Started at the Bus Stop

By Isuccum

Published on Aug 29, 2020


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Started at the Bus Stop Chapter 25

By the time the ambulance got to the hospital, Percy's nose had stopped bleeding and they were able to transfer him easily. One of the registrars entered his cubicle only minutes after he had been wheeled in and began to examine him.

"Well, I'd say that you have been fairly fortunate, and it seems that you have only broken your nose. However, we will do a scan just to make sure. But it might be quite a while before the MRI will be free, as your situation is not critical. I'm sorry."

"That will give your mum time to get here and find you," William said.

"Ah, I take it that you're not a relative then?" the registrar asked.

"No, I'm his best friend," William responded. Even in the hospital he wasn't sure how they would take to the announcement that they were more than best friends.

"I see. Go out and tell reception that his mother is due in soon so that they will know to direct her to where you are," the registrar advised and left the cubicle.

"I'll be back soon," William said and bent down to give Percy a kiss on his forehead. He didn't want to risk kissing him on the mouth and possible bumping his sore nose. He hurried out to the reception and saw Grace walking in through the entrance. Ignoring the reception staff, he went straight over to Grace and led her back to where Percy was waiting. On the way William told Grace what the registrar had said.

Grace's worried expression lightened a bit when she saw Percy, who had been cleaned up a bit now that the bleeding had stopped. "I can see some of the bruising starting to come out, dear. The medics might be right about getting some shiners."

"Hopefully they won't close off my eyes completely. I couldn't handle not being able to see," Percy said.

"I'll be your guide dog," William said.

"I dare say you would, too," Grace said. "Now have they said anything about being able to drink or eat? I'm guessing you might be thirsty at least and probably hungry."

"I don't think I could eat anything, thanks, Mum, but a coke or something cold sounds good."

"They haven't said anything. I'll go and check with the nurses," William said and stood up.

"While you're out there, check what the vending machines need. Cash or card, and if cash, can they take bank notes, and do they give change?" Grace suggested.

William left the cubicle and Percy asked his mum, "Is Dad coming to see me?"

"I'm sorry. I haven't managed to contact your father yet. I tried after William phoned me, and again on the way to the school. And a third time before I came in the door to the hospital. He's not answering his mobile, and his work said he was not in his office. I've left him a voicemail and sent him a text, so I'm just going to wait now to let him get back to me."

"What's the matter with him, Mum? He seems to have changed."

"I don't know. Yes, there's been a change. Something's troubling him, but he won't talk about it. I've tried to talk calmly, I've tried begging and crying, even shouting, but he's not talking. Hopefully, he'll come right, and then maybe he'll tell me."

William was gone a good ten minutes before he returned to the cubicle. "Sorry, Percy. They say you can only have sips of water until they know what they're going to do to treat you. One of the nurses will be in soon with some water. The vending machines take any sort of cash and cards. Do you want me to get you something, Grace?"

"I was thinking of a coffee, but now I think I'd rather have some sort of juice if they do it. Apple, or passionfruit, something like that. And get yourself something to eat and drink. Whatever you want. Are they contactless or do you need to put your pin in?" Grace asked.

"Contactless or pin by the look of them," William answered.

"That's easier then. Here, take the card and get me a juice, please, and then get whatever you want. Don't worry about the cost. Whatever it is won't break the bank, I'm sure." Grace smiled at William. "We'll get you something as soon as they say we can," Grace promised Percy.

When William returned with the drinks and a pack of sandwiches Grace asked, "Have you told your father where you are?"

"Oh sh ... er no!" William said and began to blush.

"Well, you'd better go and phone him. Tell him that I'll bring you home when we're done here."

"Thank you. I'll be back soon." William left to go outside and call his father. When he looked at his phone he found it still switched off. He had been asked to turn it off when he rode in the ambulance with Percy. On turning it on he discovered that he had several missed calls and texts from Juliet. He looked at the texts, which started out by asking him what was wrong and where he was and then told him she had waited long enough and was walking home by herself. After getting home she had called him again and sent more texts. He quickly phoned her and got an earful for a few minutes. Once she had finished telling him off, he explained what had happened and apologised for not letting her know sooner. When Juliet heard what had happened she wanted to know if Percy was going to be alright and what she could do to help him. Clive was listening in, as Juliet had put her phone onto speaker, and he asked William to tell Percy he would go and cut Bryan's balls off for hurting him. William chuckled at the fierceness in Clive's tone and said that the school was sorting Bryan out. William made his next call to his father whom, thankfully, Juliet had not called and who was thus not worrying. He too expressed his anger that Percy had been assaulted and hoped the `lout' would get all he deserved and then some. He also told William that he would come to the hospital if needed and William just had to call him.

They had to wait a full two hours before Percy was taken off for his scan. When he returned it was still a quarter of an hour more, before the registrar came into the cubicle. "Sorry about the wait. The good news is that there is no serious damage other than the broken nose. What we will do is give you a strong pain killer and a local anaesthetic, and then we will pack the nasal passage with gauze to help keep it in line while it heals. You will have to breathe through your mouth for a couple of weeks. You will need to sip water often to keep your mouth from drying out. We'll give you some pain killers and something to help you sleep the first couple of nights, as you will be a bit uncomfortable to begin with."

"Thank you," Grace said.

A few minutes later William and Grace were asked to wait outside to give the doctor and nurses room to work. They heard Percy give a groan as the needle was pushed into his nose to inject the local anaesthetic and then one nurse telling him to suck on the gas. William persuaded Grace to move to the waiting area and sit with him. He offered to get her another drink and she handed over her debit card again. This time she did have a coffee and a chocolate bar. William settled for a coke. He also got one for Percy, knowing he would soon be allowed to have it. They sat in silence for a bit, and then Grace began to tell William about Percy's younger life, how he had struggled his whole life to find friends and had been teased and bullied because of his intelligence right from primary school. She also said that Percy's father had never paid him much attention and she had actually been shocked when he suggested Percy have his new friends around for a meal and to go to the cinema.

"That was one of the best things he could have done, because we got to see a side of Percy that doesn't show at school. I had already got to see that side and was persuading the others to give him a chance when we got the invite for that evening. Those guys who came had all been nasty to Percy, just as I was for years. He knows stuff about many of us, and despite us teasing him and abusing him, he never once used any of that stuff against us. Bryan doing this to Percy was because of something Percy knows about Bryan. Bryan is the one who has treated him the worst, and Percy never told a soul until Bryan practically gave Percy permission to tell a few of us. But Bryan didn't know that Percy knew this thing about him. Now he can't accept that it's his actions and reactions that have separated him from us and not Percy's. He just blames Percy. Are you going to press charges against Bryan?" William asked.

"I don't think so. I think we'll leave it to the school to sort him out. I think he did it in the heat of the moment and will regret it. That will be punishment enough. I'll have to discuss it with Percy and Elliot before making a final decision."

"Yes, of course."

"Today has been a shock for you too, and I'm very grateful for your care and concern for both Percy and me. You're a good guy, William. You should be proud of yourself," Grace said. "No matter what happens, you'll always be welcome in our house. The first true friend Percy has had. You will never know just how much that means to me."

"Thank you. You do know that I love Percy, and if I'd known this was going to happen I would have done whatever I could to stop it."

"Of that I have no doubt. But you mustn't feel guilty. There are a lot of things in life that we have no control over. This was one of them."

Their conversation was interrupted by the doctor coming in and giving Grace a prescription to fill at the dispensary and telling her that Percy would be ready to go home in about twenty minutes. Grace and William went together to hand the script in. While they waited for it to be dispensed they talked a bit more. Once they had collected the medicine, they went back to find the nurses were just finishing up cleaning Percy's face and chest. When they packed the nose he had bled again, and some had run down onto his chest. He was then free to go home. William helped Percy to get better dressed; he had been shipped to the hospital in what he had on at the time of the assault. Then he supported his boyfriend as they walked out of the Accident and Emergency unit and waited while Grace brought her car to the pick-up point. Once they were on their way home, William called his father and told him that he would stay with Percy to help him get washed and then would walk home.

They were nearly at the Nisbett's home when Grace's phone rang. She asked Percy to get it out of her handbag and they saw it was his father calling. "Cut him off. I'll call him when we get home," Grace said. She wanted to make him sweat a bit for not having got back sooner.

William helped Percy to get inside and suggested they go straight up for a shower so that Percy could get comfortable and rest as best as he could. Grace said that would be a good idea and asked Percy if he would like his supper brought up to him. Percy insisted that he would be okay to get downstairs for his meal. Knowing that William wanted some time alone with Percy, she left them to go on up while she went to her study to return Elliot's call.

Once upstairs, the two boys wasted no time in getting naked and going through to the bathroom. William got the shower running and worked it to a comfortable temperature. He got Percy in and began to wash him from the middle up and down, making sure that he got Percy hard first. Percy's hard-on stayed from the moment William started to wash him, until William swallowed his cum as he knelt in front of him in the shower cubicle. Percy used shampoo for lube and wanked William to a satisfying cum. Back in the bedroom, William stroked Percy some more and got him hard again. He then helped him get a pair of shorts and a shirt on. They chose a shirt that had buttons down the front so that it didn't need to be pulled over his face and risk hurting his nose.

"I might be your controller, but I'm also going to be your helper as much as I can. You must do what you've been told to do by the doctors and if you need any personal help, just call me. I'll be over tomorrow morning before I walk to school to see how you've coped with the night and help you if I can. Then at least I'll have some accurate information for the guys at school," William told Percy, before they left the bedroom to go downstairs.

As they descended the stairs William was careful to make sure Percy was steady on them. The bruising and swelling was already puffing up his face, and William worried that it might affect Percy's vision. But Percy made it all the way down without mishap and told William that he would definitely be alright to get back up the stairs. The two boys moved into the lounge and sat down beside each other. Grace heard them from her study and came through to the lounge.

"Your father will be home in time for dinner and then we can discuss how we are going to react to this Bryan. Elliot says that he's sorry you've been hurt," Grace informed them.

"That's it? He's sorry? No reason for why you couldn't get hold of him or why he took so long to respond to your calls?" Percy asked. "Did you tell him I was taken to hospital?"

"Yes, I did tell him you were at the hospital with a suspected broken nose. And no, he hasn't offered any reason for being out of contact," Grace said.

"Well at least I had you two I could count on," Percy said. He was unable to keep the upset out of his voice.

"I'm sure the other guys at school are going to be there for you when they can. I think Bryan would be better off if the school excludes him. I'm guessing his life is going to be tough if he stays in the school," William said.

"You don't know. He might be a hero for smashing the queer," Percy said.

"Hey, you might be gay or bi, but you are not queer. And judging by the reaction of some of the others, if there are any who think he did right, they are definitely in the minority and might be well advised to keep their thoughts to themselves," William said.

William's phone started to ring, and he apologised to Grace as he stood up to leave the room to answer it. A few moments later William returned to the room and said, "That was Dad. He wants me to go home now as dinner is ready. Remember, if you need me, call. I'll see you tomorrow before school and help you with anything if you need it. Bye, Grace. Thanks again for the drinks and the sandwich. Bye, love." William bent down and kissed Percy on his forehead again. Straightening up he saw a grin on Grace's face and blushed.

As William walked through the doorway into his house he saw Clive and realised from Clive's expression he was close to tears. Clive ran up to William and throwing his arms around him buried his face in William's chest.

"Percy's going to be alright, boykie. He'll be sore for a while because his nose has been broken, but he'll come right, and you'll see him again soon." William's words were enough to stave off the tears, but Clive was clearly still upset. William also had to answer a barrage of questions from Juliet and Adam. For some he had to say he didn't know the answer. William told them that he was going to go up and see Percy before going to school to help him if he needed anything.

After they had finished their meal, William sat down and sent a text message to Percy's school friends filling them in on how things had gone. Some texted back and some phoned back. William learnt that Bryan hadn't been seen again; one person said they had seen him being led away in handcuffs by the police, while another said they had seen his father's car in the car park and presumed that he had been suspended. Knowing that the Nisbetts had not pressed charges by the time he left their home, William was sure the police story was not true; he decided that Bryan had probably been suspended.

Next: Chapter 26

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