake was pulling on a t-shirt. Several boys were standing around, unsure of what to do.

"What's going on Ed? What's the emergency?"

I all but ignored him.

"Gary, take Bobby and a couple of boys and check the Zodiacs. Make sure they are all fueled and ready. Jason, do we still have that cargo net we used in Nice to load those Medical supplies?"

"Sure Ed."

"Good, take some guys and rig it along the port side just in case we can't launch the Zodiacs."

"Jake, plot a course and distance to the nearest of those missing ships. This young man beside me reminded me we shouldn't be sitting on our duffs when men might be in trouble."

Jake looked at me and then at Rad. In three steps he was beside Rad. He just picked him up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Son you go right on reminding us." He set him down.

"Aye, aye Sir." He said as he walked out of the lounge.

"Rad, take Temin and a couple of boys and remove the screens from the bow. No use losing anymore."

They never said a thing, just went to work. Siam stood looking at me.

"Isn't your post on the Radar love? Better get up there."

"Yes Sir." He giggled and ran from the lounge.

"Juan, I have no idea what kind of injuries there will be. Just prepare for any eventuality."

"Okay Ed." I headed for the bridge.

You could just make out the sea from where Sandpiper was anchored. It was still rough inside the small cove. I wasn't sure this was a good idea to go charging out into the waves, but Rad had said it, we should be helping if we can. The rain had pretty much stopped, just a light drizzle, kept everything wet. "Green board." I heard Jake say as I sat down in one of bridge chairs.

Jake was looking out onto the bow of Sandpiper. He then turned to me and winked. He hit ship wide intercom.

"Rad to the Bridge."

Rad ran onto the Bridge. Before he could say a word.

"Take the Conn Rad." Jake said.

"Yes Sir." Rad had a huge smile on his face.

I watched as he picked up the boom mike and ear piece and put them on. He adjusted the Command Chair up and forward before climbing in and buckling up. I heard in my ear.

"Green board, power 10 percent, foils retracted,"

"Very well, increase to 20 percent and pull stern anchors."

A few seconds later.

"Power 20, stern anchors up and locked."

"Lower the foils." I didn't hear them.

Jake hit the intercom.

"All hands stand by. This could be rough. Increase power to 30 percent and pull bow anchor."

"When I tell you Rad I want 100 percent power."

"Aye, aye Sir." Jake was looking over the coaming watching the waves coming into the small cove. Sandpiper was bouncing like a cork.

"Hang on everyone, this could be rough." Jake said in ship wide circuit.

"NOW! ONE HUNDRED RAD!" Rad hammered the throttle to the stop.

I actually thought Jake was wrong in going just at that moment. Sandpiper seemed to hesitate for a moment before I was slammed against the chair I was in. Sandpiper blasted forward into the wave that was just entering the cove. She buried her head into the wave and a green wall engulfed the closed bridge. She just drove right through. I never even saw Rad move the wheel slightly, but Sand piper came up on foils and climbed the next wave. Then Rad turned so he was riding the crest like a surfer.

"Hold her on top Rad until she settles down. Set speed at 60, course 270."

"Aye, aye Sir."

The waves were moving more like NNW and I knew we needed to head west. As soon as Sandpiper settled down Rad set the course and speed into the autopilot. Once he was sure in his mind he just flipped on the autopilot. He sat back with a big smile on his face.

"You are something else Love." I said, beaming at him.

He turned a little darker with the praise and even more so when Jake clapped him on the back. When I looked all the bridge crew were smiling.

The ride wasn't exactly smooth. As Sandpiper went down a wave it tilted over. When it hit the bottom, it would straighten up and then tilt the other way as it climbed the next crest. If one wasn't used to it, you could have become seasick real fast. It never really bothered the crew much anymore. The slow rolling of Sandpiper was actually putting me to sleep. I called down to Andy to bring coffee for the bridge crew.

Jake had been working at the chart table.

The last reported position of the Tanker was almost 300 miles away. At our present speed and course, which we had to correct continuously because Sandpiper was being pushed sideways with the waves, meant a trip of several hours.

I knew the storm was losing strength. The winds had dropped and rain had almost stopped. Far to the South East you could see blue skies.

We had been calling the MV Exxon Conveyor continuously since leaving the cove, but had not heard a word. She was classified as a super large tanker, fully loaded he weighed near 300,000 metric tons. If she had gone down we'd see the oil slick on the surface.

As we neared the last reported position there was nothing on radar, although with these monstrous waves we could only see about twenty five miles.

"If she's not down, she could have been pushed north. Search north Siam."

"AS good an idea as any. Rad, move us to a course of 310."

After almost an hour on this new course Siam said he thought he had something. Jake went over and leaned over the radar.

"Rad take us off autopilot and hold us on top of a crest."

That was easier said than done, but Rad did a fairly good job. Finally we had something.

"Okay, lets try 290 Rad."

Again Sandpiper was climbing crests, but not as fast as before and the rolling motion increased.

"Looks like a ship at about 290 Ed. Range is about 30 miles. We should be up on it in under an hour."

In just a short thirty minutes things changed dramatically. The wind dropped and the rain stopped. Even the sun broke through on occasion.

"Let's get on the upper Bridge." I said.

Rad stayed on the controls as we headed up to the open bridge. Everything was soaked but would dry off pretty fast in the sun.

"I have the Conn Rad." Jake said in the intercom.

Rad came up and stood beside me. I just slipped a arm around his shoulder. He sort of leaned into me.

Jerry came up and took several deep breathes. He looked a little green.

"You okay Jerry?"

"God, I have never felt anything like that before. Didn't seem to bother anyone else. Then just as I'm feeling better it gets worse."

"Sorry about that Jerry, guess we never thought about you."

"So what are you doing?"

"We're coming up on that missing tanker we think. Can't get her on the radio, but her masts might be down. We'll know in a few minutes."

"You come out here in a force five gale to look for a tanker? Jesus, you guys must be crazy."

"Not crazy Jerry. This young man standing beside me reminded us of what we are known for. Sandpiper will always help if we can. Sandpiper was never in any real danger. We've been in big storms before and she always brings us through."

"There she is." Jake said.

I stepped up to the coaming and looked a head. Damn she was huge. I watched a wave break over the bow and wash all the way to her super structure, where it broke into flying spray. She was so long and so heavily laden, that she didn't ride over the huge waves. She just plowed into each.

There looked to be a lot of damage along her long foredeck. I knew most big tankers were double and even triple hulled so there was usually not much chance of her flooding out.

Jake picked up the ship to ship phone.

"Exxon Conveyor this is Sandpiper. Do you here us over."

"Yeah Sandpiper we got you. What the fuck are you doing out here?"

"Looking for you. We heard your distress call about three days ago and came looking when the storm moderated."

"Well thanks Sandpiper, but not much you can do to help. We lost rudder control when our hydraulic tanks got seawater contamination. Be aware we have two sea anchors streamed. They are keeping us into the waves. Tugs are enroute from Fiji and New Zealand."

"Are you aware that you have drifted thirty miles north of your last reported position?"

"Affirmative Sandpiper, but we lost our radio mast."

"We'll contact Fiji Coast Guard and upgrade your new position."

"Thank you Sandpiper."

"Have you heard anything of those two other ships?" Jake asked.

"Negative Sandpiper. The last position we had for them was ********* and *********."

"Thanks Conveyor, we'll check them out."

"Good luck Sandpiper and thanks. We owe you."

Jake set the autopilot for last location of the container ship. Sandpiper just took off.

Even as we headed for the last position the seas were moderating. The wind had dropped the sun was starting to make it's present known. Sandpiper still corkscrewed over the waves, but even it was smoother than before.

With sun out and wind dropping it started to get hot and most started to shed clothes. Jerry was used to the fact that most of the crew went nude when at sea and didn't comment.

Jake was working on the premise that if the ships had gone down, any lifeboats would have drifted with the waves and be farther North than their reported position.

We were just about up to the position we figured any lifeboats would be near when Siam on radar sang out.

"Jake we got something coming up very fast astern."

Jake turned and looked.

"Looks like a P3 Orion. They must be out searching too."

The aircraft over flew Sandpiper at about 400 feet and then did a lazy eight turn and dropped lower. Before anyone could do any thing the Marine radio came on.

"What vessel and destination?"

"Sandpiper Navy. Looking for survivors from those two cargo ships."

"Roger Sandpiper. Only chance is Lifeboat seen at ***********. We'll drop a flare for you. About ten miles north of your position."

Now with a following sea we had to drop our speed. Sandpiper was almost broaching on every wave. It took nearly thirty minutes to come up on the flare in the water. It wasn't hard to find the bright orange lifeboat. It was bouncing like a cork and obviously not under power. They were virtually unsinkable but also had a small engine to get them to safety.

I just wasn't sure if I wanted to risk my crew to check it out. Jason and Gary came up to the bridge. Both were wearing life jackets and safety harness.

"Well Ed?" Jason said.

They had already made the decision to go, but wanted me to order it.

"You guys be damned careful. I don't want to lose any of you." "We will Ed."

"Rad, take the Conn and keep Sandpiper into the waves."

"Aye, aye Sir."

Randy headed down to swing out the Zodiac. He was the best crane operator on board.

That was the longest hour of my life. I didn't relax until both were back on board. I hugged both when they came on the bridge.

"Looks like it might have broken free when the ship went down Ed. There were several holes in the boat and she was about a third full of seawater. She's from the Global Carrier."

Jake notified the Orion, which had been doing a lazy eight pattern over us.

"Thank you Sandpiper. Another Star for your log. Well done."

The Orion flew off to the west.

"Fiji Jake. Best speed." I said.

I never even waited for a reply, just headed off the bridge and down to the lounge. I poured a big scotch and sat down. Jerry came down and mixed himself a drink.

"Damn, I always thought the stories I had heard about Sandpiper were a little exaggerated. Now I know you and Sandpiper are all that people say."

Rad came in and sat down beside me.

"You did real good Son. I'm very proud of you." He just snuggled up close.

It wasn't long before I had all my lovers around me.

"You are obviously a magnet Ed. Seems every time I see you, you have two or three near you." Jerry laughed.

"Yeah, its hard to get any work done with these brats around me." I giggled.

It was barely out of my mouth when all four boys attacked me, dragging me to the deck. If it wasn't for the rules on board I'd have probably been stripped and almost raped right on the floor of the lounge.

"Mutiny, help its Mutiny." I laughed,

I had one of my boys sitting on each arm and leg.

"You better take that back Ed Somers." Siam said.

"Okay, okay, it's not mutiny." I laughed.

"Not that part coz it's true. The other about us being brats."

"Okay boys, your not brats, but now I really need to get some work done."

"Yeah we'll get the rest back at you later."

I knew what that meant. I was going to be tag teamed by all of them later in my stateroom. Not a bad punishment as far as I was concerned.

When I got to the bridge I was surprised how much the sea had settled down. The rollers were still big, but Sandpiper just climbed one side and down the other. She wasn't shipping water over the bow anymore.

"You might as well put us into the Marina at the Sandpiper Imperial Jake."

"Sounds good Ed. We're about eight hours out at this speed."

"Okay, run us direct there."

"Kay Ed."

I headed down to my office. Jason was working away at his computer. I checked my emails and answered a few mundane ones.

"How's business Jason? We still going deeper into the red?" I chuckled.

"Well the only ones actually in the red are the two drill ships, The Pirates' Cove, and Shalom Island. The rest are starting to show some profit. Even the Imperial is starting to show a little bit better. Advertising it as a Gay Friendly hotel is working."

"Yeah, I guess getting rid of that asshole manager helped."

"Well I can make a suggestion."

"Go ahead Jason."

"Well we advertise The Pleasure Islands as Gay Exclusive Resorts. We are going to do the same with Shalom Island. Why not make the Imperial a Gay and Lesbian only Resort. That would get rid of any complaints and give Fiji it's first Gay Resort."

"Will we get any conflicts from local authorities?"

"Don't think so. It's drawing some pretty high end customers to Fiji."

"Okay, we can discuss it with the Manger when we get there."

"Aaron must really be pushing that crew working on Sandpiper II, he says it will be ready for trials in about three months."

"Maybe I should order him to slow down." I chuckled.

"I doubt he would follow that order Ed."

"Yeah." I laughed.

"I booked the four penthouse suites at the Imperial."

"Sounds good. We should be in about 20:00 hours."

I wasn't surprised when a Coast Guard boat from Fiji met us as we came up on the Imperial Marina. I was surprised when a short, well dressed, Customs guy stepped on board.

"Welcome to Fiji Mr. Somers." He said as he put his hand out.

When I looked surprised at him using my name.

"Sandpiper is pretty well known in these parts and the fact that you intercepted that Tanker and checked that lifeboat, we knew you would be coming here next. Anything, other than your usual stores to declare?"

"No I don't think so."

"Good enjoy your stay. I presume you will be birthing at the Imperial."


"Good will probably see you again." With that he was gone.

He hadn't even asked to see our passports.

Was Sandpiper that well known and trusted that Customs in some ports didn't even need to know who was on board. Hell I could have been smuggling arms or drugs and would get away with it. But I guess that would never happen, I'd boot off Sandpiper anyone who even contemplated using illegal drugs or thought to smuggle some thing into any where I travelled.

Of course Jason brought up the other side of the coin.

"I guess some animals are more equal than others." He laughed.

"I suppose."

The Imperial hotel and its two side towers looked really good in the setting sun. The pure white exterior shone in the late day sun. As the sun set that would almost turn to gold. Well it was going to be a gold mine and I was very glad I had got it.

"Damn she looks good Ed." Jake said.

There were several other yachts in the Marina and one was far bigger than Sandpiper. A launch came out to meet us and directed us into a birth. The new Manager was obviously trying to impress me. Several of the boys that acted as room attendants were on the dock to take us to our rooms. My boys were agog at the attention and I knew what was on their minds.

I also noticed the presence of Security Guards on the dock. That would ensure none of the Yachts that came here could be boarded by any but the owners. Another perk that would ensure the Sandpiper Imperial a place to stop.

After we docked, everyone just packed a small bag to take to the suites. All my boys would need were T-shirts, shorts and Speedos. Pretty much all they ever needed. The young men on the dock were quick to grab even these small bags and lead us to our suites. The dock I saw was solid enough and wide enough I could unload my Jeep later. I also saw several other Jeeps on the dock near other yachts. The Manager saw where I was looking.

"Sir we purchased several jeeps to move guests to the golf course and for those that come by boat, to use to shop in town or visit other parts of Fiji."

"Excellent idea. You obviously know your business."

Thank you Sir."

"It's just Ed. Forget the sir bullshit."

"Very well Ed." He chuckled.

He led us up to the hotel. We turned and looked out over the much improved pool and recreation area. I laughed as I saw all five of my boys heading for the pool. They sure didn't waste anytime.

As it was the last time the service was superb. Everyone on the desk or waiters or waitresses were dressed identical. The bell hops and room attendants all wore shorts and t-shirts with the Imperial logo. Even Jake was impressed.

As we headed for the elevator, I heard a commotion in the lounge and turned to see what the problem was. What I saw was a very short kilted man arguing with the bar tender. From his accent he had to be Scottish by birth, his borough was so thick you could hardly understand him. I walked up to the bar tender.

"What's the problem Eddy?"

"Welcome back Sir. I was telling Mr. Mc Tavish that the scotch we have is the best available."

"And I was telling him is tasted like diesel fuel." Mr. McTavish said.

"Eddy, do you still have a bottle of my Scotch under the counter?"

"Yes Sir." He set a crystal decanter on the bar.

I grabbed two glasses and poured a liberal portion into each glass and handed one to the Scotsman.

He took a sip and then rolled it around in his mouth before swallowing.

"Damn that's fine. Talisker if I'm nor mistaken about fifty year old."

"Actually 100 year old Talisker."

He got a weird look on his face.

"So why would you have your own private stock not available to paying customers?"

"Well probably because I own this hotel and that Scotch is in very limited supply. I like a good glass of Scotch on occasion and bring it from my own private stock."

Before he could say anything I grabbed the bottle and my glass and headed for one of the comfortable seats along one of the walls. The scotch was like a magnet, McTavish just followed me. Jake said he was going up to his suite.

"I'll be up in a bit Jake."

I sat down and poured some more scotch into his glass. "Now who might you be?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. I'm Jock McTavish. I own the boat Chandler and slip next to your property. Link Corporation tried to buy me out, but I told them to frig off."

I'm very glad you built that marina. I get several sailers that want their bottoms scraped. Employ a few more Islanders."

"Well I'm glad to here it."

Then I saw Rad peaking in the lounge and signaled him over to the table. He just walked up and I pulled him onto my lap. He sort of snuggled up close.

"If I'm not mistaken that boy love you sir." Jock said.

"Yes this is Rad. One of my boys." I kissed him on the top of the head.

Jock slapped himself on his forehead.

"Damn all. I know who you are. You're Ed Somers, owner of the Sandpiper."

"One and the same." I laughed.

"You have one very nice yacht, I saw you coming in."

"Thank you. Maybe later you can have a look over her."

"I'd thank yew sir."

"Now I need to go up and shower and change. I'll see you again Mr. McTavish." I shook his hand and stood up.

"Thank you again sir for the Scotch."

"Help yourself." I turned and walked out of the lounge with Rad in tow.

Rad and I both saw the obvious envious looks of some of the room attendants as we walked arm in arm across the lobby to the elevator. My room was quiet, I knew the rest of my clan was in the pool. Rad followed me as I walked to my bedroom to change.

I just stripped.

"Ed." I heard Rad softly.

"Yeah love." I looked at his huge brown eyes.

"We never have anytime alone. Could we?"

"Sure Love. Come over here." He was in my arms instantly.

I gave him a deep loving kiss. I could feel his hard spike through his tight shorts.

"You better get those Sandpiper shorts off before you mess them up."

"Yup." He giggled and slipped off his shorts, Speedos and t-shirt instantly.

I pushed him onto the bed and dropped on his hard cock. He thrust his hips upward and came like a fire hose. Three big shots of his sweet cumm filled my mouth.

"Damn you are one horny boy Rad."

"Yes." He turned over and presented that sweet butt of his.

"Please Ed."

I never said a word, just dropped to my knees, spread those sweet brown globes and dove in with my tongue.

"OH GOD ED. That feels so good." He yelled.

I gave him a real good tongue bath and then stood up. All the lube I had was my saliva from my rimming him. I hoped I didn't hurt him. As I applied pressure, my cock just slipped inside his hot hole. Damn he must have lubed himself before he even came to the lounge.

"You were hoping we would be alone love."

"Well Siam said always be prepared." He giggled.

Like every other of my Thai boys he was hot and smooth inside. I would never get enough of these sweet boys. I fucked him with wild abandon. Hard in and hard out, like I knew he wanted. The heat of his insides and my wanton lust for these asses, just pushed me to shoot far sooner than I wanted too. When I pulled out after cumming he rolled over and pulled his legs back.

"Again please Ed. I just love you inside me."

This time I wanted it to last. I entered him slowly and pushed until my balls hit his butt cheeks. Then it was slow in and out, even as he yelled for faster and harder. He even blew again but I just continued. About thirty minutes later I pushed deep into him and blew my load. Wasted now I collapsed on top of him. I felt his cock fire between our bodies.

"God you are one hot boy love."

"I love you so much Ed, I wish I had you all to myself."

"Sometimes I wish that too Rad, but I love all of you so much it hurts sometimes."

"I know and I love all of them too."

I pulled out and turned Rad over and picked him up. We went and showered washing away all our loving making juices. I had wanted Rad inside me, but knew I would have him again. We dressed and went out to the lounge area of the suite. All my others were back.

They never commented on Rad coming out with me, so knew he had done with the approval of all my other lovers. That was one reason I loved them so much, they always accommodated each others needs.


Next: Chapter 57

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