Spc in Control

By Chad M

Published on Jul 15, 2007


If you're underage, or if it's illegal where you're at or if you are not interested on guy on guy action, please feel free to leave. If you read Part 1,2,3,4 & 5 it will be easier for you to keep with the story. Let me know if you're still interested or have comments.


You must get through the pain to get to the pleasure. Master Type pushed the entire 7 1/2 inches into Ryan. Ryan screamed again. It felt as if his guts were been torn and ripped by a red hot cattle prod. Fuck this hurt more then anything had ever hurt in his life. Oh, fuck....shit... He thought he might pass out from the pain. Master Types cock was buried to his pubes in his boys hole. Right after he sunk it in all the way, he pulled out. And then did it again. Ryan was not expecting it. Shit he didn't know what to expect. He had never done this before. He just felt the need to. The need to do this. To have a cock in his boyhole. Shit. He never even had fingered himself until he had met Master Type. After about ten or fifteen thrusts, all the way in....all the way out, of Master Types cock, Ryan was no longer screaming, Ryan felt a dull ache and now every time Master Types cock went past Ryans' prostrate, Ryan felt all tingly and with each pass was a wave of electricity. He could not describe it. It was as if a wave of pleasure radiated through his body with each touch of Master Types cock to his g spot. Fuck yea. Oh...fuck yea... Now Ryan was moaning ...and groaned in a state of lust...pleasure. Fuck there was still that dull ache but now there was this intense pleasure. Then he remembered Master Types comment, with pain comes pleasure. Fuck yea. When that thought popped into his brain, Ryan started cumming right there. He had not touched his cock. There he was, hanging from a chain, getting fucked brutally and he was shooted loads of cum onto the floor in this Iraqi building room. Fuck this was hot as hell. About then, Master Type cam as well and coated Ryans' insides for the first time ever. They were both over the top. Ryan thought, could it ever get any better then this? Fuck that was good, he needed that. And now he would crave it over and over again.

Ryan was there tied up it was bearly 1200 and he had aready cam. He still had 10 more hours with Master Type today. What could they do that would beat what they had just done? Shit that was the hottest thing that Ryan had ever been a part of sexually. Could it get better? He belonged to Master Type. He was his now. What was he in store for next? Master Type pulled out of his boys used hole. He went to the bag and found a buttplug and went over to Ryan. He lifted up to Ryans' face and told him to lick it. Ryan did. Then Master Type shoved it into the hole he had just used.

Master Type was in front of Ryan now touching his chest. You know, a boys nipples should be tender to the touch, master Type said. He grabbed them and started working them hard. First one nipple and then the other. Ryan, again had never had this done to him before. He liked it, but didn't say anything. He just watched as Master Type worked on his nips. Master Type said, you don't feel these enough, boy. Master Type went to one of his bags and grabbed a washcloth and a piece of some kind of black paper. He went into the room in the corner and Ryan could here water running. Ryan was right, it was a bathroom. When Master Type came back he put the wet cloth on Ryans' left nip. Then he used the black paper. As he started to rub it on Ryans' nip, he told Ryan, this is 600 grit wet/dry sand paper boy. Yours nip were not sensitive enough. So I am going to sand them. Let's take off a layer of skin on your nips and then u will feel them. You need to moan every time I touch these nips. They are a pleasure spot. They should shoot straight to your cock, boy. Do they, Master Type asked. Yes, sir, they do, sir, Ryan said. Ryan felt it when Master Type was working them, he just remained quite. He thought to himself now, being quite was a mistake. As Master Type was working on Ryan's nips he said, Option #2 is done boy. Now option #1 or #3? Master Type looked into Ryans eyes as what he had just said sank in. What sir?, Ryan said.

Ryan, I said option #1 or #3? I never said we weren't going to do the other two options. You just assumed that, huh boy. Shit Ryan thought, what were the other two options, damn, he couldn't think right now. He was getting the skin rubbed off his nips and now he was being told he needed to choose between the remaining two options out of the three that he was given earlier. Damn, this was not fair. What were the damn Options. - 1. Beat the cum out of me. - 3. Get someone else so I could be embearsed into cumming. Ryan remembered, if you choose option #1, you will get beat, ass, abs, pecs and back. I will leave your legs alone boy, because you need to be in PT uniform part of the time and your legs will show. But you are going to have to figure out how you are going to cover your showers and changing in your room with your room mate, because there will be bruises on your body for a few days until you heal. So option #1 is very interesting for you. Option #3 will mean that I tie you up and go find someone in YOUR platoon that I will bring back and I will embearse you into cuming while they are there. But, then there might be problems with him later. Damn Ryan thought, this sucked. I guess option #1, sir. Master Type just said, you guess boy. With that he grabbed Ryans' freshly sanded nips, and pulled. Ryan screamed. Fuck that hurt. His nips were all red and swollen. The tips were hard as hell and erect. And they were throbbing. They were sensitive now. They used to be just dots on 1/2 bases. Now they were swollen and sticking out and the base was even all swollen and red. Shit they hurt. Master Type leaned up to Ryan's ear. He said, don't ever tell me, you fucking guess, boy. Do you understand. Yes, sir, Ryan said. With that Master Type nibbled on Ryans' neck. It sent waves straight to Ryans' cock.

With that, Master Type just stood back and looked at Ryan for a minute. Then he came up and started rubbing Ryans shoulders, arms and legs. How you doing boy? you still ok, tied like that? Ryan said, I'm good sir. I kinda went numb a while ago.

Number 2 was a beating... Ryans abs got worked until they were jelly. Master Type kept gut punching Ryan and Master Types fists started into Ryans ab muscles. Ryans abs turned into jelly and just formed around Master Types fists, after he punched into them. Ryans abs were totally used and red as shit. With each punch Ryans hard cock bounced up and down and precum leaked out of the end of it. After about 30 minutes of straight gut punching, Ryans abs were numb and done. Master Type continued to punch...going into Ryans gut. Ryans cock got harder. After about fourty minutes, as a punch connected...Ryans cock just started spraying cum. Fuck, Ryan was here getting the shit beat out of his abs and it fucking made him cum all over the place.

Master Type looked and Ryan and said, you know were not done with just because you cam, right boy? Ryan said, yes sir. With that Master Type undid the d-rings which had Ryans' legs attached to the floor. Master Type then proceeded to undo the d-ring which had Ryans' arms attached over his head to the chain. Master Type indid the ball parachute and took off the weight attached to it. He left the cock ring on though. Master Type told Ryan to take a few minutes to rub his arms and legs to get feeling back in them. Ryan did just that. Ryan thought it felt good to have control back of his arms and legs. Master Type told Ryan to go use the bathroom, if he had to. Ryan started walking to the corner room. As he was walking over to the corner, master Type said, Ryan, do you have to do number two? Your ass is kinda plugged and you need to ask before you change anything I put there. Ryan said, yes sir, I need to do both, sir. Master Type handled Ryan an enema bag and a towel. Take care of it then boy, but bring me back my plug. Ryan took the bag and said, yes sir. Ryan went into the bathroom to take care of his business. He saw the door and thought about closing it. He looked out at Master Type and thought about asking, but he saw Master Type was busy. Ryan decided just to leave the door open. He might get into trouble if he asked. And they were in the middle of beating and such and he did not want to make Master Type mad right now. It was embearsing for him to shit in front of another guy, but it was totally embearsing for him to have to give himself a enema with Master Type out there looking in every once in a while at him. Ryan made it through it though and was back out in the big room about fifteen minutes later. Ryan came back out and handed Master Type the buttplug. Do you want me to put this back in sir, Ryan said? No boy....just stand there for a few. Ryan said, again, yes sir.

Ryan looked around since he left, there was now a chair in the middle of the floor. On the floor beside the chair, in a line was a belt, a whip, a riding crop, a wooden spoon and a hairbrush. Ryan just stood there taking in all in. His abs were swollen, red and sore, his nipples and pecs were swollen and red and sore. And now it looked like he was in store for more. Master Type sat in the chair and told Ryan to get over his knees on his lap. It was time for his spanking. Ryans' eyes got wider, but did as he was told. There he was, on Master Types lap, nude getting spanked with Master Types' bear hand. Master Type was spanking a few times then rubbing his ass, then spanking a few more. Master Types hands were roaming all of Ryans' tight back muscles up to Ryans' neck. Master Type would rub Ryans' neck then spank him a few times and then rub some more. To Ryan, is was driving him crazy. Pain on his ass and getting touched everwhere. For a while, while Master Type was spanking him, Master Type had his hand on Ryans' neck like he was going to choke him. A firm grip. Ryan knew who was in total control here and he was not even tied up. God, Ryan was hard as a rock again, and leaking precum again. He didn't think he had gone soft at anytime today yet. He didn't know how much of this he could handle. His cock and balls rubbed against Master Type jeaned legs. This shit was so hot, could he handle this? Just then, Master Type made Ryan stand, arms at his sides and then started spanking him again. Ryans ass cheeks were getting red. With each slap Ryans muscular ass cheeks would get redder. You could see Ryan was tense. His ass muscles were clenched. It totally accented his cut where his ass went into his thighs. It was so fucking hot, him standing there on display, getting spanked. Master Type said, put your hands on your head. Ryan did. Master Type continued spanking one cheek and then the other. Every once in a while Master Types hand would roam up Ryans back to his neck and Master Type would sweeze Ryans neck. Evertime Master Type did this, Ryans cock would jump. Master Type sat back down in the chair. He looked at Ryan. Get the spoon and bring it too me and get back over my lap. Ryan said, yes sir and did as he was told. His ass was already red and Master Type started with the spoon. Shit it was really starting to hurt. Ryan started groaning...ohh..sir....please stop. Earlier Ryan had been quite with his nips and they got sanded. He was going to try being vocal this time. As Master Type was spanking Ryan with the spoon, you could tell it was really starting to hurt for Ryan. Ryan would flex...and tighten his ass and leg muscles. He would move around a little on Master Types lap. His arms were hanging down in front of him touching the floor and he would move into almost a pushup position over Master Types lap. Fuck....fuck ...shit sir, please... But Master Type kept going. Master Type turned the wooden spoon around and started using the handle. He hit where Ryans ass cheek ended and his thigh started ....there in the creese. Shit that hurt. Then he did it to the other leg. Back and forth....Back and forth. Master Type would hit there for a while and then grab a hand full of flesh and sweeze tight, rub it a few times and then continue. Ryan thought Master Type might continue on his boyhole, but he had left it alone so far. Just his ass and upper thighs were getting the workout this time. Master Type told Ryan to get up, handed him the spoon and told him to get the hairbrush. Master Type used the brush, the whip and the belt all in the same mannor. Master Type used the riding crop last. It hurt, by far the most and Ryan found that out. Ryan found himself standing with his hands on his ankles getting hit with the riding crop. Then Master Type put it down in the line and sat back down. Oh, shit, Ryan thought they might be through. This was good. Or so he thought. Then Master Type asked which hurt the most, boy? Ryan said the last one, sir. Boy, thats the riding crop get it and get back over my knee. Ryan said yes sir, but thought fuck..... Master Type said, boy, you want more of this one then, right? Ryan said, of course sir, thats the one I need sir. Master Type smiled. This boy was truely his. Ryan was now again back over Master Types lap. Left Leg over Master Types right leg, right leg inbetween Master Types legs, chest over Master Types left leg, hands and arms extended to hold himslef up. All of his muscles were being used to hold himslef into that position. And as the riding crop hit him, all his muscles would tense. Please sir....stooop...oh...each contact with the crop hurt more then the last...oh...shit, sir....mmmm...oh....yeah...Ryan was breathing so hard. He was getting a total workout...his muscles straining from getting spanked...muscles contracting...trying to get away...yet not going anywhere...he was almost to the point of exhaustion, when Master Type stopped. His entire back side was on fire. Master Type told him to stand, bend over and hold his ass cheeks apart with his hands...shit Ryan though as he got in this position...His cock was hard between his legs as he did so. Master Type continued again with the riding crop....and every other hit was at his exposed boyhole that had just gotten dry fucked not an hour or two ago. Shit....damn ...this shit hurt....oh...mmmmm......noooo....please sir...stop...oh.... owwww...ahhhh....awwww...shit....fuck.....ohhhh...stop ...please....ouch....mmmmm....and before Ryan knew it he shot another load onto the concrete in front of him.

Then there was a knock at the door. Fuck....shit...shit..Ryan thought. Master Type just said, damn..it must already be 1400 boy. Time flys when your cumming, huh boy. Ryan looks down at the floor with that comment. The knock comes again. Sir, I am here, comes a voice from the other side of the door. Master Type says give me a minute boy, to the door. Ryan thinks, shit, who is it? He thinks. Master Type unlocks the door. He tells Ryan to stand at Parade Rest, and not to move. Ryan says, yes sir. Ryan is freaking out about now. Who is this and what the hell is going on? Master Type opens the door and SPC Todd Smith, PFC Blacks roommate, is at the door and steps in. Ryans' mouth drops. Shit this is not good, he thinks to himself.

Ryan did not know that Master Type already new SPC Todd Smith. He did not know the fact the SPC Smith had been caught jerking off in one of the porta johns when he should have been on his guard shift. He had no been properly releived from his post and he just went into the porta john. Thats when MSG Johnson found SPC Smiths tower unmanned. Then he opened the door to the porta john and found SPC Smith with his ACU pants around his ankles, stroking. Needless to say SPC Smith got a lesson that night and a few more after that. The lessons were better then getting in trouble for leaving his assigned guard post. When Master Type seen SPC SMiths face on PVT Blacks webcam, Master Type decided to explain SPC Smith that he had taped the lessons, he had received. And explain to Smith what he was going to do, to help Master Type out with his new slaveboy.

Master Type Looked at Ryan and said, option #1 is done. I think we need to move to option #3. Option #3 find someone in YOUR platoon, bring back here and I will embearse you into cuming while they are there. But, there might be problems with him later. Ryan thought now, shit yeah there were going to be problems, SPC Smith was his roommate.

More to follow..... if your not bored yet.....if your still interested... let me know. Send comments to chadm97702@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 7

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