Smallville Series

By J Jones

Published on Mar 1, 2014


This is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, and am I in no way admonishing or encouraging anything with this fictional work. Read only with pure pleasure in mind. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to


I am an avid Smallville fan and have dissected each episode in each season and continuously have identified homosexual undertones between the male characters on Smallville specifically between Lex/Clark, Clark/Green Arrow, and Arrow/Lex. This is my interpretation of how that could have played out in a gay friendly, sexually liberated society.


Jeremy and Justin were still fooling around in the Janitor's closet when Clark made his way to Belle Reave to investigate. He was able to swipe the visitor log from the reception desk without the ladies even noticing. Clark had been aware of his super speed powers for years. It helped when he missed the school bus (which unfortunately was often). His Mom, Martha Kent, always wondered how it is that someone with speed like her son could always manage to be late all the time. He pored over the lists and sure enough there was Josh Clark's signature there on almost every page as a visitor for Jeremy Clark. Clark thought maybe he could sneak into the security room and look through videos to see Josh. He had a picture of Justin Ledwig back from high school (unfortunately those were the only pictures available). Clark thought for sure that he would still be able to recognize the guy after 12 years.

Clark wandered the hall looking for a security room. He came across a section of the hospital that had been closed off. "This must be where they were keeping Jeremy," thought Clark. He and Chloe read in the paper that a section of Belle Reave had been struck by lightning and was currently closed off for repairs. There was plastic hanging everywhere. He was about to head back towards the reception desk when he heard a slight commotion. It was coming from around the corner. Clark followed the sound to a closet in a quiet corner. He leaned up against the door and heard it again. It sounded like someone was moaning. He rested his head on the door wishing he could see what was going on. His eyes were closed. When his eyes opened there was a sharp pain in his temple and everything went white for brief second like a camera flash. Once the light disappeared he could clearly see the inside of the closet even though his head was still resting on the door. "Seriously? I have x-ray vision too," thought Clark as he took a quick inventory of the room. There were paint cans and cleaning supplies and a small cart. And there in the middle on the floor behind the cart were two guys fucking on the floor. Clark could easily identify one of the guys. It was Jeremy who had just run into earlier at the library. Jeremy was face down on the head of a mop. His shirt was over his head and his pants and underwear were pulled down. He was on his knees on the floor. His ass was high in the air and there was another guy, someone older pushing a very large cock in Jeremy's ass. The look on Jeremy's face was pure ectasy. Clark couldn't see the face of the man who was fucking him but deep in his heart he knew that it was non other than Justin Ledwig. Justin was older but you could tell from his build that he used to be an athlete; a football player. His hands were firmly planted on Jeremy's hips as he pounded inside Jeremy's tight hole. Clark watched the scene unfold in front of him and he thought of Lex, their kiss and the obvious unspoken attraction between them. Immediately, he imagined that he and Lex had traded places with Justin and Jeremy. The thought of Lex taking control and making love to Clark the way that Jeremy was getting it made Clark's cock instantly erect. Clark was a 16 year old virgin. He had never had any sexual contact with anyone before. For one, he had always been in love with Lana and in his mind, no girl compared to her. But Lana had dating Whitney since she was in middle school. Whitney and Lana are four years apart so she became quite popular when she started dating Whitney. He was already making a name for himself with the JV football team. When Lana started the current school year as a freshman Whitney was already on the Varsity team and had just been named Captain and Quarterback of the Smallville Crows. Lana became a cheerleader, in part because of her Mom's legacy and because Whitney urged her to join. He liked the idea of seeing her cheer for him on the sidelines during games.

Lex had given Clark his first kiss on his birthday. Clark wanted to know more about Lex, despite his father's objections. His father judged Lex because he hated Lex's father, Lionel Luthor. Clark constantly reminded his Dad that it wasn't fair to make assumptions about Lex based on the actions of his father. His father, Jonathan, knew his son was right but he just did not like the idea of Lex Luthor corrupting his innocent son. But he knew that there was no way he could force Clark to stay away from Lex, especially considering Lex was so adamant about establishing a friendship with Clark. Lex said it was because he knew deep down that Clark had saved him that day on the bridge after his Porsche hit him at over 40 mph. Clark denied it, and Lex let it go for the most part. After getting to know Clark, he realized that he had a lot in common with him. Both young men had relentless fathers who had very specific plans for their sons futures. Both shared a love of hip hop music, especially old school music from Run DMC, Grandmaster Flash, and Public Enemy. They both loved football, although Clark was desperate to play. Lex had no interest in getting tackled by a bunch of big sweaty men.

Clark had never thought about his ass being an entry before. As he watched Jeremy give in to Justin, he wondered what it would be like to get fucked. He had caught a glimpse of Lex's dick in his slacks that night out in the corn field and a few times they had hung out in the mansion together he noticed some movement between his friend's legs. But Lex was always a total gentleman. He never made Clark feel uncomfortable and never mentioned his erection, or Clark's. Clark knew it was only a matter of time before all of the tension would come to a head and he and Lex would have sex together. He hoped that whenever it happened it, he was ready.

Justin seemed to have no problem taking Justin's thick cock. He was now on his hands and knees and Justin was fucking him from behind. Clark was so hard that he felt himself getting lightheaded from the blood leaving his brain. He had to get out of there anyway and go tell Chloe and Pete what he found out.

He made his way back to school and found Chloe and Pete hanging out at the Torch. His two best friends were sitting on the Chloe's desk talking when Clark arrived. "Clark I sincerely hope you found something," she said.

"I did actually. I figured it all out," said Clark.

"Well don't leave us in suspense Clark, spill it," said Pete.

"12 years ago, Jeremy Clark was dragged out to Sutherland field off Route 40 by Randy Lee Thomas, Jason Rice, Todd Harris, and Justin Ledwig stripped, marked and then strung up like a scarecrow. That was the day of the meteor shower and something happened like lightnight or something that put Jeremy in a coma for 12 years. There's meteor rocks all around that field and they must suspended the aging process while Jeremy slept all those years. A few weeks ago when we had that major storm, lightning struck part of Belle Reave where they were keeping Jeremy. When it hit, it must have jolted Jeremy out of his coma and he then proceeded to exact his revenge on the four former football players that left him out there in that field," said Clark, "Well, what do you think?"

"Way to go Clark," said Pete with a smile. Despite the fact that the love of his life, Chloe, was hopelessly in love with him, Clark Kent had been Pete's best friend since grade school.

"Nice work Clark. There's only one question, where is Justin Ledwig and why hasn't he been flame broiled like his buddies?"

"Well after the news of what happened to Jeremy, Justin felt guilty, really guilty. So guilty that he changed his life and his name and left Smallville. He still was visiting Jeremy under an alias, Josh Clark. He must have told all of the nurses that he was Jeremy's brother so they wouldn't get suspicious of him visiting all the time. His Mom cracked after what happened to her son. She's been in a psych ward in Smallville for years until she died recently so there was really no one around to question Josh's story. After Jeremy woke up, Justin must have convinced him that he was a different person. If Jeremy was going around Smallville finding the other guys and then killing them, he would have seen that Justin had gone off the grid which would have made it easier to believe Justin when he said that he had changed. Of course I'm speculating on this because I don't know for sure but I think the story is over. Jeremy got his revenge and Justin must have gotten what he needed also, forgiveness," said Clark. He conveniently left out all of the man on man sex stuff. There was no need to drag the guy's name through the mud. And deep down Clark was actually happy that Jeremy and Justin found each other. From the looks of their lovemaking, it seemed they were both very happy.

"Excellent work Kent. We might make a Reporter out of you yet," said Chloe with a smile.

"Nah, I'm planning to play pro football," said Clark with a laugh. Chloe laughed out loud, but Pete was silent. Pete and Clark had talked about joining the football team for years but Clark's Dad, Jonathan Kent, refused to let his son play for some reason. Pete's Mom constantly used that as an excuse not to let Pete play football either. She would always tell Pete that if a former athlete like Jonathan would forbid his son from playing the game that he played and loved then there must be a good reason.

Clark made his way over to Luthor mansion to see his friend, Lex. If anyone could help him make sense out of the things he has been feeling lately it would be Lex. Over the weeks he had come to see Lex as the big brother he always wished he had. Even though the two were only a few years apart in age. Lex seemed to know a lot about everything and he was always willing to listen to Clark whenever he needed advice.

"Hey Lex, are you busy?" asked Clark.

"For you Clark, never. Why aren't you out raising hell or tearing it up? It's Friday night," said Lex.

"Nah, I had a pretty long day," said Clark.

"So what's on your mind?" asked Lex.

"Nothing. I just thought you might want to hang out is all," said Clark not sure how to bring up what he saw today and the kiss that the two shared weeks ago.

Lex smiled knowing full well that something was on Clark's mind and it was obvious that he wanted to talk about it. "Sure thing, let's watch the game in my room. I think Metropolis is playing tonight."

The two went upstairs to Lex's bedroom. They sat on the king sized poster bed and Lex pushed a button and a flat screen tv appeared out of the ceiling. The two were sitting pretty close together. Clark was blushing and starting to get an erection. Lex glanced down at Clark's crotch and then looked into Clark's eyes and smiled. "Is this what you wanted to talk to me about Clark?"

"Um, I, well, I've been trying to...."

"I get it. You have been trying to sort out how you feel about me, right?" asked Lex.


"I'm guessing you have never felt this way for another guy, right?" asked Lex.


"It's perfectly natural Clark. I can't lie and say that I haven't been thinking of you also," said Lex.

"You have?"

"Of course. I know our parents don't seem to like each other very much but I was honest when I said that I want us to be friends in spite of it. I meant that," said Lex.

"You mean a lot to me Lex," said Clark.

"You mean a lot to me too Clark," said Lex.

The two instinctively leaned in close and just as their lips were about to touch there was a knock on Lex's bedroom door.

"Sorry to disturb you SIR, but I'm heading out for the evening. Most of the staff is already gone for the night. Do you need anything before I leave?"

"Thanks Sam I have everything I need right here," said Lex with a smile. He wrapped his arms around Clark and they kissed passionately. Hands were all over the place. Lex, obviously more experienced, was the more aggressive one. He had a fair amount of experience with both men and women. He went to all male prep school when he was either 12 or 13 and had remained in all male schools throughout his high school career. He was quite the hell raiser back then, getting into fights, and damaging property. The reason he acted out so much was that he wanted to be home in public school so that he could be close to his sick mother. She had cancer and suffered tremendously for years until she died. He was away at school when she died. He never forgave his father for that. Their relationship had always been strained.

Lex slid his hands down the back of Clark's jeans. He gave the younger boy's butt a squeeze as his tongue probed deeper into his mouth. Clark was obviously a novice. Lex could tell that he was into it but he could also tell that he was hesitant. Both of them had raging hard ons. "Clark, I know you are new to all of this. We can take it slow. I want to make sure you are comfortable," said Lex.

"Are you sure that's cool?" asked Clark.

"Of course. I'm not going anywhere okay. Take all the time you need," said Lex. He thought to himself, if only someone had been as patient with him years ago.

"Thanks Lex," said Clark. "I probably should be heading home. My parents don't want me hanging out with you. They would go ballistic if I spent the night."

"Would you like to spend the night?" asked Lex.

"One day, yes," said Clark.

By the time Clark made it back to the house it was almost eleven. He lied to his father about hanging out with Pete. Upstairs in Clark's bedroom he had taken his shower and was in bed under the covers with only his boxers on. A thought flashed across his mind of Lex and his cock was instantly hard and throbbing. He conveniently pulled his boxers down to his ankles and began to masturbate as he relived the kiss with Lex out in the field and in his bedroom. He thought of Lex's soft, but incredibly strong hands, gripping his butt cheeks and he almost moaned out loud with pleasure. He stroked his cock softly with his right hand but lifted his legs and rubbed his asshole with his left. The feeling made him shoot his load all over himself. He took his boxers and cleaned up, threw it across the room towards the hamper and then rolled over and went to sleep. He was butt naked.

Next: Chapter 10: Smallville 7

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