Spc in Control

By Chad M

Published on Jul 8, 2007


If you're underage, or if it's illegal where you're at or if you are not interested on guy on guy action, please feel free to leave. If you read Part 1,2,3 & 4 it will be easier for you to keep with the story. Let me know if you're still interested or have comments.


The next few days were a blur to PVT Ryan Black. He stayed pretty busy, his platoon had a couple of long missions, a twelve hour and a fourteen hour one. He e-mailed Mastertype with his schedule and when he could, but didn't catch him online for a few days. Monday morning PVT Black was called into his Company Commander's Office with his Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant and his Squad Leader. He thought that he was in big trouble. They must have found out something. Someone must of seen him at the Food Court. Shit, was he in trouble, or what? When he was called into the office, he stood attention and saluted and said, PVT Black reporting as ordered, sir. PVT Blacks' Captain, told him to, Stand at Ease. He preceeded to tell PVT Black, that his paperwork had just caught up to him from Basic Training and and that he should be wearing PV2 (private second class) because he was automaticly promoted at the end of Basic Training. The Captain continued to tell PVT Black, that he had been doing such a good job that his squad leader and platoon segerant had asked for a waiver for him and long story short, today he was getting promoted to PFC (Private First Class). The Platoon Sergeant, said, Attention To Orders. PVT Black is hereby promoted from PVT to PFC effective today, in accordance with Army regualtions. With that, Ryan's CO pinned on PFC rank on Ryan Black.

PFC Black stepped out of the company still freaking out he because he had thought that he was in trouble and now he was a PFC. That was way cool. That night Ryan was laying in his bed. It had been a few days since he had gotten that blow job from his Master. Now he had a case of the blue balls and his roommate was not in the room. He pulled down his boxers and touched his cock. It was already hard. It got hard whenever he thought about Master Type or about what had happened the other night. He was already dripping precum and he hadn't even stroked it once yet. He was hornier that shit. He needed this. He stated stroking it. Shit that felt good. As he was stroking, Master Types head popped into his head. That cock is mine now boy, don't touch it unless I tell you that you can. And then he heard Master Type say, your not cumming until next week when we meet. Shit....This guy was in his mind. Ryan took his hand off his cock. He could not do this. Master Type was not even here and he was still in control of Ryan. Ryan felt like he had lied to his Master just by touching his cock. Ryan prided himself on truth, honesty and that a mans word was the only true thing that you had, of your own. He believed that if you did not live by your word, and do what you said you were going to do, then you were not a man at all. Ryan had promised his master that he would not touch himself or cum unless his master let him. Yet here he was hard as hell and horny as shit. Damn it. This shit sucked. He pulled his boxer briefs up and imagined his mouth on Master Types cock. He fell asleep with that picture in his mind.

By Wednesday, Ryan was horny and hard all of the time. He had never went this long without at least jerking off. He was hurting, he needed to cum. He caught himself dry humping his sheets to a dream Tuesday morning when he woke up. Luckily he caught himself be before it was too late. Shit this cum denial had him hard all the time. Wednesday and Thursday he took two cold showers. That turned out not to be good, because Thursday while the cold water was hitting his cock, he almost lost it there in the shower. And that was just from turning around and the water hitting him. Shit, he didn't know if he could do this. Thursday night, Ryan could not sleep. He laid awake most of the night thinking about Firday. He got a e-mail from Master Type, telling him to be there at 1000 hours and not to be late. But he was not online on IM. Shit, that sucked Ryan thought, he could have told him about what he was going though and his thoughts. He needed some releif. Ryan sat down and wrote Master Type an e-mail, telling him how hard it had been to not jack off. But that he had maintained control for his master. About 0445 he finally fell sleep, after a somewhat sleepless night.

Friday was finally here, at 0800 SPC Smith, Ryan's roommate woke him up. Hey bro, You only have 1/2 hour to make breakfast chow. I didn't want you to starve. Ryan thanked him and grabbed his stuff and headed to the shower. Ryan stripped down in the shower and he was still rock hard. There were a couple of other guys from the platoon and Ryan was sure that they noticed. He got into the shower and washed himself well, he knew that he would we playing today and he wanted to be ready. when he was finished, he dryed off, put on a jock, then his boxer briefs, then his PT shorts and shirt. He was still hard and he didn't want everyone to see that, as he was walking to the Food Court. He went and ate breakfast. When he was done, it was aready 0900 hours. Ryan went back to his room, SPC Smith was there. So what you want to do today Black, Smith said. Shit, Ryan thought, he wants to spend the day with me. I need to go to the PX and then I thought I would hit the Gym and hang out at MWR. I will be gone most of the day. Thought, I would do the ME time thing today. Kinda miss not having anytime to myself, bro. Smith said, I understand that. That sounds like a good plan for you. Just remember, if mortars come in, don't forget to find a phone and call the platoon sergeant or our squad leader. Otherwise you will get into trouble, bro. Ryan said, right, I will. With that Ryan grabbed his weapon, and tucked his wallet into his right sock. His PT shorts had a velcro pocket for his keys, so that was cool, but not for his wallet. And he did not want to leave without it.

With that, PFC Black headed for the PX and the Food COurt. It was 0920 when he left, so he had enough time to walk. It was 118 degrees outside, but that was normal for around here. It was always hot here. Ryan put on his eyewear. They were ballistic shaded glasses. They just looked like a pair of sunglasses. They helped shade his eyes. Ryan got to the PX in 20 minutes walking. He was making good time, so he still had 20 minutes before Master Type would be there. He when into the PX and bought a cold drink. Then see saw Master Type standing inline to check out. He had some drinks in his basket and d rings but that was all he could make out. And he was way ahead of him in line. So he probably would not notice that he was there inline behind him. Master Type was in PT uniform too. He looked hot in uniform. He was definately in shape. There was no extra tire or fat on him. And he looked to be thirty or fourty. Shit, thinking about it, Ryan though that Master Type had told him that he was 39 when they first met. Shit he was hot. He looked like was twenty something, the only thing that gave him away was how filled out he was and the fact that his short hair had alot of grey in it. That made him even hotter to Ryan, yet Ryan did not know why. Ryan thought to himself, It was a good thing that he wore that jockstrap. Otherwise everyone would know that he was sporting wood still. Ryan thought for a minute and could not think of a time since their last meeting that he wasn't hard. Shit that was hot in itself. Ryan made it through the PX line without Master Type knowing he was there. Ryan watched him walk out of the PX. Ryan still had ten minutes, he was good.

Master Type was standing waiting at the Food Court as Ryan walked out of the PX. He saw Ryan instantly as he walked out of the PX and started walking toward him. They met and Master Type said hello boy. Hello sir, Ryan replyed. You have any problems with our meeting today you need to tell me about boy? No sir, Ryan stated, I am fine sir. Good to go. I am covered until late tonight. probably good for 12 hours sir. Good deal, let's go then. With that Master Type headed to a civilian vehicle and got in. He told Ryan to put his weapon in the back seat, as he hinslef, put his weapon in the backseat as well, and got in. The vehicle was a Ford Explorer. There were dozens of them on the FOB(Forward Operating Base). They used them to get around because the FOB connected with three or four others and you could tavel between them without escorts. Meetings were all over the place and People, units, and sections had them to get their personnel around in a timely manner. Ryan thought it was interesting that Master Type had a civilian truck. Ryan noticed there were a couple of big gym bags in the back as well as a cooler. Ryan guessed there was drinks in there. The truck was full of stuff.

Ryan got into the passenger seat. Master Type started the vehicle and they headed out. The headed off their FOB towards the Air Field. Ryan wondered where they were going. Master Type said, so I read your e-mail about you being hard all the time. Yes, sir, Ryan said. Did you cum or touch your cock boy? No, sir. I was really, really close a few times, but I didn't cum, sir, Ryan said. Good Boy. Ryan swelled when he heard that. He needed Master Types' approval and he was getting it. It made him feel awesome. Boy the second time you cum for me needs to be as special as the first time. You get a choice today, Ryan. And you get to pick from three options. YOu get to cum today and you have three choices of how we are going to make that happen for you - 1. I can beat the cum out of you. - 2. I can fuck your virgin ass raw until you cum without any lube or without you getting used to it. or - 3. Or I can get someone else so you can be embearsed into cumming. Which option do you want Ryan. Ryan thought and said, sir, are you serious? Yes, boy you get to decide, but you need to really think about it. Because if you choose option #1, you will get beat, ass, abs, pecs and back. I will leave your legs alone boy, because you need to be in PT uniform part of the time and your legs will show. But you are going to have to figure out how you are going to cover your showers and changing in your room with your room mate, because there will be bruises on your body for a few days until you heal. So option #1 is very interesting for you. If you choose option #2 you will get fucked for your first time without and preparation. No working a finger, then two and then a dildo and such. It will be hard.....brutal...rough and you will not have a chance to get used to it. Words to describe it will be hard, rough, painful, demeaning and degrading. Option #3 will mean that I tie you up and go find someone in YOUR platoon that I will bring back and I will embearse you into cuming while they are there. Then there might be problems with him later. You get to decide which option you get. I will need an answer boy, when we get there. Ryan said yes sir.

About then they pulled into a closed gated compound. Master Type stopped at the gate and got out and unlocked the gate. He pulled through the gate and then closed the gate and relocked it, with them inside that compound. They pulled through some Iraqi buildings and and then pulled into the end of one building that looked like a big warehouse. Now noone would know that the were there. Master Type pulled all the way through to what seemed like the other end of the building, but it was really about the center of the complex. Master Type backed the vehicle in and then put it in park and shut it off. He told Ryan to get out. He went to the door and opened it. Ryan followed. They went through two hallways and down a set of stairs. This through a door opened into a big room. There two chains hanging from the ceiling and the room had lights, air conditioning and it even looked like there was a bathroom of the corner of the room. Master Type looked around and said good, lets go get the stuff, boy. With that they went back through the maze they had just came through. Master Type said, PVT, I want you to get the three bags in the back of the truck and take them to that room we just came from and then come back for the cooler. And hurry up boy. Ryan looked at him and said, yes sir. Ryan opened the back of the truck and grabbed a gym bag. All three of them were huge and none of them were light. It took Ryan three trips to get all of the stuff hauled down to that room. While he was doing that Master Type went over to where they had driven into the building and closed the doors and locked them. They were like hanger doors.

Ryan met Master Type back at the truck. Sir all the stuff is in that room sir. Good, boy Master Type said, now strip. Ryan looked at his master and he new he was serious. He pulled off his relective strip and then pulled his shirt over his head. It was followed by his Army PT shorts. Master Type said stop and took his shirt and shorts and put them in the truck and locked it. He said come on boy. After Ryan was through that door, Master Type put a padlock on that door. They went through the maze and as they did, MasterType closed and locked two more doors with padlocks. They finally got back down the stairs to their room, where Ryan had put the stuff he was told to put there. Master Type locked that door from the inside. They were totally locked into this complex. Shit Ryan thought. This was going to be interesting.

With that Master Type told Ryan to come to the center of the room. Ryan did, and there was a chain hanging there. Master Type went to one of the bags and grabbed a pair of padded handcuffs. Ryan instinctively held out his hands as the cuffs were fastened around his wrists. Master Type pulled Ryans' cuffed hands up over his head and used a d-ring to hook them into the chain. Master Type said, So it's time boy, option one two or three. As he was talking he was exploring Ryan Blacks' tight, toned body. This as the first time that Master Type actually got to feel this studs body. He had seen him on his cam and even had sucked his cock, yet this was his first opportunity to explore him totally. And he did. He explored his pits...his nips....his neck....his abs, his tight bubble but...his tree trunk legs. Shit he was hot. He was a sight, there nude tethered and didn't have a choice and more. He grabbed Ryans' cock and put a cock ring around it. It was already hard as a rock, but he wanted it to stay that way too. Then Master Type found a parachute for Ryan's balls and put it on him and attatched a five pound weight to hang from his balls. Ryan groaned when his master dropped the weight from the chain and he felt the force on on his balls.

Ryan was standing there tied to the chain with his hands over his head. Master Type was feeling him up. Master Types' hands were hot and electric to the touch. Ryan loved his touch and was eating it up. It felt soooo damn good. Master Type took off Ryan's boxers and jockstrap in one motion. Ryan helped by stepping out of them. Then he heard so boy, whats your choice? Ryan had thought about this for a while now. Option #3 was out. He did not want anyone to know about this, and especially not someone from his own platoon. Option #1, beat until he cummed. That was a hot as hell though, but he didn't think he would ever cum from getting beat on. So he thought that was not an option. Option #2 scared the shit out of him, him, get fucked with the cock that he sucked just last week. It would tear him apart. No lube, no warming him up. No fingers or anything. He could not even picture it, yet that was the option that he heard himself telling his master that he wanted. Option #2 please, sir. Master Type smiled and laughed. You sure Ryan, it's going to hurt like hell. Yes sir, I'm sure, Ryan said. Master Type just said, whatever you want Ryan. With that, he went to the bags and pulled out two more padded cuffs. He put them on each ankle and spread Ryans' legs out wide and tied him to the floor with those cuffs attatched to two eye bolts in the floor.

Master Type pulled out his cock. He was hard and was ready to give Ryan what he asked for. He got behind Ryan. Ryan's cheeks were spread because of how wide his legs were spread. Master Type could see his pucker. He put his cock at his boys boyhole entrance. Ryan, this is the only piece of advice I am going to give you, push out and it won't hurt as much, boy. This first time is just going to hurt. And theres nothing you can do to stop it. But you will begin to like it. Need it. Crave for it. Remember Ryan you need to make it through the pain to get to the pleasure. With pain comes pleasure boy. You ready boy? Ryan said, yes Sir, please. With that Master Type pushed into Ryans' pucker. Ryan pushed out and Master Types cock head pushed past Ryan's entry point. Ryan screamed. It hurt like hell. Please sir take it out. Take it out please. Sir. Sir.....Fuck please. With that Master Type pushed again and pushed the entire 7 1/2 inches into Ryan. Ryan screamed again. It felt as if his guts were been torn and ripped by a red hot cattle prod. Fuck this hurt more then anything had ever hurt in his life. Oh, fuck....shit... He thought he might pass out from the pain. Master Types cock was buried to his pubes in his boys hole. Right after he sunk it in all the way, he pulled out. And then did it again. Ryan was not expecting it. Shit he didn't know what to expect. He had never done this before. He just felt the need to. The need to do this. To have a cock in his boyhole. Shit. He never even had fingered himself until he had met Master Type. After about ten or fifteen thrusts, all the way in....all the way out, of Master Types cock, Ryan was no longer screaming, Ryan felt a dull ache and now every time Master Types cock went past Ryans' prostrate, Ryan felt all tingly and with each pass was a wave of electricity. He could not describe it. It was as if a wave of pleasure radiated through his body with each touch of Master Types cock to his g spot. Fuck yea. Oh...fuck yea... Now Ryan was moaning ...and groaned in a state of lust...pleasure. Fuck there was still that dull ache but now there was this intense pleasure. Then he remembered Master Types comment, with pain comes pleasure. Fuck yea. When that thought popped into his brain, Ryan started cumming right there. He had not touched his cock. There he was hanging from a chain, getting fucked brutally and he was shooted loads of cum onto the floor in this Iraqi building room. Fuck this was hot as hell. About then, Master Type cam as well and coated Ryans' insides for the first time ever. They were both over the top. Ryan thought, could it ever get any better then this? Fuck that was good, he needed that. And now he would crave it over and over again.

Ryan was there tied up it was bearly 1200 and he had aready cam. He still had 10 more hours with Master Type today. What could they do that would beat what they had just done? Shit that was the hottest thing that Ryan had ever been a part of sexually. Could it get better? He belonged to Master Type. He was his now. What was he in store for next?

More to follow..... if your not bored yet.....if your still interested.....let me know. Send comments to chadm97702@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 6

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