Servicing the Guys

By Dare Santee

Published on Jan 19, 2013


Author's note: This story is completely fictitious and pure fantasy. It contains depictions of sexual acts between adults and minors. If easily offended or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, please refrain from continuing or do so by your own volition. This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author.

Servicing The Guys

The SUV flies down the paved highway through the barren landscape. Why anyone would build a road like this in the middle of nowhere amazes me. Probably less than ten vehicles, mostly trucks, have passed us in the last two hours. No other signs of civilization. I'm being delivered to my first duty station in a friendly gulf state with more oil generated money for useless infrastructure it appears than good sense.

"Here we are," my teen Arab driver announces in heavily accented English as he slows and takes a gravel road to three Quonset huts set back from the gulf. I think he's younger than I am. The whole place looks like a surreal moonscape, and the sea is a beautiful azure fading into the horizon. The SUV pulls up to one of the huts and the driver hops out to open the back of the vehicle so I can get my bag.

Sighing, I step out into the blazing sun. Taking my bag from the grinning driver, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tip him or not. Everything was arranged for me with my duty orders. I opt not to tip him but nod a thank you and head for the door. He runs ahead of me and holds the door for me. I thank him again. Damn, did he just adjust his teen crotch and wink at me. Has he noticed I've been checking him out during the trip?

So starts my arrival at my first duty station as an assistant to the systems administrator, whatever the hell that is. No one else got orders like mine straight from boot camp. Why did I get this and no one else? I wonder if someone found out I sucked cock before I joined the marines and that's my reason for being sent here. No way. I laugh at myself. A guy can dream. How would someone know that? I've kept that part of my past to myself.

I'm an eighteen year old country boy from rural Kansas. Farm boy. Hunting, fishing, sports, baseball player with special skills, all that good old boy stuff, and I do it well. Even keeping the high school varsity and junior varsity baseball teams and coaches well cared for between their legs when they had need of me. I miss that. Those guys were good to me.

I was told very little about my assignment before arriving. All I know is the corps whipped some sort of clearance on me and sent me on my way telling me I'd learn more when I got there and could be briefed. I got the feeling that most of people assisting me with my orders didn't have a clue why this was happening to me either. They were as mystified as I was.

My first day, I was assigned a bunk cubicle in the open barracks hut. One of the first things to surprise me was that I was being stationed with civilians and military from other branches of service. All men. Turns out it's a listening post billeted with guys with specific skills for this job. There were only ten of us and two were Brits. The cooking, housekeeping, and maintenance duties were done by local contracted Arab men and teen boys from a nearby village. All we had to do was our jobs during duty hours, day and sometimes night hours. The rest of the time was watching taped TV, movies, phone calls, games, cards, drinking, and eating. Sometimes in the evening we'd toss baseballs or footballs.

The other two huts were the `office' with all sorts of electronic equipment and our work stations, and the third hut was for vehicles, storage, or whatever; the catchall hut.

The barracks hut was open but had seven foot partitions between the individual sleeping cubicles. A draw curtain hung in the doorways. This gave each of us a sense of privacy. There were two bathrooms with open showers having showerheads for six in each bath. I liked that the toilets were private and enclosed. I decided to keep my personal desires to myself. I didn't want to have the shit beaten out of me or go through living hell while stationed here. I always waited for the showers to be empty and used them as quick as I could. Only once did, Paul, a dark rust headed civilian Brit walk in naked to the shower when I was there. Damn he was hot with beautiful dark ginger pubes! And his treasure trail. Fuck! He was hot! I kept my back to him and got out as quick as I could without raising suspicion or my private part.

"Celt, how about getting me another beer," Lee smirks mispronouncing my name while pointing the neck of his empty bottle toward me. He's been drinking more than usual this evening and he has never addressed me by my first name. Something's going on and I don't have a clue. The other guys are constantly glancing at him. Whatever it is they haven't let me in on it.

"Sure, and Celt is pronounced with a hard `K' like Kelt, not Selt," I say grabbing his bottle on my way to the kitchen to get myself a soda.

"Sorry," Lee mumbles looking a tad contrite.

I'm a little surprised he has asked me. The guys haven't been unfriendly but they have been a bit reserved around me since my arrival four days ago. I try not to let it bother me, but it does. Don't get me wrong. We joke, work, and play together, but something is a little off.

In the kitchen I open the fridge and grab a bottle of beer and soda, pop the tops, sneak a sip of Lee's beer, and take it back to the lounge area. When I hand it to Lee he grabs my wrist, and with a chuckle pulls me onto the vinyl sofa where he is seated. "What the hell?" I exclaim trying not to spill his beer or my soda.

"Settle down little marine," Lee says keeping a firm grip on my wrist and then I hear his whisper, "Please."

I look out across the lounge. Every man there is watching us. Lee is a tall, hairy legged blonde, very good looking twenty-six year old with Nordic features. The tallest among us. A marine who's holding my wrist. I'm feeling a strange mix of wonderment and mortification at the same time.

"Please. We want to ask you something," Lee whispers again so only I can hear. He lets go of me reaches for the beer I'm holding.

Okay, he has my attention. Christ! He's getting aroused in his jeans. Looks like a big motherfucker! I can't help noticing. He smirks when he sees me looking. I flush crimson and tilt my face toward the floor afraid to look at him. "What?" I ask.

Lee has the grace to look embarrassed when I glance up at him. "We were wondering..." his voice trails off not finishing his sentence.

Curious, I shrug my shoulders in a way that indicates `what are you trying to say'.

"Oh fuck it," Lee says and reaches into his shirt pocket. "Here." He hands me a photo.

Blood drains from my face. All speech has left me. Beginning to shake, I try to pull myself together.

"It's okay marine," Lee says.

How the hell can it be okay? He's just handed me a photo of myself at sixteen years old with my assistant high school coach's dick in my mouth. For a nanosecond I remember the coach. One of my favorites. Straight, but uninhibited with me. Loved getting a blowjob, vocal, great abs and rich sandy pubes. And when he came in my mouth; holy shit, geysers of warm thick cum.

"Celt. Celt?" Lee's voice permeates my fog.

Stunned, I get up and walk out of the lounge to my bunk cubicle. I can feel their eyes on me. Is it hate? Disgust? Dropping to sit on the bed I realize I still have the photo. Leaning over I hang my head in my hands. Stuck out here in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and no way to escape and getaway.

Memories flood me. My second long distance bus trip with the JV baseball team. Fifteen years old. Horsing around with the guys, everyone gravitating to the back of the bus. Making jokes. Talking shit. And then doing stupid things like drawing numbers to see who would pull their dick out and jack it while the other guys watched. One of the older boys lost and I remember being fascinated watching him unzip, pull it out, and wank it until it got hard. And then he tucked it away. Damn! We made other silly bets and they kept getting more daring. I never lost. So many guys the odds were in my favor that I wouldn't draw the losing number. I could see the coaches glancing to the back of the bus, roll their eyes, wondering what we were all doing gathered around and laughing. Hormonal boys will be boys.

And then the challenge. Loser has to suck one cock to completion. Hoots and hollers but everyone agreed. On the way home, freshly showered, won the game, we were on a high. Losing number was 10 and winning number was 1. Confident I couldn't lose, I drew 10 and my best bud, Tony, drew 1. Fuck! I ended up sucking Tony in the back of the bus with the whole team watching. First time for both of us, Tony lasted about ten seconds before he gushed in my mouth without warning. One of the other guys was playfully holding my head down on Tony, so I had no choice but to let him finish. We didn't see the coaches get up and come back to see what was going on. Long story short, the guys practically begged me to suck them too and the coaches didn't hesitate to impale my mouth with their married cocks. I sucked more than Tony's cock that trip and sucked teen boys' and men's cock until the end of high school. Then I joined the marines.

I feel the bed shift as someone sits down beside me.

"That's my cousin in the photo with you," I hear Lee's voice but still don't look up. I've got to admit, I'm flabbergasted.

"We're here for twelve to eighteen months at a stretch. It's tough on a guy. My cousin and I are close. He told me his high school boys had a team cocksucker to take care of the boys and coaches. Said you were the best any of them ever had when it came to blowjobs. A hundred times better than his wife. When he mentioned you joined the marines after graduation, we did everything we could; called in favors, pulled strings, begged, pleaded; everything to get you assigned here with us. We're all straight, that is I think we are, but if you're willing we're willing too, we'd like you to service us," Lee says.

Cut to the chase didn't he? Did I just hear him right? My mind is spinning. Groaning, I drop back with my arm over my eyes afraid to look at Lee. Suppose something goes wrong. This could be bad. I'm in the marines. Not a real good place for cocksuckers. After a while I feel the weight shift and know that Lee leaves my cubicle. "All we ask is you think about it, please," Lee's voice is soft, heartfelt, on his way out.

Sometime later, I'm not sure how long, but I know it's late because the barracks has the easy sound of men sleeping in other cubicles. I don't even remember hearing them come to their beds. I must have slept. A hushed disquiet hangs in the air.

My mind is reeling. There's no place for it to rest. As quiet as I can be, I gather my stuff and head for the showers while no one is there. After shaving and brushing my teeth, I enter the shower room and let the hot water flood over my bowed head. That seems to help some. With a start I hear another shower being turned on. Fuck! And then another. Double fuck! And then another...

Turning around, squaring my shoulders, ready for a barrage of hate insults or a fight, I stare into Lee's smoldering blue eyes. Unable to resist I let my gaze drift down his long naked body. I gape. Gorgeous. Fucking hot! A demi-god. Big motherfucker!

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or upset you earlier. That's the last thing we want to do. I handled that badly. The guys wanted to be there when I asked you. I should have done it in private. I'm sorry again. Don't be upset. We want you here. You don't know how much we've been waiting for you and hoping you'll do for us what you did for the guys back at your school," Lee's tone is an apology and hopeful at the same time.

Lee's smile is shy as he moves his legs apart in a semi parade rest. Holy shit! The fucker is hung like a horse. Beautiful balls! I `ain't' never seen one that big in real life.

"Enjoying the view?" Lee asks with a cautious yet suggestive snicker. That monster between his legs is heading north on its own. No hands. Damn! Big. Big. Big motherfucker!

"We worked hard to get you here mate," Paul interrupts my trance with his Brit speak. "We thought you would make the first move and we were more than ready to drop our trousers for you, but it looks like we misjudged. We would never force you to do this if you aren't willing."

Tearing my gaze from Lee, I look at Paul. Dark rust hair up there and down there. Do they call that deep auburn? OMG! For some subliminal reason he reminds me of a water polo player. I'd like to splash around with him. I'd really like for him to splash his warm British cream on my mouth's palate. He lets me look. The hint of a smile crosses his lips.

"Fuck this," I hear Ted, a hairy well-formed twenty-two year old southern boy say. "I'm fuckin' horny. It's been mental torture since you arrived, thinking about a warm wet mouth for me to cum in. Please, I'll beg! Please agree to be our cocksucker. My balls ache in anticipation of bathing your tonsils. Please!"

"I think he's saying yes. Maybe not in so many words," Lee chuckles and points to my hard dick. "Is that a yes?" he asks me with teasing nod at my crotch.

"Okay," I mutter moving my hands in front to cover myself. Habit.

"Fantastic! That's our boy," Paul smiles in relief and strokes himself. "Let's get started."

All of the sudden it's awkward. Who moves first? How are we going to do this? As if Lee is reading my mind he defers to me. "You've done this before. Tell us how you think this will work best for all of us?"

I can't help blushing. "Kneeling for an extended length of time on tiled shower room floors is a no go. Hurts after a while. I blush again, because I've just let them know I've done this before in the locker rooms back at school.

"I'll suck on call, but not while I'm working, and I'll need to eat and sleep," I can't help but smile when I see all three of them nodding in agreement. "If I'm dressed, I'd like you to cum in my mouth. I'll swallow. No mess on my clothes or uniform, or yours either. Do you guys want it private or don't mind watching each other get sucked? Can be like a live porno if you want to watch. I'll do it whichever way you fellows want. I'm used to having other guys watch and wait their turn. I can handle it and promise to get you all off."

Their eyes are bugging at my disclosures.

"Oh, and always tell me when you're about to cum. That way I can help enhance your orgasm," I say.

"Fuck. Take me wherever you want and suck me now. Please. I don't care who watches," Ted's voice is husky with need.

"Ditto," both Paul and Lee say.

"I have a quick question before we get started," Paul says.


"I understand from Lee that his cousin has told him your ass is virgin. Some of us have been talking and if you're willing we'd like to fuck you," Paul looks wary but holds my gaze awaiting my reaction.

"Never been fucked is right," I say. "The reason. I'm holding out for another guy or guys who are willing to at least suck me off too if they want to ride me."

"Mr. Right?" Ted asks.

"Not necessarily Mr. Right. It could be more than one Mr., but he or they would have to be active as well as passive," I tell them.

"So, what you're saying is. You'll suck our cocks as much as we want, but if any of us wants a piece of your ass, we're going to have to suck you too or let you fuck us too?" Ted states in way of clarification.

"Exactly," I smile.

"Fuck, you drive a hard bargain," Ted says.

"I like things hard," I wink.

"You're a cute little fucker," Lee says and they all laugh. "Something for us to think about. That might have to be done in private without an audience if any of us choose that option."

"Think about it later," I grin pointing at Lee's erection. "Take me someplace where I can be comfortable, because I have a feeling you guys are going to keep me busy for a while. I'll take care of you three guys now if you want before I get some more shuteye."

"Fuckin A," Ted says fondling himself pointing the head toward me. "I've got something to keep you occupied. And I've heard warm cream before bed will help you sleep," his grin is plain fucking horny. I'm surprised his tongue isn't hanging out, salivating, in anticipation of getting sucked off.

Outside the shower room Paul grabs my towel and walking behind me throws it over my shoulders. Leaning closer so he thinks only I can hear he says, "Beautiful young marine. I am going to fuck you. If I have to suck you to do it, I'm so fucking horny, I'll suck it."

All I can do gape. He's packing a handsome and significant British weapon framed in thick dark ginger hair. No high school boys anymore. What have I gotten myself into? Oh hell.

Glancing at Lee, I notice a small scowl. He overheard Paul.

They don't get dressed and don't let me. Ted puts a hand on my shoulder and guides me back through the bunk area and straight to my cubicle.

"I thought you guys might take me to one of the sofas in the lounge," I said a little confused.

"No," Ted pushes down on my shoulder and I sit on the edge of my rack. "Open your legs boy so I can stand between them," his voice is urgent.

Before I can look up at him, he's standing between my legs with his hairy crotch in my face. He smells fresh, like a warm summer evening. "Come on man, do it," Ted urges putting his hand behind my head and bringing me forward the same time he arches his hard dick toward my face.

There's no finesse. Ted inserts his dick in my mouth and starts to move. "Ahh, fuck yeah," I can hear his smile. I let him hold it at the entrance of my throat without a gag reflex. His moan tells me he's impressed. His breathing tells me he's close. The southern boy's hands clasp the back of my head pulling me forward. My nose is buried in his dark curly pubes. "Ohhhh, cuummmmming!" he growls and unleashes a warm thick torrent sliding down my throat like oysters on the half shell. Smooth, straight down, a pale hint of the sea.

Ted's breathing is ragged as he attempts to get it under control. His cock is still twitching soaking in the warmth of my mouth. "Fuck man, you are a keeper," he grins as he backs away. "I think you and Mr. Happy here are going to be good friends."

I have to laugh. I've not heard anyone refer to their penis as Mr. Happy. I notice a crowd gathering in my cubicle.

"So he's really going to do it," someone says. "How fucking awesome is that?"

"Looks that way," another guy answers.

"Has he got a glimpse of Kennan's meat yet?" a fellow asks Lee.

"Don't think so," Lee says. "Kennan usually uses the other shower room. From what I've just seen though, I don't think he's going to have any problem handling it. Besides if he saw Kennan first that might scare him away."

A chuckle rumbles through the guys.

Kennan is on duty tonight in the communication area. About six one, maybe six two, Kennan is a slender black airman. Holy fuck. They must be talking about Kennan's cock. Now I'm definitely curious.

Paul pushes me back on the bed, grabs my ankles and manipulates me to the side while he crawls in my rack with me. What the fuck? Laying back with his head on my pillow, he places his hands behind his head. "It's all yours marine. Get down on it," he wiggles his beautiful thick brows at me.

I think I could love this man. His smoky grey eyes exude sex. He's quickly becoming one of my favorites. "Impressive equipment you have there, Sir. Are all Brits as fortunate as you?" I tease.

"Damned if I bloody well know," Paul chuckles. "I don't go around checking out other blokes. Just wrap your lips around my `fortune' and bring forth the liquid treasure I so eagerly seek to bestow on you."

He makes me laugh. I want to please this beautiful man. Surprising him, I drop my head to his naval and dart my tongue out laving his handsome treasure trail, soaking him. He hisses. Following the hairy trail I nuzzle in his thick dark rust pubes. Beautiful. Smells of vanilla and subtle sweet peppery spice. Erotic. He's leaking. Fuck that. He's almost flowing. Copious amounts of precum. The best way to keep a popsicle from dripping is lick it fast or put the whole thing in your mouth at once to catch the drips. I do that.

"Fuucckkk!" Paul's ass comes off the bed impaling me, surprising, making my eyes water. Cupping his wonderful fuzzy English balls I squeeze gently. His sex is mine. I own him. Putting my tongue to work exploring, mapping, his rod drives him over the edge.

"Gonna cum, Celt. Get ready mate," Paul pants. Christ! Oh yeah! Nowwwwww! Argghhh! Paul's hips vibrate from the intensity of his nutt. I see his legs tighten defining the musculature. Eruption after eruption shoots from his cock into my mouth. Just when I feel his contractions relax a bit I start to back off. "Not done yet," he pants reaching for the back of my head to hold me on his pulsating cock. "More cumming." And another warm creamy volley flows out of him into me. Gotta love this man.

Raising my head, I see Lee shooing the other guys out of my cubicle. "We've dropped a lot on Celt tonight. Tomorrow he's off duty, and will be available for service. We'll let you know his requirements and the rules for using him. Now he needs to rest, because I'm sure he's going to need his energy tomorrow."

"Damn right he will need a bunch of energy," one of the guys chuckles as he leaves. "My balls are full. Might need more than one draining."

"One more thing, guys," Lee says, his voice smiles, but underneath is a hint of threat. "I'm sleeping with Celt the rest of the night to make sure none of you fuckers sneak in here and interrupt his sleep."

"In fact Lee and I will be taking turns sleeping in here with Celt in the future to make sure he gets enough sleep," Paul says. We need this boy in the best physical shape possible so he can keep us sated. I see Lee frown, but Paul ignores him. Oh shit! Are we going to fight another revolution? And over a cocksucker, I snicker inwardly at my international irreverence.

When my cubicle is empty Lee draws the curtain across the door. From the back his muscles and ass are perfect. Turning around, his smoldering gaze lands on me. Moving with the slow grace of a great predatory cat, he stalks toward my bunk. "Slide over," he orders.

Before he can lie down I reach out, trailing my fingers up the inside of his hairy thighs to his beautiful balls. "So you're going to be my protector, huh?" I tease. "I can take care of myself. Though I'm glad I won't have to endure any hatefulness or physical assaults. I might be a small guy but I'm scrappy," I joke and raise my brows to glance at Lee to see how he reacts.

Lee chuckles. "Cheeky, little cocksucker aren't you?" I hear him gasp when my hand holds his warm man sac.

"You have no idea," I mummer. In a distant past he would have been Ares. I picture him nude wearing only a bronze helmet and sandals, carrying a javelin and shield. Mortals kneeling before him. I want to kneel before him.

Lee watches my hands move up circling his shaft. I feel him tense with the touch. Big. Warrior. Hard steel gilded with smooth satin. He's a two hander, my first two hander. "Fuck!" I whisper. "Tonight I'm yours marine to use for your pleasure. Semper fi. Oorah!"

"You're damn right you are," his voice hisses through clenched teeth. He gently removes my hands from his cock and crawls in my rack beside me. "I'm close. You keep doing that and I'll cum," he says. "And I want you to let me cum in your mouth and you swallow it. No one has ever swallowed my cum. I want to own you for the rest of the night."

I scoot up beside him, moving close, almost nose to nose. His blue eyes are rich violet in the low light, backlit with fire. For a fraction of a second I see desire, confusion, and then he pulls his head back with a snort. "Suck it," he orders placing his long fingers on the top of my head guiding me down to his rigid piece.

I want to play more, but I don't think he can handle it. Maybe later?

Laying my head on his abdomen, inching toward his cock, I tease the opening with my tongue drawing forth a gasp and sweet beads of syrupy precum. I blow warm moist breath on it. "Please, Celt please," he pleads in a whisper. "Please. Blow me." He arches his hips trying to bring it closer to my mouth. So not necessary. I want to bring him pleasure. I open and let him enter.

He's trying his damnedest to keep quiet. There are no words when he enters me, only the sharp intake of his breath. He begins to move, slow, fucking my mouth. I inch down giving him more depth. "Fuuuucccck," he hisses.

I want my nose and cheeks in his rich soft blonde pubic hair while he uses my mouth. How much of him can I take? I'm about to find out. Relaxing my throat I feel him slide further into me. He growls. I love the sound of his lust. He's there, as far as he can go. Astonished I can do this for him. I want to do this for him. Breathing him. Warrior, musk, soap, and sweet sweat. I taste using my tongue along his length as he moves back and forth. He is the essence of all marines. Leather, strength, camouflage, brass, cock, and men. An expert with his male weapon. His hands are on my head holding me in place.

I sense the urgency building. His weapon is loaded, safety off. He needs to shoot. Increasing the warm pressure with my lips he freezes. The thick shaft contracts, priming. "I'm gonna fuckin' cum. Gonna drown you in marine nutt, you handsome little cocksucker. Yeah, fuck yeeeaaahhh!. Fuucckk! Oh god, I'm cumming."

His dick's contractions are forceful. He's right about drowning me. A fucking bomb exploding creamy white projectiles. I physically feel the first blasts against the back of my throat before they taper off flooding my mouth with his gift.

"Take it babe. Suck it all out," he moans in a whisper, fucking the last of his flow into me. With a contented sigh he collapses under me. I hold him in my mouth, letting him soak in the warm thickness of his own cum before I swallow. His long awaited denouement in my mouth.

I'm not sure how long I stayed like this. Seconds? Minutes? Even going soft, his length is considerable. I ease off and swallow. The residual taste is marine nectar. I savor it.

Not sure what to do next, I crawl back up and lay on my back beside him. We're both nude. The silence is unnerving. My cock aches with need. What is he thinking?

Lee turns on his side toward me. Even laying down the fucker tall. Turning to face him I see his hesitant smile in the shadows. "Thank you," he says. "My cousin was right. That was fucking awesome."

"You're welcome," I can't help but grin.

"You can jack off here if you want," Lee grins looking down at my hard cock. "It's okay. After what we just did, it won't freak me out."

"You want to help?" I tease as I take my cock in my hand and start fondling myself.

His look turns serious; thoughtful. His eyes stare into mine. I'm trying to read him. An enigma.

His head moves toward me. Holding my breath, I freeze. Heart pounding. "Celt, you have to promise not to ever tell anyone. Promise?" he says.

I nod yes, not even sure what I'm agreeing too. Only that I want to please him.

"I'm doing this because I want your ass. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck my seed in you and claim you in all manners because I'm a constant horny bastard," Lee says, his voice so low I can barely hear him.

My mouth engages before my brain can fully process the ramifications of what he said. "You're so fucking big. Huge. I don't know if I can handle you."

He looks crestfallen. "But you said..." his voice trails off.

"Jesus. I didn't think it would be you. You're so, what is it? Oh, straight. Oh, and did I forget to mention you're fucking hung like a horse!" I say.

Lee chuckles when I say this. His eyes shimmer in amusement. "Even horses fuck," he grins.

"They don't fuck humans," I can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of our conversation.

His eyes darken. "You'd let Paul fuck you?"

"No. I mean yes. No. That's not what I mean. He mentioned that he was going to fuck me, but he knows what I want before I let a guy fuck me. I'm not sure he's willing to do that." I'm so mixed up. "Besides, Paul is probably seven or eight inches. You're; you're; well you know. You're just fucking big. Longer and big around. Fucking big!"

"I'm willing to do it," Lee whispers leaning closer to me. "I'll suck you dick if you let me fuck you."

The end of his noble nose brushes the end of mine. Christ, is he going to kiss me? And then his tongue is in my mouth. Exploring. Demanding. Conquering. I feel his long fingers wrap around my eighteen year old cock. Electrical desire tingles through me. "Okay," I moan into his mouth sucking on his long tongue. "Please don't hurt me," I plead.

"I won't ever hurt you. Trust me," he whispers trailing his lips down my neck, across my chest to each nipple, further down to my naval, and then! Fuck! His hot mouth working me. My first blowjob and it's by a demi-god.

"I trust you," I pant and explode, sending shimmering shock waves from my scalp to my toes. I never knew it could feel like this. Holy fuck! I want to yell. Let the whole world know that this was the most pleasurable moment in my life, but I can't. We have to keep quiet.

"Holy fuck!" Lee whispers echoing my thoughts and makes sure I see him swallow my load. "Ain't never done that before. That swallow seals your requirement and my reward. You ass is mine young marine from Kansas." He grins and kisses me deep. I taste myself on his tongue. Fucking hot!

I push back and look at Lee; feeling troubled all of the sudden.

"What?" Lees looks alarmed.

"Paul? You're not going to have a problem with him or any of the other guys who might choose to blow me if they want to fuck me?" I ask.

"Nope, just let me have first go at you. Kind of a feather in my cap fucking a virgin and all," Lee wiggles his eyebrows. Why do I feel like there's more? I wonder if he likes me in a way I've never had another guy feel about me. Willing to share me though. Kinky fucker. I like that.

"Well, we really don't have to keep it secret then?" I'm bemused why he wanted me to promise not to tell because everyone is going to know what's required if they want to ride me.

"Just until I get my cock in your ass for the first time. Then I don't care. Hell, I'll even help you schedule the times you are willing to be fucked. I figure that's going to take some planning and won't be as spontaneous as us walking up to you asking for a blowjob."

"That's thoughtful of you," I sneer with light humor.

"Yeah, I thought so too," Lee grins back.

I fantasize about both Lee and Paul taking turns sucking me, sucking each other, and fucking me. That's a problem for another day. Right now I have to figure out how to get Lee's horse cock inside me without ripping me apart. Actually, this could be a lot of fun.

I see Lee still looking at me. Something else is on his mind. I can tell.


"You know the sixteen year old Arab kid who picked you up from the airport and drove you here? I hope you don't mind, but there was no way we could make this work without the Arab workers finding out. The best way we figured was to offer them a part in it. You would have thought we were offering gold. As well as the ten of us, there will be the four Arabs, the dad and his three teen sons, who work here, and on occasion, a major, full bird, and their retinue when they make the required visits. It took a lot of planning to get you here.

"So it seems," I can't help but smile. "For someone like me, this is a dream assignment."

Lee's striking eyes glimmer. His tongue entwines with mine. We moan together.

We're both getting hard again. So much for the sleep I was supposed to get.

"What do we have here?" Lee strokes my cock. "Looks like this baby is in need of some tender loving care."

Oh yeah! Playful Lee. Gotta love a fellow like him. I swing around in sixty-nine position and kiss his big shooter just as I feel myself being enveloped in his warm mouth. "Hmmmm." Grin. And then my eyes fly open with stark reality. He's going to stick this big fucker up my ass and empty his balls in me. Soon. Holy shit! Grin.

Next: Chapter 2

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