Smallville Series

By J Jones

Published on Feb 22, 2014


This is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, and am I in no way admonishing or encouraging anything with this fictional work. Read only with pure pleasure in mind. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to


I am an avid Smallville fan and have dissected each episode in each season and continuously have identified homosexual undertones between the male characters on Smallville specifically between Lex/Clark, Clark/Green Arrow, and Arrow/Lex.

This is my interpretation of how that could have played out in a gay friendly, sexually liberated society.

Revenge part 4 - The final chapter

Jeremy Clark spent the next few weeks lying low. The deaths had stirred suspicion and he thought it best to keep a low profile for a while. He spent most days at the library getting up to speed with all of the happenings in Smallville. The meteor shower had caused a lot of problems for folks in his hometown, including himself. One name kept popping up in a lot of the stories as hero; Clark Kent. Jeremy wondered if Clark had been affected by the meteor shower like he had. If lightning could cause him to remain ageless physically for 12 years then surely it might cause an ordinary farm boy to develop super powers. He quickly dismissed the thought. He had to remain focused on his mission, and that was to see to it that the four boys who brutally raped and utterly changed the course of his life pay for their crimes. Jeremy had visited the libary so often that the ladies behind the desk knew him by name (or by the fake name he had given them).

"Jason, it's nice to see you today," said the lady behind the circulation desk. She was obviously flirting.

"I'm fine Janice. How's your husband?" said Jeremy.

"Still fussing, cussing and driving me crazy. I need a vacation," she said.

"Don't we all," said Jeremy. He went back to his research at the computer. Nearly an hour after trying to find any news on the current whereabouts of Justin Ledwig, he gave up. He spent another hour reading about the accident and his years as a vegetable at Belle Reave Mental Hospital. Out of sheer luck he caught the remark of a reporter who mentioned that his brother had visited him every day there for years. Jeremy was an only child. That was the first tip he had come across in weeks. He scribbled a note on a pad and then left the library, in a hurry. In the excitement and not paying attention to where he was going, he ran right into Clark Kent.

"Hi, are you Jeremy Clark?" asked Clark.

"Never heard of him. My name is Jason," said Jeremy lying.

"You look an awful lot like him. He went to Smallville High 12 years ago," said Clark.

"Wouldn't that put him in his mid to late 20s or something?" asked Jeremy.

"Well yeah, but weird things happen all the time here in Smallville," said Clark.

Jeremy had an instant crush on Clark. He was tall and muscular with these amazing green eyes that seemed to burn holes right through your body. Jeremy hated lying to the boy when what we really wished was that he was on his knees sucking his cock. "Sorry man. I'm not from here. Here visiting a sick relative and I need to get back to the hospital."

"Don't mean to keep you I'm sorry. I guess I'll see you around," said Clark.

"I certainly hope so," Jeremy mumbled quietly as he sprinted off around the corner.

Now there was no way he could get inside Belle Reave and not be spotted. He would have to get a disguise of some kind and sneak inside. Around the back was a truck and a man loading things from inside the building into the truck. He ran up and offered his assistance. "Need any help?" he asked.

"What are you doing out here kid?" asked the man.

"My car broke down. I could really use a lift back to Main Street. I'll help you," said Jeremy with his nicest smile.

"Hold that back open for me so I can get this last load in and I'll drive you," he said.

The man was in his mid 30s and clearly kept his body in shape. Jeremy smiled inappropriately at the man then stared down at his crotch. The man knew exactly what the boy wanted. He spent more than 10 hours a day in a truck either loading or unloading. He hadn't seen his wife in months and the idea of having a cute face blow his cock was the best idea he could have ever come up with. "I'll sit in the passenger seat," said Jeremy.

"Sounds good to me," said the man as he adjusted himself. His cock responded immediately. Blake Golden was 38 and had worked with his hands his entire life. He was simple man. He liked fast cars, sports, anything outdoors and women. He had never thought of laying hands on a guy until five years ago. He and his wife were going through a rough patch. His buddies took him out to try and console him but it was useless. As it turned out, only the lips and willing throat of one of his best friends could make him forget all about his troubles at home for one night. He was of course drunk as a skunk. He didn't even really remember how it started or how he and his buddy Rick made it back to his place, but they did. The two were alone talking shit about women of course. The next thing that Blake remembered was telling his buddy to suck his dick. He couldn't remember if he was talking shit or if he was pissed off about something but shortly after Rick did just that. The next morning the two acted really strange around each other as if they were both keep keeping a secret that didn't involve the other person. The next weekend they hung out and they got shit face drunk again but this time Blake remembered everything. He remembered they were standing at the toilet beers in hand and pissing together. After their piss streams stopped, Rick sat on the toilet and deep throated Blake's cock until he blew his load straight down his friend's throat. This happened two more times before it stopped completely and abruptly. Blake had not been touched by another guy until now.

Blake sat in the driver's seat with his fly open, cock hard as a rock and the sweetest lips wrapped around them tight. Jeremy was on the floor on his knees giving one of his world class blow jobs. Jeremy's hands slid up the front of the older man's uniform; across his hairy chest and stomach. The scent that emanated from Blake's hard man body was driving Jeremy crazy. Unfortunately, he wasn't doing for pleasure, although he was enjoying giving Blake a blow job immensely. He rubbed the man's stomach and then up to his heart as he felt the man's heart beat wildly. Suddenly electricity pulsed through Jeremy's fingers and the man's heart stopped almost immediately. He pushed the man's lifeless body to the floor and then proceeded to switch clothes. He pulled the badge off of the dashboard. This would be the way he would gain entry to Belle Reave without detection.

Once inside, he made his way to the security office where he thought would be the first step in locating footage that would tell him who had been visiting Jeremy Clark for years and claiming to be a relative. Deep down he knew who it was. The reason there was no information to be found on Justin Ledwig is because he went off the grid, disappeared after the accident. Why would he do that though? He knew the answer to that also, guilt.

"Jeremy?" a voice asked.

He recognized the voice immediately without having to turn around and see exactly who it was.

"Jeremy, they told me you were awake and that you had broken out. I'm so sorry! I wanted to be there when you opened your eyes," he said.

Jeremy stood in his tracks with his eyes closed. He was unable to move. "Why Justin?"

"I'm sorry. I wanted to apologize for what we did to you all those years ago. I came back for you that day but you were already gone," said Justin.

"You terrorized me, raped me, made me what I am now. I'm a monster," said Jeremy. He turned and looked at the older version of Justin Ledwig. This was not the jerk who had raped him all those years ago. He was the only one who looked different, who was different.

"I take full responsibilty for what happened, but you are not a monster. We were the monsters. That's why I didn't go to that funeral. You changed me too you know," said Justin.

"How so?" asked Jeremy.

"You were my first and I suspect I was yours too. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you Jeremy," said Justin walking towards Jeremy. Justin was still toned but looked less menacing than Jeremy remembered from high school. He reached his arms to Jeremy, but Jeremy trembled. "Don't be frightened of me."

Justin grabbed Jeremy's hand and Jeremy surprisingly recognized the touch. He pulled Jeremy into a closet. Immediately the two locked lips. "I don't want to hurt you," said Jeremy.

"You mean the electricity. I know all about that. And I know what you did to Todd and Randy. I don't care. I love you," said Justin. "Please, this time I want you to give it to me."

"Yes Justin, yes. You can have it," said Jeremy, completely naked.

Jeremy turned around as Justin presented his long skinny 9 inch cock. He cleared his throat on his cock. With another wad of spit, he fingered Jeremy's still tight ass, readying it for his cock. Justin was amazed that Jeremy's perfect round bubble butt had not changed as his cock throbbed desperate to get inside. Inch by inch, Justin slid his cock into Jeremy. Justin was always the patient lover. He eased in, allowing Jeremy to fuck himself as he arched his back and pushed the cock deeper into his bowels. This time there were no harsh words, no ignorant comments, only two men hopelessly in love with each other. Justin played with Jeremy's nipples, slowly pinching them to wake them up. "Run away with me," said Justin.

"Where would we go?" asked Jeremy.

"Anywhere we want," said Justin as he felt the orgasm rise up his shaft and explode inside Jeremy's tight hole. "Anywhere we want".

Next: Chapter 9: Smallville 6

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