Something Close to Life

Published on Apr 6, 2012


This story is a work of fiction. The events in this story are fictional. The characters in this story do not exist and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Any use of celebrity or other real persons is entirely fictional and in no way reflects upon their actual sexual orientation. This story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit activities between consenting adults. If you are under age, find this type of work offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it.

Something Close to Life -- Part 2 By tmabare Copyright 2012

      • From Part 1 * * *

After spending a few days packing all of his belongs, he was completely out of the BOQ and headed to South Carolina. He didn't have much to move so that made this trip easy. It wasn't that far from Camp Lejeune to Beaufort and on this spring day, it was a beautiful drive.

Pulling into the driveway, Mike was glad to see the place had not changed at all since his last visit. He walked up the steps and opened the door. Walking inside, he remembered the fun times that he and Baz had here in college. It was good to see that someone had obviously been cleaning the house because it was immaculate. Mike wasn't sure how it would be to live in this large house by himself. He was used to being alone, but this would make it feel that much worse.

With three weeks until he had to report to the Series Commander School, Mike decided he would spend the time relaxing and getting settled in. After a trip to the store to stock up and another to the dry cleaners, he was ready.

Three days after he arrived there was knock at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone and just figured it was someone selling something. When he swung the door open, he wasn't prepared for what he found.

"Hi, Mike. It's been a long time."

Standing there was Elaina, although she didn't look like herself. She looked extremely tired and much older than she should.

"Elaina, are you okay?"

"No, Mike. I'm dying."

      • Part 2 ***

Mike stood there for a second, not knowing what to do or say. He finally overcame his initial shock of her being at his door, let alone the bombshell she just dropped on him. There was only one thing he could think of, "Come in."

Elaina walked into the foyer and looked around. "I'm very sorry to show up unannounced, but I have to talk to you."

"Let's go in the living room. Would you like a drink?"

"Some water would be nice."

Mike directed her towards the living room, "Have a seat, I'll be right back with your water."

He quickly walked into the kitchen after he was sure Elaina had made it safely to a seat. As he opened the fridge, Mike felt that pain in his stomach again. Why after all this time was this happening, why was she here? He grabbed a bottle of water for Elaina and a Coke for himself. He resisted the urge to mix his one can of Coke with a whole bottle of rum. Walking back into the living room he handed the drink to her.

"Mike, I'm sorry for this, but I don't have anyone else to turn to."

After taking a deep breath, Mike looked into her eyes and saw the pain she was going through. "It's ok, how did you know I was here?"

"I called Baz this morning and told him what was going on. He didn't want to do it, but I finally convinced him to tell me how to get ahold of you. I'm glad you were here, not sure I could have handled a trip to Camp Lejeune."

"Well, given the circumstances, I'm glad he told you." Mike was watching Elaina as he took a drink.

"You were always such a good friend to Alex... and me. I don't know exactly what happened between the two of you after graduation and I guess I never will. Alex told me you had a fight. I have to tell you, I was shocked the two of you never spoke again. It was so unlike you two, you guys were inseparable until that weekend."

Mike wasn't going to say anything. There was nothing he could say to Elaina, especially now that she was going to die. He couldn't see causing her any more pain than she was obviously already in. Plus, he didn't feel it was his place to share with her what was so private to Alex and him. "It was a long time ago. But, yes... We had a fight and then I left town for college. I guess there was never an opportunity for us to talk."

Elaina knew it was a lie. "Well, I know he regrets whatever happened to end your friendship. I have to tell you, he was never the same after that weekend. It was as if part of him was missing." Her voice showed sadness, beyond just her current condition.

"Elaina, why are you telling me all this?" Mike was trying to not be rude, but this is not what he wanted to talk about, least of all with her. Mike suddenly remembered his own feelings on the flight home from Afghanistan... his feeling that `part of him was missing.'

"Because, he's going to need you more than ever, I haven't told him." She looked down at her hands after she said it.

Mike knew his face was showing the shock he felt. His thoughts were suddenly of Alex. "Why not? Why would you keep this from him?"

"Part of it was he's in Afghanistan and I didn't want to put added pressure on him." She started to cry, "Mike, I've been married in name only for so long that I had just come to accept that he was going to eventually leave me. I've had this feeling that when this deployment was over, he was going to be gone. I just never guessed I'd be the one leaving him or how I'd be doing it. Don't get me wrong, Alex is a wonderful man, that's never changed. You should see him with the kids."

`The kids,' Mike suddenly remembered them, "I'm sure he is, I knew he would be a great dad. By the way, where are the kids?"

"They're in school. I have to go and pick them up in a little while."

After taking a deep breath, Mike looked at Elaina. "What do you need me to do?"

"I'm going into hospice, Mike. They've wanted me there for days, but I kept putting it off. I don't have any family to look after the kids. With Alex's parents in Florida, and mine gone, you're the closest thing we have to family. The cancer was caught too late and now it's spread throughout my entire body. It's only a matter of a week or two according to the doctors."

Whatever his feelings may have been about her relationship with Alex, Elaina was right, she'd been a good friend. He moved to sit next to her and wrapped her in a hug, as she started to cry. It took her a few minutes to stop crying and she then looked at Mike.

"Would you look after the kids until Alex comes home? They'll let him come home when I die, won't they? But, no matter what, I still want you to look after them."

"They will let him, as soon as you tell him what is going on. He could have already been here probably. And, of course, I will look after them." Mike didn't have to think, he knew he would do it.

"Good, what do you think about moving them in with you? It would be better for them to be with someone who will care for them, when it happens."

"When are you going to tell... him?" Try as he might, he couldn't yet bring himself to say Alex's name.

"As soon as I go into hospice."

Mike thought about the entire situation and made a quick decision. "Elaina, why don't you just move in here? I have over three weeks before I have to report to Parris Island. I can help take care of you and you won't have to be alone in hospice. Best of all, you'd still be with the kids."

"Mike, you'd do that?"

"Yes, I would."

She just hugged him again and cried. "I don't deserve this you know. It's more than I'd hoped for. I'll go home and start packing. The people from Hospice tried to get me to stay home for comfort, I just didn't have anyone to help."

"Well, I'm here for you and the kids. And, of course you deserve it..."

"No, you're so wrong... I really don't. You don't understand, but you will..."

"Elaina, we can talk about that later. Call me when you're ready and I'll come over with the truck and we'll start moving stuff."

"Thank you, Mike. You can't possibly know what this means to me."

After giving him the address and directions, she left for home. Mike had given her his cell phone number and the address so she would have it. What she said kept replaying in his mind, `What has she done to make herself think she doesn't deserve this?'

As soon as she left, Mike picked up his cell phone and scrolled through the contacts.

"I was wondering how soon you'd be calling me." Baz's voice sounded like he was worried this would be a bad call.

"She just left."

"Well, Elaina told me what she was going to ask you. How did you react?"

"How do you think? I told her I'd look after the kids."

"No shocker there, is it? I knew you were going to do that... what else?"

"Damn it, you know me too well. I asked her to move in too."

"Holy shit! That, I was not expecting."

"What else could I do, Baz? I had to do it for..." Mike couldn't finish the sentence.

"For him?" Baz didn't want to upset Mike, but he knew he needed him to think about what he was doing and why he was doing it. "Are you ready for what having her and the kids living with you is going to mean?"

"I don't understand."

"You know Alex is going to be calling. Have you thought about that? You're going to have to talk to him sooner or later. Are you ready for that?"

Mike knew he hadn't thought about it, he'd done all of this without much thought. He immediately started to questions if he was doing all of this for the right reasons? "Baz, I don't know. I really have no clue what the hell I'm thinking. I know I have to do this, no matter the pain."

"Mike, I want to ask you something and please don't hang up on me when I do... okay?"

Mike was actually able to laugh at Baz. "No promises."

"Are you doing this because you want Alex back?"

Baz waited for a minute or so, without getting an answer. "Mike?"

When he answered, his voice was quiet. "I don't know."

"You know I'll support you no matter what. For my part, I honestly hope you two get back together. BUT, you need to do what's right for you."

"Baz, how do I know what's right for me though?"

"Follow your heart and just do what it tells you."

A laugh escaped Mike's lips, "Fuck, I knew you'd say some shit like that."

Baz laughed at himself and Mike. "I'm just gifted like that. Well, some of us have to get back to work. You know, us Navy guys actually do work for a living."

"Oh please! You're probably sitting at your desk drinking bug juice and eating a donut."

Mike heard Baz cough, as the sip of his drink went down the wrong pipe. "How the hell did you know that? You got my office bugged?"

"I just know you. How do you sneak in the enlisted mess to get your bug juice these days?"

"I send the yeoman. He's good like that."

"Unbelievable. I think you need to come down here and start running with me."

"Not gonna happen, jarhead!"

"Love you, man. I'll call you later."

"Bye, Mike."

When he hung up the phone, Mike couldn't stop thinking about the things Baz said. `Am I ready for this?' He tried to distract himself by cleaning the spare rooms and getting things ready for his new guests.

When Elaina called later that afternoon, Mike got in the truck and headed to base housing at MCAS Beaufort. He wasn't in uniform, but was saluted by the sentries when they saw that little blue sticker on his truck none the less. Mike thought the sentry looked a little longer than he normally should have, when he was checking his face against his ID. He smiled wide and was rewarded with a slight blushing of the guard.

Mike wanted to say something to the young Marine, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He returned the salute he received and drove through the gate. He found their duplex easy enough and backed his truck into the driveway. Walking up to the door, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Standing on the porch waiting for him had to be Alex's son. The boy looked exactly like his father when he was the same age. It brought so many memories back to Mike. He walked closer and then knelt down so he was at eye level with him.

The boy looked like he wasn't sure what he should say or do, "Are you my Uncle Mike?"

The breath he was taking got caught in Mike's throat. He couldn't believe it and wondered if it was Elaina or Alex who told him about `Uncle Mike.' "Yes, that's me."

"I'm Michael Alexander Lopez, sir." The seven year old boy was looking up at his namesake. The man he had heard so much about, but never met. He had extended his little hand towards Mike and shook hands with all his strength. Mike wanted to hug this little version of Alex, but knew he needed to let Michael make the first move.

"It's very nice to meet you." Mike couldn't get over the fact they'd named their son after him. Why hadn't Baz told him this? He had to have known, he still talked to Alex regularly.

Michael led the way into the house, where Mike found a lovely little six year old girl smiling at him. He knelt down again, "Hello there, aren't you beautiful?"

The shy little girl blushed as she answered, "I'm Maria."

"Hello, Maria. I'm, Mike." He was rewarded with a hug from the little girl. Mike felt his heart melt and knew he'd fallen for Maria that quickly. Mike couldn't get over how much they both looked like their father. He didn't notice Elaina was standing there watching him, until she spoke.

"They look like him... don't they?"

"Yes." He could only stand there and keep staring at them. He felt his eyes starting to moisten when Elaina spoke again.

"Come on kids, let's get your bags." The two ran to their room and grabbed their bags before heading back to the living room. The kids made a couple more trips, while Mike helped Elaina move her bags. He noticed that there was nothing of Alex's in the bedroom.

It took two trips for them to move everything the kids and Elaina would need. By the time they were done, Elaina was exhausted. Mike had put her stuff in the front guest room, since it had the most light coming through two large windows. Since the house had four bedrooms, he was able to put the kids in their own rooms, something which was new for them.

Early that evening, Elaina's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and then walked towards her bedroom. She was gone about ten minutes, before Mike heard her coming down the hall. When Elaina walked back into the room, she had tears in her eyes and handed the phone to Mike. "I told him. He wants to talk to you."

Mike had to close his eyes as he held the phone to his ear. This was something he thought he'd never do again. He thought how quickly his plans for the future had changed in the last few hours. He was praying he'd get through this without crying. "Hello."

"Mikey... I can't believe it's really you." The voice on the other end sounded exactly the same as it had the last time they'd spoken, just very tired.

"Hi, Alex, it's been a long time." Mike was proud he didn't tear up at the mere sound of Alex's voice.

"I don't know what to say..." Mike could hear Alex breathing before he continued, "I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for my family. I surely don't deserve it after... Bro, we need to talk, but now isn't the time."

"No, it's not. It'll have to wait for you to come home." Mike's voice changed to his command voice as he needed a crutch. "You need to notify your C.O. of what's going on and then call us back. Let me know if there is anything I can do from this end." Mike felt himself quickly being flooded with emotions.

Alex picked up on the change in tone and knew this was for Mike. The one thing Mike couldn't see or know were the tears streaming down Alex's face. Tears not at the thought of losing his wife, but tears at hearing Mike's voice.

"I'll go talk to him now and I'll call back as soon as I know anything."

"Good." Mike wanted to say so much more, but couldn't. "Do you want to talk to Elaina again?"

"No, I better go..." Alex's voice then lowered so no one around him would hear it. "I've missed you, Mikey."

Without thinking, Mike answered, "Me too, Alex." When the line went dead, Mike realized that saying his name was it. His eyes moistened and he could feel himself starting to lose it. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard, trying to regain control of his emotions.

Elaina didn't say anything as Mike handed her the phone back. She could see the hurt in his eyes and as much as she wanted to comfort him, she didn't know how. As she watched, he just sat there looking off into space. When he finally did move, he got down on the floor with the kids.

Mike played with Michael and Maria for an hour or so before he finally decided his stomach needed some attention. "So, you guys hungry? I know I am."

Maria looked at her older brother, who turned and smiled at Mike. "Yes, sir."

"Okay, what are we waiting for? Let's go make some dinner. Are you two gonna help me?"

They jumped up and headed for the kitchen. As they walked past Elaina, she reached out and touched Mike's arm.

"I'm going to go and rest."

"Okay... What would you like to eat?"

"I'm not very hungry, but would you make me some soup?"

"Of course." Mike headed off with the kids as Elaina turned and walked back to her room.

The next half hour was a fun time for Mike. He was able to relax some and not constantly think of what he had gotten himself into. He'd only ever been around Baz's kids and they were so very different from Michael and Maria. Michael was so much like his father that at times Mike had a hard time not thinking of him as Alex. Maria was completely different from her brother. She was shy, yet very strong. Both of them had Alex's eyes and that was more than a little distracting for Mike at times.

Michael and Maria both enjoyed helping Mike cook and were very good at it. They delivered the soup to Elaina while Mike set the table for dinner. The kids had picked dinner that night, hamburger patties with macaroni and cheese. Mike purposely hadn't had this combination in years and knew where the kids learned it from, their father. This had always been one of Alex's favorite things to eat while they were growing up.

While they were eating, the kids told Mike about their day and then started asking him questions. They seemed to want to make up for years of not knowing him, in one meal. He told them about how Alex and he had grown up together and was even able to laugh at the stories of them together as children.

After he had cleaned up and done the dishes, Mike went to check on Elaina. When he walked in, she was asleep and he noticed she'd barely touched the soup. She looked even worse than when she showed up at his door earlier in the day. Mike seriously began to doubt she'd been honest about the time she had left. He decided he'd have to talk to the hospice nurse who was coming in the morning.

After Mike turned out the light, he walked back towards the living room. Before he could get there his cell phone was vibrating. He answered it without even thinking, "Hello."

"Hey, bro." Alex's voice was low, and Mike knew he was very tired.


"Elaina gave me your number earlier."

"I figured she would. What'd your C.O. say?"

"He's working on it right now. Said he'd expedite it and hopefully I'll be home quickly."

Mike didn't want to overly concern Alex, but he knew he needed to tell him what he thought. "Alex, I have a feeling that Elaina hasn't been honest with either of us."

"Wha... What do you mean?"

"I think it's even further along than she told us. I just have a feeling we're looking at days, at the most, not weeks."

"Ah, man." There were so many questions Alex had, so many things he wanted to say. Nothing related to Elaina however, which was bothering him. "I need to ask you something."

"Yeah..." Mike braced himself with no clue what was coming.

Alex was breathing deeply, trying to focus his thoughts. "If she... if something happens before I get there, will you take care of Michael and Maria?"

"Of course, I will." Again Mike hadn't even had to think about his response. As much pain as there was, he would do whatever he had to for Alex and the kids. He had begun to love those kids and would do whatever he needed to for them.

When Alex spoke next his voice was even lower. "Mikey, I still love..."

"Don't... please don't do that to me. Not right now." Mike wanted to hear it, he wanted to say it, but he knew that right now was not the time. Anything he wanted to hear or say needed to be done in person.

Alex sounded hurt, "Okay..."

"Alex, you can tell me anything you want... when I see you... deal?"

"Hell yeah!" For once, since they had been talking, Alex sounded upbeat. "I better get going, need to pack and then hit the rack. I'll call when I can."

Before Mike could say anything, the line was dead. As he placed the phone back in his pocket, Elaina started coughing. He walked back down the hallway and into her room. After turning the light on, Mike helped her sit up and gave her some water. He knew there wasn't going to be a better time for this talk.

"Elaina, I need to ask you something."

She just nodded her head.

"You're condition is worse than you told me, isn't it?"

Again, Elaina only nodded.

"How long?"

As she tried to talk, she started coughing again. After Mike had given her more water, she cleared her throat. "Not long..."

`Holy shit!' The week he thought he had to get Alex home and the kids used to him were gone. He only had days, if that. "I'm so sorry."

"Nothing you... could have done. Karma for what... I've done in my life." Her voice was weak and broken. "Mike... I need to... tell you..."

"Are you sure you're strong enough? We can do this later."

Elaina shook her head, "May not be time... later." She pulled herself up in bed higher, with Mike's help. She looked into Mike's eyes, "I know..."

"You know what?" Mike was confused, even though part of him knew exactly what she meant.

"Don't... I know about you... and Alex. I've known since... high school. I could see he... loved you, more... than as friend. I also figured out... you two..."

He knew what she was going to say, and didn't want to have that discussion with her. "How? We didn't even know."

Elaina smiled, "I could see what... you two... couldn't." After another bout of coughing, she continued. "I know you made him... pick me. Why?"

Mike looked down at his feet, before he looked back up to answer. "He's sitting in the living room watching cartoons."

"I don't under... stand."

"We both know Alex wouldn't let Michael be raised without him. So, the only way I could see was to remove myself from Alex's life. So, I told him I hated him and I didn't want him in my life."

Sitting there wide-eyed, Elaina couldn't believe what she heard. "You could have... he would have chosen... you."

"Probably... and then resented me for the rest of our lives." Mike couldn't believe he was really having this conversation. "I couldn't do that to him."

Their conversation was interrupted by Elaina's coughing. When she finally recovered, she took another small drink of water. "Thank you... for being... honest, with me. Now... it's my turn. It was my... fault. I got... pregnant... on purpose. I wanted Alex... knew it was... only way."

Mike knew, deep down he had always known. There was no way Alex would have let it happen. Part of him wanted to scream at her for ruining all their lives, but he couldn't. As much as he wanted to be mad at her, he knew his anger wouldn't solve anything.

"He's a great... father." She sat there just looking at Mike. "I want you to know... he wouldn't touch me any... more... after that weekend. I knew... why. Had to get him... drunk and virtually rape him. If that makes... you feel better."

"Feel better? Elaina, it was never a contest."

"It was for me." Tears were forming in Elaina's eyes. "I was jealous of you... still am... the way he LOVES you. I wanted... what the two of you had. Instead... I made all three of us... miserable."

"Well, we can't go back and fix it. We just have to move on from here."

"The two of... you, will. Mike, promise... me."

Part of him wanted to tell her to `go to hell,' but he knew that wouldn't solve anything. He wanted to know what else she could ask him for. Whatever she wanted, he knew he would do it, for Alex. "What do you want?"

"Promise me... you'll... forgive him. Promise me you'll... raise our children... with him."

As much as Mike wanted to promise, he couldn't. "I can't, it's not up to me."

"He... still loves you... Promise me... Please!"

Mike couldn't make himself say the words, so he just nodded his head slowly.

Elaina closed her eyes. Mike knew this had been hard on her. He also knew she had less time than even she knew. This conversation also took more out of him, emotionally, than he would let on. Mike turned out the light as he left the room.

When he walked into the living room, Michael and Maria were sitting together on the couch watching cartoons. Mike noticed they were watching one of Maria's favorite cartoons and Michael looked bored. Mike realized that he was putting his sister first.

Mike walked over and sat on the opposite end of the couch from the kids. He laughed along with them as they watched TV and noticed Maria kept looking over at him, when she thought he wasn't paying attention. Several times she whispered into Michael's ear and they would both look over at Mike.

It took Mike a while to figure out what they were up to. When he went to the kitchen for some water, it all became perfectly clear. Walking back into the living room, he found the kids had separated on the couch leaving only the middle cushion free for him. He smiled to himself and sat down between them.

As they were watching the next show, Maria and Michael were slowly moving closer to Mike. He tried to act like he didn't know what was happening, as much as he wanted to mess with them by getting up and changing seats. By the end of the cartoon, both kids were leaning against him, while he had his arms around them. By the end of the next cartoon, both kids were sound asleep.

Mike carried them each to their rooms and tucked them into bed. As he was tucking Michael in, the little boy reached up and hugged Mike. He tried to hide the tears in his eyes when he stood back up. When he made it to his own room, Mike had a hard time sleeping. He kept replaying the last weekend he spent with Alex and his conversation with Elaina.

Mike woke at his normal 0500 the next morning. Dressing in his PT gear he made his way out of the house and started his morning run. He tried to just surrendered himself to his run and clear his mind. The music on his iPod was playing loudly in his ears as he ran. About halfway through his run, the next song change caught him by surprise. Pink's voice, singing Who Knew was playing in his ears. By the time the song was done, Mike had tears running down his face. There were songs that reminded him so much of Alex that it scared him and this was one of them.

He tried to compose himself and started running again. His thoughts this time were of work. How would it look if someone had seen him crying just now? He yelled at himself that he'd have to have better self control. When he tried to think of the future, he couldn't even let himself think about a relationship with Alex. He'd be violating more than just Don't Ask Don't Tell, he'd be fraternizing with an enlisted man. Then he asked himself, `Would I give everything up to be with Alex?' Mike knew the answer to the question, before he even asked himself. The answer scared him.

Mike knew he was getting ahead of himself and those thoughts would have to wait. He didn't even know what Alex wanted, or didn't want from him. Mike changed the music and tried to lose himself in the run again. At the end of his five miles, he was feeling better. Getting back to the house he jumped in the shower and dressed before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the kids before they left for school.

A little after seven, two little faces appeared in the kitchen. They were quickly at the table and enjoying themselves. They talked about what they wanted to do after school. Mike made sure they had everything they'd need for the day.

Michael and Maria went into Elaina's room and said goodbye to her. Mike noticed that she seemed even more tired than the night before. She barely had the strength to hug her children. Mike knew what it meant and was worried. He silently prayed that Alex would be home before it happened.

Once they said goodbye to Elaina, the kids piled into Mike's truck for the trip to school. Michael loved the truck and was busy looking at everything. Maria kept saying how much she loved being up so high and being able to see down into the cars. Mike could only laugh, because he liked the truck for much the same reason. He was suddenly glad he'd gotten the king cab and not the standard. With this truck he had plenty of room for the kids in the back seat with all of their school gear.

The drive to the base wasn't too bad and as they pulled up to the gate Mike showed his ID to the sentries. The same sentry from yesterday was on duty again, and smiled wide as he checked Mike's ID. When he came to attention and saluted him, he noticed that Maria's eyes got big. Mike returned the salute and then drove onto the post.

Maria was the first one to say anything, "Uncle Mike, how come that Marine saluted you? They never salute daddy."

Mike didn't realize he hadn't told the kids he was an officer, or maybe Maria didn't understand the difference. He was trying to decide how to explain the difference in military protocol to her, when from the backseat, Michael answered before Mike could. "Uncle Mike is an officer."

Maria smiled wide when she looked over at Mike. "That's cool!"

When he dropped the kids off at school, Mike walked them into their classrooms. He introduced himself to both of their teachers and talked shortly about how they were doing in school. He discovered that Elaina had already told the school what was going on and had also provided paperwork to the school's office.

With that complete, Mike headed back to the house. As he was pulling in, another vehicle pulled in the driveway behind him. Getting out of the truck, he noticed there was an older woman dressed in green scrubs getting a bag from her car.

Mike walked up to her, "Do you need any help?"

"Thank you, but I've got it." She then stood up straight and extended her hand. "I'm Sharon Farnet, Elaina's nurse."

"Mike Williams, an on old family friend."

"Elaina has told me all about you. I can't tell you how happy I am you're here for her and the kids."

Mike wondered just what Elaina had told her. He knew he was being paranoid, but it still bothered him not knowing. He knew he had to be cool about it, he couldn't figure out why he was so nervous. "Ms. Farnet, can I ask you a question about Elaina's condition?"

"It's Sharon and of course, Elaina signed a release. She figured you'd have some questions."

"Yes I do, but just one. How long does she have?"

Sharon shook her head, "I'm surprised she's made it this long. I honestly think she was just holding on until she had someone to take care of the kids. It was truly a miracle you came to Beaufort when you did."

"I guess it was..." He didn't know if he was ready, but he knew he had to be.

"Between you and me, I'd be shocked if she made it to the weekend. I shouldn't say it, but I want you to be prepared."

"Thank you, I needed to know."

Sharon left after about an hour spent with Elaina. Before she went she came over and shook Mike's hand. While she was saying goodbye, she shook her head slowly. Mike knew what it meant.

A little while after Sharon left, a Hospice lawyer arrived. He had paperwork for Mike to sign. The paperwork gave temporary guardianship to Mike. The lawyer left copies with Mike and went to file the paperwork with the Clerk of the Court.

Not long after the lawyer left, Elaina called out for Mike. Walking into her room, she was looking up at him. "I'm worried... I don't think I'm going... to see the kids... again."

"They'll be here in a few hours, don't worry."

"I left a letter... for each of them and... Alex." She pointed to her dresser, "Please... make sure... they get them..."

Mike sat on the side of the bed and Elaina reached out for his hand. "I'm sorry... forgive me..."

"I forgave you long ago."


Mike wanted to laugh, "Ok, I had forgiven you long ago. I'm just getting over what you told me last night."

"Do you still love him?"

"It's not that easy."

"Bullshit... be honest... with yourself and... me."

Mike took a deep breath and swallowed hard, "Yes, I still love him... just like I did in high school."


Elaina started coughing again and Mike couldn't get her to stop. Mike called Sharon, who rushed back to the house. Not long after Sharon arrived, Elaina seemed to slip off to sleep. Within the hour, she was gone.

Mike cried, thinking of Michael and Maria growing up without their mother. Part of him was crying for Elaina also. No matter what, she had been a friend and he would mourn her loss.

The hospice staff had already made all of the arrangements necessary and a funeral home was shortly there. Once Elaina's body had been removed, Mike knew what he had to do. He made a call to the school and told them he would be there to pick Michael and Maria up shortly.

After a quick call to Baz, Mike called the Red Cross. With no way to get a hold of Alex directly, until he called, the Red Cross would get the message to him. For some reason, Mike jumped in the shower before getting dressed in his Service "A" uniform. It was like a crutch for him today, he knew he'd feel stronger in it than he did in civilian clothes.

The drive to the school didn't take nearly as long as Mike would have liked. He wasn't looking forward to what was coming next. He didn't want to have to tell them their mother was dead. This brought back memories of talking to Corporal Brown's parents and younger brothers. Unlike that day, he'd be taking Michael and Maria home with him.

Pulling up to the school he gathered his thoughts and headed in. He received several looks from female staff members as he walked into the building. Their thoughts about the 24 year old First Lieutenant were the absolute last thing he was thinking about. He'd grown used to the stares and comments.

Walking into the main office, he was met by the school's principal. He was middle age, but Mike thought he was still fairly attractive, with a sad look on this face. "Lieutenant Williams?"

"Yes, sir."

As he extended his hand, the man managed a half smile. "Adam Stewart, sorry we had to meet like this. I spoke with Mrs. Lopez about you yesterday. I admire what you're doing for this family."

"Thank you, Mr. Stewart. It was the very least I could do. The father is a childhood friend and I knew Elaina from high school."

"It's a very noble thing, not everyone would do it."

Mike felt himself blush at the compliment. "Thank you again, Mr. Stewart. I guess I should get this over with and tell them"

"Actually, there's a grief counselor in with them right now. Normally, I would have waited until you got here, but Mrs. Lopez had left strict instructions. She wanted it to come from someone outside the family. She was afraid that the children would hold it against you, if you were the one to tell them."

Mike had never thought about that. He could see how that was possible and he had to appreciate her actions. As he was standing in the outer office, his cell phone rang. He didn't even look at the caller ID.

"Lt. Williams."

"Mikey, it's Alex... I just got the message."

"Hey, I'm so sorry."

"I'm still not sure I comprehend what has happened, doesn't seem possible to me. I just found out yesterday she was sick and now she's gone." Alex stopped talking and Mike could clearly hear his breathing. "Have you picked the kids up yet?"

"I'm at the school now. They're with a grief counselor and then I'm going to take them home."

"Thank you, Mikey." There was some yelling in the background before Alex came back to the phone. "Sorry about that. I'm in Frankfurt, got here a little while ago. I'm trying to get a civilian flight home, just not sure where I'm going to fly in, or when."

"That's good, Alex. Let me know and I'll pick you up."

"Thanks, bro... I want to tell you something, but I know you don't want to hear it, so just know I do and I mean it."

"I know... Listen, I'm going to get the kids and head back to the house. Call us when you can."

"I will..." The line went dead with the sound of static.

Mike again thought to himself how much he wanted to hear it from Alex and just how much he knew he wanted to say it. Placing his cell phone back in his pocket, he straightened his jacket. It was then the door to the office opened and the counselor walked out.

"We're done." She walked off without saying anything else.

Mike thought she looked upset. He didn't give it another thought though, as he walked into the office to find the kids. They were both sitting on the couch, Michael's arm around Maria as she cried. Michael wasn't crying, but Mike could tell he had been. Now he was just trying to comfort his sister. Mike walked over and knelt down in front of them. Placing his hand on Michael's shoulder, he tried to give the little boy strength.

Michael tried for a smile as he looked at Mike, "Hi, Uncle Mike..."

"You okay, Michael?"

"Yes, sir, I'll be okay. Mommy and I talked about this before. She told me I needed to be strong, for Maria."

Mike could feel tears forming in his own eyes hearing the pain in Michael's voice. The courage he was showing was worthy of any grown man. He was more worried about his sister, right then, than he was his own grief. "Come on, let's go home."

Maria instantly reached for Mike, and he picked her up as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. She had her face in his neck and was crying. He had a hard time finding anything to say to comfort her. He knew both the kids just needed this time to grieve. As he took a step towards the door, he felt Michael grab his free hand. It felt like Michael was holding on with all the strength he could muster. As if he thought by letting go, Mike would be gone and he'd be alone.

Making it to the outer office, Mr. Stewart was waiting for them. "Please let me know about arrangements. Some of the staff had come to care about Mrs. Lopez. She spent some time in the classrooms volunteering while her husband was deployed." Because both of Mike's hands were full, he had patted Mike's arm as he had spoken.

Mike nodded at the man, "I will, thank you again, Mr. Stewart."

As they passed the desk, Mike stopped. His barracks cover was sitting on the corner of it. "Michael, can you grab my cover." He watched as Michael carefully used his free hand to pick up the cover. The three headed out of the office and towards the entrance.

Again there were several stares from staff members as they made their way through the hallway. This time he wasn't sure if it was interest of if they were just looking at the children, one crying and one in obvious pain.

Walking outside, Mike looked down at Michael. "Hey bud, can you hand me that?"

Michael released Mike's hand and gave him the green barrack's cover. After it was on Mike's head, he grasped Michael's hand again.

When they reached the truck, Mike handed Michael the remote and let him unlock it. Michael climbed into the back seat as Mike sat Maria down and made sure that both were belted in. He climbed into the driver's seat and belted himself in. Starting the truck, he realized what time it was. "Are you guys hungry?"

"Yes, sir." Michael answered , while Maria just nodded her head.

"What would you two like?"

Maria leaned over and whispered in her brother's ear. Michael nodded and then smiled. "McDonald's!"

The rest of the afternoon flew by. Mike's cell phone seemed to be going non-stop. Between hospice and friends calling, he was talking constantly. When he wasn't on the phone he was on the floor playing with the kids. Even when he was on the phone, they wouldn't let him wander from their presence.

After dinner, the three of them were on the couch watching TV together. Maria was curled up on one side of Mike, while Michael fell asleep with his head on Mike's leg. Before he had the chance to get them to bed, his cell phone rang again.

Answering it, he kept his voice low. "Hello."

"Hey, Mikey." Alex's voice sounded very tired.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm still in Frankfurt. I've got myself booked on a civilian flight, finally. I'll be flying into Charlotte, on US Airways Flight 705, should be there at 1615 tomorrow. Are you sure you can pick me up?"

"Of course, I'll be there."

"Man, I can't wait to see you and the kids. Mike, look I have 60 days of leave coming, what's your schedule looking like?"

"I have three and a half weeks before I have to report to Parris Island for Series Commander School."

"Oh, wow. So, you'll be around Beaufort for a while... that's incredible!"

"Yeah... Alex, do you want me to bring the kids with me to the airport?"

"Would you think less of me if I said no?"

There was no thinking involved. "No, not at all."

"I want to see you and I want to talk to you without having to censor myself."

Mike actually found himself with a smile on his face, "I can see I need to wear civvies."

"I'd recommend it, unless you want to explain why you got attacked by an enlisted man in the airport."

Mike could only laugh quietly. "Civvies it is."

Alex decided he needed to change the subject, "What are the kids doing?"

"They're right here sleeping against me on the couch."

"Damn, I'm jealous."

Mike smiled a little, "Of who?"

"All of you. You, for them sleeping against you. And them, for getting to sleep against you."

"Well, tomorrow night you'll be home and you'll be able to do it."

"You're right, bro. I guess I need to get some sleep. Sleep well, Mikey."

"You too, Alex."

The morning came too early for Mike, even though he slept a little later than usual. Part of it was the two bed mates he'd acquired during the night. Maria had been the first to arrive, followed very quickly by her brother. Maria was curled up on Mike's left side, her head on Mike's arm. Michael was leaning against Mike, his right arm and leg thrown over Mike.

It took him a few minutes to extract himself from the bed, and he left them sleeping. He started to cook breakfast, when the kids appeared in the kitchen. Their morning turned into a repeat of the night before. Mike played with them as much as he could, between phone calls. Mike was concerned about finding someone to watch the kids while he went to pick Alex up.

A call to Baz later and Mike had a sitter lined up. Allison had a friend more than willing to look after Michael and Maria while Mike went to the airport. Leaving the kids behind so soon after their mother's death wasn't an easy thing for Mike. They both said they understood and didn't mind, but somehow Mike knew they were just putting on a brave face for his benefit. The only positive thing was he would be bringing their father home.

Just over four hours after leaving the house, Mike arrived at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. The closer he had gotten, the more nervous he'd become. Walking into the terminal, Mike wasn't sure he was going to be able to do this. His hands were shaking and he almost needed to sit down. He had a little time before Alex's plane was suppose to land, so he went to find something to drink. He walked over to the food court and got some water. Sitting down at a table, he started watching the people walking around.

As he was looking around, he noticed a group of women staring at him. The three girls kept whispering and pointing at him. He couldn't help but smile at their inability to be discreet. Just as he was about to get up and head towards the Arrivals area, one of the three got up and walked over towards him.

"Excuse me... My friends and I were wondering if you are a Marine?"

That was entirely not what he was expecting, "Yes, ma'am. I am a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps."

She turned and gave her friends a thumbs-up signal. "We're visiting from California. Do you have time to show three out-of-towners around?"

"Sorry, I'm here picking up another Marine, coming back from Afghanistan."

"Well, bring him along too. I'm sure we can find something for all of us to do."

"Look miss, I'm really sorry, but it's not going to happen. Not with these Marines."

She didn't say anything else, but just walked back to her friends and sat down. The other two got frowns on their faces and then quickly went back to scanning the crowd.

After a few more minutes, Mike looked at his watch and knew it was time to go meet Alex. Once he was in the arrivals area, he noticed that his hands were not only shaking but were sweaty. Mike couldn't remember the last time he was this nervous. Nothing in his training had prepared him for this moment. He watched the monitor record the arrival of US Airways Flight 705 and then switch to deplaning.

Ten minutes after the scheduled arrival, Mike felt someone touch his arm. His first thought was that he'd missed Alex, but he knew that wasn't possible. He turned and was greeted by an elderly woman, with a boarding pass in her hand. "I'm sorry young man, but can you help me?"

"Yes, ma'am. What can I do for you?"

"I've misplaced my glasses. Can you please tell me what this says?"

She handed him her boarding pass, "Ma'am, it says Gate D4. You just need to go thru security, right over there." Mike made sure he pointed at the entrance to the security line.

"Thank you, very much."

As he was watching to make sure the women made it to the checkpoint, he felt a tap on his shoulder. `What the hell? Am I a damn information booth?' He turned around and about passed out.

"Hey, Mikey!" Before Mike could react, Alex picked him up off the ground in a hug.

Mike's nostrils were full of Alex and he couldn't get over how good he smelled. Even for being on a flight for so long, he smelled just like Mike remembered. Mike realized there were tears flowing down his face, while Alex was talking quietly into his ear. "I've missed you so much. I thought I'd never see you again and I'm never letting you go again. I love you, I always have and I always will. Will you forgive me for being so stupid eight years ago?"

When Alex was done talking, he placed Mike back on the ground. Mike's face was bright with a smile, even with the tears flowing down his face. He looked into Alex's deep brown eyes, "I love you too. There isn't a day that's gone by that I didn't want you back in my life and dream about what could have been. Now, Staff Sergeant, let's get your bags."

"Aye, aye, SIR."

Next: Chapter 3

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