Sergeant Carter

By Mike Johnson

Published on Oct 9, 2010


This tale contains descriptions of sexual acts between males; if this is not to your taste or you are under age or it is against the law where you live to read such matter please leave now. This tale is pure fiction. Your comments & ideas are welcome at all emails answered except flames which are extinguished on receipt.

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Sorry for the delay in posting but I have been to 12 states (driving) in the past 5 weeks and haven't had a lot of time to write chapters and typing while driving is not only dangerous but illegal in most states.

Sergeant Carter-Afghanistan Part 4

(Back to Sgt Carter somewhere else in the abandoned Taliban outpost)

The captain led me to the back of the cavern and out into an area open to the sky but surrounded by rock walls. There was moisture in the air and plants growing out of the rock. Looking around there was a large pool of water to one side and large grassy area on the other side. The captain led me to the pool and started removing his uniform. He told me he was going for a swim and asked if I would join him as he stripped naked and jumped in. I stripped down and dove into the emerald green water. The water was cool and refreshing and washed away all thoughts, concerns, and feelings I had about what was going on. I swam over to the captain and asked if we could talk about what was happening to my men.

The captain informed that this was part of a national experiment into interrogation techniques. The interrogation techniques used by the U.S., Britain, and Australia were outdated and unreliable. That the use of physical torture and mind drugs were just not getting the job done anymore and new research had proved that in the height of sexual stimulation that one could interrogate subjects and get reliable and honest answers. That was what was being tried and proven with the men of the Corporal Johnson's team, Chief Petty Officer Tate's team and my team. Each team had been given different sexual stimulus and outcome goals but in each case the results were the same, it worked, at the height of sexual stimulation one could extract information and it be given voluntarily without mind drugs or physical torture. The captain told me that the study on my team wasn't finished yet but it should be in about a week or so and then the real military training that we were supposed to be providing to the afghan troops would start. I asked about Corporal Johnson and Chief Petty Officer Tate's teams and he told me that we would see Johnson's team soon and that Tate's team was sent to test the British military's ability to keep secrets about their new submarine class. I asked if our governments knew about what was going on here and he said that the U.S., Britain, and Australian governments were funding and supplying the research ideas, training methods and sharing the results.

Just then the rest of my squad were brought out to the pool and were told to enjoy and relax. Since they were already naked they dove right in and began playing grab ass in the pool. The captain told me that he had a surprise for us and that he had arranged for some female company to be brought up to the caves and they should arrive later that afternoon. I watched my men hugging and literally playing grab ass and wondered what female companionship would do to their emotions. The captain saw the fear in my eyes and asked what was wrong. I told him that I was not sure how the men would react in getting laid by both men and women while they were here in Afghanistan. He told me that with the past teams that it really didn't make a difference in anything that was happening here but they were waiting to follow some of the team's home on leave when that time came.

My guys were lying around the pool relaxing when the women arrived. The women were of mixed nationalities from the area countries and ranged in age from what looked like about 22 to 40. The women went immediately to the guys and started taking off their robes. The captain spoke in my ear `let the party begin' as he reached around me pulled me close. There were pairs and groups everywhere having sex. I couldn't believe the stamina of me or my men as we had been fucking all morning and we are starting again. This went on well into the night and the captain must have fucked me three times and I know I fucked him four times. My men were playing musical pussy, fuck one and move to the next, the orgy must have lasted at least 6 hours before the women left the cave. The next morning my men were less than enthusiastic about getting up. While everyone was having their protein shake I asked the captain if it was safe to take my men on a couple mile run thru the mountains. He suggested that we split the men up and I take half and he take half and we each run different valleys. I asked about battle dress and he assured me that no one was in these mountains except for his men and us and that regular PT uniforms would be fine. I didn't feel comfortable with this but I trusted his judgment. The captain told me to watch the trail carefully and if we came to any red markers or a pile of stones painted red that was the border marker between Pakistan and Afghanistan and under no circumstances cross into Pakistan. The captain took 6 men and I took 6 men and headed in different directions for our PT run. My plan was to run the valley at least four times to get a good 4 mile run in for the day. I kept have the strange feeling that we were being watched but I could never see anyone. On each our trips we went farther up the valley and on our third trip we came to a little plateau and took a break. I told my men to relax as I scouted the area. I couldn't find any trail markers but there had been a lot of traffic on the path.

I was getting closer to where I left my men when I heard someone talking in broken English. I quietly took position on a rock out cropping above the valley floor. I saw my men being held gun point by either Pakistan or Afghanistan rebels it was really hard to tell the difference from my position. I could hear their leader asking something about why they were in Pakistan and where was our camp. Pvt Jackson tried to tell them that they didn't know that they had crossed into Pakistan and that were just out for a morning run. The leader back handed Jackson hard and dropped him to his knees as the rest of my men started to rush to Jackson the leader told them stay where they were. The group of rebels started talking in their language between themselves. The leader ordered my men to remove their boots and socks and to sit on the ground. My men complied and the leader said something to one of his men and he blindfolded each of the men and then collected the socks. The leader told the men that he was going to gag them so they couldn't tell for help. Each of my men had their mouths stuffed with someone else's socks and then taped into place. When the men were gagged, cuffed and blindfolded they were led back down the valley that we had come from. About half way back there was a small opening in the canyon wall hidden by boulders. They must have watched us pass their hide out several times before following us; we had never crossed into Pakistan. The entire group went into the cave and they didn't post any sentries so I cautiously followed into the cave. I followed the sound of the group in the dark until the tunnel opened into a large cavern. I watched my men get divided up into two groups and placed into cells cut into the cavern walls. I found a safe vantage point so that I could watch and wait for the right moment to rescue my team.

I watched the rebel group gather things for what I could only assume was to be an interrogation. They brought several chairs and a table to the center of the cavern. They started laying out some odd things on the table such a Turkish water pipe, a brown brick, several small brown bottles of liquid, several jars of what looked like grease, and several bottles of pills. PVTs Tyler, Jackson, and Adams were brought out of their cell and sat at the table. They were still blind folded and gagged and the leader was explaining what he wanted to know. He told them that he wanted to know where their camp was, how many soldiers there were and what the mission was. He told them that he didn't want to hurt then but he would if he needed to in order to extract the information. There was a rebel standing behind each of the marines holding a gas mask in their hands. The leader told the three men that he was going to place a blackout mask one each of them and not to panic. When the masks were in place a tube from the Turkish pipe was attached to the mask so that every time the marines inhaled they would be drawing from the pipe. The leader broke off a small piece of the brown brick and placed it in the pipe and lit it. The marines started to cough and choke but soon grew accustomed to the hashish they were smoking. The leader refilled the pipe several times before he removed the masks. He also removed their blindfolds so that he could see their eyes as he talked to them. He could tell that the hashish was having the desired effect from the glassy eyed look they had. He told the three that he was going to talk to them for awhile before asking them any questions. The leader introduced himself as Zahid and told the three that he needed to learn more about what their purpose was here at the outpost and what they were teaching the other group of military trainees. He told them that he had been observing the other group as much as he could but couldn't get anyone on the inside and he now had six informants and he planned on making the six men tell him everything. If they cooperated they just might enjoy themselves but if they resisted, they would cross that fine line between pleasure and pain. Zahid told the rebels to remove the marine's gags but keep them close in case they were needed again. Zahid asked the men for their names but none of them responded. Zahid shook his head and said always so stubborn. He went over to Pvt Adams and looked deep into his eyes and asked Adams what his name was but Adams just stared in to Zahid's eyes with horny lust. Adams leaned forward and tried to kiss Zahid before the rebel standing behind him grabbed his shoulders and slammed him back in the chair. Zahid smiled and yelled something to his men that I couldn't see. A group of rebels entered carrying several padded saw horses with bindings dragging on the ground. There were also several rebels setting up cameras, lights, and recording equipment around the cavern. Zahid told the three marines that he was going to film the interview so that there would be no accusations that he tortured the marines in any way.

Once everything was set up a group of 5 older men came in and sat across from the marines. The men all appeared to be in the 40's or 50's but it was hard to tell with the robes they were wearing and their beards. Zahid explained to the three young men that the there is a custom among some of the tribes in Afghanistan that the young men were to serve the elders until such time as the elders arranged a marriage for the young men. The elders rose and walked over to the three marines, looked the marines over carefully and talked among themselves as the marines were poked, groped and stimulated by the 5 pair of hands. Zahid said that the elders liked what they felt and they were making plans for the marines as there was a gathering of elders from the province tomorrow. One of the elders spoke to Zahid in English asking if they could use all six of the young marines tomorrow at the gathering. Zahid informed the elder that he needed information from the marines and that as long as they weren't harmed he could use them in any way but it had to be filmed and he had to release them no later than midnight tomorrow to prevent being discovered in an all out search by the Americans. The elders agreed and asked Zahid to either write down the questions or wait while the elders loosened the tongues of these Marines. Zahid informed the elders that his men would set up the cavern for the gathering and the marines would be in the cells ready for when the elders wanted them. Zahid called for the other three men to be brought out to the table and again had the water pipe loaded up and the blackout masks applied and hooked up to the pipe. This time all six men were using the pipe and Zahid told them that tomorrow there was to be a gathering of elders from the province that should be attended by about 45 elders and they would be serving them all. One of the elders said something to Zahid and he corrects himself to the marines, I was just informed that the gathering for tomorrow is not with the elders as planned but now it is with the territorial military leaders and there should only be about 15 give or take. Now this really didn't sink in to the stoned marines but they would be reminded later. The 5 elders asked for the marines to be tired to the saw horses so that the questioning may begin.

The 6 marines were tied to the saws horses with leather bindings and cuffs. They were tied two to a saw horse facing each other tied on opposite sides. The marines thought it was funny when they started tying them to the saw horses but by the time they were secured it was less funny. The group of marines consisted of Pvt Adams (19 years old with brown hair and hazel eyes), Pvt Tyler (18 years old dirty blond hair with green eyes), Pvt Jackson (21 years old with blond hair and grey eyes), Pvt Jenson (18 years old Black Hair with blue eyes), Pvt Marks (19years old with red hair and green eyes), and Pvt Moore (19 years old with brown hair and blue eyes). The elders all chose a marine to question but the there were 6 marines and 5 elders. Zahid asked about the 6th marine and one of the elders smiled and said he will be questioned by us all. Surprising even to Zahid all the elders spoke broken English and began questioning their marine to name, rank, location of the camp, and mission. When they didn't get any answers they began to cut the t shirts and pt shorts off the men. One of the elders asked for 6 pots of boiling water, olive oil, grease, and some menthol ointment. Zahid's men rushed off to prepare the supplies that the elder wanted. In the mean time the elders were talking the marines as they ran their hands over the muscular tight bodies of the marines. When the supplies arrived the elders mixed the menthol ointment into the hot water and began to wash the marines. When the menthol started cooling and then warming, the elders started asking questions again. This time the marines were talking to the elders but not answering their questions. The elders started massaging the olive oil into every inch of skin the marines had including their scalp and face. The marines were groaning and grunting with the pleasure that the elders were giving them. The elders talked to the marines about their training and the marines and just asked questions about the men themselves. The elders were really starting to create a bond to the men as they massaged and talked to the men. There was nothing but the sound of pleasure and talking between friends until Adams yelled that he was being left out. One of the elders moved over to Adams slapped his ass and told him to shut up. When he started to complain he was gagged again with socks and tape.

The elders continued to massage the marines and talk to them about their family, hobbies and life before joining the marines. All the marines were answering questions and talking about themselves openly and without any abuse or drugs. The elders would ask a question about name and rank here and there in the conversation until all the marines except Adams had revealed who they were. The elders then started paying closer attention to the asses of the marine they were questioning, first starting with olive oil to lube the asses as a finger was inserted. The marines never missed a beat in the conversation as the elders were slow and gentle as they penetrated the marine's ass with their fingers. Soon the marines were easily taking two fingers in their ass when the elders started applying and inserting what looked like axel grease into the asses of the marines. The marines were enjoying the attention so much that they didn't even realize they had answered all the questions except about their mission. Zahid was totally impressed that elders were able to get the information from the marines without physical force or humiliation. When the elders felt the marines had enough grease loaded in their asses they told Zahid to take them back to their cells except for the gagged one. The marines all groaned that their massages were over and they had to back to their cells.

All 5 elders turned their attention to Adams, as they began to wash and massage him until every inch of his body was washed, clean and tingling from the menthol. Then elders then started with the olive oil massage only instead as with the other marines they weren't asking Adams questions but telling him what they were going to do to him. As the massaged him they told him that they were going to use and abuse both his holes until he begged them to stop and that he would be so filled with their essences that he would be leaking from both ends. Three of the elders tried to all push a finger into his ass at the same time but they couldn't open is tight ass. Then one elder inserted a finger and started loosening his hole so that they all could have a piece of his ass. Adams moaned as the elder started using two fingers and a begged for more but his gag muffled his words. The elder could tell by how his body was reacting that the he was enjoying himself. They untied him but left him gagged as they continued to pleasure Adams with the massage of both his body and fingering his hole with now two fingers. The elder fingering his ass decided it was time to load his ass with grease so that when they fucked him that it was well lubed and would stay lubed not just right now but for the activities that would happen later in the day. The elder would insert two fingers into Adam's ass and spread them wide and use a couple fingers from his other hand to force grease up that tight ass and push in as far as he could. When he felt that he had loaded Adam's ass with enough grease he removed his fingers and smack his butt. This made Adams jump and groan with pain/pleasure. It was announce that it was time to Adams to get filled by the elders.

The gag was removed and Adams begged the elders to use him any way they wanted but just don't stop massaging and groping him. I continued to watch the elders prepare to fuck Adams and started to feel guilty that I was allowing this to happen and not trying to stop any of it but there wasn't much I could do except try and find my way back out of the cave and get help but also having a huge risk in getting caught myself or watch and make sure they don't physical harm my men, not sure what I would do if they tried but at least I would be there to attempt to stop them. The elders all had removed their robes and I could get a better idea on the ages now. They all appeared to be in there 60's, now that I could get a better look at the faces. Their body's looked well defined and extremely fit but the biggest shock was the size of their dicks. They all seemed to be sporting at least 8 inch thick dicks but a couple of them had to be at least 10 inches long. Adams seemed lost as he stared at the dicks he was about to receive but didn't try to get away. One of the elders told Adams to get back into position over the saw horse as the elders surrounded him. They told him that they each were going to pass their essence into him both down his throat and deep into his ass. They said that this is normally done when a male child reaches the age of 15 in their tribe and then continues to serve the elders until such time a wife is found for the young man usually at the age of 21. This gives the elders plenty of time to educate the youth in the ways of sexual pleasure and pain and keeps the male youth from soiling the young woman before they get married. As they were explaining this to Adams one of the elders grabbed his head and started fucking his mouth and he could feel one of the elder standing behind him spreading his butt cheeks.

The elders took their time as they all educated Adams into the ways of the tribe and ways to please an elder. They all shot a load in his ass and down his throat when Zahid informed them that is was getting light outside. They had been educating Adams for 8 hours and he enjoyed every second of it. The elders asked Zahid to bring them something that I couldn't make out. When Zahid returned he had a bowl of some kind of berries, charcoal, and what looked like a bottle of vodka. One the elders sat down and started crushing the charcoal and slowly mixing in a few berries until he achieved what he wanted and then added the vodka to thin out the mix. He handed the bowl to another elder who had some kind of brush or stick and drew a diagram on the back of Adams's neck below his ear on both sides. A third elder then began trace over the design with something I couldn't see. Adams never said a word as they were doing this but I could hear they were mumbling something to him as they did this on both sides of his neck. The elders asked Zahid to take Adams back to a cell but not with the others. They want to question them soon when the meeting with the military leaders began.

The elders and Zahid retired to an area with chairs and tables as the coffee or tea was made while they talked. They told Zahid that the military leaders were grumbling that enough wasn't being done to train their men to the military ways of the west. They wanted more training, weapons, and vehicles so they could fight. They were tired of waiting for the national government to get this stuff done it was time to take action. Zahid smiled and told the elders that he had a surprise for them all but it would have to wait to later but he might have a partial solution to what the military leaders wanted. About an hour later the cavern was hosting a meeting of the 5 elders and the military leaders from the province. There were about 15 present and I noticed that the leaders all looked so young. I don't think any of them could have been over 25 and yet they were the military leaders for their villages. The elders told everyone that the meeting was to be English as much as possible for the benefit of their guests. The military leaders looked around and asked what guests. Zahid brought in the 5 marines and tied them to chairs in the center of the gathering. The elders informed the leaders that these marines were posted close to here and that they were detained until they could be questioned. Some of the leaders were angry that they had not been told that there were marines in the area operating a mission. The elder told the leaders that was why they were going to be questioned. One of the military leaders stood up and demanded that he is allowed to question the marines and that they would tell him everything he wanted to know as he pulled out a knife from his robes. The elders told them all that no one was going to harm these marines and that they would be the ones doing the questioning. They did not want the wrath of the Americans for harming their marines when they could get the information the needed and still let the marines go. The leaders asked how that this would be possible since the marines would have been trained to resist interrogation and torture. The elders smiled and said we have our ways as you all should know. The leaders all became quiet and smiles slowly came across their faces as the elders walked up behind the seated marines. The marines were not happy about being tied to the chairs and were less happy when they saw the padded saw horses being set up close by. The elders spoke to the Military leaders as the preparations were made for the questioning to begin. The military leaders expressed their concern that the coalition forces were less then forth coming in information and notification of operations in and around their villages. They were also concerned that they never received any information about the spies they turned over to the government or any information they might have had given up in interrogations. The elders had someone taking notes about the meeting so that they could take them to the next meeting they had with the coalition leaders. When all the concerns were stated and some of them discussed, the elders stated that it was time for training on new questioning and negotiations techniques that could prove useful when dealing with their coalition allies. The marines looked at each other as the realized that these were not rebels but coalition allies from the local villages. Pvt Jensen asked if this was the way that allies to the afghan people were treated and one of the elders told him if they were truly allies to the afghan people they should learn the local customs and try to be sensitive to those customs. The elder informed the marines that this was going to be hands on approach to some of the local customs they should be sensitive to and realize that they could have far better relations with the villages if they would honor these customs.

The Military leaders all moved their chairs closer to the marines as one marine at a time was moved to the saw horses. The elders told the marines that their bindings would be released soon but for the beginning of their education it would be safer for them to be bound to the saw horses. The marine's hands were tied to their ankles as they were bent over the saw horses with their asses in the air. The elders told the marines that the first thing they were going to learn how elders liked oral pleasures. The young men might like things fast but the elders like things slower and more personal. The elders all removed their robes and stood before the bound marines rubbing the semi hard dicks across their faces. The elders told the marines to lick but not suck their balls and dicks and make sure the take their time and enjoy that they are pleasing the elders. Each marine was following the directions that were being giving to them. The elders spoke soft and kind to the marines and not yelling and belittling them as they were used to. The elders were nice, kind and almost a father type figure to these marines as they pleasured the elders. The marines spent about an hour just licking the dicks of the elders before their next lesson began, the elders asked the marines to start gently sucking on their balls and then their dicks. No sucking hard and no deep strokes trying to throat the dick just simple gentle sucking. This went on for about 40 minutes when the elders pulled their dicks out of the marine's mouths and asked if they were enjoying themselves. All the marines had hard dicks leaking plenty of pre cum but nobody had even touched the marines at all. All the marines told the elders that they didn't know that going so slow and gentle could cause them so much pleasure. The elders laughed and told them that this was just the beginning. The lesson could last hours before anyone would even cum.

The elders then untied the marine's hands and tied their ankles to the posts of the saw horses. The elders told the marines to use their hands as the sucked the hard dicks now and use their tongue to run the head of the dick inside the foreskin. All of the marines had been cut and didn't know how to treat an uncut dick. The elders were given them all instructions on how sensitive the head of an uncut dick was and how much pleasure could be given by just running the tongue on the inside of the foreskin. Soon the elders were moaning with pleasure and gently started moving the dicks in the mouths of the marines. Jensen, Tyler, Jackson, Marks, and Moore were all moaning with the sensations they were feeling from just sucking on the elder's dicks. No one has touched the marines anywhere on their bodies yet their dicks were hard as rock, nipples pointed and hard, and theirs ass's twitching in anticipation of getting hard dicks to stretch them open. The elders started to rub the shoulders and head of the marines as the sucked their dicks and one of the elders asked the military leaders to help with the preparing the ass's of the marines for the next step in training. The 5 leaders stood next the marines as they were still tied to the saw horses. The leaders were handed what looked like a handled horse's tail. The object was cut horse hair bound at one end and inserted into a smooth molded handle that in simplest terms looked like a baton handle. The handle was about 7 inches long and the tail was about a foot long. The leaders started lightly dragging the horse hair down the backs of the marines and then across their ass. They then started whipping the marine's asses with the horse hair leaving small red lines on their white skin. They continued alternating the pleasure and pain of the horse whip until one of the elders said it was time to start the next lesson.

The elders pulled out of the marine's mouths and went to inspect the marine's red asses. The elders told the military leaders in the room to line up and get serviced orally from the marines. This only took about 30 seconds for there to be lines in front of each marine allowing them to pleasure the military leaders. The elders each stuck a finger or two in each marine's ass to see if they were stilled lubed from last night packing. Each marine's ass was lubes and still packed with warm melted grease and the elders could feel the marine's ass lips trying to pull their fingers deeper into the warm passage. The elders then all shove their entire dick into the ass of their marine and held it there for a couple of seconds and the marines groaned in pain. When the elders began slowly pulling out and then pushing back in the pleasure started for the marines and the continued slowly sucking the dicks of the military leaders. The marines were learning the fine line of pleasure and pain and how slow gentle sex can but just as good as fast and rough sex. It took about an hour of fucking and working their ass muscle to bring the elders to climax. The marines had already brought a couple of military leaders off in that time and were working on the rest. The elders decided to switch marines and within about ten minutes they were hard again and fucking a different ass. The culture training went on for about 5 hours as the military leaders all want a shot at the asses of the marines as well. When they were done with the marines they reconvened the meeting and the elders asked what the military leaders had learned. They all agreed that the learned that with the right stimulus there could be a good working relationship with the coalition forces that it would just take a little cultural training. The elders dismissed the meeting and asked Zahid to bring the bowl of ink from last night so they could mark these marines. As before, the same design was drawn on the marines necks and then some else was used over the design. The entire time the elders were whispering and taking to the marines. When they were done the elders told Zahid that the marines were camped at the Outpost Spera and that their mission was to train the afghan army in military techniques and interrogation, that they should be in the area for about 10 months and that their Sergeant was with them on their run and you missed collecting him. Zahid said that they knew there was another but that he hadn't been found yet and there was no search party for these guys yet. The elders asked Zahid to make sure these marines knew where their village was and they expected them at least twice a month for training. I knew that I wanted to know where their village was because I could use some cultural training.

(to be continued....)

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