Servicing the Guys

By Dare Santee

Published on Jan 26, 2013


Author's note: This story is completely fictitious and pure fantasy. It contains depictions of sexual acts between adults and minors. If easily offended or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, please refrain from continuing or do so by your own volition. This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author.

Servicing The Guys

Chapter 2

My dreams are peaceful. Opening my eyes I gaze up into the rafters of our barracks. And then last night comes back to me. Lee is gone. Looking at the clock beside my rack it says 8:30am. The alarm has been shut off. "Shit!" I should have been at my work station a half hour ago. Swinging my legs onto the floor I leap up.

"Private sir?" a younger voice queries from a crack in the curtain at the entrance of my cubicle. It's the youngest of the teen Arab workers who help their dad with cleaning, cooking, and general maintenance of the buildings for us.

"Why didn't someone wake me? And don't call me sir. My name is Celt," I'm irritated and scold as if it's the young fellows fault.

"Sargent Fallen made everyone keep quiet and not wake you," the boy says. "You aren't going to work today in the office he said. I'm supposed to stick with you today and get anything you need. I'm also supposed to go get him this morning if anyone tries to make you to do something you don't' want or bothers you if you don't want them too." The boy's eyes are taking in my morning wood as he's talking to me. "He'll be back later this morning and he'll be with us the rest of the day."

Crap. I'm standing here naked in front of a young teen Arab boy. Grabbing for my boxer briefs I slip them on. "What else did he tell you?" I ask.

"That today you're going to start making all of the men feel good between their legs, and if I'm lucky you might do the same for me," but it's up to you. "I can watch though," he said, his voice going soft, "if you'll let me."

"Oh, he did, did he?" I grin to myself. "What's your name again and how old are you?"

"Latif and I'm thirteen."

Jeez. The youngest guy I've sucked so far was a fourteen year old on the JV baseball team back in school when I was still in school. I fucking rocked his world. "Does Lee, I mean Sergeant Fallen know how old you are?" I ask. "Thirteen is sort of young."

Latif looks indignant. "He never asked but in my village boys and girls marry early. Thirteen is not young," he says.

"How young do they marry?" I challenge him. I can see I've caught him in a quandary.

"The girls sometimes marry at fourteen. The boys are older before they marry," Latif admits sounding contrite.

"Come in, keep quiet, and pull the curtain behind you. I have some more questions," I lower my voice motioning him in with my index finger.

Latif does as I say as I sit back down on my bed and scoot up sitting against the wall at the head of the bed.

"Sit," I point to my rack. Latif sits; he watches me, wary.

"How is it your English is so good. Your older brother's is a little more broken?" I ask.

"Broken?" Latif looks puzzled. "What does this mean?"

"Not as good as yours," I explain.

"Oh. His English is better than mine. He just puts on that act for you Americans, British and Aussies," Latif says amused by the shocked looked on my face.

"Oh yeah," I grin. "We'll have to see if I can't get him to beg in perfect English," and I wiggle my eyebrows and lick my lower lip.

Latif eyes widen when he understands what I'm saying and then we both have a fit of laughter. "I'd like to see that," he laughs.

"I like the guys I'm servicing very clean down there," I say out of the blue glancing at his crotch.

Bemused at first, Latif face lightens when he understands. "I took off my clothes and took a shower when I cleaned the showers this morning," he says. "Sargent Fallen told my father and us your rules. I'm clean all over."

"Show me," my voice is husky.

"Really?" his smile blazes a million megawatts.

"Really," I answer.

Latif reached down unzipping his trousers reaching in to pull his teen cock out.

"No. Take them off. Your shirt too," I say. "I want to see you."

I see the flush of excitement. Latif rips his tee shirt over his head, steps out of his well-worn trainers, and drops his trousers. He looks at me.

I nod toward his underpants.

All of the sudden, he's a little shy. Pushing his briefs down, he steps out of them. Holy shit! Is he ever adorable. Fuck! Peeking up at me through long dark lashes, his big brown eyes sparkle with flecks of gold from the overhead lights. And to think only months ago I was sucking off young school guys near his age back in the states. Hell, just a few months ago, I was a teenager. Now I'm an eighteen year old marine.

I'm mesmerized. Latif breaks my fantasy. "This will be my first time," he says softly, his voice filled with wonder.

How fucking cool is that, I think to myself. Get a grip. Reality check! My alter ego shouts at me! "Where's you dad and brothers?" I ask.

"They're working in the maintenance building this morning. I was supposed to join them after I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, but Sargent Fallen, Lee you call him, told me I was supposed to stay with you today."

"Who else is in the barracks with us now?" I ask keeping my voice low.

Latif shrugs. "Kennan, but he's still sleeping in after working last night. I don't know if anyone else is in the building. Haven't checked."

"You are extraordinarily cute," I say to Latif. I can't help ogling him.

He blushes, smiles, and places his hands in front of his thirteen year old junk. "Are you going to give me a blowjob?" he asks. I hear the anticipation combined with a touch of fear in his voice.

"No." I say. His frowns in disappointment.

"I'm going to fucking suck your beautiful cock until you explode in pleasure," I grin. "Get up here and stand on the bed with your dick in front of me."

There's that megawatt smile again. In the blink of an eye I'm face to face with the private parts of a thirteen year old stud. He's beautiful. Tight little balls. New dark pubes, sparse, beginning to grow, barely forms a complete thin arch over his cock. His rigid peter stands straight up, no curve, jumping and twitching on its own in excitement. Putting both of his hands of the wall behind me to steady himself, he inches his cock toward my face. He gasps when I let my fingers play in the silky strands of his new pubic hair.

My other hand slips under his balls, holding them with my fingertips, weighing them. Latif steps back removing his balls from my hand. I can't help being mystified. He seemed to want this.

"One thing, I almost forgot," Latif says. "I'm not a faggot, and I'm never going to do anything to you other than let you blow me. My father said we need to tell you this so there is no misunderstanding. I know your rules about telling you when I'm getting ready to cum."

He looks desperate, like he's begging me to understand he is straight and only wants to use my mouth for his pleasure. I get the feeling he's covering unspoken desires. He was definitely ogling my hard-on when he first got here, and is constantly sneaking glances at my eighteen year old bulge in my briefs.

"No problem. Faggot is fun word to use for playful sexy teasing. Not so much fun if it's meant to be mean. Did you know a faggot is a bundle of twigs or sticks. Faggots were sometimes used as firewood to burn homosexuals at the stake in the past, hence the term faggot."

"They shouldn't have burned those men. They could have had great fun with them like we are with you," Latif says inching closer to me, not fully understanding the awful history. He's too focused on getting his young cock sucked than delve into a history lesson. I chuckle inwardly at his one track mind right now.

"Exactly," I smile at Latif's naïveté (naivete) and take both of my hands putting them on his firm young ass pulling his hard teen cock toward my face.

Relief washes across his face. Very slowly I let my warm lips go down on him. When my top lip brushes his new pubes, the ejaculation contractions start. He can't hold it. His groan is a sonorous gasp with dreamlike desire. He spurts. I feel warm jets pelt the roof of my mouth. The inside of my mouth fills with the creamy wetness spewing from his teen cock. I grip his hips with my hands holding him upright because his knees buckle from the exquisite pleasure.

"Fuucckkk!" He groans when my tongue explores him, coaxing out the last drops. "Sorry Celt. I started before I could tell you. It felt very wonderful. Thank you."

Releasing him I swallow and chuckle. "I see you've learned English `very' well; fuck huh?" I grin in reference to his saying fuck.

"I know another English word even better," he says with a teasing hint of mischief.

"Yeah. What's that?" I arch an eyebrow in question looking up at him.

"Again," he says with a playful young growl and inserts his teen cock back in my mouth `again'. Little fucker. Grin.

I let Latif set the pace. Holding him with my lips, laving his thirteen year old cock with my tongue, he begins to gently move back and forth. Taking it slower this time. Savoring the warmth of my mouth. "Aahhh," he repeats over and over.

Little dark hairs brush my lip when he grinds his crotch. I love it! Latif is so into fucking my face he doesn't hear Lee step around the curtain into my cubicle. With one eye I can see Lee, I wink at him.

"Wow! Cute little ass. I'd fuck that," Lee silently mouths with exaggerated expressions, does an air fuck humping motion, and points to Latif's butt fucking my face. Lee sees the smile of agreement in my eyes. His eyes drop to my crotch. I'm at full mast in my briefs. He winks back and licks his lips with a playful leer reminding me of last night.

Latif stops for a fraction of a second when Lee startles him by moving closer so he can see me sucking his teenage cock. When Lee gives him a star bright shit-eating grin, Latif continues to hump my face. I notice Lee putting a bag on the chest in my room. I subconsciously wonder what's in it and if it's for me.

"Damn Latif, you've got some great hip action there. I'll bet our handsome cocksucker loves that?" Lee grins. "I think Celt's actually smiling around your cock."

Knowing that Lee is watching turns Latif on even more. Seems I've got myself a fucking little exhibitionist here. "Gonna do it," Latif groans in warning to me but I know he also wants Lee to see him cum standing, dominating a young marine's mouth, feeding his cock juice to me.

"Hell yeah. Give it to him. Paint that cocksucker's tonsils," Lee encourages Latif putting his hands on the teen's butt, massaging with his long fingers. The young fellow's weapon goes ballistic in my mouth. The little fucker is trying to drown me. Grin.

"Unnggghhhh! Unggghhh! I'm doing it Lee. I'm fuckin' cumming. Yeeeessss!" Latif hammers my mouth and then stills as the jets continue to spurt from his thirteen year old dick. He's lost in the bliss. Ever so slowly with my tongue, I swirl his teen cum around his prick, bathing his shaft with his yummy cock milk. When he's finished, for a brief moment he melts against my face.

Releasing him from my mouth, I savor the young Arab's cum before swallowing his load. Damn! I wonder if the cum of all Arab males is this good!

"Hey," Latif laughs when Lee puts an arm around his small waist and lifts him off the bed. He rests Latif on his hip. Latif wraps his legs around Lee's trousered thighs and throws his arms around Lee's neck holding on while giggling. "I'm naked dude. Watch out for my balls and put me down," Latif complains and laughs at the same time.

"How fuckin' nice was that?" Lee grins looking into Latif's glowing brown eyes. "Nice balls you got there too. I think I'll hold you for a while. I like having your balls next to me."

"Better than anything ever," Latif grins. "I'll bet you've got big balls too."

"Better than ice cream?" Lee teases. "If you do your job good today, maybe I'll let you see my balls."

"Oh yeah." Latif grinds his teen cock into Lee's hip in emphasis. I wonder if he means oh yeah' for better than ice cream or oh yeah' for a chance to see Lee's balls. Probably both.

I'm smiling ear to ear watching the interaction between them. It's obvious the thirteen year old adores the tall blonde marine warrior god and is relishing this intimate moment. Hell, I'd like to be sitting on Lee's hip naked with my legs wrapped around him and my lips buried in the nape of his neck. Lucky Latif.

"Oh, I don't know. Ice cream is pretty good," Lees winks at me while talking to Latif. "But I have to agree with you on this. Celt's warm mouth is a thousand times better and he's got pretty balls too."

`Your warm mouth is pretty fucking hot too', I think to myself remembering Lee's mouth on me last night. And thanks for the comments about my balls being pretty. Gotta love that marine.

Lee leans over, picks up Latif's clothes and motions to the bag he sat on the chest as he walks out of the cubicle. "Get dressed young marine, grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast and let Latif know when you're ready to start you day," Lee grins. "There are some guys who can hardly keep their pants on waiting for you. They drew numbers to see which order they'll come to see you for service. I'll send over one or two at a time. Keep Latif with you. He'll come get me if you need me."

Lee watching out for me makes me get all melty, warm, and fuzzy. I must be smiling like an idiot because he and Latif chuckle at me as they walk out.

"Can I watch the next time Celt sucks you off?" I hear Latif ask Lee as their voices fade while walking away. I don't hear Lee's answer, but I hear Latif's giggle.

I peek in the bag Lee left on my chest. Holy shit! It's full of the paraphernalia I'll need to clean myself out to get fucked and lube. A lot of both. There's a note from Lee, `I know Paul wants to stay with you tonight young handsome marine, but if there is any way you can work it out, I'd really like to claim your ass tonight. I swallowed for you. Rather tasty if I say so myself. lol...'

The `lol' makes me chuckle. The thought of Lee's horse cock inside me down there frightens the hell out of me and turns me on at the same time. The fucker can kiss, and he was willing to go down on me and swallow my load to get a piece of my ass. The vision of this beautiful marine riding me, using me, humping me, for his pleasure makes me hard. I want to make him happy; feel good between his legs. Grabbing my toilet kit, I walk to the head to brush my teeth, shave, and grab a quick shower to start the day.

I'm showered, dressed, finished with a light breakfast, and head to one of the sofas in the lounge. "You want me to go tell Lee you're ready?" Latif is excited. Little fucker has a boner poking the front of his pants.

"Sure, guess I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be," I say.

Latif practically runs to go find Lee and let him know.

While I'm waiting to see who the first guy is I'm going to service today, Kennan strolls through the lounge on his way to the kitchen. He's dressed in desert camouflage pants and tan tee shirt hugging his sculpted upper body. I smell the subtle body wash from his shower. He smells good enough to eat. Grin.

"I heard you're beginning your new job today. Looking forward to it," Kennan smiles, his eyes narrow, darken, scanning me. He's erotic as hell. I blush a gazillion hues of red.

"So this is going to be your new work station," Kennan chuckles. "I'll be back in a minute to see if you can squeeze me in before I head over to the other building." He softly rubs a big hand over his bulge, chuckles, and saunters toward the kitchen. My mouth salivates. Ah shit! Another big motherfucker! Grin.

Kennan walks with the masculine swagger of a male model on the runway. Shoulders are wide, waist narrow, and what a perfect butt. I don't know what his ass looks like nude, but in uniform, he makes me drool.

"Guess I better make use of you before that big fucker stretches your jaws out of joint," Tony, a thirty-six year old civilian smiles. I didn't hear him come in. He must have drawn the first number. Behind him Latif is grinning.

"Celt likes you to be naked," Latif announces to Tony.

The amazement on Tony's face is obvious. "And how do you know that?" Tony asks Latif.

Latif blushes and glances down sorry that he blurted out.

"Oh, I think I'm getting the picture," Tony chuckles. "He got you off already this morning did he?" Tony winks at Latif. "You must have been naked. I would like to have seen that. That thing got any bullets in it yet?" Tony tilts his glance to Latif's crotch.

Latif is so red now I'm afraid he'll self-combust if I don't save him. "Let me have it twice. Thick warm shots pelted my tongue. Tasty little stud. All male. I hope his dad and brothers taste as good. Now drop your pants. I want to see what you're hiding behind that zipper." I wink at Tony.

Latif puffs his chest out in pride when he hears me praise him.

"Bossy little cocksucker aren't you?" Tony teases but pushes down his pants and boxer briefs in one swoop. "Do you want my shirt off too?" He whips his tee shirt over his head without waiting for my answer.

"Up to you," I arch my eyebrows not taking my eyes off his junk. Very nice! Uncut, thick, with a trimmed dark golden bush.

"Enjoying the view?" Tony's voice drops to a husky tenor, his gray eyes darkening with need. "How about I bring this baby closer to you," he says stepping out of his pants; moving in front of me holding his cock. Latif moves closer sitting beside me on the couch. Ringside seat.

Sliding to the edge of the couch, I reach out and fondle Tony. Feeling, weighing, loving it. The warmth, texture, and growing. Tony hisses when I peel back his foreskin a tad for a peek at the tip of his cockhead and piss slit. He's leaking already, quickly enlarging out of his foreskin. Fuck! Now it's so enlarged it's difficult to tell he's uncut, his cock is ramrod hard and taut. Peeled back by the forces of nature.

"Come on, let's give the boy a show," Tony pulls my head toward him. "Open up cocksucker," he demands. "I want it bad and I know you want it too, so here it is. It's all yours."

"I want to lick you first," I say.

"Okay, okay, lick it if you want," Tony arches toward me. "It's all yours to play with."

Starting with his balls, I trail my tongue across his sac and up both sides of his shaft. On the third pass I go down on him, deep throat and bob my head up and down.

"Oh shit! Cuummmming!" he yells grabbing my head in a vice grip, holding me down on his spurting erection. I don't fight him. He releases his pent up man cream directly on my tonsils. "Swallow my fuckin' cum marine," he pants. I feel his wet warmth squirting down my throat. No need to swallow. Direct deposit. Thank goodness I had years of practice with my schoolmates and coaches.

Tony gradually relaxes and looks a little embarrassed. "Sorry Celt. I've been here six months without anyone touching me there. I was so fucking horny. You okay? Wasn't too rough was I?" He asks.

"No problem," I wiggle my eyebrows to let him know I loved it. "You're pretty tasty. Better than ice cream."

Latif snorts. He knows I'm making a joke in reference to Lee asking him earlier if getting a blowjob was better than ice cream.

Tony is bemused. "Inside joke," I explain. "Latif said he likes me sucking him off better than he likes ice cream."

"He's right," Tony winks at Latif, chuckles, gets dressed, and leaves.

"Fucking hot," marine, Kennan claps his hands in soft applause. Slow motion.

Swiveling, I see Kennan leaning against metal shelves. His dark eyes bore into me. The look intimidates me and excites me at the same time. My stomach flutters. My subconscious tells me to flee. I don't want to. I can't move. My dick is twitching. My subconscious swoons and passes out cold, leaving me on my own. Fuck!

"Go tell Lee, I'm going to service Kennan and I'll send word to let him know when I'm ready for the next guy," I can barely whisper to Latif. My mouth has gone dry.

"Stay put," Kennan voice is soft but commanding. Scary.

Latif eyes Kennan and me warily.

"Go," I say. My intuition tells me Lee needs to know.

Latif doesn't move. Kennan's gaze freezes him; snake to bird.

"Go!" I say again. "Come right back." I don't want to be alone with Kennan for some reason. Gut instinct.

Latif jumps up and is gone in a flash. It's just Kennan and me. The electricity. The silence. The thunder of my heart's beating tattoo; the blood pounding in my ears.

He moves toward me. The ultimate predator. Graceful. Daring. Lustful. Kinky.

Mesmerizing. I can't take my eyes off him. So fucking beautiful. Dangerous. He smirks knowing he has captured me. I won't fight. I won't flee. I wouldn't want to escape if I could. I'm his prey, his cocksucker, a metaphorical death of me drowning in his hot cum. Hypnotized. I'm a deer in the headlights. I fucking want him. My soul floats toward him in an erotic mist. I'm lost in his gaze. He owns me.

"Kennan! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Lee and Paul burst into the lounge with Latif on their heels. The enthralling spell Kennan has on me is broken. I remember to breathe.

Oh shit. Lee and Paul look furious. What just happened?

"Didn't mean no harm man," Kennan holds up his hands chest high, palms out, in supplication. Damn he has big hands. Long fingers. I wonder if what they say about hand size indicates cock size... "Saw him going down on Tony and got caught up in the moment. Fucking young marine's got skills. He's good looking too. Wanted to get me a piece of that mouth."

"Yeah. That could be a problem," Paul snips. "We drew your turn for you while you slept in, and it's not until after lunch."

"Sorry," Kennan says. "After seeing what I just saw, I can hardly wait. I need to get off."

Lee is still glowering. "We told you. One of us has to be nearby when he's servicing you. You're stronger that he is and have a tendency to get excited easily. Suppose you get carried away in the moment. You could do some serious damage and we need Celt in the best shape possible."

Kennan looks contrite. "Sorry. I'm really fucking horny. It's either jack off before I head over to the other building or if you guys can stick around I'd love to get my cock in his mouth now."

"That's if Celt can even get it in his mouth," Paul says with a hint of humor. It lightens the mood considerably.

"What the fucks going on?" I'm totally confused.

"Kennan's girl just broke up with him through a Dear John. He's been angry, grumpy, and disagreeable. He's a fuckin' kick boxer, and been trying to pick a fight to expel his anger. We don't want him getting carried away and taking his anger out on you. We've talked about this to Kennan before you got here. He agreed to have one of us with him when he wants your service. At least until he gets in a better mood. Lately, he's pissed at everyone," Lee snaps these sentences to me in explanation all the while scowling at Kennan.

"Is this true?" I ask Kennan.

"Pretty much nails it," Kennan admits, his eyes begging for understanding. "Sorry man. I would never intentionally hurt you."

"She really did a number on you didn't she?" My tone is soft. I'm angry at the bitch and I don't even know her. Who would do that to a man in the service thousands of miles from home, out in the middle of nowhere? Especially abandoning him here where he feels he has no one to turn to. He's pissed. I get it.

Kennan nods. I see him swallow, afraid to say it aloud in case his voice cracks.

"Dude, you are so beautiful. I'm sorry she hurt you, but it's her loss. You hold out for someone who is worthy of you. You deserve that. That moment we had before Lee and Paul arrived; you had me totally captivated. You connect like that to the right girl, and she's going to drop her panties for you in a heartbeat. I want to be worthy of bringing you pleasure until then if you'll let me," I say to Kennan as if no one else is in the room.

His dark eyes soften.

I motion for Kennan. The room goes quiet. Latif silently slides on the sofa beside me his leg brushing mine. My little sentinel. When Kennan gets close I stand. Latif puts a hand on my butt. I know it's for reassurance and to let me know he's there for me. My little Arab warrior's warm hand is making my cock stir.

"You're straight. I get that. In fact I love that. That's with a capital L.O.V.E. I won't make you gay, but I will do things to you totally hedonistic, seeking to please you, if you'll let me. Trust me. I trust you." The fucker is almost as tall as Lee. I look up waiting for some sign it's okay for me to proceed.

Kennan nods. His thick dark eyebrows quirk up in subtle amusement. Life returns to his eyes and dances with sexual need.

Reaching for his tee shirt, I pull it out of his trousers lifting it. Kennan raises his arms and bends forward so I can take it off him. Holy fuck! He is ripped. Flawless skin, as smooth and rich looking as chocolate frosting. With light fingers I brush his nipples and then roll them in my fingertips. Putting my face near his chest, I inhale. Damn, smells wonderful. Body wash with a hint of outdoors. Fresh linen. Evergreen. Sea mist. Erotic male. Sex. Leaning in I lick his nipples and then suck. He gasps.

Letting my hands trail down his firm torso, I run my fingers inside his waistband before undoing his belt and lowering his zipper. Turning him around I nudge indicating I want him to sit on the sofa. He falls back beside Latif. Dropping to my knees I look into his eyes seeking further affirmation it's alright to proceed.

The lust in Kennan's eyes is a green light. I begin to take off his boots. Latif scoots down on the floor beside me and helps. I take off one and Latif takes off the other. When we remove his socks Latif scoots back up on the sofa beside Kennan. I marvel at Kennan's feet. Wonderful color. Long toes. Sexy as hell.

I remember that Lee and Paul are in the room with us. They've taken seats on the arms of the sofa. Watching over me. Watching me do my thing. I hope I'm turning them on. I'm in the mood. In my zone, available for service.

Still kneeling I ask Kennan to stand up. He does. Taking the waist band of his trousers and boxer briefs I tug them down. FUCK! Breathe Celt. Breathe! Kennan is working his pants off and stepping out of them while I kneel like a robotic dummy staring at his junk. I take that back, it a whole fucking junk yard full of classic beauty. Words have left me. OMG! The thing is moving. Growing. Enlarging. Huge motherfucker! Enormous!

"Jesus Christ! He's going full staff," Paul murmurs. "No way. Tell me that's not real."

I'm drawn in. Moth to flame. My hands reach to touch. Feel. Explore. There's a lot to explore.

If Lee is a stallion, Kennan is a bull. Nothing like the bulls I see in porn videos. Kennan works out and it shows. Six foot two inches, slender, long legs, I find myself gaping between his legs. How can a slender guy carry this around and not be noticed. Must be because he has only worn loose fitting trousers since I've arrived.

Latif has scooted up to the edge of the sofa. Leaning forward to see Kennan's junk, the Arab boys beautiful brown eyes are as big as saucers. I have to chuckle at his expression. Awe. Wonderment.

"Think you can handle it," Kennan asks. I hear the wariness, as if he's been rejected before because he's too big to receive or give pleasure.

"Oh yeah, or die trying," I grin.

"For christ's sake don't die," Kennan teases. "I'll be happy if you can get most of the head in your mouth and at least get me off. I can jack it the rest of it for you."

"Oh, I intend to get more than the head in my mouth," I assure him. "And if there's any jacking or wanking to do, I'll be the one doing it."

He beams. "Go for it, you handsome cocksucker. Let's get my air force dick in your marine mouth."

"I've never had a toy like this. I want to play just a little bit," I wiggle my eyebrows at him. I love his dark low hangers. Bull balls. Holding them in both hands, I nuzzle in his thick black curly pubes. Damn, he smells good. Putting my hands on the front of his hips I push him back so he topples, laughing, onto the sofa. I slide up between his legs as close as I can get. Kennan opens his legs wider offering himself to me. I melt.

"Fuck this," I hear Lee say. He stands up, drops his trousers, and begins to play with himself. Paul and Latif follow his example. Kennan watches them. His huge cock jumps knowing they are getting off looking at his impressive package.

"Come on Celt. Make him cum," Latif urges me as he strokes his thirteen year old cock. "Please. I want to see him cum in your mouth."

"Fair warming young marine. I cum a lot," Kennan says.

With both hands I encircle his shaft pulling it toward me. Relaxing my jaws as much as I mentally and physically can, I tongue the head of his dark cock as a lubricant. Placing my mouth at the head of his dick, I kiss the opening, spit to let in run over the head as more lubricant, and then slowly open sliding down. I feel the stretch. My tongue barely has room to maneuver, but I work it anyway back and forth against the part of his beautiful shaft I can reach.

"Oh fuck!" Fuck! No girls has ever been down on me that far before," Kennan arches his hips up. My eyes water. I'm as far as I can go for now. Backing off I plunge my mouth down on his black beauty again. His hips rise again impaling me, gently fucking my face.

"You want to lick my balls for a while?" Kennan rasps.

Hell yeah I do. Releasing him I travel down his impressive shaft to his sac. My tongue cover's every inch of him. His beautiful black balls are glistening like dew. Fuck he's amazingly gorgeous. My hands are still busy fondling and stroking his huge cock.

"Oh fuck. I'm getting close," Kennan warns. "Get your mouth on it cocksucker and take as much as you can. Gonna nutt." Kennan grabs the sides of my head and pulls my mouth to his cock. I let me guide me. Own me. I'm there for him. "Oh god! Oh yeah, oh yeah. Fuuuccckkkk! I'm cummmminng! Aaaggghhh!"

His long legs clamp around me. Holding me in place. I can't back away. His hands keep my head from lifting off his cock. I don't want to back away even though I feel as if I'm drowning in warm jizz. Volleys spurt into my mouth. The thick creamy build up swirls around his cock and keeps squirting. I want to bring him pleasure or die trying.

Gradually I feel him relax his hold on my head and remove his leg lock from me. Careful not to spill a drop I ease off of him and swallow. And swallow again.

Glancing up, Kennan rewards me with a warm glazed smile. Love his smile. He should smile more.

"Celt, please," I hear the urgency in Latif's voice. He's jacking and I can tell he's on the edge.

Winking at Kennan, I whisper, "Excuse me. I think we've turned my little buddy on and he has certain needs that I can help him with." I lean over and engulf Latif's thirteen year old cock.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Latif's teen body shivers in a pleasured frenzy. Jets of hot young cum propel from his thirteen year old peter into my mouth. I keep sucking him until he collapses back into the coach. There's that million megawatt smile again. I love making this young man happy.

"Suck it if you don't want it on your clothes," Paul pushes his cock in my mouth. I can't believe he's able to build up a load like he shooting in me already. Ropes of liquid man cream. "Oh my god yeah! Christ, you're a great cocksucker," Paul grunts as the last of his cum leave him and enters me.

A big hand grabs the top of my head and swivels me around. No words are needed. The blonde warrior god is demanding service. He has sexual requirements. I adore him and open for him. He impales me. He blasts milky shrapnel throughout my mouth. Lee trembles and holds me close while his cock contracts in spurting pleasure. "I love your mouth young marine," Lee groans. "Take it. Fucking eat it."

I feel wonderful. Cared for. Safe. I'm basking in the glow of horny men who love to be sucked off.

I look at my guys. They are content. I'm content. Latif is smiling big like he has a secret.

"What?" Lee grins at Latif.

"I got to see your balls," Latif giggles at Lee.

We all laugh as the guys get dressed.

"Ready for the next guy?" Lee asks.

"Send a couple," I say. "I'm ready. Latif will keep me safe."

I'll send them over," Paul says as he and Kennan leave.

"Tonight?" Lee says arching his eyebrow in a question.

"I'll make it happen, even if we have to move another rack in my cubicle and Paul sleeps with us."

"What are you talking about?" Latif asks when he sees Lee scowl.

"Lee and Paul are going to sleep in my cubicle at night to make sure I get enough rest and none of the other guys sneak in during the night asking for a blowjob," I explain.

"I wish I could sleep with you guys," Latif says.

"Do you think your dad would mind?" Lee asks surprising me and Latif.

"He won't care. And I know my bothers won't care because we all have to sleep in the same bed. It will give them more room," Latif says excited.

"Can I let you in on a little secret?" Lee asks Latif.


"I'm going to fuck Celt tonight."

"That means you have to suck him," Latif says not sure if he should be excited or appalled.

"Already have," Lee watches Latif's reaction to this news.

We can see the wheels turning in Latif's brain. He pondering something. Looking around to make sure no one is listening Latif whispers, "If I suck Celt, can I fuck him too?"

"First you have to let me lick your beautiful teen balls and suck you off," Lee wiggles his eyebrows.

Latif's mischievous smile dazzles us. "Deal," he grins trying to adjust his boner so it doesn't show as much.

"Deal," Lee and I say at the same time. Grin

Next: Chapter 3

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