Simon the Backpacker

By Colonel Calverley

Published on Apr 23, 2005


This story is copyrighted to myself the writer and cannot be copied in any way, shape of form without my express permission. If you are underage or don't like stories of a homosexual nature press the back button now otherwise, enjoy and let me know.




SIMON THE BACKPACKER - Part 13 (lucky for some) By 'The Colonel'

As we were about to leave the pub David said Oh, just one more thing' and there, in the middle of the bar, he kissed me on both cheeks. How's that for a brotherly kiss?' he said

We laughed, but tears welled up in my eyes and by the time I got home they were running down my cheeks, tears of joy at knowing there was one less bigot in the world.

When I opened the front door and the others saw me crying, they naturally thought the worst, so I had great delight in telling them what had happened and we celebrated by opening a couple of bottles of wine and having a group hug.

Simon told me that while I had been with David he had had two phone calls. One from a lady whose garden was in need of a lot of TLC and he had arranged to go there the following day (Wednesday) and another call from his father who was arriving in the area on Friday so Simon had arranged for him to come to dinner on Friday evening. Simon asked me if I would mind tending to Jason while he was gardening. He had spoken to Jason and it was OK with him.

I said I would be delighted to nurse him and went up to see him in case he needed anything. I helped him to turn over on to his stomach to give his sore bum a rest and plumped up his pillows for him. I badly wanted to kiss his bum better, but thought it rather early to be this intimate with him. After all', I thought Tomorrow is another day' (with apologies). Besides, we would have slept together by then and I hoped we might get to know each other a little better overnight.

He asked me if I could bring him a cup of tea when I came up to bed and I said of course I would, but in the meantime went back down and sat with the others watching the TV. A little later there was a knock at the door. Ben answered it and came back into the room with Matt.

Matt was smiling hugely and had come to thank me for speaking to his father. I gave him a hug and told him that we all admired his bravery in coming out to David and said that this is what had really convinced him that homosexuality was not altogether the unforgivable sin that he had previously thought it was. Everybody hugged Matt in turn and he sat and chatted to us for a while. He seemed so much more `at peace with himself'. When it was time to go he kissed us each in turn and said that David had kissed him that evening for the first time in years.

Bedtime came and I took up the cup of tea for Jason. Simon and I shared a shower and were both hard when we returned to the bedroom. Jason said that he needed the toilet so I helped him out of bed. He stood and peed, then said that he really needed a dump but was afraid that it would hurt too much. Simon and I sat him down and held his hands as he tried to empty himself.

`Don't push down' I told him, just let it come out naturally. He sat there for a while and then started to grimace. He was obviously in great pain, but having got it this far he was determined to see it through. He groaned and caught his breath and finally shuddered with relief when it was all over.

(Sorry if this is too graphic for you -- I'm not into scat but felt that this was a necessary part of the story.)

I went and got a fresh, clean face cloth, put it in warm water and soaped it slightly. I returned to Jason and cleaned his bum, then rinsed out the cloth and washed him again to remove the soap. We got him back into bed and gave him two pain killers with his cup of tea to help him through the night. I told him that if he needed anything during the night to call me and leave Simon asleep, then the following night it would be Simon's turn to be `on duty'.

Jason thanked me for being so gentle with him and for being unselfish as he did not think he would be able to clean someone else's bum, then smiled wickedly and said unless the bum was clean and the cleaning' was done by tongue'.

I told him he was a randy little sod and that he should not think of such things until he was well on the road to recovery.

He gave me his empty tea mug and we all snuggled down to sleep.

He woke me up in the early hours of the morning as he went for a pee, but he assured me he would be OK. He left the door open and when he had finished peeing he went and stood at the other door into the twins' bedroom. He looked round at me and beckoned me to join him. I tiptoed through and when I looked at the twins they were lying there fast asleep, uncovered and in the sixty-nine position. What a lovely way to fall asleep' said Jason, then he looked at me and kissed me gently on the lips. I look forward to trying it with you when I'm a bit better' he said. He took my hand and led me back to Bed and we fell asleep hugging.

The next day dawned fine and bright so I got the boys off to school then cooked Simon a hearty breakfast as he would be very busy gardening and I gave him a packed lunch. When he went to say good-bye to Jason he took Jason's breakfast up to him.

I went up about half an hour later and told Jason to get up as I wanted to shower him and remake the bed to make him comfortable.

While showering him I gave him the option of washing his own `nether regions' but he said, conceitedly, that he did not want to deprive me of the privilege.

As I soaped his cock it started to go hard and I wondered how far I should go in view of his injuries. He answered my unspoken question by saying `Go ahead, otherwise I'll have to do it myself and that would be a lot less fun, but please be gentle.'

I was VERY gentle, so much so that when he demanded faster, faster' when he was about to come I kept to the same gentle rate thus making him wait a few minutes more before he came. His orgasm was intense. You bastard' he said `you made me wait, but it was brilliant!'

We finished his shower and I put him back in bed and attended to his wounds. Firstly I rubbed in the cream to his genital area, then turned him over and put the cream on the abrasions on the cheeks of his bum, them I got some on my finger and slowly probed his anus so that I could apply the cream inside him. This really turned him on and it was difficult to resist fucking him there and then, but I knew that neither he nor I would really enjoy it. As though he could read my mind he said `give it a couple of weeks until both the physical and mental injuries have healed.'

He turned over and lay on his back and said to me `I want to thank you again for letting me stay. I feel safe here and I'm sure that I'll heal much more quickly here than in hospital.'

We were interrupted by a ring at the doorbell.

I answered the door and there was a uniformed policeman standing there. `I'd like to see Mister Jason Spencer' he said.

I let him in and he told me that he had one or two more questions to ask Jason about the attack. I asked him whether they were any closer to finding the culprits and he told me that they were questioning two men and that they were trying to match Jason's DNA to certain implements that had been found in the boot of their car.

The doorbell rang again and it was David. He was on his day off and had seen the policeman arrive and wanted to know if there was any further news of the `perverted creatures' who had attacked Jason. Much to my surprise he repeated the brotherly kiss, which seemed to embarrass the police officer.

I introduced the officer to David as the local doctor and he repeated what he had told me. I showed the policeman upstairs and when I came back down David was making a pot of coffee. I hope you don't mind' he said but I'm on my own at home and it seems pointless making a pot for one person.'

I made up a tray with two cups of coffee and some biscuits and took it upstairs.

When I rejoined David he told me that he had seen Tony and arrangements had been made for a surveyor to check the safety of the new youth club premises and for an electrician to rewire it.

The church had agreed to provide an audio system so there could be music and he had been in touch with the local authority and asked them if they could recommend a female leader to help us, especially with any girlie problems' that might arise. I said to him that he would probably want to reconsider Simon's position as a leader in view of his homosexuality. Not at all, said David, `in fact it will probably add another dimension to the advice we are able to give.'

He could see that I was pleasantly surprised by his reply. Don't worry', he said I still disapprove, but I can't argue with the fact that homosexuality exists, it always has done and it always will do, and it's better to have somebody on board who understands rather than somebody else who would just blunder their way through and probably do more harm than good.'

I still could not believe that this was the same man who had been so `anti' when he arrived in the village.

The policeman came downstairs and said that he had finished questioning Jason and that he was a little tearful. I made as if to go to him but David said `No, I'll go' and went upstairs.

I thanked the officer for letting us know of the developments and asked him to keep us posted. He said that he would ask the village bobby, PC Mitchell, to pop in each day and keep us up to speed. I told him that I knew Ian Mitchell and thanked him again for all he had done.

After he had gone I went upstairs and David was sitting on the bed next to Jason holding his hand. Jason smiled as I entered and said `I'm sorry to be such a wimp but talking about it to the policeman brought it all back.'

David told him that it was perfectly natural and that this would happen on and off for a while to come.

The three of us continued chatting for quite some time and when David rose to leave Jason thanked him again for his help and support. David then repeated the brotherly kiss with both Jason and myself. `They won't believe it when I do this in church on Sunday morning' he said.

We laughed and David said he would see himself out.

I asked Jason if Simon had told him about his father's visit. Jason said that he had and that Jason was looking forward to seeing him. He respected Simon's dad because, even though he was a peer of the realm, he was a down-to-earth `ordinary bloke'.

I have to confess that I was not particularly looking forward to the visit as I had never entertained an Earl before, but if he was an `ordinary bloke' as Jason had said he was, then perhaps I shouldn't worry too much.

A little later the door bell rang and on the doorstep stood the district nurse.

`Hello, my name is Parminder and I'm here to check up on Jason Spencer after the attack on him.'

Parminder was about 5'6", of very slim build, early twenties, with jet black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes as is the case with many Indians. What was most interesting was that Parminder was very definitely male. I invited him in and he almost glided through the house, his movements were so graceful. If I was forced to use just one adjective to describe him I would say `elegant'.

I was expecting a female nurse', I said, I've never known a male district nurse before.'

`No, there aren't many of us' he said.

I took him up to see Jason and Jason's eyes immediately lit up as I told him that Parminder was the district nurse and would be tending his wounds. I really do believe that Jason could not get the bedclothes off quickly enough.

I left them together and said that I would put the kettle on and have a chat with Parminder after he had finished.

Parminder came down about ten minutes later and sat with me in the kitchen. He said that there was not a lot he could do for Jason that I wasn't doing already.

He said that the pain would slowly subside but other than the pain killers there was little we could do to give him relief. (I had to smile at Parminder's choice of words). We spoke about the attack and the viciousness of it and he told me that he was doubly fearful for himself as he was not only a target for gay bashers but also Paki bashers, and that his landlord was on the verge of throwing him out. He had not really wanted to let a flat to a foreigner, but now that he had found out Parminder was gay he was determined to get him out.

I said that if Parminder was really desperate he could come and stay with us until he found himself somewhere to live. He thanked me profusely and said he hoped it would not come to that, but it might be a real likelihood.

He made arrangements to come again two days later and when he had left I went up to see Jason.

He was sitting in bed with a grin on his face and said to me `I didn't realise that you could have a gorgeous man like that run his hands all over your body on the National Health Service'. I laughed and gave him a playful nudge.

I just couldn't help it' Jason said the first time he touched me with those tiny hands with the most delicate touch I got a raging hard-on and couldn't do anything about it. What must he have thought?'

Don't worry' I told him, he's gay'.

`Whilst I cannot say I enjoyed being attacked, I can definitely say that I am enjoying the "after care service".' He patted the bed next to him and I slipped out of my tee shirt and shorts and joined him for a hug, which led to a snog, which led to a very pleasant hour or so giving one another a great deal of pleasure without indulging in anything more than plain, straightforward, old fashioned hand jobs.

When the telephone rang at about 4 o'clock it was Parminder. He had arrived home to find a note from his landlord to say that he had to be out of his flat within 48 hours and he had nowhere else to turn. I told him not to worry and that he was to start getting all his things packed and ready to move. I said that I would send Simon over to his flat that evening and he would help with the packing and bring back whatever he could in the van. I took down Parminder's address and telephone number and said I would see him the following day.

As soon as Simon got home I explained the situation and he said he would be delighted to help. I made him a quick meal which he took upstairs and ate while he chatted to Jason and explained the situation. Jason told Simon what an absolute dish Parminder was, which made Simon all the more willing to go and help him.

This meant that I would have to help Jason with his evening ablutions and apply the ointments to his wounds again, but believe me, I counted this as a bonus, not a chore.

The twins arrived home and after eating spent the rest of the evening playing scrabble in the bedroom with Jason. They also helped' me to apply Jason's external medications. Ben applied the medication inside Jason's rectum and even managed to massage Jason's prostate, causing him to shudder and moan with delight. It won't be long before he's back to normal' I thought.

The phone rang again at 11 o'clock and Simon said that they were still packing Parminder's things and that he would be staying the night rather than drive home exhausted. He said that he would have to share Parminder's single bed, but he was willing to make the sacrifice (but he said it with tongue in cheek). Some sacrifice' I thought, O that I might snuggle up to that dark-skinned beauty.'

This meant that I was on `night duty' with Jason again, so I made my sacrifice and climbed into bed with him. He snuggled up to me, clinging like a limpet to a rock (and boy, was my cock like a rock!) I couldn't wait until Jason was fully functional again.

That night was particularly cold and when I woke the twins were in bed with us and snuggling up for warmth. From the state of the bedding (sticky in places) I guessed that some form of fun and games had taken place but what and with whom I don't know -- I'm ashamed to say I slept through it all.

When Simon arrived back at around 10 o'clock the next morning he looked absolutely shattered. I asked him what time they had finished packing and he told me half past midnight and we went straight to bed, but I didn't get to sleep til about 3.30. That Parminder is insatiable.

I asked him what had happened and he told me that Parminder had acted shyly first of all and turned the light out before he undressed. He insisted on keeping on his jockey shorts. Simon, of course, does not wear any and was naked. Simon respected his shyness and they started off back to back, but after about five minutes Simon turned over and `spooned' up to him. As normal, Simon's cock started performing and was slotted nicely between the cheeks of Parminder's bum. After a little while Parminder settled himself backwards and rubbed himself against Simon's cock. Simon, not being one to waste time, put his arm over Parminder's waist and slowly, very slowly manoeuvred it towards Parminder's cock.

Parminder was like my old friend John, when erect his cock lengthened and thickened but did not go hard as Simon discovered when he finally reached the spot. Parminder caught his breath but made no effort to move away, so Simon started to massage him through his jockeys.

As Parminder made more and more ecstatic noises so Simon increased the pressure and eventually Parminder shot his load into his jockeys. After a moment he said `Well, now I'll have to take them off. He got out of bed and removed the offending items and Simon could now see him clearly as the moon was shining directly into the bedroom window.

He was smooth chested with prominent nipples, his pubic hair was VERY thick and his cock was a good seven inches and he was not fully erect. His legs were very shapely, but they were the hairiest legs that Simon had ever seen, tapering down to very slim ankles and long bony feet with very slim toes. Of course, all his bodily hair was black as is common with his race.

He got back into bed and, with no more pretence of shyness, grabbed Simons throbbing cock and started to give him as good a massage as a nurse ever gave. When Simon came all over his chest and pubes Parminder moved downwards and made patterns with his delicate little fingers, then cleaned everything up with delicate little licks of his tongue.

This aroused Simon once again and Parminder asked him what he would prefer, doggie-style or missionary position. Simon opted for doggie so Parminder got himself on to all fours and wagged his tail invitingly at Simon.

Simon licked his finger and slid it gently between Parminder's cheeks and gently into his velvety interior. His finger slipped in easily, so he knew that he would have no trouble getting his cock in.

Parminder produced a tube of cream and Simon poured a generous amount on his cock.

He slid it slowly into the tunnel and gently started moving back and forth. He could feel Parminder's muscles tensing and releasing against his cock and marvelled at how tight or loose Parminder could make it. Simon decided he should work on his own muscle control if it meant that he could give this much pleasure to others. He made a mental note to ask Parminder to put him through his paces, but for now, he just revelled in the best fuck he could remember.

He found the best way to stimulate Parminder's prostate and they were both making noises that he could not begin to describe, but Simon could see lights flashing and hear bells ringing and he suddenly felt the tightest grip on his cock so far and he guessed that Parminder was cumming. The outward rush of breath and Parminder's sudden need for support confirmed this and as he grabbed Parminder's thighs to keep him in position he shot his own load away deep inside him. He could not remember ever shooting so much cum and counted nine full eruptions and several after shocks.

They collapsed in a heap on the bed and Simon drifted between consciousness and sleep for a little while until he felt a certain warm wetness about his cock and realised that Parminder had come back for a third helping. Simon was about to beg for mercy when he felt himself start to stir. He moved around into the sixty-nine position and saw that Parminder's cock was already lengthening. He took it in his mouth and immediately got the taste of peaches and cream -- salty peaches and cream, but peaches and cream nonetheless.

As they had both already climaxed twice it took quite some time for things to get started but, sure enough, Parminder started to breathe a little more quickly which turned Simon on and things were getting quite hot. Parminder came first, then immediately took his mouth off Simon's cock but started to lick his glans with deft movements of his tongue. Simon had never known anyone who could move his tongue this fast. This little Indian boy was certainly teaching him a thing or two. He shot his load partly into Parminder's mouth and the rest over his face.

They kissed with cum still in Parminder's mouth and then Simon licked his own cum from Parminder's face.

They settled down and Simon pleaded `No more tonight, I NEED MY SLEEP!' and he was snoring before Parminder could protest.

By the time Simon had finished telling me about all this he was as randy as hell and so was I. We went upstairs and got into bed with Jason. Hey, guys' he said, what's going on?' In between our own ministrations to each other we brought him up to strength on the Parminder front and he too got horny, but felt unable to do much except masturbate as his wounds were still very sore. He started with his own hand, then Simon took over and I finished him off and ended up with a fist full of cum which, as there was no towel within reach and I did not want to remove my cock from Jason's arse, I ate the (not) offending substance.

Parminder arrived home at about 4pm, just before the boys got in from school. I introduced them to him and his eyes lit up in anticipation. I sent the boys up to get changed and Ben said `What bout Parminder?' I told him of our indoor dress code, either shorts and tee shirt or naked.

I do have some shorts' he said but I'd rather keep my legs covered as I'm a bit self-conscious about them.'

No exceptions' I told him Simon has already told me about your hairy legs, so there's nothing to hide.'

He grinned sheepishly and agreed to our terms.

Simon and the boys helped him upstairs with his clothes, which I suggested they put in Simon's room, and told them to put all his other goods and chattels in the garage until he found somewhere else to stay. (Not too soon, I hoped).

I went upstairs with him and told him of our flexible sleeping arrangements and suggested for tonight that as he already knew Simon and that Jason was a patient of his anyway he might like to sleep with them in my bed. This would give me the opportunity to have some time with the boys.

As I sat tight and showed no intention of moving I'm afraid he had to change in front of me. He was indeed a delightful specimen the male sex. What Simon had not told me was that the crack between his cheeks was also a mass of hair. Normally I would find this a turn off but on him I found it alluring. I asked him about his name and he told me that Parminder could be used for either boys or girls and that the other district nurses and everyone in the hospital had shortened it to Minnie, so from then on Minnie it was.

That night there was a great deal of bed creaking, grunting and groaning coming from my bedroom, which is just as well as I wanted the twins awake for a little while for some slap and tickle and that, basically, is what we had. A great deal of petting, a little wanking and culminating in a three-way blow job, which you can't really describe as a sixty-nine, but is best described as a human triangle with extended sides. I'll just call it a triangle.

Things eventually calmed down and we all drifted off to sleep. We were now a menage a six! (or should that be a menage a sex?)

The Colonel

If you have enjoyed this thirteenth chapter, or have any comment to make please E-mail me at

Don't forget, I need your suggestions as to story lines and if I use them I'd be delighted to dedicate the chapter to you.

I will try to reply to all messages.

Next: Chapter 14

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