Started at the Bus Stop

By Isuccum

Published on Jul 4, 2020


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Started at the Bus Stop Chapter 17

Clive insisted on carrying Percy's bag while Percy slung his school back pack over his own shoulders. The four set off on the short walk to Percy's house. As they walked, Percy could feel his cock swinging inside his loose tracksuit bottoms, which caused him to start to bone up. Juliet had been watching out for signs of his cock pressing out and she brushed her hand against his bulge, which only got it to become more prominent. Percy began to slip his hand down inside his trackies to adjust his cock when Juliet stopped him. "No! No adjusting allowed. I want to see what happens naturally." She then reached over and gave his semi-hard cock a squeeze.

"That's hardly natural," William said. "If you're allowed to feel him up, then he should be allowed to adjust for comfort."

"No! It's not that. I want to see how it will look if he gets a full blown boner. If it shows too much then I will let him off wearing it to school."

"If, or rather when, I get a boner at school with these on, I will adjust it when I can. It would be too uncomfortable in my school trousers. They're a lot tighter than these baggie bottoms."

Once they arrived, Percy invited them in and offered them something to drink. He got them comfortable in the lounge and then went to check if his parents were in their studies. He was surprised to find that both studies were empty, but their computers and the lights were on. He went upstairs and heard sounds which lead him to their bedroom door. It only took him a few seconds to realise what his parents were doing in their room. Percy decided to leave them alone, but once back with his friends he asked them to make some noise that would alert his parents to their presence. He didn't know if they moved around the house in less dress than might be respectable when they were home alone, but he didn't want to risk them being caught like that. As it was, they were still having their fun when Percy's guests left and Percy went upstairs to his own room to strip off.

Taking off the underwear, he noticed that the end of the tube was a bit damp from the pre-cum he had produced walking home with his boner pressing against his tracksuit bottoms and making an obscene tent. He put the undies away in his drawer, making sure they were covered by his `normal' ones. He wondered how Mavis would react when she found them in the wash. He had no intention of hiding them from her, but he didn't want any questions until he had kept his promise to Juliet. He sat down at his desk, fired up his laptop, and pinged off separate emails to all three thanking them for a great time and saying that he hoped they could do it again. He did a bit of surfing on the net and then settled into reading another story on what was becoming his favourite site. After reading a story from a different guest author he tapped in an appreciative comment and began to look at one of the stories from the site host. He had read a few of the host's stories but had not yet commented on any of them. He went back to one of the first he had read. After reading through three chapters he stopped, went to the thread for that story, and put down his thoughts. With that done he decided he should go and see if his parents had finished with their bedroom antics so he could greet them. He pulled on the same trackie bottoms he had walked home in, sans underwear, and followed that with a t shirt.

Descending the stairs he couldn't hear any sounds from his parents' room, so he continued on down. A quick look in his father's study told him that they had finished, as his father was sitting at his computer.

"Hi, Dad. You okay?"

"Hello, Percy. Yes, thanks. Did you have a good time with your friends?"

"Yes, I had a great time, thank you."

"Good. We'll have a chat over dinner." With that Elliot returned his concentration to his computer.

Percy was used to this but did feel a bit sad that his father could interrupt his work for a bit of hanky-panky but couldn't give him more than a few seconds. Percy left the doorway to his father's study and walked the short distance to his mother's study, where he expected to find her. Her study was empty, though the computer was still on. He went to the lounge and then on to the kitchen, where he found his mother preparing their evening meal. As usual, Mavis had Sunday off.

"Hi, Mum. You doing okay?"

"Hello, Percy. Did you have a good time with your friends?"

"Yes, thank you. They're nice people, and we had a great time."

"Good. I'm so glad you've got some friends to share things with, now. Thank you for making some noise earlier."

"Well, when you weren't in your studies and yet were clearly at home, I thought I best let you know that there were some others here as well," Percy said, smiling.

"That was very thoughtful of you. Do you want to talk about your weekend or wait and chat with both of us over dinner?"

"I don't mind. But it might mean you hearing the same thing twice."

"That's okay. I might pick up on things I missed the first time around. What did you do?"

Percy started off telling her about them all getting their homework finished first on the Friday and how he helped Clive. "You know, I really felt good after helping him. And he is actually quite bright. I know he has some challenges, but he picks things up quite quickly and is able to apply them to a different problem."

"I've heard that said of other challenged people. Did you cook food or order it in?"

"We cooked. Or rather Juliet and William cooked, with Clive and me helping a bit. I'm going to ask Mavis to teach me to cook. I think, if something were to happen that put me out on my own, I'd grow tired of burnt toast after a while."

"Mavis is the better one to teach you. She knows a lot more and does a better job of it than I do."

"Oh, sorry, Mum. I didn't think of it that way. I just thought she had more time to teach me, as she does most of the cooking."

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt. Far from it. I know I'm not the best cook. I really only do the basics, so let Mavis turn you into a chef extraordinaire."

"There's not much chance of that. But maybe one day you'll come home to a meal done by me."

"I would really like that. You haven't got that much time to learn; you'll need to know it all before you go to university."

"Yeah. It would be nice if William and I end up going to the same university. We might be able to share accommodation then."

"And have wild parties in your dorm room. I think that might not be such a good idea," Grace teased. Percy wondered if there was a bit of innuendo in her comment and if she suspected something. He decided not to pursue it.

Later that evening he covered much of the same ground again, informing his father of his weekend. Of course it was a very abridged version, with no mention of nakedness, let alone intimacy.

"And their house is still in one piece?" Elliot asked.

"Of course. It was only the four of us there. Juliet did some sewing. She's really good at it."

"Really? How old is she?" Grace asked.

"She's sixteen. She made William's school shirts and the only way you can tell they are home-made is that there are no labels and the finish is much better than mine."

"I didn't know you were sewing things," Elliot said.

"Not my sewing, my shop bought shirts." Percy let a little exasperation colour his response, although he knew his father was just teasing.

As usual, soon after they had finished eating, Percy's parents had returned to their studies and Percy sat naked at his computer. He read and surfed for a bit, long enough to get him hard and leaking, but then he took himself off for his shower. He resisted the temptation in the shower, and after drying he put just his trackie bottoms on and went downstairs to say goodnight to his parents. Back in his room his bottoms hit the floor, and he got on his bed with his laptop to do a bit more surfing to build his horniness again so that he could have his nightly wank. This time he didn't try to edge himself at all, as he was feeling the effects of a busier than normal weekend. Ten minutes into his surfing he had found a gay clip that would run for about ten minutes according to the time scale on the bar. He propped his laptop up where he could see it and then began to work his cock as he watched the guys on the screen first fondle, then suck and finally fuck. The first guy to fuck his mate had just pulled out and slipped his condom off to jerk himself for the last bit and shoot his cum over his boyfriend's stomach when Percy felt his own orgasm take off. He only just got his cum rag in place to catch his cum before he blew his load out. He cleaned his cock with a dry bit of the cum rag and then shut his laptop down and returned it to his desk. Getting back into bed he put his head on his pillows and was asleep before ten.

Tuesday morning saw Percy keeping his promise and putting on the underwear that Juliet had made for him. He stood in front of the mirror and wiggled his hips a bit to watch his cock dance in its tube. He had had to get himself hard to get his cock into the tube, but didn't want to still be hard when he pulled his school trousers on. After he had watched himself for a few moments, he moved away from the mirror and pulled a clean shirt off its hanger. Then he got some socks out of the drawer and pulled those on. These actions had taken his mind off his cock, and it had naturally gone flaccid. He pulled his trousers up his legs and made sure his cock was lying in the way it usually did, to the right. Once he had got them done up and had fastened his belt he turned to see what it looked like in the mirror. The first thing he noticed was that his cock lying down his leg was more noticeable. This was probably more to do with his balls being held in the bag of the undies. They couldn't move aside as much, and this was forcing his cock to lie more to the front of his leg rather than between them. After putting his tie on, he sat on his bed to put his shoes on and noticed he could feel his cock move in the tube pushing further down his leg. The other thing he noticed was the feel of his school trousers in direct contact with his bum cheeks. Noticing these things set off the inevitable rise, and by the time he had got his shoes tied, his cock was pressing uncomfortably hard against his trousers. Percy undid his belt. Sliding his hands down inside his trousers, he was able to pull his cock around and position it standing upright, tucked under the waist band of his trousers. He left his shirt only loosely tucked in so that it could help camouflage the swelling under the front of his trousers.

As he took the stairs two at a time going down he could feel the coarser material of his school trousers sliding across his bum and exciting all the nerve endings, which made the little hairs on his bum stand on end and, in turn, kept his cock standing too. After his breakfast, the walk down to William's home didn't help much. Percy was beginning to regret his promise, but he was determined to go through with it. When he got to William's house, he was asked to go in as Juliet was not quite ready. As soon as he stepped in the door he was met by Juliet in the hallway.

"Drop them and let's see what you're wearing!" she ordered. Juliet was actually ready but wanted to check that he was wearing what he had promised.

Percy put his bag down and began to undo his trousers, As he parted the two sides of the fly, his cock dropped forward, revealing that it was hard. Juliet got a big grin on her face and stepped forward. She grabbed hold of his bobbing rod and gave it a couple of pumps.

"Looking good. I hope you enjoy wearing them today. It looks like you are already," Juliet said.

"I'm hoping the novelty wears off as we walk to school," Percy said as he pulled his trousers back up and carefully positioned his cock under the waistband again. A few minutes later they left the house.

All day Percy was aware of the different feeling this underwear gave him, and this kept him in a state of near permanent erection and leaking pre-cum, enough that even the bit of his shirt hanging over his waistband was damp.

On their walk home after school, Juliet asked him how it had been. "It's been both good and bad. It's been a bit of fun walking around knowing that no one has any idea what sort of underwear I have on, or even if I have any on. My cock's been hard more than it's been soft, and I'm desperate to get some relief."

When they got to the Chesterton home, Juliet told Percy he had better come inside. He was not in a particular hurry to get home so he agreed. As soon as they cleared the porch, Juliet turned around and ordered Percy to drop his trousers. He complied, hoping that their father was not home unexpectedly.

"Yes, ma'am!" Percy said and began to undo his belt. As soon as he got his trousers loosened, Juliet, who now was kneeling in front of him, got her fingers into the waistband and tugged them down to below his knees. She scrunched the tube up forcing his cock to come out the other end and the tube to be concertinaed around the base of his cock. Without further ado, Juliet opened her mouth, slipped it over Percy's cock, and began to give him a blow job. Needless to say, with several hours of stimulation it did not take long for Percy to reach the point of no return. He warned Juliet that he was about to cum, but she kept on sucking. Moments later he gave a grunt and an involuntary shove and began to unload his cum onto her tongue. This didn't seem to faze Juliet at all. She kept on sucking, and swallowing, until he had to pull his cock out because the feelings were getting too intense for him. As he stood there, still panting from the orgasm, Juliet pulled the tube down again and covered his still partially hard cock. Percy pulled his trousers back up, and after tidying himself up he thanked Juliet for taking care of his needs, kissed William and Juliet goodbye and continued on his walk home.

On Wednesday Clive arrived home from school with a letter for his father. The TA who brought Clive home made sure it got handed to William, who had arrived home only minutes before and hadn't even changed out of his uniform. William questioned Clive about it, but Clive said he had no idea what it was about, as he hadn't been in any trouble yet that week. When Adam got home William handed the letter to him and stood by waiting to see if his dad would share the contents with him.

Adam opened the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper with the school's heading at the top of it. He began to read,

Dear Mr. Chesterton, We are hoping you can assist us. Clive has been struggling for some time to grasp certain concepts of geometry. However, this week he has arrived at school and displayed a good understanding of them. He says that his friend Percy taught him. However, we cannot find out anything more about this Percy. We would like to learn how he managed where we have so far failed. Perhaps you could ask Percy to get in contact with us to discuss his teaching methods.

Thank you

"You didn't tell me about this," Adam said as he handed the letter to William.

William read the letter and then looked at his father. He smiled and said, "I didn't realise it was that good. Percy helped all three of us, but he doesn't give us the answers. He shows us how to find them ourselves. Clive really did work those problems out and I guess that's how the teachers have seen that he has really learnt the concept."

"I guess I'm going to have to ask Percy if he minds me passing his details on to the school," Adam said.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Adam decided to leave it for that evening so he could give it more thought before approaching Percy.

Percy was a bit earlier than usual on Thursday morning and arrived just as the TA did to pick Clive up. As Clive came out the door he saw Percy and gave a loud squeal, "Percy!" He ran up to Percy and virtually jumped into his arms, giving him a tight hug around his waist. The TA who had got out of the car stood there with her mouth open. She couldn't believe she had just witnessed Clive be so open and friendly. She deduced that this must be the friend who had helped Clive grasp the geometry concepts they had been struggling to teach him.

Next: Chapter 18

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