Sergeant Carter

By Mike Johnson

Published on Aug 22, 2010


This tale contains descriptions of sexual acts between males; if this is not to your taste or you are under age or it is against the law where you live to read such matter please leave now. This tale is pure fiction. Your comments & ideas are welcome at all emails answered except flames which are extinguished on receipt.

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Sergeant Carter - Afghanistan Part 1

Upon touching down in Kabul Afghanistan my squad and I received our orders to report to the remote outpost Spera. Spera is located high in the rugged mountains of Khost province and is only accessible by helicopter. Our orders are to support the existing training team and assist in the training of the Afghan National Army. The existing 4 man fire team has been on site for 3 weeks and has requested a squad of additional personnel to assist training the 50 afghan army recruits. My squad, which consists of three 4 man fire teams and me, are briefed by local command on the conditions at outpost Spera.

Spera is extremely remote and high in the mountains, there one well at the outpost and two nearby by controlled by local village government. Supplies are flown in monthly and that is the only contact with the outside world except by radio or sat phone. There is a small friendly village just outside of the outpost where the afghan army recruits stay. The village population is about 20 to 30 people and they are mostly farmers and goat herders. We will be flying in with the next supply run that leaves at 6am the next morning consisting of 3 helicopters.

I was given a stack of reports from Spera to review before morning. The first week's reports are pretty much the standard situational reports and introduction to the local tribal government. The training team was spending a lot of time with the local tribal government trying to secure additional water for the outpost. It appeared that the tribal government did not want money or supplies but some else in trade but the report did not state what. The training reports for the second and third week showed that the training team was falling behind in meeting training objectives and time schedules thus requesting the additional staffing of a squad to bring the training back on schedule.

My squad appeared nervous the next morning as we boarded the helicopters for the 30 minute flight to Spera. This was their first tour in Afghanistan and they all came straight from Infantry Training Battalion and none were over the age of 22. I am the oldest in the squad at 24 and this is my second tour. As we were approaching the outpost we flew or the village. There appeared to be about 20 to 30 mud brick buildings in the village but it was hard to tell because some of them were built into the mountain side and blending well into the landscape. There were several large agricultural fields near the village and several large goat herds of goats above the village on the next plateau. When we landed at the outpost we were met by the Captain of the local Afghan army and several recruits who assisted us in unload the supplies form the helicopters. I asked where the training team was and the Captain told me they and 25 of the recruits were on an overnight training in the mountains. This seemed a little odd to me but they were behind in their training schedule. The afghan recruits squared away the supplies and the Captain escorted my squad to our barracks. The barracks was a large single room building with about 25 cots lining the walls. There was a small open shower area at the end of the building with 3 overhead nozzle and drain in the floor. The Captain said they had no sewer system so the outhouse was out behind the barracks. He also warned us that showers were not heated and the drain was just a hole in the floor so not to use a lot of water.

I asked the captain when I might expect the training crew back and he said most likely tomorrow night at the earliest. I asked if it would be a problem if me and my men to a look around the outpost and village. He said that the outpost was fine but not to go into the village unless he escorted us till we all could be introduced to the tribal leaders. He suggested that we take the rest of today off and tomorrow and wait for the training crew to come back tomorrow night to be briefed. I was a little uneasy about this but since there was no one to brief us we really couldn't start training anyway. I ordered the squad to divide up into their 4 man teams and explore the outpost get familiar with their no post. I asked the Captain if he or one of the recruits could show me to the training team's quarters. He inquired as to why and I informed that I wanted to drop off some reports and materials from the forward command. He thought about it for a minute led me to a small building on the other side of the compound. Upon entering the building I notice a strange odor that was familiar but I could put my finger on what it was. The room was setup with 12 beds and they are all being used by the way they were messed up. I asked which beds were assigned to the training team and the captain point to the last four by the shower area. As I approached the shower area the odor was getting stronger and then I could place it, it was cum that I smelled and I could see lots of it on the floor of the shower. I didn't say anything the captain but just went to Corporal Johnsons bunk to drop off the supply requisitions, information requests from forward command and I decided to hang on to the regional activity reports until I could talk to the Corporal directly. I noticed the Corporal's journal sticking out under the edge of the pillow and wanted to take a look at it but not with the captain watching me. As I turned to leave I stumbled and purposely fell onto the Corporal's bunk to grab his journal without the captain seeing me and I was successful. I stuck the journal in the briefing jacket/folder that I was carrying and got up. The captain excused himself after we were about half way across the outpost to go attend to his duties with his recruits. I thanked him for his help and said that I would see him later at lunch.

He said that here at the outpost they ate two meals a day, breakfast and lunch, and dinner was a protein shake. He told to have my men at the mess hall at 1200hrs and he would make sure that our lunch was ready and dinner would be at 1800hrs. I thanked him again for his help and he went back to his duties. I wondered around the outpost looking around and learning the outpost.

I found another barracks and went in to look around and found the barracks for the afghan army recruits. Most of the recruits were of the recruits were sleeping but there were a couple sitting on their bunks cleaning their rifles. Something just wasn't right here, the reports that I read said the afghan recruits were staying in the village, it is 1000hrs and the recruits are still sleeping, and Corporal Johnson team was bunking with some on the recruits and then there was the cum all over the shower in their barracks.

I left the barracks and went to the next building and discovered the supply stores. The stores were clean organized and appeared unused. The only thing that I could find that had been touched or used was the gun oil. It appeared that out of the 5 cases that was sent three weeks ago only two bottles remained and I don't see the 5 cases that we brought in on today's supply run. Maybe the army recruits have it cleaning their weapons.

I went back to my barracks to find the rest of my squad there squaring away their gear. A little about my squad, there are 13 of us total, three 4 man fire teams and myself Sgt Thaddeus Carter. I am 24 year old, 6'0, and about 160lbs of solid muscle, been in the Corps for 6 years and I am black. I am the only member in this squad who is not white. The rest of the squad is fresh out of Infantry Training Battalion. FT 1 consists of Pvt Tyler is 18 years old, 5'9 and about 150lbs, Pvt Adams is 19 years old, 6'0, and about 140lbs, Pvt Jackson is 21 years old, 5'10, and about 155lbs. FT2 consists of Pvt Moore is 19 years old, 6'0, and about 130lbs, Pvt Bennett is 19 years old, 5'8, and about 140lbs, Pvt Jillian is 21 years old, 5'10 and about 140lbs, Pvt Harper is 20 years old, 5'10, and about 155lbs. FT3 consists of Pvt Marks is 19 years old, 6'0, and about 135lbs, Pvt Kenton is 21 years old, 5'9, and about 150lbs, Pvt Kasey is 20 years old, 5'10, and about 145lbs, Pvt Jenson is 18 years old, 6'0 and about 140lbs.

I asked the squad if toured the outpost and if they found anything odd or out of place. Pvt Tyler said that only that he found odd was that Corporal Johnson's entire team went on an overnight training mission leaving the outpost to the recruits and we all agreed. Pvt Jenson asked if anybody noticed that there wasn't a communication center in the outpost. Come to think of it I said the only radio antennas I saw on approach were in the village.

An army recruit stumbled into to our barracks and announced that lunch was being served early and it would be ready in 10 minutes. I told the recruit that we would just have a MRE for lunch as we had a few things to get done before lunch. The recruit looked worried and asked what was wrong and he said that the captain had a special lunch prepared for our arrival. I told the recruit to inform the captain that we would be on time for lunch.

I told the squad to stow their gear, secure their weapons carrying in the outpost and we headed to the mess hall. When we arrived at the mess hall I was lead to the captain's table and the rest of the squad sat with the recruits. The captain welcomed us to the Spera outpost and requested that the squad introduce themselves to the recruits. They took turns introducing themselves to the recruits and talked about the skills they would be teaching. Lunch was served to mess hall by several members of the village that were employed as kitchen staff. The lunch was nothing like regular military food; today's lunch was all traditional foods and was either grown or raised locally. Lunch was fantastic and then they brought out desert, it was pudding type desert type resembled rice pudding but it was a little tart and salty more than it was sweet. We all had least two portions of desert when I noticed most of the afghan recruits had left.

We thanked the captain the great lunch and a fantastic desert he reminded me that dinner would be at 1800 hrs. As we were walking back to barracks we passed the afghan recruits playing soccer in the center of the outpost and invited the squad to play. I said it would be fine but in the heat of the day they would be better off changing in to their PT uniforms and to drink plenty of water. One of the afghan recruits said they had plenty of bottled water just hurry and go change. I went back to the barracks to grab Corporal Johnson's journal and find a place to watch the soccer game and read the journal. The guys quickly changed and went out challenge the recruits to some stupid bet knowing this squad.

I found a shady spot under the ledge of a rock outcropping to sit and read Johnson's journal and watch the soccer game.

(Corporal's Johnson's journal entries)

We arrived at outpost to find that the afghan army recruits had been here a week ahead us and had the outpost already set up and ready for training. One problem that needed addressed immediately was water. The outpost had a well that produced enough water for about 25 people a day. But that is about only half of what we needed for drinking water alone that didn't include hygiene needs at all. The Recruit captain suggested that my team meet with the local tribal government to see if we could negotiate a deal for enough water for the outpost. The captain set up a meeting later in the week with the tribal government; in the mean time we started working with the afghan recruits on basic physical agility and discipline training. The mess hall was ran by the recruits and they decided that we should have two regular meals and for diner have protein shakes to help build muscle and increase stamina. We agreed with that and the captain said the local goat herders would supply goat milk for the protein shakes. At first the protein shakes tasted funny but then after a day they tasted great. On the fifth day my team was informed that we would be meeting with the tribal government and select farmers for dinner to discuss our need for water for the outpost. We were told that it would be an insult to show up for the meeting in combat battle dress and armed. I wasn't comfortable with this but we agreed to the meet anyway because we really need the water.The only clothes that we had that weren't battle dress was our PT uniform and the captain said that would be fine as it hot outside and the meeting would be in the town square. The village had transformed the town square into an open air cover patio with long tables and benches and a feast fit for a king. We were welcomed with open arms by the village.

The first thing I noticed that there wasn't any women or children in the village. There were about thirty five villager s and 5 elders on the tribal government. The village served some kind of desert before the main course. The desert was a type of rice pudding that was salty and not sweet but it was very good and the four of had seconds which seemed to please the villagers and the tribal elders. Then the next course was a local herbal fermented wine, while it was against my better judgment, we all drank the wine with dinner. The wine was very sweet and didn't taste like any wine I have ever tasted before, it also seemed to cause a flushed sensation that made all my senses extra sensitive. The main course was goat and vegetables and more wine and then we finished dinner off with more of that rice pudding type of desert. After dinner the tribal elders led us into the meeting hall of some kind but instead of normal tables and chairs there were short tables and pillow to sit on. In the center of the tables was something that I later found out was a ceremonial pipe of sorts. The elders invited us to sit with them and smoke while we discussed our need for water. The tobacco that we smoked was pleasant and aromatic, the more we talked the more we smoked.

I woke up the next morning with one of the worst hangovers that I have ever felt and I couldn't remember anything after smoking with the elders. My head was pounding, my jaw was swollen, my throat was sore, and my stomach was bloated. I looked around the room and saw my three team members still out cold, naked, and getting bathed by several recruits. I then passed out again for awhile. I woke up later that afternoon and my three team members must have felt better than I did because their bunks were empty.

(Back to the outpost and Sgt Carter)

I looked up when I heard a commotion between the recruits and my squad. They were yelling and arguing about the bet they made. I arrived at the same time the captain did find out what all the fuss was about. When I asked what the bet was, Pvt Adams said that the bet was the losing team would give the winners a blow job. I looked blankly at my squad and why the hell did they agree to that kind of bet. Adams said well sergeant we are horny and didn't think we would lose. You idiots, you lost now you pay up, a bet is a bet and Marines honor their bets. They just stared at me, the captain said why don't you guys get some water and meet us in the mess hall and we can talk about this. My guys and grabbed a couple bottles of water each and drank them down on the way to the mess hall. When we arrived at the mess hall all the afghan recruits were already there and there were about 15 of the tribal pipes as Corporal Johnson described in his journal.

The captain explained that is there custom to settle disputes and negotiations over a smoke while discussing the issues. All of the pipes we lit as both sides presented the dispute. After about 5 minutes of smoking the entire squad of marines was unconscious and the recruits were laughing and stripping the squad members naked and laying them out across the tables. Ok recruits here are the rules, just like with the last group of Marines, train them to pleasure us with their mouths and throats and no more than one finger goes in the ass. We don't want them knowing that they are being trained to be whores just yet. So get to it, have fun and remember no more than one finger up their ass.

The afghan recruits knew that they had about two hours of play time with these new toys before they would start to wake up. The recruits gathered around the unconscious Marines as they started to rub, lick and massage the Marines. As the marines began to moan the recruits started to shove their dicks in the marine's mouths trying to open their throats. The more the marines moaned the harder the recruits pounded their throats. Some of the recruits were satisfied blowing their seeding in the mouths of the marines but most of the recruits wanted to face fuck the marines hard and deep to make sure their cum made it to the marines stomachs. For two solid hours the marine squad was trained by the afghan recruits on how to suck a hard afghan dick and swallow their seed. The marine's asses were expertly fingered in to submission by each recruit using the only lubrication that was available, gun oil. This caused the squad to spill their own seed many times in that two hours and most of that seed was collected to go into their protein shakes. The marines were quickly cleaned up and redressed to be awoken for the evening dinner shake.

The marine squad started to wake up slowly realizing that they must have fallen asleep after their soccer game and dispute talks. The captain said the dispute has been settled and the bet withdrawn. He cautioned the marines not to bet so foolishly in the future. Now that has been settled let us have our evening meal. Now that I was fully awake I noticed that my body was tingling and that I had a deep desire to fuck someone, anyone, and it didn't matter who. I also noticed that my jaw hurt and that I felt full like I had already eaten dinner. I looked at the rest of my squad and the all seemed a little dazed and I couldn't be for sure but I swear several of them looked like they had swollen lips.

Once all of the dinner shakes we given out the captain made a toast 'to new friends and long time relationships' everyone toasted and drank down the protein shake. That taste again, I know that taste but I can't place it, a couple of my men ask if they might have another protein shake as they were licking their glass clean. The captain laughed at this and said sure why not and went back to the kitchen to prepare the shakes. He brought the two shakes out and handed one to Pvt Tyler and the other to Pvt Jensen and watched as these two guzzled the shake down and licked their lips. This must have amused some of the afghan recruits as they started laughing and cheering the two marines.

Someone suggested that everyone call it an early night because there was an early training mission scheduled. I sent my squad off to our barracks as I needed to hit the latrine. When I entered my barracks I noticed that there were about 10 afghan recruits carrying equipment and tables inside. The recruits were setting up what appeared to be a small entertainment center complete with big screen TV, DVD player, PS3, and some satellite network link. They were also setting up tables, chairs and laying out poker chips and cards for what appeared to be a poker game. The recruits brought in several cases of bottled water and told that we need to make sure that we stayed hydrated. After everything was set up the recruits asked if anyone wanted to play poker or play Madden NFL on the PS3. The squad said hell yeah let's get some games going. One of the recruits ran back his barracks to see in anyone else want to play and about 8 more recruits should up to our barracks. We now had about 18 of the recruits here in our barracks either playing poker or PS3. I decided that I was going to relax on my bunk and finish reading the Corporal's journal.

(Back to Corporal Johnson's journal)

I went looking for the rest of my fire team when I ran into one of the afghan recruits. He told me that the rest of my guys went into the village to help bring back water. I had to hit the latrine before going to see I could be any help. When I was in the latrine I couldn't help but notice how the place smelled like gun oil.

When I got down to the village square I ran into one of the elders and asked if he had knew where my guys where and he said yes, they are helping one of the farmers with loading wagons. He asked I would mind helping him move some supplies from the meeting hall to the tavern. We went over to the meeting hall and he sat down at one of the pipes and asked if remember our agreement from the other night. I told him that it all a bit hazy but I did remember that we drank herbal wine and smoked the pipe as we talked about payment for the water. As I was talking he lit the pipe and encouraged me to smoke with him, not to be rude I of course joined him. He said the we came to an agreement after we offered money and they declined, and we offered supplies and they declined and we offered protection and they declined but when we asked the elders if there was anything we had that wanted or needed they said yes there something we could offer them. I stopped smoking and listened closely because I had no idea what I promised them in return for the water we needed.

He said you really don't remember anything from that negotiation do you? I shook my head and said no I really don't. He got up told me to grab the box that was sitting on the next table and follow him. We walked down a back alley to a rear office in the tavern. He told me to have a seat and opened a cabinet to reveal a TV set and pressed play on a VCR. The scene on the TV was that night of negotiations at the meeting hall. As I watched and listened I could hear one of the elders say that the only thing they wanted was us to provide them with all the pussy that they wanted. I watched my reaction as I laughed and said 'Is that all', I can have a squad of female marines here in an hour. The elder said no we don't want female pussy....we want male pussy, to be exact we want military male pussy and plenty of it. I told the elders that there was no way that I could agree to that and the negotiations were over. I told my fire team we were done and stood to leave when the room started spinning and I fell back down. The same thing happened all of the fire team. The elders were smiling and said that they weren't done yet and started to remove their robes. As my marine fire team tried to leave we held by the villagers as they started removing our clothes. One of the elders knelt in front of me and started stroking my hardening dick. He continued to jack me off until I was hard as a rock and then started to lick just the head of my penis. He did this for about 5 minutes as he was playing with my nuts. He would bring the brink of cumming and then stop, he did this over and over and lost count how many times. Then one of the elders started licking and playing with my ass. Then both elders started working together bringing to the brink of cumming and then stopping. Finally I was begging the just let me come I would do anything just let me cum. They said that they wanted my entire team to stay here at the outpost and I was to find reasons to stay. I was to start bringing more and more military combat crews thru the outpost so they can be trained to pleasure the men of Afghanistan. They didn't care how I did it. I told them I couldn't do it, it wouldn't be right. Both elders started in again but this time one of them started fingering my ass and found my prostrate. This brought me over the edge, I promise them whatever they wanted just let me get off and that they did. The elder turned off the TV and looked at me and asked if I remembered anything now. He told me that my men and I performed all night long in the meeting hall for the villagers, that we sucked every dick in the village at least once. I told him I couldn't do it.

He said that if I refused that tape and the tape they were filming right now in the next room would make it the forward marine base and to all the media in the country. As he opened the door into the tavern I could he men moaning, gasping, and choking. When I walked into the tavern, cheers roared 'another whore'. What I saw is hard to describe but here goes. Pvt Bastin, youngest member of my fire team at 18, was straddling over a villager on the floor riding about a 9 inch dick. There were two more villagers on each side of him that he was jacking off as they waited their turn at him. He kept saying 'fuck me harder, fuck my ass harder'. Another villager walked up behind Pvt Bastin and shoved his 10 inch dick up his ass right next to the other dick that was in there. He screamed 'oh...ohh yeah... you bastards... fuck me...that feels so good... fuck me'. I couldn't believe this, he was enjoying this, how could he. I then looked over to Pvt Ramos, the 20 year old on my team, on his back on the table with a dick down his throat and one ramming his ass. He was moaning and groaning obviously enjoying what was being done to him. He had at least four villagers around him waiting their turn. The third member of my team, PVT Riley, who was 22, was on his knee getting face fucked by some huge dicked villager. He was finger fucking his own ass and he was definitely enjoying himself. If this was all being captured on tape, they were willing participants in this sexual orgy. Someone grabbed my arm and forced me to my knees, waved a big dick in front of me, and something in my head snapped, I had to have that dick down my throat. I dove on the dick and sank it as far down my throat as I could and kept it down my throat until it feed me that sweet nectar that I had to have. That night I remembered everything and enjoyed everything that was done to me.

Over the next week my fire team became the sexual outlet for the entire village. My fire team cannot keep up with sexual needs of all these men. I am going to have to request more Marines, at least a squad to start.

That was the last entry in the journal and that was week ago.

(Back to the outpost and Sgt Carter)

I couldn't believe what I just read, is this a fucking joke, this can't be true. Johnson is just fucking with whoever might read his journal. I hide the journal within some other confidential paperwork that I am supposed to give to Corporal Johnson when I see him. I sit up on my bunk and look around there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. There is group of recruits and marines playing poker and another group playing PS3. I walk over to the poker game to see who was winning. By the chips on the table is appeared that it was still evenly matched. It was hot in the barracks and there was little air movement. I walked over and grabbed a couple bottles of water and downed them. The water was really refreshing actually made me feel cooler. I ordered all my guys to make sure they drank plenty of water tonight. I walked outside to the latrine, as I had to go again. I still can't get over the smell of gun oil in the latrine.

When I got back to the barracks someone had brought a couple of the Afghan water pipes and was passing them around for the troops to use freely. Soon there was a thick layer of smoke in the barracks and even if you weren't smoking one of the pipes you were inhaling the smoke with every breath. I was watching them play poker and noticed that my guys were losing against the afghan recruits and I noticed the same thing when I was watching them play PS3 again the recruits were winning. I grabbed another bottled water and was drinking it down when I heard Pvt Tyler say 'I am out, I don't have any more chips'. 'So what' said one of the recruits, 'start betting your clothes'. Tyler said 'ok I bet my shirt'.

Shortly the poker game is over and my marines were naked and the recruits were still fully clothed. The guys playing PS3 must have gotten bored and changed the TV over to the satellite to see what they could find. One of the afghan recruits started passing around the water pipes again and this time tobacco was really strong and gave me a head rush. I heard couple guys gasp as I turned around. There was Pvt Tyler on his knees sucking the dick of one afghan recruits. I started to same something when the guys started chanting 'deeper...deeper...deeper'. Nobody appeared freaked out by this, instead it look like everyone was getting horny. The naked guys were stroking their dicks and the guys with clothes on were rubbing their crotches. I looked around the group and noticed there was another one of my marines on his knees sucking off an afghan recruit. Pvt Jensen was going to town trying to deep throat that afghan dick in his mouth. I watched him as he repeatedly choked himself on that dick till he could get it down his throat. It was like that was that only thing that mattered to him, was to have that afghan dick down his throat.

One by one my marines were pushed to their knees and when a dick was waved in front of them they just dove right in and started sucking. If one of them hesitated all I took was for that dick to be rubbed across that marines face and he would start sucking. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and the captain was pushing me to my knees to join the rest of my marines. I started sucking his dick with a fierce desire, all I knew was that as soon as I saw his dick I had to have it, I had to have that afghan cum in my stomach. I heard, thru the haze in my head; make sure someone is recording this.

As soon as the captain fed me his cum, he helped me to stand told me to look around the room. He said to look at those white whores getting what they need and what they desire. But they are drugged into doing this I said. No they are not being forced to do this, look not one of them is being forced, and this is all their own free will. As far being drugged, it is not a drug is just a side effect of the tobacco that you have been smoking. It tends to lower the inhibitions and bring out sexual desire. The sexual desire is within all of us but it needs to be released and that is all the tobacco does. It releases that desire permanently so that it is always in the back of the mind. The odd thing about this is that it only effects men, has no effect what so ever on woman. As I looked around my marines were sucking one recruit after another. The captain led me over to Pvt Tyler who had just finished swallowing the load of a recruit. The captain reached down and waved my dick in front my Pvt and that was all it took for him to start sucking my dick. The Pvt had learned well how suck a dick and in no time he had me hard. After a couple of minutes I could hear him choking as I looked down, he was trying to get my 11 inch dick down his throat. It took him couple of minute but he finally broke open that sweet throat and I began to face fuck this marine for all he was worth. When I finally came he swallowed every last drop. The captain said that I needed to train the rest of my squad to suck my big dick.

I told the captain that I didn't think I could abuse my marines in that way. He led me over to a table and told me to have a seat facing so that I could see what was happening to my men. He told that I would do whatever they asked of me. They had photos and video of me and my men and everything that we had done so far and that I was going to help them train my men to become the white whores they desired to be. If I chose not help, then the photos and videos would reach my family, the Marine Corps and the press. This would not only ruin my life but the lives of all my men as well. I hesitated a minute and thought, I could find a way out of this but for now I had to go along. I just looked at the afghan captain and 'ok I agree'. He smiled 'now that we have that settled' we will start your squads training in the morning. I look out at the barracks and my men are still servicing the afghan recruits orally and some of them are getting finger fucked. The captain told me to have my men ready to go at 0600hrs dressed in PT uniform. We would be going on a run thru the mountains, have each man bring a pack with their combat uniform in it, and a couple bottles of water. I ask should we bring any rations, or other equipment and says that his recruits will supply the rations and that nothing else would be needed. What if we running into a Taliban patrol? He said 'in that case your marines will get their training the hard way'. He ordered his recruits to start cleaning up the marines and to put them to bed. The recruits started taking my marines to the showers to finish up some training and get them cleaned up. In about 30 minutes our barracks was clean, the marines were in their bunks and I laid down to try to get some sleep.

I woke up with a start to find Pvt Tyler and Pvt Jensen taking turns sucking my dick. What the hell are you two doing I said trying not to wake anyone else. Neither of them said anything they just kept sucking. I tried to get up and put a stop to this but when Tyler slid my dick down his throat I lost all resistance. 'Damn man I didn't think you could take the whole thing' Jensen said. Tyler took my dick out of his mouth and told him 'it is so fucking good, you are going to have learn how' and then he reached out and pulled Jensen head to my dick. 'Just relax your jaw muscles and breathe thru your nose' Tyler explained. 'Then each time you go down try to take just a little bit more and when the time is right let it pass right into your throat'. I couldn't believe that I had two marines here kneeling on each side on my bunk, one teaching the other how to deep throat my dick. As soon as Jensen was able to take me into his throat Tyler began to lick and bite my nipples. This brought me over the edge and I unloaded down Jensen throat. Tyler said 'I told you he had a big dick', Jensen just smiled and licked his lips as they went back to their bunks.

I woke everyone up at told them to prepare for a morning run in their PT uniform, combat uniform and several bottles of water in your packs. Formation is in 10 minutes get to it I yelled.

If anyone remembered anything about last night no one has said anything. As we were head out for formation the captain said that we needed to have breakfast before our run and led us over to the mess hall. I told the captain that we didn't eat breakfast before exercising , he said that it would be ok it was just going to be a protein shake today since we were going to be training hard. We had all drank breakfast and started our run.

We headed thru the village on our run and all the villagers were outside cheering us on as we passed. Then the run started up thru a small mountain pass as we climbed higher and higher into the mountains. Now we started off at about 9,000 feet in elevation and the air was pretty thin there. We ran for about 5 miles and it was really getting hard to breathe. We stopped for a rest break and I noticed the afghan recruits weren't even winded let alone tired. My guys were soaked with sweat and really trying to catch their breath. I was winded but not like my guys. I told them drink some water and we would start again. We continued the run for about another 5 miles when the captain stopped the run and told every one drink some more water. The afghan recruits still were not tired, they were joking, talking, and smoking. They offered my guys some water and asked in anyone wanted a cigarette and my guys declined. The afghan recruits just laughed at them and called them 'pussies'. This was taken by my guys as a challenge even thou they were winded and tired they all took a cigarette and started smoking. As they inhaled it seemed to help relax their breathing and make easier for them to inhale more of the cigarette. The recruits were amazed at how it made them feel, how their senses seemed to perk up. How the skin felt, how the sweat running do their body felt, how their shirts rubbing across their nipples sent jolts of electricity thru the body. The marines asked where they could buy some of the cigarettes and they told them at the tobacco shop in the village. The recruit gave my guys a couple packs and said they could repay him later.

We continued up the trail higher and higher until we reached what appeared to be an abandoned mine on some kind. The sun was high in the sky and it was hot running in the sun. The captain suggested we take a break and cool off inside the cave out of the sun. He said that they usually used this as rest point on the runs before heading back down to the outpost. When we got inside the recruits dropped their packs and stripped off their shirts as they relaxed. I told my guys to do the same thing and to sit down and rest for the run back to the outpost. The cavern just inside the entrance was huge; it must have been the size of a football field and about 12 feet high. It was cooler in the cave but not cold and there was a nice breeze blowing thru from some vent shaft in the mine somewhere. I asked the captain what they mined out of here and he said it only looked like a mine but it is actually a hidden outpost that the Taliban used to hide from the Russians many years ago but now they are the only ones that use it. I started to go deeper into the cave and he advised against it until everyone had a chance to rest. I went over and sat with my men. They were drinking water and smoking cigarettes. The recruits challenged the marines to game of soccer and I told them just be careful.

I asked the captain what really was going on and why were we here? He said it was time for more training. The run was to tire out the marines, the water has potent sexual stimulants, and the tobacco, as I have told you has certain side effects. The tobacco effects short term memory for about a week and then memories start coming back as dreams or flash backs, it also intensifies the senses and pleasure centers of the brain. All of these things help bring the repressed desires to the surface lets them acted upon. Right now you see them playing soccer that is to stimulate them and get the water and tobacco well into the system. You see how my recruits are making physical contact all the time and rubbing your marine's bodies as they play, see how all the marines are horny and have erections. Any time now one of your marines is going break and drop down in front one the recruits start sucking dick. I asked the captain how long they have been doing this. He said that this was the third time with a US military crew, the first was a navy seal recon team, the second was Corporal Johnson's team and we were the third team. I asked if they had done this with other countries military. He said no but the British were next.

It only took about another couple minutes for what the captain had explained to happen. Pvt Moore was on his knees sucking a recruits hard dick like there was no tomorrow. That was all it took for the rest of the marines to do the same thing. The captain told me it was time that I started breaking in my marines on my big dick. He said that once I had finished getting them all deep throating my monster cock that it would be time to start their anal training.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 2

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