Something Close to Life

Published on May 17, 2012


This story is a work of fiction. The events in this story are fictional. The characters in this story do not exist and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Any use of celebrity or other real persons is entirely fictional and in no way reflects upon their actual sexual orientation. This story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit activities between consenting adults. If you are under age, find this type of work offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it. The author retains all rights to this story.

Something Close to Life – Part 4 By tmabare ©2012

      • From Part 3 * * *

"Uncle Mike."

Mike thought he heard it, but he wasn't sure. His eyes opened and he stayed still trying to listen. He looked over at the clock and it said 2:17 AM.

"Uncle Mike."

He knew instantly it was Michael, and he was right outside the door. Mike tried to pull himself away from Alex, but as he moved he was held even tighter. He rolled his eyes and laughed quietly.

"Uncle Mike, are you awake?" The door opened and in walked Michael. "Uncle Mike, I can't find dad..."

      • Part 4 * * *

Michael's eyes were wide as he looked at Mike and Alex in bed together. Mike wasn't sure how he should react. Instead of running from the room, Michael's face changed to a small smile and he walked towards the bed.

"Can I sleep with you too?"

"Um, sure..." Mike didn't know how to handle this, but he knew he couldn't react in any way to make Michael think this was wrong. "Do you want to sleep next to me or your dad?"

"You." Michael was whispering as he climbed into bed next to Mike.

"Are you okay, Michael?"

"Yes, sir. I couldn't sleep."


Michael was quiet for a couple of minutes after he settled down. His back was against Mike's chest and he had his head resting on Mike's arm.

"Uncle Mike?"


"Did daddy have a bad dream too?"

Alex didn't pick his head up from the pillow, "No, I didn't have a bad dream, son."


There was another period of silence. Mike could tell that neither Alex nor Michael had gone back to sleep. Michael was playing with the hair on Mike's arm. It was taking everything Mike had to not laugh as the little hand was tickling him.


"Yes, Michael." This time, Alex raised his head off of the pillow so he could see over Mike.

"Mommy had a long talk with me and Maria, the day we met Uncle Mike."

When Alex tensed up, Mike slowly moved his left hand back and squeezed Alex's arm. He felt Alex take a deep breath.

"What did she say?"

Michael was still playing with the hair on Mike's arm. "She told us, that when she... died... we would have a new family. She said Uncle Mike was going to be part of our family now and it was going to be a very big secret we had to keep."

This time it was Mike who tensed. He again felt uncertain of what he was supposed to do. He realized that Alex must have noticed because he moved his right hand and gripped Mike's shoulder lightly.

"Michael, do you remember when we had that talk about different kinds of families and how adults love different people than you might?"

"Yes, sir. That is what mommy was telling us too."

"Well, she was right and we are going to be just like those families we talked about. But, just like your mommy said, that is something we have to keep here, just between us. We can't let anyone outside of our family know about it. Do you understand how important that is?"

"Yes, sir, I do." Michael paused, as if he had a question he didn't know how to ask. "Daddy?"

"Do you have a question?" Alex knew his son and he knew he was a very smart kid.

"Will Maria and I have two daddies now?" There was no anger, disappointment, or judgment in his tone. If anything, Mike thought he sounded hopeful.

"Yes, Michael. Are you going to be okay with that?"

Michael didn't speak, instead he just rolled over and looked at both the men behind him. While he was smiling at them he nodded his head slowly.

Alex reached around and ruffled the hair on Michael's head. "Michael, have you and your sister talked about this?"

"Yes, sir. We talked about it tonight, while Uncle Mike was gone to get you. She loves Uncle Mike... and so do I." With that Michael reached out and hugged Mike.

Mike could feel himself choking up, "I love you too, Michael."

A smile broke on Alex's face. To see his son accept the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so openly and quickly, was more than he could have asked for.

After a few minutes, Alex figured Michael was going to be okay. "Son, do you think you can try to sleep in your room again?"

When Michael answered, his voice clearly showed that he wasn't entirely sure. However, he knew he was expected to try. "Yes, sir."

Alex climbed from the bed and walked Michael back down to his room. While he was gone, Mike just looked up at the ceiling. He wasn't sure how long Alex was gone, but he soon heard him walking back into the room.

When he had climbed into the bed, Alex started looking at the ceiling also. "Mikey?"

"Yeah." Mike turned his head so he could look at Alex.

"I love you." Alex leaned over and gave Mike a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you too." Mike rolled so his head was on Alex's chest. Quickly, both men were asleep.

The next few days were a blur. Mike helped Alex move the rest of the belongings off of the base and into the house. Mike took the kids to school each day and then picked them up in the afternoon. The funeral was scheduled for Saturday morning and brought with it a whole new set of problems. As they were driving home after picking up a new grill at Lowe's, Mike had the same smile he'd had since Alex came home.

Looking over, Alex couldn't help but see the smile. He was happy that Mike was back in his life and things were going so well. Suddenly, he realized he hadn't thought about the worst part of the funeral. "Mikey, what are we gonna do about tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

Alex couldn't help but frown, "You know... my family."

The smile was suddenly gone from Mike's face. He turned and looked out the windshield again, without saying anything. Alex knew Mike was running through it in his mind, but he wasn't sure exactly what he was thinking.

"Well, I have no clue. Things have been so busy I haven't stopped to think about them being here." Mike looked over at Alex quickly and then back forward, "Do they know where you're living?"

"Umm... Yes and no."

Mike couldn't help but laugh, "Okay... You want to be more specific?"

Alex let go with a nervous laugh, "Well... they know I'm living off base now, but they don't know I'm living with you."

"Oh..." Mike had to think about this briefly, "So, how do you want to play this when they get here?"

"I'm going to tell them that we're living together. But, I'm not sure I'm going to tell them anything else this trip." Alex looked over at Mike again, "You don't think I'm a chicken shit for not telling them do you?"

"Fuck no, Alex. In fact, I think it's the best thing. Are you going to ask them to stay with us?"

"Hell no, they are going to stay in a motel. They've visited base housing before and they made these plans before I told them I'd moved."

"Okay, then we'll just play it cool. We can survive a day with them, can't we?"

"Yeah, it's only Saturday morning until Sunday morning. We may not even see them on Sunday, if we're lucky."

"I think we'll survive." Mike looked at his watch, "Didn't realize it was that late, you wanna go with me to pick up the kids?"

"Yeah, then we can drop the grill off and... never mind." Alex's face seemed to drop.

Mike was suddenly concerned, "What's wrong?"

"I was just being stupid, sorry. I was going to say we could go out to eat as a family."

There was pain in Alex's voice and Mikey could feel it. "Look, I know we've talked about this, but... What the fuck? No one here knows me yet. I don't see why we can't go out tonight."

"You know what, let's just cook on the new grill tonight. I'd rather be able to stay here and touch you than go out, where I can't."

Mike's face broke into a wide smile and he reached over and grasped Alex's hand. There was nothing more said, just the physical contact between them.

As they approached the main gate to MCAS Beaufort, Mike pulled his hand back and both men reached into their wallets for their IDs. Mike noticed the same young Marine was working the gate again. When they pulled up, he saluted then leaned over and smiled at Mike as he checked his ID. This time he didn't even look at the card he was looking at Mike and then he looked over at Alex. Mike noticed the sentry smiled a little wider, before he saluted again and waved them onto the post.

Pulling up to the school, Maria came running up to the truck. Mike noticed she had started smiling as soon as she saw Alex. The next thing he noticed was Michael walking over. His head was down and Mike could tell that he was upset. While Alex was picking up Maria, Michael walked over to Mike.

"You okay, bud?"

"Yes, sir." His voice showed that he wasn't okay.

Mike looked over at Alex and then back at Michael, "Michael, come here." Mike knelt down on his knee so he was looking right into Michael's eyes. "I know something isn't right, but I'm not going to bug you about it. When you're ready, you know you can tell me or your dad what's wrong."

Michael hugged Mike, "Yes, sir. I love you."

"I love you too, bud. Jump in the truck and lets go home."

Driving back to the house, Maria talked non-stop about her day at school. Alex and Mike laughed at her stories, while Michael just sat quietly looking out the window. Mike and Alex tried several times to get him to interact with them, but as soon as he spoke he would just get quiet again.

Pulling into the driveway, Mike backed the truck in. Alex unlocked the door for the kids, while Mike carried some bags into the house.

"Babe, are you going to talk to Michael?"

Alex smiled at Mike, "I thought you could do that?"


"Mikey, he really loves you. He looks to you now. Didn't you see the way he goes to you now when there's a problem? I'm actually getting a little jealous of you. He used to come to me for everything, now it's you he goes to."

Mike was surprised, he hadn't thought about what Alex was saying. "I didn't realize..."

"Babe, it's okay... really. I can't tell you how good it makes me feel that they both accept us the way they have. The fact that Michael will come to you when there is a problem shows it. Maria talks about you every night when I tuck her in."

The only answer Mike had was to smile, even as he could feel his eyes starting to water. He tried to hide it from Alex. They unloaded the new grill and carried it around back to the deck.

"I'll finish getting this set up, do you want to get the burgers and hotdogs ready?" Alex was on his knees attaching the propane tank to the grill.

"Yeah, I'll go get them."

The rest of the night seemed to fly by for Mike. Dinner was fun, with Michael finally seeming to enjoy himself. After dinner they played games with the kids and then put them to bed. By the time Alex and Mike made it to bed themselves, they were both exhausted. Mike fell asleep with Alex spooned up behind him.

"Uncle Mike."

When Mike heard his name he wanted to just roll over, into Alex's chest, and ignore it.

"Uncle Mike."

"Yes, Michael." Mike didn't even open his eyes. `Just once I would like to sleep through the entire night.' As soon as he thought it, he chastised himself for thinking it.

"I can't sleep."

Mike just pulled back the covers and Michael crawled into bed. He laid his head on Mike's arm. Mike wrapped his left arm around Michael and kissed the back of his head.

"Michael, what's wrong?"

He didn't say anything at first, he just lay there quietly. Mike could feel the tears flow onto his arm and he pulled Michael into him tighter.

"We were talking about our mothers coming into the classroom next week." Michael paused to take a breath.

Mike new instantly, "And you were upset because your mom isn't here anymore to go with you."

"Yes, sir."

"Michael, you know that your mother loved you very much, don't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"The last thing she wanted was to leave you. But, sometimes people get sick and no matter how much we love them, or they love us, they die. What you need to remember is that she is always going to be looking over you. She'll also always be with you, in here." Mike gently tapped on Michael chest, over his heart.

"It just makes me sad."

"I know it does, bud, we're all sad about it. I know you don't believe this right now, but it will get better. I'm just worried about you right now. Do you think you need to talk to someone outside of the family about what's bothering you?"

"No, sir, I think I'll be okay."

Michael smiled, "Okay, how about we get you back in your bed?"

"Can I stay a little while longer, please?"

"Sure, but you have to go to sleep."

Michael didn't say anything else and Mike realized a short time later, the little boy was asleep. Mike was right behind him and falling to sleep he thought about the unexpected changes to his life.

Mike woke to Alex kissing the back of his neck. He could also feel Alex's erection pressing into the crack of his ass. Just as Alex started to grind a little, Mike reached back and grabbed him. It caused Alex to lift his head up and he saw Michael asleep in front of Mike.

He moved his mouth closer and whispered into Mike's ear, "What time did he come in here?"

"I'm not sure, was probably around three or so."

"Did he tell you what was wrong?"

Mike nodded his head, "Yeah, they were talking about the mothers coming into class next week for something."

"Oh..." Mike knew Alex was upset. "I'm sure you handled it."

"I did the best I could."

"I know you did, babe." Alex kissed Mike's neck again and then got out of the bed. He walked around and knelt down in front of Michael. He reached out, touching Michael's hair.

"Morning, dad." His little eyes opened gently and he smiled at Alex.

"Hey, kiddo. Why don't you go to your own bed now? We'll get up and have breakfast in a little bit."

"Yes, sir." He leaned over and got a kiss from Alex and then he turned and kissed Mike's cheek. Like a flash he was out of the room.

As soon as Michael was gone, Alex moved so he was facing Mike. "I love you Michael Williams."

"I love you too, Alexander Lopez." He leaned in and kissed Alex. When he pulled back Alex had a shocked look on his face. "What?"

"You love my dad? That's sick..." Alex then burst out laughing.

Mike pushed Alex onto his back and straddled him. He had his arms pinned above his head and his feet were holding down Alex's thighs. As soon as he had placed himself in the position, he suddenly regretted it. He could feel Alex's large cock pressing against his ass again, and this time Alex was grinding his crotch up against Mike.

"Holy fuck, Mike. I forgot how incredible it feels with you up there."

"Not yet, horn dog." Mike jumped off of Alex and headed into the bathroom.

Alex was right on his heels, when his cell phone rang. "Hello."

"Morning, son." His father's voice brought Alex instantly out of the sexual mood he was in.

"Dad, how are you?"

"Good, we're about there. I thought we would take you and the kids out for breakfast."

Things were already not going as Alex had planned them. The thought of having to eat with his parents wasn't at the top of his choices for this morning. He tried to think of a way, any way, out of it. He finally realized that his father wouldn't take no as an answer. "Ok, dad, it sounds good. Listen, Mike is here so if it's okay with you, he will be coming."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone. Alex was starting to worry, when his father finally answered. "I didn't know you two were speaking again. Of course, we'd love to see him. Bring him along. Do you want to meet us somewhere?"

"How about Blackstone's, dad? You remember where it is right?"

"Yeah, sure do. We enjoyed it last time we were here. We should be there in like thirty minutes."

"Okay, we'll see you there."

When they got out of the truck, they were approached by Alex's family. After the kids had been hugged and kissed, they turned their attention to Mike.

When Alex's mother, Eliza, saw Mike she instantly smiled and hugged him. "It's wonderful to see you. It has been entirely too long."

"Yes it has, mom." He had called her that for so many years it just seemed so natural to fall back into the habit. As soon as he said it, he saw a smile come across Alex's face.

When Eliza released him, Alex Sr. grasped his hand and then pulled him into a hug. "Mike, it's good to see you. I didn't know you were in Beaufort."

"Yes, sir. I just moved here actually. I've been posted to Parris Island as a Series Commander."

"How about that. You should do great. Pretty soon maybe you'll have Carlos as a recruit."

Mike looked over at Alex's younger brother, Carlos. He was standing back from the group, but he was still smiling. Mike couldn't get over how incredible he looked. He was certainly a Lopez, he was built just like his father and older brother.

Carlos walked up to Mike and extended his hand, "Hi, Mike. It's good to see you. It has been so long."

"Yeah, it sure has been Carlos. You're looking big, man." Mike just smiled even though the entire situation was getting to him. These were people he had grown up around, yet he felt as though he was a stranger to them.

"Thanks!" Carlos seemed genuinely happy Mike noticed the changes in him. Mike and Carlos talked about his adventures in high school and sports, while Alex and his parents talked about the kids and the funeral that afternoon.

After the family greetings were over, they all headed inside and found a table for breakfast. The food was great and they enjoyed the companionship. Alex had positioned himself so he and Mike were seated next to each other with one kid on each side of them. They were sitting close enough that their arms were touching and a few times, Alex had placed his hands on Mike's thigh. He hoped no one had noticed, but at the same time Alex didn't really care.

Mike looked up while they were eating and noticed that Eliza was staring at him and Alex. When he noticed her, she just smiled and went back to eating. It was a knowing look, and the smile seemed to show happiness. It would be something he'd have to talk with Alex about later.

Alex, Sr. paid for breakfast and they all headed to the funeral home for the service. Mike had planned to sit in the rear corner of the room, but Alex wouldn't hear of it. He insisted Mike sit right next to him and the kids, in the family section. There were mainly wives from the base there, because the squadron hadn't returned from Afghanistan yet. Mike found out that Elaina was very active in family support groups both for the squadron and the base. He was thankful that there was a good turnout. He hoped that it would help Michael and Maria to know that other people cared about their mother.

After the director spoke a few words, Alex stood and spoke briefly about Elaina. While he did, he didn't look at Mike. Only at the end when he spoke about her bringing his best friend back into his life, did he actually look over at Mike and smile. Mike noticed that Eliza was again looking at him smiling. No one else spoke and the service was quickly over.

Since there was not going to be a graveside service, people began to slowly leave after they talked to the family. Heading back to the house, they were joined by a small group of friends for a small cookout. Everyone gathered in the backyard, as Alex heated up the grill.

Mike headed into the kitchen to grab stuff for the grill. While he was bent over in the fridge, he didn't notice that Eliza had walked in behind him. Standing up, he about dropped the platter when he saw her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok... just didn't hear you walk in." Setting the platter down on the counter, he started back for another.

"Mike, I need to ask you something."

"Of course, Mom, anything." Even though he said it, he didn't really mean anything.

Eliza paused and watched this man who she had seen grow up. He had become a man that any mother would be proud of and she was just as proud of him had he been one of her own sons. "Are you and Alex going to make it work this time?"

Sorry for the long delay in releasing this chapter. Things have been wild in my life and the time I usually spent writing was dedicated to someone new. Thank you to Brad for your editing skills and your friendship. Shaun, thank you for your love and support.

Next: Chapter 5

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